Simple App question - downloading to phone automatically download to lib?

When I download an App direct to my iphone4, does it appear on my itunes app library on my laptop without having to sync or does it only appear there once I sync them?

If you download an app with iTunes on your computer, the app will not be installed on your iPhone unless Sync Apps is selected under the Apps tab for your iPhone sync preferences with iTunes along with the app selected followed by a sync after downloading the app with iTunes on your computer.
The same applies in reverse when downloading an app with your iPhone. The app will not be in your iTunes library on your computer until you sync your iPhone with iTunes after downloading the app with your iPhone if Sync Apps is selected under the Apps tab for your iPhone sync preferences with iTunes.
Sync Apps should be selected under the Apps tab for your iPhone sync preferences with iTunes for a number of reasons. With this selected, after downloading an app with your iPhone, the app will be copied to your iTunes library automatically the first time you sync your iPhone with iTunes after doing so. This allows for installing an app on your iPhone by downloading the app with iTunes on your computer followed by a sync, and this also allows for removing an app from your iPhone without deleting the app by deselecting the app under the Apps tab followed by a sync. To reinstall the app again later, reselect the app under the Apps tab followed by a sync.

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