Simple Problem- Plz help

I want to know how to get number of attributes of an object???
Can anyone help?.. Iam a starter in Java...

Right now your class has 52 attributes, and each one has a name (of course) and a value that you set at some point, right? So, you could instead do it like this:Map columns = new LinkedHashMap();
if( // or however you're getting your values
    columns.put("This Column",resultSet.getString(1));
    // etc for each column
}Depending on your exact circumstances there may be a way to populate the map in a loop. At any rate, you would end up with all your column names and values in a map. This code may not be applicable, but you haven't said how you're populating your values so I don't know.

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         Random rand= new Random();
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              int judgeDoor = 0;
              int secondChoice= 0;
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              int games=0;
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    I have also same problem with my Nokia N79, I just cancelled sensor for automatic themes from cover. Just open back cover & stick some paper or plastic cello tape on four hole marks of covers wich r sensor for automatic themes to change colour of back cover same as theme colour. From 2 days I feel my mobile working fine without hanging ! so try it, all the best.

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    The best way to receive a file from another device via bluetooth is to go to Media, then press Menu, choose Receive Using Bluetooth, waiting for connection will be display, then send from the other device. It should work without hassle.

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    at Source)
    at Source)
    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPropertyAccess(Unknown Source)
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    at gnu.getopt.Getopt.<init>(
    at net.propero.rdp.Rdesktop.main(
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    Thanking you,
    With regards
    Shibaji Sabyal

    Try googling on how to sign your applet. The error you're getting can usually be solved by signing it.

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    public class First
              public int m = 100;
              public int n = 200;
    package vg;
    public class Second
              public static void me0()
                   System.out.println("Stupid cant u see the value of m is zero");
              public static void mgrn()
                   System.out.println("Yaar m is greater than n");
              public static void neven()
                   System.out.println("The value of n is Even");
    and a Third class
    import vg.*;
    public class Last
              public static void main(String robert[])
                   Second d = new Second();
                   First f = new First();
                        System.out.println("The value of n is Odd");
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    E:\JavaFiles>javac package vg does not exist
    import vg.*;
    even if I change classapth variable as E:\javafiles\test or even E:\javafiles\test\vg
    plz help me in this regard

    You need to change where it is trying to find the 'vg' package. So, if your is in e:\javafiles, then you need to
    import*;           // Change this line
    public class Last
              public static void main(String robert[])
                   Second d = new Second();
                   First f = new First();
                        System.out.println("The value of n is Odd");

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    Using form6i and run in client server. i cant solve this problem please help to all master :
    I have a text item in forms and button. When i type the Customer_Name in text item then all names appears in reports, i want that when i type the name, only that name will appear .
    Please check what is wrong with my code and steps.
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    Report Property pallette:
    Other Parameters=Customer_Name
    Query names=Select * from s_Customer where Customer_Name=:rep(the text item)
    then in forms the button trigger is when button pressed.below is the code:
    v_Rep varchar2(100);
    repid report_object;
    repid := find_report_object('report');
    v_rep := run_report_object(repid);
    advance tnx to all

    You need to bulid a parameter list.
    This is a code sample to run a report from Forms:
    (Place it on a button when-button-pressed trigger, to run the report).
         repid REPORT_OBJECT;
         v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
         rep_status VARCHAR2(20);
    -- this is the parameter list
         pl_id ParamList;
    pl_name VARCHAR2(10) := 'tempdata';
    -- try to find the parameter list
    pl_id := Get_Parameter_List(pl_name);
              IF Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
                   -- if parameter lsit does not exist
                   -- create it
              pl_id := Create_Parameter_List(pl_name);
              IF Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
              Message('Error creating parameter list '||pl_name);
              RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
              END IF;
              Message('Parameter list '||pl_name||' already exists!');
              -- destroy it to clear old parameters
              -- and create it again;
              pl_id := Create_Parameter_List(pl_name);
              END IF;
    -- add as many parameters as needed
    -- finally run the report passing your parameter list
         repid := FIND_REPORT_OBJECT('report4');
         v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid, pl_id);
                        when others then
                        Message('Error running report. '||sqlerrm, acknowledge);
    Also, you need to create the parameter in your report:
    1.- Open your report on reports builder.
    2.- Find the "Data Model" node, and the "User parameters" node.
    3.- Create a parameter: p_customer_name
    4.- Modify your sql from:
    Select * from S_customer
    Select * from S_customer
    where Customer_Name=:p_customer_name;
    If you want this parameter to be optional, check the reports online help on "Lexical References".
    Have fun,

  • I'm unable connect my I pad mini to my laptop(window 7,64 bit) after formatting,my iTunes didn't find my device,before format everything working properly but this time lot of problem plz help

    I'm unable connect my I pad mini to my laptop(window 7,64 bit) after formatting,my iTunes didn't find my device,before format everything working properly but this time lot of problem plz help

    You formatted your computer's hard drive? If so, it's like starting with a new computer unless you restored all of your content from a backup but it does;t sound like that's the case.
    See wjosten's excellent how-to here: Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive

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