Simple Round call results in Arithmetic overflow

I'm a bit dazzled why this statement won't work in T-SQL : Select Round(9.990000, 0)
The error I get is : Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type numeric.
The result should be : 10
I've tried this in SQL 2005,2008 and 2008 R2 (Error message if from R2), didn't find anything in BOL either
Select ROUND(19.99, 0) works just fine
Is this a bug or not? We develop accounting software and for us this is a dangerous bug.

I can't be certain here, never having come across it before but I suspect that the number must have the same length in the "integer" part when you use ROUND like that.
E.G. This works, giving "10" because the type is declared for the number.
SET @TEST = 9.990000
Whereas all of these fail
SELECT Round(9.990000, 0)
SELECT Round(99.990000, 0)
SELECT Round(999.990000, 0)
Do I make any sense here? :-)

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    I doubt on line
    OnScreenGrid.DataSource = TablesData
    instead of array as TablesData try to take List object and assign it to OnScreenGrid.DataSource
    just in case check this
    DataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns Property (System.Windows.Forms)
    I might be wrong but just check it

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    This means you chose a too limiting datatype.
    You need to enlarge the one in question, or use a different one that can accommodate greater values.
    Arthur My Blog

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    Hey Tristan. Thanks I did that yes.
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    If you want to use ExecuteScalar, you could wrap the AVG call with a call to ROUND or TRUNC to keep it under 28 digits. for example
    select round(1/3,28) from dual;
    Here's an example that gets 38 digits without overflow.
    Hope it helps,
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    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
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    David.Wendelken wrote:
    I remember that when Java was first introduced, one of the major design goals of the language was to eliminate common programmer errors. For example, instead of trusting the programmer to read the documentation of a given function to learn that they needed to test for a negative return value as an error, java included a very rigorous exception handling requirement.Uhhh... not quite - programmers do have to read the documentation nevertheless, because otherwise they don't know what the result of a call or valid parameters would be.
    The developer who wrote a method would declare which exceptions it could throw and those using the method were required to account for those exceptions.Yeah...
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    Am I missing something, or is that a major deviation from the stated language design goals?!Your design goals are a little off. Nobody aimed to make Java to be usable without reading the docs/specs. They aimed at keeping things simple and cleanly designed, not exactly as self-explanatory. There are many things in the JLS that aren't.

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    Another call:
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    public var myData:ArrayCollection;
    protected function myHttpService_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
    myData = event.result.urlsGeneral.urlGeneral;
    Preferable I wanted something like this to work:
    import mx.managers.CursorManager;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.rpc.xml.SimpleXMLDecoder;
    // Don't use here as it is already used in .swc !
    /* import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService; */
    private var myHTTP:HTTPService;
    private function initConfigCall():void {
    myHTTP = new HTTPService();
    myHTTP.url = "com/assets/data/changesAppAIRPIOne001.xml";
    myHTTP.resultFormat = "xml";
    myHTTP.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, resultHandler);
    myHTTP.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, faultHandler);
    private function resultHandler(evt:ResultEvent):void {
    var xmlStr:String = evt.result.toString();
    var xmlDoc:XMLDocument = new XMLDocument(xmlStr);
    var decoder:SimpleXMLDecoder = new SimpleXMLDecoder(true);
    var resultObj:Object = decoder.decodeXML(xmlDoc);
    // Removed [0] on single node !
    appUpdateAvl.text = resultObj.application.configApp.appNewUpDate;
    appLastChanged.text = resultObj.application.configApp.appLastChanged;
    appChangedSections.text = resultObj.application.configApp.appChangedSections;
    private function faultHandler( {
    var faultInfo:String="fault details: "+event.fault.faultDetail+"\n\n";
    faultInfo+="fault faultString: "+event.fault.faultString+"\n\n";,"Fault Information");
    var eventInfo:String="event target: ""\n\n";
    eventInfo+="event type: "+event.type+"\n\n";,"Event Information");

    Hi again,
    These days there are more quetions than answeres on any forum, and very seldom anybody shares the answer if they lucky enough to work it out so here is my answer for the above question
    Change over from a simple Xml call to a rpc-Http call ....
    I had it all along as a commend noted: // Removed [0] on single node !
    So instead of title="{urlsGeneral.urlGeneral.(@name==0).age} it would be now title="{resultObj.urlsGeneral.urlGeneral.[0].age} and now it works perfectly well. I hope that one or the other of you can use the answer and the code !!! regards aktell2007

  • Arithmetic overflow error

    Hi all,
    The below is suppose to generate random dates but I receive the following error:
    Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 7
    Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.
    SQL Below - if is this happening?
    @MinDate INT, @MaxDate INT;
     @RANGE INT = DATEDIFF(DD, @MinDate, @MaxDate);
    SET @MaxDate =20141212
    SET @MinDate = 20140101

    Reason is because you've declared variable as int. An integer value of 0 represents a base date of 19000101. SO maximum possible integer value you can convert to date is 2958463 which is why it throws error for values 20141212,20140101
    convert them to string and they all work fine
    @MinDate INT, @MaxDate INT;
    SET @MaxDate =20141212
    SET @MinDate = 20140101
    @RANGE INT = DATEDIFF(DD,CAST( @MinDate AS varchar(8)), CAST(@MaxDate AS varchar(8)));
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Arithmetic Overflow/Underflow and Divide by Zero Errors

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    Your error message indicates your script is being executed as FormCalc, not JavaScript.
    If you're using FormCalc try using an If statment to test for zero/null.
    if (tr>0) then (ac/tr)*100 endif

  • Arithmetic overflow occurred

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    select @totalsize=(894720*4096/1048576)
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    Anyone has an idea what's going on!?

    Like *all* DBMS's, ASE attempts to translate literals into datatypes - e.g. you couldn't even begin the above in Java without specifying types.    ASE attempts based on the value - and for most numeric values without a decimal, it treats as an 'int' unless >2B.    So in your case you have:
    int * int /int
    ....but the int*int overflows int.
    Simple fix
    select @totalsize=(894720.0*4096/1048576)
    Now, because of the .0, ASE treats the first value as a float - and following standard ANSI rules float * int = float ... /int = float...

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    While extracting 0FI_AR_4 delta from R/3 only data packages 2-4 were recieved in BW. Data package 1 is missing and the load was terminated with an error: "Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric.#3621 The statement has been terminated."
    Looking in RSA7 (in R/3 side) I can see all delta data waiting for Delta Repetition but can not locate any erroneous record (although I get "overflow" error when trying to sum one of the fields there. Sorting this field's values reveals nothing odd).
    Any idea as how to locate the bad record(s) , and as how to fix the problem?

    Thank you Srinivas,
    I've checked ST22 log but besides listing the cause of the dump (Arithmetic overflow...) it gives no details as to the specific record / value / string.

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    Good morning,
    i need to visualize a custom field in the OIM simple user search result table. At the moment, when a simple user search is performed, the returned attribute is only the "Display Name".
    For the advanced user search result table, is possible to add other fields modifying the Search Results table configuration in Advanced->User configuration->Search Configuration.
    How can i do the same the for simple user search result?
    Thank you.

    Yes, i tried to add my custom attribute to both Simple and Adv search result table, but without luck. Only Display Name column attribute is shown when a simple search is performed.

  • CAST Not working for me - Arithmetic overflow error converting int to data type numeric - error

    GPM is DECIMAL(5,2)
    PRICE is DECIMAL(11,4)
    COST is DECIMAL(7,2)
    Trying to update the Gross Profit Margin % field and I keep getting the "Arithmetic overflow error converting int to data type numeric" error.
    Example record:
    1.8500            1.62                12.4324324324324300
    I added cast and I still get the error.
    How do I format to get this to work?

    Hi GBerthume,
    The error is caused by some value such as 1000.01 of the expression (SMD_PRICE-SMD_COST) / SMD_PRICE * 100 exceeds the
    precision of the column(DECIMAL(5,2)). The example data doesn't cause the overflow error for the value of the expression is 12.43 which is in the scope of DECIMAL(5,2).
    USE TestDB
    The solution of your case can be either scale the DECIMAL(5,2) or follow the suggestion in Scott_morris-ga's to check and fix your data.
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Convert varchar to decimal - arithmetic overflow

    I'm using SQL Server 2014 and I'm trying to convert data from a staging table over to a production table. I seem to be getting an Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to numeric on the decimal conversion. I'm sure I've overlooked something with the
    syntax of the CONVERT.
    This is the staging table:
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[staging_table](
    [TimeIndex] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [Cluster] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [AvgMem] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [AvgCPU] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [TotalMemory] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [TotalCPU] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [Datacenter] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [vCenter] [varchar](100) NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    This is the prod table I'm moving it to:
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Clusters](
    [ClusterID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [ClusterName] [varchar](25) NULL,
    [DatacenterName] [varchar](25) NULL,
    [TimeIndex] [datetime] NULL,
    [AvgCPU] [decimal](5, 2) NULL,
    [AvgMem] [decimal](5, 2) NULL,
    [TotalCPU] [decimal](8, 2) NULL,
    [TotalMem] [decimal](8, 2) NULL,
    [vCenterID] [int] NULL,
    [ClusterID] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    and here's an example INSERT INTO statement throwing the error:
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Clusters] (ClusterName,DatacenterName,TimeIndex,AvgCPU,AvgMem,TotalCPU,TotalMem,vCenterID)
    SELECT SUBSTRING(Cluster,1,25) AS ClusterName,
    SUBSTRING(Datacenter,1,25) AS DatacenterName,
    CONVERT(datetime,TimeIndex,103) AS TimeIndex,
    CONVERT(decimal(5,2),AvgCPU) AS AvgCPU,
    CONVERT(decimal(5,2),AvgMem) AS AvgMem,
    CONVERT(decimal(8,2),TotalCPU) AS TotalCPU,
    CONVERT(decimal(8,2),TotalMemory) AS TotalMem,
    '3' FROM [dbo].[staging_table]
    Sample data is 0.00 to 100.00 in fields AvgCPU and AvgMem, and TotalCPU and TotalMem usually goes up to about 7 digits with no decimal (eg. 7543253) but could be 8 and although I've never seen a decimal I wouldn't rule it out so decided to account for it.
    I assume it's something I've overlooked with the syntax but any ideas would help.

    The problem is your precision and scale you are assigning to your decimals.
    decimal(5,2) = this is a total of 5 digits, 3 digits for the whole number and 2 for the fractional.
    decimal(8,2) = this is a total of 8 digits, 6 digits for the whole number and 2 for the fractional. 
    So converting a varchar of 7 or 8 digits for TotalCPU or TotalMem will give you an error because your definition will actually only allow for 6 digits of storage. You could test this by doing decimal(8,0) or decimal(10,2) both which will allow for up to
    8 whole numbers.
    If you are worried about space Sql Server will allocate a set number of bytes for ranges based on the precision (first number in the parenthesis). See this page which explains in detail how much space each range takes up and also further details on
    decimal and numerics.

  • MBVOutPut Error PopulateFromRecordset, Err msg :Arithmetic overflow error

    Hi all
    We are experiencing technical difficulties. ie We have an Orchestration based Web Service,
    That sporadically consumes  lots of Memory.
    An Initial Analysis with Message Box Viewer.. Shows the following msg below.
    Any idea how one, can Interpret the message, locate and fix it?
    Thank in Advance
    ERROR : PopulateFromRecordset, Err msg :Arithmetic overflow error
    converting int to data type numeric. (STAGE : Executing SQL Query)
    MSGBOX DB 1 (MASTER) "BizTalkMsgBoxDb" on zx1000\BizTalkServer
    1 Rows

    Here is part of the scenario.
    Type: = WCF-Basic-Http
    SOAP Action Header
    <BtsActionMapping xmlns:xsi="" mlns:xsd="">
    <Operation Name="StartInsertBizTalk" Action="" />
    Request response via Web Service
    Send Pipeline = XMLTransmit
    ReceivePipeline = XMLReceive.
    The Orchestration sends message
    We receives a response.. However, as soon as the response arrive.
    The message hangs and the process start consuming up to  8 Gig of memory.
    Hope it helps

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