SK1 vector drawing app wrote:
sK1 is an open source vector graphics editor similar to CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, Freehand, or Xara X. The project goals are Opensource solution for printing industry. Therefore sK1 is oriented first of all for PostScript processing.
We try building sK1 application which is oriented first of all on usual designers and prepress engineers, but not for advanced geeks. Therefore installation process extremally simplified and automated. Also sK1 distribution tarball includes all you needed for installation, except program headers. As result of such way - sK1 distribution is large (~20 Mb).
So, basically, it is not absolutely necessary to have a binary package, but I'd feel more confortable installing from a PKGBUILD. Will not complain if you tell me this request is dumb. Hell, I will not even complain if you told me I'm dumb.
Note: It should probably go under /opt...

Take a look at iDraw. I was never a CorelDraw user, but I think it is fairly similar to Adobe Illustrator in which I have a very little bit of basic knowledge. iDraw is as close to Ilustrator as any app that I have seen. You can export your designs a pdf files, svg, png and jpeg.
I have played around with iDraw a little bit, and I think it will do what you want it to do. I drew this with iDraw. I am not proficent at all ....

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    Hi dkendall-ks,
    The "Send to Illustrator" functionality sends the file to your CC Adobe Illustrator desktop (Mac or Windows) application. For this functionality to work you need to :
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    Hi all,
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    Best wishes
    Source and example is here:
    CODE:  (
    *      Example Application built with the Graffiti Library
    package {
        import flash.display.Bitmap;
        import flash.display.BitmapData
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.SimpleButton;
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.LineScaleMode;
        import flash.display.CapsStyle;
        import flash.display.JointStyle;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.geom.Point;
        import flash.text.TextFormat;
        import flash.ui.Keyboard;
        import flash.display.BlendMode;
        import flash.text.Font;
        import flash.utils.ByteArray;
        import fl.controls.CheckBox;
        import fl.controls.ColorPicker;
        import fl.controls.Slider;
        import fl.controls.ComboBox;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.GraffitiCanvas;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.display.Text;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.display.GraffitiObject;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.managers.GraffitiObjectManager;
        import com.adobe.images.PNGEncoder;
        public class Main extends MovieClip {
            public var click_message_txt:TextField;
            // ui
            public var brush_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var eraser_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var line_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var rectangle_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var fillbucket_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var selection_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var text_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var oval_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var clear_btn:SimpleButton;
            public var save_btn:SimpleButton;
            public var undo_btn:SimpleButton;
            public var redo_btn:SimpleButton;
            public var slider_label_txt:TextField;
            public var slider_2_label_txt:TextField;
            public var slider_3_label_txt:TextField;
            public var combo_label_txt:TextField;
            public var stroke_color_mc:ColorPicker;
            public var fill_color_mc:ColorPicker;
            public var slider_mc:Slider;
            public var slider_2_mc:Slider;
            public var slider_3_mc:Slider;
            public var zoom_slider_mc:Slider;
            public var combo_list:ComboBox;
            public var overlay_cb:CheckBox;
            public var overlay_mc:MovieClip;
            public var canvas:GraffitiCanvas;
            public var border:Sprite;
            // tools
            private var _brush:BrushTool;
            private var _eraser:BrushTool;
            private var _line:LineTool;
            private var _shape:ShapeTool;
            private var _selectionTool:SelectionTool;
            private var _textTool:TextTool;
            private var _fillBucketTool:FillBucketTool;
            // props
            private var _brushSize:Number = 2;
            private var _strokeColor:uint = 0x00FF00;
            private var _fillColor:uint = 0xFF0000;
            private var _strokeAlpha:Number = 1;
            private var _fillAlpha:Number = 1;
            private var _brushBlur:Number = 0;
            private var _fontColor:uint = 0x00FF00;
            private var _fontSize:uint = 14;
            private var _brushShapeIndex:int;
            private var _lineStyleIndex:int;
            private var _fontIndex:uint = 0;
            private var _fontList:DataProvider;
            private var _brushShapes:DataProvider;
            private var _lineStyles:DataProvider;
            private var _fileRef:FileReference;
            private var _objectManager:GraffitiObjectManager;
            private var _orginalComboBoxItemsPos = new Object();
            public function Main() {
                // hide message
                click_message_txt.alpha = 0;
                // create canvas
                canvas = new GraffitiCanvas(840, 470, 10);
                canvas.x = 0;
                canvas.y = 120;
                canvas.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, scrollHandler);
                canvas.addEventListener(GraffitiCanvas.HISTORY_LENGTH_CHANGE, historyLengthChangeHandler);
                canvas.addEventListener(GraffitiObjectEvent.SELECT, objectEventHandler);
                canvas.addEventListener(GraffitiObjectEvent.ENTER_EDIT, objectEventHandler);
                // add image over canvas
                overlay_mc = new OverlayImage();
                canvas.overlay = overlay_mc;
                // get instance of graffiti object manager
                _objectManager = GraffitiObjectManager.getInstance();
                // add listeners for keyboard shortcuts
                stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyHandler);
                stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyHandler);
                // add event listeners for tool buttons
                selection_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                text_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                fillbucket_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                brush_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                eraser_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                line_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                rectangle_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                oval_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                // setup data providers
                _brushShapes = new DataProvider();
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Round", data: BrushType.ROUND});
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Square", data: BrushType.SQUARE});
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Diamond", data: BrushType.DIAMOND});
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Vertical", data: BrushType.VERTICAL_LINE});
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Horizontal", data: BrushType.HORIZONTAL_LINE});
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Forward", data: BrushType.FORWARD_LINE});
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Backward", data: BrushType.BACKWARD_LINE});
                _lineStyles = new DataProvider();
                _lineStyles.addItem({label:"Solid", data: LineType.SOLID});
                _lineStyles.addItem({label:"Dotted", data: LineType.DOTTED});
                _lineStyles.addItem( { label:"Dashed", data: LineType.DASHED } );
                // Setup Font List
                _fontList = new DataProvider();
                var embeddedFonts:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(true);
                embeddedFonts.sortOn("fontName", Array.CASEINSENSITIVE);
                for (var i:int = 0; i < embeddedFonts.length; i++) {
                    _fontList.addItem( {label: embeddedFonts[i].fontName, data: embeddedFonts[i] } );
                // create tool instances
                _brush = new BrushTool(_brushSize, _fillColor, _fillAlpha, _brushBlur, BrushType.ROUND);
                _eraser = new BrushTool(_brushSize, _fillColor, 1, _brushBlur, BrushType.ROUND, ToolMode.ERASE);
                _line = new LineTool(2, _strokeColor, _strokeAlpha, LineType.SOLID);
                _shape = new ShapeTool(2, _strokeColor, _fillColor, _strokeAlpha, _fillAlpha, ShapeType.RECTANGLE);
                _fillBucketTool = new FillBucketTool(_fillColor, true);
                _selectionTool = new SelectionTool();
                _textTool = new TextTool(new TextSettings(Font(_fontList.getItemAt(0).data), new TextFormat(null, _fontSize, _fontColor)));
                // setup color pickers
                stroke_color_mc.focusEnabled = false;
                stroke_color_mc.selectedColor = _strokeColor;
                stroke_color_mc.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, colorPickerHandler);
                stroke_color_mc.enabled = false;
                fill_color_mc.focusEnabled = false;
                fill_color_mc.selectedColor = _fillColor;
                fill_color_mc.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, colorPickerHandler);
                slider_mc.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, sliderHandler);
                slider_2_mc.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, sliderHandler);
                slider_3_mc.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, sliderHandler);
                overlay_cb.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, overlayHandler);
                overlay_cb.focusEnabled = false;
                // config combo list
                combo_list.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, comboEventHandler);
                combo_list.dataProvider = _brushShapes;
                combo_list.focusEnabled = false;
                // store positions
                _orginalComboBoxItemsPos.comboBox = new Point(combo_list.x, combo_list.y);
                _orginalComboBoxItemsPos.comboBoxLabel = new Point(combo_label_txt.x, combo_label_txt.y);
                // disable undo and redo buttons
                undo_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
                undo_btn.alpha = .5;
                redo_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
                redo_btn.alpha = .5;
                // add event listeners
                undo_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, historyHandler);
                redo_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, historyHandler);
                clear_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clearCanvasHandler);
                save_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveHandler);
                zoom_slider_mc.maximum = canvas.maxZoom;
                zoom_slider_mc.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, zoomHandler);
                // assign the brush tool as the default tool
                canvas.activeTool = _brush;
                // set brush tool
                brush_tool_mc.selected = true;
                Method    : objectEventHandler()
                Purpose    : This method handles GraffitiObjectEvents.  We use this
                          to know when an object is selected or enters edit mode.
                Params    : e -- GraffitiObjectEvent object.
            private function objectEventHandler(e:GraffitiObjectEvent):void {
                var font:Font;
                var fmt:TextFormat;
                var i:int;
                if (e.type == GraffitiObjectEvent.SELECT) {
                    // get font and text format of selected object
                    font = Text(e.graffitiObject).textSetting.font;
                    fmt = Text(e.graffitiObject).textSetting.textFormat;
                    _fontSize = Number(fmt.size);
                    var fontFromList:Font;
                    var numberFonts:uint = _fontList.length;
                    // find select text font in font list
                    for (i = 0; i < numberFonts; i++) {
                        fontFromList = Font(_fontList.getItemAt(i).data);
                        if (fontFromList.fontName == font.fontName && fontFromList.fontStyle == font.fontStyle) {
                            _fontIndex = i;
                    // if text tool is active tool, then update it.
                    if (canvas.activeTool is TextTool) {   
                        TextTool(canvas.activeTool).textSettings = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                    } else {
                        _textTool.textSettings.textFormat.size = Number(fmt.size);
                    // update ui for objects
                    combo_list.selectedIndex = _fontIndex;
                    slider_mc.value = Number(fmt.size);   
                    fill_color_mc.selectedColor = uint(fmt.color);
                } else if (e.type == GraffitiObjectEvent.ENTER_EDIT) {
                    // if we enter edit mode on an text object, make sure the tool is set to the text tool.
                    if (e.graffitiObject is Text && !(canvas.activeTool is TextTool)) {
                Method    : overlayHandler()
                Purpose    : This method toggles the overlay on and off.
                Params    : e -- Event object.
            private function overlayHandler(e:Event):void {
                if(e.currentTarget.selected) {
                    canvas.overlay = overlay_mc;
                } else {
                    canvas.overlay = null;
                Method    : historyHandler()
                Purpose    : This method undo or redo the drawing depending on the button
                          clicked by the user.
                Params    : e -- MouseEvent object.
            private function historyHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                if(e.currentTarget == undo_btn) {
                    if(canvas.historyPosition == 0) {
                        undo_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
                        undo_btn.alpha = .5;
                    redo_btn.mouseEnabled = true;
                    redo_btn.alpha = 1;
                } else if(e.currentTarget == redo_btn) {
                    if(canvas.historyPosition == (canvas.historyLength - 1)) {
                        redo_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
                        redo_btn.alpha = .5;
                    undo_btn.mouseEnabled = true;
                    undo_btn.alpha = 1;
                Method    : clearCanvasHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will clear the canvas.
                Params    : e -- MouseEvent object.
            private function clearCanvasHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                Method    : saveHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will save the drawing as a PNG image.
                Params    : e -- MouseEvent object.
            private function saveHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                // get drawing as bitmapdata from the Graffiti Canvas instance.
                var canvasBmp:BitmapData = canvas.drawing();
                // create new jpg encoder object and convert bitmapdata to jpg
                var pngEncoder:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
                var pngStream:ByteArray = PNGEncoder.encode(canvasBmp);
                // make sure you dispose of the bitmapdata object when finished.
                _fileRef = new FileReference();
      , "graffiti_example_image.png");
                Method    : historyLengthChangeHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will handle the change in the number of stored
                          history items.  This is used to toggle the redo and undo
                Params    : e -- Event object.
            private function historyLengthChangeHandler(e:Event):void {
                if(canvas.historyLength > 0 && canvas.historyPosition != 0) {
                    undo_btn.mouseEnabled = true;
                    undo_btn.alpha = 1;
                } else {
                    undo_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
                    undo_btn.alpha = .5;
                if(canvas.historyLength > 0 && canvas.historyPosition != canvas.historyLength - 1) {
                    redo_btn.mouseEnabled = true;
                    redo_btn.alpha = 1;
                } else {
                    redo_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
                    redo_btn.alpha = .5;
                Method    : zoomHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will handle the zoom slider event and set the
                          canvas to the new zoom level.
                Params    : e -- SliderEvent object.
            private function zoomHandler(e:SliderEvent):void {
                // set zoom of canvas
                canvas.zoom = e.value;
                // if canvas is zoomed in then display message about dragging canvas with mouse.
                if(canvas.zoom  > 1) {
                    click_message_txt.alpha = 1;
                } else {
                    click_message_txt.alpha = 0;
                Method    : colorPickerHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will handle the color picker event.
                Params    : e -- ColorPickerEvent object.
            private function colorPickerHandler(e:ColorPickerEvent):void {
                var font:Font;
                var fmt:TextFormat;
                var ts:TextSettings;
                if(canvas.activeTool is BrushTool) {
                    _fillColor = e.color;
                    BrushTool(canvas.activeTool).color = _fillColor;
                } else if(canvas.activeTool is LineTool) {
                    _strokeColor = e.color;
                    LineTool(canvas.activeTool).color = _strokeColor;
                } else if(canvas.activeTool is ShapeTool) {
                    if(e.currentTarget == stroke_color_mc) {
                        _strokeColor = e.color;
                        ShapeTool(canvas.activeTool).strokeColor = _strokeColor;
                    } else if (e.currentTarget == fill_color_mc) {
                        _fillColor = e.color;
                        ShapeTool(canvas.activeTool).fillColor = _fillColor;
                } else if (canvas.activeTool is TextTool) {
                    // update color of textformat object
                    fmt = TextTool(canvas.activeTool).textSettings.textFormat;
                    fmt.color = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    // update text tool
                    TextTool(canvas.activeTool).textSettings.textFormat = fmt;
                    // update any selected text with new color
                    if (_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                        font = Font(;
                        fmt = new TextFormat(null, slider_mc.value, fill_color_mc.selectedColor);
                        ts = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                } else if (canvas.activeTool is SelectionTool) {
                    font = Font(;
                    fmt = new TextFormat(null, slider_mc.value, fill_color_mc.selectedColor);
                    ts = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                    // update text tool
                    _textTool.textSettings = ts;
                    if (_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                        // change settings for selected text
                } else if (canvas.activeTool is FillBucketTool) {
                    FillBucketTool(canvas.activeTool).fillColor = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                Method    : sliderHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will handle the slider change.
                Params    : e -- SliderEvent object.
            private function sliderHandler(e:SliderEvent):void {
                var font:Font;
                var fmt:TextFormat;
                var ts:TextSettings;
                if(e.currentTarget == slider_mc) {
                    if(canvas.activeTool == _brush || canvas.activeTool == _eraser) {
                        _brushSize = e.value;
                        BrushTool(canvas.activeTool).size = _brushSize;
                    } else if(canvas.activeTool == _line) {
                        LineTool(canvas.activeTool).lineWidth = e.value;
                    } else if(canvas.activeTool == _shape) {
                        ShapeTool(canvas.activeTool).strokeWidth = e.value;
                    } else if (canvas.activeTool is TextTool) {
                        _fontSize = slider_mc.value;
                        fmt = TextTool(canvas.activeTool).textSettings.textFormat;
                        fmt.size = slider_mc.value;
                        TextTool(canvas.activeTool).textSettings.textFormat = fmt;
                        if (_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                            font = Font(;
                            fmt = new TextFormat(null, slider_mc.value, fill_color_mc.selectedColor);
                            ts = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                    } else if (canvas.activeTool == _selectionTool) {
                        _fontSize = slider_mc.value;
                        font = Font(;
                        fmt = new TextFormat(null, slider_mc.value, fill_color_mc.selectedColor);
                        ts = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                        // update text tool
                        _textTool.textSettings = ts;
                        if (_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                } else if(e.currentTarget == slider_2_mc) {
                    if(canvas.activeTool is BrushTool) {
                        _fillAlpha = e.value;
                        BrushTool(canvas.activeTool).alpha = e.value;
                    } else if (canvas.activeTool is LineTool) {
                        _strokeAlpha = e.value;
                        LineTool(canvas.activeTool).alpha = e.value;
                    } else if (canvas.activeTool is ShapeTool) {
                        _strokeAlpha = e.value;
                        ShapeTool(canvas.activeTool).strokeAlpha = e.value;
                } else if(e.currentTarget == slider_3_mc) {
                    if(canvas.activeTool is BrushTool) {
                        _brushBlur = e.value;
                        BrushTool(canvas.activeTool).blur = e.value;
                    } else if(canvas.activeTool is ShapeTool) {
                        _fillAlpha = e.value;
                        ShapeTool(canvas.activeTool).fillAlpha = e.value;
                Method    : setActiveTool()
                Purpose    : This method sets the program to use a new tool.
                Params    : toolButton -- One of the Tool Buttons.
            private function setActiveTool(toolButton:ItemButton):void {
                // deselect all button to start
                brush_tool_mc.selected = false;
                eraser_tool_mc.selected = false;
                line_tool_mc.selected = false;
                rectangle_tool_mc.selected = false;
                oval_tool_mc.selected = false;
                selection_tool_mc.selected = false;
                fillbucket_tool_mc.selected = false;
                text_tool_mc.selected = false;
                // show combo box
                combo_label_txt.visible = true;
                combo_list.visible = true;
                combo_list.x = _orginalComboBoxItemsPos.comboBox.x;
                combo_list.y = _orginalComboBoxItemsPos.comboBox.y;
                combo_label_txt.x = _orginalComboBoxItemsPos.comboBoxLabel.x;
                combo_label_txt.y = _orginalComboBoxItemsPos.comboBoxLabel.y;
                // set slider
                slider_mc.minimum = 2;
                slider_mc.maximum = 40;
                // enable all slider ui
                slider_mc.visible = true;
                slider_label_txt.visible = true;
                slider_2_label_txt.visible = true;
                slider_2_mc.visible = true;
                slider_3_label_txt.visible = true;
                slider_3_mc.visible = true;
                slider_2_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                // make sure both color pickers are enabled at this point.
                // let each tool block decide to turn them off.
                fill_color_mc.enabled = true;
                stroke_color_mc.enabled = true;
                // brush tool selected
                if(toolButton == brush_tool_mc) {
                    // set selected tool state
                    brush_tool_mc.selected = true;
                    // config color pickers
                    stroke_color_mc.enabled = false;
                    // set brush shape list
                    combo_label_txt.text = "Brush Shapes";
                    combo_list.dataProvider = _brushShapes;
                    combo_list.selectedIndex = _brushShapeIndex;
                    // config and set brush tool as active tool
                    _brush.color = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _brush.alpha = _fillAlpha;
                    _brush.blur = _brushBlur;
                    _brush.size = _brushSize;
                    _brush.type =;
                    canvas.activeTool = _brush;
                    // update slider
                    slider_label_txt.text = "Brush Size";
                    slider_mc.value = _brush.size;
                    slider_2_label_txt.text = "Brush Alpha";
                    slider_2_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                    slider_2_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_2_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_2_mc.value = _brush.alpha;
                    slider_3_label_txt.text = "Brush Blur";
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = true;
                    slider_3_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = true;
                    slider_3_mc.snapInterval = 1;
                    slider_3_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_3_mc.minimum = 0;
                    slider_3_mc.maximum = 20;
                    slider_3_mc.value = _brush.blur;
                // eraser tool selected
                } else if(toolButton == eraser_tool_mc) {
                    // set selected tool state
                    eraser_tool_mc.selected = true;
                    // config color picker
                    fill_color_mc.enabled = false;
                    stroke_color_mc.enabled = false;
                    // set brush shape list
                    combo_label_txt.text = "Brush Shapes";
                    combo_list.dataProvider = _brushShapes;
                    combo_list.selectedIndex = _brushShapeIndex;
                    // config and set eraser tool as active tool
                    _eraser.color = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _brush.alpha = 1;
                    _brush.blur = _brushBlur;
                    _eraser.size = _brushSize;
                    _eraser.type =;
                    canvas.activeTool = _eraser;
                    // update slider
                    slider_label_txt.text = "Brush Size";
                    slider_mc.value = _eraser.size;
                    slider_2_label_txt.text = "Brush Alpha";
                    slider_2_label_txt.alpha = .5;
                    slider_2_mc.enabled = false;
                    slider_2_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_2_mc.value = _eraser.alpha;
                    slider_3_label_txt.text = "Brush Blur";
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = true;
                    slider_3_label_txt.alpha = .5;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = true;
                    slider_3_mc.minimum = 0;
                    slider_3_mc.maximum = 20;
                    slider_3_mc.enabled = false;
                    slider_3_mc.value = _eraser.blur;
                // line tool
                } else if(toolButton == line_tool_mc) {
                    // set selected tool state
                    line_tool_mc.selected = true;
                    // config color picker
                    fill_color_mc.enabled = false;
                    // set line style list
                    combo_label_txt.text = "Line Style";
                    combo_list.dataProvider = _lineStyles;
                    combo_list.selectedIndex = _lineStyleIndex;
                    combo_label_txt.x = slider_3_label_txt.x + 8;
                    combo_list.x = slider_3_mc.x;
                    // config and set line tool as active tool
                    _line.color = stroke_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _line.alpha = _strokeAlpha;
                    _line.type =;
                    canvas.activeTool = _line;
                    // update slider
                    slider_label_txt.text = "Stroke Size";
                    slider_mc.value = _line.lineWidth;
                    slider_2_label_txt.text = "Line Alpha";
                    slider_2_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_2_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_2_mc.value = _line.alpha;
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = false;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = false;
                // rectangle tool
                } else if(toolButton == rectangle_tool_mc) {
                    // set selected tool state
                    rectangle_tool_mc.selected = true;
                    // config and set shape tool as active tool
                    _shape.strokeColor = stroke_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _shape.fillColor = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _shape.strokeAlpha = _strokeAlpha;
                    _shape.fillAlpha = _fillAlpha;
                    _shape.type = ShapeType.RECTANGLE;
                    canvas.activeTool = _shape;
                    // set slide value
                    slider_label_txt.text = "Stroke Size";
                    slider_mc.value = _shape.strokeWidth;
                    slider_2_label_txt.text = "Stroke Alpha";
                    slider_2_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                    slider_2_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_2_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_2_mc.value = _shape.strokeAlpha;
                    slider_3_label_txt.text = "Fill Alpha";
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = true;
                    slider_3_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = true;
                    slider_3_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_3_mc.minimum = 0;
                    slider_3_mc.maximum = 1;
                    slider_3_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_3_mc.value = _shape.fillAlpha;
                    // hide combo box
                    combo_label_txt.visible = false;
                    combo_list.visible = false;
                // oval tool
                } else if(toolButton == oval_tool_mc) {
                    // set selected tool state
                    oval_tool_mc.selected = true;
                    // config and set shape tool as active tool
                    _shape.strokeColor = stroke_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _shape.fillColor = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _shape.strokeAlpha = _strokeAlpha;
                    _shape.fillAlpha = _fillAlpha;
                    _shape.type = ShapeType.OVAL;
                    canvas.activeTool = _shape;
                    // update slider
                    slider_label_txt.text = "Stroke Size";
                    slider_mc.value = _shape.strokeWidth;
                    slider_2_label_txt.text = "Stroke Alpha";
                    slider_2_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                    slider_2_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_2_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_2_mc.value = _shape.strokeAlpha;
                    slider_3_label_txt.text = "Fill Alpha";
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = true;
                    slider_3_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = true;
                    slider_3_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_3_mc.minimum = 0;
                    slider_3_mc.maximum = 1;
                    slider_3_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_3_mc.value = _shape.fillAlpha;
                    // hide combo box
                    combo_label_txt.visible = false;
                    combo_list.visible = false;
                // text tool selected
                } else if (toolButton == text_tool_mc || toolButton == selection_tool_mc) {
                    // disable stroke color picker
                    stroke_color_mc.enabled = false;
                    // ui for text
                    slider_label_txt.text = "Text Size";
                    // set font style list
                    combo_label_txt.text = "Font";
                    combo_list.dataProvider = _fontList;
                    combo_list.selectedIndex = _fontIndex;
                    // turn off ui not needed for text tool
                    slider_2_label_txt.visible = false;
                    slider_2_mc.visible = false;
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = false;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = false;
                    combo_label_txt.x = slider_2_label_txt.x + 8;
                    combo_list.x = slider_2_mc.x;
                    slider_mc.minimum = 10;
                    slider_mc.maximum = 44;
                    slider_mc.value = Number(_textTool.textSettings.textFormat.size);
                    if (toolButton == selection_tool_mc) {
                        selection_tool_mc.selected = true;
                        // set active tool
                        canvas.activeTool = _selectionTool;
                    } else {
                        text_tool_mc.selected = true;
                        var font:Font = Font(;
                        var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                        fmt.size = slider_mc.value;
                        fmt.color = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                        _textTool.textSettings = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                        // set active tool
                        canvas.activeTool = _textTool;
                // fill bucket tool selected
                } else if (toolButton == fillbucket_tool_mc) {
                    // turn off ui not needed for fill bucket tool
                    slider_mc.visible = false;
                    slider_label_txt.visible = false;
                    slider_2_label_txt.visible = false;
                    slider_2_mc.visible = false;
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = false;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = false;
                    combo_label_txt.visible = false;
                    combo_list.visible = false;
                    // turn off stroke color picker
                    this.stroke_color_mc.enabled = false;
                    this._fillBucketTool.fillColor = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    fillbucket_tool_mc.selected = true;
                    // set active tool
                    canvas.activeTool = _fillBucketTool;
                Method    : toolHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will handle switching between brush and eraser
                          tools.  The two tool buttons call this method on click.
                Params    : e -- Mouse Event object.
            private function toolHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                Method    : comboEventHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will handle the button events for the different
                          Combo box in the UI.
                Params    : e -- Mouse Event object.
            private function comboEventHandler(e:Event):void {
                var font:Font;
                var fmt:TextFormat;
                var ts:TextSettings;
                if(canvas.activeTool is BrushTool) {
                    // store brush shape index
                    _brushShapeIndex = ComboBox(e.currentTarget).selectedIndex;
                } else if(canvas.activeTool is LineTool) {
                    // store line style index
                    _lineStyleIndex = ComboBox(e.currentTarget).selectedIndex;
                } else if (canvas.activeTool is TextTool) {
                    // update font for text tool
                    font = Font(;
                    TextTool(canvas.activeTool).textSettings.font = font;
                    // update font index
                    _fontIndex = combo_list.selectedIndex;
                    // update font for any selected text
                    if (_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                        fmt = new TextFormat(null, slider_mc.value, fill_color_mc.selectedColor);
                        ts = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                } else if (canvas.activeTool is SelectionTool) {
                    font = Font(;
                    fmt = new TextFormat(null, slider_mc.value, fill_color_mc.selectedColor);
                    ts = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                    // update font index
                    _fontIndex = combo_list.selectedIndex;
                    // update text tool
                    _textTool.textSettings = ts;
                    // update font for any selected text
                    if (_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                Method    : setSelectedLineStyle()
                Purpose    : This method will update the active line with a new line
                Params    : localType -- Type of Line.
            private function setSelectedLineStyle(localType:String):void {
                // update the Brush object if different type
                if(BitmapTool(canvas.activeTool).type != localType) {
                    BitmapTool(canvas.activeTool).type = localType;       
                Method    : setSelectedBrushShape()
                Purpose    : This method will update the active brush with a new brush
                Params    : localType -- Type of Brush.
            private function setSelectedBrushShape(localType:String):void {
                // update the Brush object if different type
                if(BitmapTool(canvas.activeTool).type != localType) {
                    BitmapTool(canvas.activeTool).type = localType;
                Method    : scrollHandler()
                Purpose    : This method handles the event from the mouse scroll wheel.
                Params    : e -- MouseEvent object
            public function scrollHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                // calculate and set zoom of canvas
                canvas.zoom += ( * 1;
                // sync slider to new zoom value.
                zoom_slider_mc.value = canvas.zoom;
                // if canvas is zoomed in then display message about dragging canvas around.
                if(canvas.zoom  > 1) {
                    click_message_txt.alpha = 1;
                } else {
                    click_message_txt.alpha = 0;
                Method    : keyHandler()
                Purpose    : This method handle the keyboard shortcut to drag allow
                          the user to drag the canvas with their mouse.
                Params    : e -- KeyboardEvent object
            public function keyHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
                if(!_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                    if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE) {
                        if(e.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP) {
                            canvas.mouseDrag = false;
                        } else if(e.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN) {
                            canvas.mouseDrag = true;

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  • What is a good paint/drawing app?

    In a recent news release fromApple, they mentioned a fellow doing a cover for the New Yorker magazine.
    Does anyone know what paint/draw App he used for this?
    j.v. fromnc

    I believe the App used was Brushes. Brushes is no longer in the App store. It has been replaced by Brushes 3.
    I like Art Rage myself.

  • Where are draw app 4 source code?

    how to get the draw app 4 source code in java web start

    why loaded the same question in 3 different threads?
    My experience is, if your question is valid, you will definitely get the answers, even though your question is upto any complexity. We have got Java jaints here in this forum.
    My suggestion is Avoid unnessary repeated posting of messages and wisely use the Precious resource.
    And regarding your query, I don't know the answer and I am also eagerly waiting for an answer

  • Searching for 1. power point App. and Corel draw App. or similar Apps.

    I couldn't find Microsoft power point App. and Corel draw App. So could anybody tell me if there's a similar Apps. for my I PAD?
    thanks a lot

    Have a look at the following (in my order of preference) s=1 s=1

  • What can replace Appleworks Drawing app when using OSX Mountain Lion?

    What can replace Appleworks Drawing app when using OSX Mountain Lion?

    Please see this page which examines the problem:

  • Converting an image to FrameMaker native vector drawing

    Is there a third-party utility that will covert an EPS graphic file to a FrameMaker native vector graphic? I would like to include a logo that appears on every page in my template but want to restrict the size of the empty template.

    Any such utility would be very, very, very lossy in the sense that FrameMaker's internal image model is exceptionally restricted compared to EPS which supports the entire PostScript imaging model including text (with font defintions), vector drawing, raster images, gradients, etc.
    Why not place the EPS into the template? It might actually be smaller than whatever it would (if it could) be converted to!
              - Dov

  • Simple drawing app...

    i want to create a simple drawing app.... the user can draw
    rectangles on the screen with drag and drop mouse action...
    when a recatngle is drawn... the user can
    1) stretch the size of the rectangle and
    2) can 'drag' it around the screen with the mouse.
    can any one help me with this... thanks.

    hey kglad....
    i got something like this so far.....
    still a bit stuck on drawing a recatangle that can be
    scalable by the user and can be draged around the screen...
    will i have to keep on creating movie clips for every
    rectangle the user wants to create....
    im trying to buld a simple room map app, where the user can
    draw a plan of a house.. each room will be a rectangle.
    onMouseDown = function () {
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("rectang", 1);
    rectang.lineStyle(1, 0x000000, 100);
    rectang.moveTo(_xmouse, _ymouse);
    onMouseMove = function () {
    //draw rect here...
    onMouseUp = function () {

  • Will the new generation 16GB iPad have enough RAM for digital drawing apps?

    I am shopping for iPad.  Will the new generation iPad Air or iPad Mini with retina display 16GB have enough memory to run digital drawing apps with stylus?

    As to the how:
    Use one of these: node=3a
    To do this:
    Now for the storage and why getting the "largest" iPad you can afford. 16GB is not much, especially when it comes to photos and video. Assuming you have a relatively modern camera, each photo will likely be a minimum of 5 MB. Extrapolate that and 5,000 Photos is already significantly more storage than 16GB, not counting iOS, any apps and other data.

  • Perspective scaling a vector drawing

    Does anyone know how i can scale a vector drawing in perspective (from small to big, starting from the top).
    Similar to the dropping intro text you see in star wars, where the text isn't straight, but more like a triangle shape.

    You may select the object, then start ClickDragging one of the upper cormers of the Bounding Box towards the other one with the Free Transform Tool, then after just a tiny bit press Ctrl+Alt+Shift/Cmd+Option+Shift while you ClickDrag further.

  • Drawing apps for Android?

    Why is this app among other drawing apps not available for Android?  I'll beat a dead horse with the hope that someone eventually takes the "one correspondence represents 1500 actual people with the same view" formula seriously.
    I've been a faithful Apple user since I started in graphic design 20 years ago.  Full CC member and ipad owner.  But let's face it - drawing with your finger or nub sized equivalent sucks.   Using a pen that compensates for this grid-based touch system is better, but it still misses the mark by a lot.  SO after buying such a pen and having gone through all the highest recommended apps, I come to the same conclusion - only now I've spent a fair amount of money and wasted a lot of time.  So I buy a Galaxy Note - now we're talking.  Digitized stylus and the right technology to use it and it's pretty close to actually drawing.  I figure that since this is where it's at, and no-one disagrees that drawing with a fine-point pen beats drawing with an eraser that tracks an eighth of an inch off from it's target, good apps for drawing should be a no-brainer.  And Adobe should be at the top of this development.
    What gives?  Are there truly not enough illustrators or people in the creative field who want this to make it profitable?  I find that difficult to believe. Either way, some answer might provide some insight into this absurdity.

    actually spoke with someone who was involved with the brush app as well as the Adobe Drive app and what they said was that the iPhones were a lot easier to continue developing because of the graphics processor being the same in all of the iPhones or at least the same architecture. He commented that they were working on android development but that it would take A bit more time. I know that in today's society a year can seem like a long time but when you consider that they're giving these apps away for free and the amazing power i'm just excited to be able to have them. In due time I'm sure that they will have an android app out as well but their original development was for the iPhone platform. As a teacher and a lower income school where a number of students have android devices because they're cheaper I too look forward to the day when Adobe releases these apps on the android platform as well.

  • What is the drawing app in the new iPad commercial?

    What is the drawing app in the new iPad commercial? Seen June 2012 on Dish Network. I can't find it in the app store.

    the correct answer is Paper for Ipad . However sketchbook pro from Autodesk is a great program. ns-behind-courier

Maybe you are looking for