Skinning the same component in a different way

I want to skin a commandLink differently. I tried:
af|commandLink {
    color: Yellow;
.level1 af|commandLink {
    color: Fuchsia;
.level2 af|commandLink {
    color: White;
and the links
<af:commandLink text="Yellow" id="cl0"/>
<af:commandLink text="Fuschia" id="cl1" styleClass="level1"/>
<af:commandLink text="White" id="cl2" styleClass="level2"/>
JDev 11gR1

.level1 {
    color: Fuchsia;
.level2  {
    color: White;

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  • Add the same component in 2 different tabs

    I am trying to add the same component in two different tabs in a tabbed pane. When I add it (programaticaly) the first instance disappears. Is this at all possible. I dont want to clone the component first and then add it.
    Thank you

    In my appllication I have a tab (call it main tab) that includes many components, like a textfield and texteditorpane that form a command line tool, a list of connected clients (names) and several other components in the same tab. Now the user, can issue a command from the command line to open any component in a new tab, for example he might want to open the clients list in a separate tab, while still having an instance of the clients list in the main tab.
    Also when something is updated (for example a new name is added in the list) I want both instances to be updated at the same time (since there is actually one Jlist object there shouldn't be any additional code to do that).
    So far, when i am opening a new tab holding a component from the command line (the one i made), the same component disappears from the main tab.
    I ll try what was mentioned above.
    Edited by: FreshPrince1 on Apr 12, 2010 6:50 AM

  • Performance issue when using the same query in a different way

    I have a performance problem with the statement below when running it with an insert or with execute immediate.
    n.b.: This statement could be more optimized, but it is a generated statement.
    When I run this statement I get one row back within one second, so there is no performance problem.
       select  sysdate
             ,count (1)
             ,'NL' groupby
       from   (select 'different (target)' compare_type
                       ,t.id_org_addr id_org_addr -- ID_ORG_ADDR
                       ,t.vpd_country vpd_country -- CTL_COUNTRY
                       ,t.addr_type addr_type -- ADDRESSTYP_COD
                 from   (select *
                         from   (select t.*
                                 from      ods.ods_org_addr t
                                        left outer join
                                           m_sy_foreign_key m
                                        on m.vpd_country = t.vpd_country
                                        and m.key_type = 'ORGADDR2'
                                        and m.target_value = t.id_org_addr
                                 where  coalesce (t.end_date, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate) /*SGRB*/
                         where  vpd_country = 'NL' /*EGRB*/
                                                  ) t
                 where  exists
                           (select null
                            from   (select *
                                    from   (select m.target_value id_org_addr
                                                  ,s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod id_cegedim
                                            from      okc_mdl_workplace_address s
                                                   left outer join
                                                      m_sy_foreign_key m
                                                   on m.vpd_country = s.ctl_country
                                                   and m.key_type = 'ORGADDR2'
                                                   and m.source_value = s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod
                                            where  coalesce (s.end_val_dat, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate) /*SGRB*/
                                    where  ctl_country = 'NL' /*EGRB*/
                                                             ) s
                            where  t.id_org_addr = s.id_org_addr)
                 select 'different (target)' compare_type
                       ,s.id_org_addr id_org_addr -- ID_ORG_ADDR
                       ,s.ctl_country vpd_country -- CTL_COUNTRY
                       , (select to_number (l.target_value)
                          from   okc_code_foreign l
                          where  l.source_code_type = 'TYS'
                          and    l.target_code_type = 'ADDRLINKTYPE'
                          and    l.source_value = upper (s.addresstyp_cod)
                          and    l.vpd_country = s.ctl_country)
                           addr_type -- ADDRESSTYP_COD
                 from   (select *
                         from   (select m.target_value id_org_addr
                                       ,s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod id_cegedim
                                 from      okc_mdl_workplace_address s
                                        left outer join
                                           m_sy_foreign_key m
                                        on m.vpd_country = s.ctl_country
                                        and m.key_type = 'ORGADDR2'
                                        and m.source_value = s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod
                                 where  coalesce (s.end_val_dat, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate) /*SGRB*/
                         where  ctl_country = 'NL' /*EGRB*/
                                                  ) s) When I run this statement using a insert by placing
    insert into okc_compare_results (
                ) before the statement, then the statement runs about *3 to 4 minutes*, The same is happening when running the select part only using execute immediate.
    Below the execution plans of the insert with the select and the select only.
    Could somebody tell me what causes the different behavior of the "same" statement and what could I do to avoid this behavior.
    The database version is:
    SQL Statement which produced this data:
      select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor ('cuk3uwnxx344q',0 /*3431532430 */))
      union all
      select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor ('862aq599gfd6n',0/*3531428851 */))
    SQL_ID  cuk3uwnxx344q, child number 0
    select sysdate          ,:"SYS_B_00"          ,:"SYS_B_01"          
    ,count (:"SYS_B_02")          ,:"SYS_B_03" groupby    from   ( (select
    :"SYS_B_04" compare_type                    ,t.id_org_addr id_org_addr
    -- ID_ORG_ADDR                    ,t.vpd_country vpd_country --
    CTL_COUNTRY                    ,t.addr_type addr_type -- ADDRESSTYP_COD
                 from   (select *                      from   (select t.*   
                               from      ods.ods_org_addr t                 
                        left outer join                                     
       m_sy_foreign_key m                                     on
    m.vpd_country = t.vpd_country ;                                    and
    m.key_type = :"SYS_B_05"                                     and
    m.target_value = t.id_org_addr ;                             where  
    coalesce (t.end_date, to_date (:"SYS_B_06", :"SYS_B_07")) >= sysdate)
    /*SGRB*/                      where  vpd_country = :"SYS_B_08" /*EGRB*/
    Plan hash value: 3431532430
    Id   Operation                                  Name                       Rows   Bytes Cost (%CPU) Time      Pstart Pstop
    0 SELECT STATEMENT                                                                         1772 (100)                           
    1   SORT AGGREGATE                                                        1                                                
    2    VIEW                                                                 3           1772   (1) 00:00:22                
    3     MINUS                                                                                                                      
    4      SORT UNIQUE                                                        3 492   1146   (1) 00:00:14                
    *  5       HASH JOIN OUTER                                                   3 492   1145   (1) 00:00:14                
    6        NESTED LOOPS                                                                                                            
    7         NESTED LOOPS                                                    3 408    675   (1) 00:00:09                
    *  8          HASH JOIN                                                      42 4242    625   (1) 00:00:08                
    9           PARTITION LIST SINGLE                                         3375    148K    155   (2) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 10            TABLE ACCESS FULL                OKC_MDL_WORKPLACE_ADDRESS 3375    148K    155   (2) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 11           INDEX RANGE SCAN                  PK_M_SY_FOREIGN_KEY        49537   2709K    469   (1) 00:00:06                
    * 12          INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                  UK_ODS_ORG_ADDR            1              1   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 13         TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID ODS_ORG_ADDR               1 35      2   (0) 00:00:01 ROWID ROWID
    * 14        INDEX RANGE SCAN                     PK_M_SY_FOREIGN_KEY        49537   1354K    469   (1) 00:00:06                
    15      NESTED LOOPS                                                                                                              
    16       NESTED LOOPS                                                      1 67      9  (12) 00:00:01                
    17        NESTED LOOPS                                                     1 48      8  (13) 00:00:01                
    * 18         HASH JOIN                                                       1 23      6  (17) 00:00:01                
    * 19          TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID ODS_COUNTRY_SYSTEM         1 11      2   (0) 00:00:01 ROWID ROWID
    * 20           INDEX RANGE SCAN                  PK_ODS_DIVISION_SYSTEM     1              1   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 21          TABLE ACCESS FULL                  SY_SOURCE_CODE             8 96      3   (0) 00:00:01                
    22         TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID         SY_FOREIGN_CODE            1 25      2   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 23          INDEX RANGE SCAN                   PK_SY_FOREIGN_CODE         1              1   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 24        INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                    PK_SY_TARGET_CODE          1              0   (0)                           
    * 25       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID           SY_TARGET_CODE             1 19      1   (0) 00:00:01                
    26      SORT UNIQUE                                                        3375    332K    626   (1) 00:00:08                
    * 27       HASH JOIN OUTER                                                   3375    332K    625   (1) 00:00:08                
    28        PARTITION LIST SINGLE                                            3375    148K    155   (2) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 29         TABLE ACCESS FULL                   OKC_MDL_WORKPLACE_ADDRESS 3375    148K    155   (2) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 30        INDEX RANGE SCAN                     PK_M_SY_FOREIGN_KEY        49537   2709K    469   (1) 00:00:06                
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       5 - access("M"."TARGET_VALUE"="T"."ID_ORG_ADDR" AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"="T"."VPD_COUNTRY")
      10 - filter(COALESCE("S"."END_VAL_DAT",TO_DATE(:SYS_B_14,:SYS_B_15))>=SYSDATE@!)
      11 - access("M"."KEY_TYPE"=:SYS_B_11 AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_16)
      12 - access("T"."ID_ORG_ADDR"="M"."TARGET_VALUE")
      13 - filter(("T"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_08 AND COALESCE("T"."END_DATE",TO_DATE(:SYS_B_06,:SYS_B_07))>=SYSDATE@!))
      14 - access("M"."KEY_TYPE"=:SYS_B_05 AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_08)
      18 - access("CS"."ID_SYSTEM"="SK"."ID_SOURCE_SYSTEM")
      19 - filter("CS"."SYSTEM_TYPE"=1)
      20 - access("CS"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:B1 AND "CS"."EXP_IMP_TYPE"='I')
      21 - filter("SK"."CODE_TYPE"=:SYS_B_18)
      24 - access("FK"."ID_TARGET_CODE"="TK"."ID_TARGET_CODE")
      25 - filter("TK"."CODE_TYPE"=:SYS_B_19)
      29 - filter(COALESCE("S"."END_VAL_DAT",TO_DATE(:SYS_B_25,:SYS_B_26))>=SYSDATE@!)
      30 - access("M"."KEY_TYPE"=:SYS_B_22 AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_27)
    SQL_ID  862aq599gfd6n, child number 0
    insert into okc_compare_results (                datetime               
    ,compare_tables_id               ,compare_target               
    ,record_count               ,groupby             )                
    select sysdate          ,:"SYS_B_00"          ,:"SYS_B_01"          
    ,count (:"SYS_B_02")          ,:"SYS_B_03" groupby    from   ( (select
    :"SYS_B_04" compare_type                    ,t.id_org_addr id_org_addr
    -- ID_ORG_ADDR                    ,t.vpd_country vpd_country --
    CTL_COUNTRY                    ,t.addr_type addr_type -- ADDRESSTYP_COD
                 from   (select *                      from   (select t.*   
                               from      ods.ods_org_addr t                 
                        left outer join                                     
       m_sy_foreign_key m                                     on
    m.vpd_country = t.vpd_country ;                                    and
    m.key_type = :"SYS_B_05"                                     and
    m.target_value = t.id_org_addr
    Plan hash value: 3531428851
    Id   Operation                                   Name                       Rows   Bytes Cost (%CPU) Time      Pstart Pstop
    0 INSERT STATEMENT                                                                          1646 (100)                           
    1   LOAD TABLE CONVENTIONAL                                                                                                       
    2    SORT AGGREGATE                                                        1                                                
    3     VIEW                                                                 1           1646   (1) 00:00:20                
    4      MINUS                                                                                                                      
    5       SORT UNIQUE                                                        1 163                                        
    6        NESTED LOOPS OUTER                                                1 163   1067   (1) 00:00:13                
    7         NESTED LOOPS                                                     1 135    599   (1) 00:00:08                
    *  8          HASH JOIN                                                       19 1919    577   (2) 00:00:07                
    9           PARTITION LIST SINGLE                                          1535 69075    107   (4) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 10            TABLE ACCESS FULL                 OKC_MDL_WORKPLACE_ADDRESS 1535 69075    107   (4) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 11           INDEX RANGE SCAN                   PK_M_SY_FOREIGN_KEY        49537   2709K    469   (1) 00:00:06                
    * 12          TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID ODS_ORG_ADDR               1 34      2   (0) 00:00:01 ROWID ROWID
    * 13           INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                  UK_ODS_ORG_ADDR            25              1   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 14         INDEX RANGE SCAN                     PK_M_SY_FOREIGN_KEY        1 28    468   (1) 00:00:06                
    15       NESTED LOOPS                                                                                                              
    16        NESTED LOOPS                                                      1 67      8   (0) 00:00:01                
    17         NESTED LOOPS                                                     1 48      7   (0) 00:00:01                
    18          NESTED LOOPS                                                    1 23      5   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 19           TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID ODS_COUNTRY_SYSTEM         1 11      2   (0) 00:00:01 ROWID ROWID
    * 20            INDEX RANGE SCAN                  PK_ODS_DIVISION_SYSTEM     1              1   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 21           TABLE ACCESS FULL                  SY_SOURCE_CODE             1 12      3   (0) 00:00:01                
    22          TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID         SY_FOREIGN_CODE            1 25      2   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 23           INDEX RANGE SCAN                   PK_SY_FOREIGN_CODE         1              1   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 24         INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                    PK_SY_TARGET_CODE          1              0   (0)                           
    * 25        TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID           SY_TARGET_CODE             1 19      1   (0) 00:00:01                
    26       SORT UNIQUE                                                        1535    151K                                        
    * 27        HASH JOIN OUTER                                                   1535    151K    577   (2) 00:00:07                
    28         PARTITION LIST SINGLE                                            1535 69075    107   (4) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 29          TABLE ACCESS FULL                   OKC_MDL_WORKPLACE_ADDRESS 1535 69075    107   (4) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 30         INDEX RANGE SCAN                     PK_M_SY_FOREIGN_KEY        49537   2709K    469   (1) 00:00:06                
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
      10 - filter(COALESCE("S"."END_VAL_DAT",TO_DATE(:SYS_B_14,:SYS_B_15))>=SYSDATE@!)
      11 - access("M"."KEY_TYPE"=:SYS_B_11 AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_16)
      12 - filter((COALESCE("T"."END_DATE",TO_DATE(:SYS_B_06,:SYS_B_07))>=SYSDATE@! AND "T"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_08))
      13 - access("T"."ID_ORG_ADDR"="M"."TARGET_VALUE")
      14 - access("M"."KEY_TYPE"=:SYS_B_05 AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_08 AND "M"."TARGET_VALUE"="T"."ID_ORG_ADDR")
      19 - filter("CS"."SYSTEM_TYPE"=1)
      20 - access("CS"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:B1 AND "CS"."EXP_IMP_TYPE"='I')
      21 - filter(("SK"."CODE_TYPE"=:SYS_B_18 AND "CS"."ID_SYSTEM"="SK"."ID_SOURCE_SYSTEM"))
      24 - access("FK"."ID_TARGET_CODE"="TK"."ID_TARGET_CODE")
      25 - filter("TK"."CODE_TYPE"=:SYS_B_19)
      29 - filter(COALESCE("S"."END_VAL_DAT",TO_DATE(:SYS_B_25,:SYS_B_26))>=SYSDATE@!)
      30 - access("M"."KEY_TYPE"=:SYS_B_22 AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_27)Edited by: BluShadow on 20-Jun-2012 10:30
    added {noformat}{noformat} tags for readability.  Please read {message:id=9360002} and learn to do this yourself.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

    yes, all the used tables are analyzed.
    Thanks, for pointing to the metalink bug, I have also searched in metalink, but didn't find this bug.
    I have a little bit more information about the problem.
    I use the following select (now in a readable format)
    select count (1)
    from   ( (select 'different (target)' compare_type
                    ,t.id_org_addr id_org_addr -- ID_ORG_ADDR
                    ,t.vpd_country vpd_country -- CTL_COUNTRY
                    ,t.addr_type addr_type -- ADDRESSTYP_COD
              from   (select *
                      from   (select t.*
                              from      ods.ods_org_addr t
                                     left outer join
                                        m_sy_foreign_key m
                                     on m.vpd_country = t.vpd_country
                                     and m.key_type = 'ORGADDR2'
                                     and m.target_value = t.id_org_addr
                              where  coalesce (t.end_date, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate) /*SGRB*/
                      where  vpd_country = 'NL' /*EGRB*/
                                               ) t
              where  exists
                        (select null
                         from   (select *
                                 from   (select m.target_value id_org_addr
                                               ,s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod id_cegedim
                                         from      okc_mdl_workplace_address s
                                                left outer join
                                                   m_sy_foreign_key m
                                                on m.vpd_country = s.ctl_country
                                                and m.key_type = 'ORGADDR2'
                                                and m.source_value = s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod
                                         where  coalesce (s.end_val_dat, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate) /*SGRB*/
                                 where  ctl_country = 'NL' /*EGRB*/
                                                          ) s
                         where  t.id_org_addr = s.id_org_addr)
              select 'different (target)' compare_type
                    ,s.id_org_addr id_org_addr -- ID_ORG_ADDR
                    ,s.ctl_country vpd_country -- CTL_COUNTRY
                    , (select to_number (l.target_value)
                       from   okc_code_foreign l
                       where  l.source_code_type = 'TYS'
                       and    l.target_code_type = 'ADDRLINKTYPE'
                       and    l.source_value = upper (s.addresstyp_cod)
                       and    l.vpd_country = s.ctl_country)
                        addr_type -- ADDRESSTYP_COD
              from   (select *
                      from   (select m.target_value id_org_addr
                                    ,s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod id_cegedim
                              from      okc_mdl_workplace_address s
                                     left outer join
                                        m_sy_foreign_key m
                                     on m.vpd_country = s.ctl_country
                                     and m.key_type = 'ORGADDR2'
                                     and m.source_value = s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod
                              where  coalesce (s.end_val_dat, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate) /*SGRB*/
                      where  ctl_country = 'NL' /*EGRB*/
                                               ) s)) The select is executed in 813 msecs
    When I execute the same select using execute immediate like:
       ln_count number;
       execute immediate q'[<select statement>]' into ln_count;
    end;This takes 3:56 minutes to complete.
    When I change the second coalesce part (the one within the exists) in the flowing way:
    the part
    coalesce (s.end_val_dat, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate
    is replaced by
    s.end_val_dat >= sysdate or s.end_val_dat is nullthen the execution time is even faster (560 msecs) in both, the plain select and the select using the execute immediate.

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    These are my source and CSS codes:
    <table width="600" border="0">
        <td class="bottomref"><p><span class="bottomsel">| <a href="index.html" target="_self">Main</a> | <a href="about.html" target="_self">About</a> | <a href="clients.html" target="_self">Clients</a> | <a href="contact.html" target="_self">Contact</a> |</span><br />
          <span class="credits">Credits: <span class="Cig84">Cig84</span></span></p></td>
    .bottomsel {
      text-align: center;
      font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    .credits {
      text-align: left;
    .Cig84 {
      color: #F00;
      font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive;

    Use paragraph tags with CSS classes.
         .center {text-align:center}
         .left {text-align:left}
    <table width="600" border="0">
        <td class="bottomref">
              <p class="center">This text is center aligned</p>
              <p class="left">This text is left aligned</p>
    Nancy O.

  • How to use the same component in different applications

    Hi All,
    I need to use the same component in different applications. i.e In opportunity, Quotation & Promotion.
    The Search help view in the component PRD01QR should be used in all these components but with different search criteria.
    With help of the DO_determine_configuration, different view configurations are possible but Different search criteria is not possible.
    for Eg. search parameter without DDLB, F4 options in another components.
    How can I control the behavior of the search view in different applications with restricting the field properties?
    Is it possible to find out where and in which component these search_help_search component is used?

    Hi Harry,
    Is it possible to find out where and in which component these search_help_search component is used?
    ans: I am giving an Example for your question go through that u might get clear about this.
    Ex: BT115IT_SLSO  sales order component
    below screen they component usage using for populate the product search component.
    please let me know any help required .

  • Reading the Context Node in the same Component

    Dear Gurus,
    I have made enhancement to standard view and functionality is working fine.
    Now i need to read the different context node (Different view) from the same component.
    I try to do the way Webdynrpo read the context node  but here there is Wizard and i stucked :-(.
    Can you plz suggest or post small code to read context node.

    If those two views are assinged to one viewset in runtime repositoty, you can read the secod view by following code:
    lv_viewname = me->get_viewarea_content( 'Upper' ).      " here(me =view1)                               
      IF lv_viewname IS NOT INITIAL.
        lr_viewctrl = me->get_subcontroller_by_viewname( lv_viewname ).
        IF lr_viewctrl IS BOUND.
    from here you can read the context nodes.
    S Reddy

  • JTappedPane with the Same component

    I know that itsn't possible to put the same component in different tabs of a JTabbedPane, but i must perform this for my application, let say that i have a componenet similar to a JTable on which i can't perform all controls , only to change it's data, and I must put the same object into JTappbedPane and when selecting a tab the componenent change it's data according to the selected tab.
    can any one help me to skip the JTabbedpane problem and implement this.
    thanks in advance.

    From what I can see, you want to have some similar features with the table component in all the tabs. What I think you can do is to create some static fields in the table component which you'll use to store information for the table. Then in each tab create a new instance of the table component, and pass in the required data to be displayed. The static fields will be shared between the table components. That way if you have to call some data retrieval method, you only have to call the it one of the table components to get all the data for the other instances.
    This will save you from having to listen to the tabs for which is selected and then change the table display.

  • Referenced and Referencing Component Usages Must Address the Same Component

    I have a main component MC and it has two used componenents - IBLC and IVAC (interfaces for model and visual compoenents).
    I get the actual model component name from a table and I instantiate it as follows:
    instantiate model component
    DATA: l_ref_model_usage TYPE REF TO if_wd_component_usage,
    l_my_initial_usage type ref to IF_WD_COMPONENT_USAGE.
    L_MY_INITIAL_USAGE = wd_this->wd_cpuse_iblc( ).
    NAME = Item_Modelcomp ).
    Components VC1 and VC2 etc implement IVAC.
    Since I want to use the same instance of Item_Modelcomp in VC1 and VC2, I use the set_model(and from that I call method enter_referencing_mode) method as follows in MC.
    l_ref_interfacecontroller->set_model( model_usage = l_ref_model_usage ).
    Now in set_model method in VC1, I am using Item_Modelcomp as used component and not IBLC because I want to use the Item_Modelcomp context, but it expects IBLC as the used component(even though Item_Modelcomp implements IBLC) and hence gives the error "Referenced and Referencing Component Usages Must Address the Same Component".
    Any solution for this issue?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Srinivasa,
    >I thought model compoenents are the ideal way to share
    >context across different visual components.
    Yeah, we though the same in the beginning. Later on we learned that:
      - it's not worth having the overhead of another WD component in most cases since you need to call the business logic nonetheless
      - declaring nodes as public is like having public attributes at a class - which can be really bad thing
      - there are lots of side effects regarding one component affecting the other one indirectly by having both mapped to the same model component
    In general, using model components should be avoided. There might be rare cases, where it makes sense to use them, but mostly it's not worth the effort.
    Best regards,

  • How to use the same OC4j server with different port number

    How to use the same OC4j server with different port numbers..?
    I have to OC4J installed on my machine on different hard disk drives....
    I want to be able to run both the server simultaneously..?
    is it possible yes then how..?
    for that i have changed the port number of one server...
    but when i am trying to start the other server with different port says that JVM -Bind already...
    Is there any clues...?
    Nilesh G

    In the config directory:
    default-web-site.xml: Change the port the HTTP listener listens on
    jms.xml: Change the port the JMS service listens on
    rmi.xml: Change the port the ORMI listener listens on.
    Or, you can add another web-site.xml file, and deploy your applications to 1 server, and bind the web applications to the different web sites. This way you only have to deploy your applications to 1 place.

  • How can i use the same id on two different laptops?

    When trying to use the same login on two different laptops so that i can connect my nook to either depending on which one is free, i get the error that the id is already in use on another computer?

    The issue is embedded in the way the software works.  To comply with the
    Digital Millenium Copyright Act of 2000, all software companies in this
    business keep track of where their software is installed, making
    information about the computer and ereaders part of an ID file.  So, your
    user ID is embedded in the ID file of each computer, but each computer has
    a different ID of its own that is also embedded in that file.  Adobe's
    master server (yes, there is one that you connect to even if you didn't
    know it) also has that information, and when you try to use an ID on one
    that's embedded in the file of another, Adobe's server blows the whistle,
    and as you can see, you can't do that....

  • HT4356 I have an air-print enabled printer: HP Premium e-all-in-one C310.  Can't print from iPad iOS6.  They're on the same network, but have different IP addresses.  On the iPad it's and on my printer it's  Can I match them? H

    I can't print from my iPad2 to my air-print enabled printer (HP Premium e-all-in-one C310).  They're on the same network, but have differed IP addresses!  The iPad IP is 192-168-1.126 and the printer is 192-168.1.133.  That's the only difference I can see.  Is there a way to fix this?

    you put periods between the numbers.
    Each device needs a unique number.
    for the 192.168.1 the right must number should vary.  192.168.1.x
    the numbers you have look ok.
    Power off all devices: wifi router, printer, ipad.. wait 10 minutes.  poweron router ... wait power on printer wait then power on ipad.
    cross fingers.

  • Use two indicators for the same variable in two different VIs

    hello, I want to use two indicators for the same variable in two different VIs running at the same time
    should I use global variables?? I want to avoid because I have lot of variables and it would takes too much memory,I tried with this code but the value of the second indicator is not updated 
    I tried to use the queue and it works but the problem is as i said previously that i have many variables shoud I use a queue for each one??
    what should I do?
    thank you in advance
    Attachments: ‏13 KB

    CrisSTine01 wrote:
    hello, I want to use two indicators for the same variable in two different VIs running at the same time
    I'm a huge fan of User Events to send updates to GUIs from who knows where.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Can you have the same song on 2 different albums ?

    I would like to use the same track on 2 different albums.
    For example, one track on the original album and the same track on my own compilation album.
    One way would be to make two copies of the track and call them different names.
    e.g. UseSomebody1.mp3 and UseSomebody2.mp3, then these two tracks can be added to the library.
    But this seems a waste of space.
    I have an existing compilation album with odds and sods of my own tracks. But I want to pick and choose a few tracks from other albums and add to my existing compilation album.
    I know about playlists but this isnt the ideal solution either, because I have an existing compilation album already and I want the album to be in the main library (i.e. not have to go thru the playlist menu on the iPod).
    I just wondered if there was a way of having 2 seperate tracks in iTunes that point to the same file.

    sky_rat wrote:
    I made a copy of an mp3 file on an existing album and tried to add it as a new file, but it doesnt appear....
    I made a copy of this mp3 file on my desktop and called it "Kids_MGMT.mp3"
    I added the file to library but the second copy does not appear, even after a refresh and a search.
    Find the original library entry and change something in the metadata, e.g. add an Album Artist even if you don't need it. Then go back to the renamed copy and move it into your iTunes folder at an appropriate location, right-click the file, and choose Open With > iTunes. It will immediately show as a separate library entry.

  • Accessing the same database file using different handles/cursors

    Will there be any problems accessing the same database file using different DB handles in a transactional environment? We have implemented a process which have multiple transient threads coming up and initiating DB opens and read/write operations to the same database file using different handles and cursors?
    Can this potentially create any problems/bottlenecks? Can someone suggest the best way to deal with this scenario?
    Thanks in advance.

    Berkeley DB is well suited to the scenario you describe. You need to ensure that Berkeley DB is configured correctly for transactional access, the best information describing the requirements is in the Reference guide here:
    If there will be multiple threads operating concurrently, then you will need to design your application to detect and deal with deadlock situations.
    Alex Gorrod
    Oracle Berkeley DB

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  • RangeError inside mx.controls::Menu/show()

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