Skip output of SQL query

I have big report to show that it will take more time.
I just want elapsed time, for that i can use SET TIMING ON. But i want to skip the output which is not necessary for me.
Could help me any one. Thanks.

Yes because the number of rows in result set for a query "SELECT COUNT(*) from X" is always 1 whatever the number of counted rows: it is 1 row and 1 column contaning the number of rows ...
Try instead:
SQL> set autotrace traceonly statistics;
SQL> select * from all_objects;
7304 rows selected.
         62  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
      23765  consistent gets
          0  physical reads
          0  redo size
     316364  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
       5765  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
        488  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
       1060  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
       7304  rows processed
SQL> set autotrace off;
SQL> select count(*) from all_objects;
      7304Edited by: P. Forstmann on 22 déc. 2011 17:13

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      How to get this output using sql query?
    Sno Name Age ADD Result
    1 Anil 23 delhi Pass
    2 Shruti 25 bangalor Pass
    3 Arun 21 delhi fail
    4 Sonu 23 pune Pass
    5 Roji 26 hydrabad fail
    6 Anil 28 delhi pass
    Sno Name Age ADD Result
    1 Anil 23 delhi pass
    28 delhi pass

    Hi Vamshi,
    Your query is not pretty clear.
    write the select query using Name = 'ANIL' in where condition and display the ouput using Control-break statements.

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    Hi Team,
    Can we generate an XML doc for an SQL Query.
    I've seen in SQL Server 2000.It is generating the output of an SQL Query in xml format.
    select * from emp for xml auto
    The output looks like
    <emp EMPNO="7369" ENAME="SMITH" JOB="CLERK" MGR="7902" HIREDATE="1980-12-17T00:00:00" SAL="2800" DEPTNO="20"/><emp EMPNO="7370" ENAME="SMITH" JOB="CLERK" MGR="7902" HIREDATE="1980-12-17T00:00:00" SAL="2800" DEPTNO="10"/>

    Just a little bit of short hand.
    Get the XML out of your database, via HTTP
    Of course the easiest method is just to return an XMLType from a stored procedure and let the calling routine figure out what to do with it. Instead
    of that way though, I'll show you how to do it via HTTP. It's all completely built into 10g and is super easy to use.
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW emps_and_depts AS
    SELECT e.employee_id AS "EmployeeId",
    e.last_name AS "Name",
    e.job_id AS "Job",
    e.manager_id AS "Manager",
    e.hire_date AS "HireDate",
    e.salary AS "Salary",
    e.commission_pct AS "Commission",
    d.department_id AS "DeptNo",
    d.department_name AS "DeptName",
    d.location_id AS "Location"
    ) AS "Dept"
    FROM employees e, departments d
    WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id
    Some people hear web and immediately start salivating about security issues. Let me address that quickly. Just because you have the HTTP and/or
    FTP servers running in the database, that does not mean you have a security problem. For one, I would hope your databases are behind a firewall.
    Second, with the correct architecture (DMZ, app servers, etc) you can make this data available outside the firewall fairly transparently and third,
    just because it's on the web does not mean the data MUST be available on the internet. This is a good way to make your data available on your
    intranet. If you are worried about people INSIDE your firewall, that still doesn't preclude web based access. Follow Oracle security guidelines.
    Before I show you how to get to your data, let's talk about URLs and URIs. A URL is a Uniform Resource Locater and URI is a Uniform Resource
    Identifier. A URL is the way you would identify a document on the net, i.e. is a URL. A URI is a more generic form of a URL.
    Oracle supports three types of URI: HTTPURIType - basically a URL (which would be like the URL above), XDURIType - a pointer to an XDB resource
    (usually an XML document but can be other objects), and DBURIType - a pointer to database objects.
    It's the DBURIType that we're going to concentrate on here. The DBURIType let's us reference database objects using a file/folder paradigm. The
    format for a DBURI is /oradb/<schema>/<table>. Oradb is shorthand for the database; it is not the database name or SID. My database is named XE
    but I still use oradb in the DBURI. For example, the view we created above is in my XE database, is owned by HR (at least in my case) and is called
    EMPS_AND_DEPTS. This can be referenced as /oradb/HR/EMPS_AND_DEPTS.
    If the view had many rows and you wanted only one of them, you can restrict it by including a predicate. The documentation for XDB has a great
    write up on Using DBURIs.In our case, we are going to write out the entire document. Now that you understand that the DBURI is a pointer to
    objects in our instance, we can use that to access the data as a URL.
    The format for the URL call is http://<machinename>:<port>/<DBURI>
    In my case, my XE database is running on a machine called mach1 and is listening on port 8080. So to see the view we created above, I open my
    browser and navigate to: http//mach1:8080/oradb/HR/EMPS_AND_DEPTS
    The created URL will be as http//mach1:8080/oradb/PUBLIC/EMPS_AND_DEPTS
    If your database is set up correctly and listening on port 8080 (the default), your browser should ask you to login. Login as the user who created the
    view (in my case HR). You should now get an XML document displayed in your browser.
    And that's it. It doesn't get much simpler than that. If you get rid of the descriptive text above, it basically comes down to:
    Create a table or view
    Open your web browser
    Enter a URL
    Enter a user ID and password
    View your XML
    If you notice, Oracle formatted the data as XML for us. Our view returns scalar columns and an XML fragment called Dept. Oracle formatted the
    return results into an XML format.
    And as a side note, if you look closely, you'll see that my URL has PUBLIC where I said to put HR. PUBLIC is a synonym for all objects that your
    logged in user can see. That way, if your user has been granted select access on many schemas, you can use PUBLIC and see any of them.

  • Output of SQL query..............

    Hi Guys,
    I m running one SQl query which includes DBLink to access the other database table and process it to display output.(it is taking long time (20 min))
    The problem is its showing the entire output once only after processing the entire query. Is it possible to make it someway so that the output flow is contiguous....

    The problem is its showing the entire output once
    only after processing the entire query. Is it
    possible to make it someway so that the output flow
    is contiguous....You could try the FIRST_ROWS hint as described [url]here.
    Whether it will work, depends on your query. For instance, if it has to sort, it is not possible.
    And if it works, your query will likely take a little longer to complete.

  • Spool output of SQL Query

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    Thanks in advance.

    857247 wrote:
    can I run these from SQL devloper or its only from SQL plus.Those commands are SQL*Plus commands, though you can run such scripts through SQL Developer or TOAD or a lot of other tools if you choose the "run as script" (or equivalent) option, which then pushes the script down to SQL*Plus in the background and captures the output.
    Setting SQL*Plus commands won't necessarily improve the performance of getting the query data into a file, they'll just help to determine how the output is formatted/structured.
    Me personally, if I have a need to write data out to a file from a query, I prefer to do it from within PL/SQL as there's greater programatic control over the output format:
    As sys user:
    /As myuser:
                                         ,p_dir IN VARCHAR2
                                         ,p_header_file IN VARCHAR2
                                         ,p_data_file IN VARCHAR2 := NULL) IS
      v_finaltxt  VARCHAR2(4000);
      v_v_val     VARCHAR2(4000);
      v_n_val     NUMBER;
      v_d_val     DATE;
      v_ret       NUMBER;
      c           NUMBER;
      d           NUMBER;
      col_cnt     INTEGER;
      f           BOOLEAN;
      rec_tab     DBMS_SQL.DESC_TAB;
      col_num     NUMBER;
      v_fh        UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
      v_samefile  BOOLEAN := (NVL(p_data_file,p_header_file) = p_header_file);
      d := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(c);
      DBMS_SQL.DESCRIBE_COLUMNS(c, col_cnt, rec_tab);
      FOR j in 1..col_cnt
        CASE rec_tab(j).col_type
          WHEN 1 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_v_val,2000);
          WHEN 2 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_n_val);
          WHEN 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_d_val);
        END CASE;
      END LOOP;
      -- This part outputs the HEADER
      v_fh := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(upper(p_dir),p_header_file,'w',32767);
      FOR j in 1..col_cnt
        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||lower(rec_tab(j).col_name),',');
      END LOOP;
      --  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_finaltxt);
      UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_fh, v_finaltxt);
      IF NOT v_samefile THEN
      END IF;
      -- This part outputs the DATA
      IF NOT v_samefile THEN
        v_fh := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(upper(p_dir),p_data_file,'w',32767);
      END IF;
        v_ret := DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(c);
        EXIT WHEN v_ret = 0;
        v_finaltxt := NULL;
        FOR j in 1..col_cnt
          CASE rec_tab(j).col_type
            WHEN 1 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_v_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||',"'||v_v_val||'"',',');
            WHEN 2 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_n_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||v_n_val,',');
            WHEN 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_d_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||to_char(v_d_val,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),',');
            v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||',"'||v_v_val||'"',',');
          END CASE;
        END LOOP;
      --  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_finaltxt);
        UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_fh, v_finaltxt);
      END LOOP;
    END;This allows for the header row and the data to be written to seperate files if required.
    SQL> exec run_query('select * from emp','TEST_DIR','output.txt');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Output.txt file contains:
    7369,"SMITH","CLERK",7902,17/12/1980 00:00:00,800,,20
    7499,"ALLEN","SALESMAN",7698,20/02/1981 00:00:00,1600,300,30
    7521,"WARD","SALESMAN",7698,22/02/1981 00:00:00,1250,500,30
    7566,"JONES","MANAGER",7839,02/04/1981 00:00:00,2975,,20
    7654,"MARTIN","SALESMAN",7698,28/09/1981 00:00:00,1250,1400,30
    7698,"BLAKE","MANAGER",7839,01/05/1981 00:00:00,2850,,30
    7782,"CLARK","MANAGER",7839,09/06/1981 00:00:00,2450,,10
    7788,"SCOTT","ANALYST",7566,19/04/1987 00:00:00,3000,,20
    7839,"KING","PRESIDENT",,17/11/1981 00:00:00,5000,,10
    7844,"TURNER","SALESMAN",7698,08/09/1981 00:00:00,1500,0,30
    7876,"ADAMS","CLERK",7788,23/05/1987 00:00:00,1100,,20
    7900,"JAMES","CLERK",7698,03/12/1981 00:00:00,950,,30
    7902,"FORD","ANALYST",7566,03/12/1981 00:00:00,3000,,20
    7934,"MILLER","CLERK",7782,23/01/1982 00:00:00,1300,,10The procedure allows for the header and data to go to seperate files if required. Just specifying the "header" filename will put the header and data in the one file.
    Adapt to output different datatypes and styles are required.

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    Desired Output:
    Order Id Order Id Qty
    O1 A1 1
    O1 A1 1
    O1 A1 1
    O1 A1 1
    O1 A1 1
    O2 A2 1
    O3 A3 1
    O3 A3 1
    O3 A3 1

    How do I ask a question on the forums?
    SQL and PL/SQL FAQ

  • Sql query on emp table

    SQL> select * from emp;
    1 DJ 2800 26-MAR-06
    2 VJ 9800 12-APR-00
    2 VJ 7800 27-MAR-06
    1 DJ 8800 27-MAR-06
    The output i am expecting is as follows, I need to find the max sal, min
    sal ,max saldate, min saldate of each employee.
    Empname SAL(maxsal) empd(Maxsal date) Sal(minsal) empd(minsaldate Avg(sal)
    DJ 8800 27-Mar-06 2800 26-MAR-06 5800
    VJ 9800 12-APR-06 7800 27-MAR-06 8800
    Please help me to get the above output using sql query. I am sure this can be achieved using plsql, But my requirement is to achieve this using sqlquery.
    Please reply.

    SQL> select 1 empno, 'DJ' ename, 2800 sal, to_date('26-MAR-06','dd-mon-rr') empd from dual
      2  union all
      3  select 1, 'DJ', 8800, to_date('11-APR-06', 'dd-mon-rr') from dual
      4  union all
      5  select 1, 'DJ', 8900, to_date('14-MAY-05', 'dd-mon-rr') from dual
      6  union all
      7  select 1, 'DJ', 2200, to_date('15-MAY-05', 'dd-mon-rr') from dual
      8  union all
      9  select 2, 'VJ', 9800, to_date('12-APR-06', 'dd-mon-rr') from dual
    10  union all
    11  select 2, 'VJ', 7800, to_date('27-MAR-06', 'dd-mon-rr') from dual
    12  union all
    13  select 2, 'VJ', 7200, to_date('28-MAR-06', 'dd-mon-rr') from dual
    14  /
         EMPNO EN        SAL EMPD
             1 DJ       2800 26-MAR-06
             1 DJ       8800 11-APR-06
             1 DJ       8900 14-MAY-05
             1 DJ       2200 15-MAY-05
             2 VJ       9800 12-APR-06
             2 VJ       7800 27-MAR-06
             2 VJ       7200 28-MAR-06
    7 rows selected.
    SQL> select empno, ename,
      2  max(sal) keep (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY sal desc) max_sal,
      3  max(empd) keep (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY sal desc) max_date,
      4  min(sal) keep (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY sal desc) min_sal,
      5  min(empd) keep (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY sal desc) min_date
      6  from (
      7  select 1 empno, 'DJ' ename, 2800 sal, to_date('26-MAR-06','dd-mon-rr') empd from dual
      8  union all
      9  select 1, 'DJ', 8800, to_date('11-APR-06', 'dd-mon-rr') from dual
    10  union all
    11  select 1, 'DJ', 8900, to_date('14-MAY-05', 'dd-mon-rr') from dual
    12  union all
    13  select 1, 'DJ', 2200, to_date('15-MAY-05', 'dd-mon-rr') from dual
    14  union all
    15  select 2, 'VJ', 9800, to_date('12-APR-06', 'dd-mon-rr') from dual
    16  union all
    17  select 2, 'VJ', 7800, to_date('27-MAR-06', 'dd-mon-rr') from dual
    18  union all
    19  select 2, 'VJ', 7200, to_date('28-MAR-06', 'dd-mon-rr') from dual
    20  )
    21  group by empno, ename
    22  /
             1 DJ       8900 14-MAY-05       2200 15-MAY-05
             2 VJ       9800 12-APR-06       7200 28-MAR-06Rgds.

  • How to Suppress The Output of a SQL Query In Oracle 11gR2

    Hi Friends,
    I am using oracle version, I have set a cronjob which will run on every 15 minutes and give us a log file mentioning the execution time taken for that SQL query:-
    For example:
    SQL> set timing on;
    SQL> SELECT objProp FROM aradmin.arschema WHERE (schemaId = 175);
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    The above query will return the output as well as the time taken for execution of the query. I want to suppress the output of the query and only want the time taken to be printed. Is it possible by set commands. I have marked the output as bold and made it Italic.
    Please help me at the earliest.

    I am using oracle version, I have set a cronjob which will run on every 15 minutes and give us a log file mentioning the execution time taken for that SQL query:-
    The above query will return the output as well as the time taken for execution of the query. I want to suppress the output of the query and only want the time taken to be printed. Is it possible by set commands. I have marked the output as bold and made it Italic.
    How would that even be useful?
    A query from a tool such as sql*plus is STILL going to send the output to the client and the client. You can keep sql*plus from actually displaying the data by setting autotrace to trace only.
    But that TIME TAKEN is still going to include the network time it takes to send ALL rows that the query returns across the network.
    That time is NOT the same as the actual execution time of the query. So unless you are trying to determine how long it takes to send the data over the network your 'timing' method is rather flawed.
    Why don't you tell us WHAT PROBLEM you are trying to solve so we can help you solve it?

  • Can I put a SQL query into a bind variable and then use it to output report

    Can I put a SQL query into a bind variable and then use it to output report?
    I want to create a report and an item "text area" (say P1_TEXT) which can let user to input a SQL query(they are all technical users and knows SQL very well). Then, I use a bind variable (that text area) to store the SQL statement. Then, I add a submit button and I want to use the following to output the report:
    select * from (:P1_TEXT);
    Do you think it is possible to do that? Any known limitations for APEX in this area?
    Thanks a lot,

    You can, but make sure it's what you really want to do. Make sure you are VERY familiar with SQL Injection. Most people who know what it is, go out of their way to prevent SQL Injection. You're going out of your way to allow it.
    You can try using &P1_TEXT. instead of bind variable syntax. Bind variables are one of the best ways to prevent SQL Injection, which is why it's not working for you.
    Once again, I strongly urge you to consider the implications of your app, but this suggestion should get it working.

  • Need to run a sql query in the background and display the output in HTML

    Hi Guys,
    I have a link in my iprocurement webpage, when i click this link, a query (sql query) should be run and the output should be displayed in a HTML page. Any ideas of how this can be done. Help appreciated.
    We dont have OA Framework and we r using 11.5.7.
    help needed

    Read Metalink Note 275880.1 which has the link to developer guide and personalization guide.

  • In JDBC Sender Adapter , the server is Microsoft SQL .I need to pass current date as the input column while Executing stored procedure, which will get me 10 Output Columns. Kindly suggest me the SQL Query String

    In JDBC Sender Adapter , the server is Microsoft SQL .I need to pass current date as the input column while Executing stored procedure, which will get me 10 Output Columns. Kindly suggest me the SQL Query String , for executing the Stored Procedure with Current date as the input .

    Hi Srinath,
    The below blog might be useful
    PI/XI: Sender JDBC adapter for Oracle stored procedures in 5 days

  • Classic Report CSV output failed to parse SQL query

    I'm trying to get a CSV output from a classic report. I'm generating the report based on a PL/SQL block that will return an SQL query. But when i download the CSV excel just gives me a:
    failed to parse SQL query:
    ORA-00936: Missing expression
    and shows me the query that the application is trying to parse. I'm also using bind variables (page items) in the PL/SQL block that is returning me the SQL query. I think that the reason that it fails to parse the query is that the query that is shown in excel has no bind variable values.
    Anyone got any ideas?

    Hi Arif,
    run your page in debug mode and check out the SQL statement which is actually executed for the report. That might help to diagnose what is going wrong.
    If you wish you can also post the report SQL statement which is getting executed.
    My Blog:
    APEX Plug-Ins:

  • How do i get a output in CSV of a SQL query executed via SQL Command prompt

    Hi All,
    I have a question with reference to SQL command prompt. I have a sql query which runs properly and gives proper execution in SQL Management console in GUI.
    This report is used to pull the free disk space report of our servers
    As i want to schedule it as a report so i want to script it to run via SQL command prompt. I made the script and it works fine if i enter it in SQL command prompt. When i try to extract the output to a CSV File it fails. Below is the details of the command
    i am using to query to pull the data. Can anyone help me in getting the output of this query in SQL command prompt.
    sqlcmd -W -s , -S Servers FQDN
    use operationsmanager
    Query:"select Path, InstanceName, SampleValue 
    from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK)
    inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid
    inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
    where SampleValue < '20' and CounterName='% Free Space' and TimeSampled > '2014-08-06 11:00:00.00'
    order by countername, timesampled" -s "," -o "C:\DataSqlCmd.csv"
    When i enter the command without the quotes when the query is starting and ending and also without the output command (-s "," -o "C:\DataSqlCmd.csv") it is working and shows the output in the command prompt. Below is the screen shot for
    your reference.
    Due to security reasons i have to erase the server names:
    But when i add the line to extract the output ( -s "," -o "C:\DataSqlCmd.csv") It gives me this error:
    The exact command would be:
    sqlcmd -W -s , -S
    use operationsmanager
    "select Path, InstanceName, SampleValue 
    from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK)
    inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid
    inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
    where SampleValue < '20' and CounterName='% Free Space' and TimeSampled > '2014-08-06 11:00:00.00'
    order by countername, timesampled" -s "," -o "C:\DataSqlCmd.csv" -h-1
    saying the syntax is not correct or some thing as per the below screenshot.
    Can any one please help. Below is just the query whi i use to get the output in SQL management studio.
    Can any one make a command for the below quer so i can directly execute and test for getting the output.
    select Path, InstanceName, SampleValue 
    from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK)
    inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid
    inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
    where SampleValue < '20' and CounterName='% Free Space' and TimeSampled > '2014-08-06 11:00:00.00'
    order by countername, timesampled

    Can you try the below query?
    select Path, InstanceName, SampleValue
    from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK)
    inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid
    inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
    where SampleValue < 20 and CounterName like '% Free Space' and TimeSampled > '2014-08-06 11:00:00.00'
    order by countername, timesampled
    -- replace the below query part in the below SQLCMD C:\>SQLCMD -S SERVERNAME -E -d operationsmanager -Q "select * from sys.databases ds with (nolock) where name='master'" -s "," -o "F:\PowerSQL\MyData.csv" -h -1
    SQLCMD -S SERVERNAME -E -d OperationsManager -Q "select Path, InstanceName, SampleValue
    from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK)
    inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid
    inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
    where SampleValue < '20' and CounterName='% Free Space' and TimeSampled > '2014-08-06 11:00:00.00'
    order by countername, timesampled" -s "," -o "c:\MyData.csv" -h -1
    Refer for the other ways

  • Procedure output like a query in SQL developer?

    How can a PL procedure create output like a query in SQL developer?
    This block
    for record in (
    select * from my_db
    dbms_output.put_line( ' ' || record.address)
    end loop;
    would print a of names and adresses in my_db. However, output sent to a query result window which would be the result of
    select name,address from my_db;
    How could I make the PL block behave the same way as the SQL query, i.e. present its output in a query result window?

    Welcome to the forum!
    Please provide your 4 digit Oracle version (result of SELECT * FROM V$VERSION) wheneve you ask a question.
    Do you mean query a procedure as if it were a table?
    You can do that with a pipelined function. Here is sample code you can test using the SCOTT schema
    -- type to match emp record
    create or replace type emp_scalar_type as object
      (EMPNO NUMBER(4) ,
       ENAME VARCHAR2(10),
       JOB VARCHAR2(9),
       MGR NUMBER(4),
       SAL NUMBER(7, 2),
       COMM NUMBER(7, 2),
    -- table of emp records
    create or replace type emp_table_type as table of emp_scalar_type
    -- pipelined function
    create or replace function get_emp( p_deptno in number )
      return emp_table_type
        emp_cv EmpCurTyp;
        l_rec  emp%rowtype;
        open emp_cv for select * from emp where deptno = p_deptno;
          fetch emp_cv into l_rec;
          exit when (emp_cv%notfound);
          pipe row( emp_scalar_type( l_rec.empno, LOWER(l_rec.ename),
              l_rec.job, l_rec.mgr, l_rec.hiredate, l_rec.sal, l_rec.comm, l_rec.deptno ) );
        end loop;
      /Then you can query the function as if it were a table
    select * from table(get_emp(20))Is that what you were looking for?

  • How to write the output of an SQL query to a text file?

    I am using Oracle 11g and SQL plus.
    I have a large table called rating.
    Whenever I do
    SQL> select * from rating;
    The output goes much beyond what the SQL Plus screen can show. I want to therefore store the output of this query into a text file.
    How can this be done? Please help. Thanks.

    SQL> SPOOL results.txt
    SQL> select * from rating;

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