Sliding Flash Interface - Using Links from an XML file Problem

Hi All,
Working on a new site for the company i've recently started
working for... fairly new to flash but wanted to try this sliding
interface for the graphic banner at the top of the page...
have a look here at an early version of the site - sliding
graphic interface at the top with coloured rollover buttons (a lot
of work still to do! feel free to post constructive criticism)
(am I allowed to post links??)
here is the unfinished version with no links in the flash bit
The Problem:
I am pulling in a 'heading' 'text' and 'image' into the
sliding graphic interface from the following xml file... (there are
4 different xml files for 4 different slides)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<heading>Interested in selling our health
<text>Click here to learn more...</text>
I want to add a link to the xml that would be specific to
each instance of the window...
But my limited knowledge of flash means I have no idea how to
pull the link through from the xml file to use in the flash...
Perhaps I need link text to pull as well
<link-text>click here to contact us</link-text>
Here is the function that pulls in the img, heading and txt
public function onComplete(event:Event):void {
var loader:URLLoader = as URLLoader;
if (loader != null) {
externalXML = new XML(;
mover_mc.heading_txt.htmlText =
mover_mc.myText_txt.htmlText = externalXML.dialogue[0].text;
var url:URLRequest = new
} else {
trace("loader is not a URLLoader!");
Can anyone help me on how to pull in the link from the xml
and use it to navigate to a different page on the site
Thanks very much
link to
my unfinished flash file...

What is the exact error you get (what db version also), could you post a simplified version of the SQL which fails also? I have splitter based maps that successfully read from file via the XMLType(bfilename....) style code and insert into multiple targets, I did this on 11g though.

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    So i purchased a template from Template Monster and im having a little trouble with the contact form. The server that im uploading it to is a privite server that the company owns. It supports ASP and not PHP. I cant seem to get the ASP form to work so all i want to do it create a link to another one of there servers that supports PHP and have the contact form link to there and read the PHP file (that i will upload to that server) and send the email from there.
    This is the XML that i have to fill in in order to make it work
    Everything in Red is what i needed to fill out in order for the form to work.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            Please read this information to learn how to set up the contact form integrated
            into the template.
            This readme file explains in details the meaning of the settings that can be
            done in the fcContactFormConfiguration.xml configuration file.
            It is recommended for you to use an XML editor to make changes to this file
             because it’s less possible to make an error in the markup which can cause to
            a not working contact form.
                An e-mail address which will be used to receive messages from your contact form.
                You can specify several e-mail addresses separating them with a comma.
                For example: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
        <emailTo>[email protected]</emailTo>
                A server script type which will process sending e-mails. It depends on your
                hosting and in the current version of the contact form it is allowed to use
                two types:  php (Apache, PHP Hosting); asp (IIS web server, ASP).
                A name of the script file which process sending e-mails on your server (without
                extension). The name contact is used by default.
                Set whether to validate only required fields (true/false).  The default value is
                true which means the not required fields of your contact form will not be validated.
                For example if the e-mail field of your form is set as not required (imagine it)
                the form will be processed even if the user types in an incorrect e-mail address.
                Set whether to submit the form when the Enter key is pressed even if the focus is
                not on the Submit button (true/false).
                Text showing to the user when the form is submitted without any errors.
        <messageSentText>Thank you for your message.</messageSentText>
                Text showing in case the form is not submitted because of a server error.
        <messageSentFailedText>Sorry, your message couldn't be sent</messageSentFailedText>
                Text your visitor will see while waiting till the processing is over.
                Your SMTP server (for ASP only).
                Your SMTP port (for ASP only).
                Set whether to send the message as a plain text (true) or as HTML (false).
                ID of the input field (in the structure XML file) to use for the “from: ”
                or email to use instead (for example: [email protected]).
                Subject of the e-mails that will be sent through this contact form or ID of
                the input field (in the structure XML file) to use for the “subject: ” label
                in your e-mail client.
        <subjectSource>Contact Form from your site</subjectSource>
                Validation error messages that are showing to the user when the form fails to
                validate. The form supports different types of validators. You can change the
                text of the error messages the validators produce here.
                You can use the {LABEL} keyword in these messages. It will replace it with the
                label value of the field where an error occurs.
                    A required field is not filled in.
            <message type="fieldIsRequired">{LABEL} is required.</message>
                    The specified e-mail address is incorrect.
            <message type="emailNotValid">{LABEL} - is not valid email address.</message>
                    The specified number of characters in a field is less than a required minimum.
            <message type="minCharsLimitError">{LABEL} - The specified number of characters in a field is less than a required minimum.</message>
                    The specified string does not match with the regular expression.
            <message type="reqExpError">{LABEL} - The specified string does not match with the regular expression.</message>
                    The specified number is greater than an acceptable biggest number for this field.
            <message type="biggerThanMaxError">{LABEL} - The specified number is greater than an acceptable biggest number for this field.</message>
                    The specified number is lower than an acceptable lowest number for this field.
            <message type="lowerThanMinError">{LABEL} - The specified number is lower than an acceptable lowest number for this field.</message>
                    The data is not a number.
            <message type="notANumberError">{LABEL} - The data is not a number.</message>
                    The specified number must not be negative.
            <message type="negativeError">{LABEL} - The specified number must not be negative.</message>
                    The minimum number of variants is not selected
            <message type="minRequirementError">{LABEL} - The minimum number of variants is not selected</message>
                    The number of variants selected exceeds the maximum
            <message type="maxRequirementError">{LABEL} - The number of variants selected exceeds the maximum</message>
                    The fields that should be equal do not match
            <message type="shouldBeEqualError">{LABEL} - values do not match</message>
                     The date has wrong format.
            <message type="dateIsNotValidError">{LABEL} - date has wrong format</message>
    THIS IS THE ACTUAL CONTACT.PHP Form That i would like to link to.
    //-----------------Getting data sent by flash---------------------
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){
            if ($key != 'mail_to' && $key != 'smtp_server' && $key != 'smtp_port' && $key != 'mail_from' && $key != 'mail_subject' && $key != 'plain_text'){
                $mail_body .= '<b>'.str_replace('_',' ',$key).'</b>:<br/>';
                $mail_body .= ''.stripslashes($value).'<br/>';
    $message = '<html><body>'.$mail_body.'</body></html>'; //  mail body
    //------------if plain text is set to true removing html tags------
    if ($_POST['plain_text']=='true') {
        $message = str_replace('<br/>',"\r\n", $message);
        $message = strip_tags($message);
    } else {
    //----otherwise composing message headers---------------------------
        $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
        $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=windows-1251' . "\r\n";
    //------------setting conf data-------------------------------------
    $to = $_POST['mail_to'];
    $from = $_POST['mail_from'];
    $subject = $_POST['mail_subject'];
    $smtp_server = $_POST['smtp_server'];
    $smtp_port = $_POST['smtp_port'];
    //---------setting header info--------------------------------------
    $headers .= 'From:' .$from;
    if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)){ // sending mail
        print('&mail=1');  //succes
    } else {

    You can open both Muse files at once, copy the content of a page on one site, then paste it into a new page on the other site. You might have to redo some of the page styling.

  • Using Elements from an XML File

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    I read out the value from the element:
    <sql_driver>"sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"</sql_driver>Then when i try to apply that string to the Class.forName() method I get the following error.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: "sun/jdbc/odbc/JdbcOdbcDriver"I don't understand why it shows up with "/" insead of "."
    Any thoughts would be great, I have been working this for a while.
    Thanks in advance,

    I have tried it both ways, using the quotes in the xml file and putting the quotes in after I read the String out. I am just really confused as to why the String replaces "." for "/"..... Is there something I am missing?
                String driverName = ReadConfig.sqldriver;
                String driverName = '"' + ReadConfig.sqldriver + '"';

  • Multiple Target from an XML file problem

    I've an XLM file from which I import (using a pluggable mapping generated from xml_etl_ulils) data into a table.
    I need to execute some controls and log errors on these data.
    I created a splitter to split correct data (and put them into the table) and bad data (to log).
    However the generated mapping goes into an error because it tries to read 2 times the same XML data.
    The only way I found is to put all data (good and bad) into a temporary table and then apply the splitter to move data from that table to the targets.
    However that is not a clean solution because I need to have and manage 2 tables for each real table.
    Any clever suggestion ?

    What is the exact error you get (what db version also), could you post a simplified version of the SQL which fails also? I have splitter based maps that successfully read from file via the XMLType(bfilename....) style code and insert into multiple targets, I did this on 11g though.

  • Error loading data from an XML file using HTTPService

    Hello All,
    I have a runtime error that has got me beat at the moment   I am building an App in Flash Builder 4 to run on AIR.
    The error is as follows: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    What i'm Trying to Do:
    I have 2 DropDownList controls, the first is populated with country names and the other with language options.  All the 1st DropDownList control does
    is set an image control to display the country flag and enable the 2nd DropDownList.
    The 2nd DropDownList sets the langCode variable equal to the chosen language code.  I then call the language function and pass it langCode.  Using this variable, I build up the string
    so that langFilePath will be equal to the XML file (which is "Lang_GBR.xml") location on my desktop and then call the HTTPService.
    As soon as the language function is called, the runtime error occurs and highlights the line with btn_LS_mainMenu.label = loadLangService.lastResult.Lang.GlobalTags.btnMenu;
    where I try to assign the button label with a new value from the XML file.
    I suspect this may be a trivial error but I just can't see it at the moment. 
    Any help or guidance would be appreciated.  Thanks
                   public var langFilePath:String;
                   public var langDir:File = File.desktopDirectory;
                   public var langCode:String;
                   public function countrySelect_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void
                        switch (countrySelect.selectedItem)
                             case ('United Kingdom'): 
                                  trace("Item Selected was: "+ countrySelect.selectedItem);
                                  img_countryFlag.source = AngolaFlag;
                             case ('France'): 
                                   trace("Item Selected was: "+ countrySelect.selectedItem);
                                   img_countryFlag.source = AustraliaFlag;
                        langSelect.enabled = true;
                        trace("1st dropdownbox");
                   public function langSelect_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void
                        switch (langSelect.selectedItem)
                             case ('English'): 
                                 trace("Language Selected was: "+ langSelect.selectedItem);
                                 langCode = "Lang_GBR"; 
                             case ('French'): 
                                 trace("Language Selected was: "+ langSelect.selectedItem);
                                 langCode = "Lang_FRA"; 
                   public function language(aParam:String):void
                        trace("Code Was: " + aParam);
                        trace("Lang dir: " + langDir.nativePath);
                        langFilePath = langDir.nativePath + "/" + aParam + ".xml";
                        trace("File to load: " + langFilePath);
                        trace("loadLangFile.url: " + loadLangService.url);
                        btn_LS_mainMenu.label = loadLangService.lastResult.Lang.GlobalTags.btnMenu;
         <s:HTTPService id="loadLangService" url="{langFilePath}"/>
    <s:DropDownList x="10" y="201" id="countrySelect" prompt="Please Select Your Country" width="274" enabled="true" change="countrySelect_changeHandler(event)">
    <s:DropDownList x="10" y="348" id="langSelect" prompt="Please Select Your Language" width="274" enabled="false" change="langSelect_changeHandler(event)">

    Don't sure about your XML structure, but for now i see the problem here between this 2 lines of code:
    btn_LS_mainMenu.label = loadLangService.lastResult.Lang.GlobalTags.btnMenu;
    Think data that your httpService should receive just can't go so fast to populate the lastResult before you call it in the next line
    Try adding a result listener to your service before you send it:
    loadLangService.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, handler);
    function handler(event:ResultEvent):void {
         btn_LS_mainMenu.label = loadLangService.lastResult.Lang.GlobalTags.btnMenu;

  • Using HTTPService to import data from a XML file

    Hello there!
    I'm having some problem's with this import... If anyone can
    help, I would appreciate it!
    I'm using this type of information as data source:
    public var dataCollection:ArrayCollection =
    new ArrayCollection([
    { id: "P1", name: "Porto", type: "team", children: [
    { id: "R1", name: "Dr Silva", location: "Bloco 1", type:
    "member" },
    { id: "R2", name: "Dra Neto", location: "Gabinete", type:
    { id: "P2", name: "Braga", type: "team", children: [
    { id: "R3", name: "Dr Santos", location: "Bloco 2", type:
    "member" },
    { id: "R4", name: "Dra Sonia", location: "Piso 1", type:
    But I want to import it from a XML file like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <item id="P1" name="Porto" type="team">
    <children id="R1" name="Dr Silva" location="Bloco 1"
    type="member" />
    <children id="R2" name="Dra Neto" location="Gabinete"
    type="member" />
    <item id="P2" name="Braga" type="team">
    <children id="R3" name="Dr Santos" location="Bloco 2"
    type="member" />
    <children id="R4" name="Dra Sonia" location="Piso 1"
    type="member" />
    I already import the file, but can not translate the data
    into a array collection.
    private function initApp():void {
    var httpService:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
    httpService.url = "dataprovider.xml";
    httpService.resultFormat = "e4x";
    private function onFaultHttpService(e:FaultEvent):void"Error reading data file.");
    private function onResultHttpService(e:ResultEvent):void
    //Convert the xml data to a array collection
    Thank you

    Hello Peter, and thank you for your reply's.
    My problem is that I'm receiving the data from the external
    file and I don't know how to get the children in place... I mean, I
    also have some data being received form a file that I can convert
    into an array collection, but the thing is, that file doesn't have
    children structure...
    It's something like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <item id="T1" resourceId="R1" name="Cardiologia"
    startTime="25-3-09 8:0:0" endTime="25-3-09 8:30:0" />
    <item id="T2" resourceId="R2" name="Raio-X"
    startTime="25-3-09 9:0:0" endTime="25-3-09 9:15:0" />
    <item id="T3" resourceId="R3" name="Analises"
    startTime="25-3-09 12:0:0" endTime="25-3-09 12:45:0" />
    <item id="T4" resourceId="R4" name="Consulta"
    startTime="26-3-09 8:0:0" endTime="26-3-09 9:0:0" />
    And I solve it with this (don't know if is the best):
    private function onResultHttpServiceTask(e:ResultEvent):void
    var a:Array = xmlListToObjectArray(e.result.item);
    tasks = new ArrayCollection(a);
    protected function
    var a:Array = new Array();
    for each(var xml:XML in xmlList)
    var attributes:XMLList = xml.attributes();
    var o:Object = new Object();
    for each (var attribute:XML in attributes)
    var nodeName:String =;
    var value:*;
    value = attribute.toString();
    o[nodeName] = value;
    a.push(new ObjectProxy(o));
    return a;
    But when the children "enter in action" I don't know how to
    bring them to the array...
    This code you send it's preaty much the thing I need, but the
    thing is that I don't know how to call the children with data as
    If you can help a bit more, I would really appreciate...
    Thank You

  • I have a document made up of separate PDF files which reside in a folder and are linked to each other via hyperlinks. Each pdf file is set to open with bookmarks displayed, however if I link from one PDF file to another and use the "Previous View" button

    I have a document made up of separate PDF files which reside in a folder and are linked to each other via hyperlinks. Each pdf file is set to open with bookmarks displayed, however if I link from one PDF file to another and use the "Previous View" button to navigate back to my starting point the bookmarks are replaced by "page thumbnails". Is there anyway to stop this from happening?

    Hi Pusman,
    While setting up the links, if you choose to open the file in a new window then you won't face this issue, then you can simply switch to the previous file and bookmark view will remain as it is.
    Does that helps with your query?

  • Pooling data from an XML file to another XML file using File Adapter

    I am trying to Pool data from an XML file to another XML file using File Adapter. I have added "Target Namespace" in both the XML and XSD.The problem is "At the destination given in the FileAdapter" only a blank XML file is created and it doesnot have any data.
    Kindly suggest me some methods
    Thanks in Advance.

    Ok here is a solution with external tables.
    SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY my_xml_dir AS 'E:\oracle\Log_files\UTL_AKIVATST'
    2 /
    Directory created.
    SQL> DROP TABLE my_xml_et
    2 /
    Table dropped.
    SQL> CREATE TABLE my_xml_et
    4 JOB VARCHAR2(10),
    7 )
    9 (
    11 DEFAULT DIRECTORY my_xml_dir
    13 (
    14 records delimited by "</EMP>"
    15 badfile my_xml_dir:'empxt%a_%p.bad'
    16 logfile my_xml_dir:'empxt%a_%p.log'
    17 FIELDS
    18 (
    19 filler char(2000) terminated by "<EMP>",
    20 EMPNO char(2000) enclosed by "<EMPNO>" and "</EMPNO>",
    21 EMPNAME char(2000) enclosed by "<ENAME>" and "</ENAME>",
    22 JOB char(2000) enclosed by "<JOB>" and "</JOB>",
    23 HIREDATE char(2000) enclosed by "<HIREDATE>" and "</HIREDATE>",
    24 SAL char(2000) enclosed by "<SAL>" and "</SAL>"
    25 )
    26 )
    27 LOCATION ('emp.xml')
    28 )
    31 /
    Table created.
    SQL> SELECT * FROM my_xml_et
    2 /
    7369 SMITH CLERK 17-DEC-80 800
    7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 20-FEB-81 1600
    This is the XML file i used emp.xml
    Use this external table to insert into your table.

  • Is there any way to generate pdf from an xml file using single java class

    i m working on generating a pdf file from an xml file. i want to use only a single java class to do so. if theres any such code available please help me to find out.
    Gurpreet Singh

    here are some libraries which are open sources; hope it's useful. :D

  • Creation of a shipping notification for a PO in EBP from a XML file via XI.

    Hi everybody.
    We are trying to create a shipping notification for a Purchase Order in Enterprise Buyer from a XML file via XI.
    For to do it, we are using ‘DespatchedDeliveryNotification_In’ message interface (transaction SPROXY).
    But when we execute it, the system show us next message:
    "An error occured within an XI interface: An exception with the type CX_GDT_CONVERSION occurred, but was neither handled locally, nor declared in a RAISING clause Programm: SAPLBBP_BD_MAPPING_SAPXML1; Include: LBBP_BD_MAPPING_SAPXML1F5B; Line: 4"
    No more information is available.
    Is there any additional transaction to see more information about the error message?
    Is there any documentation about this XML file, mandatory fields, examples…?
    We populated some fields in our XML file, but we do not know if the problem is with mandatory fields, data, program error…
    I will thank for any information
    Thanks in advance.
    Raúl Moncada.

    This is because of the inbound UOM.
    The include LBBP_BD_MAPPING_SAPXML1F5B is in charge of mapping the item Unit Of Mesure (UOM) sent in the ASN XML file (it should be an ISO code).
    You can test FM UNIT_OF_MEASURE_ISO_TO_SAP with this inbound ISO code.
    PS: you should create an OSS message so the mapping sends back an error message instead of generating an uncatched exception (that generates a dump).
    PS: please reward points for helpfull answers

  • Error in Reading data from a xml file in ESB

    i created a inbound file adapter service which reads data from a xml file and passes it to the routing service and from there updates to the database.....
    (everything created in jdeveloper)
    But i am getting is not getting updated to the database...when i check the database(select * from table) its showing one row selected but i couldnt find the data....
    Transformation mapping also i did...
    i think may be some error in reading the data from the xml file but not so sure.....
    please reply to this mail as soon as possible its very urgent

    Michael R wrote:
    The target table will be created when you execute the interface, if you set the option on the flow tab as instructed in step #6 of the "Setting up ODI Constraint on CLIENT Datastore" Section.
    Option     Value
    CREATE_TARG_TABLE      trueHi Michel,
    This was not my required answer.I am sorry that I was unable to clarify my question.Actually
    +This project executed successfully with some warning.Target Table is automatically created in database and also populated with data.But when I right-click Target Datastore(in >Mapping Tab of the Interface), and then select Data to View Data that needs to be inserted in the target table.I get some error like this:-...+This above line is the result of my project my problem is
    when I right-click Target Datastore(in Mapping Tab of the Interface), and then select Data to View Data that already inserted in the target table.Is not shown by the view data operation.
    I meant to say I am facing this error
    At the10(1010 written) step of
    Creating a New ODI Interface to Perform XML File to RDBMS Table Transformation
    wehre it says
    Open the Interface tab. Select Mapping tab, right-click Target Datastore - CLIENT, and then select Data. View Data inserted in the target table. Close Data Editor. Close the tabs...
    In my case when I use my sqldeveloper I can see data successfully inserted in my target table and also in error table (data that can't satisfy the constraint) .But I was unable to check this by following the above mentioned 10 th step and got this error.

  • Importing Arabic text from an XML file

    Importing text from an XML file to appear as text in Flash
    works in English, however if the text I want to import is in
    Arabic, when I test the movie there is no text at all.
    Is there some particular syntax to preface the Arabic text?
    I'll want to import text from XML in other languages too.
    I'd cut and pasted some Arabic text into the XML file that
    displays pictures and text in the "slideshow.fla" ( ml)
    Substituting Arabic text for English text, editing the XML
    file with Dreamweaver.
    Any ideas as to how I might achieve my objective of importing
    Arabic text into Fash?
    I'd started developing my prototpe in Macromedia Director 7,
    and then Director MX, but I have not found a suitable Arabic font
    that I can embed that will allow me to display Arabic fonts in
    Adobe Director. I have the Arabic text in a Word document.
    I've dicovered that my Flash MX Pro and Dreamweaver both
    support Arabic fonts, but I want to import text from an XML file.
    I'd prefer using cast libraries and cast members, but I don't
    know of an equivalent in Flash to what I'm comfortable with in

    Oh so many questions. You probably aren't going to like the
    answers. I have Flash MX04 pro (aka Flash 7) and things made a big
    jump between MX (aka 6) and MX04. If you only have MX, there might
    not be a way to do this. All my advice is based upon MX04 or
    It is possible to do complex languages in Flash. My
    experience is with Hindi and I've helped a few folks here with
    You won't be able to use text from Microsoft Word – at
    least I don't think so. The XML file will need to be saved in the
    UTF-8 format. I think Word uses its own scheme and won't work. But
    I'm not a Word expert. Something like Text Edit (Mac) or WordPad
    (PC) should be able to save a UTF-8 file.
    The next problem is you mention "suitable Arabic font that I
    can embed." AFAIK, you can't embed any of the complex scripts in
    Flash. You just have to rely on the end user having appropriate
    fonts installed and enabled. Most operating systems from 2000 on do
    have this – although some folks like to remove them to save
    Next issue will be line composing. I've found that when using
    anything above the normal Latin range that Flash suddenly forgets
    how to make a line fit into a text area. It will just break things
    in the middle of words and not even notice the spaces between
    words. I've written a little snippet of code that "composes" the
    lines. It works well with Hindi and folks here have used it with
    Arabic and not come back saying that it doesn't work. Search the
    forums (both the Flash and Actionscript) if you can't find it I'll
    dig it out when I get home.
    So here is the checklist:
    Make sure the XML is saved in UTF-8
    Import the XML file
    In Testing environment go Debug–>List variables.
    Does it show up correctly there?
    Does it show at all in a text field?
    Use the "composer" to make the lines break.

  • Passing info from a XML file to URLloader

    I am new to Flex (And programming alltogether), so please
    excuse my ignorance when asking this question; but I have to start
    somewhere. :-)
    I have an application using HTTPService that pulls
    information from a XML file and displays an image and text within
    the window depending on the selected item. The image and text
    appears as needed from {data.image} or {data.text} calls to their
    appropriate field. On that same window, I want to add a link button
    that will direct the browser to a new page depending on the
    selected item. I have the link for each item embedded in the XML
    file, but I cannot figure out how to pass the link to the button.
    I have tried to create a function, but the URL isnot passed
    to the broswer. The application tells the browser to go to
    "{}" at the local server, not the actual URL.
    my function looks like this:
    public function newPage():void
    var getLink = '{}';
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(getLink);
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

    can you share php code for grabbing data. i make php code using "simplexml_load_file" but the problem is it takes 2-3 minutes before it show the result. i want to monitor the current video if stop feeding.
    This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
    <timestamp>3/21/2015 7:47:17 AM</timestamp>
    here;s my php code:amsstats.php
        $result = simplexml_load_file("http://server1:1111/admin/getLiveStreams?auser=admin&apswd=admin&appInst=appname");
        echo $result->data[0]->_0;

  • How-to use Excel for the XML file input?

    Hello all,
    Following our discussion with Gerhard Steinhuber on the very nice tutorial from Horst Schaude , "How to upload mass data via XML File Input" , I am starting this new discussion.
    In the comments section of this previous cited tutorial, Rufat Gadirov explains how to use a generated XML from Eclipse instead of your XSD file as your source in Excel.
    However, in spite of all the instructions, I am still facing the same issue in Excel when I try to save my file as XML : "The XML maps in this workbook are not exportable".
    What I try to do is to create one or more Sales Orders with multiple Items in it from a XML File Input, using excel to enter data.
    The part with the File input is working (if I directly upload my file to the webDAV, it creates a sales order instance with multiple items).
    The only missing part is the Excel data input that I cannot make work. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
    Here is my XML file that I try to use as a source in Excel before inputing data from Excel:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <p:MySalesOrderUploadedIntegrationInputRequest xmlns:p="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <List actionCode="01" listCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true" reconciliationPeriodCounterValue="0">
              <MyBuyerID schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeID="token">token</MyBuyerID>
              <MyName languageCode="EN">MyName</MyName>
              <MyBillToParty schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyBillToParty>
              <MyEmployeeResponsible schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyEmployeeResponsible>
              <MySalesUnit schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MySalesUnit>
                    <MyItemProductID schemeAgencyID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyItemProductID>
                    <MyItemDescription languageCode="EN">MyItemDescription</MyItemDescription>
                    <MyRequestedQuantity unitCode="token">0.0</MyRequestedQuantity>
                    <MyConfirmedQuantity unitCode="token">0.0</MyConfirmedQuantity>
                    <MyNetAmount currencyCode="token">0.0</MyNetAmount>
              <MyBuyerID schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeID="token">token</MyBuyerID>
              <MyName languageCode="EN">MyName</MyName>
              <MyBillToParty schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyBillToParty>
              <MyEmployeeResponsible schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyEmployeeResponsible>
              <MySalesUnit schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MySalesUnit>
                    <MyItemProductID schemeAgencyID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyItemProductID>
                    <MyItemDescription languageCode="EN">MyItemDescription</MyItemDescription>
                    <MyRequestedQuantity unitCode="token">0.0</MyRequestedQuantity>
                    <MyConfirmedQuantity unitCode="token">0.0</MyConfirmedQuantity>
                    <MyNetAmount currencyCode="token">0.0</MyNetAmount>
    Thank you all for your attention.
    Best regards.
    Jacques-Antoine Ollier

    Hello Jacques-Antoine,
    I suppose that as you have tried to construct a map from the schema, you have taken the elements from the List level down. In this case I also can't export the map.
    But if you take the elements from the level MySalesOrderUploaded down, you'll get the exportable map (screenshots)
    Best regards,
    Leonid Granatstein

  • Need to insert values into a table from a XML file

    I'm an Oracle 9i/10g DBA with quite a few years experience, but I'm new to XML and dealing with it in database terms. I've been given a project that entails pulling XML values out of a file (or 100's of them) and storing them in the database so that they are searchable by end-users. The project is classified as secret so I'm unable to upload the specific XML or any info relating to the structire of the XML or the table I will use to insert the values into - sorry!! So, I've created an XML file with a similar structure to help people understand my predicament.
    The end-users only need to search on a subset of the total amount of columns from the table I'll insert data into, although the XML file has a lot more, so I dont need to store the other values - but I will need to store the name of the XML file (or a pointer to it so I know what XML file a particular set of values belong to) in another column of the table along with its associated values.
    I've been using the XMLTABLE function with some degree of success, although I had better succes using the XMLSEQUENCE function. However, I found out this is deprecated in 10g and replaced with XMLTABLE, so I guess it's better if I use this in case we ever need to upgrade to 11g.
    The main problem I've been having is that some elements in the XML files have multiple values for the one record when all the other records are the same. In terms of storing this in the database, I guess it would mean inserting multiple rows in the table for each element where the value differs. Here is a dumbed down XML file similar to what I've got along with the other SQL I've used:
    +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>+
    +<DockType>Rear load</DockType>+
    +<County>West Midlands</State>+
    +<DockType>Rear load</DockType>+
    +<DockType>Side load</DockType>+
    INSERT INTO xmltest
    VALUES(xmltype(bfilename('XML_DIR', 'test.xml'), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')));
    Consequently, I need to...
    1) Retrieve the results from the XML file for all 3 warehouses where multiple values for the same sub-element are shown as 2 rowsthe result set. (I am guessing there will be 4 rows returned as warehouse sub-2 has 2 different elements for <WarehouseName>.
    2) Build a case statement into the query so that regardless of the sub-element name (i.e State or County), it is returned into the 1 column, for instance County.
    So, if I run a query similar to the following...
    select y.WarehouseId, y.Town, y.County, y.Area
    from xmltest x, xmltable('/House/Warehouse' .......
    I would like to get results back like this...
    ID Town County Area
    1 Southlake Texas 25000
    2 Poole Dorset 40000
    2 Solihull West Midlands 40000
    3 Fleet hampshire 10000
    Sorry for the non-formatting but I hope this all makessense to someone out there with what I'm trying to do.
    I appreciate any help whatsoever because, as i said before, I'm totally new to XML and trying to read the vast amount of information there is out there on XML is all a bit daunting.
    Many thanks in advance,

    Hi again,
    Thanks for keeping the post open for me. I've had a look at the post illustrating the XFileHandler package, and tried to alter it to make it fit with my XML files. To help explain things, my XML file looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE  CMF_Doc SYSTEM "CMF_Doc.dtd">
        <DockType>Rear load</DockType>
           <County>West Midlands</County>
        <DockType>Rear load</DockType>
        <DockType>Side load</DockType>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <DockType>Rear load</DockType>
           <County>West Midlands</County>
        <DockType>Rear load</DockType>
        <DockType>Side load</DockType>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <DockType>Rear load</DockType>
           <County>West Midlands</County>
        <DockType>Rear load</DockType>
        <DockType>Side load</DockType>
    </House>And the XFilehandler package looks like this (I'm just trying to do a simple select only on WarehouseId & WaterAccess for the time being to keep things simple):
    create or replace package XFileHandler as
        WID     NUMBER(2)
      type TRecordTable is table of TRecord;
      function getRows (p_directory in varchar2, p_filename in varchar2) return TRecordTable pipelined;
    create or replace package body XFileHandler is
      function getRows (p_directory in varchar2, p_filename in varchar2)
       return TRecordTable pipelined
        nb_rec          number := 1;
        tmp_xml        clob;
        tmp_file         clob;
        rec               TRecord;
        tmp_file := dbms_xslprocessor.read2clob(p_directory, p_filename);
          tmp_xml := regexp_substr(tmp_file, '<\?xml[^?]+\?>\s*<([^>]+)>.*?</\1>', 1, nb_rec, 'n');
          exit when length(tmp_xml) = 0;
          nb_rec := nb_rec + 1;
        select y.WID, y.WACCESS
        into rec.WID, rec.WACCESS
        from xmltable('/House' passing xmltype(tmp_xml)
                      columns WID NUMBER(2) PATH 'Warehouse/WarehouseId',
                                  WACCESS VARCHAR2(5) PATH 'WaterAccess') y;
          pipe row ( rec );
        end loop;
    end;Now, when I run the query:
    select * from table(XFileHandler.getRows('XML_DIR', 'XFileHandler_test.xml'));I get the error: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17285], [0x5CFE8DC8], [4], [0x45ABE1C8], [], [], [], []
    I had a look in the dump file for anything obvious, but nothing really stands out. Is there anything obvious in my code that I'm missing or something else which you may think could be causing this error, e.g in the regular expression regexp_substr?
    Many thanks,

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