Sliding panels prev/next buttons

Using graphic buttons for previous and next navigation with Spry Sliding Panels, how can the 'previous' button be dimmed or hidden when you're on the first slide, and conversly, have the 'next' button dimmed or hidden when you're at the end of the slides? Ideally there would be a CSS class added to one button or the other to change states. Or can the Spry Fade Effect be used here to fade the buttons on and off?

The default Spry Widget has no functionality to indicate the current panel. I have created a small hack for that before. You might want to check out this post here:
Hopes this helps.

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    next button at the end. I have pasted the code below if anyone has
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    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var pageOffset =0;
    var pageSize = 5;
    var pageStop = pageOffset + pageSize;
    var dsGallery = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("images.xml",
    "/gallery/photos/photo", { filterFunc: MyPagingFunc });
    function MyPagingFunc(ds, row, rowNumber)
    if (rowNumber < pageOffset || rowNumber >= pageStop)
    return null;
    return row;
    function UpdatePage(offset)
    var numRows = dsGallery.getUnfilteredData().length;
    if (offset > (numRows - pageSize))
    offset = numRows - pageSize;
    if (offset < 0)
    offset = 0;
    pageOffset = offset;
    pageStop = offset + pageSize;
    // Re-apply our non-destructive filter on dsStates1:
    // Tell our 2nd region to update because we've adjusted
    // some of the variables it uses in its spry:if expressions.
    // Change the XPath for the 3rd data set so that the 3rd
    // region updates. Remember, position() starts at one and
    // zero, so we have to add one to our pageOffset and
    dsGallery.setXPath("/states/state[position() >=" +
    (pageOffset+0) + " and position() < " + (pageStop+1) + "]");
    <input type="button" value="Prev"
    onClick="UpdatePage(pageOffset - pageSize);" />
    <input type="button" value="Next"
    onClick="UpdatePage(pageOffset + pageSize);" />

    why didn't you use Spry Paged View instead of writing your
    own code?
    then you can use
    if ({ds_PageNumber} == 1 ) {
    //disable prev button & enable next
    else if ({ds_PageNumber} == {ds_PageCount} ) {
    //disable next button & enable prev
    //enable both prev & next button
    you then just have to call this function, every time you do
    navigation or page load (using observer or anything else)

  • Lightbox Gallery, moving prev/next buttons to outside of the gallery box

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    Which part of the script do I need to change to move the location of where there buttons show up?

    Julie726 wrote:
    Actually, I'm still having a problem getting those buttons to display before I worry about moving their positions.
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    It's usually best to avoid mixing cases when naming folders and files to avoid these issues, esp on Linux servers. Stick to all lowercase.

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    You might have run across an intermittent page link bug in the Adobe Content Viewer. This bug was addressed in a recent hot fix. If you build a custom app (or a new Content Viewer), the issue should be resolved. Or, wait until the viewer is updated in the store.

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    Thanks in advance for any thoughts on the issue.
    - Jim

    Is a before insert trigger not more interesting and safer in your use case?

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    Give the 'dialog' <div> a position of relative:
    .dialog {
    position: relative;
    Then absolutely position your 'prev2' and 'next2' links (z-index, see below) will place the links on top of the banner images.
    #prev2 {
    position: absolute;
    top: 130px;
    left: 30px;
    z-index: 300;
    #next2 {
    position: absolute;
    top: 130px;
    left: 920px;
    z-index: 320;

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    var currentPanel =
    sp1.getContentPanelIndex(sp1.currentPanel); // Current panel
    var firstPanel = 0; // First panel
    var lastPanel = sp1.getContentPanels().length - 1; // Last

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    Hi guys,
    Ive been trying for a while to make the sliding panels widget
    show each panel in its own height instead of the longest panel's height in the container.
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    I do, however, have a list of things that i believe if implemented should work,
    could you  help me do these fixes on the js? ( any one you know how to or think will work )
    1. edit so that:  Panels dont have any height ( or panel content display none ) if it isnt current panel. If current panel is "id:1" the assume class 1 style properties. As soon as it looses focus/"currentpanel" class it looses its class 1 properties. And the new current panel ("id:2") assumes its own class 2 properties. And so on.
    2. edit so that:  PanelContainer ( the one that holds all the panels ) displays none BUT the current panel. So all panels could be display none unless they assume the "currentpanel" class and so they change to display. Maybe this way the container assumes only the height of the displayed panel and looses it once its no longer displayed assuming the next displayed one.
    3. edit so that:  Panel container checks for current panel's height and assumes that height instantly ( there is still a panel inside the container that would be longer than the current panel, maybe with overflow hidden this isnt a problem )
    4. Using SpryDOMUtils.js I am currently playing with the code pasted below,
    the idea came from Gramp's Spry Sliding Panels Group Navigation Buttons cookbook
    He addresses a different problem, but since it has to do with identifying the current panel and doing something when the panel is x number, i thought there could be a height property set for each panel when each is the current one, atleast something can be done with this, my problem is i dont know how to set that something. Please check out the following code:
    // The following function - setPanelNavigation() - assumes the following
    // 1. Sliding Panels have a class of SlidingPanelsContent AND a unique ID
    // 2. The Previous Panel button has an ID of previousPanel
    // 3. The Next Panel button has an ID of nextPanel
    // 4. SpryDOMUtils.js has been linked
    function setPanelNavigation() {
        var current = sp1.getCurrentPanel(); // Get the current panel
        var panelCount = sp1.getContentPanelsCount(); // Get the total number of panels
        var panelNumber=1; // Give a value to the first panel number
        Spry.$$(".SlidingPanelsContent").forEach(function(node) { // Cycle through the panels
                     if ({ // The current panel now receives a number
               if ( panelNumber==1 ) Spry.$$(".SlidingPanelsContentGroup").setAttribute('height', 750); //
               if ( panelNumber==2 ) Spry.$$(".SlidingPanelsContentGroup").setAttribute('height', 250); //
            panelNumber++; // Go to next panel after incrementing the count
    Spry.Utils.addLoadListener(setPanelNavigation); // Set buttons to initial value
    var sp1 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("panelwidget");
    What am i doing wrong in that bit ? I thought i had it there, but it didnt work.
    Anyone, please help. Thank you.

    wait my bad, the link to my page is:
    ** no s on department

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    With great difficulty. We must first determine the current panel and then, if the current panel is 0 then the previous button has to be changed and if the current panel matches the total number of panels, the next button has to be changed.
    The following is a complete document that will work. Make sure you have all of the support (read JS) files in the allocated directory.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Sliding Panels Example.</title>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SprySlidingPanels.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryDOMUtils.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SprySlidingPanels.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    .SlidingPanelsContentGroup {min-height:0;}
    .disabled {color:#F00;}
    function slideNextPanel() {
         var currentPanel = getCurrentPanel();
         var panelCount = sp1.getContentPanelsCount()-1;
         if (currentPanel==panelCount) {
         } else {
    function slidePreviousPanel() {
         var currentPanel = getCurrentPanel();
         if (currentPanel==0) {
         } else {
    function getCurrentPanel() {
         var className = 'SlidingPanelsContent'; //change the className that is on all your content panels..
         var panelCount = sp1.getContentPanelsCount();//get panel length
         var current = sp1.getCurrentPanel(); //get current panel
         var group = sp1.getContentGroup(); //get our group
         var panelNumber = 0;
              var j = 0;
              for(var i = 0, l = group.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++){
                   if(group.childNodes[i].className && group.childNodes[i] RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) != -1){ // if it has SlidingPanelsContent class we found the correct node.
                        if(group.childNodes[i] == current){ // if it matches our current panel, we have a number
                             panelNumber = j;
                             return panelNumber;
                        j++; //increase our panelcounter
    <a href="#" id="previousPanel" onclick="slidePreviousPanel();">Previous Panel</a> |
    <a href="#" id="nextPanel" onclick="slideNextPanel()">Next Panel</a> |
    <div id="panelwidget" class="SlidingPanels">
      <div class="SlidingPanelsContentGroup">
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p1">Panel 1</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p2">Panel 2</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p3">Panel 3</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p4">Panel 4</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p5">Panel 5</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p6">Panel 6</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var sp1 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("panelwidget");

  • Implement paging (prev/next) for jtable data obtained from database

    Hello all, first time poster and relative newbie to java.
    I am trying to learn java and in the process have stumbled upon this issue.
    I have searched through the forum as well as googled my way around for answers. And though I am more informed than I was, I still am a little stumped.
    I would like to implement a table that pulls data from a database (mysql), limits the results, and include prev/next buttons to traverse through the records.
    I think this involves writing my own AbstractTableModel. And I have seen some examples as such. But could use a little more help.
    I will always be pulling 10 rows, but the columns will change depending on query I am using so implementing a more generic set of methods would be great.. To be specific...
    Table: users
    Columns: userid, ufname, ulname, utype, ustatus, etc....
    For selection purposes I only need to show: userid, ufname, ulname. So I figure I write a query like:
    select userid, ulname, ufname from users limit index, 10
    Where index tells the query where to start from then use the results to populate the jtable. I can do this statically but do not quite understand how to implement the next/prev buttons so that the table pulls the next or previous set of data.
    If this can happen without the need to repaint/refresh the frame that would be great.
    sudo code (with comments) would be ok, but a basic working example of this would be even better.
    thank you in advance, if more information is required please let me know.

    tumbleweeds roll by...........

  • SetAttribute at calculated attribute at prev next binding

    I use JDev version (Build 1913). I try to set attribute at calculated attribute.. that all row divide some page using prev next binding. The result was disorder. I think i must set attribute repeat every i click prev next button.. but i don't know where i must overwrite method form prev next binding.. or any other solution... please give me advice.. thank you

    Dimitar, thank you for your response.
    If I am trying to insert a new row (not update an existing one), I believe I need to create a Managed Property bomEditChild under the Managed Bean bomCRUD, and then set the binding of the af:InputText to +#{bomCRUD.bomEditChild}+ as seen below:
    <af:popup id="p1" ... >
    <af:dialog id="d2" dialogListener="#{DialogListenerCollection.editDialogListener}" title="BOM Edit">
    <af:inputText label="Child" id="it1" binding="#{BomCRUD.bomEditChild}"/>
    From adfc-config.xml
    <managed-bean id="__11">
    <managed-bean-name id="__9">BomCRUD</managed-bean-name>
    <managed-bean-class id="__12">erp.view.framework.BomCRUD</managed-bean-class>
    <managed-bean-scope id="__10">request</managed-bean-scope>
    <managed-property id="__2">
    <property-name id="__3">bomEditChild</property-name>
    <value id="__1"></value>
    However, when I print the value of the String Child variable of the createChildren class, I get the following:
    System.out.println("Child: " + Child); // output command gets me the text below
    +Child: RichInputText[UIXEditableFacesBeanImpl, id=it1]+
    The createChildren method is detailed below in the pages definition file and implemented in the AppModuleImpl class.
    <methodAction id="createChildren" ...>
    <NamedData NDName="Child" NDValue="#{BomCRUD.bomEditChild}" NDType="java.lang.String"/>
    It appears the value being passed into my createChildren class is the container ID, not the value entered into the container by the customer. The output is the same whether I declare bomEditChild as a Managed Property under the Managed Bean bomCRUD or not. I am still unsure how to grab the value of the inputted text and/or if the managed property is updating before the createChildren method is being called via the editDialogListener.
    Any further ideas?

  • I'm trying to add prev and next button to a gallery

    I've found a free flash gallery which looks good for my need here:
    The only problem is that the gallery doesn't have prev and next buttons for the full size images, so I'm trying to add them.
    I've been able to add those buttons, but they only work if I don't click on a thumb, as I click on a thumb they stop working.
    In the code there is a function called loadGImage which loads the full size images, originally that function accepted 2 parameters, I've added a 3rd one which store the current image's index inside an array, so that I can use my buttons to call that function with index+1 for next and index-1 for prev.
    In addition to this I've added a variable which is updated everytime a full image is shown, that variable contains the image's index.
    Clicking on thumb the buttons stop working because the current image's index turns to "undefined" so they can't pass a correct value to loadGImage.
    I've checked the code of the gallery, but I can't find where is said to the thumbs to call loadGImage, if I'd found that code I could add the index parameter and my buttons would work.
    I'm sure that the thumbs call loadGImage because I've put a trace() inside the function to see when it is activated.
    Here you can find the source file of the gallery (plus some images to see how the gallery works)
    The code commented using /*   */ is the code written by me.
    Can you help me to find where the thumbs make the call to loadGImage?

    The informations about the images are read from an XML file.
    These variables will contain the informations
    _root.description = new Array();
    _root.small_image = new Array();
    _root.big_image = new Array();
    _root.total_images = 0;
    This code creates the thumbs
    function createSmall()
        _root.smallContainer.createEmptyMovieClip("smallImageContainer", 10);
        var _loc4 = 0;
        var _loc3 = 0;
        for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < _root.small_image.length; ++_loc2)
            _root.smallContainer.imageContainer.attachMovie("smallImage", "smallImage_" + _loc2, 100 + _loc2);
            m = _root.smallContainer.imageContainer["smallImage_" + _loc2];
            m._x = _loc3 * 50;
            m._y = 0;
            m.imageContainer.loadMovie(_root.small_image[_loc2], 100);
            m.iData = Array();
            m.iData.big = _root.big_image[_loc2];
            m.iData.title = _root.description[_loc2];
        } // end of for
        _root.smallImageContainer._x = 5;
        _root.smallImageContainer._y = 0;
    } // End of the function
    And this is how full size images are loaded
    function loadGImage(title, bigImgURL)
        _root.bigImage.imageContainer.loadMovie(bigImgURL, 100);
        _root.bigImage.imageContainer._x = 0;
        _root.bigImage.imageContainer._y = 0;
        _root.title.text = title;
    } // End of the function
    I've checked around the fla file, but I haven't found any code associated to the thumbs which says to call loadGImage, that's my problem, because the code itself is not hard to understand.

  • Sliding panels widget button

    I have an issue with the buttons in the Sliding Panels Widget
    after I implemented it in my page. The first time, I have to click
    a button twice in order to have it working. Has someone seen this
    problem before?

    Hi Natasa,
    If you go to e.html and right click on the page, a popup menu will appear. There you will see an item name 'view source'. By clicking on that item it will open a new window with the source code. Select all and copy the source code to your HTML editor on your own computer. There you can experiment with the code at hearts content.
    I hope this helps.
    PS. My apologies, I did not realize that this topic had already been answered.
    Message was edited by: vw2ureg

  • Create first,prev,last,next buttons

    Hi, tell me the syntax to create any one of these button(first,prev,next,last).
    Thanks in advance!

    You can create these buttons and can write your logic to query the required records, there is no such standard things provide by OA framework for this all these are custom so just create forur buttons with name as first, last nest and prev and write logic to fetch the first, last, next and previous records.
    you can make use of setCurrentRow method first set first record as current record and it will be displayed on your page after this on click of next button set next row as current row so it will display the next row on the page.
    For previous button again get previous row and set it as previous row and for lst button set last row as current row.
    I hope this is very simple to implement, let me know if anything you want to know.
    Reetesh Sharma

  • Next Set / Prev Set buttons

    I have a concert that I've set up in which each set has a patch with a Playback plugin that plays my backing trax. The next set button is configured at the concert level. but it doesn't work. I have my Playback plugin instituted at the Set level, so my footpedal on my line 6 Toneport will start/stop playback. If I put in even just an empty patch in a set, playback doesn't work, but then the next set/prev set buttons will. I've got about 50 songs in my Concert.
    St Mix

    To the Oracle Reports Team,
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