Slow performance when clustering wl8.1 throught ms iis

We have our webserver setup to load balance to multiple weblogic 8.1 instances via IIS. If the IIS service is started and one or more weblogic instances are not then response times are very slow. Once all the weblogic instances (specified in WebLogicCluster= parameter of the iisproxy.ini file) have been brought up, performance is fine. Any help to improve the initial performance and/or explanations of this problem would be greatly appreciated.

          Go through the following link and kindly follow the weblogic perfomance tunning parameters.

          ---Anilkumar kari

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    Have exact same issue on  my Windows 7 machine. Resetting preferences is a workaround.
    So I start InDesign whilst holding down these keys.
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift (Windows) or Cmd + Ctrl + Opt + Shift (Mac)
    Whilst inDesign is usable again with this fix- I have to do it every time so it trashes all my preferences so NOT GOOD long term fix. Otherwise InDesign freezes and can only be stopped by forcing a quit.
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    Kappy's Personal Suggestions for OS X Maintenance
    For disk repairs use Disk Utility.  For situations DU cannot handle the best third-party utilities are: Disk Warrior;  DW only fixes problems with the disk directory, but most disk problems are caused by directory corruption; Disk Warrior 4.x is now Intel Mac compatible. TechTool Pro provides additional repair options including file repair and recovery, system diagnostics, and disk defragmentation.  TechTool Pro 4.5.1 or higher are Intel Mac compatible;  Drive Genius is similar to TechTool Pro in terms of the various repair services provided.  Versions 1.5.1 or later are Intel Mac compatible.
    OS X performs certain maintenance functions that are scheduled to occur on a daily, weekly, or monthly period. The maintenance scripts run in the early AM only if the computer is turned on 24/7 (no sleep.) If this isn't the case, then an excellent solution is to download and install a shareware utility such as Macaroni, JAW PseudoAnacron, or Anacron that will automate the maintenance activity regardless of whether the computer is turned off or asleep.  Dependence upon third-party utilities to run the periodic maintenance scripts had been significantly reduced in Tiger and Leopard.  These utilities have limited or no functionality with Snow Leopard and should not be installed.
    OS X automatically defragments files less than 20 MBs in size, so unless you have a disk full of very large files there's little need for defragmenting the hard drive. As for virus protection there are few if any such animals affecting OS X. You can protect the computer easily using the freeware Open Source virus protection software ClamXAV. Personally I would avoid most commercial anti-virus software because of their potential for causing problems.
    I would also recommend downloading the shareware utility TinkerTool System that you can use for periodic maintenance such as removing old logfiles and archives, clearing caches, etc.  Other utilities are also available such as Onyx, Leopard Cache Cleaner, CockTail, and Xupport, for example.
    For emergency repairs install the freeware utility Applejack.  If you cannot start up in OS X, you may be able to start in single-user mode from which you can run Applejack to do a whole set of repair and maintenance routines from the commandline.  Note that AppleJack 1.5 is required for Leopard. AppleJack 1.6 is compatible with Snow Leopard.
    When you install any new system software or updates be sure to repair the hard drive and permissions beforehand. I also recommend booting into safe mode before doing system software updates.
    Get an external Firewire drive at least equal in size to the internal hard drive and make (and maintain) a bootable clone/backup. You can make a bootable clone using the Restore option of Disk Utility. You can also make and maintain clones with good backup software. My personal recommendations are (order is not significant):
    Carbon Copy Cloner
    Data Backup
    Deja Vu
    Silver Keeper
    Super Flexible File Synchronizer
    Synchronize Pro! X
    Synk Pro
    Synk Standard
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQs on maintenance, optimization, virus protection, and backup and restore.
    Additional suggestions will be found in Mac Maintenance Quick Assist.
    Referenced software can be found at CNet Downloads or MacUpdate.

  • Ridiculously Slow Performance when Movie Scoring - brand new macbook

    Hello there guys ! Sorry for my bad english, i will try to do my best.
    The title almost says it all. I have a brand new Intel Core Duo Macbook (White, 2ghz, 512 ram, I haven't added any extra ram or anything).
    The machine is blazing fast, I am really loving the experience. But when it comes to using a feature I would love to use everyday, it disappointed me. The movie score feature in Garage Band 3. So, I create a very simple movie in iMovie HD 6, capturing video from my fireware camera.
    It is a very simple video, no soundtracks, just the original sound that came with the camcorder footage. No stills, reverse, slow-motion, effects or anything. Plain video with sound, just the way it came from the camcorder.
    The problem is when creating a movie scoring project with that footage in garageband 3 , the performance is RIDICULOUSLY SLOW. I mean, I press space and the movie strats playing after 1,5 seconds, and the video is halting every other second. It is so laggy that when i press space again to stop the video, the motion continues for another 1,5 seconds until it pauses.
    There's absolutely no way to do any work in conditions like that. And the strange thing is that when using garage band to do other stuff, or when working in iMovie with that same movie there's no lag at all. I have even edited 30 minute long videos with effects and soundtracks in iMovie and it was blazing fast, no lag, no halting.
    But in Garagaband even the simplest of all videos gets this ultra-slow performance, and it makes me wonder why.
    - I have tried desabling recording on the audio track in garageband. I have tried to lock the track. I have done all the steps in the optimizing garage band performance in the help. I don't have firevault activated.
    Any help ? Does anyone have a macbook just like mine that is able of doing moving scoring ? Because EVERYTHING ELSE is ultra fast, including video and audio editing, but when movie scoring it *****.
    Apple Macbook 13inch 2.0ghz Core Duo 512 60GB White SuperDrive   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Ha! It's funny really - you say it all yourself; no extra ram, it doesn't come with enough to run Pro Apps and when you start to use the Scoring feature you are accessing two different functions - playing movies and music tracks - movies are always a stress unless they are very small and the Right Codec - so first up - what format is your movie? Do you have Quicktime Pro? if the answer is No - get it, it's not expensive and it gives your machine many extra abilities - you can then convert your footage to something easy to play.
    How many tracks are you working with?
    Get more RAM - MacIntel or MacPro needs 4-6 gigs to multi-task happily - with only the base load of RAM it can't.
    I have a DP 2 Ghz G5, no where near as fast as yours but I have 4.5 GBs of RAM and a fast graphics card with 512Mbs VRAM - this means Motion and FCP can fly.
    We are about to get a MacPro 2.66 Dual with 6 GBs RAM, essential.
    Hope this helps.

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  • Slow Performance when program was once 100% proficient

    I am working on a 2011 Macbook Pro - OS X version 10.9.5
    For over a year I have been working in Adobe Premiere Elements 11 on this computer with no issues.  Recently the program began running EXTREMELY slow - for example., taking well over an hour to render video that previously would render in only a minute or two.  Went to Apple - thinking it was my MAC - diagnostics on the MAC show the computer itself is fine.
    Purchased Premiere Elements 13 (liked the new features and offerings) and was naively hoping it would fix my slow performance issue. 
    But program is still running horribly slow.
    Any suggestions or similar issues?

    Premiere Elements 11 or 13 on Mac Computer.
    Which program do you want to troubleshoot first?
    Let us assume Premiere Elements 11....
    1. Edit Menu/Preferences/Scratch Disk
    Where are the Scratch Disk pointing and how much free space is at that location
    Please assure a clean up of any pile ups of any preview files (Adobe Premiere Elements Previews File Folder), conformed audio files (Media Cache Files Folder), and conformed audio (best cleaned out through Edit Menu/Preferences/Media and the Media Cache Database area Clean button.
    2. Download, install, and run the free ccleaner.
    3. How much installed RAM does you computer have? Are your source media stored on external hard drive (with the appropriate formatting for Mac)?
    4. Does the information in online articles such as the following make any impact on your situation?
    Seven ways to free up drive space | Macworld
    Let us start here and then decide what next.
    I am strictly and Elements Windows user who tries to find common ground between Premiere Elements Windows and Mac to address some of these issue. So, I am
    not all that great on Mac locations. Please help me translate from Windows to Mac if necessary.
    We will be watching for your results.

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    256GB SSD  it shipped with will run low and one of the things to watch.
    Default memory is 12GB  also something to think about.
    D500 and FCP-X 10.1+
    Five models of 2013 Mac Pro running Resolve, FCPX, After Effects, Photoshop, and Aperture

  • Slow performance when moving bunch of vector shapes

    Hi there,
    Photoshop CS6 Beta is soo slow in comparison to Photoshop CS5 when moving lots of vector layers. Check the videoa below please:
    CS6 -
    CS5 -
    - GPU Settings Enabled in both
    - GeForce GTX 560, latest drivers
    - i7 3,4 GHz, 16GB RAM
    Why CS6 is so slow in this situation?
    EDIT:  I found the Problem comes form the Layer Palete. Take a look how changing the tabs form Layers to Channels affect the moving performance :
    This have to be fixed, as in more complex files this will be huge problem..

    Nothing peculiar at all. Normal text laters.
    Each field have subgroups with info - Overall lots of layers there, but in CS5 no problem to move them.
    Still can't understand why I can move all of these better when layer palete is not displayed.
    Test file -
    Please test it on CS5 (you will notice how smooth it is) and CS6 on both try to switch between layers palete and channels palete and try to move to see the difference. Move whole group named "Form",
    Please let me know if I can help with something else to define the problem.
    /I'm using Windows 7 x64, Photoshop CS6 beta x64/
    Thank you!
    Message was edited by: Simeon Kartov

  • Is this slow performance when importing CD's into iTunes ?

    My new iMac 20" arrived this weekend. Since then I've been getting acquainted, being new to Macs. I wanted to build up my iTunes library, so I grabbed a box of my CDs and began importing them one by one. I was expecting my new iMac to really fly through them after reading the reviews of how much faster the new Core 2 Duo are over previous iMacs. I remember a table of stats in the MacWorld reviews, and for iTunes test, these machines were clocked at under 2 minutes for whatever it was they ripped in iTunes. YMMV certainly applies, but I was setting my expectation that my iMac could rip a CD in 2 - 3 minutes.
    Umm, my experience is way off that. In fact, I would say my iMac took about as long to rip a CD as my 7 year old Dell PC with 256 MB of mem and a first gen Pent 5.
    I decided to pick a CD and time how long it takes to import on my iMac, then take same CD and time how long it takes to import into iTunes on his new PC.
    CD - Rush, Moving Pictures, 7 songs, 39.8 min, 403.1 MB
    Encoding - AAC, 192 kbps
    My rig - iMac 20", 2 GB RAM, 256 MB VRAM, Core 2 Duo and 250 HB with latest version of OS X
    My son's rig - intel D955xbklkr socket 775 atx mobo, intel pentium D840 3.2 GHz processor, Corsair twinx pc5400 DDR2 667 Mhz mem ( 2 x 1024 mb ), HD - Seagate 250 GB SATA2 7K with 16 MB buffer, Pioneer DVR-111D DVD burner, and XFX 7600GS extreme graphics card, Win XP Pro, SP2 ( we built this beast with gaming in mind, with his own money ) * the CPU and memory are NOT overclocked and no other tweaks. just build it, install it and run it.
    The results:
    iMac - 7 minutes
    PC - 2 minutes
    I ran the import twice on each machine and came up with the same results.
    Neither machine was running anything else at the time.
    Granted there are some differences between the machines that should account for some differences, especially on the hard drive, with SATA2 and a nice 16 MB cache ( it's one sweet HD ) on the PC, but this difference is huge. We're not talking 20, 40 or 60 % faster on the PC. This was > 3x faster, so basically over 300% faster.
    Anyone have an idea ? Without digging into the specs, I'd say the DVD drives should be able to read equally fast, the Core 2 Duo 2.1 GHz with 4 MB cache should be equal if not superior to the older, D 820 3.2 GHz, the memory is the same speed, but I'm not sure about system bus speed on the P C ( 800 MHz ? ). Graphics cards don't factor into this equation, but the HD probably plays a big role, and I think the Seagate in my son's PC has the iMac beat hands down.
    What are other iMac C2D owners seeing for average import times ?

    When you say your superdrive rips, the import speeds are typically around 20x, what encoding method and bit rate are you using ?
    I imported another CD and watched for what import speed numbers were displayed. Routinely, they hovered around 8x and sometimes up to 12 or 13x, but never higher. I was told by someone at our local user's group meeting that ripping at AAC 192kbps was a double-pass, I think that was the words they used, and therefore slower. ( Many members thought 7 minutes to rip was typical ) I'm not so sure if that means the drive will only spin at half it's rated max speed ? Anyway, I walked over to my son's PC with the CD and ripped it at AAC 192kbps to his iTunes library. The numbers I saw were from 18x to frequently 23, 24 and sometimes briefly to about 26x. His drive has a max of 40x. By my reasoning, anything that would cause iTunes to rip this CD at a slower speed, whether due to the encoding rate or the CD's surface condition, should affect both computers equally, yes ? Yet the drive on the PC performed on average at twice the rate of the iMac. I think it's safe to say the rip speed is comfortably within the operating margins of both drives.
    I'm not yet fully convinced this is normal for an iMac. My CD are in excellent shape. I'm the only one who uses them and I handle them with about as much care as the old audiofiles used to when they handled their vinyl LPs ( well, at least not as far as wearing cotton gloves and sweeping the dust off ). Most of them have absolutely no visible scratches or oily finger prints on their surfaces. I might experiment and see what rates I get if I use MP3 or a lower bit rate for AAC.

  • Mac SLOW performance when backing up

    Whenever my mac is backing up over wifi to my Time Capsule the performance is terrible! Everything is just SO slow - switching windows, opening programs, sending email everthing!!!!
    So to combat this i click 'Stop Backing Up'. Then everthing is back to normal
    But low and behold in a few minutes it attempts another back up!!!! Grrrr
    1) Is there a way to combat this performance degradation?
    2) OR schedule back ups for evenings or when i want??!
    I use my mac all day long for work and it's having a real impact on my productivity. I could just turn the Time Capsule OFF but that would just defeat the object of backing up. I just know i'd forget to turn it on again.
    I'm beginning to get really sick of seeing those spinning arrows!! >:(

    Nothing improper with backing up manually. I can't understand why users (except in special circumstances) would want to constantly backup. Do a manual backup when you go the sleep. Just turn TM off and select it from the TM icon top file menu.

  • Slow performance when not plugged in with charger : please help

    My recently purchased Macbook pro is and everything is as i excpected and works like a dream
    That is until i disconnect the charger and suddenly everything gets incrediby clunky and slow?
    i understand after some research that the performance will drop slightly when not connect to charger but it suddenly becomes unworkable and is incredably frustrating to the point where its almost useless.
    I have hardly any programmes installed still have over 470Gb free on hard drive
    i have run tests through the utility function with no faults reported but cant seem to solve the issue
    Has anybody else experienced this? are there any quick fixes or will i have to make the journey to the apple store to get it looked at ??
    thanks for reading i would really apreciate some help

    Hello there, LaruaGalliers.
    The following Knowledge Base article provides some great troubleshooting steps for your issue:
    iPhone and iPod touch: Charging the battery
    Battery does not charge
    Verify that the outlet being used is working.
    Try another USB power adapter if available.
    If no other USB power adapter is available, try connecting to a high-power USB 2.0 port (not a keyboard). The computer must be turned on and not in sleep or standby mode.
    Try another USB cable if available.
    iPhone or iPod touch displays the low-battery image and is unresponsive
    If you see the image below, charge the iPhone or iPod touch with USB power adapter for at least 15 minutes.    
    You should see this image when iPhone or iPod touch begins to charge:
    If the screen still displays the low-battery icon, try turning the iPhone or iPod touch off and then on again.
    If the issue persists, follow these troubleshooting steps.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • Very slow performance when assigning value to a form item

    Dear all,
    I have an add-on form that contains 30 text edits. I did not creat the from with screen painter but positioned them by marking each item's top and left position in the new sub.
    I have named them as 'edBox1', 'edBox2'......, 'edBox30'
    At a point I need to assign value to each edit text, I have queried the content from DB into one recordset. However, when I start to assign values to each edit text, the performance became very slow.
    my code is as follow
    me.form.items.item("edBox1").Specific.String = recordset.field.item(0).value.tostring
    me.form.items.item("edBox30").Specific.String = recordset.field.item(29).value.tostring
    I found that B1 seem to iterate each item on the form in order to find the item I specified.
    so I think I should specificy items earler.
    Now for each item I dim an object for it at new sub
    Dim oedBox1 As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
    Dim oedBox30 As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
    and while creating forms, I specificy each item to the matched object
    Then I assign values to items by
    oedBox1.String = recRetrive.Fields.Item(0).Value.ToString
    oedBox30.String = recRetrive.Fields.Item(29).Value.ToString
    However, B1 still iterates to find the item and the performance is still slow, does anyone has a better solution to this issue? please kindly advise.
    Thank you
    Edited by: Chih-Peng Chen on Dec 17, 2007 8:42 AM

    Hi Chen,
    you can find one example under SDK samples which will guide on using datasources
    Bind the controls to dbdataource and then query the datasource.
    then update form using oForm.Update(),this will automatically fill the values in all edit boxes and it will be very fast as well
    Hope it helps you

  • Slow performance when reading a system matrix

    I have written a program for sbo 6.5 which reads the matrix in sales order processing which contains the lines of the sales order.
    The program works fine but if the user enters in a large order of over say 50 items the system is quite slow reading all the lines. The more lines in the order the slower it gets. I was thinking about performing an sql query but this won't work when someone enters a new order as the order will not be written to the file
    I am simply looping through the lines of the matrix reading the fields I need on each line
    Can anyone suggest a way of speeding this up please
    Regards Andy

    Have you checked the 'SAP Business One UI API 6.5 Performance Tips'?
    It says:
    "Updating and getting values of form items is more efficient when you access the item via its bound UserDataSource object instead of its properties. This is especially true for matrixes containing many items.
    To get matrix data, call the GetLineData(Row) method and Value property of the UserDataSource.Value bound to the column."
    Depending on how you loop, and what you do while looping, Form.Freeze(True/False) might help, too.
    HTH Juha

  • Extremely slow performance when external drives are plugged in.

    I've had lots of freezing issues during startup just recently. After a lot of messing around I removed an iOmega Firewire HDD that was constantly plugged in and the freezing issues have gone. Great! But as I tried to plug it back into my machine once everything had loaded up, the machine became unusably slow.
    I've also tried plugging in USB drives, like my iPhone, camera and memory stick and it has the same effect.
    Anyone else had this same problem or any ideas how to fix it?

    *"I've also tried plugging in USB drives, like my iPhone, camera and memory stick and it has the same effect."*
    How much free space on the startup disk? Might be an underlying issue ...
    Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon. Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see Capacity and Available. *Make sure you always have a minimum of 10% to 15% free disk space at all times.*
    If you need to free up space on the startup disk go here.
    If free space is not an issue, then boot from your install disc and run Disk Utility.
    Insert Installer disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    *(Check S.M.A.R.T Status of HDD at the bottom of right panel. It should say: Verified)*
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    When you are finished with DU, from the Menu Bar, select Utilities/Startup Manager.
    Select your start up disk and click Restart

  • Slow Performance when 800 edits applied....

    I have a close friend that told me today that he's applied 800 edits to a single photo and now it takes about 3 minutes to perform any additional edits. He's using a current model 17" MacBook Pro with 8GB RAM. What can be done to accelerate performance in this situation?

    Stop me if you've heard this one before...
    A man goes to a doctor and says "Doctor, it hurts when I move my arm like this."
    The doctor says: "Then stop moving your arm like that."
    Most of my images just have a small handful of tweaks. I can count them on my fingers. I have had some edits where I wanted to touch up skin (e.g. diminish scars, etc.) and those required quite a few more edits. I can envision needing several dozen edits in some severe cases. But that's about it.
    If the number of edits on a single image can't be expressed as a 1 or 2 digit number, this should be a red flag that there is likely a better approach.
    You have to ask yourself if you really need those 800 edits? ALL of them? REALLY??
    If you share a bit about what sorts of edits your friend is performing, we might suggest an alternate approach which, not only would eliminate the performance problems, it would likely save your friend a LOT of time. Some types of edits are much better handled outside Aperture or by using a plug-in.
    Earlier I mentioned the use of edits to touch up skin (diminish or eliminate scarring, etc..) If someone were to have poor skin that would require extensive editing, there are plug-ins that can create clear-skin with a lot less work (e.g. Portraiture 2 by Imagenomic does this.)
    At this point, we don't have enough information to be able to suggest an alternative, so I just gave one example. Keep in mind that the way Aperture functions -- in order to do non-destructive RAW workflow, Aperture doesn't ever apply an edit to an image directly. It loads the un-altered image, then reads the (very) long list of adjustments and applies them "on the fly" to result in the finished look. 800 "on the fly" edits keeps Aperture very busy. So the performance is COMPLETELY to be expected -- no surprise there. You can "flatten" the edits by telling Aperture to create a new "version" (it'll save a copy of the image with all edits applied.) which will massively improve performance (and set the Aperture preferences to create a stack whenever you create new versions -- it's in the Aperture -> Preferences panel.)
    Even still, 800 is well beyond the norm and I'm thinking there's probably an easier way to achieve the desired effect.

Maybe you are looking for

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