Slow picture albums

Apple Tv2.0 is very slow on picture album list scrolling. Sporadically can wait a dozen seconds and then reacts. Also very slow in showing the pictures, playing the music stops for a while and picture freezes. After a few moments (several seconds...) continues changing the picture.
20 thousand pictures in a couple of hundred folders. Fully synced to the apple tv (deleted everything and synced, took a loong time).
This used to work well in Apple TV 1.0 with exact same hardware.

Winston is right. I have about 23000 images in my iPhoto, all synced to the AppleTV. After a big synch, my AppleTV can be downright sluggish and ornery for a while. A reboot really speeds it back up. All that practice of rebooting an old Windows machine once a day has paid off.

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    The page linked below details how to go about exporting images from Photos.
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    All my best,

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    Data/Library/Caches/ folder
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    Hello Suzanil3726,
    It sounds like you would like to open another tab in Safari without closing the ones you already have open. The + symbol you are looking for to open another tab is in the upper right hand corner in Safari on the iPad using iOS 7.
    From: iPad User Guide
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the best,

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