Snow Leopard Single User Box Set

Currently I have three accounts on my iMac: 1 for me and my wife, and 1 each for my two boys. Would I be able to do the same if I upgrade with Snow Leopard Single User Box Set or do I need to buy the family pack?
Thank you.

Hi hawsink: The box set is only required when upgrading separate computers. It isn't required when upgrading a single computer.
Hope this helps

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    This can happen if that computer had been sitting on the shelf for a month or more.
    Therefore, no Snow Leopard in the box.
    I would take it back where you bought it when you can and they should give you the Snow Leopard.
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    If you are going to upgrade from Tiger to Snow Leopard, then I recommend doing a clean install. You can backup your current system to an external drive which I strongly recommend, but that has nothing to do with your RAM (memory.) The error refers to the amount of RAM installed in your computer which I'm guessing is only 512 MBs while Snow Leopard requires a minimum of 1 GB. And, I would recommend installing the maximum your model supports which should be at least 2 GBs. This all assumes your iMac is an Intel model.
    Open System Profiler in the Utilities folder and report what you see displayed for the Model Identifier.
    BTW, please post using mixed case. All upper case is the equivalent of shouting, and it's harder to read than mixed case.

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    A single user license means you can only use it on one Mac.
    Before disposing of your present one (there are also some folks who might like it) you should clean it. Then, you are free to install OS 10.5 on your new one.
    The proper way to "clean" a computer before selling it is to zero the hard drive. This will make all your data irretrievable.
    Steps for zeroing the drive Disk Utility:
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    2. Once started up from CD or DVD, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu.
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from disc to access Disk Utility.
    3. Choose the entire disk (top icon).
    4. Choose erase tab.
    5. Click on Options
    6. Choose "write zeros".
    7. Erase
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      Thanks for the feedback. Here's the second way.
    While logged into the newly created admin account, backup the bad account's folder, delete the bad account, selecting the save data option (which is stored in /Users/Deleted Users/ as a disk image), recreate the bad account using the same username/password combo, log out and back into the recreated original account. If the problem's solved, open the saved data dmg file in /Users/Deleted Users/, open the /Library/Preferences/ folder from the saved data, open the current /Users/restored account/Library/Preferences/ folder, and slowly copy plist files from the saved data folder to the current one that don't exist in it. Log out and back in to ensure there's no conflict and things still work correctly. Resolving conflicts or identifying corrupt plist files is a laborious process.

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    Hi Erica,
    To be honest, I often wait until 10.x.1 to upgrade (usually, as was the case for 10.6, the .1 update comes out fairly soon after the upgrade release). Many 'pros' wait as well, at least on their production machine. Some have multiple Macs and upgrade just one at first, or install the new OS on a separate partition, or on a backup clone, etc. This time, I actually upgraded to 10.6 a couple of days after it was released. All was smooth except for one issue - it seems there's a 10.6 problem with 802.1X authentication, a security protocol used by many corporate (and some university) Wi-Fi networks. Not sure how widespread, but people in our IT department noticed it as well. So, to be able to connect to wireless at work, I rolled back to 10.5.8 (an easy process, since I keep bootable clones as backups). Other than that one specific issue, I found 10.6 to be solid, and the upgrade itself was easy and pretty fast.
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    [Here is a thread describing a successful upgrade install from Tiger to Sno.|] And, here are my thoughts about moving from Tiger to Sno. I recommend that you use the upgrade method if your Tiger install is a very good one. Otherwise, I would do an erase and install. The backup process I would use in either case is described below.
    Your Mac must meet [these general requirements|]. I would not upgrade to SL unless I had an external drive with a bootable clone of my internal-drive boot volume on it. I think that there is enough risk upgrading to SL that such conservatism is warranted. I would not use time machine for an installation backup; I don't trust it enough. If you do not like SL, then you can restore your internal using the clone. In doing an upgrade install, the clone is your data backup and fail-safe device. You can clone with Disk Utility, SuperDuper, or Carbon Copy Cloner. If you do an erase and install, then the clone also is your migration medium.
    An upgrade install is performed by installing over your existing installation from the desktop or having started from your SL DVD. Doing so requires you to have a GUID partition. To proceed, start the installer, choose your language, start Disk Utility, make sure your partition is GUID, quit disk utility if it is and continue your installation. All your data, users settings, and apps will be present after your upgrade, except that incompatible programs will be archived in the Incompatible Software folder. It the partition is not GUID, then you will have to do an erase and install.
    If you do an erase and install, then make sure your partition is GUID as described above. After you install, then you will be able to use set up assistant to migrate you data, apps, users, and settings to your new SL install. Also, if you have to make your partition GUID, then your drive will automatically be erased Mac extended (journaled). Finally, post back if you choose to do an erase and install. I have more info to provide.
    You probably will want to install at least two of the optional install items on your Sno DVD, Rosetta and QT7. You can install either from the Optional Install Items folder on your on SL install DVD.
    Leave your Ethernet cable, if any, in place when installing, but unplug all peripherals except those needed to install.

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    I want to upgrade from Tiger (10.4.11) to Snow Leopard.
    I understand that I must purchase the Mac Box Set.
    No, that is not necessary. It has been much-discussed here, but there's no difference in the license between the single-user box set and the $29 single-user copy of SL. It's exactly the same OS with exactly the same terms of use. The box set is recommended as "the best way" to upgrade, according to the Apple Store, because it will update old copies of iLife and iWork that may not be very SL-savvy.
    I want to upgrade one imac which has four user accounts on the one imac.
    The number of user accounts is not controlled by the license. You can have one user or fifteen, for all Apple cares. It would be more accurate to call the "single-user" copy of SL the "single-machine" copy. The license controls how many different machines you can run it on. The 5-user box allows you to run on 5 machines.

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    Double posting the same question is a good way to confuse everyone. I suggest you close at least one of these.
    See your other posting for my reply.

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    Martin Pace wrote:
    I thought paragraph 2.C. was pretty darn clear that the upgrade version required a properly licensed version of Leopard to be installed on the computer.
    Think about it. If this paragraph applied to the retail version of Snow Leopard, then the Box Set would not meet the license requirements for Tiger owners either, +since the Box Set does not include a licensed version of Leopard+.
    As already explained (& really pretty clear from the wording of the paragraph itself), 2.C applies to those who have purchased +Leopard Upgrade+ licenses, for instance through the now expired Snow Leopard Up-to-Date program. There is no mention whatsoever of Tiger in that paragraph or in any other of the EULA, nor is there any mention of Tiger or even "upgrade" on the retail version's packaging.
    As paragraph 2A should make clear, the EULA covers three different types of licenses, each with is own requirements. Users who bought the Up-to-Date disc know who they are -- they had to submit documentation directly to Apple to qualify for the offer, & the disc they get is clearly marked "Upgrade" to distinguish it from the retail disc, which is marked "Install DVD." The retail disc comes in retail packaging; the upgrade discs do not. The upgrade discs also have different wording printed on them regarding restricted reuse, resale, etc. They are bound to the specific Mac (or Macs, for the Family Pack Leopard upgrades) that qualified them for the offer, just like the original system discs are bound to the specific Mac they come with. By "bound" I mean that none of these discs can legally be bought or sold independently of those Mac(s). Retail discs are different: they are not bound to any specific Mac, but of course still require an appropriate license to use them.

  • Tiger to Snow Leopard upgrade/drive reformat/data backup

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    1. If I'm planning to upgrade from 10.4 to 10.6, is creating a disk image even a viable option? Or would that reverse the upgrade completely?
    Another thing I wanted to do, since I'm installing the upgrade, is to reformat the hard drive of my MacBook. I purchased the Mac Box Set 10.6.3-INT product #MC680Z/A.
    2. Is this upgrade something that I will have to install while my MacBook is in its current state (v10.4.11, no reformatted HD)? Or, if I go into Disk Utility and erase/reformat the drive prior to 10.6.3 install, will I be able to install snow leopard from the box set I ordered as I would be able to reinstall Tiger from the Install disks that came with the computer?

    I strongly suggest getting another ext HD, large enough to accommodate all your stuff and put a bootable backup/clone onto it before proceeding. Then, boot into it and ensure that it works and looks like the original. There's no reason to erase and reformat the MB's HD. That's so windoze-centric. Forget it. Then you can install on either. Leave disk images to banish from your head, they're basically useless in this scenario. With the boxed set, install Snow Leopard, install iLife and iWork, run Software Update, repair permissions, and restart. After running for a week or so, update the backup/clone with your new OS.

  • Upgrade: Tiger to Snow leopard gone wrong...

    I am trying to upgrade my iMac from Tiger (latest version) to Snow Leopard with the box set. The upgrade goes as far as completing the loading of Snow, but then the rainbow pinwheel of infinity starts spinning in a blank screen, and nothing further happens.
    I called the tech line and was told to erase my HD and start from scratch (the tech was obviously not very interested in trying to solve the problem rather than giving me a quick fix). I don't WANT to do that - defeats the purpose of an UPGRADE. If I did, I would have stayed with a PC. Where's the wonderful Apple superiority???
    I made a backup with the backup program in Tiger (the umbrella-icon program), but am not sure it has everything I need and want, and even if it does, will it load in Leopard? The tech said I could reload Tiger and yada yada yada, with no real intention of helping me through the process. He was NOT very helpful at all (my first bad experience with an Apple tech).
    So, currently my iMac is down for the count. Any ideas as to why SL wouldn't load completely or run? Would having a printer and an Airport hooked up mess things up? And any suggestions as to what I do now (other than track down someone at Apple to scream at and demand a refund)?
    Thanks for any ideas

    Rita, there are a bazillion things that could have gone wrong and maybe the AppleCare tech was just interested in getting you off the phone with the easiest and quickest solution. Then again, if/when we finally get this sorted out you may wish you had done exactly that Having performed hundreds of upgrades (no exaggeration, I'm a tech) I've not seen too many failures and those that have been brought to me typically involved outdated software that crashed the system, various hardware issues, and software still installed that should have been removed (so called haxies).
    Since I wasn't there to watch SL install I'm going to assume for the moment that it installed normally. Restart your computer and then immediately hold down the left shift key. This is a safe boot. The three main things that Safe Boot will do is to perform a directory check of your hard drive, erase some cache files (which might be the cause of your problem), and it will not load some drivers and non-Apple startup items (which also might be the cause). (If you don't have automatic log-in turned on, after you select your account and type in your password press the shift key again so the startup items won't load.) Safe Boot isn't a normal startup so don't be surprised that you cannot go online, print, or do some other things. This is for diagnostics only.
    If your computer successfully gets to the Finder, immediately restart as normal and see what happens. If it beachballs again, restart in safe mode and once it gets to the Finder, open the System Preferences and remove all the startup items from your account because one of them may be the problem. Then try restarting again.
    Your backup program is Backup (which version I don't know) and I think it was part of the MobileMe package. It isn't the best backup solution in the world but it does save the important data.

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    You can't change an account from IMAP to POP, but you could delete the account and re-create it as a POP account, if that is an option. (Why do you think you'll be able to switch to POP if that wasn't an option when setting up the account in the first place?) With IMAP, the mail should still be stored on the server, so you won't need to worry about backing it up before deleting the account. The one exception would be if you have set the Trash or Sent boxes associated with that account to not store mail on the server, in which case you'd need to back them up if you want to keep them.
    However, I'd recommend trying IMAP... in my opinion, it's far superior to POP, especially if you think you might ever want to view your mail from some other device.

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