So many scores?!?

Long time lurker first time poster!
So I decided at the age of 31 with a wife and a 6 year old that it is time to grow up and take control of my credit. I finally graduated college and started graduate school. I also finally have a very good job that pays quite will for the first time in my life. So the wife and I are starting to look at houses to get our son into a better school district. I decided to pull my scores and TS came in at 604 and the other two were 584 and 568. Not a huge shock because of my past negligent attitude.
I currently have a repossession on my record that has been settled but is obviously still there and I have two paid judgements which I know hurt. Again I was never really concerned with any of that stuff but times have changed! I decided to get a secured card with Navy Federal, my mom put me as an authorized user on her Home Depot card so it is a start. Now because of this excellent forum I decided to sign up for the myfico 3B ultimate program. However, I have no idea where to begin with these scores. I get that mortgage lenders use a different score but myfico report shows a mortgage score on all three bureaus for three different FICO scores! One says the FICO 2 score and another says FICO 4 score and lastly the FICO 5 score. I have no idea where to begin but I am really dedicated to joining everyone in the 700 club!

AppleInc wrote:
Long time lurker first time poster!
So I decided at the age of 31 with a wife and a 6 year old that it is time to grow up and take control of my credit. I finally graduated college and started graduate school. I also finally have a very good job that pays quite will for the first time in my life. So the wife and I are starting to look at houses to get our son into a better school district. I decided to pull my scores and TS came in at 604 and the other two were 584 and 568. Not a huge shock because of my past negligent attitude.
I currently have a repossession on my record that has been settled but is obviously still there You need to begin a GW letter campaign to the reporting creditor asking for removal of the TL. I have two paid judgements which I know hurt. Check and see if you can get the judgments vacated on grounds they have been paid, in some states this is possible you can goto the laws governing the civil court system and find what reasons a judgment can be vacated, The judgment may not be in the same state you love in so the laws of the state where it was granted would apply.Again I was never really concerned with any of that stuff but times have changed! I decided to get a secured card with Navy Federal, my mom put me as an authorized user on her Home Depot card so it is a start. Good start now you need to obtain at minimum 2 more in your own name ASAP to drive your Fico score even if they have to be secured. I would first try the Cap-1 prequal page and see if anything comes up there for you, even if nothing shows and you have not burned Cap-1 in the last year try for the platinum. because of this excellent forum I decided to sign up for the myfico 3B ultimate program. However, I have no idea where to begin with these scores. I get that mortgage lenders use a different score but myfico report shows a mortgage score on all three bureaus for three different FICO scores! One says the FICO 2 score and another says FICO 4 score and lastly the FICO 5 score. I have no idea where to begin but I am really dedicated to joining everyone in the 700 club!Good luck in your rebuilding journey and welcome to My Fico

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    Jeremy.Osborne wrote:
    I have set up a chart just like yours with the intervals (60-100) on the left and on the right I have no idea what to do.  Do I enter that code into each box? Right now it looks like:
    =INDEX(FREQUENCY(Scores, I have no idea what to put here)
    in my response, I gave you the expression I used to build the frequency table. It was:
    =INDEX(FREQUENCY(Data :: A,A),ROW()-1)
    If you build a document exactly as the one I illustrated, the same expression will work for you. If you use a different table name, you will have to adjust the reference.
    Regarding the COUNTIFS function, you must read carefully the syntax defined in the Function Browser or the Formulas and Functions user guide and follow it to the letter.

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                   FileReader ifile = new FileReader("listOfHighScores.txt");
                   BufferedReader bufStream = new BufferedReader(ifile);
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                   String positionTen = bufStream.readLine();
              catch (IOException e)
                        (null, "AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED");
         }It's the actual inputting the data into a 2D array thats proving rather difficult for me. I'm looking into using String Tokenizer to split up the lines of the text file which looks as follows but after reading several text books am still puzzled as to how it actually works:
    300 James
    290 Bob
    280 Gareth
    270 Steve
    260 Nick
    250 Fred
    240 Ryan
    230 Ross
    220 Liam
    210 Jay
    Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated!
    Many Thanks.

    Thanks for all your replies.
    What is this single array of custom objects you speak
    of? I can't find any reference to it in any of the
    text books i'm using.You have a score and a name, right? By custom object, I just meant make your own class:
    public class Score implements Comparable
       private int score;
       private String name;
       public Score(String theName, int theScore)
          name = theName;
          score = theScore;
       public String getName() { ... }
       public int getScore() { ... }
       public int compareTo(Object otherScore) { ... }
        // setName, setScore if you need them
    }Then make an array:
    Score [] scores = new Score[10];Then sort by score using (Arrays is "java.util.Arrays"):
    Arrays.sort(scores);If you don't know how many scores you might have, make a List such as ArrayList, add the scores to it, then use "Collections.sort(scores);" instead of "Arrays.sort(scores);".

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    hi Christian
    about "perhaps a way to import a dependency on a project in another application without having to actually add that project to the application would be a solution."
    Maybe a scenario like this could fit (part of) your needs:
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       String uname;
        int theScore;
        int noScores = 0;
        int [] scores;
         public highScores()
                   FileReader gamers = new FileReader( "Gamers.txt" );
                  BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( gamers );
                  String stringRead = br.readLine( );
                  while( stringRead != null )
                        StringTokenizer st = new
                              StringTokenizer( stringRead, "," );
                      String uname = st.nextToken( );
                      theScore = Integer.parseInt( st.nextToken( ) );
                      noScores = noScores + 1;
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                              scores[i] = theScore;
                    System.out.println("" + uname + "," + theScore);
                      stringRead = br.readLine( );
                   br.close( );
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                        System.out.println("" + scores);
              catch( IOException ioe )
              ioe.printStackTrace( );
    //file im reading from (Gamers.txt)
    Press any key to continue . . .

    Why are you creating the score array inside he while loop? What's that for? It looks like it's for all the scores, but if you have 3 lines, then you're creating 3 different scores arrays--one with 1 element, 1 with 2 elements, and 1 with 3 elements.
    For all but the last one, you're creating it, populating the last element, then throwing it away.
    For the last one, you create it, populate the last element (leaving the first three with their default value of 0) and then that's what gets printed.
    When you have this kind of problem, print out a bunch of relevant stuff (and even some stuff that you think is not relevant) at each step of the way, so ou can see what your code is doing. Yout THINK you know what it's doing, but obviously you're mistaken. If you can't figure it out from staring at it, then you'll have to let the code itself tell you what's really going on.
    You'll have to create the array before you start the while loop, which means you'll have to know ahead of time how many scores you have, or know some maximum that you could possibly have and make it big enough to hold that many.
    Or,instead of an array, you couse use a List, such as java.util.ArrayList.

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  • How many new accounts before I start getting denied for an auto loan in Oct? (Fico 8 score 820)

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    connect4dots wrote:
    Fico 8 Score: 820AAoA 9 years. 30+ accounts (more than half closed). Oldest Account: 25 years.Clean report,. 0 lates/negatives. Thinking about doing an auto-loan in October. I understand its ideal to wait for 6+ months. But worst case I'll just wait another couple months or just buy my car outright. But to get a better idea and understanding of how far I can push this. Given my score and history, how many new accounts before I start running into trouble? I applied for 2 new CC so far. I'm going to APP for another 1-2. So in October this is what my inquires will look like: (4 new inquiries)Hard Inquires with past 6 months: EXP: 2-3. EQ- 0,  TU: 1-2  Hard Inquiries older than 1 year: EXP: 3, TU:2, EQ: 1 3-4 New accounts that are 3 months old: What do you guys think? Always appreciate everyone's advice and input, Thank you!!!Not sure the answer're my hero.

  • Total up scores in many scenes

    Hi there.
    I'm trying to make a very simple flash game for my college project. The players will get 1 point each time they click on certain object. I've created 3 scenes and each of the scene has score value. I want to total up the score at Scene3. FYI, I use:
    1st Action Script add this to the variables frame: = 00;
    2nd Action Script add this to each of the hit sections in the Action Script frame: = Number (total) +1;
    My question is, how to add up the scores from Scene 1,2 & 3? What script should I use? Thanks in advance

    if you use in each of your scenes, it will store a running sum.  so, just use:

  • Score - Intel or 7.2 issues - a cry for help!!

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    Now I have to print out some more scores - owning Logic 'Pro' should mean I don't have to buy Sibelius -I know how lovely it is and how musicians complain with parts printed out from Logic but I can put up with that - at least I can put the scores into page edit and print from there - but NO! Page edit doesn't work! Is this just Intel/7.2? Yet again I'm away from my trusty G5 and getting sick with desperation and anger - my hair is getting greyer by the second and I feel Apple don't give a hoot - can any of you help me, please?
    G5 Dual 2Ghz + MBPro Dual 1.83   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   though I may dust off C-Lab's Notator and my old Atari

    there are minor issues with score in 7.2.1 (for god's sake make sure that you are on that and not 7.2). but page edit not working is not one of them. i have been doing a very detailed score all morning in 7.2.1.
    what you might need to do is make sure that in view you have "print view" activated. BUT you should be aware that there is a layout tool problem using "print view" in 7.2.1. that is, if you are trying to move bars down in pages beyond page 1 or on a tiled page, it won't work. turning off "print view" will allow you to make the layout adjustment and then you can switch print view back on.
    so when you turn print view on what happens?

  • Many problems & bugs in Nokia E72 (in hope that n...

    customer version 022.007.c00.01
    1 - With the rapid entry phone you are calling from the keyboard greatly delayed the mapping already established figures in the 4-position and can not see them, it seems that they are not entered - is confusion and a false entry of unnecessary repetition of digits;
    2 - phone when sending a picture from the gallery blutus include, includes, but is then himself after sending a single picture does not turn off, the phone is to be done manually;
    3 - sound in headphones bad, mid whistles and littering the entire spectrum, low frequencies are very blurred and poorly monitored;
    4 - In the navigation menu does not have a key "to level up, making it difficult to navigate;
    5 - not clear where to look for a note via PC-Suite? The instruction does not say;
    6 - in PC-Suite is not possible to search files by name;
    7 - at a fast call from phone books through the recruitment of the first letters of the name is not possible to change the input mode keys Shift + Symbol, but only through a long way in the menu;
    8 - to create a record and immediately deleted it. Since, from the phone book, then went and removed the same from the list of outgoing calls. Then navozmozhno call by dialing from the keyboard and then pressing konpki call, call button does not work! From the book to make a call, too, is not possible, the phone call did not quite, although the axis of lives and everything else works. One corrects rebooting the device, the button properties, too, does not react with the newly dialed number impossible to preserve not call him;
    9 - when calling the number drops the message there is no active call forwarding and do not see that if the subscriber you dialed, and when it disappears, then the call is held and end late;
    10 - no timer in principle;
    11 - when you try to save the number by clicking "properties" the first thing the drop down menu to call, and not save. If I wanted to call, then pressed a button to call, and not to have climbed it in the menu / properties / call;
    12 - if you take pictures of the camera and leave it on over the period of time greater than the time left in the slip-mode, the camera then waking overloaded;
    13 - if you open any application and received a call, do not know whether or not he finished as the main screen - the screen applications, and call hidden underneath;
    14 - quite meager manual, not even a keyboard shortcut to quickly switch the language of the text in the letter, and in general there is not any useful information;
    13 - frmat. Mxm not understand (view only);
    14 - does not turn off light sensor completely, apparently due to a real reduction in operating time compared to 71 in order to somehow save the battery;
    15 - time compared to the 71st model actually is less than 30 percent;
    16 - absolutely stupid organizer which was omitted, no important meeting - did not work;
    17 - if the score number USSD-request to zapisnushku and bind it to the shortcut, you then reset the USSD-response can only rebooting system, not the other way does not get rid of the white screen remains after the response USSD;
    18 - not well thought out compartments and pull out the frozen hands the phone from him the first time is difficult;
    19 - no pulling on a tab that can be drawn from the coffer machine, have it shakes out in the palm several times by ladnoni just filler;
    20 - by changing the language from Russian into English strays time format, have to constantly manually edit mm.dd.gggg;
    21 - bad and very inconvenient open hatch for USB, the frost can easily come off and not only from the cold, there are wild strain rubberized mount that's amazing;
    22 - to browse through the gallery can not be scaled to any knopkaim the keyboard, but only on the side of the "+" or "-" that is not very convenient holding device with two hands, you can let fly from his hands, while the right thumb rests comfortably just on klavmshah + and - is the keyboard, that's GPS-navgatsii are responsible for it and the buttons # * - there is no uniformity in all the menus;
    23 - if you dial a number and then save it, then it is not clear, choose "mobile" Do not overwrite the old existing "mobile"?;
    24 - if you went into editing the contact and accidentally erased at least one phone only enter numbers and do not remember what it was, then there is no rollback capability - the number is lost forever!
    25 - when you unlock the keypad, if it was not blocked, includes loading the camera and mynum few seconds without giving the possibility to refuse loading;
    26 - when you hover the camera flashing object matrix goes to reboot and you see the bright pink spot.
    27 - not possible to rename the notes;
    28 - very stupid organized management of play-lists in the player;
    29 - in some menus have a button "EXIT" vnizhnem right corner, and some not - is not clear, minimizes application in memory when you press the "hang up call," or closed;
    30 - when aging browser constantly throws at nokiyskie links, which I never needed, I do not use them, so why should I force them to shove?
    31 - once he put the phone in the wardrobe trunk is not blocked and spontaneously joined the lamp hour phone warmed up and put much vaunted battery to zero, an important call failed to do so;
    32 - is not convenient to switch the keyboard layout through the Shift-Sybm, it would be better done, as in the windows - Ctrl = shift;
    33 - not vozmzhno disable "dilin-ldilin" when you start the vehicle and at the same time leave your warning signals;
    34 - how to remember password for Wi-Fi-network using Wi-Fi network by default - need to copy and paste from your notes in the query box each time you connect!
    35 - how to swap 2 phone's address book within a contact?
    36 - not clear when the output from an application hang, and when the "exit";
    37 - the reminders only call for the first time, follow just blinks. If you did not hear the first and only call reminders and phone in your pocket, you can not find a reminder of the time;
    38 - lower limit of adjustment of the sound very loud in the silence;
    39 - if you do not put the value "before" which raspolozhenino catfish in the far corner of settings in the reminder, do not ring a chime and never know that the set. By umlchaniyu datas setting is "OFF";
    40 - in time clock to write 08 instead of just 8, and then the phone might think that we place on vosembdesyat (80) hours, any blunt fields to fill in gray, who browsed through double-clicking, and filled with extremely rare;
    41 - does not work in auto-focus camera, then it misses;
    42 - "zzzuudit" the speaker on the volume is above average from the date of purchase of the apparatus;
    43 - very slippery plastic side surfaces (between the ends of the battery cover and edging the front panel) and frozen hands slipping from the hands;
    44 - during a call, if you press the button "negative volume", the sound disappears completely and can not understand why not hear the interlocutor;
    45 - While listening to the radio in silence can not subtract the volume by 1 level, silno loudly yelling miinmume volume;
    46 - Dumb in the cross-cutting tabs no scrolling through the ring - not very convenient, for example, calls not vozmozhnsti browse directly to the "delivery report", and in nekororyh is - there is no uniformity vgnutri all menus;
    47 - sometimes sticks position sensor and reset the alarm or call turning the phone down zhkranom fails, only if it knocked on his fist;
    48 - in the title notes, it is impossible to put only the first word, there is different climbs More nonsense from the following text, is treated only by repeated pressing the space bar on the first line until the line does not end the string, "enter" does not help;
    49 - not a "connection manager" to select and connect a network of Wi-Fi, but only through the menu, a manager can only look on and off - not very ergonomically!
    50 - Glare surface of a metallic edge and glass display
    51 - memory leaks & apps hangs

    The stability of the phone has improved with the latest firmware. There are less fatal crashes requiring the removal of the battery to recover.
    There are just too many faults and limitations remaining that annoy me on a daily basis.
    Email client is very slow to download attached images (17kB jpg can take several minutes or fail completely).
    Access points need to be "fudged" using a 3rd party app (which is part of the new firmware) to get mildly reasonable connectivity but it still asks to connect at every opportunity.
    The E72 bluetooth (BT) only works with car kits supporting streaming audio over bluetooth. This renders the Nokia SatNav client 'mute' and therefore useless in many cars with buit-in BT.
    The E72 is on a 2yr contract but I was so fed up that I bought an Android phone which seems pretty good - the basics work perfectly. 

  • Up a score of one insert swf in captivate

    I do not control many variables in captivate and wanted to know how to do the following scenario:
    I realize a quiz of 10 questions via captivate I want to know the score at the end.
    When the student answers correctly, before moving on to the other question it accesses a swf animation style is a penalty shootout game where he will be able scored 1 point if he succeeded. I will wish that this score is accumulated each time the learner brand appraisse the final result screen on a line other than the result of the quiz. For only the score against questions ascend to lms. What line of code do I insert in my swf file so that captivate retrieves the score via the swf animation?

    That means the file path or link to the original file has been broken.   Apply the two fixes below in order as needed: 
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Since only one option can be run at a time start with Option #3, followed by #4 and then #1 as needed.
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    2 - click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    3 - Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option.
    4 - In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    5 - Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments.  However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

  • I paid down a card to zero and my score dropped 18 points

    Hi and welcome! You need to keep balances low (1-9% util) on credit cards and other revolving credit. High outstanding debt can affect a score.  Too much use of credit shows you may need more that you can handle, not good. Not enough use of credit does not demonstrate that you can use credit responsibly, also not good. It is a balance - show you can manage that balance and you will be rewarded. All revolving accounts reporting a 0 balance results in a Fico score decrease. Read up, take it all in, there are many answers in the following post, after that if you need calrification and/or still have questions, ask away!

    tufa4311 wrote:
    Bostonia wrote:
    WOW!! i did not know that little trick, thats wy, my scores has been so slow in rising up, is becouse i paid in full before the statement cus off,and always reported 0 balance, also recently closed a CC account with zero balance, and my scores dropped a lots points, so from now one i willlet report some small balance Hooray!!! i have learned so much from this forum, and each time i log in i learn somenthingnew and beneficial for my financial life!! thank you all for the greatest financial advices!!! you guys are awesome!!! Yes, ensure that not only you let report 1-9%, but also important, only let ONE of your credit lines report anything at all. No matter how many credit lines you have, only let one report a balance of 1-9%. You can and should rinse and repeat for your other credit lines. One billing cycle let Credit Card A report, next cycle let credit card B report. This is unnecessary and needlessly complicates things as cards seldom all report at the same time. Just pick one card and allow it to be your "reporter". By switching cards each month you can end up with periods between the cards reporting dates where either both are reporting a balance or neither is reporting a balance. That causes your scores to bounce around. So, wait until your statement cuts - when the statement is cut is when the reporting is done to the credit agencies, then before your due date pay in FULL so as not to incur any interest. Then start on your next credit line. Remember, it's not that you never want to pay in full, it's that you do not want to pay in full BEFORE the credit card reports. If you wait past the due date then you will incur interst. Also, note, you can use as many cards as you like with as high balance as you like during the billing cycle as long as when the reporting gets done you only have one line reporting 1-9%. Reporting to the credit agencies is not done daily, just once per billing cycle. If you know when your statement cuts, and you can ask them, then you know when you need to clean things up with your balances before it cuts/reports. 

  • Advice on what plan to signup for MYFICO score for mortgage

    I had mortgage lender pull scores in April im around 600 on all 3 reports need about 40 pts ive sinve done some two pfd on collections opened a CC, reports the last two months i my question is i want to monitor my ficoscores but i need the same scores my mortgage lender used..fico ver 2 for EXP.Fico classic 4 for Transand Fico classic v5 for there any plan myfico offers that i can monitor these specific fico scores monthly? Not a one time score when i sign up i need them to update me monthly so i know when im good to qualify and do a preapproval with broker....sorry if this is confusion it is to me, i thought was just one credit score im learning so much about credit these last few monthsThanks

    kinzey wrote:
    ive sinve done some two pfd on collections opened a CCDid you consult with your mortgage lender before doing this?  Standard advice is no new credit 6 months to 1 year prior to a mortgage but what your lender is specifically looking for is what really matters. kinzey wrote:
    is there any plan myfico offers that i can monitor these specific fico scores monthly?kinzey wrote:
    i thought was just one credit score im learning so much about credit these last few monthsDon't overlook the Understanding FICO Scoring subforum and its stickies as they address both of these. additional scores are included when buying "3-Report View" from myFICO, or can be viewed free once yearly when buying monthly monitoring service  (details here).

  • How to add Score and Timer in Adobe flash

    Hi guys I am making a android game. I am new in actionscript programming and i can't find to get this right.
    I need to have a score and timer in this game >>>
    It should have coins for adding the score and a countdown timer for it's gaming time.
    When the countdown timer goes to zero. The game stops then the stage will remove the game scene then a new layer will pop up with the total score in it.
    Please help me guys
    I am nowhere close to getting this right.

    There are many ways to do countdown timer. Here are two examples to countdown from 60 seconds to zero. Theoretically they should work the same, but practically not always. Since heavy processing can slow down frame rate and hence method #2 will not be accurate. Really depends on your need.
    #1, using Timer class
    var delay:Number = 1000; //the delay between timer events, in milliseconds.
    var remainingTime:int = 60;
    var countDownTimer:Timer = new Timer(DELAY);
    countDownTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countDownUpdate);
    function countDownUpdate(evt:TimerEvent):void{
         //1 second passed, do something
         if(remainingTime == 0){
              //60 seconds passed, do something
              countDownTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countDownUpdate);
    #2, using onEnterFrame event
    var frameCount:int= 0;
    var remainingTime:int = 60;
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, countDownEnterFrame);
    function countDownEnterFrame(e:Event):void{
         if(frameCount == Stage.frameRate){
              //1 second passed, do something
              frameCount = 0;
              if(remainingTime == 0){
                   //60 seconds passed, do something
                   countDownTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countDownUpdate);
    As for your score part. It really depends on what exactly you're looking for. There are a lot of ways to do it, and for each way to do it there are even more methods to implement it. Maybe you can try to describe in more details of what you have in mind, so people can help you easier. Don't worry if one method doesn't work for you, since there are so many ways to do things in Flash with AS3. Good luck

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