SOA Web Service xsd Schema Creation

I want to create WebService with input Parameter as Dept Id and return data from emp table.
eg. AFTER passing Input Dept Id = 20 WebService should RETURN below data.
7369     SMITH     CLERK     7902     17-Dec-80     800          20
7566     JONES     MANAGER     7839     2-Apr-81     2975          20
7788     SCOTT     ANALYST     7566     9-Dec-82     3000          20
7876     ADAMS     CLERK     7788     12-Jan-83     1100          20
7902     FORD     ANALYST     7566     3-Dec-81     3000          20
I created DB Adapter. However i could not create xsd schema for mapping.
Could you please help me out how to create schema for multiple rows data.

You should be able to use the following XSD for mapping.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
<xsd:complexType name="Request">
<xsd:element name="deptID" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:complexType name="Response">
<xsd:element name="empNo" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="eName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="job" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="Mgr" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="hireDate" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="sal" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="comm" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="deptNo" type="xsd:string"/>

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    what are EAI, SOA, WEB Services??
    are they same?? are they depend on each other or different?
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    I think web services is one solution. But what are other solutions if anybody can suggest?
    also, what solutions were used to solve this problem before webservices??
    please give your views!!
    thanking you in advance.

    You can find the answer here:
    Guy - Java transaction manager software
    Visit the transactions expert community forum on

  • Getting SOAException while calling SOA web service via pl/sql procedure

    Hi All,
    I created a 'Helloworld' BPEL process and successfuly deployed it. I tested it in the WLS and it is working. Now I wrote a pl/sql procedure which calls this 'HelloWorld' bpel process. When ran this procedure it throw me an error
    GetPayload: resp3 IS NULL
    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Web Service</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>Bad Request</H1><PRE>javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Error parsing envelope: most likely due to an invalid SOAP message.: Unexpected character &#39;&#60;&#39; &#40;code 60&#41; excepted space, or &
    #62;&#39; or &#34;/&#62;&#34;
    at [row,col {unknown&#45;source}]: [1,120]</PRE></BODY></HTML>
    null response
    GetPayload: resp3 IS NULL
    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Web Service</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>Bad Request</H1><PRE>javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Error parsing envelope: most likely due to an invalid SOAP message.: Unexpected character &#39;&#60;&#39; &#40;code 60&#41; excepted space, or &
    #62;&#39; or &#34;/&#62;&#34;
    at [row,col {unknown&#45;source}]: [1,120]</PRE></BODY></HTML>
    null response
    Please suggest.
    WSDL -
    procedure code is as below:
    Create or Replace FUNCTION GetPayload(
    p_Payload IN VARCHAR2)
    soap_request VARCHAR2(30000);
    soap_respond VARCHAR2(30000);
    http_req UTL_HTTP.REQ;
    http_resp UTL_HTTP.RESP;
    resp XMLTYPE;
    response VARCHAR2(30000) := '';
    l_detail VARCHAR2(30000);
    i INTEGER;
    l_xsl_nonamespace VARCHAR2(640) := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:template match="comment()|processing-instruction()|/"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates/> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="*"> <xsl:element name="{local-name()}"> <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/> </xsl:element> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="@*"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="name() != ''xmlns''"> <xsl:attribute name="{local-name()}"> <xsl:value-of select="."/> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:when> </xsl:choose> </xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>';
    namespace VARCHAR2(128) := 'xmlns:ns1="';
    endpoint VARCHAR2(128) := '';
    soap_request:= '<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>'||'<SOAP-ENV:Envelope '||'xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""'||'<SOAP-ENV:Body>'||'<'||namespace||'>'||'<ProcessRequest>'||'<input'||namespace||'>'||p_Payload||'</input>'||'</ProcessRequest>'||'</SOAP-ENV:Body>'||'</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>';
    http_req := utl_http.begin_request( endpoint, 'POST', 'HTTP/1.1');
    utl_http.set_header(http_req , 'Content-Type' , 'text/xml');
    -- dealing with plain text in XML documents
    utl_http.set_header(http_req , 'Content-Length' , lengthb(soap_request));
    utl_http.set_header(http_req , 'SOAPAction' , 'process'); -- required to specify a SOAP communication
    utl_http.write_text(http_req, soap_request);
    http_resp := utl_http.get_response(http_req);
    utl_http.read_text(http_resp, soap_respond);
    resp:= XMLType.createXML(soap_respond);
    IF (instr(resp.getStringVal(), 'ERROR:') > 0)THEN
    raise_application_error ( -20999, 'GetHelloWorldPayload: Failed! '||p_Payload);
    END IF;
    resp := resp.extract('/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/child::node()' , 'xmlns:soap=""' );
    -- Remove namespaces
    SELECT XMLTransform(resp, xmlType(l_xsl_nonamespace)) INTO resp FROM dual;
    -- resp := resp.extract('/ProcessResponse/child::node()', 'xmlns:ns1="');
    IF (resp IS NULL)THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('GetPayload: resp3 IS NULL');
    dbms_output.put_line('GetPayload: resp3 ' ||resp.getStringVal());
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line(SUBSTR(soap_respond,1+ i*255,250));
    i := i+1;
    IF i*250> LENGTH(soap_respond) THEN
    END IF;
    IF (resp IS NULL)THEN
    response := 'null response';
    response := REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( resp.getStringVal(), '<', '<') , '>', '>') , '"', '"');
    END IF;
    RETURN response;
    END GetPayload;

    vladodias thanks for the reply. I went through the link before also but i am not comfortable with the utl_dbws that's why i am following utl_http.
    I also changed my procedure now i am not getting any error but it is not printing the output as well. New procedure is as below.
    I tried 'set serveroutput on size 1000000;' also but still not working.
    Create or Replace FUNCTION GetPayload(
    p_Payload IN VARCHAR2)
    soap_request VARCHAR2(30000);
    soap_respond VARCHAR2(30000);
    http_req UTL_HTTP.REQ;
    http_resp UTL_HTTP.RESP;
    resp XMLTYPE;
    response VARCHAR2(30000) := '';
    l_detail VARCHAR2(30000);
    i INTEGER;
    l_xsl_nonamespace VARCHAR2(3000) := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
    <xsl:template match="comment()|processing-instruction()|/">
    <xsl:template match="*">
    <xsl:element name="{local-name()}">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
    <xsl:template match="@*">
    <xsl:when test="name() != ''xmlns''">
    <xsl:attribute name="{local-name()}">
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
    namespace VARCHAR2(128) := 'xmlns:ns1="';
    endpoint VARCHAR2(128) := '';
    soap_request:= '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:bpel="">
    http_req := utl_http.begin_request( endpoint, 'POST', 'HTTP/1.1');
    utl_http.set_header(http_req , 'Content-Type' , 'text/xml');
    -- dealing with plain text in XML documents
    utl_http.set_header(http_req , 'Content-Length' , lengthb(soap_request));
    utl_http.set_header(http_req , 'SOAPAction' , 'process'); -- required to specify a SOAP communication
    utl_http.write_text(http_req, soap_request);
    http_resp := utl_http.get_response(http_req);
    utl_http.read_text(http_resp, soap_respond);
    resp:= XMLType.createXML(soap_respond);
    IF (instr(resp.getStringVal(), 'ERROR:') > 0)THEN
    raise_application_error ( -20999, 'GetHelloWorldPayload: Failed! '||p_Payload);
    END IF;
    resp := resp.extract('/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/child::node()' , 'xmlns:soap=""' );
    -- Remove namespaces
    SELECT XMLTransform(resp, xmlType(l_xsl_nonamespace)) INTO resp FROM dual;
    -- resp := resp.extract('/ProcessResponse/child::node()', 'xmlns:ns1="');
    IF (resp IS NULL)THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('GetPayload: resp3 IS NULL');
    dbms_output.put_line('GetPayload: resp3 ' ||resp.getStringVal());
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line(SUBSTR(soap_respond,1+ i*255,250));
    i := i+1;
    IF i*250> LENGTH(soap_respond) THEN
    END IF;
    IF (resp IS NULL)THEN
    response := 'null response';
    response := REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( resp.getStringVal(), '<', '<') , '>', '>') , '"', '"');
    END IF;
    RETURN response;
    END GetPayload;

  • Difficulty in a Oracle SOA web-service with 2 message parts

    I am developing a web-service which should take 2 inputs - a string and a datetime. Also I have an xsd which I am importing into the wsdl to define the message elements.
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    Option-1: Bundle these 2 input parameters into a single complex type in the xsd and then expose this complex-type as a single message part in the input message element. The wsdl operation tag then looks something like this:
    +<wsdl:message name="RetrieveLoVRecordsRequest">+
    +<wsdl:part name="part1" element="inp1:LoVInput"/>
    Option-2: Put these both these simple-types (the string & datetime inputs) in separate message parts. So wsdl operation looks like:
    +<wsdl:message name="RetrieveLoVRecordsRequest">+
    +<wsdl:part name="part1" element="inp1:LoVName"/>+
    +<wsdl:part name="part2" element="inp1:LoVEffectiveDate"/>+
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    The web-service works fine in option-1. But for strange reason does not work correctly for option-2.
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    The 2^nd^ problem (which the main problem now) was that the web-service now started failing complaining about xsl transformation in the mediator
    +ORAMED-01201:[Error in transform operation]Error occurred while transforming payload using "{0}" for target part "{1}".Possible Fix:Review the XSL or source payload. Either the XSL defined does not match with the payload or payload is invalid.+
    Strangely I have correctly mapped the input & output parameters and the xsl is very simple having the 2 input parameters on the left being mapped to 2 corresponding parameters for the SQL where clause.
    And when I went to the EM dashboard to inspect the failure, the input payload did not show any input being passed to the xsl transform in the mediator. This is how the input looks
    +<property name="tracking.compositeInstanceId" value="80053"/>+
    +<property name="tracking.ecid" value="f2d97d6a53d56c9f:-58326bb8:13e15e68aab:-8000-000000000000113d"/>+
    +<property name="transport.http.remoteAddress" value=""/>+
    As you see above, the parts tag is blank; where it should contain part1 & part2
    To summarise, when I add an RPC/literal binding to the WSDL the input to the wsdl seems to get chopped off !
    Looking fwd to your help.
    Edited by: Sudripta on Apr 17, 2013 8:55 PM
    Edited by: Sudripta on Apr 17, 2013 9:05 PM

    Hi Boatseller,
    I will put this in simple way.
    Can we set properties in biztalk wcf_custom adaptor like 
    1. <security authenticationMode="UserNameOverTransport" 
    2. enableUnsecuredResponse="True" 
    3. <textMessageEncoding
    I am unable to find these properties in BizTalk wcf_custom adaptor properties. It will be great help if you could guide me in right direction . My problem is to receive response message into orchestration which is not having header. But the response is coming
    from web service. I saw that in fiddler.
    Also, If there is any steps to make these properties available in machine config, please share 
    Thanks in advance

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    load orderXML
    using xmlText = orderRequest
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    which has been generated by a XML Schema.
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    message to the Web Service (through the http Web
    Service Tester inside eclipse), I can send any valid
    XML without getting a SOAP fault. Is there a way on
    the Web Service that I want the XML submitted to be
    validated against the XML Schema for that parameter?
    Bit surprised I have to implement my own input
    argument validation, and there doesn't appear to be a
    standard way to do this. I must be missing soemthing
    surely? Why else would the Schema be in the WSDL?
    JohnHas anyone found an answer to this, we have the same issue?

  • About SOA/Web Service performance

    is there any material or usful about ORACLE SOA performance solution?
    e.g. webservice performance.

    I'm not sure from your description but it sounds to me like the Web Service should be implemented as a eInsight Business Process (BP) which delegates to the JCD to do the heavy work, if any. This way each SOAP request can be handled by a separate instance of the BP. Otherwise, if the JCD is implemented as a externally callable Web Service, then the SOAP requests would be processed serially by a single instance of the JCD.
    Assuming that you have the SOAP->BP->JCD->QUEUE arrangment, you should consider these other tuning factors:
    - Business Process Max Concurrent Instances to handle requests in its eInsight Engine
    - eInsight Engine
    ---Receive Timeout
    --- Work Item Submit Limit
    ---Invocation Allocation Ratio
    ---No persistence unless essential
    ---- if you need it also consider Application Mode = Multiple
    ---- tune the database
    --- No monitoring unless essential
    - Integration Server
    --- HTTP Listerner Acceptor Threads and/or Virtual Servers
    --- Thread Pool Min and Max Size and Timeout (use asadmin to configure)
    --- JVM Heap Space
    There is no magic algorithm. I'd recommend that you configure the Integration Server so that you can use JConsole to monitor it and then use SoapUI to do the performance testing.

  • [推荐] SOA & Web Service 精华文章收集

    揭示 SOA 的暗面
    Security in a Web Services World: A Proposed Architecture and Roadmap
    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services: The Road to Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
    Understanding Web Services specifications, Part 1: SOAP
    Asynchronous operations and Web services, Part 1
    Asynchronous operations and Web services, Part 2
    实施WebService Security[WS-Security1.0]的Encrypt和Sign模式(XFire+WSS4J)
    在SpringSide实现XFire Webservice认证
    Really Simple Asynchronous Web Services,10801,79698,00.html
    Deploy SOA applications in Apache Geronimo using XMLBeans
    SDO 2.0:创建和读取基于 XML 模式的 XML 文档
    使用SAML Token进行身份验证,第二部分
    Understanding Web Services Policy
    Understanding WS-Security
    Understanding WSDL
    WS-Addressing 简介

    版主大哥,怎么没有weblogic9.2 的基础教程阿?

  • SOAPUI to Test SOA Web Services

    When we create a WSDL project and provides the WSDL url in relevant box in SOAPUI, it tries to fetch all the relevant artifacts locally to create the request and response. But in case of Oracle SOA, if the XSD's or Abstract wsdls are placed in Metadata Store (MDS --> oramds:/app/customer,xsd), understandably SOAPUI fails to fetch those artifacts hence unable to load the service client.
    Is there any workaround for this.
    Thanks in Advance

    Rather than using the developed WSDL file to create the SoapUI project, create the SoapUI project from the WSDL URL on the server (MDS) for the endpoint. You can get this in the /em console. If the composite has already been deployed then in /em navigate to the composite and click the 'Show WSDL and endpoint URI' icon. This will give you a WSDL URL with referential integrity that you can use to create the SoapUI project.
    If you've only deployed the WSDL resource to MDS then you can still get to the WSDL via it's URL. You can use any other composite deployed to the server, go to it's WSDL (as per previous) and within this WSDL use the abstract WSDL URL & just change the section of the URI that comes after the composite version number to the path to the resource you have deployed and want to use to create the SoapUi project.
    Hope this helps.

  • A simple web service security scheme

    I've been doing some prototyping for a public web service. Because some of the operations involve confidential data, I'm particularly concerned with ensuring that I have a reasonable security scheme in place. At the same time I want to ensure the broadest possible access to my service, regardless of web platform or environment that clients may use.
    I took a look at the security schemes of some big web service providers and tried to concoct something that is at least as secure in the context of JAX-WS 2.0. The prototype is spread across a few posts in my blog:
    Any and all feedback is appreciated. Thanks.

    I am getting the same error as describes in this thread.
    How can i solve this error.
    Message was edited by:

  • XML Beans in Web Services / .xsd compilation

    Hello friends -
    I've been told of many wonderful things that can be accomplished by using XML
    beans in web service style integrations. However, I'm running into trouble actually
    getting anything done and was hoping someone could give me a few pointers. I'm
    trying to work inside Workshop 8.1 with the BEA server (i.e., not platform)
    - Documentation seems to reference the ability to compile an .xsd in order to
    get an XML Bean class representing your XML. However, I cannot find anything
    telling me how to do this. Is this supported in Workshop?
    - I'm only showing some classes referenced in the XML Beans Javadoc area as available
    inside my workshop IDE. For example, com.bea.xml.XmlBeans is not available.
    Is this a result of me using Server as opposed to the more complete Platform
    - Does anyone have a simple example .jws that utilizes a XML bean as an input
    or output? If so, I'd love to see it.
    Thanks so much.

    I thought passing XMLs was supported using SOAP. In this case, the XML data in the SOAP body is type "string" and the namespace of the XML inside separates it from the rest of the SOAP package. Can I do the same with...say... Web Dynpro where the WSDL is used to generate proxy classes. How do I add a namespace in the SOAP header so that I can add the XML in the body?
    I propose that life would be much easier if a datatype called XML, or some option before the WSDL is imported to create proxy classes is available which creates a wrapper for adding XML data. Far fetched...but can be done. Whats you opinion?
    Nirav Mehta

  • IDOC or Web service for Vendor creation/updation from XI to R/3

    We have a scenario whereby the vendor master details in R/3 need to be created/updated by the data sent from XI. We are on XI 3.0 and R/3 ECC5.
    The options that we need to analyse best suiting the requirement are whether to use Web Service or whether to use IDOC.
    I am not very experienced in the usage of Web Service so it will be very helpful if you could please help me with the scenario build up and how it will update the records in R/3.
    From the point of view of the IDOC usage, the standard IDOC CREMAS03 is available to update the Vendor master data whereby the data is sent to XI in XML format and the data is mapped to IDOC structure and pushed out to R/3. I have checked the SDN forums and there have been discussions baout certain settings that need to be configured first to enable this IDOC scenario.
    Can you please help me in analysing which option to go for and what are the pros and cons of both and the complexity of implementation and if there are any rerequisites that need to be met for either option?
    Please advice.

    Thanks for the suggestions and I personnaly favour the IDOC. However, the solution is not only looking at creating new Vendors in the R/3 system but also looking at updating the existing Vendors with the incoming data form the 3rd party.
    Can the same standard IDOC create and update the vendors or do I need to look at 2 different IDOCs?
    There will be a daily polling of data files via XI. The file format is going to be .txt and will be comma seperated.
    Is there any way of checking in XI itself the file duplication before transferring the data to R/3 as and when the files are received?
    On R/3 side, we were currently thinking of going forward with ABAP proxy which can create IDOC and then send the mail or somehow inform the business that some data was incorrect and therefore the IDOC's were not created for them or should we do it via RFC?
    We will also go forward with the custom table contianing the file names received till now to check for the sequence serial number.
    Please advice.

  • Create an Alias in SICF for SOA Web Services

    We have various Enterprise Web Services (SOAP) which are available via URLs which look like this:
    Whenever we change the interface (changing the Function Modules) we have to create a new Enterprise Web Service (and config and binding...) in SOAMANAGER and this is not only tedious but it means a new URL.
    We would like to have a fixed URL pointing to the latest version of the service. Something like:
    When we create such an alias in SICF and point it to the above path and binding it does not work. We get a 500 error with the following response:
    HTTP/1.1 500 SRT: Unexpected failure in SOAP processing occurred: ("No Web service configuration for this access path: "/zws/serviceX"")
    content-type: text/html
    content-length: 0
    server: SAP NetWeaver Application Server / ABAP 731
    Can anyone explain this message, or suggest a solution?

    You'd get a different message if the address was already taken. The error you are experiencing has been reported numerous times, but I would assume that it was intermittent or we'd be hearing a lot more about it than we do. I'm afraid your only options are to try from time to time, or to attempt to navigate the shoals of the iCloud support system and ask them whether they can fix it.
    To contact  Support: if you currently happen to have AppleCare, either because you recently bought Apple hardware or have paid to extend the inititial period, you can contact them here:
    You will need the serial number of the covered hardware.
    If you are not covered by AppleCare, then - in common with other free email services - there is no free support and you may be asked to pay a fee - if so you should point out that this problem is their fault and you shouldn't be charged.

  • Error in Web service creation in CRM 7 Ehp1

    I am trying to define a web service  for the creation of letter templates in CRM 7 Ehp1 system
    using the WS_DESIGN_TOOL .But it is giving me error.
    The component GDCOIC ,Root object GDCOIRoot, does not have the key structure defined .
    So the system does not allows me selection of attribute Virtual Object for IC Web(GDCOIRoot).
    Can someone give me a head start as in what could be done ?
    Thanks ,

    issue resolved:)
    version issue..
    SAP NOTE (0001584041 Creating service object from GDCOIC component impossible) implemented.

  • JDev web service client proxy: Issue with XSD:anySimpleType

    One of our Web services XSD elementss has "anySimpleType" as the type:
    <xsd:element name="Value" type="xsd:anySimpleType" minOccurs="0" nillable="true"/>
    The client proxy is generated using JDev We observed that the corresponding Java object is created with "String" data type:
    protected java.lang.String value;
    We need to be able to pass arguments with other simple types as well (E.g. Decimal). We tried changing the auto generated code, but weren't successful.
    Any pointers in this regard are much appreciated.

    Hi all,
    can anyone please respond to my issue. Its sort of urgent.

  • Web service data control based on SOA flow

    I have an ADF application developed with JDev This application uses some web service data controls based on a SOA flow that receives a complex data type as an input parameter and also returns a collection of complex data type.
    I have a page that has some comboboxes boundto the input parameters for the flow, a button that is bound to an operation exposed by the web service and a table binded to the return of the web service.
    The problem is that when i press the button, multiple instances of the SOA web services are created.
    Can you please help with this problem?

    Are you executing the method programatically from bean? Can elaborate on what you mean by
    The problem is that when i press the button, multiple instances of the SOA web services are created. Also, check out this blog on executing the method programatically by constructing the parameters to be passed.

Maybe you are looking for