SOLUTION: LR2 Develop Module Keyboard Shortcuts

Quick access to Develop and Library module adjustments via your keyboard number pad. You'll need to use this script.
>; --------------------------------------------------
; Gordon's Lightroom 2.0 Shortcuts Aug-11 2008
; Use numpad to perform certain develop and library functions.
; This effectively disables the number pad for digit entry
; (except 5 and 0) please use the main keyboard instead.
; Left/Right - Prev or Next photo
; Up/Down - Exposure
; Minus/Plus - Fill Light
; Page Up/Dn - Contrast
; Home/End - Color Temperature
; Div/Mult - Color Tint
; Enter - Paste Previous
; Dot (Delete) - AutoTone
; F9 Library Module
; F10 Develop Module
; F11 Slideshow Module
; F12 Web Module
#IfWinActive, Lightroom
F9::Send ^!1
F10::Send ^!2
F11::Send ^!3
F12::Send ^!4
#IfWinActive, Lightroom - Develop
numpad4:: Send ^{Left}
numpad6:: Send ^{Right}
numpad8:: lrdAdd(09)
numpad2:: lrdSub(09)
NumpadAdd:: lrdAdd(11)
NumpadSub:: lrdSub(11)
numpad9:: lrdAdd(14)
numpad3:: lrdSub(14)
numpad7:: lrdAdd(04)
numpad1:: lrdSub(04)
NumPadMult:: lrdAdd(05)
NumPadDiv:: lrdSub(05)
NumPadDot:: Send ^u
NumPadEnter:: Send ^!v
lrdAdd(delta) {
instance := lrGetControl( Static, "Treatment :", delta )
ControlClick, Static%instance%
Send {=}
lrdSub(delta) {
instance := lrGetControl( Static, "Treatment :", delta )
ControlClick, Static%instance%
Send {-}
#IfWinActive, Lightroom - Library
numpad4:: Send ^{Left}
numpad6:: Send ^{Right}
numpad8:: lrlClick(03)
numpad2:: lrlClick(02)
NumpadAdd:: lrlClick(11)
NumpadSub:: lrlClick(10)
numpad9:: lrlClick(23)
numpad3:: lrlClick(22)
numpad7:: lrlClick(-6)
numpad1:: lrlClick(-7)
NumPadMult:: lrlClick(-2)
NumPadDiv:: lrlClick(-3)
NumPadDot:: Send ^u
NumPadEnter::Send ^!v
lrlClick(delta) {
instance := lrGetControl( Button, "Auto Tone", delta )
ControlSend, Button%instance%, {SPACE}, ahk_class AgWinMainFrame
; Fetch the Control Instance using Type, Title, and Instance Delta
lrGetControl( type, title, delta ) {
WinGet, ActiveControlList, ControlList, ahk_class AgWinMainFrame
Loop, Parse, ActiveControlList, `n
IfInString, A_LoopField, %type%
ControlGetText, text, %A_LoopField%
IfInString, text, %title%
StringMid, controlbase, A_LoopField, 7
controlbase := controlbase + delta
return %controlbase%
return 999999
; End

Performance enhancement with caching:
>; ----------------------------------------
; Gordon's Lightroom 2.0 Shortcuts Aug-12 2008
; Use numpad to perform certain develop and library functions.
; This effectively disables the number pad for digit entry
; (except 5 and 0) please use the main keyboard instead.
; Left/Right - Prev or Next photo
; Up/Down - Exposure
; Minus/Plus - Fill Light
; Page Up/Dn - Contrast
; Home/End - Color Temperature
; Div/Mult - Color Tint
; Enter - Paste Previous
; Dot (Delete) - AutoTone
; F9 Library Module
; F10 Develop Module
; F11 Slideshow Module
; F12 Web Module
#IfWinActive, Lightroom
F9::Send ^!1
F10::Send ^!2
F11::Send ^!3
F12::Send ^!4
#IfWinActive, Lightroom - Develop
numpad4:: Send ^{Left}
numpad6:: Send ^{Right}
numpad8:: lrdAdd(09)
numpad2:: lrdSub(09)
NumpadAdd:: lrdAdd(11)
NumpadSub:: lrdSub(11)
numpad9:: lrdAdd(14)
numpad3:: lrdSub(14)
numpad7:: lrdAdd(04)
numpad1:: lrdSub(04)
NumPadMult:: lrdAdd(05)
NumPadDiv:: lrdSub(05)
NumPadDot:: Send ^u
NumPadEnter:: Send ^!v
lrdAdd(delta) {
instance := lrGetControl( Static, "Treatment :", delta )
ControlClick, Static%instance%
Send {=}
lrdSub(delta) {
instance := lrGetControl( Static, "Treatment :", delta )
ControlClick, Static%instance%
Send {-}
#IfWinActive, Lightroom - Library
numpad4:: Send ^{Left}
numpad6:: Send ^{Right}
numpad8:: lrlClick(03)
numpad2:: lrlClick(02)
NumpadAdd:: lrlClick(11)
NumpadSub:: lrlClick(10)
numpad9:: lrlClick(23)
numpad3:: lrlClick(22)
numpad7:: lrlClick(-6)
numpad1:: lrlClick(-7)
NumPadMult:: lrlClick(-2)
NumPadDiv:: lrlClick(-3)
NumPadDot:: Send ^u
NumPadEnter::Send ^!v
lrlClick(delta) {
instance := lrGetControl( Button, "Auto Tone", delta )
ControlSend, Button%instance%, {SPACE}, ahk_class AgWinMainFrame
; Fetch the Control Instance using Type, Title, and Instance Delta
lrGetControl( type, title, delta ) {
global lrLastControlBase, lrLastTitle, lrLastDelta
if (lrLastTitle = title and lrLastDelta = delta)
; Cached! Saves time.
return lrLastControlBase
WinGet, ActiveControlList, ControlList, ahk_class AgWinMainFrame
Loop, Parse, ActiveControlList, `n
IfInString, A_LoopField, %type%
ControlGetText, text, %A_LoopField%
IfInString, text, %title%
StringMid, controlbase, A_LoopField, 7
controlbase := controlbase + delta
lrLastControlBase := controlbase
lrLastTitle := title
lrLastDelta := delta
return %controlbase%
return 999999
; End

Similar Messages

  • SOLUTION: LR2 Develop/Library Keyboard Shortcuts

    For windows users - this is the latest update to my keyboard shortcuts for Library and Develop module. It has improved performance through caching.
    Quick access to Develop and Library module adjustments via your keyboard number pad. You'll need to use this script.
    >; ----------------------------------------
    ; Gordon's Lightroom 2.0 Shortcuts Aug-22 2008
    ; Use numpad to perform certain develop and library functions.
    ; This effectively disables the number pad for digit entry
    ; (except 5 and 0) please use the main keyboard instead.
    ; Left/Right - Prev or Next photo
    ; Up/Down - Exposure
    ; Minus/Plus - Fill Light
    ; Page Up/Dn - Contrast
    ; Home/End - Color Temperature
    ; Div/Mult - Color Tint
    ; Enter - Paste Previous
    ; Dot (Delete) - AutoTone
    ; F9 Library Module
    ; F10 Develop Module
    ; F11 Slideshow Module
    ; F12 Web Module
    #IfWinActive, Lightroom
    F9::Send ^!1
    F10::Send ^!2
    F11::Send ^!3
    F12::Send ^!4
    #IfWinActive, Lightroom - Develop
    numpad4:: Send ^{Left}
    numpad6:: Send ^{Right}
    numpad8:: lrdAdd(09)
    numpad2:: lrdSub(09)
    NumpadAdd:: lrdAdd(11)
    NumpadSub:: lrdSub(11)
    numpad9:: lrdAdd(14)
    numpad3:: lrdSub(14)
    numpad7:: lrdAdd(04)
    numpad1:: lrdSub(04)
    NumPadMult:: lrdAdd(05)
    NumPadDiv:: lrdSub(05)
    NumPadDot:: Send ^u
    NumPadEnter:: Send ^!v
    lrdAdd(delta) {
    instance := lrGetControl( Static, 6, "Treatment :", delta )
    ControlClick, Static%instance%
    Send {=}
    lrdSub(delta) {
    instance := lrGetControl( Static, 6, "Treatment :", delta )
    ControlClick, Static%instance%
    Send {-}
    #IfWinActive, Lightroom - Library
    numpad4:: Send ^{Left}
    numpad6:: Send ^{Right}
    numpad8:: lrlClick(03)
    numpad2:: lrlClick(02)
    NumpadAdd:: lrlClick(11)
    NumpadSub:: lrlClick(10)
    numpad9:: lrlClick(23)
    numpad3:: lrlClick(22)
    numpad7:: lrlClick(-6)
    numpad1:: lrlClick(-7)
    NumPadMult:: lrlClick(-2)
    NumPadDiv:: lrlClick(-3)
    NumPadDot:: Send ^u
    NumPadEnter::Send ^!v
    lrlClick(delta) {
    instance := lrGetControl( Button, 6, "Auto Tone", delta )
    ControlSend, Button%instance%, {SPACE}, ahk_class AgWinMainFrame
    ; Fetch the Control Instance using Type, Title, and Instance Delta
    lrGetControl( type, typeLen, title, delta ) {
    global lrLastTitle, lrLastCBase, lrLastCache
    if (lrLastTitle = title and lrLastCache > A_TickCount )
    ; Cached! Saves time.
    return lrLastCBase + delta
    WinGet, ActiveControlList, ControlList, ahk_class AgWinMainFrame
    Loop, Parse, ActiveControlList, `n
    IfInString, A_LoopField, %type%
    ControlGetText, text, %A_LoopField%
    IfInString, text, %title%
    StringMid, controlbase, A_LoopField, typeLen+1
    lrLastTitle := title
    lrLastCBase := controlbase
    lrLastCache := A_TickCount + (120*1000)
    return controlbase + delta
    return 999999
    ; End

    The first post is now in the
    Lightroom FAQ. So, there should be no need to keep bumping the thread.
    Forum Host

  • Lightroom 2.x - Remapping Library / Develop module keyboard shortcuts (Windows)

    SOLUTION: LR2 Library/Develop Keyboard Shortcuts
    Prepared by: Gordon McKinney
    For windows users - this is the latest update to my keyboard shortcuts for Library and Develop module. It has improved performance through caching.
    Quick access to Develop and Library module adjustments via your keyboard number pad. You'll need to use this script.
    ; Gordon's Lightroom 2.0 Shortcuts Aug-22 2008
    ; Use numpad to perform certain develop and library functions.
    ; This effectively disables the number pad for digit entry
    ; (except 5 and 0) please use the main keyboard instead.
    ; Left/Right - Prev or Next photo
    ; Up/Down - Exposure
    ; Minus/Plus - Fill Light
    ; Page Up/Dn - Contrast
    ; Home/End - Color Temperature
    ; Div/Mult - Color Tint
    ; Enter - Paste Previous
    ; Dot (Delete) - AutoTone
    ; F9 Library Module
    ; F10 Develop Module
    ; F11 Slideshow Module
    ; F12 Web Module
    #IfWinActive, Lightroom
    F9::Send ^!1
    F10::Send ^!2
    F11::Send ^!3
    F12::Send ^!4
    #IfWinActive, Lightroom - Develop
    numpad4:: Send ^{Left}
    numpad6:: Send ^{Right}
    numpad8:: lrdAdd(09)
    numpad2:: lrdSub(09)
    NumpadAdd:: lrdAdd(11)
    NumpadSub:: lrdSub(11)
    numpad9:: lrdAdd(14)
    numpad3:: lrdSub(14)
    numpad7:: lrdAdd(04)
    numpad1:: lrdSub(04)
    NumPadMult:: lrdAdd(05)
    NumPadDiv:: lrdSub(05)
    NumPadDot:: Send ^u
    NumPadEnter:: Send ^!v
    lrdAdd(delta) {
    instance := lrGetControl( Static, 6, "Treatment :", delta )
    ControlClick, Static%instance%
    Send {=}
    lrdSub(delta) {
    instance := lrGetControl( Static, 6, "Treatment :", delta )
    ControlClick, Static%instance%
    Send {-}
    #IfWinActive, Lightroom - Library
    numpad4:: Send ^{Left}
    numpad6:: Send ^{Right}
    numpad8:: lrlClick(03)
    numpad2:: lrlClick(02)
    NumpadAdd:: lrlClick(11)
    NumpadSub:: lrlClick(10)
    numpad9:: lrlClick(23)
    numpad3:: lrlClick(22)
    numpad7:: lrlClick(-6)
    numpad1:: lrlClick(-7)
    NumPadMult:: lrlClick(-2)
    NumPadDiv:: lrlClick(-3)
    NumPadDot:: Send ^u
    NumPadEnter::Send ^!v
    lrlClick(delta) {
    instance := lrGetControl( Button, 6, "Auto Tone", delta )
    ControlSend, Button%instance%, {SPACE}, ahk_class AgWinMainFrame
    ; Fetch the Control Instance using Type, Title, and Instance Delta
    lrGetControl( type, typeLen, title, delta ) {
    global lrLastTitle, lrLastCBase, lrLastCache
    if (lrLastTitle = title and lrLastCache > A_TickCount )
    ; Cached! Saves time.
    return lrLastCBase + delta
    WinGet, ActiveControlList, ControlList, ahk_class AgWinMainFrame
    Loop, Parse, ActiveControlList, `n
    IfInString, A_LoopField, %type%
    ControlGetText, text, %A_LoopField%
    IfInString, text, %title%
    StringMid, controlbase, A_LoopField, typeLen+1
    lrLastTitle := title
    lrLastCBase := controlbase
    lrLastCache := A_TickCount + (120*1000)
    return controlbase + delta
    return 999999
    ; End

    latest update... I will work on making the script 'adapt' the LR's changing control IDs. However develop seems reliable. Until then - use this version
    >; --------------------------------------------------
    ; Gordon's Lightroom 2.0 Shortcuts
    #IfWinActive, Lightroom
    ; Remap F keys for module change
    F9::Send ^!1 ; F9 Library Module
    F10::Send ^!2 ; F10 Develop Module
    F11::Send ^!3 ; F11 Slideshow Module
    F12::Send ^!4 ; F12 Web Module
    #IfWinActive, Lightroom - Develop
    ; Use numpad to perform certain quick develop functions
    ; This effectively disables the number pad for digit entry
    ; please use the main keyboard instead.
    ; Left/Right - Prev or Next photo
    ; Up/Down - Exposure
    ; Minus/Plus - Fill Light
    ; Page Up/Dn - Contrast
    ; Home/End - Color Temperature
    ; Div/Mult - Color Tint
    ; Enter - Paste Previous
    numpad4:: Send ^{Left}
    numpad6:: Send ^{Right}
    numpad8:: lrAdd( "Static144" )
    numpad2:: lrSub( "Static144" )
    NumpadAdd:: lrAdd( "Static146" )
    NumpadSub:: lrSub( "Static146" )
    numpad9:: lrAdd( "Static149" )
    numpad3:: lrSub( "Static149" )
    numpad7:: lrAdd( "Static139" )
    numpad1:: lrSub( "Static139" )
    NumPadMult::lrAdd( "Static140" )
    NumPadDiv:: lrSub( "Static140" )
    NumPadEnter::Send ^!v
    lrAdd(class) {
    ControlClick, %class%
    Send {=}
    lrSub(class) {
    ControlClick, %class%
    Send {-}
    #IfWinActive, Lightroom - Library
    numpad4:: Send ^{Left}
    numpad6:: Send ^{Right}
    NumPadEnter::Send ^!v
    ; End

  • A possible solution for "foreight language keyboard shortcut" problem...

    Everyone know the problem of losy keyboard layout when Final Cut is used with foreight language keyboard. We loose the COMMAND-Q shorcut.
    As PieroF suggested in many posts in final cut express forum, there is a workaround:
    "+I just installed Leopard and I ran into this keyboard shortcut problem.+
    +I can confirm that:+
    +a. the problem exists also with the Italian keyboard (in addition to other languages, as pointed by other posters)+
    +b. the workaround I described in my previous answer works fine :+
    +- close FCE (if open)+
    +- open System Preferences/International/Language+
    +- drag English to the first place on top of the other languages+
    +- drag your own language (Italian in my case) again on top of English (at the end the window will show the same original settings, but something happened in the heart of Leopard...)+
    +- close System Preferences+
    +- open FCE: now all shortcuts work as expected, and are correctly listed with their corresponding menu commands+
    +It's a workaround, it's not convenient (I'd better have this bug fixed), but apparently you have to apply it only once for each system startup.+
    Piero "
    As stated by Piero, you have to follow this procedure after each computer startup.
    I found a way to restore the COMMAND-Q shortcut with the keyboard and mouse system pref panel.
    Simply add Final Cut application and add a +custom shotcut+. Be careful to type exactly the "Quit Final Cut Express" menu.
    This solution allows to restart the computer.
    It's work with Final Cut Express and Final Cut Pro under Leopard 10.5.4.
    Michel Boissonneault

    Hi Michel,
    I like your suggestion because the keyboard shortcuts defined in the system preferences do not require redefinition at each startup. So in theory we could define all missing/wrong shortcuts this way, and not only the cmd-Q as you suggested. Boring, but we could do it once for all.
    The only problem is that I don't know how to define shortcuts for submenus, for example "Render Selection/Both": it seems system preferences allows only to define shortcuts for the menu ("Render Selection" - in this case absolutely useless) but not for the submenu.
    Do you know a way ? (I looked in the help, which didn't... help).

  • SQL Developer F* keyboard shortcuts don't work on mac

    So... guessing there are not a lot of mac users of SQL Developer, but for the few of us, could someone please change all F key shortcuts to something else? F keys are natively mapped to OS functions on Mac OS X, and so are not usable out of the box.
    This means that I have to remap ~30 shortcuts if I don't want to be clicking in a new SQL Developer install.
    Also, I really hope this is the right place to put bug reports/feature requests, because there is no "support" section on the main site.

    Yeah, it's an annoyance, particularly the things mapped to F9-F12, as those are bound to Exposé and the Dashboard. I'm not sure if we would default to using no F keys, as we have a lot of keybinds and restricting the number of keys available could lead to requiring odd combinations of modifier keys. We'll take a look at it for a future release.
    - John
    SQL Developer Team

  • Cannot create keyboard shortcuts

    Preview has lost its ability to 'Fit to Screen' & 'Close' with the keyboard in Slideshow. When trying to add via Systems Preferences, the ability to type the name is there but only get the 'bonk' sound & flash when keyboard keys are hit in trying to set shortcut.

    The solution is to into Keyboard Shortcuts, then, to go into Services. Add the shortcut under the application there. It will, then, appear under Application Shortcuts. +{It appears to act very slowly compared to the mouse activated button, but that may be temporary.}+

  • Keyboard shortcuts to select develop sliders

    For those people who like to minimize their mouse kilometers, it would be useful to have keyboard shortcuts to *select* individual sliders in the develop module. [See also the specific request for an exposure shortcut that recently came up in this thread:
    shawnmoore, "What is the Lightroom keyboard shortcut for Exposure?" #, 27 Aug 2007 9:10 pm ]
    Keyboard shortcuts for individual sliders would be particularly convenient for people using programmable controllers (i.e. the Contour Design Shuttle). You could assign the shortcut to a programmable key (on button for 'exposure', for example) and then use the shuttle/scroll wheel to adjust the corresponding value.
    Now, I realize that Lightroom is quickly running out of available shortcut keys, so I suggest to couple them to the active panel. Currently, ctrl+[number] (on Windows) selects the n-th panel on the panel set on the right hand side, i.e. ctrl+1 -> basic, ctrl+2 -> tone curve. My proposal would be to use ctrl+F[number] to select the n-th slider (or other control) *within* that panel. Then, the up/down arrows could be used to adjust the values.
    Any opinions?

    **Update: I will try and re-write this to inject the shift-up/down instead of using mouse movements **<br /><br />Here's a quick hack to do the same for Windows using  I would like it if LR would add exposure, fill, black, as nudge shortcuts so that I can reprogram my Logitech G15 to call the same.<br /><br />NOTE: This can go very weird if you computer speed is different to mine. If you find the mouse pointer disappears, close LR, and increase the Sleep 500 below.<br /><br /><WinKey>2 = Black Minus<br /><WinKey>3 = Black Plus<br /><WinKey>4 = Fill Minus<br /><WinKey>5 = Fill Plus<br /><WinKey>6 = Exp Minus<br /><WinKey>7 = Exp Plus<br /><br />; Code Starts <br />#IfWinActive, Lightroom<br />     #2::LRMouseMove( 10, -2)     ; Black Clipping, Minus<br />     #3::LRMouseMove( 10,  2)     ; Black Clipping, Plus<br />     #4::LRMouseMove( 40, -5)     ; Fill, Minus<br />     #5::LRMouseMove( 40,  5)     ; Fill, Plus<br />     #6::LRMouseMove(115,-10)     ; Exposure, Minus<br />     #7::LRMouseMove(115, 10)     ; Exposure, Plus<br />     LRMouseMove(x,dx) {<br />          MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos <br />          BlockInput, MouseMove<br />          ControlGetPos, cx, cy, w, h, AfxWnd80u82<br />          MouseMove, X+CX, CY+50, 1<br />          MouseClickDrag, L, 0, 0, DX, 0, 0, R<br />          Sleep 500<br />          MouseMove, XPOS, YPOS, 1<br />          BlockInput, MouseMoveOff<br />          Exit<br />     }<br />#IfWinActive<br />; Code Ends

  • Keyboard shortcut: switch between modules?

    Hi all and thank you for your help.
    I have checked through the keyboard shortcuts and could not fint it: Is there a shortcut to switch between the different modules in LR 3? It will be very handy if there is something like that.
    Thank you so long.

    You can also add your own shortcuts either by editing (or adding) TranslatedStrings.txt in the relevant subfolder of the Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.4\Resources folder or by using the Keyboard Tamer plugin.
    As an example, here is my own version of TranslatedStrings.txt which I added to the Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.4\Resources\en folder (this file doesn't exist by default for the english language - english shortcuts are hardcoded in LR) :
    The first 2 lines allowed me to fix a problem with the Rotate command because I'm not using an english but a french keyboard. The third line allows me to quickly toggle between include and exclude subfolder view in the Library module and the third one is the shortcut that allows me to toggle the filter bar.
    You'll be able to customize your own version of TranslatedStrings.txt by looking at the same file in another subfolder. If your mother language is english, you'll have to look in the subfolder related to the foreign language you know best in order to have an overview of all the commands to which you can attach a shortcut (as mentioned above, TranslatedStrings.txt doesn't exist for the english language).

  • I have a mac book pro with Windows for Mac, I have really been struggling to figure out a keyboard shortcut to switch between 2 excel files can someone suggest a solution please ?

    I have a mac book pro with Windows for Mac, I have really been struggling to figure out a keyboard shortcut to switch between 2 excel files can someone suggest a solution please ?

    someonehelpmaddy wrote:
    My Mac knows that it is connected to the montior...
    Open your Displays system preferences.  Is there an Arrangement tab and does it show two screens?  If no Arrangement tab then your mac does not know it has two screens.  Maybe smc and pram reset will shake it free and maybe not.  Maybe there's something wrong with the connection.  Thunderbolt plugs are similar to mini-displayport plugs so make sure the plug is pushed firmly in so that essentially all the metal part disappears inside the socket.  The plugs can be a little tricky in that you need to make sure the plug is fully seated in their socket.
    If you do see two screens in the Arrangement tab then click Detect Displays and Gather Windows to get the Displays preferences of the other monitor on to your main monitor.  Check the resolution and if there is a refresh rate check that as well.

  • Sql developer keyboard shortcuts

    Hi all,
    I tried to search for keyboard shortcuts for sql developer in this forum and other sites, but couldnt find any.
    Can someone post list of all possible keyboard shortcuts or any links?

    That wasn't really hard.. blame it on the search engines..
    many ppl look for search engines rather than looking into the Help menu.. and unluckily I was one of them :)
    Thanks for the info..
    "Do we have a shortcut for Preferences -> Accelerators ;) "

  • [solved] xfce keyboard shortcuts won't work, tried arch wiki solution

    Keyboard shortcuts defined in the xfce's keyboard settings don't work,  as described in the wiki: … 7t_working
    When I kill xfce4-settings-helper the shortcuts work again. After restarting X the problem returns. I renamed '/etc/xdg/autostart/xfce4-settings-helper-autostart.desktop' and  '~/.config/autostart/xfce4-settings-helper-autostart.desktop' as described in the wiki, But the second file is regenerated  after restarting X. Does anyone know a good solution?
    Last edited by rwd (2010-10-30 21:06:33)

    R00KIE wrote:What do you have in your .bash_profile? If it was working before then the problem should be somewhere else but I know that some things might not work when calling startx from .bash_profile depending on what and how you do things.
    I never noticed if xfce's application shortcuts were working properly or not because I just started using them since a few weeks.
    Leonid.I wrote:EDIT: Most likely you have seen this, but just in case:
    That looks like the same thing indeed.
    It seems to be this bug which hasn't been fixed since over a year O_o.
    . $HOME/.bashrc
    if [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]]; then
    # Check for an interactive session
    [ -z "$PS1" ] && return
    #restrict umask for group from the default 022
    umask 0017
    # added to use bash aliases and colored prompt
    if [ -f /etc/profile.bash ]; then
    source /etc/profile.bash
    #added for the auojump package (need to be sourced after /profile.bash
    if [ -f /etc/profile ]; then
    source /etc/profile.d/autojump.bash
    exec ck-launch-session xfce4-session
    # /etc/profile.bash
    # Global settings for bash shells
    PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
    #PS2='> '
    #PS3='> '
    #PS4='+ '
    export PS1 PS2 PS3 PS4
    #In the future we may want to add more ulimit entries here,
    # in the offchance that /etc/security/limits.conf is skipped
    ulimit -Sc 0 #Don't create core files
    if test "$TERM" = "xterm" -o \
    "$TERM" = "xterm-color" -o \
    "$TERM" = "xterm-256color" -o \
    "$TERM" = "rxvt" -o \
    "$TERM" = "rxvt-unicode" -o \
    "$TERM" = "xterm-xfree86"; then
    PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"'
    PS1='\[\e[1;33m\][\u@\h \W]\$\[\e[0m\] '
    #bash history
    # aliases
    alias ll='ls -al --group-directories-first --color=auto'
    alias la='ls -A --group-directories-first --color=auto'
    alias ..='cd ..'
    alias ...='cd ../..'
    alias ....='cd ../../..'
    alias .....='cd ../../../..'
    alias ping5='ping -c 5'
    alias lsa='ls -lah --group-directories-first --color=auto' # human readable (sizes) long and all ;-)
    alias lls='ls -l -h -g -F --group-directories-first --color=auto'
    alias lss='ls -shaxSrs --group-directories-first --color=auto' # sort by size
    alias lsd='ls -latr --group-directories-first --color=auto' # sort by date
    alias upgrade='sudo clyde -Syu --aur'
    function publicip {
    wget -q -O - | sed -e 's/.*Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.*$//'
    # alarm(string alarmtext,num minutes )
    function alarm() {
    zenity --notification --timeout=$[$2 * 60] --window-icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/status/appointment-soon.svg --text "alarm set for: $1 in $2 minutes" &
    sleep $2 $(($2 * 60)) && zenity --warning --text "$1" &
    # search bash history
    function hist {
    history | grep -i "${1}"
    # find filename in current directory and beneath
    function fnd {
    find . -iname "*${1}*" | more
    # find string in documents in current directory and beneath
    function grp {
    egrep -ri ''"${1}"'' . | more
    # search shoutcast channels by name/description/genre/current song
    function shoutcast {
    shoutcast-search $* -b ">96" -l ">10" \
    --format="%s\ngenre: %g\ncurrent track: %p\nbitrate: %b\nlisteners: %l\nurl: %u\n" \
    | more
    in ~/.config/autostart I have a few items that only contain :
    [Desktop Entry]
    And this one:
    [Desktop Entry]
    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment=scripts that need to be delayed to run
    In I have put some things that wouldn't always be executed if I put them in a normal startup item or if  I put them in .xinitrc:
    sleep 6
    # upnp shares mount
    #djmount ~/network/upnp &
    # mpd
    mpd ~/.mpd/mpd.conf &
    # disable trackpad during typing
    syndaemon -d -i 2 &
    # tint
    /usr/bin/tint2 &
    # trayer
    /usr/bin/trayer --transparent true --expand true --alpha 256 --tint 0x000000 --height 24 --widthtype request --SetDockType true $
    # xmodmap
    /usr/bin/xmodmap /home/user1/.Xmodmap &
    # conky
    /usr/bin/conky &
    # workaround for xfce shortcuts
    killall xfce4-settings-helper &
    # sshfs share
    ~/documents/shellscripts/ &
    Last edited by rwd (2010-10-29 18:56:10)

  • Develop module disabled and requires renewal of my membership. My membership is up to date. All solutions so far have failed. Using OS X 10.9.4

    Develop module disabled and requires renewal of my membership. My membership is up to date. All solutions so far have failed. Using OS X 10.9.4
    Any more ideas please?

    If no help from users in the forum, consider Adobe technical support.

  • LR2 hang in develop module with graduated filter

    I was in the Develop module and had just used the graduated filter to draw up from the bottom of the image. When I let go of the pen, the hourglass appeared and LR stopped responding. Many minutes later, I finally gave up and clicked on the window's close button. I got the usual Windows "app is not responding" dialog and told Windows to kill lightroom.
    While LR was in the hung state, I started Procmon to see if anything interesting was visible there. While I saw no activity in lightroom.exe, I did see an endless series of operations in csrss.exe. These two operations were repeated endlessly:
    543751 10:32:26.2519678 PM csrss.exe 1372 RegOpenKey HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read
    543752 10:32:26.2519724 PM csrss.exe 1372 RegOpenKey HKU\.Default\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read
    After killing lightroom, I no longer saw that pair of operations.
    I have no idea whether this could be related to the lightroom hang or not, but thought I would pass it on in case it provided a clue.
    Running Windows XP SP2 with all updates (except SP3) applied, nVidia 7600 GT, E6700 Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM (3.2 GB available), plentiful hard drive space free. Catalog is new with LR2 by re-importing all images; catalog was not converted from 1.4.1.

    I'm having the same issue with graduated filter and adjustment brush and also one othe the predefined settings, I forgto which one, but it would lock up LR ervery time. My 30 day trial is now over and I think that I'm going to wait for LR2.x to be released :<(...
    WinXP SP2, 3.0GHz Xeon 5260, 4GB, +30GB HD space

  • LR2.1, Develop Module, and WB

    Something I noticed last night:
    NEF files from my D90 with WB set for 'flash' on camera, and 'as shot' in
    the 'Develop Module' results in color temperature of 6000 and tint -9.
    I must use the Develop Module's 'Flash' setting to get the correct temperature of 5500. Is this normal? I've made over 15K D70 NEF images
    and I don't recall the Develop Module's WB reacting like this when 'as shot' was selected. I do have 'Camera Matching Profiles' (beta-2) installed. Any ideas?

    There are many threads on this subject on the forum over the past year. Have a read of this one.

  • Programmable Keyboard shortcuts

    This would save me so much time.  I wish you could assign Fkeys to develop module presets.  I also love the + and - keys for exposure. I know you can toggle through all the different sliders but by the time you have done that you may as well use the mouse.  I would love plus and minus key for all the main sliders (exposure, fill light, black point).  Could we use the numeric keypad or customize some function keys.   Better yet just make the whole keyboard shortcut system programmable like photoshop.  I know you can use the mac OS to change certain keyboard shortcuts which I do but it doesn't always work that well and doesn't have access to things like develop shortcuts.  These things would save me so many hours of my life.

    The suggestion to look on the Adobe site lead to the solution. This is the best answer from Adobe:
    Solution 1: Bypass the keys' default OS-level commands.
    Note: Use this solution only if your keyboard has a key labeled Fn.
    To make Mac OS interpret F1, F2, and so forth as function keys instead of as OS-level command keys, hold down the Fn key when you press a function key. For example, in an Adobe application that uses F1 as a keyboard shortcut, hold down Fn and press F1.
    You can also make Mac OS interpret F1, F2, and so forth as function keys by default. (If you do so, then you can still perform those keys' OS-level commands by holding the Fn key when you press them.) If you want to make this change, then do the following:
    1. Choose Apple Menu > System Preferences.
    2. Click Keyboard & Mouse.
    3. Click the Keyboard tab.
    4. Select the option Use All F1, F2, Etc. Keys As Standard Function Keys.
    5. Quit System Preferences.

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