[SOLVED] Chromium with KDE dialogs (open, save)

If I remember correctly, when I used Cromium on Kubuntu, Chromium used  KDE dialogs for save, download and and other things....
This is not the case in the Arch Linux, Chromium use GTK dialogs... Does anyone know why Chromium use GTK dialogs or how to fix that?
Picture of problem:
Oooouuups.... You need just to install kdebase-kdialog for that....
Last edited by Pyntux (2014-12-01 22:55:31)

hiciu wrote:
For me, chromium is not using xdg-open. You can verify it with:
strace -e process chromium
Then download something and try to open it from chromium. As for solution, try this: install perl-file-mimeinfo package and setup it with 'mimeopen --ask-default some-pdf-file.pdf'.
landzend wrote:
I have read about setting up the xdg-utils, and believe I have it configured. The following command line when run from bash opens up acroread and displays the PDF:
xdg-open http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.pdf
This is separate issue, it should run browser (http:// protocol), not acroread. Check this link: http://hiciu.org/some-pdf-file.pdf (harmless). All you know before you open it is the url, not the file type.
Thanks. I already had the "perl-file-mimeinfo" installed.
Yes. The link you gave above is type "image/jpeg", so the browser has to start the download to even know what it has coming.

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    Is there no way to have a window open and the application open a document at the same time?
    See code, do you see any errors:
    #target "InDesign-7.0"
    #strict on
    var dlg;
    Validate the input by the user
    function validate()
         if(dlg.iPanel.inputPath.text == "")
                alert("Error, please define a directory to convert.");
                return -1;
        if(dlg.oPanel.outputPath.text == "")
                alert("Error, please define an output directory.");
                return -1;
        return 0
    define user text file
    input to define file path
    function getInput()
        var input_folder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select the directory where you wish to open the files: ', '' );
        if (input_folder != null)
            this.parent.inputPath.text = input_folder.toString();
            this.parent.inputPath.enabled = false;
    define user output path
    function getOutput()
    var output = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select the directory where you wish to output the files: ', '' );
    this.parent.outputPath.text = output.toString();
    alert("Path is undefined");
    this.parent.outputPath.enabled = false;
    function for writting out
    function log_status(msg, file)
    if(errorFile.exists == true)
    alert("File  exist")
    errorFile.open("e", "", "")
    errorFile.write(msg + "\n");
    alert("File no exists");
    errorFile.open("w", "", "")
    errorFile.write(msg+ "\n") ;
    open indesign file
    function openFile(file)
    Export PDF
    function exportPDF(output)
    main function to convert
    indesign files to pdf
    function main()
        var errorFileObj = new File("c:/errorFile.txt");
        var successFileObj = new File("c:/successFile.txt");
        errorFileObj.open("w", "", "");
        successFileObj.open("w", "", "");
        if(validate() == -1)
        var input_folder = new Folder(dlg.iPanel.inputPath.text);
        files_array = input_folder.getFiles( '*.indd' );
        for(var i = 0; i < files_array.length; i++)
                errorFileObj.write(files_array[i]+ "\n") ;
                successFileObj.write(files_array[i]+ "\n") ;
                errorFileObj.write(files_array[i]+ "\n") ;
        alert ("Files finished converting");
    create an instance of GUI for
    user input
    function createGUI()
    dlg = new Window('dialog', 'Indesign to PDF:', [100,100,480,300]);
    dlg.iPanel = dlg.add('panel',[5,10,375,80], 'Define Input');
    dlg.iPanel.inputText = dlg.iPanel.add('statictext', [10,12,125,25], 'Browse for directory:');
    dlg.iPanel.inputBtn = dlg.iPanel.add('button', [10,30,110,50], 'Browse');
    dlg.iPanel.inputPath = dlg.iPanel.add('edittext', [120,30,350,50], '');
    dlg.iPanel.inputBtn.onClick = getInput;
    dlg.oPanel = dlg.add('panel',[5,80,375,150], 'Define Output');
    dlg.oPanel.outputText = dlg.oPanel.add('statictext', [10,12,165,25], 'Browse for output directory:');
    dlg.oPanel.outputBtn = dlg.oPanel.add('button', [10,30,110,50], 'Browse');
    dlg.oPanel.outputPath = dlg.oPanel.add('edittext', [120,30,350,50], '');
    dlg.oPanel.outputBtn.onClick = getOutput;
    dlg.startBtn = dlg.add('button', [225,160,375,185], 'Start Conversion');
    dlg.startBtn.onClick = main;
    createGUI();//entry point for the script

    Okay, this works....LAME....
    #target "InDesign-7.0"
    #strict on
    var dlg;
    var files_array;
    Validate the input by the user
    function validate()
         if(dlg.iPanel.inputPath.text == "")
                alert("Error, please define a directory to convert.");
                return -1;
        if(dlg.oPanel.outputPath.text == "")
                alert("Error, please define an output directory.");
                return -1;
        return 0
    define user text file
    input to define file path
    function getInput()
        var input_folder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select the directory where you wish to open the files: ', '' );
        if (input_folder != null)
            this.parent.inputPath.text = input_folder.toString();
            this.parent.inputPath.enabled = false;
    define user output path
    function getOutput()
    var output = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select the directory where you wish to output the files: ', '' );
    this.parent.outputPath.text = output.toString();
    alert("Path is undefined");
    this.parent.outputPath.enabled = false;
    function for writting out
    function log_status(msg, file)
    if(errorFile.exists == true)
    alert("File  exist")
    errorFile.open("e", "", "")
    errorFile.write(msg + "\n");
    alert("File no exists");
    errorFile.open("w", "", "")
    errorFile.write(msg+ "\n") ;
    open indesign file
    function openFile(files_array)
        for(var i = 0; i < files_array.length; i++)
    Export PDF
    function exportPDF(output)
    main function to convert
    indesign files to pdf
    function main()
        var errorFileObj = new File("c:/errorFile.txt");
        var successFileObj = new File("c:/successFile.txt");
        errorFileObj.open("w", "", "");
        successFileObj.open("w", "", "");
        if(validate() == -1)
        var input_folder = new Folder(dlg.iPanel.inputPath.text);
        files_array = input_folder.getFiles( '*.indd' );
        dlg.close ();
        for(var i = 0; i < files_array.length; i++)
                errorFileObj.write(files_array[i]+ "\n") ;
                successFileObj.write(files_array[i]+ "\n") ;
                errorFileObj.write(files_array[i]+ "\n") ;
        alert ("Files finished converting");
    create an instance of GUI for
    user input
    function createGUI()
    dlg = new Window('dialog', 'Indesign to PDF:', [100,100,480,300]);
    dlg.iPanel = dlg.add('panel',[5,10,375,80], 'Define Input');
    dlg.iPanel.inputText = dlg.iPanel.add('statictext', [10,12,125,25], 'Browse for directory:');
    dlg.iPanel.inputBtn = dlg.iPanel.add('button', [10,30,110,50], 'Browse');
    dlg.iPanel.inputPath = dlg.iPanel.add('edittext', [120,30,350,50], '');
    dlg.iPanel.inputBtn.onClick = getInput;
    dlg.oPanel = dlg.add('panel',[5,80,375,150], 'Define Output');
    dlg.oPanel.outputText = dlg.oPanel.add('statictext', [10,12,165,25], 'Browse for output directory:');
    dlg.oPanel.outputBtn = dlg.oPanel.add('button', [10,30,110,50], 'Browse');
    dlg.oPanel.outputPath = dlg.oPanel.add('edittext', [120,30,350,50], '');
    dlg.oPanel.outputBtn.onClick = getOutput;
    dlg.startBtn = dlg.add('button', [225,160,375,185], 'Start Conversion');
    dlg.startBtn.onClick = main;
    createGUI();//entry point for the script

  • How to continue transition rendering with custom dialog open

    I'm working on a plugin for some custom transitions (currently for CS6/CC on Windows).
    I'm using a custom dialog (hasCustomDialog in PiPL) during esSetup to set the transition parameters. While the dialog is open the execution of Premiere is halted until the dialog gets closed.
    The problem is, while I'm fiddling with the parameters I can't see changes in the program monitor and I don't get any feedback from Premiere.
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    Does anybody know if it is possible to keep the dialog open and still have Premiere actively updating the rendered view?
    Philipp Stelzer

    Hi Zac,
    thanks for your answer.
    Currently I'm using a modal dialog to set up my parameters and the parameters are corretly applied after I close the dialog.
    But I'd like to keep the dialog open to see the changes directly without reopening the dialog each time I want to tweak a value. Is that possible with a custom dialog?
    I'll take a look at the new transition extensions, but I'm already working on this plugin for a few month and my dialog and the transition effects are already quite extensive. So, I don't know if it is possible to port everything to the new extensions (at least not in reasonable time).

  • [SOLVED] Chromium with Gnome Keyring as password store?

    Hi there.
    I'm trying to use gnome keyring as default password store for google chromium. I read all over the web about starting chromium using options '--password-store=detect' (to detect gnome evnironment) or even '--password-store=gnome' (force gnome). None of these options work for me, as I get the same result: chromium will store password in its own keyring.
    $ pacman -Q chromium gnome-keyring
    chromium 18.0.1025.162-1
    gnome-keyring 3.2.2-3
    Any idea how I can make it work as planned?
    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by josephg (2012-06-12 17:56:48)

    sl1pkn07 wrote:makedepends=('python2' 'perl' 'gperf' 'yasm' 'mesa' 'libgnome-keyring'
    chromium use by default libgnome-keyring
    I don't think so, that's a makedepends; it means it's needed for building the package, not for using it.
    On my system (not running any desktop environment), I need to run chromium with --password-store=gnome for it to use the gnome keyring.

  • [SOLVED] Chromium not calling xdg-open

    I have been trying to get Chromium to call external applications based on their name and/or mime type. My desktop is XFCE.
    I have read about setting up the xdg-utils, and believe I have it configured. The following command line when run from bash opens up acroread and displays the PDF:
    xdg-open http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.pdf
    My ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list file is:
    But when I click on the link in chromium I get the "Save File" dialog.
    As a test, I edited the /usr/bin/xdg-open shell script, and made it write to a file in /tmp when ever it is called. (The second line where I send the date to the /tmp/xdg-open.log file.)
    /usr/bin/date >> /tmp/xdg-open.log
    # xdg-open
    # Utility script to open a URL in the registered default application.
    # Refer to the usage() function below for usage.
    # Copyright 2009-2010, Fathi Boudra <[email protected]>
    When I try and download a PDF in chromium, it never adds to the /tmp/xdm-open.log file. (But does if I call it from the command line as I did above.)
    So to me, it looks like chromium isn't even calling the xdg-open script.
    Any one have any ideas?
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by landzend (2012-11-16 10:54:29)

    hiciu wrote:
    For me, chromium is not using xdg-open. You can verify it with:
    strace -e process chromium
    Then download something and try to open it from chromium. As for solution, try this: install perl-file-mimeinfo package and setup it with 'mimeopen --ask-default some-pdf-file.pdf'.
    landzend wrote:
    I have read about setting up the xdg-utils, and believe I have it configured. The following command line when run from bash opens up acroread and displays the PDF:
    xdg-open http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.pdf
    This is separate issue, it should run browser (http:// protocol), not acroread. Check this link: http://hiciu.org/some-pdf-file.pdf (harmless). All you know before you open it is the url, not the file type.
    Thanks. I already had the "perl-file-mimeinfo" installed.
    Yes. The link you gave above is type "image/jpeg", so the browser has to start the download to even know what it has coming.

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    My only solution is to close the window and iTunes opens just fine, with my library and everything normal.


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    Both network interfaces are working and I am online.
    After installig kdeplasma-applets-networkmanagement it dont find any interfaces, only output is "We need NetworkManager version >= 0.9 to work, fond!"
    Last edited by Nemesis2k (2011-09-06 16:48:45)

    uhm, thx.
    you can't imagine how dumb I feel right now ^^

  • Applications Crash After Use Of Open/Save/Pick File or Folder Dialog

    Hi, all.
    This has been a problem since I installed 10.6 (the day it was released).
    The 10.6.1 helped somewhat, but this is still a real problem.
    I'll describe what happnes:
    I'll be in a program (any program: MS Word, TextEdit, Safari, anything) and I'll use any of the following dialogs:
    -Save Pick
    or anything like that.
    Then, never during the time I'm using the dialog, always soon (there's often a delay of a few seconds) afterward, I'll get a message saying that the program quit unexpectedly. It says that an error report has been sent, and gives me the option the reopen the program or ignore the quit. (Except MS Word; it has it's own error reporting system).
    Now, this is a BAD program because it happens when I save something.
    It is important for me to note that this doesn't happen all the time. Some programs seem more stable than others, and some file formats (the one I select) stabler than others. Also, it seems that (at least with Safari) I can do things to reduce the likelihood of this crash happening. Sometimes opening using Rosetta helps. Sometimes 64-Bit helps. Sometimes disabling the cache helps.
    It all seems pretty random.
    Bottom line: this is REALLY annoying, especially when it occurs after use of the save dialog. Apple needs to fix this.
    Is there a way for me to fix this myself?
    Apple Hardware Test comes out clean. No problems with my startup disk, as far as I know.
    It is nice to have QuickLook available in these dialogs, but if that's what's causing the problem, it'd be worth it to me to disable it. Any way to do that, just to try?
    Anyone have any other ideas?

    Thanks for the reply and info!
    All right, so I found crash reports for each recent such crash.
    Here's the most recent one, caused by either an open or a save (I can't remember which) dialog. I think I clicked Cancel on that dialog, but it crashed anyway. Here's the part of the log you mentioned (Sorry for the links in that, they aren't supposed to be there, and I sure didn't make them myself):
    The .crash file can be found here.
    Process: TextEdit [550]
    Path: /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit
    Identifier: com.apple.TextEdit
    Version: 1.6 (264)
    Build Info: TextEdit-2640000~1
    Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [93]
    Date/Time: 2009-10-10 08:09:47.315 -0700
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.1 (10B504)
    Report Version: 6
    Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    Application Specific Information:
    abort() called
    Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b7eff6 __kill + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85c20072 abort + 83
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b37095 free + 128
    3 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x00007fff8571fcbe TFSInfo::~TFSInfo() + 38
    4 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x00007fff85720195 TFSInfo::RemovePtrReference() + 37
    5 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x00007fff85738114 TNode::IsUnresolved() const + 52
    6 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x00007fff8572cc40 TNode::SetAliasTarget(TNodePtr const&, bool) + 246
    7 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x00007fff8575c185 TNode::ClearAliasTarget(bool) const + 55
    8 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x00007fff8575ceca TNode::RemoveSelf(TNodeEventPtrSet&) + 170
    9 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x00007fff8575d347 TNode::RemoveAllChildren(bool, TNodeEventPtrSet&) + 473
    10 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x00007fff8575d400 TNode::RecursivelyRemoveAllChildren(bool) const + 72
    11 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x00007fff8575dc8a TNode::Finalize(TNodePtr*&) + 58
    12 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x00007fff8575df09 TNode::Finalize() + 229
    13 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x00007fff85775dd4 NodeContextClose + 466
    14 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8645e73b _NSSavePanelContextEnd + 66
    15 com.apple.Foundation 0x00007fff8003b500 __NSFireDelayedPerform + 404
    16 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x00007fff82207a78 __CFRunLoopRun + 5480
    17 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x00007fff8220603f CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575
    18 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8315dc4e RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333
    19 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8315da53 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310
    20 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8315d90c BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59
    21 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff85db1520 _DPSNextEvent + 718
    22 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff85db0e89 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155
    23 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff85d76a7d -[NSApplication run] + 395
    24 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff85d6f798 NSApplicationMain + 364
    25 com.apple.TextEdit 0x0000000100000fb8 0x100000000 + 4024
    Thread 1: Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b49b16 kevent + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b4ba19 dispatch_mgrinvoke + 154
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b4b6d6 dispatch_queueinvoke + 195
    3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b4b1f6 dispatch_workerthread2 + 244
    4 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b4ab28 pthreadwqthread + 353
    5 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b4a9c5 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 2:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b4a94a _workqkernreturn + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b4ad5c pthreadwqthread + 917
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b4a9c5 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 3:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b4a94a _workqkernreturn + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b4ad5c pthreadwqthread + 917
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b4a9c5 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 4:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b749f2 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10
    1 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x00007fff82228252 __CFSocketManager + 818
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b69f66 pthreadstart + 331
    3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff85b69e19 thread_start + 13
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
    rax: 0x0000000000000000 rbx: 0x0000000000000004 rcx: 0x00007fff5fbfe2c8 rdx: 0x0000000000000000
    rdi: 0x0000000000000226 rsi: 0x0000000000000006 rbp: 0x00007fff5fbfe2e0 rsp: 0x00007fff5fbfe2c8
    r8: 0x0000000000000e03 r9: 0x0000000000000000 r10: 0x00007fff85b7b036 r11: 0x0000000000000206
    r12: 0x0000000100847600 r13: 0x0000000100043000 r14: 0x0000000000000000 r15: 0x00000001001bad10
    rip: 0x00007fff85b7eff6 rfl: 0x0000000000000206 cr2: 0x0000000100401000
    And, now that you mention it, yes: there are aliases in the CrashReporter folder to some of the crash files in the DiagnosticReports folder. Oddly, only those that belong to AppleScript Editor are present.
    As for the system.log:
    Here's what happens right after one of the crashes (Again, sorry for the mystery links):
    Oct 10 17:30:15 nathan-greensteins-macbook com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[97] ([0x0-0x36036].com.apple.TextEdit[463]): Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault
    Oct 10 17:30:16 nathan-greensteins-macbook ReportCrash[546]: Saved crash report for TextEdit[463] version 1.6 (264) to /Users/ngreenst/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/TextEdit2009-10-10-173016nathan-greensteins-macbook.crash
    So, what's a Segmentation Fault? That looks like the problem right there.
    Thanks again!

  • Where is the Open, Save, Undo, etc. toolbar??

    On my Mac, I am having trouble finding this very helpful toolbar.  It's the one with the New, Open, Save, Undos, etc. on it.  I don't even know what it's called and I can't find it anywhere in the Flash menus.  Can someone please help me find and activate it?  Thanks

    i use flash in a virtual pc environment when working on my mac so i couldn't tell you.

  • File open/save dialog causes SPOD with 10.10.3

    Just updated to 10.10.3 from 10.10.2 using the combo updater (after hearing stories of people being hosed by the normal updater and having success once the combo was applied).
    Now, however, I find that whenever any application needs to open or save a file, and the directory selected in the dialog has a LOT of files (like 10K files), I get a SPOD (spinning pinwheel of death) for minutes.  MINUTES.  This never happened on any previous iteration of any MacOS.  This is on a MBP late-2013 with 16GB of RAM and a SSD.  
    Already repaired permissions.  Checked the filesystem with Disk Utility.  It's OK.
    This is really debilitating.
    I have a saved process sample output from Safari while it was in SPOD mode with the file dialog open.  I can upload this if would be interesting to anyone.  NOTE: just attempting to save this sample trace from within Activity Monitor caused that application to SPOD while it was asking me where to save the sample output.

    When you see a beachball cursor or the slowness is especially bad, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.  
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above.
    Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first.
    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • [SOLVED] Kate/kwrite open/save dialog broken in 15.04

    Has anyone else encountered this? Downgrading kate and ktexteditor to 14.12-3 did not help. katepart is not even on a new version.
    I was unsure whether KDE apps have a universal open/save dialog but it appears that only kate-related things have this problem (I tried kolourpaint also and it works fine).
    Kate seems to break in a rather fundamental way every new release. It would be helpful if bugfix releases were pushed, as upstream never has these bugs (I've been reporting to KDE bugtracking for the last few releases).
    Last edited by nickpcrogers (2015-04-20 17:46:10)

    arojas wrote:This is fixed in frameworkintegration 5.9.0-3
    Indeed; thank you.
    Last edited by nickpcrogers (2015-04-20 17:48:20)

  • Finder sidebar not updating with applications open/save dialog boxes

    Hi all,
    I've searched the threads and can't seem to find an answer to this recurring issue that I'm having.
    I save folders to current projects in the Finder sidebar. However, I find that when I try to find those sidebar folders from within the open/save dialog applications that it is often times and old version of the sidebar. In the image linked below note the Finder sidebar on the left and the InDesign CS sidebar on the right. The list of folders is different. The version via InDesign seems to be an older cached version.
    Screen capture: http://www.fabianross.com/forum-images/screen-capture.png
    Does anyone know how to update this cached version to see the new list of folders?

    Try deleting this file: com.apple.sidebarlists.plist
    /Users/YourName/Library/Preferences. Drag that file from the Preferences folder to the Trash, empty the Trash and reboot. See if that helps...
    Seems to me that Adobe is very picky about where the files are kept on the hard drive. You might not want them in the Sidebar. Whenever you do an Adobe software update, the installer needs the path to where those files go. If it's missing in action, it can wreak havoc.
    Make sure when you do Adobe updates, if there is a link included or a Read Me file, check that out first before installing anything.
    Run Disk Utility and Repair Disk Permissions BEFORE and AFTER any software updates:
    Launch Disk Utility. Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select FirstAid, then click: Repair Disk Permissions. Quit DU when it's finished and reboot.

  • Open/Save Dialog Box Freeze

    Since updating to 10.4.7, the open/save dialog box freezes (beachball) after selecting a folder. Can anyone please point me in the right direction in solving my issue.
    I used the ComboPPC updater and then ran Cocktail to repair permissions, cron scripts, clear caches etc.
    I recently posted about the Finder freezing instead I should have mentioned that it was the Open/Save dialog box.

    I am using model dialog box.
    on page header i have copy The code as given in this http://jqueryui.com/dialog/#modal-message link
    //  page header code
    <!doctype html> <html lang="en"><head>  <meta charset="utf-8" />  <title>jQuery UI Dialog - Modal message</title>  <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.0/themes/base/jquery-ui.css" />  <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.js"></script>  <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.0/jquery-ui.js"></script>  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css" />  <script>  $(function() {    $( "#dialog-message" ).dialog({      modal: true,      buttons: {        Ok: function() {          $( this ).dialog( "close" );        }      }    });  });  </script></head><body> <div id="dialog-message" title="Download complete">  <p>    <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-check" style="float: left; margin: 0 7px 50px 0;"></span>    Your files have downloaded successfully into the My Downloads folder.  </p>  <p>    Currently using <b>36% of your storage space</b>.  </p></div> <p>Sed vel diam id libero <a href="http://example.com">rutrum convallis</a>. Donec aliquet leo vel magna. Phasellus rhoncus faucibus ante. Etiam bibendum, enim faucibus aliquet rhoncus, arcu felis ultricies neque, sit amet auctor elit eros a lectus.</p>  </body></html> My Button name is "DOWNLOAD" and on button actions "REDIRECT TO URL"
    on URL TARGET value is ==javascript: myFunction();
    where i have to write this code to bind my apex buttons with dialog box.
    apex.submit(myRequest);the steps i have written above, am doing right or not? Please help to place the code in apex with a right way.
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: Vedant on Jan 28, 2013 12:53 AM

  • IE9, Win7: How to get rid of "What do you want to do with ...doc? Open, Save, Save as

    My web application downloads a .doc file.  With IE9 and Windows 7 it displays the dialog "What do you want to do with xxxx.doc? Open, Save, Save as"  Prior to IE9 I could check the box that said "remember" but with IE9 I do not see a way to prevent
    the dialog from occurring every time.  How can I turn off this dialog like I can in all prior versions of IE?  I have looked through the forums and the answer might be here but most threads seem to be a little different problem.  Some of my
    customers are switching to FireFox and Chrome because of this problem so I would like to find a solution.  I found another thread that had a potential solution (1. Click Tools - Internet Options - Security Tab. 2. Click Local intranet, click Sites, uncheck
    "Automatically detect intranet network" if you checked it. Then check "Include all network paths (UNCs)".  Click Advanced, add the intranet to the zone. Then Close and OK.) but that did not solve my problem.

    Based my research, due to increasing in security, we cannot disable Download Manager of Internet Explorer 9 from changing settings, editing registry keys or editing settings in Group Policy. This can prevent websites downloading automatically. Instead, we can
    set default download location.
    For reference:
    And for more detailed information, please refer to
    Safer and Faster Downloads in IE9.
    Hope this helps.
    If a post solved your problem, click “Mark as Answer” on the post. If a post helped you, click "Vote As Helpful" on the left side of post.

  • Mavericks vs Yosemite open/save dialog : Yosemite BUG

    I noticed a bug after upgrading from Mavericks to Yosemite regarding open/save dialogs.
    I Googled this problem and find nothing related.
    So I decided to make a comparison with fresh installs and latest updates:
    - Mavericks 10.9.5
    - Yosemite 10.10.2
    Yosemite has clearly a performance bug on open/save dialogs.
    On Mavericks, the animation is smooth and rapid.
    On Yosemite, the animation lags and is not smooth at all.
    I made a video on YouTube regarding this problem.
    You can check it : http://youtu.be/t2WTaeKI3go
    I would like to know if others have this problem and if there is a solution.
    My configuration is :
    MacBook Air 13" Mid-2011
    1,7 GHz Intel Core i5
    4 Go 1333 MHz DDR3
    Intel HD Graphics 3000
    SSD 256 Go

    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.
    Or you can use your Apple ID to register with this site and go the Apple BugReporter. Supposedly you will get an answer if you submit feedback.
    Feedback via Apple Developer

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