[solved] hostapd and Assigning IP to Wireless Interface.

I am using a raspberrypi as a portable WiFi hotspot. This has been working fine until a recent update and I am not sure why it is broken. I have a service that assigns and IP address to the wlan0 interface before hostapd starts:
Description=Add static ip for wireless
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ip addr add dev wlan0 brd + dev wlan0
However, when I get the following when I look at the logs:
journalctl -u wifi-hostapd.service
Jan 01 01:00:15 routerpi ip[139]: Cannot find device "wlan0"
If I run the service manually after booting it starts correctly and wlan0 is assigned an ip address. I am assuming that I am starting the service at the wrong time.
Last edited by geekinthesticks (2014-03-27 08:29:49)

Thanks, I found this post which has lots of helpful information. My systemd unit now looks like:
Description=Add static ip for wireless
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ip addr add dev wlan0 brd + dev wlan0

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    Here is what Netcfg gives me when I try to connect:
    :: LosPin up [BUSY]
    nl80211: 'nl80211' generic netlink not found
    ioctl[SIOCSIWMODE]: Operation not supported
    ioctl[SIOCGIWRANGE]: Operation not supported
    ioctl[SIOCGIWMODE]: Operation not supported
    ioctl[SIOCSIWAP]: Operation not supported
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    ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODE]: Operation not supported
    > Wireless network "LosPin" not present.
    I know the network is present because when I boot into Windows on this same laptop it connects without any issues. I think it is a driver issue but re-installing the driver has not helped so I'm wondering if anyone can help me out.
    This is my netcfg profile if needed:
    The reason that the interface is set to eth0 is because it is the only interface for which netcfg tries to connect to the network. If I use wlan0 as the interface it tells me it doesn't exist, and before I had the problem, the interface I used was eth1, which now netcfg says does not exist either.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by Hoest (2011-11-17 23:32:29)

    I've checked and it's definitely not an rfkill issue. I've tried to connect to the network with two different netcfg profiles, one using wpa_supplicant and the other with configsection. Both give me the same "WPA Authentication/Association Failed" error. There was one try with the wpa_supplicant profile that gave the a "network not found" error but afterwards it went back to the original error. Here are my profiles if needed.
    configsection profile:
    wpa_supplicant profile:
    And this is my wpa_supplicant.conf:
    ctrl_interface=DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel
    pairwise=CCMP TKIP
    group=CCMP TKIP
    Again, thank you all for all your help.

  • [SOLVED] Bridging and Hostapd problems.

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    dhcp-range=,,,12h #
    #cat /etc/network.d/bridge
    DESCRIPTION="Example Bridge connection"
    #cat /etc/conf.d/netcfg
    #cat /etc/conf.d/
    #cat /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
    wpa_pairwise=TKIP CCMP
    This is the output of ifconfig
    br0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
    inet netmask broadcast
    inet6 fe80::20f:53ff:feb0:2c49 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
    ether 00:0f:53:b0:2c:49 txqueuelen 0 (Ethernet)
    RX packets 263 bytes 29403 (28.7 KiB)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 56 bytes 6081 (5.9 KiB)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    eth0: flags=4419<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,PROMISC,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
    ether b8:27:eb:fc:1c:e5 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
    RX packets 8926 bytes 704068 (687.5 KiB)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 658 bytes 139938 (136.6 KiB)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 16436
    inet netmask
    inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host>
    loop txqueuelen 0 (Local Loopback)
    RX packets 4 bytes 212 (212.0 B)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 4 bytes 212 (212.0 B)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    mon.wlan0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
    unspec 00-0F-53-B0-2C-49-3A-30-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 txqueuelen 1000 (UNSPEC)
    RX packets 47 bytes 3140 (3.0 KiB)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    wlan0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
    inet6 fe80::20f:53ff:feb0:2c49 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
    ether 00:0f:53:b0:2c:49 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
    RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 247 bytes 32731 (31.9 KiB)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    Note that the network I am connecting to is 10.144. and I can ssh into the machine trough this network.
    When I connect with a wifi client I want it to get a 10.144. address and be able to interact with the other users
    on the network as if it was directly connected to the network. (My main goal is this, but if I can get it working
    as a router it's a improvement too)
    Thanks for your help!
    I have now tried following this tutorial:
    http://sirlagz.net/2012/08/09/how-to-us … er-part-1/
    This part works, but when I come to part 2
    http://sirlagz.net/2012/08/10/how-to-us … er-part-2/
    It has this part that I cannot figure howto convert this to netcfg
    iface br0 inet dhcp
    bridge_ports eth0 wlan0
    pre-up ifconfig eth0 up
    pre-up ifconfig wlan0 up
    pre-up brctl addbr br0
    pre-up brctl addif br0 eth0
    post-down ifconfig wlan0 down
    post-down ifconfig eth0 down
    post-down brctl delif br0 eth0
    post-down brctl delbr br0
    Last edited by Reccra (2012-09-28 09:32:36)

    Thanks for your replies,  now I have disabled ip forwarding,
    the problem with ssh was that it tried to do a dns lookup that failed.
    The reason it failed is that it seems like the bridge host (the one with br0) does not seem to be able to connect anywhere except to the client that is connected to it.
    I mean:
    (10.144.) - ( - (
    Net - Bridge - Client,
    I can ssh into Bridge from Client, but I send cant anything (Ping/connect etc) from Bridge to Net. Everything works fine from Client to net tough.
    [root@Bridge etc]# route -n
    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 205 0 0 br0 U 205 0 0 br0
    [root@Bridge etc]# ss -arpt
    State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port
    LISTEN 0 0 *:ssh *:* users:(("sshd",267,3))
    ESTAB 0 0 users:(("sshd",271,3))
    ESTAB 0 0 users:(("sshd",345,3))
    LISTEN 0 0 :::ssh :::* users:(("sshd",267,4))
    br0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
    inet netmask broadcast
    inet6 fe80::ba27:ebff:fefc:1ce5 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
    ether 00:0f:53:b0:2c:49 txqueuelen 0 (Ethernet)
    RX packets 73020 bytes 6867080 (6.5 MiB)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 3130 bytes 800748 (781.9 KiB)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    eth0: flags=4419<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,PROMISC,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
    ether b8:27:eb:fc:1c:e5 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
    RX packets 74579 bytes 9464012 (9.0 MiB)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 5060 bytes 818996 (799.8 KiB)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 16436
    inet netmask
    inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host>
    loop txqueuelen 0 (Local Loopback)
    RX packets 156 bytes 15830 (15.4 KiB)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 156 bytes 15830 (15.4 KiB)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    mon.wlan0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
    unspec 00-0F-53-B0-2C-49-3A-30-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 txqueuelen 1000 (UNSPEC)
    RX packets 477 bytes 53447 (52.1 KiB)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    wlan0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
    inet6 fe80::20f:53ff:feb0:2c49 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
    ether 00:0f:53:b0:2c:49 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
    RX packets 8478 bytes 1086201 (1.0 MiB)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 76359 bytes 12516094 (11.9 MiB)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    [root@Bridge etc]# arp -n
    Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface (incomplete) br0 ether 00:23:5a:28:af:cb C br0 ether 00:23:4d:1b:19:b2 C br0
    I tried adding the gw manually with arp -s , but this didn't help.
    Thanks for your help!

  • [solved] Arch linux access point with multiple interfaces for the NAT

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    Now, Everything works perfectly except providing network connectivity on eth1 and wlan0 simultaneously. I followed the guide in the "Internet share" wiki article and use dnsmasq/hostapd for the AP. It appears as if all traffic from the router is sent to the wlan0 interface, even if it came in through eth1 (for example, dhcp requests). I cannot really find information how to solve this. The words "bonding" and "iptables" are floating around, but there is not really an easy to understand tutorial for this.
    What do I need to do to use both the eth1 and wlan0 interface (for different clients!) on my router?
    Best regards, and thank you in advance
    Jan Oliver
    /e: This seems to be my problem: http://www.novell.com/support/kb/doc.php?id=7000318 How do I solve this using the usual iptables? (The way described in the article doesn't work: "RTNETLINK answers: No such process" errors.)
    Last edited by janoliver (2013-09-25 22:24:53)

    Or you could bridge eth1 and wlan0, and make dnsmasq bind/listen on that bridge...

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    Your printer does not have wireless interface and I can't find part/option for it. You can use the following option (given your wireless router has a spare LAN port):
    Please use the following guide to set it up:
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • Configuring the iPhone and your environment for wireless corporate email

    I'm posting this as a top level thread, because I'm certain that there are others out there, who like me, are trying to figure this out.
    Configuring the iPhone for Enterprise Use
    With Apple’s release of the iPhone, IT organizations are presented with an interesting challenge. Senior execs, gadget heads, and technoratti are all flocking to this device, heralded as the be all and end all of smartphone telecommunications technology. As these devices begin to flood into our organizations, we are met with the challenge to ‘make it work’.
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    First of all, it’s important to understand that the email client for the iPhone is a modified version of Mac’s Mail program. Not the best client in the world, but it does support Exchange integration. It also does external email sources, such as Yahoo and gMail, very well. For my interest though, I’m focusing on the Exchange integration functionality, as that is just about everyone’s corporate standard.
    Bringing this task to fruition requires some understanding about the limitations of the iPhone, as well as some of its current quirks. Wireless802.11x, EDGE, VPN and Mail are all components necessary to provide a serviceable solution for mobile email access, and each of these things has some peculiarities that don’t appear to be fully worked out by Apple at this time.
    For instance, within my organization, we have a secured wireless connectivity option available within our building; however, the SSID of this network is not broadcast, for the obvious reasons. SO, connecting the iPhone to it is a manual process of defining the network, and automatic reconnection seems to be very hit or miss, so it becomes far less of an option for any form of direct network access to your Exchange environment. (As an example, I had to redefine that network, on the iPhone, at least half a dozen times during this process.)
    The other components have equally quirky issues, and I will discuss the how’s to get around them below.
    In coordinating this into a cohesive plan however, I will break this into three sections;
    1. Wireless and EDGE connectivity
    2. VPN access to your network
    3. Connecting to Exchange
    So, without further ado;
    Wireless and EDGE Connectivity
    The wireless capabilities of the iPhone are, on the surface at least, excellent. It connects seamlessly to unsecured networks, offers the option of prompted or unprompted automatic connectivity, and is capable of 802.11G performance. Not bad for such a small package. However, it is very limited in the forms of secure network access it supports. These are, to quote Apple’s website; (and my iPhone)
    WEP Password
    WEP hex or ASCII
    WPA (personal)
    WPA2 (personal)
    Now, due to the obvious security problems in implementing WEP security, it’s likely that any network you run into is going to be WPA or WPA2. The iPhone ONLY supports the personal versions of these protocols, so be aware of this going into the situation. If you’re not connecting to your work or school wireless, and you’re entering the information correctly, then it’s probably because they have the Enterprise version of one of the protocols enabled. If that is the case, then you’re either hunting for unsecured hotspots, or else depending on EDGE.
    In my case, I did have access to a WPA2 (Personal) enabled wireless signal to connect to my internal network. I thought my problem was half solved! I defined the connection, the wireless capability of the phone worked perfectly, and I was connected. I was wrong. Apparently, and judging from the Mac forums I’m not alone in this, the iPhone does not do a very good job of RE-connecting to a secured wireless network. It does an even worse job, when this is coupled with the fact that it doesn’t do a very good job reconnecting to a wireless network with an unpublished SSID.
    After much fiddling and research into this, I determined that this simply was not the way to go, and I abandoned the idea. I wasn’t about to compromise my network security in order to get this silly phone working! So, that left me with either unsecured WiFi, or EDGE.
    Either one of these connects pretty seamlessly, and gives me a relatively decent Internet connection. There are some issues being reported of the iPhone swapping between EDGE and WiFi for not apparent reason, but that said, it can still be made to work.
    Now that I had this connection outside of my network, I obviously had to consider options for getting a secured connection into my network, which of course leads us to;
    VPN Access Into Your Network
    Being that this device was touted as the ‘real internet’ I was very excited to see if I could achieve this connection through my SSL VPN appliance. To make a long story short, I could not. Because Apple’s idea of the ‘Real Internet’ apparently does not include those wacky concepts like Java support, this proved to be impossible. My Apple cohorts will scream that it does support JavaScript, but we all know that that and 2 bucks will get you a small coffee at Starbucks… and not much more.
    (The iPhone also does not support Flash, but that’s a topic for another conversation. I know, how could they leave that out? I’m amazed too, but then Steve Jobs always has been a bit too arrogant for his own good… I mean what does he expect, we’re all going to rewrite everything into QuickTime??? Please.)
    Since that option didn’t work, I was left with the wide selection of two possibilities provided within the iPhone software. Either, a PPTP or L2TP VPN tunnel.
    We went ahead and configured a PPTP connection on one of our Cisco routers in order to test this. It didn’t work. I couldn’t connect to it. Tried and tried. Nada. SOOOO, we said OK, and configured a L2TP connection on one of our Cisco routers, with similar results.
    Figuring that this was something in the config, we called Cisco, and did the technical support dance with them for several days, trying one thing after another to get this connection to actually work. Nothing helped, and it never worked using either protocol. Then, I noticed an obscure article somewhere on some website that said something to the effect that getting one of these tunnels to work from the iPhone to Cisco was nigh on impossible.
    About the same time, my senior network guy said screw it, let’s put this on a Microsoft server. And so we did. Now, this is interesting in it’s own right, because configuring out of the box L2TP or PPTP on a Microsoft server results in a default authentication method of Windows Authentication. This does not work for the iPhone, because it has no idea what to do with the Windows security token it receives. So, you authenticate, and then are immediately dropped due to an inability to communicate with the PPP server.
    Fortunately, we (as do most organizations) have a Radius server. We selected Radius authentication, configured both sides of the Radius authentication setup properly, and launched the PPTP tunnel…. AND…. EUREKA!!! The iPhone’s VPN software connected, authenticated, got an IP, and I was on the network! Well, no.
    After about 2 seconds, I realized that while I did indeed have a connection, I couldn’t do anything with it. Couldn’t even browse to an internal site via IP address. The connection was up, the connection was working, the connection was useless.
    So, we decided to give L2TP a shot. Configured it pretty much identically to the PPTP setup, used Radius, launched the iPhone client, and finally, after many days of screwing around, it worked. Now all I needed was to get my email working, so I started working on;
    Connecting to Exchange
    In the Mail program on the iPhone, the first time you launch it, you’re presented with the ability to configure an email source. However on subsequent or additional accounts, you must go under Settings, Mail to get to this functionality.
    Going into the Mail configuration, I selected an additional account, the account type is, of course, Exchange. The configuration components are pretty obvious, however some things of note are;
    Do NOT include your domain information in the User Name field
    For all Host Names, use the fully qualified domain name of the server, or else IP
    You WILL need to have SMTP enabled somewhere in order to send email
    Anyway, I set all this up, and nothing happened. It said that my server was not responding. Did a little research, and it turns out that the only way to connect to Exchange is through an IMAP4 connection, and just in case you didn’t know, IMAP4 is disabled by default, so you have to enable and configure it.
    Went onto the Exchange server, set the service to Auto, Started the listener, and finally, at long last, EUREKA! I finally had Corporate email on my iPhone, connecting securely, and not sending anything plain text anywhere. Hooray!
    Now for the problems with this solution;
    First of all, it depends upon VPN access into your environment, something that you may or may not be comfortable with. One good thing is that the iPhone does prompt for password to reconnect, and will tie the continuity of the VPN connection into the general phone lock security, such that an inability to provide the appropriate access code to a locked phone results in the VPN not being accessible.
    The VPN of course is dependant upon a reliable network connection. I’ve noticed that it’s somewhat graceful in switching between WiFi and EDGE, however it’s not totally graceful, and you can experience some hinky things, like being able to send and not receive, or the mail client saying ‘Connecting’ for about 5 minutes before it figures things out.
    The best cure for this is to simply stop and restart the VPN connection. Note that when you reconnect, the first attempt will prompt you for a numeric password, this is meaningless unless you have the device lock turned on. Just enter anything. (I think this is another bug) THEN it will re-prompt you for your real VPN password.
    This solution for email delivery is obviously dependant upon the VPN connection being active. I’ve noticed that at times the iPhone will disconnect the VPN (probably when service switching) and not bother to mention it. When that happens, of course the VPN must be restarted.
    For the lazy, this is an inconvenient solution because while it would appear that the iPhone will cache the VPN password, in fact it will not. That means that each re-launch requires that you re-enter your password. Not terrible for me, but I could see it being very tedious for the average corporate user.
    The OSX Mail client has several little deficiencies, which may or may not impact your use of the device in this manner. For instance, if you have subfolders defined for your inbox, and server side rules to move mail into them, then you will not see any synchronization of that mail until you actually select the subfolder. Also, since there is such poor management of attachments and downloads, moving anything around via email on this device is nigh on impossible.
    EDGE access to your corporate email, via a VPN, is a bit sloooooow. It works, it’s certainly fast enough for my purposes, but it’s not the slick quick access that we’ve all become accustomed to with Blackberry and Good devices. The lack of 3G support becomes a very noticeable shortcoming here.
    (Why Apply didn’t simply partner with Good Technologies to crank out a client for this thing, I’ll never understand, but I guess you can refer to my comment above about certain people’s arrogance.)
    The biggest problem of all of course is that it’s simply klugey. I hate klugey. But, with the capabilities at this device’s disposal, and given Apple’s ambitious, if a bit idiotic, stance that no third party will develop software for the iPhone, then this is about as good as it’s going to get for now.
    It is my understanding that overseas there is some initiative underway to provide a more seamless Visto or Synchronica integration for enterprise email. However, given Apple’s unbelievably restrictive agreement with ATT regarding this device and the OTA necessity of delivering the client, I seriously doubt if we’ll see this in the near future in the US.
    But I digress, so…
    In Conclusion
    This solution is not for the faint of heart, it doesn’t work all that well, and it has way too many moving parts that are subject to failure. However, I would say that this solution is serviceable for the corporate technology professional who needs email, and really, REALLY wants the other features of the iPhone. (ie, phone whores such as me.) It requires patience, it requires an understanding that this is not a 100% thing, and there definitely needs to be a prebuilt expectation that this device will not serve your email in anything approaching the manner to which you’ve become accustomed.
    As long as all of that is okay though, then go right ahead, set it up, and enjoy!
    The Short Version;
    (I put this at the end because I want everyone to feel my pain!)
    Use unsecured wireless or EDGE. Secured wireless may be serviceable as long as the SSID is broadcast, but there are known issues with this.
    L2TP, shared secret, running on Microsoft server, with Radius. (May work elsewhere, but doesn’t seem to run on Cisco at all) Accounts enabled for external access.
    Configure IMAP4 Virtual Server on your Exchange environment, ensure that you have some SMTP resource for outbound email, use fully qualified domain names for all servers (or IP) in the mail config and do not include any domain prefix or suffix for user accounts.
    The BIG Disclaimer at the End
    Please note that all of this is provided ‘as is’. It worked for me, and I hope it works for you. To my knowledge, it’s not endorsed by Apple, and I’m not in the business of providing support for this thing. If it breaks something, if it doesn’t work, or if you simply don’t like it or me, I don’t care. However, if you have a question, and I’m not busy, and I feel like answering, I may lend a hand. You can email me at
    Matthew dot Yotko at mac dot com
    Don’t be surprised or offended if I don’t answer. Also, understand that I don’t check this address every day… Maybe a couple times a week.
    Macbook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   iphone

    Thanks, now I understand why the wifi keeps dropping. On my personal wireless network, it also seems the distance from the access point is not good compared to my laptop. At work our network & exchange teams don't seem to have the desire to struggle with this "toy" until customers start forcing its adoption. I am using OWA and it works fine over EDGE. I will share your posting with them.
    Thank you again.
    Dell   Windows XP Pro

  • How do I open ports on my airport extreme and assign a fixed IP Address for a device connected to my network?

    I recently had a security system installed in my house.  One of the features is an EPAD which enables me to have a virtual keypad on my iphone, and computer to operate the alarm system.  The technician was not familiar with Mac's and Airports.  How do I open port 80 to 80 in my airport and assign a fixed IP address for the EPAD?  Apparently this is what is needed to make this work.

    There are three ranges of "strictly local" IP addresses reserved for local Network use:
    What your Router does for you is to act as your agent on the Internet.Your requests are packaged up and forwarded on your behalf, and only when a response is expected is the response returned to your local IP address.
    Directing Network Traffic to a Specific Computer on Your
    Network (Port Mapping)
    AirPort Extreme uses Network Address Translation (NAT) to share a single IP address with the computers that join the AirPort Extreme network. To provide Internet access to several computers with one IP address, NAT assigns private IP addresses to each computer on the AirPort Extreme network, and then matches these addresses with port numbers. The wireless device creates a port-to-private IP address table entry when a computer on your AirPort (private) network sends a request for information to the Internet.
    If you’re using a web, AppleShare, or FTP server on your AirPort Extreme network, other computers initiate communication with your server. Because the Apple wireless device has no table entries for these requests, it has no way of directing the information to the appropriate computer on your AirPort network.
    To ensure that requests are properly routed to your web, AppleShare, or FTP server, you need to establish a permanent IP address for your server and provide inbound port mapping information to your Apple wireless device.
    To set up inbound port mapping:
    1) Open AirPort Utility, select your wireless device, and then choose Base Station > Manual Setup, or double-click the device icon to open its configuration in a separate window. Enter the password if necessary.
    2) Click the Advanced button, and then click Port Mapping.
    3) Click the Add button and choose a service, such as Personal File Sharing, from the Service pop-up menu.

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    There must be a way if Articulate '09 can do this.....
    I have exported 42 audio files into mp3 format using the Advanced Audio Management Panel in Captivate 6. I ran these through a tool to normalize the volumes (MP3gain).
    I now want to go back to the original file, delete the old audio, and import and assign the new files to each slide without having to drag each one from the library to the individual slides.
    How can I do this? (The Audio Management Panel would seem like the most likely way, but I only see an export, no import function.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi there
    Captivate 3 was certainly Adobe. But Captivate 3 is about as similar to Captivate 7 or 8 as a 2000 model vehicle is to a 2007. Things change. Captivate radically changed. Version 5 changed the playing field dramatically because Adobe re-wrote the application and the entire interface changed.
    Cheers... Rick

  • [SOLVED] systemd+wpa_supplicant, but the name of interfaces changes

    I'm following instructions here for having the wireless connection ready at boot on my machine.
    I needed to setup two different daemons since sometimes my wireless interfaces is wlp3s0 and sometimes is wlan0.
    When the name of the interface is wlp3s0 everything works fine and I'm correctly given an IP address.
    It doesn't happen the same when the name is wlan0.
    Here's some output
    $ systemctl status [email protected] -l
    ● [email protected] - Wireless network connectivity (wlan0)
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]; enabled)
    Active: inactive (dead)
    Jun 22 16:10:19 banzi systemd[1]: Dependency failed for Wireless network connectivity (wlan0).
    $ cat /etc/conf.d/network-wireless@wlan0
    $ cat /etc/conf.d/network-wireless@wlp3s0
    $ cat /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
    Description=Wireless network connectivity (%i)
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip link set dev %i up
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/wpa_supplicant -B -i %i -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip addr add ${address}/${netmask} broadcast ${broadcast} dev %i
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip route add default via ${gateway}
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/ip addr flush dev %i
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/ip link set dev %i down
    What more info do you need?, what's wrong?
    Last edited by giuscri (2014-06-28 19:53:35)

    Check your journal for messages relating to wlan0 and wlp3s0.  I think you may find some kind of error message -- maybe having to do with firmware.  I've seen thing like that break predicatible device names
    If you've just one wlan interface, you could turn off predicable device names and just go with wlan0

  • Creating Supplier Bank Accounts and assigning to Supplier.

    Hi Team,
    Step 1: I have created Suppliers,Sites and contacts.
    Step 2: I have created one Supplier Bank and one Supplier Bank Branch.
    In HZ_PARTIES I am able to see 3 records outof which one corresponds to Bank record and the other branch record and the other one is the relationship one.
    Step 3 : For Account creation and assigning to Supplier level I am using the following API iby_ext_bankacct_pub.create_ext_bank_acct and passing these values,
    p_in_acct_rec.bank_id := 62462; (party_id from hz_parties)
    p_in_acct_rec.branch_id := 62464; (partyd_id from hz_parties)
    p_in_acct_rec.country_code := 'DE';
    p_in_acct_rec.bank_account_name := 'AKU BÜROMÖBELMNTAGE';
    p_in_acct_rec.bank_account_num := 8707629220;
    p_in_acct_rec.acct_owner_party_id := 23267; (party_id from ap_suppliers)
    p_in_acct_rec.currency := 'GER';
    p_in_acct_rec.object_version_number := '1.0';
    p_in_acct_rec.start_date := sysdate;
    p_in_acct_rec.foreign_payment_use_flag := 'Y';
    p_in_acct_rec.payment_factor_flag := 'N';
    p_api_version => 1.0,
    p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true,
    p_ext_bank_acct_rec => p_in_acct_rec,
    p_association_level => 'S',
    p_supplier_site_id => 1376, (getting from ap_suppliers)
    p_party_site_id => 16202,
    p_org_id => 304,
    p_org_type => 'OPERATING_UNIT',
    x_acct_id => l_account_id,
    x_return_status => v_return_status,
    x_msg_count => v_msg_count,
    x_msg_data => v_msg_data,
    x_response => x_result_rec_type
    I am passing the above values to the API.
    API is running succesfully.
    I am able to check account details in the following table IBY_EXT_BANK_ACCOUNTS
    After running the above API records are getting populated in these 3 tables IBY_EXT_BANK_ACCOUNTS, iby_account_owners, IBY_PMT_INSTR_USES_ALL
    I am using the following query to cross verify whether the account is created and assigned to Supplier or not,
    select s.vendor_name, ss.vendor_site_code,
    eb.bank_name, ebb.bank_branch_name, ebb.branch_number,
    from ap.ap_suppliers s, ap.ap_supplier_sites_all ss,
    apps.iby_ext_bank_accounts eba,
    apps.iby_account_owners ao, apps.iby_ext_banks_v eb, apps.iby_ext_bank_branches_v ebb
    where s.vendor_id = ss.vendor_id
    and ao.account_owner_party_id = s.party_id
    and eba.ext_bank_account_id = ao.ext_bank_account_id
    and eb.bank_party_id = ebb.bank_party_id
    and eba.branch_id = ebb.branch_party_id
    and eba.bank_id = eb.bank_party_id;
    I am able to see the the record after running the above query.
    I want the account to be attached to the Supplier level.
    If I go to Supplier screen --> and if go to Bank details, I am unable to see the bank account attached to this supplier.

    Did you solved the issue? I have the same task and it works for me. Check if you specify the supplier level in the bank details. Once you specify the association level equal to 'S' you have to choose from the list item - "Supplier level". Here is my code which is same as yours i think...:
    set serveroutput on size 1000000;
    l_bank_acct_rec apps.iby_ext_bankacct_pub.extbankacct_rec_type;
    out_mesg apps.iby_fndcpt_common_pub.result_rec_type;
    l_assign apps.iby_fndcpt_setup_pub.pmtinstrassignment_tbl_type;
    l_payee_rec apps.iby_disbursement_setup_pub.payeecontext_rec_type;
    l_return_status VARCHAR2 (30);
    l_msg_count NUMBER;
    l_msg_data VARCHAR2 (3000);
    l_msg_dummy VARCHAR2 (3000);
    l_output VARCHAR2 (3000);
    l_bank_id NUMBER;
    l_branch_id NUMBER;
    l_bank VARCHAR2 (1000);
    l_acct_owner_party_id NUMBER;
    l_supplier_site_id NUMBER;
    l_party_site_id NUMBER;
    --exec_bank_acct EXCEPTION;
    l_msg_index NUMBER := 0;
    V_RETURN_STATUS varchar2(20);
    V_MSG_COUNT number;
    v_msg_data varchar2(500);
    FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(1112, 50639, 200);
    l_bank_acct_rec.bank_id := 5087; --(party_id from hz_parties)
    l_bank_acct_rec.branch_id := 5087; --(partyd_id from hz_parties)
    l_bank_acct_rec.country_code := 'BG';
    l_bank_acct_rec.bank_account_name := '45623123';
    l_bank_acct_rec.bank_account_num := 123145124123;
    l_bank_acct_rec.acct_owner_party_id := 183732;-- (party_id from ap_suppliers)
    l_bank_acct_rec.currency := 'BGN';
    l_bank_acct_rec.object_version_number := '1.0';
    l_bank_acct_rec.start_date := sysdate;
    --l_bank_acct_rec.foreign_payment_use_flag := 'Y';
    --l_bank_acct_rec.payment_factor_flag := 'N';
    (p_api_version => 1.0,
    p_init_msg_list => 'F',
    p_ext_bank_acct_rec => l_bank_acct_rec,
    p_association_level => 'S',
    p_supplier_site_id => 3020,
    p_party_site_id => 43594,
    p_org_id => 81,
    p_org_type => 'OPERATING_UNIT',
    x_acct_id => l_acct,
    x_return_status => l_return_status,
    x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
    x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
    x_response => out_mesg
    dbms_output.put_line (l_return_status);
    IF l_return_status IN ('E') THEN
    dbms_output.put_line (l_msg_count);
    FOR i IN 1 .. l_msg_count
    apps.fnd_msg_pub.get( i, apps.fnd_api.g_false, l_msg_data, l_msg_index );
    l_msg_data := l_msg_data || 'Bank Account API Error ';
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'Error :- '||l_msg_data);
    dbms_output.put_line (l_msg_data);
    end if;
    /EBS Version: 12.1.3

  • Customed maintenance view and assign T-Code

    Hello SAP exports,
    I have one question needs your help!
    We do not want the end users to maintenance V_T008 table directly by using SM30 in PRD.
    Therefore, I copy V_T008 view and create a custom view ZV_T008 by using SE11.
    The purpose is to create a maintenance view (ZV_T008) and assign a new T-Code in order to let user allows to maintenace ONLY in V_T001C table in PRD without using SM30.
    Is above the solution workable?
    I know how to assign a program to a new T-Code by using T-Code SE93.
    But, I do not know how to assign a maintenance view (ZV_T008) to a new T-Code.
    Please help.
    Thank you.
    Sylvia Chen

    Great thanks for the tips!
    Now I can run T-Code and SAP display the data table immediately.
    I can modify the data table directly without using SM30.
    This is great!
    Two more things need to solve.
    Can SAP only show one of the record of the data table?
    There are 10 records in the data table.
    The user ONLY needs to modify one record when the ZV_T008-ZAHLS = "K".
    The other thing needs to solve is following:
    when user inputs T-Code, SAP display the data table immediately.
    But, the description field (ZV_T008-TEXTL) is able to modify.
    How can I make this field become not able to modify?
    If you can provide the above solution, it will make me a very Merry Christmas!
    Sylvia Chen

  • Macbook Pro - no wireless interface

    I have a unibody macbook pro, trying to get the wireless to work but the wiki seems to have brought me to a dead end.
    According to this:
    $ lspci -vnn | grep 14e4
    02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5764M Gigabit Ethernet PCIe [14e4:1684] (rev 10)
    Subsystem: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5764M Gigabit Ethernet PCIe [14e4:1684]
    03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM43224 802.11a/b/g/n [14e4:4353] (rev 01)
    I have a BCM43224, which uses the brcmsmac driver. According to the wiki, this driver is included in the kernel and requires no setup at all.
    But the wireless interface doesn't come up when I do this:
    $ ip link
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 58:b0:35:fd:07:94 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    I'm not sure what more I should post, but here's the output from hwdetect:
    $ hwdetect --show-net
    NET : libphy tg3 bluetooth mac80211 rfkill cfg80211
    I don't know what any of those mean, other than bluetooth
    Surely I must be missing something simple if this driver is supposed to "just work", right?

    ankillito wrote:
    And here's the relevant wiki troubleshooting guide that suggests the blacklisting mentioned in the previous post. I mention this because the wiki also says:
    Now, rebuild the initramfs image and everything should work as expected.
    # mkinitcpio -p linux
    So, I did this and it doesn't seem to have worked. The link that karol pointed to says this:
    To see if you were successful, execute
    grep bcma /proc/modules
    If there is no output, then blacklisting was successful.
    But there was output:
    $ grep bcma /proc/modules
    bcma 11198 0 - Live 0xfb5f5000
    So apparently the blacklisting was unsuccessful.

  • Automatically shutdown wireless interface, out of office hours.

    I have a Cisco 870 Wireless-Router.
    I would like to turn the wireless interface off between 9pm and 8am when it's not being used.
    Is there a way this can be done automatically.
    i.e. shutdown 802.11 interface via a routine job (or maybe via .TCL script)
    Any help appreciated.

    Hi All,
    I have the answer to my own question.
    (if anyone's interested)
    It can be done ! By disabling the radio interface via EEM configuration.
    thankfully I don't have to configure .tcl scripts.
    ......... here's my config .........
    event manager applet ENABLE-RADIO
    event timer cron name WeekdayStart cron-entry "00 8 * *"
    action 1.0 cli command "enable"
    action 1.1 cli command "configure term"
    action 1.2 cli command "interface Dot11Radio0"
    action 1.3 cli command "no shut"
    event manager applet DISABLE-RADIO
    event timer cron name WeekdayStart cron-entry "00 6 * *"
    action 1.0 cli command "enable"
    action 1.1 cli command "configure term"
    action 1.2 cli command "interface Dot11Radio0"
    action 1.3 cli command "shut"

  • [SOLVED] Xfce and bus issues

    Long story short, I updated Xfce to 4.8 few days ago, and everything went well. I was running my basic programs and VM during these days.
    But today, all of a sudden, some programs didn't launch anymore. xfce4-mixer quit with a "Bus Error" message, and many other things started failing. After a reboot, it just got weirder: NMApplet appeared in the tray and displayed my network (wireless), but clicking it just "freezes" the icon. Aside from that, xfce wouldn't load my keymap (es), instead it defaults to a "us" keymap.
    The only packages I updated today were a few python and power management packages. Downgrading these (and dbus) didn't help.
    Also, X terminals (xfce's terminal, tilda, etc) behave strangely when scrolling back: A few lines are displayed, but scrolling up further just displays empty space.
    No major configs were edited during this time. Googling a bit gave me results about dbus being twice on rc.conf, but that's not the issue. My current rc.conf has dbus and hal after it (Method 1 in archwiki). Excluding dbus (Method 2) doesn't change things. I also tried excluding hal (Xfce 4.8 doesn't require it anymore, correct?), but it's the same thing.
    Xfce itself seems to run sorta fine though: The shutdown command inside the DE works, and some apps do run (power management, xfce notes, notifications). Others give out several errors: Chromium for example says it "can't create a directory socket" or something (using another system right now, so I can't check), while avant-window-navigator gives out dbus and gconf errors.
    dmesg doesn't display anything out of the ordinary at the end (the blank space in terminals issue doesn't let me read too far back.)
    EDIT: A dbus-daemon process is constantly using 50% of the CPU. And the kernel is 2.6.36 (upgraded it quite some time ago, had no issues)
    Any ideas on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by GRem (2011-01-23 01:00:54)

    ...and I solved it.
    Since nothing would work, I decided to back up my system files and pacman cache, among other things. When checking my pkgcache folder size, I noticed that the / partition was at 100%...
    So running ncdu I find out slim had a 9.9 GB log for some reason. Deleted that, rebooted, and everything is back to normal.
    So now I mark this as solved, thankfully. Now the slim logs are not growing like crazy.

Maybe you are looking for