[SOLVED]mail command not found

What package should I install to get the mail command working?
I used it to check my cron mails but doesn't work anymore.
keerthi ~ $ mail
bash: mail: command not found
Last edited by keerthi (2008-02-04 17:57:07)

You want mailx or the alternative heirloom implementation (in community, I believe)

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    Last edited by apokaliptik (2012-01-09 21:34:02)

    wiki wrote:Pacman will ask you to select the packages to install, but you probably want to get them all by simply pressing Enter.
    [karol@black ~]$ pacman -S xfce4
    :: There are 16 members in group xfce4:
    :: Repository extra
    1) exo 2) garcon 3) gtk-xfce-engine 4) terminal 5) thunar 6) tumbler
    7) xfce-utils 8) xfce4-appfinder 9) xfce4-mixer 10) xfce4-panel
    11) xfce4-session 12) xfce4-settings 13) xfconf 14) xfdesktop 15) xfwm4
    16) xfwm4-themes
    Enter a selection (default=all):
    xfce-utils is the 7th member of xfce4 group; it should be downloaded and installed. Don't know why it wasn't installed in your case.
    Please remember to mark the thread as solved as per our forum rules https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=130309 :-)

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    Last edited by Caldazar (2014-01-25 20:55:02)

    Thanks! That's better although it doesn't work out of the box either.
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    P.S. @ChemBro
    Yes, using qdbus-qt4 seems to work with commands I have control over but telling applications like Netbeans to use that is a different beast, at least from a user-perspective.
    Maybe the packagers can do something about that, but I don't know.
    Last edited by Caldazar (2014-01-21 15:03:39)

  • [solved] hostname command not found

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    Last edited by polslinux (2011-08-26 11:31:26)

    http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/ … 21397.html
    Edit: inetutils from [testing] http://www.archlinux.org/packages/testi … inetutils/ have the hostname binary and it was removed from the [testing] net-tools http://www.archlinux.org/packages/testi … net-tools/
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    Last edited by karol (2011-08-26 10:29:33)

  • [SOLVED]pacstrab: command not found

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    Last edited by Arche (2013-11-03 09:17:53)

    'pacstrab' only was just a test in sheer desperation.
    OH MY GOD. I can't be so dumb... Will test it if I really wrote pacstrab in my installtion, too.
    EDIT: Please delete this... I'm so disgusting... Trying everything for a hour and I'm just too dumb to type...
    Last edited by Arche (2013-11-03 09:12:34)

  • [solved] gconfpkg: command not found

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    ==> Updating icon-cache.....
    /tmp/alpm_Napi2c/.INSTALL: line 32: gconfpkg: command not found
    error: command failed to execute correctly
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    Last edited by stefanwilkens (2009-12-03 13:35:44)

    problem solved, the location of gconfpkg wasn't in PATH
    locate gconfpkg
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    modprobe broadcom
    modprobe tg3
    /etc/rc.d/network restart
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    PIMPinator wrote:Oh man, just did a fresh install on a laptop and had no idea what was going on, and didn't see anything in the wiki. I don't see how ip is used though, i can't even see how to list interfaces.
    It isn't that hard, you just need to use your brain a bit. just typing `ip` shows the list of available subcommands. For interfaces, e.g. links:
    $ ip link show
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether f2:3c:91:96:cb:ca brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    7: tun0: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN qlen 100
    And to show addresses assigned to those links:
    $ ip addr show
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether f2:3c:91:96:cb:ca brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
    inet brd scope global eth0
    inet6 2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe96:cbca/64 scope global dynamic
    valid_lft 43051sec preferred_lft 43051sec
    inet6 fe80::f03c:91ff:fe96:cbca/64 scope link
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    7: tun0: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN qlen 100
    inet peer scope global tun0

  • [SOLVED]Shutdown Command Not Found?

    Don't worry. I'm not about to ask why updating my system didn't work and how I can fix it. This is about something that happened after I updated successfully. So, like I said, I ran through the commands just fine. Updating works. Then, I go to reboot running the command: sudo reboot. I get the response: sudo: reboot: command not found. Ok fine. So I run sudo shutdown -r now. Then I get this: sudo: shutdown: command not found. Same with shutdown -h now. I don't see why the update would do this but it's the only thing I can think of since it's the only thing I've done since shutdown stopped working.
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    Last edited by xworld (2013-06-05 00:10:38)

    The Great Arch Wiki has the answer: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/FA … is_X_in.3F

  • [SOLVED]mkinitcpio command not found!??

    Hello all,
    I receive the following when trying to rebuild the stock kernel:
    [taylor-unix@Legion Desktop]$ sudo mkinitcpio -p kernel26
    sudo: mkinitcpio: command not found
    [taylor-unix@Legion Desktop]$
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    I seem to have commands that do not work on this system, like 'shutdown' for example.. 'shutdown: command not found'. Perhaps I've missed installing a crucial package?
    I need help..
    My sincerest thanks in advance.
    Last edited by edward.taylor89 (2010-11-10 17:39:46)

    Here as follows:
    mkinitcpio /etc/
    mkinitcpio /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
    mkinitcpio /etc/mkinitcpio.d/
    mkinitcpio /etc/mkinitcpio.d/example.preset
    mkinitcpio /lib/
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/functions
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/btrfs
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/consolefont
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/dmesg
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/keymap
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/memdisk
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/net
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/resume
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/sleep
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/udev
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/init
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/init_functions
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/autodetect
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/base
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/btrfs
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/consolefont
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/dmesg
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/dsdt
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/filesystems
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/fw
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/ide
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/keymap
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/memdisk
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/net
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/pata
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/pcmcia
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/resume
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/sata
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/scsi
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/sleep
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/udev
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/usb
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/usbinput
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/udev/
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/udev/01-memdisk.rules
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/udev/load-modules.sh
    mkinitcpio /sbin/
    mkinitcpio /sbin/mkinitcpio
    mkinitcpio /usr/
    mkinitcpio /usr/share/
    mkinitcpio /usr/share/man/
    mkinitcpio /usr/share/man/man5/
    mkinitcpio /usr/share/man/man5/mkinitcpio.5.gz

  • [SOLVED] lirc: command not found

    Hello everyone,
    I have an old MCE remote that i'd like to make use of. I've been trying to follow the archwiki, everything is good I installed LIRC and LIRC-utils, loaded lirc_mceusb, except for the part where I'm supposed to execute lirc for some reason I get an invalid command error even thought its installed. Am I missing something here?
    archuser@archws ~ % lirc                                                 <12:32>
    zsh: correct 'lirc' to 'lircd' [nyae]? n
    zsh: command not found: lirc
    Last edited by aluser (2011-02-26 04:22:25)

    The mceusb module ships with the kernel now, so the lirc package is no longer necessary.  Simple initial setup:
    Install lirc-utils
    Copy /usr/share/lirc/remotes/mceusb/lircd.conf.mceusb to /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
    Edit /etc/rc.conf and add mceusb to the MODULES array and lircd to the DAEMONS array
    Edit /etc/rc.local and add
    /usr/bin/ir-keytable -p lirc
    Create ~/.lircrc and edit as required
    If double keystrokes are the problem now and you have a dib0700-based dvb card installed then create /etc/modprobe.d/dvb-usb.conf containing
    options dvb_usb disable_rc_polling=1
    I've got a model 1039 with the colour buttons and it works fine:
    $ irw
    000000037ff07be8 00 Record mceusb
    000000037ff07be8 01 Record mceusb
    000000037ff07be9 00 Play mceusb
    000000037ff07be9 01 Play mceusb
    000000037ff07beb 00 Forward mceusb
    000000037ff07beb 01 Forward mceusb
    000000037ff07beb 02 Forward mceusb
    000000037ff07bdd 00 OK mceusb
    000000037ff07bdd 01 OK mceusb
    000000037ff07bdd 02 OK mceusb
    000000037ff07be0 00 Down mceusb
    000000037ff07be0 01 Down mceusb
    Edit: Missed a step.
    Edit: Missed a hardware-specific step.
    Last edited by azleifel (2011-02-15 21:02:56)

  • [SOLVED] "ip: command not found" after power failure

    After a power failure my Arch box has no network connection available. An 'ip addr' command showed me the outrageous error message :
    bash: ip: command not found
    How could this ever happen ? How do I recover from such an error ?
    Last edited by singleton (2014-12-19 17:34:58)

    I wasn't doing any system maintenance when the power failed, just some regular browsing.
    Here's the output of each command :
    pacman -Qk
    echo $PATH
    ls -l /usr/bin/ip
    ls: cannot access /usr/bin/ip: No such file or directory
    pacman -Qi iproute2
    error: package 'iproute2' was not found
    I 'm suspecting I will need to use a fresh installation CD to get over this. Any guidance will be greatly appreciated though!

  • SOLVED: perlpanel command not found

    hi all,
    I am a bit of an Arch virgin and this is my first q. I have been setting up openbox and playing around with panels I couldn't really find one I liked. Pypanel is nice but I couldn't get the buttons to perform effects (they just sit there, no push effect or mouse hover effect). So, I just installed perlpanel from the community repo with pacman and typing perlpanel returns "command not found". It seems to have installed in /usr/local/lib/. I have all the config files, but no binary.
    EDIT: Found it under /opt
    Last edited by alleyoopster (2007-03-02 07:15:23)

    http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/ … 21397.html
    Edit: inetutils from [testing] http://www.archlinux.org/packages/testi … inetutils/ have the hostname binary and it was removed from the [testing] net-tools http://www.archlinux.org/packages/testi … net-tools/
    Packages in [core] still work the old way: net-tools provides hostname.
    Last edited by karol (2011-08-26 10:29:33)

  • [SOLVED] modprobe: command not found

    I am fully up to date as of today.
    I had a kernel panic and had to chroot and run:
    pacman -Syy
    pacman -S pacman
    pacman -Syu
    pacman -S udev
    pacman -S mkinitcpio
    sudo mkinitcpio -p linux
    to repair.
    Now, I can boot fine and when I tried to load a module, I got the command not found error.
    I tried to re-install kmod but still nothing.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by frank419 (2012-04-11 18:59:11)

    [arch ~]$ sudo which modprobe
    which: no modprobe in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games)
    [arch ~]$ sudo find / -name modprobe
    [arch ~]$ su -
    -bash: n#: command not found
    -bash: thennfor: command not found
    -bash: dontest: command not found
    -bash: thenn.: command not found
    -bash-4.2# modprobe
    -bash: modprobe: command not found
    edit:code tags
    Last edited by frank419 (2012-04-11 18:29:40)

  • [SOLVED]Locate command not found

    I have recently installed arch, which seems great so far, (including the base, base-devel and a few other things) and I am having one problem. The locate command does not seem to be working from the command line.
    locate atlas
    bash: locate: command not found
    Do I need to install something extra to obtain the locate command? Locate is such a common word I am having a little trouble tracking down the problem with google.
    Last edited by TheStatsMan (2010-06-14 09:28:17)

    > pacman -Ss locate
    core/findutils 4.4.2-2 (base)
    GNU utilities to locate files
    core/mlocate 0.22.4-1
    Faster merging drop-in for slocate
    You want mlocate.

  • [SOLVED]iwlist: command not found

    Hey guys,
    Im trying to run my Alfa AWUS036H i follow the Rtl8187 guide on the wiki, everything works fine until iwlist wlan1 scan
    and i get the error iwlist: command not found.
    Any tricks to get this working?
    Last edited by Sofflock (2010-11-18 20:56:04)

    Install the package called wireless_tools

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