[Solved] Removing package installed by AUR

I installed digikam and would like to remove it.
[burt@bobland ~]$ sudo pacman -Qs digikam
local/digikam-beta 1.0.0-7
Digital photo management application for kde
[burt@bobland ~]$ sudo pacman -Qi digikam
error: package "digikam" not found
Because the package is not found, I can't remove it.  But the files are still there.
[burt@bobland ~]$ sudo pacman -R digikam
digikam not found, searching for group...
error: 'digikam': not found in local db
[burt@bobland ~]$ which digikam
Last edited by bobland (2009-10-11 23:04:45)

Read your system's output more carefully. Your pacman -Qs command above shows that the package is called digikam-beta.

Similar Messages

  • [SOLVED] How to install from AUR?

    Ok, I know I'm posting too many questions too fast but I'm at the last step in configuring my videocard driver to install X and I'm stranded in the middle of nowhere, sorry for too much posting.
    I need to install a package from AUR but even I read the guide (http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_User_Guidelines) I can't make it clear enough on how to do it so please correct me if there's anything wrong.
    a. first of all, I need to download and install wget because I'm at CLI ready to configure X but I need the latest test drivers that fully support my videocard.
    b. mkdir ~/myuser/build && cd ~/myuser/build
    c. I need to download from here (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=34773) the Tarball, PKGBUILD and all the files listed in "Files", right?
    d. Once I have files downloaded all I need to do is follow the instructions in the wiki, 
       1.  Acquire a PKGBUILD  and any other required files (e.g. patches)
       2. Run makepkg in the directory where the files are saved
       3. Install the resulting package with pacman
    Thanks for any advice!
    Last edited by martin77 (2010-03-29 01:38:25)

    did you ever saw that Heineken TV Ad where a woman shows her dresser-room to her fellow friends and they start screaming like (women does) crazy, and while they still screaming a lot they start to hear a somewhat identical scream from other part of the house that in fact shows up as the boyfriend/husband of the first lady showing his buddys his special fridge-room filled with green bottles?
    Well, that was my *exact* impression yesterday after having KDE4 up and running with composite turned on faster than any Fluxbox system on a iCore 7, and that's the top part of the iceberg.
    I think the best thing I like about Arch it's it's simplicity - besides it's speed. Okay, it may seem somewhat obscure to profane because editing configuration files is something strange to profanes, but if you have a little knowledge of GNU/Linux like myself once completed the Beginner's Guide, looking at /var/log/pacman.log and start tweaking you found yourself with a very powerfull yet easy to use, easy and fast to learn system. Arch is incredible, that's why it's gaining so much popularity, and it's community is superb.
    I'm doing my first steps around it and find Yaourt a very cool tool, I love all the info it shows about installed and AUR packages and the way it colorize, very pragmatic-oriented (as Arch is).
    On the other hand Packer is a swift tool to replace pacman.
    Thank you guys for your kindness and time spent on this n00b, best!

  • [Solved] Split packages in the AUR?

    Can I not upload a split package to the AUR? I am getting an error when I try to upload this PKGBUILD source package:
    Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed.
    pkgname=('mfs-client' 'mfs-chunkserver' 'mfs-master')
    pkgdesc="File system designed for petabyte class clusters crunching mission critical data 24/7"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    build() {
    cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
    package_mfs-client() {
    depends=('zlib' 'fuse')
    cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib --disable-mfschunkserver --disable-mfsmaster --disable-mfscgi --disable-mfscgiserv
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install || return 1
    rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man7
    package_mfs-chunkserver() {
    cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib --disable-mfsmaster --disable-mfsmount --disable-mfscgi --disable-mfscgiserv
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install || return 1
    rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man7
    install -m 755 -D ${srcdir}/mfschunkserver ${pkgdir}/etc/rc.d/mfschunkserver
    package_mfs-master() {
    cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib --disable-mfschunkserver --disable-mfsmount
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install || return 1
    install -D -m0644 README $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/${pkgbase}/README
    install -D -m0644 INSTALL $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/${pkgbase}/INSTALL
    install -D -m0644 NEWS $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/${pkgbase}/NEWS
    install -D -m0644 UPGRADE $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/${pkgbase}/UPGRADE
    install -m 755 -D ${srcdir}/mfsmaster ${pkgdir}/etc/rc.d/mfsmaster
    install -m 755 -D ${srcdir}/mfsmetalogger ${pkgdir}/etc/rc.d/mfsmetalogger
    install -m 755 -D ${srcdir}/mfscgiserv ${pkgdir}/etc/rc.d/mfscgiserv
    find "$pkgdir" -name 'mfscgiserv' -print0 |xargs -0 \
    sed -i -e 's,^#!/usr/bin/env python$,#!/usr/bin/env python2,' \
    -e 's,^#!/usr/bin/python$,#!/usr/bin/python2,'
    Last edited by Ryujin (2010-12-23 03:35:40)

    And, please use "code" tags...

  • Update packages installed from AUR

    Is there some way to automatically check for newer packages that were installed from aur and install them.
    I want achieve behaviour similiar to pacman -Syu.

    karol wrote:http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_Helpers
    Yes, exactly. As well, there are countless threads on the subject. This has been covered to death.

  • [Solved]All Packages in the AUR

    Quick question, is there an automated way to get/download a list of all packages in the AUR? I have been looking at the rpc interface but I have not discovered a way to get a list of all AUR packages.
    Last edited by Ryujin (2010-11-29 16:03:52)

    Thats what I figured
    Oh well, worth a shot. I do think it would be nice to have, but I don't think I can present a sufficient argument to request the feature.
    So the answer to me question seems to be "no"
    Last edited by Ryujin (2010-11-27 17:44:49)

  • [SOLVED] Removing E17 desktop from AUR script

    I went about today installing Arch with much success and was trying to install the E17 desktop which isn't working; anytime I type startx I get:
    xset: bad font path element (#0), possible cause are:
    Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
    Director missing fonts.dir
    Incorrect font server address or syntax
    /home/fox/.xinitrc: line 4: exec: enlightenment_start: not found
    xinit looks like this:
    xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local
    xset fp rehash
    exec enlightenment_start
    I was going to remove E17 and reinstall it, but since I used the easy_e17.sh script I don't know how to go about removing it. I got the script from the AUR and used pacman -U to install it, but I can't seem to find a way to undo it. I tried reading easy_e17 --help and googled for a while, but couldn't find any info. Any help is appreciated.
    Last edited by NexusX (2011-01-14 22:34:12)

    Awebb wrote:What's the objection against the package in the repos? Why all the hassle with a non-pacman install?
    I had the install from the repo's previously; the install was very smooth and it started just fine but I ran into a bug where if I attempted to remove a gadget from my desktop, my whole system would lock up. I jumped on to irc to see if anyone knew of a workaround when a dev told me that the snapshots in the repo's were about 2 weeks old, and that a large amount of work had been done over that time to that area, and that updating the snapshot would probably fix the issue. I know that at this point, it'd probably be easier to just re-install the package in the repos and avoid doing anything to reproduce the bug, but rather than take the easy way out I'd rather address the problem directly and have an up-to-date e17 install. In the meantime I got XFCE up and running so I have a fully functioning system.
    moetunes wrote:Enlightenment_start would be a script to set the environment up and start the window manager, it is important. It looks like the make errors, as they always are, are important and shouldn't be ignored. Try again and pay attention to what happens during make, more then likely it will be dependency problems.
    I went back and did another reinstall to see if I could read into those make errors a bit better, especially now that I have XFCE and a web browser to search with. The make errors didn't show up this time around (/shrug) but at the end of the install was a set of 3 instructions instructing the user to add 3 paths to their environment, one of which was the PATH argument listed in the wiki, the other two were for Python and an e17 library. Added them to /etc/profile:
    #E17 eas-e17
    And shazaam, Enlightenment works I saw these instruction in previous installs, but dismissed them since 1 was in the wiki instructions, thinking that was all that was needed. I'm considering appending this finding to the wiki.
    The new updated install fixed the problem I was having with e17 before Now, lol, however a new one is showing up that might be worse.  Now that I can update the snapshot with a single command though I suppose I'll keep e17 around and play with it as updates happen. Thanks for sticking around, if it wasn't for you insistence that the problem probably was a fudged path variable, I might have missed it.

  • What is you favourite program to update packages installed by aur?

    I used aurbuild, but I saw there are many... So what is your pacman for AUR? And overall why?

    i just scripted the wget / tar / makepkg / pacman -U process with prompts between each step.  it also starts with a lynx aur google search to get the package name. 
    # Aurget V 0.1
    # pbrisbin 2009
    # This script searches google for Arch Linux AUR packages
    # The user selects from the results and the packages is
    # optionally extracted, built, and installed
    # Packages can be saved or discarded
    # Usage: aurget [packagename]
    # ToDo: track version info to see if your due for an update
    # (basically, become yaourt!)
    ## User Config
    # just some directories
    WD="/tmp/aurget" # place to do some work
    PD="$HOME/Packages" # place to store built packages
    SAFE="$PD/aurget_dump" # place to dump data if something happens
    ## Program below
    # set up the environment
    [ -d $WD ] || (mkdir $WD && chmod 700 $WD)
    [ -d $SAFE ] || mkdir -p $SAFE
    LNG=$(echo $LANG | cut -d '_' -f 1)
    CHARSET=$(echo $LANG | cut -d '.' -f 2)
    # minimal error checking
    if [ -z $1 ]; then
    echo "Please specify a search term. Ex. ./aurget cairo"
    exit 0
    # search google for the AUR package
    lynx -accept_all_cookies -dump -hiddenlinks=ignore -nonumbers -assume_charset="$CHARSET" -display_charset="$CHARSET" "http://www.google.com/search?hl=${LNG}&q=${1}+site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Faur.archlinux.org%2F&btnG=Search" | grep AUR\ \(en\) > $WD/results
    if [ ! -s $WD/results ]; then
    echo "Sorry, no appropriate results."
    exit 0
    # display the results
    echo ""
    echo "Results found:"
    echo ""
    cat -b $WD/results | awk '{ print " ", $1, "-", $6 }'
    echo ""
    echo "Please enter the number to download: (or q to quit)"
    echo ""
    # read which packages to DL
    read NUM
    if [ "$NUM" = "q" ]; then
    echo " Quitting..."
    exit 0
    PACK=$(cat -b $WD/results | grep -P "$NUM\t" | awk '{ print $6 }')
    # download the tarball
    echo ""
    echo "Downloading $PACK to $WD..."
    echo ""
    wget -q -O $WD/$PACK.tar.gz http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/$PACK/$PACK.tar.gz || exit 1
    # extract the tarball
    echo ""
    echo " Tarball downloaded."
    echo ""
    echo " Extract the files? (y/n)"
    echo ""
    read E
    case $E in
    cd $WD && tar xvzf $PACK.tar.gz || exit 2
    echo " Quitting..."
    cp $WD/$PACK.tar.gz $SAFE/
    rm -r $WD
    exit 0
    echo " Invalid, quitting."
    rm -r $WD
    exit 5
    # use makepkg to build the package
    echo ""
    echo " Files extracted."
    echo ""
    echo " Build the package? (y/n)"
    echo ""
    read B
    case $B in
    cd $WD/$PACK && makepkg -s || exit 3
    PACK=$(find $WD/$PACK -name '*pkg.tar.gz')
    echo " Quitting..."
    cp $WD/$PACK $SAFE/
    rm -r $WD
    exit 0
    echo " Invalid, quitting."
    rm -r $WD
    exit 5
    # use pacman -U to install the package
    echo ""
    echo " Package built."
    echo ""
    echo " Install the package? (y/n)"
    echo ""
    read I
    case $I in
    sudo pacman -U $PACK || exit 4
    echo " Quitting..."
    cp $PACK $PD/
    rm -r $WD
    exit 0
    echo " Invalid, quitting..."
    rm -r $WD
    exit 5
    # clean up the working directory, save the package if you want
    echo ""
    echo " Package was installed."
    echo ""
    echo " Keep the Package? (y/n)"
    echo ""
    read K
    case $K in
    cp $PACK $PD/
    rm -r $WD
    exit 0
    echo " Quitting..."
    rm -r $WD
    exit 0
    echo " Invalid, quitting..."
    rm -r $WD
    exit 5
    # always clean up after yourself
    [ -d $WD ] && rm -r $WD
    exit 0
    i know i could probably search AUR directly but i took the lynx line from another script and just kept it (added the site= term to keep it AUR specific)
    Last edited by brisbin33 (2009-04-02 17:19:44)

  • [solved] How to install the AUR

    I apologise if this question is answered somewhere, but I looked at the wiki pages and I am still confused.
    I am trying to install libreoffice-extension-languagetool
    I am using the command:
    sudo pacman -S libreoffice-extension-languagetool
    I get the message: error: target not found: libreoffice-extension-languagetool
    I understand that this is in the AUR, I can see it here: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/libr … guagetool/
    I would be most appreciative of any assistance in understanding this specific situation.
    I checked my pacman.conf and found what I thought indicates that the community repositor is enabled:
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    I am sure I missed something simple.
    Last edited by cprofitt (2015-02-07 18:28:10)

    After you get your grip on using AUR via makepkg, you may take a look at yaourt (@ArchWiki). It allows you to automatically rebuild packages when an update is available. It also helps a lot when building a package that has tons of dependencies coming from AUR.
    Note hower that I've put an emphasize "after". While yaourt is a great tool, using it without understanding "the basic way" first is not the wisest idea. Keep ewaller's words in mind: AUR is just a place where people may put a file that basically contains a set of commands to execute. It's just like finding information on a forum on how to compile a package. You wouldn't just blindly copy-paste commands from a forum to your terminal, would you?
    Last edited by mpan (2015-02-07 06:15:07)

  • [solved] remove packages from a txt file list

    as the subject header says, I want to run "pacman -R" and have it read a list of packages from a text file.
    Is this possible????
    text file is formatted as such....
    Last edited by orphius (2013-07-09 08:11:53)

    Please remember to mark your thread as [Solved] by editing your first post and prepending it to the title.

  • [SOLVED] yaourt. packages taken from aur that are from core or extra

    Hi! i have a couple of days ago strange yaourt-pacman behaviour, i mean, when i do -Syu --aur, i get strange
    [aleyscha@aleyscha ~]$ yaourt -S screen
    warning: screen-4.0.3-5 is up to date -- reinstalling
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Targets: screen-4.0.3-5
    Total Download Size: 0.45 MB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
    :: Retrieving packages from extra...
    error: failed retrieving file 'screen-4.0.3-5-i686.pkg.tar.gz' from ftp.archlinux.org : Connection timed out
    warning: failed to retrieve some files from extra
    error: failed to commit transaction (unexpected error)
    and in yaourt -Syu --aur for example, i get a lot of packages newer in local than in aur, and some packages i know not even are in aur... for example unshield alsa-plugins and tuxcmd
    ==> Searching for new version on AUR
    alsa-plugins: (local=1.0.15-1 aur=1.0.11-1)
    amidi-plug: (local=0.7-3 aur=0.5-1)
    amule-cvs: up to date
    any2dvd: (local=0.34-3 aur=0.30-2)
    archlinux-xdg-menu: not found on AUR
    archmage: up to date
    aria: (local=1.0.0-4 aur=1.0.0_1.fc8-1)
    astromenace: up to date
    audio-convert: (local= aur=
    aumix-gtk: (local=2.8-2 aur=2.8-1)
    aurvote: up to date
    avifile: not found on AUR
    bashburn: (local=2.1.2-3 aur=2.1.2-1)
    bfcommander: up to date
    bin2iso: up to date
    bitefusion: up to date
    bkhive2: up to date
    briquolo: up to date
    tuxcmd: not found on AUR
    tuxcube: up to date
    uif2iso: up to date
    unace: (local=2.5-5 aur=2.5-4)
    units: (local=1.87-1 aur=1.85-1)
    unshield: not found on AUR
    uqm: (local=0.6.2-2 aur=0.5.0-1)
    my /etc/pacman.d/core for example:
    # core: Arch Linux core repository
    # United States
    Server = ftp://ftp.archlinux.org/core/os/i686
    Server = ftp://ftp.nethat.com/pub/linux/archlinux/core/os/i686
    Server = ftp://locke.suu.edu/linux/dist/archlinux/core/os/i686
    Server = ftp://mirrors.unixheads.org/archlinux/core/os/i686
    Server = ftp://ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu/pub/linux/distributions/archlinux/core/o$
    Server = ftp://mirror.cs.vt.edu/pub/ArchLinux/core/os/i686
    Server = http://mirrors.easynews.com/linux/archlinux/core/os/i686
    Server = ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/archlinux/core/os/i686
    # South America
    # - Brazil
    Server = http://archlinux.c3sl.ufpr.br/core/os/i686
    Last edited by leo2501 (2008-03-09 11:16:17)

    What are the versions of your pacman and yaourt?
    There are some updates to all the pacman, yaourt and AUR web pages,
    so can you try this:
    1. upgrade pacman itself first
    2. upgrade yaourt itself, then
    3. and last, try full system upgrade.
    These errors seem familiar, but I have no idea how it disappeared.

  • [SOLVED] yaourt how to update aur packages

    I got a quick question. I thought that yaourt is able to update old packages installed from Aur automatically.
    So for example I type as usually yaourt -Syu --aur but I noticed it doesn't show AUR packages I can update. Only from core/extra/community
    For example I just typed:
    yaourt yaourt
    1 aur/yaourt [ installed] (2406)
    and see that I can update yaourt. I have other packages installed from AUR, how do I know that a newer version is available without checking it manually?
    so I am happy to mark it as solved. It wasn't a bug, but it is a way how yaourt works.
    yaourt -Syu --aur shows packages from core/extra/community.
    If I press Y (to install them). It shows a list again with the information how much to download and install and then after pressing "No" to install them, yaourt continues to check AUR packages in this case.
    Julien MISCHKOWITZ, the developer said he could change the behavior
    Thanks everyone for the attention!
    Last edited by ngsupb (2009-08-21 13:15:09)

    shining wrote:yaourt has a bug tracker : http://bugs.archlinux.fr/index/proj3?or … &sort=desc
    Thank you shining. I have opened a ticket there. Lets wait, I hope they can help!

  • Yaourt: Problems installing generated AUR packages [SOLVED]

    I'm using Archlinux and the system works flawessly. Sadly, there's a problem when trying to install AUR packages.
    The following happens installing any AUR package I tried lately.
    ==>  Continue installing wicked-git? [Y/n]
    ==>  [v]iew package contents [c]heck package with namcap
    ==>   ----------------------------------------------
    loading package data...
    error: './wicked-git-20090112-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz': cannot open package file
    ==> WARNING: Your package is saved in /tmp/yaourt-tmp-timofonic/wicked-git-20090112-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
    cp: cannot stat `./wicked-git-20090112-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz': No such file or directory
    ==> WARNING: Unable to copy wicked-git-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz to /tmp/yaourt-tmp-timofonic/ directory
    Any idea about how to fix it? I tried using both an user with sudo and root, same problem.
    Last edited by timofonic (2009-07-14 19:52:53)

    lilsirecho wrote:
    Perhaps the method to use is given by the man pacman files.
    pacman -U (.pkg.tar.gz package ID found in the directory generating the package)
    For example:  ...pacman -U /var/local/kernel26-2.6.30-5-x86-64.pkg.tar.gz......since the pkg generated is in that directory for this theoretical case.
    Any locally generated package is loaded with ...pacman -U....
    What do you mean? The package doesn't exist, I double checked it.
    Maybe I need to check where yaourt writes it. Any suggestion about what util to use for that?
    EDIT: I used "lsof" command and found the file is there, but yaourt can't locate it and deletes the directory after
    $ ls /tmp/yaourt-tmp-root/aur-wicked-git/wicked-git/w*
    Please, could anyone help me to solve this problem?
    Last edited by timofonic (2009-07-09 22:08:47)

  • [Solved] List AUR packages installed and only AUR packages.

    Here's a good one.  Thought this would be easy but thought it over and then looked around a bit and haven't found anything.  There's might just be an easy way to do this that will make me *bonk* my head in the morning but I haven't found it yet.  I'm looking to be able to just list the packages I have installed from AUR and not any that I have gotten from the official repos.  I've checked out some utilities in AUR (like AURcheck) but as far as I can tell they just look for AUR updates.  Anyone know of a way to do this?
    Last edited by Gen2ly (2009-10-30 14:32:22)

    I just got to reinstalling and this was a lifesaver - it worked great.  Thank for the help, brisbin, ghost, Allan...
    @Ghost, I would have used packup but I had a couple downgraded packages and I wanted to be able to troubleshoot it.
    The tip about the grep -v doing 'shortnameplus' was a good tip, Profjim.  I hadn't read this last post before and during the reinstall I was a bit surprised nvidia wasn't installed so... all is good now.
    I created a script to be able to create the backup list and restores from it simliar to ghosts and am able to run it in cron job.  Probably not a big deal, but... phhht.  Here it is for anyone that can use it:
    # pacbac - Create and restore from list all installed packages
    # Package list locations (official and local)
    # Exclude packages
    # Use filename as program name
    # Text color variables
    bldblu='\e[1;34m' # blue
    bldred='\e[1;31m' # red
    bldwht='\e[1;37m' # white
    txtcyn='\e[0;36m' # cyan
    txtund=$(tput sgr 0 1) # underline
    txtrst='\e[0m' # text reset
    # If restoring, be sure yaourt is installed
    if [[ "$1" == 'r' ]] && [[ -z $(pacman -Qs yaourt) ]]; then
    echo ""
    echo -e "$warn $prog requires ${txtund}}Yaourt${txtrst} to be installed."
    echo -e " ${txtcyn}http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Yaourt${txtrst}"
    echo ""
    case $1 in
    b ) # Create list of official repository packages (core, extra, community)
    echo -e "$info Creating list of official (core/extra/community packages) packages installed."
    # Create list, remove local, base
    pacman -Qqe | grep -vx "$(pacman -Qqg base)" | grep -vx "$(pacman -Qqm)" > "$pkglsoff"
    # Create list of local packages (includes the AUR)
    echo -e "$info Creating list of local (includes AUR) packages installed."
    pacman -Qqm > "$pkglsloc"
    echo -e "$pass Official package list saved to ${txtund}"$pkglsoff"${txtrst}"
    echo -e "$pass Local package list saved to ${txtund}"$pkglsloc"${txtrst}" ;;
    r ) # Update repository database, then restore packages from list
    echo -e "$info Installing packages from lists"
    sudo pacman -Sy
    # use -f to overwrite conflicting files
    sudo pacman -S --needed $(cat "$pkglsoff")
    # Yaourt doesn't have --needed check
    yaourt -S $(cat "$pkglsloc" | grep -vx "$(pacman -Qqm)") ;;
    * ) echo -e " pacbac b - build installed packages list. (dir:${txtund}"${pkglsoff%/*}"${txtrst})"
    echo -e " pacbac r - restore installed packages from package list." ;;
    Last edited by Gen2ly (2009-10-31 14:16:55)

  • [SOLVED] Rebuilding all installed AUR packages

    Hi guys,
    before starting to hack some dirty script on my own i would like to know if there's already any program/script which looks up the list of packages, which were installed from aur: pacman -Qqm, and rebuilds/exports them?
    the reason why i ask: i have several machines running on arch64 and i need 50+ built packages to serve them in the intranet.
    best regards
    Last edited by broken pipe (2011-12-26 20:25:12)

    thx karol, i'm already using pacserve to avoid downloading packages for each machine in the network.
    what i want to do is: read the output of 'pacman -Qqm' and rebuild + export the pkgs
    i did a little bash script to achieve this. but i have to admit i'm not good at scripting but i gave my best improvements are welcomed
    builddir=/dev/shm/$(date +%F)/
    # Create builddir
    if [ ! -d "$builddir" ];then mkdir $builddir
    # Create exportdir
    if [ ! -d "$exportdir" ];then mkdir $exportdir
    # Getting the list of pkgs which were installed from AUR
    pacman -Qqm > $pkglist
    # Edit the list?
    read -p "Would you like to edit the list? (y/N) " edit
    if test "$edit" = "y"; then
    $EDITOR $pkglist
    for i in $(cat $pkglist); do
    cd $builddir
    wget http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/${i}/${i}.tar.gz
    tar xvfz ${i}.tar.gz
    cd ${i}
    makepkg -f
    mv *.pkg.tar.xz "$exportdir"
    # Clean up
    read -p "Would you like to remove the builddir? (y/N) " rmbuilddir
    if test "$rmbuilddir" = "y"; then
    rm -rf $builddir
    exit 0

  • [SOLVED] can't build an AUR package while installing Arch

    So I am nearly there installing Arch for the first time. And I will start with saying that I am really sorry if I missed the answer to my problem but I have had a look around the documentation and the general webz for something regarding this problem and haven't found anything.
    I am trying to set my wireless connection up but I apparently need the AUR b43-firmware package installed for my Broadcom BCM4322 [14e4:432b] to be functional.
    So I follow the documentation to install an AUR package, but I am stuck at the building stage as makepkg does not allow me to build if I am root, and I am root by default while installing/configuring Arch...
    What should I do to build and install that package so I have a wireless connection later on?
    Last edited by chtfn (2015-03-21 14:11:12)

    I am connected to the wired network, and I followed the steps to make it persistent for later, but I just wanted to go through the wireless stuff too to be extra sure I will be able to connect to the Internet later on. As it is the first time I install Arch, I am trying to be extra cautious, and having that security would make me feel more comfortable! Plus, I am keen to learn how to do those things from the command line.
    Isn't there a way to switch to a normal user just for a command, and automatically reverting back to root when that action is finished? Just like sudo but the other way round

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