Sony Walkman vs iPhoto

I have an old Sony Walkman NWZ-E series. Although not supported on the Mac, it works basically like any other MSC player. But, when I connect it, iPhoto automatically launches. Now, this is not a phone and it has no camera, it's just a dumb MP3 player, yet something in the system thinks it's a camera. This could be connected to another peculiarity, ie, that as soon as I eject it in Finder, it is immediately re-mounted, so I have to unmount it in Terminal.
Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to persuade Mac OS X that this device is not a camera? (I know I can stop iPhoto from launching automatically when a camera is attached, but that's not what I want.)

Walkman is my favorite music player app. I never install any other app to play music. Unfortunatly, this app isn't working properly after Lollipop update. I'm experiencing the following issues:
1. Sometimes volume up/ down doesn't work
2. Equalizer and other sound effect don't work
3. Sometimes, it play music without any bass
4. For 1/ 2 mp3 file the above mentioned issues are permanent.
When I face any of these issues, I restart the app/ reinsert my headphone. Sometimes, the problem is solved and sometimes not. Do you have any explanation sbout the issues? Please don't ask me to repair Lollipop. I have already done it. Should I try kitkat again?

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