SPDIF To Firewire (IEEE 1394 ) Conversion

Is such a thing possible? What about AES/EBU to firewire? I have a portadat I want to get into FCP 7.

I didn't check it out but googling "SPDIF to firewire adapter" produces a number of hits.
Also google "AES/EBU to firewire".

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    I would suggest that you try a 9 pin to 4 pin Firewire Cable along with the Firewire to Thunderbolt adapter.
    Those Firewire 400 to 800 adapters do not seem to work well with iMovie.
    The 9 pin to 4 pin cables are available at reasonable prices here, for example.
    http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=103&cp_id=10301&cs_id=1030104 &p_id=3541&seq=1&format=2

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    Hello Mark,
    these forums are user-to-user.
    If you work for Caen Engineering, Inc. I would strongly recommend that you contact Sun directly as an OEM.
    Unfortunately you didn't mention the particular blog you referring to.
    A quick search ("Solaris firewire") on blogs.sun.com returned the following blog entry from January 2006
    Firewire in Solaris: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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    In the course of your troubleshooting to date, have you worked through the following document?
    iTunes Store: "An unknown error occured (-9808)"

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    wat is ment. no  firewire ieee 1394 host controller found

    Here is the Apple Support Article on Firewire
    Here is an earlier post, hopefully similar to your problem, whatever you are trying to do.
    Have a nice day!

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    I agree with Neale. One consideration is the number of controller chips you have on either the MoBo connections, or your card.
    Why is that important? Especially with Capture from a camera, it is always best to ONLY have the camera hooked to a separate controller chip. Some MoBo's and cards, might have multiple connectors, but they may all feed through a single chip. That might well preclude having any other FW device hooked to any of the other connections. Sometimes, it's tough to tell the number of IEEE-1394 chips, unless one has a good schematic of the board/card and the various chips are shown.
    If one uses other FW devices, then the chip count will likely matter. While I have 4 MoBo connectors w/ 2x chips, I also have a multi-chip 4x connector card, plus a multi-chip 6x FW-1394b (FW-800) card.
    The two things that you wish to avoid is daisy-chaining ANY camera, and connecting a camera to any shared chip. If I had a card already, and did not need to include it with the old computer, and had a spare slot on the MoBo, I'd install it too, but then I usually have 4-6 FW-800 externals, plus maybe 4 FW-400 externals, and still have empty chips available for my camera.
    Good luck,

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    Go to Solution.

    Is the Legacy Snap example you are referring to the one that is seen here: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/2977? Can you post screenshots from both Measurement & Automation Explorer and the VI you are trying to use? Also, can you verify in Measurement & Automation explorer that you are using the 1394 driver? You can do this by right clicking your camer and the selecting driver and choosing the appropriate one. Some more information on all that you are seeing would help in order to troubleshoot this.
    Certified LabVIEW Developer

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    U Molin

    What do you mean with not recognized? Did you check the device manager and there is a yellow exclamation mark or what?
    In my knowledge the Windows XP uses the own firewire drivers and you dont need to use any 3rd party drivers to enable the IEEE1394 port.
    As I said above, please check the device manager if the port is listed properly. If there are no yellow exclamation marks everything was installed properly.
    By the way: Did you reinstall the OS?
    If yes how did you install it? Did you install the chipset utility.

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    If you do not have a firewire controller on your computer the diagnostics will say that. However, firewire was only used on early regular iPods, not iPod touches.
    Thus, that is not your problem.
    Please provide more information about your problem.

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    fabujin wrote:
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    Well, did you contact the Belkin support?
    In my opinion you should ask the PCMCIA card manufacturers for the upgrade or this hotfix. Furthermore you can check the Toshiba drivers download page for this hotfix. The Microsoft hotfixes are called QFE. Maybe you will find the right one. But unfortunately, if you are not able to find this one, you have to wait for the next Windows XP service pack that contains this hotfix. :(

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    Glad I could help. Here's the EveryMac page on your MacBook if it's a White 2.1Ghz. http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/macbook/stats/macbook-core-2-duo-2.1-white -13-early-2008-penryn-specs.html
    Unless it's a White 2.4Ghz http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/macbook/stats/macbook-core-2-duo-2.4-white -13-early-2008-penryn-specs.html
    Or a Black 2.4Ghz http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/macbook/stats/macbook-core-2-duo-2.4-black -13-early-2008-penryn-specs.html

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    Am I missing something?

    Am I missing something?
    You have to configure the IPs on the both side as with any other network adapters.
    Alternatively you can set the internet sharing to the  fireware adaper, on one side only so the pc with internet shared will acts as DHCP server and the other will atutomagically configure itself with a correct IP.

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