Splicing two songs together?

can i make two songs into one on itunes? cause i know how to defuse them, just not how to put them together
im thinking i need quicktime pro, but i want to know if anything else will help me also
thanks in advance

ok, the link you (rob) gave me (http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=6377902#6377902) works but it wont let me download the FAAD2 (http://www.rarewares.org/files/aac/faad.zip), it just says error 404 page not found
and i cant trick itunes into thinking that my newly burned CD containing the tracks hasn't been imported yet. when i highlight the two and go to advanced, join CD tracks can't be selected

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    You can join tracks when importing from the CD. Insert your CD highlight the songs you want to join and choose "Join CD Tracks" from the Advanced menu and import: Adding songs from CDs to your library

  • How do I put two songs together to one?


    The surest way would be to burn the two songs to CD. Then reinsert the CD and let iTunes pick it up. Next, select the two tracks. From the Advanced menu, select "Join Tracks". Then set the album name and artest. Now, import the CD. One file should have been generated.
    If you don't have CD burner and the files are MP3s, there is a handy little program called MP3 Joiner. I used it to combine multiple CDs (one MP3 file per CD) into fewer files. I've computer a 29 CD audiobook into four files with the length of 9+ horus each.
    Hope this helps,

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    Gary Goldblum wrote:
    How do you make an album such as "The Wall or "Abbey Road" play without the skips between them on an Ipod..... I so love to hear these things in their entirety.
    try putting the albums in playlists.
    Also, is there a way to lock two song together? You know.... two songs that belong together that will always get separated if played in the random mode. Think Rush 2112.... Overture and Syrinx?
    have a look @ this script.

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      Windows XP  
      Windows XP  

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    You might try selecting all of the album tracks at once and selecting "Get Info" from the File menu and clicking the "info" tab (someone please tell me if it is different for Windows). From there you can enter the Artist, Album and other information on all of the selected tracks at once. Finally, make sure "Part of a compilation" is checked.
    That SHOULD do it although I have had 1 or 2 albums still refuse to cooperate.
    Good luck.

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    Have a look at Doug's iTunes scripts for this script which will join tracks: Track Splicer
    Doug also has this shareware program you might find useful: Join Together

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    In iTunes, try signing out of your Apple ID & then back in: click on iTunes Store on the left sidebar of iTunes, click on your Apple ID on the top right, sign out, sign back in.  Then try to sync your purchased music to your phone again.

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    Hi Petrafin,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this.
    Click on the link to see more details and screenshots.
    You can download your purchases directly to your computer.
    Downloading past purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
    - Judy

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    Usually a song is uniquely identified by song name, artist, album and track number. That said internally I suspect the iTunes Store may allow one song to appear on more than one album while they only need to store one copy of the audio data. (They must also be able to cope with the situation, for example, where the UK & US version of an album have a different track order). It is also possible there is an error in the database that means you're not getting the song you're expecting. If you can't successfully download the two (presumably) different versions of the song then use the report a problem links in your account history and explain the issue. Hopefully the iTunes Store support staff can get it resolved.

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    I don't know man I too hope apple will do something this new I-tunes blow my top lost my whole tune!!!

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    hmmmm. do you have any other USB 2.0 peripherals plugged in to the PC?
    if so, try (experimentally) disconnecting them prior to a sync. (sometimes power drain through one port can affect an ipod connection on a different port.)
    any improvement in sync performance if you try that?
    love, b

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