Split export in multiple files usign Windows 2003

Hi, all the examples I find to split a huge export file are for Unix servers. Can someone give me an example using a windows 2003 server?
This is my par file:
USERID = EXPORTA/mypass@repos          
BUFFER = 100000000
FULL          = N
TABLES          =repos.lotpu:lotpu_200806

nevermind, i found it. I just have to add this to the parfile:
FILESIZE     = 5368709120

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  • Sliding Window Table Partitioning Problems with RANGE RIGHT, SPLIT, MERGE using Multiple File Groups

    There is misleading information in two system views (sys.data_spaces & sys.destination_data_spaces) about the physical location of data after a partitioning MERGE and before an INDEX REBUILD operation on a partitioned table. In SQL Server 2012 SP1 CU6,
    the script below (SQLCMD mode, set DataDrive  & LogDrive variables  for the runtime environment) will create a test database with file groups and files to support a partitioned table. The partition function and scheme spread the test data across
    4 files groups, an empty partition, file group and file are maintained at the start and end of the range. A problem occurs after the SWITCH and MERGE RANGE operations, the views sys.data_spaces & sys.destination_data_spaces show the logical, not the physical,
    location of data.
    -- PartitionLabSetup_RangeRight.sql
    -- 001. Create test database
    -- 002. Add file groups and files
    -- 003. Create partition function and schema
    -- 004. Create and populate a test table
    USE [master]
    -- 001 - Create Test Database
    :SETVAR DataDrive "D:\SQL\Data\"
    :SETVAR LogDrive "D:\SQL\Logs\"
    :SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    :SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    -- Drop if exists and create Database
    IF DATABASEPROPERTYEX(N'$(databasename)','Status') IS NOT NULL
    DROP DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    CREATE DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    ( NAME = $(DatabaseName)_data,
    FILENAME = N'$(DataDrive)$(DatabaseName)_data.mdf',
    SIZE = 10,
    MAXSIZE = 500,
    FILEGROWTH = 5 )
    LOG ON
    ( NAME = $(DatabaseName)_log,
    FILENAME = N'$(LogDrive)$(DatabaseName).ldf',
    SIZE = 5MB,
    MAXSIZE = 5000MB,
    FILEGROWTH = 5MB ) ;
    -- 002. Add file groups and files
    --:SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    --:SETVAR DataDrive "D:\SQL\Data\"
    --:SETVAR LogDrive "D:\SQL\Logs\"
    DECLARE @x INT = 1;
    WHILE @x <= 6
    SELECT @nSQL =
    'ALTER DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    ADD FILEGROUP $(TableName)_fg' + RTRIM(CAST(@x AS CHAR(5))) + ';
    ALTER DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    NAME= ''$(TableName)_f' + CAST(@x AS CHAR(5)) + ''',
    FILENAME = ''$(DataDrive)\$(TableName)_f' + RTRIM(CAST(@x AS CHAR(5))) + '.ndf''
    TO FILEGROUP $(TableName)_fg' + RTRIM(CAST(@x AS CHAR(5))) + ';'
    EXEC sp_executeSQL @nSQL;
    SET @x = @x + 1;
    -- 003. Create partition function and schema
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    --:SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    USE $(DatabaseName);
    CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func (int)
    CREATE PARTITION SCHEME $(TableName)_scheme
    PARTITION $(TableName)_func
    -- Create TestTable
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    --:SETVAR BackupDrive "D:\SQL\Backups\"
    --:SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].$(TableName)(
    [Partition_PK] [int] NOT NULL,
    [GUID_PK] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    [CreateDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [CreateServer] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [RandomNbr] [int] NULL,
    [Partition_PK] ASC,
    ) ON $(TableName)_scheme(Partition_PK)
    ) ON $(TableName)_scheme(Partition_PK)
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].$(TableName) ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_$(TableName)_GUID_PK] DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [GUID_PK]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].$(TableName) ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_$(TableName)_CreateDate] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [CreateDate]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].$(TableName) ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_$(TableName)_CreateServer] DEFAULT (@@servername) FOR [CreateServer]
    -- 004. Create and populate a test table
    -- Load TestTable Data - Seconds 0-59 are used as the Partitoning Key
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    WHILE @Now > DATEADD(minute,-1,GETDATE())
    INSERT INTO [dbo].$(TableName)
    ,ROUND((RAND() * 100),0)
    -- Confirm table partitioning - http://lextonr.wordpress.com/tag/sys-destination_data_spaces/
    N'DatabaseName' = DB_NAME()
    , N'SchemaName' = s.name
    , N'TableName' = o.name
    , N'IndexName' = i.name
    , N'IndexType' = i.type_desc
    , N'PartitionScheme' = ps.name
    , N'DataSpaceName' = ds.name
    , N'DataSpaceType' = ds.type_desc
    , N'PartitionFunction' = pf.name
    , N'PartitionNumber' = dds.destination_id
    , N'BoundaryValue' = prv.value
    , N'RightBoundary' = pf.boundary_value_on_right
    , N'PartitionFileGroup' = ds2.name
    , N'RowsOfData' = p.[rows]
    sys.objects AS o
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s
    ON o.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p
    ON o.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i
    ON p.[object_id] = i.[object_id]
    AND p.index_id = i.index_id
    INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds
    ON i.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps
    ON ds.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions AS pf
    ON ps.function_id = pf.function_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv
    ON pf.function_id = prv.function_id
    AND p.partition_number = prv.boundary_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces AS dds
    ON ps.data_space_id = dds.partition_scheme_id
    AND p.partition_number = dds.destination_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds2
    ON dds.data_space_id = ds2.data_space_id
    -- 001 - Create TestTableOut
    -- 002 - Switch out partition in range 0-14
    -- 003 - Merge range 0 -29
    -- 001. TestTableOut
    :SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.$(TableName)Out') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE [dbo].[$(TableName)Out]
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[$(TableName)Out](
    [Partition_PK] [int] NOT NULL,
    [GUID_PK] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    [CreateDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [CreateServer] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [RandomNbr] [int] NULL,
    [Partition_PK] ASC,
    ) ON $(TableName)_fg2;
    -- 002 - Switch out partition in range 0-14
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    ALTER TABLE dbo.$(TableName)
    SWITCH PARTITION 2 TO dbo.$(TableName)Out;
    -- 003 - Merge range 0 - 29
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func()
    MERGE RANGE (15);
    -- Confirm table partitioning
    -- Original source of this query - http://lextonr.wordpress.com/tag/sys-destination_data_spaces/
    N'DatabaseName' = DB_NAME()
    , N'SchemaName' = s.name
    , N'TableName' = o.name
    , N'IndexName' = i.name
    , N'IndexType' = i.type_desc
    , N'PartitionScheme' = ps.name
    , N'DataSpaceName' = ds.name
    , N'DataSpaceType' = ds.type_desc
    , N'PartitionFunction' = pf.name
    , N'PartitionNumber' = dds.destination_id
    , N'BoundaryValue' = prv.value
    , N'RightBoundary' = pf.boundary_value_on_right
    , N'PartitionFileGroup' = ds2.name
    , N'RowsOfData' = p.[rows]
    sys.objects AS o
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s
    ON o.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p
    ON o.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i
    ON p.[object_id] = i.[object_id]
    AND p.index_id = i.index_id
    INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds
    ON i.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps
    ON ds.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions AS pf
    ON ps.function_id = pf.function_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv
    ON pf.function_id = prv.function_id
    AND p.partition_number = prv.boundary_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces AS dds
    ON ps.data_space_id = dds.partition_scheme_id
    AND p.partition_number = dds.destination_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds2
    ON dds.data_space_id = ds2.data_space_id
    The table below shows the results of the ‘Confirm Table Partitioning’ query, before and after the MERGE.
    The T-SQL code below illustrates the problem.
    -- PartitionLab_RangeRight
    USE workspace;
    DROP TABLE dbo.TestTableOut;
    USE master;
    ALTER DATABASE workspace
    REMOVE FILE TestTable_f3 ;
    -- ERROR
    --Msg 5042, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    --The file 'TestTable_f3 ' cannot be removed because it is not empty.
    ALTER DATABASE workspace
    REMOVE FILE TestTable_f2 ;
    -- Works surprisingly!!
    use workspace;
    ALTER INDEX [PK_TestTable] ON [dbo].[TestTable] REBUILD PARTITION = 2;
    --Msg 622, Level 16, State 3, Line 2
    --The filegroup "TestTable_fg2" has no files assigned to it. Tables, indexes, text columns, ntext columns, and image columns cannot be populated on this filegroup until a file is added.
    --The statement has been terminated.
    If you run ALTER INDEX REBUILD before trying to remove files from File Group 3, it works. Rerun the database setup script then the code below.
    -- Rerun PartitionLabSetup_RangeRight.sql before the code below
    USE workspace;
    DROP TABLE dbo.TestTableOut;
    ALTER INDEX [PK_TestTable] ON [dbo].[TestTable] REBUILD PARTITION = 2;
    USE master;
    ALTER DATABASE workspace
    REMOVE FILE TestTable_f3;
    -- Works as expected!!
    The file in File Group 2 appears to contain data but it can be dropped. Although the system views are reporting the data in File Group 2, it still physically resides in File Group 3 and isn’t moved until the index is rebuilt. The RANGE RIGHT function means
    the left file group (File Group 2) is retained when splitting ranges.
    RANGE LEFT would have retained the data in File Group 3 where it already resided, no INDEX REBUILD is necessary to effectively complete the MERGE operation. The script below implements the same partitioning strategy (data distribution between partitions)
    on the test table but uses different boundary definitions and RANGE LEFT.
    -- PartitionLabSetup_RangeLeft.sql
    -- 001. Create test database
    -- 002. Add file groups and files
    -- 003. Create partition function and schema
    -- 004. Create and populate a test table
    USE [master]
    -- 001 - Create Test Database
    :SETVAR DataDrive "D:\SQL\Data\"
    :SETVAR LogDrive "D:\SQL\Logs\"
    :SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    :SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    -- Drop if exists and create Database
    IF DATABASEPROPERTYEX(N'$(databasename)','Status') IS NOT NULL
    DROP DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    CREATE DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    ( NAME = $(DatabaseName)_data,
    FILENAME = N'$(DataDrive)$(DatabaseName)_data.mdf',
    SIZE = 10,
    MAXSIZE = 500,
    FILEGROWTH = 5 )
    LOG ON
    ( NAME = $(DatabaseName)_log,
    FILENAME = N'$(LogDrive)$(DatabaseName).ldf',
    SIZE = 5MB,
    MAXSIZE = 5000MB,
    FILEGROWTH = 5MB ) ;
    -- 002. Add file groups and files
    --:SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    --:SETVAR DataDrive "D:\SQL\Data\"
    --:SETVAR LogDrive "D:\SQL\Logs\"
    DECLARE @x INT = 1;
    WHILE @x <= 6
    SELECT @nSQL =
    'ALTER DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    ADD FILEGROUP $(TableName)_fg' + RTRIM(CAST(@x AS CHAR(5))) + ';
    ALTER DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    NAME= ''$(TableName)_f' + CAST(@x AS CHAR(5)) + ''',
    FILENAME = ''$(DataDrive)\$(TableName)_f' + RTRIM(CAST(@x AS CHAR(5))) + '.ndf''
    TO FILEGROUP $(TableName)_fg' + RTRIM(CAST(@x AS CHAR(5))) + ';'
    EXEC sp_executeSQL @nSQL;
    SET @x = @x + 1;
    -- 003. Create partition function and schema
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    --:SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    USE $(DatabaseName);
    CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func (int)
    CREATE PARTITION SCHEME $(TableName)_scheme
    PARTITION $(TableName)_func
    -- Create TestTable
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    --:SETVAR BackupDrive "D:\SQL\Backups\"
    --:SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].$(TableName)(
    [Partition_PK] [int] NOT NULL,
    [GUID_PK] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    [CreateDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [CreateServer] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [RandomNbr] [int] NULL,
    [Partition_PK] ASC,
    ) ON $(TableName)_scheme(Partition_PK)
    ) ON $(TableName)_scheme(Partition_PK)
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].$(TableName) ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_$(TableName)_GUID_PK] DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [GUID_PK]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].$(TableName) ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_$(TableName)_CreateDate] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [CreateDate]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].$(TableName) ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_$(TableName)_CreateServer] DEFAULT (@@servername) FOR [CreateServer]
    -- 004. Create and populate a test table
    -- Load TestTable Data - Seconds 0-59 are used as the Partitoning Key
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    WHILE @Now > DATEADD(minute,-1,GETDATE())
    INSERT INTO [dbo].$(TableName)
    ,ROUND((RAND() * 100),0)
    -- Confirm table partitioning - http://lextonr.wordpress.com/tag/sys-destination_data_spaces/
    N'DatabaseName' = DB_NAME()
    , N'SchemaName' = s.name
    , N'TableName' = o.name
    , N'IndexName' = i.name
    , N'IndexType' = i.type_desc
    , N'PartitionScheme' = ps.name
    , N'DataSpaceName' = ds.name
    , N'DataSpaceType' = ds.type_desc
    , N'PartitionFunction' = pf.name
    , N'PartitionNumber' = dds.destination_id
    , N'BoundaryValue' = prv.value
    , N'RightBoundary' = pf.boundary_value_on_right
    , N'PartitionFileGroup' = ds2.name
    , N'RowsOfData' = p.[rows]
    sys.objects AS o
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s
    ON o.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p
    ON o.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i
    ON p.[object_id] = i.[object_id]
    AND p.index_id = i.index_id
    INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds
    ON i.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps
    ON ds.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions AS pf
    ON ps.function_id = pf.function_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv
    ON pf.function_id = prv.function_id
    AND p.partition_number = prv.boundary_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces AS dds
    ON ps.data_space_id = dds.partition_scheme_id
    AND p.partition_number = dds.destination_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds2
    ON dds.data_space_id = ds2.data_space_id
    -- 001 - Create TestTableOut
    -- 002 - Switch out partition in range 0-14
    -- 003 - Merge range 0 -29
    -- 001. TestTableOut
    :SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.$(TableName)Out') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE [dbo].[$(TableName)Out]
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[$(TableName)Out](
    [Partition_PK] [int] NOT NULL,
    [GUID_PK] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    [CreateDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [CreateServer] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [RandomNbr] [int] NULL,
    [Partition_PK] ASC,
    ) ON $(TableName)_fg2;
    -- 002 - Switch out partition in range 0-14
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    ALTER TABLE dbo.$(TableName)
    SWITCH PARTITION 2 TO dbo.$(TableName)Out;
    -- 003 - Merge range 0 - 29
    :SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func()
    MERGE RANGE (14);
    -- Confirm table partitioning
    -- Original source of this query - http://lextonr.wordpress.com/tag/sys-destination_data_spaces/
    N'DatabaseName' = DB_NAME()
    , N'SchemaName' = s.name
    , N'TableName' = o.name
    , N'IndexName' = i.name
    , N'IndexType' = i.type_desc
    , N'PartitionScheme' = ps.name
    , N'DataSpaceName' = ds.name
    , N'DataSpaceType' = ds.type_desc
    , N'PartitionFunction' = pf.name
    , N'PartitionNumber' = dds.destination_id
    , N'BoundaryValue' = prv.value
    , N'RightBoundary' = pf.boundary_value_on_right
    , N'PartitionFileGroup' = ds2.name
    , N'RowsOfData' = p.[rows]
    sys.objects AS o
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s
    ON o.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p
    ON o.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i
    ON p.[object_id] = i.[object_id]
    AND p.index_id = i.index_id
    INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds
    ON i.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps
    ON ds.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions AS pf
    ON ps.function_id = pf.function_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv
    ON pf.function_id = prv.function_id
    AND p.partition_number = prv.boundary_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces AS dds
    ON ps.data_space_id = dds.partition_scheme_id
    AND p.partition_number = dds.destination_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds2
    ON dds.data_space_id = ds2.data_space_id
    The table below shows the results of the ‘Confirm Table Partitioning’ query, before and after the MERGE.
    The data in the File and File Group to be dropped (File Group 2) has already been switched out; File Group 3 contains the data so no index rebuild is needed to move data and complete the MERGE.
    RANGE RIGHT would not be a problem in a ‘Sliding Window’ if the same file group is used for all partitions, when they are created and dropped it introduces a dependency on full index rebuilds. Larger tables are typically partitioned and a full index rebuild
    might be an expensive operation. I’m not sure how a RANGE RIGHT partitioning strategy could be implemented, with an ascending partitioning key, using multiple file groups without having to move data. Using a single file group (multiple files) for all partitions
    within a table would avoid physically moving data between file groups; no index rebuild would be necessary to complete a MERGE and system views would accurately reflect the physical location of data. 
    If a RANGE RIGHT partition function is used, the data is physically in the wrong file group after the MERGE assuming a typical ascending partitioning key, and the 'Data Spaces' system views might be misleading. Thanks to Manuj and Chris for a lot of help
    investigating this.
    NOTE 10/03/2014 - The solution
    The solution is so easy it's embarrassing, I was using the wrong boundary points for the MERGE (both RANGE LEFT & RANGE RIGHT) to get rid of historic data.
    -- Wrong Boundary Point Range Right
    --ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func()
    --MERGE RANGE (15);
    -- Wrong Boundary Point Range Left
    --ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func()
    --MERGE RANGE (14);
    -- Correct Boundary Pounts for MERGE
    ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func()
    MERGE RANGE (0); -- or -1 for RANGE LEFT
    The empty, switched out partition (on File Group 2) is then MERGED with the empty partition maintained at the start of the range and no data movement is necessary. I retract the suggestion that a problem exists with RANGE RIGHT Sliding Windows using multiple
    file groups and apologize :-)

    Hi Paul Brewer,
    Thanks for your post and glad to hear that the issue is resolved. It is kind of you post a reply to share your solution. That way, other community members could benefit from your sharing.
    Sofiya Li
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    I have tried to reassemble the Album into one file, but could not find a way to do so.

    Generally setting a common Album title and Album Artist will fix things.
    For deeper problems see Grouping tracks into albums.

  • Upgrade Multiple servers from windows 2003 to 2008

    Hi All,
    How could i upgrade all my servers (1000 around) from Windows 2003 to Windows 2008 R2 without loosing system settings, profiles and applications.
    Your speedy reply is highly appreciated.

    Since Windows Server 2008 R2 only supports 64-bit the first thing to check is that all of your 2003 boxes are running 64-bit Windows. If they are then an in-place upgrade is possible, but if they're running 32-bit Windows then there is no way to directly
    upgrade them. Your only option with 32-bit Windows 2003 is to either upgrade to 2008 (which does support 32-bit), or migrate everything to a new server.
    Other than that, the question then becomes what are those servers running. If they're running Microsoft services then it should be fairly straight forward, but if they're running 3rd party services then you need to check with the 3rd party company whether
    their software (or more specifically the version of their software you currently have installed) supports 2008 R2.
    For the Windows services there are some differences, but I believe the upgrade process handles the transition for you for the most part. Have a look at
    http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff972408(v=ws.10).aspx which details the process, and goes into the changes for each of the main Windows Server roles, and those things
    you need to be aware of. As mentioned in that article, when you start the upgrade process you're offered a link to a compatibility report which will tell you if there's anything on the server which will break or cause issues with the upgrade. View that report
    and review what it tells you before you start the upgrade. You may find that some tools, addons etc need to be uninstalled or upgraded before you can start the actual upgrade, but if the report gives you the green light you should be fine to continue without
    any issues.
    Finally, from the wording of your question I'm guessing you're wondering about getting the servers upgraded at the same time? Personally I'm not aware of any way to do that, but even if one did exist I wouldn't do it. There's too much of a chance that something
    will go wrong, probably in some small minor way, but if you've just tried to upgrade all the servers at the same time, when you get reports telling you that something is no longer working you'll have a much harder time working out what caused it than if you
    know that only servers a, b and c have been upgraded today, so the issue is likely to be with one of those.

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    Presumably, you're using Strings and possibly even JTextPanes.
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    Let's assume that your current class contains all the required functionality. You might want to break that up to make the code more maintainable. So, put all the gui code into GUI.java and then wrap up your data processing methods into a Processor.java file. Both of these should define publilc classes.
    But now your GUI class presumably won't compile because you are trying to call methods that don't exist anymore (you've just moved them). So, in you GUI class add a Processor data member (called "dataProcessor"). Instantiate this in the GUI constructor. Now, where you were calling those methods before you need to use:
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    Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made .......
    rptDoc.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CType(rawKind, CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize)
                rptView.ReportSource = rptDoc
                Dim oFrm As New System.Windows.Forms.Form
                rptView.DisplayGroupTree = False
                rptView.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
                rptView.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)
                oFrm.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13)
                oFrm.Name = "Report Viewer"
                oFrm.Text = "Report Viewer"
                oFrm.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Maximized
                oFrm.TopMost = True
            Catch ex As Exception
    Can you please tell me why is I am not able to export report on windows 7 thru Crystal report

    Hi Kevin,
    You may check: Error in Export to PDF for crystal reports

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    I have not tried this myself, but here's an article on how to disable this.

  • Export to excel error - NOT windows 2003 server

    hello everyone, I'm facing this kind of prblem: exporting to excel gives an error. no error when exporting in pdf or rtf. I read a number of threads on the matter: a hotfix was released to solve the problem on windows2003 server, which is not the case here. The used system is winxp sp3. I've also read that goig back to a sp2 might solve the problem, but that's certainly not an option. Anybody has any idea?
    windows xp sp3
    .net framework 2
    crystal report XI (not embedded)
    visual c# 2005
    thanks in advance

    With .NET 2005, you have to move on to CR XI r2 (11.5). No sense continuing with CR 11.0. As you already have CR 11.0, you can download CR XI r2 for free from here:
    Uninstall CR 11.0 before installing CR 11.5. Use your CR 11.0 keycode when installing CR 11.5.
    Once you have CR 11.5 installed, check the version. I want you to be at 11.5.1838 (I am not sure of the exact SP that is in the download). If you are at a lower version, apply SP 6 from here:
    The references in you r.NET project should be 11.5.3700.0. See how things go in your app once you are at CR 11.5.
    As an FYI.; Sp 6 runtime;


    is it possible to create an empty file with nMb size ? If yes how ?
    Many thanks.

    Thank you. I'm in 8i.
    SQL> SET head off
    SQL> SET pagesize 0
    SQL> SET verify off
    SQL> SET feedback off
    SQL> SET serverout on
    SQL> SPOOL empty_file.txt
    2 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (RPAD (' ', 2000, ' '));
    3 END;
    4 /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 57
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    Any solution ?

  • Split XML in Multiple XML files with Java Code

    Hi guys , i have following xml file as input ....
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.safersys.org/namespaces/T0020V1 T0020V1.xsd"
    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.safersys.org/namespaces/T0020V1">
    and i want to take this xml file and split it into multiple files through java code like this ...
    like wise...
    Each xml file contain maximum 10 or 15 IRP_ACCOUNT.
    Can somebody please help me ? How can i do it with stax like start element and all ?
    thanks in advance.

    Ah, sorry, strike that. You want multiple files. I think the easiest way is to simply parse with DOM. [http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/default.asp] . And here [http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/default.asp].
    You can output the various XML elements using a PrintWriter or creating a separate DOM document for each file you want to create and serializing that.
    - Saish

  • Photoshop elements 8 not proceeding at multiple file processing

    Hi everyone,
    I've got the following problem with photoshop elements 8. I worked for a long time with it. Using the multiple file processing functionality a lot. I do quite a lot of big shoots and I only use the raw settings for processing. After that I let photoshop elements do the rest of the work, which is converting all my raw images into jpegs and resizing them to prepare them for uploading. These shoots often contain more then 200 photographs.
    As of this last weekend when I start up the multiple file processing window it starts opening the first file but does not proceed. Which means that I have to edit all the images by myself and resize them to the proper size etc etc etc. I really don't want to do this. This funcionality is one of the main reasons why I use photoshop. Anyone got any idea why it suddenly stopped working? Anyone else experienced this and solved it?
    Thanks a lot.

    One thing to check is the bit depth that camera raw is set to.
    Open a raw photo in the camera raw dialog and look down along
    the bottom of the dialog where it says bit depth. If it says 16bit,
    change to 8 bit and press done.
    Photoshop elements sometimes won't process 16 bit files using process
    multiple files.

  • Acrobat 7 freezes when combining multiple files

    I'm running Acrobat 7 Standard, and whenever I attempt to combine multiple PDF files acrobat will freeze up completely. It can scan, and add pages to an open document with no trouble. It will freeze whether I choose Create PDF From Multiple Files within acrobat, or if I select multiple files in windows explorer, then right click and choose Combine in Acrobat...
    I have cleared temporary files, repaired the program, and completely reinstalled the program. Even after a fresh reinstallation, it will lock up when trying to combine multiple files. It does everything else just fine.
    I am running a HPCompaq dc5100 MT, with Windows XP Pro. I have 2GB ram, and a P4 3.2Ghz processor. I also have a database program called Laserfiche that I run, though this problem occurs whether I have Laserfiche open or not. I've already tried killing all acceptable processes (minus adobe's of course) and recreated the error. I've also tried this with the most recent update 7.1.0 and without: both yeild the same result. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Dear all,
    I think I have the same problem... or not ?!
    => When I try to open multiple files at the same time it opens only the 2 or 3 first ones then it freezes on the Spinning Beach Ball of Death !
    => Then it never completely finishes loading and freezes up Indesign.
    => I am unable to cancel the dialog box and have to use cmd+alt+esc to close the program
    => then, the files open directly on indesign when I open the program again (jus as if the files had been loaded and ready to go)
    I am working on MAC OS X (10.7.3)
    Anybody could help please ?? (sorry for my english... I'm a French native speaker) 

  • Multiple Files in expdp

    Hi, I am trying to do export into multiple files with expdp but it failed because of following errors (I guess):
    ORA-31693: Table data object "MYSYS"."TABLE" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
    ORA-31643: unable to close dump file "/backup/oracle/prd_mysys01.dmp"
    ORA-19502: write error on file "/backup/oracle/prd_mysys01.dmp", blocno 524262 (blocksize=4096)
    ORA-27072: File I/O error
    Additional information: 4
    Additional information: 524262
    Additional information: 110591
    This is happening in all files (7 in total).
    My backup is in a external drive.
    My DB 10GR2

    df -h:
    linux:/ # df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda1 131G 121G 9.3G 93% /
    tmpfs 2.4G 8.0K 2.4G 1% /dev/shm
    /dev/sdb1 137G 96G 42G 70% /mnt/sdb1
    // 1.9T 1.6T 231G 88% /backup
    ls -la /backup/oracle:
    total 6673487876
    drwxrwxr-x 1 98 dba 0 Jun 8 03:40 .
    drwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 4096 Jun 8 01:00 ..
    drwxrwxr-x 1 98 dba 0 May 10 16:08 2008
    drwxrwxr-x 1 98 dba 0 May 10 16:08 2009
    drwxrwxr-x 1 98 dba 0 Jun 4 08:27 2010
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 98 dba 829821 Jun 8 03:51 prd_mysys.log
    -rw-rw---- 1 98 dba 2147483647 Jun 8 02:29 prd_mysys01.dmp
    -rw-rw---- 1 98 dba 2147483647 Jun 8 02:42 prd_mysys02.dmp
    -rw-rw---- 1 98 dba 2147483647 Jun 8 02:54 prd_mysys03.dmp
    -rw-rw---- 1 98 dba 2147483647 Jun 8 03:13 prd_mysys04.dmp
    -rw-rw---- 1 98 dba 2147483647 Jun 8 03:26 prd_mysys05.dmp
    -rw-rw---- 1 98 dba 2147483647 Jun 8 03:43 prd_mysys06.dmp
    -rw-rw---- 1 98 dba 461119488 Jun 8 03:48 prd_mysys07.dmp

  • Spool to multiple files

    I have a table containing order information for all our customers.
    I need to generate a file that lists all orders, for each one of our customers. Each file will be named like so, Account1.txt, Account2.txt, etc.
    I can do this individually by carrying out the following:-
    SPOOL account1.txt
    select * from orders where account_no = 1;
    However, we have over a thousand customers, so I don't want to have to do the above script a thousand times.
    Is there a way that I can loop through the different accounts and spool to different file names?

    Here is a little 'awk' script I threw together after eating lamb chops, but before eating ice cream.
    Lets say you ran this from SQL*Plus -
    set pagesize 200 feedback off trimspool on
    spool data.txt
    select deptno, mgr, empno, ename, job, hiredate, sal, comm
    from emp
    order by 1,2,3
    spool off
    exitYou would have a single file called 'data.txt'. To split this into multiple files (one for each deptno), you'd save the following script to a file 'split_file.awk', and run it on the command line like this :-
    awk -f split_file.awk data.txtIf you are not running on unix/linux, you can get a GNU version of awk from http://sources.redhat.cygwin/ (just need the base utils); or download the MSYS package from http://www.mingw.org/. I'm sure there are lots of other gnu distros. And then there is 'mawk', which I havent tried yet. http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/mawk.htm
    # NAME
    #   split_file.awk
    #   Splits a single file into multiple files, based on the values
    #   in a 'key' column.
    #   To change the key, modify the 'key_start' and 'key_length' values.
    #   To change the filenames, modify the 'fname=' line below.
    # USAGE
    #   awk -f split_file.awk INPUT_FILE
    BEGIN {
      getline      # fetch first line of the header
      header1 = $0
      getline      # fetch second line of the header
      header2 = $0
      new_key = substr( $0, key_start, key_length ); # extract key
      sub( /^  */, "", new_key ); # remove leading spaces
      sub( /  *$/, "", new_key ); # remove trailing spaces
      if ( new_key != last_key )  # is it a new key?
        if ( last_key != "" ) close( ofile );  # close previous output file
        last_key = new_key
        ofile = sprintf( fname, new_key );     # generate filename
        print header1 >ofile
        print header2 >ofile
      print >ofile
    # End of file

  • Reinstalling Windows 2003 server while preserving the SAP installation

    Hi Experts,
    I need your expert advice over this.
    Is it possible, and if so how, to reinstall windows 2003 server without damaging SAP isntallation. With AIX it certainly is possible but within windows environment I am not sure.
    Please comment with suggestion.
    Kind regards.

    Is it not possbile with the Homogenious sytem copy?
    Export the production data>reinstall windows 2003 server>Import the data again

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