Spotlight - Finder Search - Difference?

What is the difference between spotlight and the search function within the finder?
Does the one in the finder only search within the current folder?
Why are they different?

Hello star:
I do not know for sure, although I believe they both use the same search engine. I am sort of old fashioned in my searches, so I always use "find" in the finder for my searches.

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    Hello everyone,
    When I do a search for a file, any file or folder in fact, that exists in any of the system folders or the /library and user/library folders, they NEVER appear in the search results.
    Could someone please explain to me, for example, why a simple seacrh, say for example, for a folder called "Desktop Pictures" which can be found in MacOS X/Library, never shows up in the search result. Is it just my mac that has this problem?
    I look forward to any responses volunteered!

    As baltwo eventually explained, you have to add the search criteria "System files" to your search, with the option "Include" selected, to find many items Spotlight otherwise excludes from search results. Alternately (& quite ridiculously), if your search is restricted to the parent folder containing the item, you don't need to add this.
    For example, if you open /Library in the Finder, enter "Desktop Pictures" in the search box, you won't get it in the results with the default "This Mac" location, but if you click "Library" for the location, you will. (Yes, many users think this is bizarre, "what were they thinking?" behavior.)
    What Spotlight considers "system files" is only slightly less bizarre, as you will probably discover once you start using it to broaden searches. For instance, Safari history items & messages are not found unless you include system files, but many files like C Header Source files (in System/Library/Frameworks) are found without including system files in the search.
    When it was introduced in Tiger, Spotlight was supposed to be a next-generation search engine, capable of accurately guessing what you were looking for (& filtering out what you weren't) with near-sentient intelligence. I think almost anyone who used that version will agree it did not achieve that lofty goal. Apple apparently agreed, or at least listened to the complaints enough to realize it needed rethinking. Unfortunately, what its designers came up with for the Leopard rethink feels like an early beta version, full of hastily implemented, quirky features that never got sorted out before it was released.
    We can only hope that we won't have to wait for OS 10.6 for a more mature, less quirky version.

  • Spotlight/Finder search inside bundles?

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    Hi L,
    Sorry for the missing bar for System!
    Strange behavior is what you got.
    Log in with you Admin account, you can do that in Terminal using the command line "login" when you will be prompted for user name and password (after finishing shell interaction, logout from Admin account with the command line "exit" - this logout is mean to be used as default for any shell interaction). As Admin try using the find without the sudo and the copy, like:
    find /Applications/ /Library/ /System/ /Users/ /Developer/ -name "*.icns"
    If you have items listed, even with some access denied messages, then append the copy instruction. Check the copied files existence, if they were there do the simple find again but insert the sudo - this should ask for your user password (not the root password); from here the same as before, getting listing append the copy instruction.
    If sudo do not work check for log entries in your /var/log/auth.log and bring those entries here.
    Good luck.

  • Finder search not the same as Spotlight

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    word files show up under "Other," and the only file that shows up in
    the "Documents" is a txt file.
    This is a new computer and I only have two doc files, but I would think that word documents would be categorized as a "Document" group.

    Hi, jmoon —
    Please accept a warm welcome to Apple Discussions!
    As far as I know, what you're calling a "Finder search" (⌘-F)   is  a Spotlight tool ——> essentially, a more fine-tuned" version. So please forgive if I'm "answering" the "wrong question"   below —
    Are you using the (⌘-F) »» "other" (= "select a search attribute") »» "Creator" (= "Application used to create the document") &/or »» "Name extension" setting?
    I'm by no means "expert"  in the peccadilloes of Spotlight or (⌘-F) — so I did a quick < ">Spotlight forum in an effort to help.
    Rather than regurgitate, I'll link a few threads that seem promising:
     (1) odysseus's thread, "Spotlight won't index Word files w/o .doc extension-solved!" In it, he references a MacNN thread on the topic.
     (2) A discussion in Michael Hesson's thread, "Can't find .doc docs?" — where eventually using a smart folder seemed to help...
     (3) Laurie Leonard's thread, "Changing extensions so Spotlight works better." Francine Schwieder links to a helpful AppleScript for making batch-name-changes... Unfortunately, this approach apparently worked only for 1994 – 1998 Word files. (Duh?)
    Btw, if you don't mind —I'm curious about a couple of things. When you "Get Info" on one of your ".doc" files, is "Name & Extension" »» "Hide extension" selected? Also, does toggling "Document" — or dragging to modify its order — in the System Preferences »» Spotlight »»Search Results make any difference?
    Does this help?
    Looking forward to hearing back from you!
          I edited this message...
    [1,965 ⊥ 3,355]

  • Spotlight and Finder search

    What is the difference between the Spotlight search and the Finder Search ? anybody?
    Or its spotlight in the finder?
    yours sincerely

    The way I like to define the Spotlight Search function is that it is usually the EASIEST way to find whatever you're looking for on your computer.

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    recently my hard drive icon has disappeared from my Macbook Pro (10.7.4) desk top and does not show up in spotlight or finder searches! I have tried several fixes posted online for earlier operating systems with no luck.
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    Thanks in advance!

    In "finder" click "finder" then "preferences" and navigate to the "general" tab. 
    Select which items you would like to have show on your desktop.

  • Spotlight/Finder can't find a file, yet when I search the timecapsule for they find it. If I try to restore the file I get "file with that name already exists...." What is wrong?

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    So if the file is there why can't spotlight/finder find the file??
    If it helps I get this from the terminal when checking if indexing was enabled.
    $ mdutil -s -a
      Indexing enabled.
    2014-11-18 18:09:39.542 mdutil[1472:572531] Metadata.framework [Error]: mdsCopyStoreAttributes failed: (8) (os/kern) no access
      No index.
    /Volumes/Time Machine Backups:
      Indexing and searching disabled.
    /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb:
      Indexing enabled.

    Hi Danielle,
    Is there any possibilty that some of your files (a VI or DLL?) have been moved, renamed, or deleted? Also, what version of LabVIEW are you using and are you using any .NET DLLs? Another option to consider would involve VISA or DAQmx property nodes. Are you using any of these property nodes in your code? Here is a KnowledgeBase article to describe more about the VISA and DAQmx property nodes in a source distribution:
    Error Creating Source Distributions Involving rc Files:
    I hope this is able to help.
    Anna L
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Spotlight doesn't find search results in .HTML file contents

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    I remembered that used to be problem, so I just checked on my local version of my site, and Spotlight found the files on the basis of content without a problem. So I took a look at my installed mdimporters in /Library/Spotlight, to see what may have led to this happy turn of events. I thought perhaps the iWeb mdimporter might be doing it, but was unable to find a reference to HTML in its type declarations. I then took a look at in /System/Library/Spotlight and discovered that RichText.mdimporter has a declaration for public.html as a content type. You should have that mdimporter installed by default, but you might take a look to make sure it is there.
    If the mdimporter is there, but the html files aren't being indexed, it could be that whatever program you are using to create them isn't giving them the appropriate content type. I code by hand using TextEdit, which saves them with the following metadata entry:
    kMDItemContentType = "public.html"
    kMDItemContentTypeTree = (
    They are then evidently indexed without problem by the RichText.mdimporter. You might try opening one of your html docs in TextEdit (as plain text), resave, and see if Spotlight then picks up the content of the file. Of course, the content means the words that people see when they look at the page in a browser. If the content you are talking about is stuff that is inside an html tag, you are out of luck. I know of NO way to get Spotlight to find that. EasyFind will though, but it is a brute force search and will take awhile, even when restricted to a particular folder.

  • Spotlight/Finder Doesn't Search In ASP and other file types?

    .asp and .c file types are nothing more than .txt files with different extentions..
    Am I correct in thinking that Spotlight doesn't search inside these files? I have a folder full of asp files and spotlight doesn't seem to find anything when I type text that I know is inside one (as a test)
    It does appear to search INSIDE .html files in the same folder.. Can you add different file extentions that spotlight will search into?
    If not, then "Spotlight" is much ado about nothing as google desktop search, X1 and the msn desktop search (Windows) released years ago search inside ALL files..
    Curious Switcher
    Wayne Bienek
    Mac Pro 3Ghz / 4GB Ram Mac OS X (10.4.8) 30" Cinema Display + 20 " Cinema Display

    Spotlight makes a content index for files using mdimporter, and that process depends on mdimporter modules for the specific file type. Thus in /Library/Spotlight you will see a collection, such as Microsoft Office.mdimporter, of "extras" for special file types. There are also the built-in ones in /System/Library/Spotlight. If you installed Xcode/Developer Tools, there should be a SourceCode.mdimporter, which I imagine would index the asp and c files. If not, some people have modified it to also index php files, see this discussion: Bphp%2Bfiles
    at MacOSXHints. I think you could do something similar (at your own risk of course) for other pure text based files. Be sure to expand the the replies and read them.

  • Organize search results in spotlight's finder search function ?

    The search results in the finder search window (cmd-f from within finder)—is there a way to organize them just like the files in any finder window (name, date, size, kind … ) ?
    (I guess I should add that I of course know there is some organization offered by the sideboard on the right in the actual spotlight window. But this one offers other and in may cases less effective criteria.)
    Would be very useful. Thanks a lot.
    Titanium PowerBook G4 / 1,67 MHz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    If the ⌘F search results are in a "brushed metal" window in the "Finder", the window should have buttons for "Icon" and "List" view near the top left edge, just like a regular "Finder" window (unless you have customized your "Finder" toolbar to remove those buttons). Switching to "List" view should allow the full choice of sort criteria to be selected from "View Options" (⌘J).
    If the window is in "aqua" mode (no toolbar or sidebar), it is still possible to switch to "List" view from the menu bar - "View" > "as List" (⌘2).

  • Spotlight keeps searching after finding everything?

    Since Snow Leopard I'm using Spotlight as an application launcher (previously I used QuickSilver). I will, for instance, enter "act" in the Spotlight menu and find Activity Monitor, then launch it. I notice however that a lot of disk activity remains, and it turns out to be Spotlight still searching minutes after I exited the menu.
    I already rebuilt the index with "sudo mdutil -Eav" but this has no effect.
    I found this post that was never resolved...
    Is this a bug or a feature? I'd hate to have to manually quit the search by clearing the search box every time I launch an application...

    I'm having the exact same problem and it seems to have started after upgrading to SL.
    When using the Spotlight menu search, the activity indicator keeps spinning and the disk keeps chugging away even after all possible results have been exhausted.
    As a test, I turned off all of the categories in the Spotlight Preferences except for Applications folder. Yet, if I search for "Firefox", it still keeps churning the disk and spinning the indicator after finding the result.
    I did notice that it eventually stopped after about ten minutes, but a second search for the same term resulted in the same delay.

  • Spotlight & Mail Search Not Working After Deleting email Account's '.OfflineCache' File.  How Do I Get Back to Normal?

    Running OSX 10.7.4 and Mail.5.2.
    One of 3 email accounts was constantly trying, but unable to synch.  The rotating splines were turning non-stop but not synching (other two email accounts worked just fine.)  After doing some searching on the internet, I found several articles about this.  Many included the symptom of the "Recovered Messages" constantly being recovered/generated.  I had noticed that I would get some recovered messages on occaision, but had never noticed it to be problematic.  These articles suggested that the ".OfflineCache" file for that email account had been corrupted or the root of my problem.  So, I deleted the .OfflineCach file as per this article...
    Fix OSX Mail Creating Multiple 'Recovered Message
    Well that got my mail working again.  However, I soon noticed that spotlight no longer works and when I try to search mail, it doesn't work.  It will only return a complete email address/contact; it doesn't search the contents of the email.
    I tried to get spotlight to re-index the hard drive.  However, when I try to drag a folder or volume to it, I get the error:
    Since spotlight and mail search have always worked flawlessly for 5 years, I'm confident this is related to having deleted " .OffflineCache" for that particular email account.  However, it seems strange that mail search won't work for the other email accounts.
    Any other tips for getting spotlight back online?
    How about the .OfflineCache file.  Will Mail restore it, replace it on it's own?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Also, looking back, not long before this problem started, I was trying to send a single email with numerous pictures ( around 50 or so.)  I forgot to select "medium" for the picture size and it started trying to upload them at full size.  I realized this after a minute or two and cancelled the upload, changed to 'medium' and sent the email with no problem.  I point this out because the "Multiple Recovered Messages" error seems to be related to or being induced by having an excessively large file in the particular mail account's .Offline.Cache file.

    Well, a couple days later and it seems that the .offlinecache has been rebuilt.  Finder, Spotlight, & Mail search all seem to be working normally now! 

  • Find/search doesn't work in Finder - help!?

    I go into finder and I type in a file name to search my computer for. No matter what volume or folder I select, nothing pops up in the search window - no files, no folders, nothing. Finder just sits there. The find command doesn't seem to work. Can anyone help me fix this? I really need to find files on my computer and don't have time to sift through every folder one by one. Thanks!!!

    Hi, Todd —
    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    I'll assume that you're talking about using Spotlight via the Finder »» Find (⌘-F) command. If I'm wrong about this, please post back to clarify the specifics.
    If nothing at all can be found, it's possible that you have inadvertently included your HD (or a significant Volume, your Documents folder, etc.) in the Privacy tab of Spotlight's preferences — which keeps it from being indexed. If the "metadata" associated with a file or folder aren't included in the indexing, they can't be searched and included in results.
    To check this, look first in System Preferences »» Spotlight »» Results — are any of the boxes checked? Only those that are will be searched. Are they in the order you'd like to see results reported? Next, look in System Preferences »» Spotlight »» Privacy. Does anything appear in this window? Anything that does will not be indexed, and thus won't be included in a search. If it is the Volume (or folders, etc.) that you want to be searched, select its name and click on to remove it.
    Spotlight will then begin to index whatever had been set as "private" — which essentially means "don't search." Note that this may take some time. The Spotlight icon at the far right side of your menu bar will show a tiny "pulsing" dot while indexing is ongoing.
    You may want to go to Finder »» Help »» Mac Help, type in "Spotlight find," and hit return. Several useful articles on this subject will appear that will help to explain this. Here is a list of corresponding Apple "Help" articles online.
    Does this help?
    Please post back to share your progress, and discuss other possibilities, as appropriate...

  • Finder Search brings no Result, when search network drives.

    I am a big time user of search (or spotlight) on my Macintosh and I have been using for years and through all the updates. I loved the recent updates to spotlight and I was able to search not only my HD but also the network drives where all of our files are located on an Mac Server.
    I am the IT person of this small graphic design firm and everyone in our office work on files that are located on a Mac Server. We only keep the applications on our own client computers.
    Spotlight or (search) was function perfectly up to a few weeks ago but recently when I need to search something on our Signage A, Signage B, Signage C or Print A, Print B or Print C, drives where we keep our files. The search does not bring no result. This is a problem not only with my computer but there are a few computers in the office with the same problem.
    My question is what can I do to resolve this problem and be able to search again on my network drives where I keep all the files we are working on. If this function is no longer available with spotlight or search box of the finder window. Is there another software we can use to search for files and folders on our server.
    Since there are a few people working on the same files sometimes when the files are moved it makes it difficult for the next person to find them, in that kind of situation search was working wonderfully and I need for that to work again.
    Omar Noorzay

    Search these forums for *search shares, search externals, search HDs*, and other variants. There have been numerous posts WRT the 10.5.6 update and problems such as you're reporting.

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    Finding the difference in no. of days between 2 dates

Maybe you are looking for