Spotlight search depth

When I search using spotlight for calendar items, it only returns the first one it finds. Is there a way for it to search further back and return all matches?

When I search using spotlight for calendar items, it only returns the first one it finds. Is there a way for it to search further back and return all matches?

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    Then you are swiping too close to the top of the screen.
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    Since you didn't include any pertinent info such as the Mac model and OS version you are running, here is some general information:
    Mac OS X: Gray screen appears during startup
    Depending on which OS yours came with originally - and which OS you are now running - you would either need your original install disks - you can call Apple for replacements by giving them your serial number. Or you may be able to reinstall the OS by using recovery (again, depends on which model/which OS).

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    Thanks for reading,

    I've seen this happen before, and generally turning off Documents and Data in Settings > iCloud will fix it.
    If that doesn't work, try the following.
    1. Restart the phone and check it out.
    2. Reset the phone (hold the home button and the lock button until you see an Apple Logo and then let them go).
    3. Go into Settings > General > Reset > Reset all Settings and test it out again
    4. If none of the above work, try creating either an iTunes backup or an iCloud backup and restore the device as new using iTunes. Here's an article to help with that:

  • Mail+Spotlight Search Not Working in Lion

    I've been dealing with this problem for over a month and have not been able to fix it.  Search works fine in Lion on several computers, but on my laptop it still won't do a complete search.  It will only pull up emails from people in my contacts list..... no subject key word searches or people outside my contacts searches..... very frustrating! The searches also don't work in Spotlight, so I can't use spotlight as a backup.
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    Other Info:
    Macbook Pro 2008 Version with 2.5 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
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    Regarding adding and deleting the System Drive from the Spotlight Privacy Tab...... I'm following your sequence, but when I come back to Spotlight Search in the menu bar it just works the same.... no mention of indexing. What's interesting is that "Mail" dosn't appear anywhere in search results when a keyword search is performed via spotlight.
    Regarding the "enevelope Index Files" ..... I followed the instructions and quit and re-opened mail as instructed.  When I re-opened Mail I selected "continue" and the program began to index the contents of mail for about 30 minutes.  I thought that would would fix the issue, but it's still not working. 
    I've tried to compare the account setup from my IMAC which works fine to see if I have something setup wrong in the account, but everything looks the same. 
    I guess I can try to re-index again?  Don't know what else to do? 

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    So i guess id like to know, is there some way to password protect my account or do I just need to keep deleting my account before lending the ipad to someone else and then reinstating it? And is there any way to properly delete emails for good?
    I would be happy just to go without the mail app and log in directly through yahoo in Safari, except that I find the notification alert when I receive a new mail very handy!!

    [edit] I dragged the email I sent through the MBP Mail app (under MAILBOXES > Sent > Yahoo!) to the highlighted Sent folder (YAHOO! > Sent), and now it shows up on all Yahoo Sent folders (iPad app, web browser, phone app). Not entirely solved the issue but will use web browser to sent future emails to keep everything in sync.

  • Spotlight search doesn't include my email - should it?

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    My questions is - should I be able to find emails in the spotlight search app?
    Sorry if this is known by all
    I did a clean install of Lion on  a 2010 27" iMac

    I just did a test and Spotlight found my Gmail messages.
    Go to Ststem Preferences/Spotlight and be sure you have "Messages and Chats" selected.  Also in Privacy, make sure you don't Gmail set to be excluded.

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    Is there any way of displaying it?

    Somebody in another forum told me it couldn't be done in Spotlight  but the word  "no"  must have kick-started my stubborn streak and I started hitting every other key I could find whilst holding down the command key to keep the incomplete location revealed.
    Eventually I struck lucky when I pressed Return (or Enter)  .  .  .  the window below opened and I was able to do a "Get Info" on the item to find its exact location.

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    Note: I've already set double-tapping the Home button brings up my few favourite phone numbers. I'm guessing someone will read the topic title, glance at the post and reply with "duh, just change the double-tap home button settings lol".

    There is no way to disable the search page unless you jailbreak. Even then, I'm not familiar with an app that does what you are looking for. Sorry...

  • Spotlight search top hits problems in iphone 5 ios 6

    I upgraded from Iphone 4s ios 5.1.1 to Iphone 5 ios 6.02 yesterday.  (Att to verizon, but not relevant to this post)
    On first glance at spotlight search on new iphone 5, I thought for sure the index for my spotlight search was totally corrupt.  If I start typing 'Hol' for holly, after h or o she should come up as a top hit...instead my top hit is Chris Luxxxx (nothing to do with H or O)...I keep hit area totally disappears and Holly xxxx shows in middle of very long list of what would appear to be totally unrelated contacts.  I have to get to Holly Bo before the list is down to 4 names...and 3 of those aren't related to her (on the surface....)....and top hits still doesn't pop up??  I still had my 4s next to me...and the results were night and day different...and the iphone 5 were so totally irrelevant compared to the 4s for what I was trying to do (just look up a contact...the thing i use spotlight search for most!?!?)
    1) At this point, I had already  disabled all categories but 'contacts for my spotlight search to minimize the hundreds matches I was getting in all kinds of categories that looked irrelevant......and to focus on what was going on with my contacts. 
    2) My contacts are synched with MS Exchange config connected to google apps account
    3) I have about 1500 contacts and 1700 other contacts (email addresses only), and TONS of notes in contact 'comments' fields   (foreshadowing here....'comments' fields....)
    After about 60 minutes of thinking the index for my records was corrupt...and reboots and resets and internet searches..I tried thinking differently....and I started looking at the 'comments' fields in my contacts...and whoooaaaa....arghhhhh...
    It appears spotlight is now indexing 'comments' section of contacts now as well many other fields in the contact records that I don't believe were previously indexed.........and apple is NOT not prioritizing the results by any fields (like giving first name, last name, business name top hit result priority)....and I know for a fact it did not use index notes..because i needed that function so I downloaded an app to do that....I found the fact that it did not index 'comments' section annoying, but they they are indexing it, but with poor implementation and no prioritization, spotlight has become a great tool for locating **** near anything on my phone...but a really crappy short cut to get to the contacts I wanted to get to....a better implementation of prioritization of 'top hits' would go a long ways...
    Back to my searches again....when I searched 'Ho'.........Chris Luxxxis showed up first as a 'top hit'....made no sense at all....but this is what I pieced together.....e he was the most recent phone call I made, and 'ho' is in the 'comments' section of his contact info 6 the words home, home inspector, house masters, house password.....arghhhhh.....I did a lot more searches...and made some phone calls, and when I ran same search again....Chris Luxxxx was not longer an immediate top hit!?!?  ****...I don't need a short cut to recent calls in my top hits spotlight search!?!? It's not the magic genie!!!!  And when applied like just makes a huge bowl of spaghetti!!
    I thought...okay...well, overall it's a better tool for finding EVERYTHING on my phone, just crappier for shortcutting to contacts to make calls and send emails....(i never used the contacts section of my phone on 4s for 3 years...just used spotlight, and it was awesome, easy and fast and got me to my contacts better than any other search system on any device i'd ever had).......So I thought.....ok so maybe I'll just have to used my contacts area more now to get to my contacts........and guess appears the same darn alogrythim for search results there!!!
    Apple has obliterated the concept of top hits in spotlight search..and made finding the common items in the phone like contacts a heck of a lot more typing....I only have 1 Holly in my contacts....and I have to type 'Holly Bow' before she is the sole contact shown...and I have to get to 'Holly B' before the list is down to 15 results....oh....but if I recall this issue and start with her last name...only need to get three letters in to find her...unfortunately, but its individuall another contacts last name is a bomb for searching, but first is quick....
    Apple use to think for their users...they assumed what was most important given a spot in an application...and overall, made some decent decisions for the non technically oriented....(personally, I didn't like it...been a pc guy for 20 years..and a programmer...drove me nuts, but had a place for their customer base and nice if what you did with your computer was inline with the applications apple designed their machines to be great at....)...and I loved my iphone 4s compared to too many config options and poor implementation on windows phones ...and i'm still an iphone fan...for it's simplicity and lack of total cusomization actually (i get my creative juices flowing doing things other than customizing smart phones)........but in this case, too much info can be as bad or worse than not enough if you don't include some controls to start limiting relevance somehow....
    I'm 90 minutes into this...guess now that I seem to have concluded what's up...I can start working with it or around it...but it's a big departure for where spotlight was...and while it offers more...for me, it's offering a lot less for my hourly and daily needs.
    If my assumptions about these changes are wrong or anyones figured out how to get top hits useful again, please advise.

    Try at total shut down of Safari, double click on the home button then find the Safari app, hold you finger on the app for a few secs then tap the red minus sign to close the app. Re-launch Safari then give it a try. 

  • When importing a cd on to itunes where is the original file kept because my itunes folder doesn't have it, the song does come up when i spotlight search it but i can't locate it

    i cannot seem to find where the original file for tracks that have been imported from a cd are kept because they are not in the itunes folder, however the song is somewhere as it does show up on spotlight search and plays when i click it. where would i find it?!

    It will be in the iTunes media folder location shown in iTunes prefs > Advanced.
    Select the song, right click > Show file in Finder.

  • Spotlight searching no longer working - indexing and search disabled.

    I've been searching the web and tried everything:
    Server 10.5.8
    In Server Admin - the attached drive is a SharePoint with Spotlight search on.
    I've used mdutil to enable Spotlight.
    I've checked permissions.
    I can search the Boot Drive. I can't search the attached drive.
    mdutil returns indexing and search disabled when used to turn it on.
    very frustrating.
    Anyone out there have a clue?

    HI James,
    Open System Preferences/Spotlight and click the Privacy tab. Where you see; Delete any locations listed, Quit System Preferences and restart your Mac and see if you can use Spotlight.
    Spotlight Tips
    Spotlight: How to re-index folders or volumes

  • 10.5.5 Client Getting No Results with Spotlight Search

    Hi -
    My company is slow to change. We are just now getting some Leopard workstations in our enterprise. The thing my users noticed right away was that under 10.5.5, they are unable to get any results from Spotlight searches on our Tiger Xserves over AFP. The Tiger workstation users can get search results from share points but not Leopard ones.
    The Xserves all have 10.4.9 Server installed. The XServes and workstations are all bound to AD with SSO turned on. I limited the servers 10.4.9 Server because with 10.4.11 Server I get AD issues. 10.4.9 is stable for us.
    I am forced to use Leopard as the new MacPros demand it
    My question - What should I do so the Leopard workstations (10.5.5) can get real Spotlight results from my share points?
    I have looked at the other Apple Support Boards and I don't get understand what they are talking about.
    Thanks in advance.

    I am an IT manager in a similar situation. However, I have shelled out the thousands to upgrade everything to the latest OS with my xserve running 10.5.5, and users running 10.5.5 or 10.5.6. Spotlight is totally useless. I have talked to tech "supportless" several times - no help. I have installed and reinstalled 10.5 on the server, reformatted drives, copied and deleted hundreds of gigs of data, done all kinds of terminal commands that were supposed to fix it, but it still just doesn't work. I wish Apple would stop coming out with new stuff for a while and fix this basic computer function. For now I use "Better Search". Better Search is Freeware from Its ok - at least it finds stuff, but it is still not 100% accurate sometimes.

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