this is vinod
in my project we are going to use the spring httpinvoker to interact with database daos
to map the swing gui
how it is used can u please provide the simple code for that any body
how the code will be..

Why is someone else going to write your code for you? Spring is pretty well-documented, between the official docs, the numerous books and the abundance of tutorials on the 'net. These "I've had this great idea, can someone else actually do the work?" questions are getting really irritating.

Similar Messages

  • Spring and TopLink/JPA on OC4J

    Our configuration worked fine on OC4J (linux) and (windows). We have a problem with JPA (toplink essentials--not eclipselink) on OC4J using Spring (2.0.7 and 2.5.6). We found that it was trying to connect to the default OracleDS data source(there were 2 connections in toplink essentials for some reason), but once we defined an OracleDS, it gave us this error:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: Error getting property 'experiments' from bean of type gov.llnl.nif.dataviz.mssar.web.ExperimentListBean: org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not open JPA EntityManager for transaction; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException:
    Exception Description: Cannot use an EntityTransaction while using JTA.
    Our persistence.xml looks like:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <persistence version="1.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_1_0.xsd">
         <persistence-unit name="mssar">
         <property name="toplink.cache.shared.gov.llnl.nif.dataviz.mssar.model.ExperimentInfo" value="false"/>
         <property name="toplink.cache.shared.gov.llnl.nif.dataviz.mssar.model.UsePlan" value="false"/>
    Our orm.xml looks like:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <entity-mappings xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/orm" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/orm http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/orm_1_0.xsd" version="1.0">
    Our spring configuration looks like:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.0.xsd
    http://www.springframework.org/schema/jee http://www.springframework.org/schema/jee/spring-jee-2.0.xsd
    http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx/spring-tx-2.0.xsd
         http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop/spring-aop-2.0.xsd"
    <bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean">
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>
    <property name="jpaVendorAdapter">
    <bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.TopLinkJpaVendorAdapter">
    <property name="showSql" value="true"/>
    <property name="databasePlatform" value="oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database.oracle.OraclePlatform"/>
    <property name="loadTimeWeaver">
         <bean class="org.springframework.instrument.classloading.InstrumentationLoadTimeWeaver"/>
    <jee:jndi-lookup id="dataSource" jndi-name="jdbc/SSARDS"/>
    <bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager">
    <property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory" />
         <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
         <bean id="experimentsQueryBuilder" class="gov.llnl.nif.dataviz.mssar.dao.jpa.ExperimentsQueryBuilderJpa"/>
         <bean id="experimentsDao" class="gov.llnl.nif.dataviz.mssar.dao.jpa.ExperimentsDaoJpa"/>
         <bean id="experimentListManager" class="gov.llnl.nif.dataviz.mssar.service.impl.ExperimentListManagerImpl"/>
    ExperimentInfo.java mapping looks like:
    @Table(name = "EXPERIMENT_IDS")
    public class ExperimentInfo implements ExperimentInformation {
         String experimentId;
         String expDescription;
         String status;
         String expPI;
         //Date lpomDate;
         //Date settingsDate;
         Timestamp lpomDate;
         Timestamp settingsDate;     
    UsePlan.java looks like:
    public class UsePlan extends BasePlan implements PlanData, Serializable {
         static final long serialVersionUID = -1555327955428351924L;
         String expShotId;
         String location;
         String infoVar;
         String useItemName;
         String usePriority;
    ExperimentListManagerImpl looks like:
    public class ExperimentListManagerImpl implements ExperimentListManager {
    This is a read-only app but it should not use the cache.
    Our Dao Looks like:
    public class ExperimentsDaoJpa extends JpaDaoSupport implements ExperimentsDao {
    private QueryBuilder experimentsQueryBuilder;
    public List<ExperimentInfo> shotsByQueryBean(ExperimentsQueryBean queryBean, String sortColumn, boolean ascending) {
         try {
         experimentsQueryBuilder.setSortColumn(sortColumn, ascending);
         List<ExperimentInfo> result = getJpaTemplate().findByNamedParams(experimentsQueryBuilder.getQuery().toString(), experimentsQueryBuilder.getParams());
         // pull new results from database
         /*for (ExperimentInfo ei : result) {
         return result;
         } catch (Throwable t) {
              return null;
         public void setExperimentsQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder experimentsQueryBuilder) {
              this.experimentsQueryBuilder = experimentsQueryBuilder;
    John Carlson

    We also had this problem. We have changed the TransactionManager.
    Replace the JPATransactionManager with the JTATransactionManager.
    <bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager" />
    If you are using JTA you can't use the JPA Transaction Manager. It doesn't support JTA.
    Found it on a forum of Spring. (http://forum.springframework.org/showthread.php?t=48191)

  • Weblogic 10.3TP, JAX-WS and Spring integration

    Hi all
    We are using JAX-WS and Spring (2.0.6) and our target platform will be Weblogic 10.3. We would like to benefit from Spring injection in our web service classes. However I cannot get it to work. I follow the instructions described here: [url https://jax-ws-commons.dev.java.net/spring]https://jax-ws-commons.dev.java.net/spring and I use version 1.7 of jaxws-spring
    When deploying the sample project I get the following error:
    2007-12-06 09:28:42,238 ERROR [org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader] - Context initialization failed
    Error creating bean with name 'com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.SpringBinding' defined in ServletContext resource [WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]:
    Cannot create inner bean '(inner bean)' of type [org.jvnet.jax_ws_commons.spring.SpringService] while setting bean property 'service';
    nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:
    Error creating bean with name '(inner bean)': FactoryBean threw exception on object creation;
    nested exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jvnet.jax_ws_commons.spring.SpringService$ContainerWrapper cannot be cast to weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSContainer
    Caused by:
    org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name '(inner bean)': FactoryBean threw exception on object creation;
    nested exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jvnet.jax_ws_commons.spring.SpringService$ContainerWrapper cannot be cast to weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSContainer
    Caused by:
    java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jvnet.jax_ws_commons.spring.SpringService$ContainerWrapper cannot be cast to weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSContainer
            at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.framework.policy.WSDLGeneratorExtension.start(WSDLGeneratorExtension.java:113)
            at com.sun.xml.ws.wsdl.writer.WSDLGeneratorExtensionFacade.start(WSDLGeneratorExtensionFacade.java:67)
            at com.sun.xml.ws.wsdl.writer.WSDLGenerator.generateDocument(WSDLGenerator.java:353)
            at com.sun.xml.ws.wsdl.writer.WSDLGenerator.doGeneration(WSDLGenerator.java:276)
            at com.sun.xml.ws.server.EndpointFactory.generateWSDL(EndpointFactory.java:427)
            at com.sun.xml.ws.server.EndpointFactory.createEndpoint(EndpointFactory.java:196)
            at com.sun.xml.ws.api.server.WSEndpoint.create(WSEndpoint.java:467)
            at org.jvnet.jax_ws_commons.spring.SpringService.getObject(SpringService.java:333)
            at org.jvnet.jax_ws_commons.spring.SpringService.getObject(SpringService.java:45)
            at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getObjectFromFactoryBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:1236)
            at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getObjectForBeanInstance(AbstractBeanFactory.java:1207)
            at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveInnerBean(BeanDefinitionValueResolver.java:219)
    ...It sounds like JAX-WS - Spring integration is not supported in Weblogic 10.3TP.
    Has anyone been able to get the sample project working?
    Does anyone know if the final version of Weblogic 10.3 will have JAX-WS Spring injection support?

    anybody can help?

  • New Spring Support

    Download the spring jar file and added this to my application.xml :-
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.0.xsd
                   http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop/spring-aop-2.0.xsd
                   http://schemas.tangosol.com/schema/datagrid-for-spring http://schemas.tangosol.com/schema/datagrid-for-spring/datagrid-for-spring.xsd">
    <datagrid:member />
    On startup, I get this exception :-
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No scheme for cache: "com.tangosol.coherence.spring.ClusteredApplicationContextBeans"
    at com.tangosol.net.DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.findSchemeMapping(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.java:475)
    at com.tangosol.net.DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.ensureCache(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.java:269)
    at com.tangosol.net.CacheFactory.getCache(CacheFactory.java:623)
    at com.tangosol.net.CacheFactory.getCache(CacheFactory.java:601)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.spring.datagrid.DataGridMemberBean.onApplicationEvent(DataGridMemberBean.java:189)
    at org.mule.extras.spring.events.MuleEventMulticaster.multicastEvent(MuleEventMulticaster.java:354)
    at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.publishEvent(AbstractApplicationContext.java:243)
    at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.refresh(AbstractApplicationContext.java:351)
    at org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.<init>(ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.java:92)
    at org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.<init>(ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.java:77)
    at org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.<init>(ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.java:68)
    Did I leave something out?

    My cache config file now looks like this :-
    <!-- Default Distributed caching scheme. -->
    <!-- Default backing map scheme definition used by all caches that do not require any eviction policies -->
    But on startup I get this :-
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No scheme for cache: "com.tangosol.coherence.spring.ClusteredApplicationContextBeans"
    at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.createSAXException(Digester.java:2919)
    at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.createSAXException(Digester.java:2945)
    at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.endElement(Digester.java:1133)
    at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source)
    The new coherence spring jar file is on my class path, and the start of my application.xml file looks like this :-
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.0.xsd
                   http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop/spring-aop-2.0.xsd
                   http://schemas.tangosol.com/schema/datagrid-for-spring http://schemas.tangosol.com/schema/datagrid-for-spring/datagrid-for-spring.xsd">     
    <datagrid:member />
    Any ideas on what I am missing here?

  • Spring

    I have a jboss server and some web application using ejb, i was told to create a new webapp that would work separatley and use another database and to access my existing app from new one i need to use Spring, does anyone know a good tutorial or example how to do that?

    And their site has also specific pointers on how to access EJBs from Spring:

  • How do I completely enable a new custom asset in Correspondence Management?

    I'm trying to add a new custom asset to the Correspondence Management Solution Accelerator, and have it behave like all other assets in the system (ie searchable, updateable etc).  I'm almost there, but there's obviously something I'm missing, and I was hoping someone here might have done this before, or have a link to some documentation regarding the matter that I may have missed.  The asset I'm trying finish creating is for a LiveCycle user in a specific domain.  This is what I've done so far...
    I've created the asset definition MyUser.fml and placed it in the FSIApp\Portal\webapp\WEB-INF\assetDefinitions folder.  I've then registered this fml file in the spring-config.xml file in both the 'lc.cm.assetDefinitionsDeployer' and 'lc.cm.assetTypeRegistryBootstrapper' beans.  In the 'lc.cm.assetTypeRegistryBootstrapper' bean, I set the key to 'MyUser', and the value to the class path of my Java class that represents this asset.
    On the Java side I've created the MyUser.java class, as well as MyUserService.java and MyUserServiceImpl.java to allow the searching, updating etc of the MyUser assets.
    After running the Bootstrap process, I can log into the Manage Templates application, select Data Dictionaries from the 'View' dropdown, and view/edit the MyUser data dictionary properties with no problems.  So I'm happy that the asset has successfully been registered with the application.
    Where I'm stuck is choosing the MyUser asset from the drop down, and searching the system for assets of that type.  I can choose the MyUser asset type from the 'view' drop down, but the search result returns an empty array.
    From digging into the existing Manage Templates code, I've created the following classes:
    public interface IMyUserService extends IEventDispatcher -  containing the following function definitions:
              function getMyUser(id:String):IAsyncToken;
              function getAllMyUsers(param1:Query=null):IAsyncToken;
    public class MyUserSeviceProvider extends ServiceProvider - containing a getter/setter for MyUserServiceDelegate
    public class MyUserServiceDelegate extends ServiceDelegate implements IMyUserService - containing the functions defined in IMyUserService, as well as creating the RemoteObject to perform the actions.
    The MyUserServiceDelegate constructor is:
         public function MyUserServiceDelegate ()
                _service = new RemoteObject("myapplication.services.myUserService");
                _service.showBusyCursor = true;
    This is the code for the function in getAllMyUsers in MyUserServiceDelegate:
         public function getAllMyUsers(param1:Query = null):IAsyncToken
                var operationToken:AsyncToken = this._service.getAllMyUsers(param1);
                var token:IccToken = new IccToken(this.className + ".getAllMyUsers");
                return token;
    I've also made changes to the following config files to register the RemoteObject destination specified in the MyUserServiceDelegate constructor:
         <bean name="/service/UserService" class="org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerServiceExporter">
            <property name="service" ref="myapplication.services.myUserService" />
            <property name="serviceInterface" value="com.mydomain.lc.services.MyUserService" />
         <destination id="myapplication.services.myUserService"/>
         <flex:remoting-destination ref="myapplication.services.myUserService" />
    Above my Java class definition of MyUserServiceImpl.java I have the following line:
    My problem is that when I choose the MyUser asset from the drop down, no search results are returned (an empty array is returned).  I have logging code in the getAllMyUsers function in the MyUserServiceDelegateclass.as, as well as logging in the MyUserServiceImpl.java class (not shown in the above code snippets) and neither of them fire when selecting the MyUser asset from the drop down.  So neither of the classes are being called on the search.  If I force a search via the following line:
    the logging in both the Flex and Java classes works (and the java class returns the results as expected).  So I'm happy that these functions, as well as the linking between the Flex and the Java side is working correctly.
    The step that I can't seem to work out is having the selection of the asset in the drop down call the desired function automagically.  I've been digging into the SearchManager, the ServiceLocator and heaps of other classes, but I'm falling deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole...
    Can anyone shed some light on what they think might be needed to make the final link here?  I've been digging and digging into the code for days now and my brain hurts!!
    Any advice appreciated!!

    Hi Saket,
    By 'not really complete' I'm assuming (hoping) that some work has been done on this already.  Our project requires the use of custom assets, so it's very important that we get this functionality running as soon as possible.
    Any help, unsupported or otherwise, would be great.  Feel free to email me any details if you'd prefer not to post anything public on the boards.

  • I got a suspicious email that is suppose to be from Mozilla. Since you have no place to report it, I am asking here. Where can I send it?

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  • Getting Open MQ and Mule 2.0 work together

    I would like to ask some help on getting Open MQ work with Mule 2.0. I'm quite new to both technologies, and I can't get them to work together. Here is how I've tried so far:
    What I'm trying to achieve first, is that there are 2 queues in my open mq, and if something arrives in one queue, mule should get that from the queue and put it in the other queue.
    I've created a configuration file for mule:
    (sorry that it looks really crappy, for some reason, couldn't really get it to show nicely on this forum, however I edited it, it always made each line start on the left)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <mule xmlns="http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/core/2.0"
    <!-- Uncomment to download xsds from web instead of using the Eclipse XML Catalog.
    http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/core/2.0 http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/core/2.0/mule.xsd
    http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/jms/2.0 http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/jms/2.0/mule-jms.xsd
    http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.0.xsd">
    <model name="JMSProba">
    <service name="JMS">
    <jms:inbound-endpoint queue="MyQueue" synchronous="false"/>
    <component class="disp.Dispatcher"/>
    <jms:outbound-endpoint queue="out"/>
    The service component class pretty much doesn't do anything for now, but is like this:
    package disp;
    public class Dispatcher {
    public Object dispatch(Object o){
    return o;
    I'm using the Mule IDE, and unfortunately I can't even test if this works or not, because when it starts the mule server, I get an error, which I don't understand why I get:
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'mule'.
    I really have no idea why I get this exception. Anyone knows what I did wrong in my configuration file? Also, can anyone tell me, if what I'm trying to do looks something like this, or I'm doing it all wrong? If anyone can help me get this all to work, I'd really appreciate it.
    I haven't seen any info on how to configure the Open MQ Connector, so I'm not sure how to do it. I've tried this:
    <connector name="jmsConnector" className="org.mule.providers.jms.JmsConnector">
    <property name="specification" value="1.1"/>
    <property name="connectionFactoryJndiName" value="ConnectionFactory"/>
    <property name="jndiInitialFactory" value="com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory"/>
    <property name="jndiProviderUrl" value="file:///C:/Temp"/>
    <property name="jndiDestinations" value="true"/>
    <property name="forceJndiDestinations" value="true"/>
    <map name="connectionFactoryProperties">
    <property name="brokerURL" value="vm://localhost:7676"/>
    but it doesn't work, the error tooltip says "Invalid content was found starting with element 'connector'", and then the next error is at the first 'property' element, saying "Invalid content was found starting with element 'property'. One of '{"http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans":entry}' is expected. "
    Can someone please also help me with the connector creation? Since this had errors, I had to cut it out when trying to run my config file, that's why you can't see it in it.
    My next step (if this would work) would be to use this on 2 different JMS's - Mule gets the message from a queue from a certain JMS, then sends it to the queue of a different JMS. Of course I can't start working on this until my first task works, but I was wondering, how to create 2 different connectors and then use different connector for each of the endpoints.
    Thanks for any help in advance!
    Edited by: kissziszi on Jul 25, 2008 3:06 AM
    Edited by: kissziszi on Jul 25, 2008 3:09 AM

    Hi Pawan!
    Thank you a lot for your help! Unfortunately it's still not working. Here is my current config file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <mule xmlns="http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/core/2.0"
    http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.0.xsd
    http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/core/2.0 http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/core/2.0/mule.xsd
    http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/jms/2.0 http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/jms/2.0/mule-jms.xsd
    http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/stdio/2.0 http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/stdio/2.0/mule-stdio.xsd
    http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/vm/2.0 http://www.mulesource.org/schema/mule/vm/2.0/mule-vm.xsd">
    <model name="JMSProba">
    <service name="JMS">
    <jms:inbound-endpoint name="MyQueue" address="jms://queue:MyQueue" synchronous="false" connector-ref="jmsConnector"/>
    <component class="disp.Dispatcher"/>
    <jms:outbound-endpoint name="out" address="jms://queue:out" connector-ref="jmsConnector"/>
    <jms:connector name="jmsConnector" connectionFactory-ref="openMQ"
    numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers="1" specification="1.1">
    <spring:property name="jmsSupport" ref="jndiJmsSupport" />
    <spring:bean name="jndiJmsSupport" class="org.mule.transport.jms.Jms102bSupport">
    <spring:constructor-arg ref="jmsConnector" />
    <spring:bean name="context" class="javax.naming.InitialContext">
    <spring:constructor-arg type="java.util.Hashtable">
    <spring:prop key="java.naming.factory.initial">com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory</spring:prop>
    <spring:prop key="java.naming.provider.url">file:///F:/Info/MessageQueue/mq</spring:prop>
    <spring:bean name="openMQ" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
    <spring:property name="jndiName" value="MyQueueConnectionFactory" />
    <spring:property name="jndiEnvironment">
    <spring:prop key="java.naming.factory.initial">com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory</spring:prop>
    <spring:prop key="specifications">1.1</spring:prop>
    <spring:prop key="java.naming.provider.url">file:///C:/Temp</spring:prop>
    I get an exception:
    A Fatal error has occurred while the server was running:
    * Cannot convert value of type [javax.naming.Reference] to required type
    * [javax.jms.ConnectionFactory] for property 'connectionFactory': no matching
    * editors or conversion strategy found (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException)
    or in more details:
    ERROR 2008-07-27 18:30:52,953 [main] org.mule.config.builders.AbstractConfigurationBuilder: Configuration with "org.mule.config.spring.SpringXmlConfigurationBuilder" failed.
    org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'JMS': Cannot create inner bean '(inner bean)' of type [org.mule.routing.inbound.DefaultInboundRouterCollection] while setting bean property 'inboundRouter'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name '(inner bean)': Cannot create inner bean '(inner bean)' of type [org.mule.config.spring.factories.InboundEndpointFactoryBean] while setting bean property 'endpoints' with key [0]; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'jmsConnector': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException: Failed to convert property value of type [javax.naming.Reference] to required type [javax.jms.ConnectionFactory] for property 'connectionFactory'; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert value of type [javax.naming.Reference] to required type [javax.jms.ConnectionFactory] for property 'connectionFactory': no matching editors or conversion strategy found
    I have no idea why I get this exception :(
    There are a few things I don't understand in your config file though:
    -How come we don't have to specify the address where the broker is running? (like localhost:7676)
    -In the spring bean called "context", why do you specifiy the Open MQ installation directory? I mean, why do you have to specify it?
    -I don't understand everything in the file, so I might say something stupid now... but ... you have a spring bean called "context", and I don't see it used anywhere. Or do you have to have a spring bean called context? Or is this necessary at all?
    About the Open MQ admin tool. Am I correct in assuming, that all you have to do, is create a Broker (and add destination to it), and create an Object Store and add connection factory to it (and optionally physical destination too ... although this is not necessary because if you create a destination and you don't make physical destination for it, then by default it will be created for it). This is what I did with Open MQ tool.
    I was wondering if you could please give me your email address, would be easier to communicate over that, this forum seems a bit deserted anyway.
    Thanks in advance!
    Sziladi Zoltan

  • Please Help me to Choose the best config to run forms on web

    I have started upgrading my application from Dev2000 1.3 to Dev2000 6i in order to deploy on web. I have few questions to ask
    1. I need to know which config is the best & fast to run my applications out of
         1. Applet
         2. IE50Native
         3. JInitiator
    2. For testing I have configured forms server in socket mode. When I am using JInitiator even after exiting the application from test terminal, "ifweb60.exe" process initiated due to this session remains running. It takes long time when I try to initiate the same application for second time. This problem is not frequent, but this has happened 4 times while testing. Could this be due to Pentium4.
    Thanks in advance

    saj123 wrote:
    I'm quite new to j2EE developement.
    Currently im working on a web based user management application ( a small scale one ).
    For that im hoping to use JSP s for presentaion tier and EJBs for business logic. This business logic seems to be having more on database accessing. Im not using Entity Beans for data access , but hope to use Session Beans.Why EJBs? POJOs will work just fine.
    Is it ok if i develop according to this model , or is it better to use Entity Beans for data acccess ?Neither. Use POJOs. What are EJBs buying you?
    Is it a bad design to use Session Beans for data accessing ?Why?
    Or else , what if i avoid EJB s completely and database access is done via JSP itself ?Ouch, no. JSPs are for presentation only.
    Or i have another option , that is , using JSP for the presentation layer and Servlets for database accessing.Wrong again.
    what is the preferred way ? How i can decide a better way ?Learn how to layer an app properly. Learn Spring. http://www.springframework.org

  • How to fetch the data from databse table and get the required output

    I have made a project that connects CEP to database table but i m getting some problem in fetching the data from database.
    From the following code :
    If the where condition is removed then the application runs fine but i am still not able to fetch the data from the table because it is not showing any output.
    Can anyone please suggest me that how to write WHERE statement correctly and how i will be able to see the output.
    Following is the config.xml for processor:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wlevs:config xmlns:wlevs="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/application"
                   <query id="q1"><![CDATA[
                             SELECT STOCK.SYMBOL as symbol, STOCK.EXCHANGE as exchange
                             FROM ExchangeStream [Now] as datastream, STOCK
                             WHERE datastream.SYMBOL = datastream.SYMBOL ]]></query>
    Following is the assembly file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:osgi="http://www.springframework.org/schema/osgi"
         xmlns:wlevs="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/spring" xmlns:jdbc="http://www.oracle.com/ns/ocep/jdbc"
              <wlevs:event-type type-name="StockEvent">
                        <wlevs:property name="SYMBOL" type="byte[]" length="16" />
                        <wlevs:property name="EXCHANGE" type="byte[]" length="16" />
              <wlevs:event-type type-name="ExchangeEvent">
              <wlevs:event-type type-name="StockExchangeEvent">
                        <wlevs:property name="symbol" type="byte[]" length="16" />
                        <wlevs:property name="price" type="byte[]" length="16" />
                        <wlevs:property name="exchange" type="byte[]" length="16" />
         <bean id="readConverter" class="com.bea.wlevs.adapter.example.JDBC_CEP.Adapter_JDBC" />
         <bean id="outputJDBCBean" class="com.bea.wlevs.bean.example.JDBC_CEP.OutputBean_JDBC">
         <wlevs:adapter id="JMS_IN_Adapter" provider="jms-inbound">
              <wlevs:listener ref="ExchangeStream" />
              <wlevs:instance-property name="converterBean"
                   ref="readConverter" />
         <wlevs:processor id="JDBC_Processor" advertise="true">
              <wlevs:listener ref="OutputChannel" />
              <wlevs:table-source ref="STOCK" />
         <wlevs:channel id="ExchangeStream" event-type="ExchangeEvent" advertise="true">
              <wlevs:listener ref="JDBC_Processor" />
         <wlevs:channel id="OutputChannel" event-type="StockExchangeEvent"
              <wlevs:listener ref="outputJDBCBean" />
         <wlevs:table id="STOCK" event-type="StockEvent"
              data-source="StockDs" table-name="STOCK" />
         <wlevs:table id="STOCK_EXCHANGE" event-type="StockExchangeEvent"
              data-source="StockDs" table-name="STOCK_EXCHANGE" />
    package com.bea.wlevs.event.example.JDBC_CEP;
    public class ExchangeEvent {
         public String SYMBOL;
         public String symbol;
         public String exchange;
         public ExchangeEvent() {
         public String getSYMBOL() {
              return SYMBOL;
         public void setSYMBOL(String sYMBOL) {
              SYMBOL = sYMBOL;
         public String getSymbol() {
              return symbol;
         public void setSymbol(String symbol) {
              this.symbol = symbol;
         public String getExchange() {
              return exchange;
         public void setExchange(String price) {
              this.exchange = price;
    Adapter Class:
    package com.bea.wlevs.adapter.example.JDBC_CEP;
    import com.bea.wlevs.adapter.example.JDBC_CEP.MyLogger;
    import com.bea.wlevs.adapters.jms.api.InboundMessageConverter;
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    import com.bea.wlevs.adapters.jms.api.MessageConverterException;
    import com.bea.wlevs.event.example.JDBC_CEP.ExchangeEvent;
    import javax.jms.JMSException;
    import javax.jms.Message;
    import javax.jms.TextMessage;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Random;
         public class Adapter_JDBC implements InboundMessageConverter{
         public List convert(Message message) throws MessageConverterException, JMSException {
              Random rand = new Random();
              int unique_id = rand.nextInt();
              DateFormat dateFormat;
              dateFormat = DateFormat.getTimeInstance();
              dateFormat.format(new Date());
              MyLogger.info(unique_id + " CEP Start Time is: " + dateFormat.format(new Date()));
              System.out.println("Message from the Queue is :"+ message);
              TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage) message;
              String stringMessage = textMessage.getText().toString();
              System.out.println("Message after getting converted into String is :"+ stringMessage);
                   String[] results = stringMessage.split(",\\s*"); // split on commas
                   ExchangeEvent event1 = new ExchangeEvent();
         List events = new ArrayList(2);
         return events;
    Output Bean Class :
    package com.bea.wlevs.bean.example.JDBC_CEP;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.StreamSink;
    import com.bea.wlevs.event.example.JDBC_CEP.ExchangeEvent;
    import com.bea.core.datasource.DataSourceService;
    public class OutputBean_JDBC implements StreamSink{
         public void onInsertEvent(Object event) {
         if (event instanceof ExchangeEvent) {
              ExchangeEvent cacheEvent = (ExchangeEvent) event;
         System.out.println("Symbol is: " + cacheEvent.getSymbol());
         System.out.println("Exchange is: " + cacheEvent.getExchange());
    Kindly let me know if you need further info.

    Do you have StockDs configured in your server config.xml?
    I think the query should look more like this:
    SELECT stocks.SYMBOL, stocks.EXCHANGE
    FROM STOCK as stocks, ExchangeStream [Now] as datastream WHERE stocks.SYMBOL = datastream.SYMBOL

  • How to resolve the error while using user defined function.

    EPN Assembly file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
              <wlevs:event-type type-name="TestEvent">
         <wlevs:adapter id="InputAdapter"
              <wlevs:listener ref="inputStream" />
         <wlevs:channel id="inputStream" event-type="TestEvent">
              <wlevs:listener ref="processor" />
         <wlevs:processor id="processor">
              <wlevs:listener ref="outputStream" />
              <wlevs:function function-name="sum_fxn" exec-method="execute">
         <wlevs:channel id="outputStream" event-type="TestEvent">
              <wlevs:listener ref="bean" />
         <bean id="bean" class="com.bea.wlevs.example.FunctionCEP.OutputBean">
    Event class
    package com.bea.wlevs.event.example.FunctionCEP;
    public class TestEvent {
         private int num_1;
         private int num_2;
         private int sum_num;
         public int getSum_num() {
              return sum_num;
         public void setSum_num(int sumNum) {
              sum_num = sumNum;
         public int getNum_1() {
              return num_1;
         public void setNum_1(int num_1) {
              this.num_1 = num_1;
         public int getNum_2() {
              return num_2;
         public void setNum_2(int num_2) {
              this.num_2 = num_2;
    Adapter class
    package com.bea.wlevs.adapter.example.FunctionCEP;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.RunnableBean;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.StreamSender;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.StreamSource;
    import com.bea.wlevs.event.example.FunctionCEP.TestEvent;
    public class InputAdapter implements RunnableBean, StreamSource {
    private StreamSender eventSender;
    public InputAdapter() {
    public void run() {
    private void generateMessage() {
         TestEvent event = new TestEvent();
    public void setEventSender(StreamSender sender) {
    eventSender = sender;
    public synchronized void suspend() {
    Output Bean class
    package com.bea.wlevs.example.FunctionCEP;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.StreamSink;
    import com.bea.wlevs.event.example.FunctionCEP.TestEvent;
    import com.bea.wlevs.util.Service;
    public class OutputBean implements StreamSink {
         public void onInsertEvent(Object event) {
              System.out.println("In Output Bean");
              TestEvent event1 = new TestEvent();
              System.out.println("Num_1 is :: " + event1.getNum_1());
              System.out.println("Num_2 is :: " +event1.getNum_2());
              System.out.println("Sum of the numbers is :: " +event1.getSum_num());
    Function Class
    package com.bea.wlevs.example.FunctionCEP;
    public class TestFunction {
         public Object execute(int num_1, int num_2)
              return (num_1 + num_2);
    config.xml file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wlevs:config xmlns:wlevs="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/application"
                   <view id="v1" schema="num_1 num_2">
                             select num_1, num_2 from inputStream     
                   <view id="v2" schema="num_1 num_2">
                   select sum_fxn(num_1,num_2), num_2 from inputStream // I am getting error when i am trying to call this function
                   <query id="q1">
                             select from v2[now] as num_2*     // Showing error while accessing the view also               ]]>
    Error I am getting is :
    Invalid statement: "select >>sum_fxn<<(num_1,num_2),age from inputStream"
    Description: Invalid call to function or constructor: sum_fxn
    Cause: Probable causes are: Function name sum_fxn(int,int) provided is invalid, or arguments are of
    the wrong type., or Error while handling member access to complex type. Constructor sum_fxn of type
    sum_fxn not found. or Probable causes are: Function name sum_fxn(int,int) provided is invalid, or
    arguments are of the wrong type., or Error while handling member access to complex type.
    Constructor sum_fxn of type sum_fxn not found.
    Action: Verify function or constructor for complex type exists, is not ambiguous, and has the correct
    number of parameters.
    I have made a user defined function in a java class and configured this function in the EPN assembly file under the processor tag.
    But when i am trying to access the function in the config.xml file , it is giving me an error in the query.
    Please provide urgent help that how to write the exact query.

    In the EPN Assembly file use
    <bean class="com.bea.wlevs.example.FunctionCEP.TestFunction"/>
    instead of
    Best Regards,

  • Exception raised while trying to join Table and Stream

    I have written a sample Project to fetch the data from a Table and join it with the Input Stream. Followed the same procedure specified at http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E17904_01/doc.1111/e14301/processorcql.htm#CIHCCADG
    I am getting the exception:
    <Error> <Deployment> <BEA-2045016> <The application context "Plugin" could not be started. Could not initialize component "<unknown>":
                   from helloworldInputChannel [now] as dataStream, PROMOTIONAL_ORDER where >>PROMOTIONAL_ORDER.ORDER_ID = dataStream.ORDER_ID<<"
    Cause: wrong number or types of arguments in call to et
    Action: Check the spelling of the registered function. Also confirm that its call is correct and its parameters are of correct datatypes.>
    If the where condition is removed then the application runs fine fetching the data from the Tables.
    Following is the config.xml for processor:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <n1:config xmlns:n1="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/application">
                   <query id="dummyRule"> <![CDATA[
                   from helloworldInputChannel [now] as dataStream, PROMOTIONAL_ORDER where PROMOTIONAL_ORDER.ORDER_ID = dataStream.ORDER_ID
    Following is the assembly file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:osgi="http://www.springframework.org/schema/osgi"
              <wlevs:event-type type-name="CorpInterfaceEvent">
              <wlevs:event-type type-name="PromotionalOrderEvent">
                        <wlevs:property name="ORDER_ID" type="bigint" />
                        <wlevs:property name="UFD_ID" type="bigint"/>
                        <wlevs:property name="WEB_USER_ID" type="bigint" />
              <wlevs:event-type type-name="DummyEvent">
                        <wlevs:property name="ORDER_ID" type="bigint" />
                        <wlevs:property name="UFD_ID" type="bigint"/>
                        <wlevs:property name="WEB_USER_ID" type="bigint" />
              Adapter can be created from a local class, without having to go
              through a adapter factory
         <wlevs:adapter id="helloworldAdapter"
              <wlevs:instance-property name="message"
                   value="HelloWorld - the current time is:" />
         <wlevs:channel id="helloworldInputChannel" event-type="CorpInterfaceEvent">
              <wlevs:listener ref="helloworldProcessor" />
              <wlevs:source ref="helloworldAdapter" />
         <!-- The default processor for OCEP is CQL -->
         <wlevs:processor id="helloworldProcessor">
              <wlevs:table-source ref="PROMOTIONAL_ORDER" />
         <wlevs:channel id="helloworldOutputChannel" event-type="CorpInterfaceEvent"
                   <bean class="com.bea.wlevs.example.helloworld.HelloWorldBean" />
              <wlevs:source ref="helloworldProcessor" />
         <wlevs:table id="PROMOTIONAL_ORDER" event-type="PromotionalOrderEvent"
              data-source="wlevsDatasource" />
    package com.bea.wlevs.event.example.helloworld;
    public class CorpInterfaceEvent {
    private Long orderId;
    public Long ORDER_ID;
    private Long ufdId;
    private Long webUserId;
    public CorpInterfaceEvent(){
    public Long getOrderId() {
         return orderId;
    public void setOrderId(Long orderId) {
         this.orderId = orderId;
    public Long getORDER_ID() {
         return ORDER_ID;
    public void setORDER_ID(Long oRDERID) {
         ORDER_ID = oRDERID;
    public Long getUfdId() {
         return ufdId;
    public void setUfdId(Long ufdId) {
         this.ufdId = ufdId;
    public Long getWebUserId() {
         return webUserId;
    public void setWebUserId(Long webUserId) {
         this.webUserId = webUserId;
    /* (c) 2006-2009 Oracle. All rights reserved. */
    package com.bea.wlevs.adapter.example.helloworld;
    import java.math.BigDecimal;
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.RunnableBean;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.StreamSender;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.StreamSource;
    import com.bea.wlevs.event.example.helloworld.CorpInterfaceEvent;
    public class HelloWorldAdapter implements RunnableBean, StreamSource {
    private static final int SLEEP_MILLIS = 300;
    private DateFormat dateFormat;
    private String message;
    private boolean suspended;
    private StreamSender eventSender;
    public HelloWorldAdapter() {
    dateFormat = DateFormat.getTimeInstance();
    /* (non-Javadoc)
    * @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
    public void run() {
    suspended = false;
    while (!isSuspended()) { // Generate messages forever...
    suspend();// This would generate the messages only once..
    try {
    synchronized (this) {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    public void setMessage(String message) {
    this.message = message;
    private void generateHelloMessage() {
    String message = this.message + dateFormat.format(new Date());
    CorpInterfaceEvent event = new CorpInterfaceEvent();
    /* (non-Javadoc)
    * @see com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.StreamSource#setEventSender(com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.StreamSender)
    public void setEventSender(StreamSender sender) {
    eventSender = sender;
    /* (non-Javadoc)
    * @see com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.SuspendableBean#suspend()
    public synchronized void suspend() {
    suspended = true;
    private synchronized boolean isSuspended() {
    return suspended;
    Kindly let me know if you need further info.

    Issue identified. The datatypes of the stream order id and the one from the tables differ.
    The Long could not be casted to the bigint format of CQL.
    On changing the datatype of ORDER_ID in the CorpInterfaceEvent to int, the join is successful.

  • How can I select events from two different channels?

    Hi everybody, I have another question! :)
    When processing events in config.xml, using a CQL sentence, Eclipse compiler doesn't allow me to select more than one event.
    I paste here my app.context.xml and my config.xml:
    <wlevs:event-type type-name="HorseEvent">
    <wlevs:event-type type-name="GunmanEvent">
    <!-- Adapter can be created from a local class, without having to go through a adapter factory -->
    <wlevs:adapter id="sevenhorsesAdapter" class="com.bea.wlevs.adapter.example.sevenhorses.SevenHorsesAdapter" >
    <wlevs:instance-property name="messageHorse" value="I am the horse number: "/>
    <wlevs:instance-property name="messageGunman" value="I am the gunman number: "/>
    <wlevs:channel id="horseInputChannel" event-type="HorseEvent" >
    <wlevs:listener ref="sevenhorsesProcessor"/>
    <wlevs:source ref="sevenhorsesAdapter"/>
    <wlevs:channel id="gunmanInputChannel" event-type="GunmanEvent" >
    <wlevs:listener ref="sevenhorsesProcessor"/>
    <wlevs:source ref="sevenhorsesAdapter"/>
    <!-- The default processor for OCEP is CQL -->
    <wlevs:processor id="sevenhorsesProcessor" />
    <wlevs:channel id="horseOutputChannel" event-type="HorseEvent" advertise="true">
    <bean class="com.bea.wlevs.example.sevenhorses.SevenHorsesBean"/>
    <wlevs:source ref="sevenhorsesProcessor"/>
    <wlevs:channel id="gunmanOutputChannel" event-type="GunmanEvent" advertise="true">
    <bean class="com.bea.wlevs.example.sevenhorses.SevenHorsesBean"/>
    <wlevs:source ref="sevenhorsesProcessor"/>
    And here you are the two config.xml, I have tried two different ones and none of them runs.
    The first one is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <n1:config xmlns:n1="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/application">
    <query id="horsesRule">
    <![CDATA[ select * from horseInputChannel
    <query id="gunmansRule">
    <![CDATA[ select * from gunmanInputChannel
    As you can see, I use here TWO CQL sentences from the two channels that are defined in app.context.xml.
    The other one is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <n1:config xmlns:n1="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/application">
    <query id="horsesRule">
    <![CDATA[ select * from horseInputChannel, gunmanInputChannel
    I use here only ONE CQL sentence in which I try to get events from the two channels that are defined.
    None of them works.
    Can anybody help me?
    Thank you!

    Hi! Here you are the files you required:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    <wlevs:event-type type-name="HorseEvent">
    <wlevs:property name="messageHorse" type="java.lang.String"></wlevs:property>
    <wlevs:event-type type-name="GunmanEvent">
    <wlevs:property name="messageGunman" type="java.lang.String"></wlevs:property>
    <!-- Adapter can be created from a local class, without having to go through a adapter factory -->
    <wlevs:adapter id="sevenhorsesAdapter" class="com.bea.wlevs.adapter.example.sevenhorses.SevenHorsesAdapter" >
    <wlevs:instance-property name="messageHorse" value="I am the horse number: "/>
    <wlevs:instance-property name="messageGunman" value="I am the gunman number: "/>
    <wlevs:channel id="horsesInputChannel" event-type="HorseEvent">
    <wlevs:listener ref="sevenhorsesProcessor"/>
    <wlevs:source ref="sevenhorsesAdapter"/>
    <wlevs:channel id="horsesInputChannel2" event-type="HorseEvent">
    <wlevs:listener ref="sevenhorsesProcessor"/>
    <wlevs:source ref="sevenhorsesAdapter"/>
    <!-- The default processor for OCEP is CQL -->
    <wlevs:processor id="sevenhorsesProcessor" />
    <wlevs:channel id="horseOutputChannel" event-type="HorseEvent" advertise="true">
    <bean class="com.bea.wlevs.example.sevenhorses.SevenHorsesBean"/>
    <wlevs:source ref="sevenhorsesProcessor"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <n1:config xmlns:n1="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/application">
    <query id="horsesRule">
    <![CDATA[ select message from horsesInputChannel2 where message like "(gunman)"

  • How to use XML functions in CEP

    I am trying to implement XML functions in CEP. But i am getting error while using XMl function in config.xml file.
    Please provide some help to resolve this issue.
    Adapter Class
    package com.bea.wlevs.example.adapter.XML_CEP;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventProperty;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventType;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventTypeRepository;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.RunnableBean;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.StreamSender;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.StreamSource;
    import com.bea.wlevs.util.Service;
    public class XMLAdapter implements RunnableBean, StreamSource {
    private String id;
    private String name;
    private StreamSender eventSender;
    private EventTypeRepository etr_;
    public XMLAdapter() {
    public void run() {
    public void setId(String id)
         this.id = id;
    public void setName(String i)
         this.name = i;
    public void setEventTypeRepository(EventTypeRepository etr) {
         etr_ = etr;
    private void generateMessage() {
         EventType type = etr_.getEventType("XMLEvent");
         EventProperty messageProp = type.getProperty("name");
         EventProperty msgProp = type.getProperty("msg");
         Object event = type.createEvent();
         messageProp.setValue(event, name);
         msgProp.setValue(event, "<PDRecord><PDId>6</PDId><PDName>hello1</PDName></PDRecord>");
    public void setEventSender(StreamSender sender) {
    eventSender = sender;
    public synchronized void suspend() {
    EPN Assembly file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:osgi="http://www.springframework.org/schema/osgi"
         xmlns:wlevs="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/spring" xmlns:jdbc="http://www.oracle.com/ns/ocep/jdbc"
              <wlevs:event-type type-name="XMLEvent">
                        <wlevs:property name="msg" type="xmltype" />
                        <wlevs:property name="name" type="char" length="256" />
         <wlevs:adapter advertise="true" id="XML_Adapter"
              <wlevs:listener ref="IPStream" />
              <wlevs:instance-property name="id" value="123" />
              <wlevs:instance-property name="name" value="Kanika" />
         <wlevs:processor id="XML_processor" provider="cql">
              <wlevs:listener ref="OPStream" />
         <wlevs:channel id="IPStream" event-type="XMLEvent">
              <wlevs:listener ref="XML_processor" />
         <wlevs:channel id="OPStream" event-type="XMLEvent">
              <wlevs:listener ref="bean" />
         <bean id="bean" class="com.bea.wlevs.example.outputBean.XML_CEP.OutputBean">
    Config.xml file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wlevs:config xmlns:wlevs="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/application"
              <query id="q1"><![CDATA[
                 "for $i in /PDRecord RETURN $i/PDName"       *// I am getting error at this line*       
             PASSING BY VALUE 
                    msg as "."
                     RETURNING CONTENT
                      ) XMLData
                  FROM IPStream
    Output Bean Class
    package com.bea.wlevs.example.outputBean.XML_CEP;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventType;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventTypeRepository;
    import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.StreamSink;
    import com.bea.wlevs.example.event.XML_CEP.DummyEvent;
    import com.bea.wlevs.util.Service;
    public class OutputBean implements StreamSink {
         EventTypeRepository etr_;
         public void setEventTypeRepository(EventTypeRepository etr) {
              etr_ = etr;
    public void onInsertEvent(Object event) {
         EventType eventType = etr_.getEventType(event);
         String prop = (String)eventType.getPropertyValue(event, "name");
         String prop2 = (String)eventType.getPropertyValue(event, "msg");
         System.out.println("Tuple Message: " + prop + ":" + prop2);
    Error i am getting is:
    <Jun 29, 2011 7:53:59 PM IST> <Emergency> <CQLServer> <BEA-000000> <CREATE QUERY q1 AS
    "for $i in /PDRecord WHERE $i/PDId <= $x RETURN $i/PDName"
    msg as ".",
    (name+1) AS "x"
    ) XMLData
              FROM IPStream
    <Jun 29, 2011 7:53:59 PM IST> <Emergency> <CQLServer> <BEA-000000> <CREATE QUERY q1 AS
    "for $i in /PDRecord WHERE $i/PDId <= $x RETURN $i/PDName"<<
    msg as ".",
    (name+1) AS "x"
    ) XMLData
              FROM IPStream
    generic syntax error. The syntax expects STRING token>
    <Jun 29, 2011 7:53:59 PM IST> <Emergency> <CQLServerTrace> <BEA-000000> <oracle.cep.parser.SyntaxException: generic syntax error>
    <Jun 29, 2011 7:53:59 PM IST> <Error> <CQLProcessor> <BEA-000000> <Failed to create statement [q1].
    Invalid statement: "SELECT
    "for $i in /PDRecord WHERE $i/PDId <= $x RETURN $i/PDName"<<
    msg as ".",
    (name+1) AS "x"
    ) XMLData
              FROM IPStream"
    Description: generic syntax error
    Cause: This DDL command has syntax error
    Action: The syntax expects STRING token>
    <Jun 29, 2011 7:53:59 PM IST> <Error> <Deployment> <BEA-2045016> <The application context "XML_CEP" could not be started. Could not initialize component
    Invalid statement: "SELECT
    "for $i in /PDRecord WHERE $i/PDId <= $x RETURN $i/PDName"<<
    msg as ".",
    (name+1) AS "x"
    ) XMLData
              FROM IPStream"
    Description: generic syntax error
    Cause: This DDL command has syntax error
    Action: The syntax expects STRING token>
    <Jun 29, 2011 7:54:00 PM IST> <Notice> <Deployment> <BEA-2045001> <The application bundle "XML_CEP" was undeployed successfully>
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Vikram,
    I need some more help from your side.
    It would be great help if you will let me know that how to extract the data from particular XML tag.
    As of now i want to extract particular XML node by applying that query and the result i am getting is: <applicationID>Engage</applicationID>
    I just want to know if I want to extract only data from this XML node i.e Engage instaed of *<applicationID>Engage</applicationID>*
    Then what will be the query?
    Thanks in Advance

  • Error: Invalid configuration for the JMS adapter

    I'm doing a test with CEP to get messages from a JMS WebLogic queue but I'm getting the following error:
    <BEA-2045010> <The application context "Teste" could not be initialized: org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Error in initialization context lifecycle; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid configuration for the JMS adapter, you must Bean or specify a converter or a type of event.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
              <wlevs:event-type type-name="Pet">
         <wlevs:adapter id="pet_messageAdapter" provider="jms-inbound">
              <wlevs:listener ref="pet_inputChannel" />
              <wlevs:instance-property name="converterBean"
                   ref="PetMessageConverter" />
         <wlevs:channel id="pet_inputChannel" event-type="Pet">
              <wlevs:listener ref="pet_messageProcessor" />
         <bean id="PetMessageConverter" class="testewithprotobuf.PetMessageConverter" />
         <bean id="PetBean" class="testewithprotobuf.PetBean" />
         <wlevs:processor id="pet_messageProcessor">
              <wlevs:listener ref="pet_outputChannel" />          
         <wlevs:channel id="pet_outputChannel" event-type="Pet">
              <wlevs:listener ref="PetBean" />
    My converter class:
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.jms.BytesMessage;
    import javax.jms.JMSException;
    import javax.jms.Message;
    import testewithprotobuf.MyPet.Pet;
    import com.bea.wlevs.adapters.jms.api.InboundMessageConverter;
    import com.bea.wlevs.adapters.jms.api.MessageConverterException;
    import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException;
    public class PetMessageConverter implements InboundMessageConverter {
         public List convert(Message message) throws MessageConverterException,
                                                                JMSException {
              BytesMessage bytesMessage = (BytesMessage) message;
              long bodyLen = bytesMessage.getBodyLength();
              byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) bodyLen];
              try {
                   Pet pet = Pet.parseFrom(buffer);               
                   return Collections.singletonList(pet);
              } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
                   throw new MessageConverterException(e);
    Please, what's wrong?

    This error usually indicates that you have both event type and converter bean specified or neither specified. In your case, that doesn't appear to the case from looking at the spring file. Could you also paste the contents of your configuration file from META-INF/wlevs directory?

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