Spry:sort with thead

Hi All:
I have been trying to get spry:sort to work in a complex
table, but no matter what I try, the columns will not sort. As all
examples appear to show simple tables, I suspect this is the
problem. Has anyone got the sort function working on a complex
table? Sample code below.
Thanks for your advise.
Skip Keats
Code sample:
<table cellspacing="1" summary="SDLC alphabetical listing
for A">
<caption>Alpha Listing: A</caption>
<col id="TemplateDocNameA" />
<col id="TemplateDocOwnerA" class="sdlcDocOwner" />
<col id="TemplateDocPhaseA" />
<col id="TemplateDocDescA" />
<th id="DocNameA"
spry:sort="SDLC_Template_Document_Name">Template Document
<th id="DocOwnerA" class="alignCenter">Document
<th id="DocPhaseA">Phase</th>
<th id="DocDescA">Description</th>
<th id="DocLastModA" class="alignCenter"
spry:sort="SDLC_LastModified">Date Last Modified</th>
<td colspan="5"><!-- #BeginLibraryItem
"/Library/SDLCTableFooterAlpha.lbi" -->Footer message.<!--
#EndLibraryItem --></td>
<tr spry:repeat="dsSDLC"
spry:test="'{SDLC_Template_Document_Name}'.charAt(0) == 'A'">
<th id="RA{ds_RowID}" headers="DocNameA"><a
href="{SDLC_Document_URL}" title="{SDLC_Template_Document_Name}:
<td headers="RA{ds_RowID} DocNameA
<td headers="RA{ds_RowID} DocNameA
<td headers="RA{ds_RowID} DocNameA
<td headers="RA{ds_RowID} DocNameA

Unfortunately an public url is not possible as this is for an
intranet site. However, I finally got it to work. For some reason,
a delay occurs within Firefox and IE when you click to sort.

Similar Messages

  • Spry Sort Not Working

    Spry Detail Repeat Region on my page and I have an XML
    database. In the database are webinars, complete with a "Date" tag.
    While the data does sort, it doesn't seem to recognize them
    as dates. For instance, the date 01/01/2007 would come before
    01/02/2008, while it should be sorting it with the most recent
    As a workaround, I've input the dates in the XML table as
    they should be ordered, but it's not optimal.
    The dates are entered in as:
    I've copied the relevant parts of the code below and would
    appreciate some help!
    Thank you,
    <script src="../../../SpryAssets/xpath.js"
    <script src="../../../SpryAssets/SpryData.js"
    <script src="../../../SpryAssets/SpryURLUtils.js"
    <script src="../../../SpryAssets/SpryPagedView.js"
    <script type="text/javascript">
    //Define the Data Set
    var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("webinars.xml",
    ds1.setColumnType("Date", "date");
    var pageOffset = 0;
    var pageSize = 29;
    var pageStop = pageOffset + pageSize;
    <script type="text/javascript">
    //Get the URL parameter for the row number
    var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("webinars.xml",
    "news/article", { filterFunc: MyPagingFunc });
    // webinarimage is not a valid date so you should not be
    // setting the column type for it.
    // ds1.setColumnType("webinarimage", "date");
    var params = Spry.Utils.getLocationParamsAsObject();
    if (params.row)
    ds1.addObserver({ onPostLoad: function(ds, type) {
    ds1.setCurrentRow(params.row); }
    function MyPagingFunc(ds, row, rowNumber)
    if (rowNumber < pageOffset || rowNumber >= pageStop)
    return null;
    return row;
    function UpdatePage(offset)
    var numRows = ds1.getUnfilteredData().length;
    if (offset > (numRows - pageSize))
    offset = numRows - pageSize;
    if (offset < 0)
    offset = 0;
    pageOffset = offset;
    pageStop = offset + pageSize;
    // Re-apply our non-destructive filter on dsStates1:
    // Tell our 2nd region to update because we've adjusted
    // some of the variables it uses in its spry:if expressions.
    // Change the XPath for the 3rd data set so that the 3rd
    // region updates. Remember, position() starts at one and
    // zero, so we have to add one to our pageOffset and
    dsStates3.setXPath("/states/state[position() >=" +
    (pageOffset+1) + " and position() < " + (pageStop+1) + "]");
    <div id="Specials_Detail_DIV" spry:detailregion="ds1"
    <table id="Specials_Detail_Table">
    <td width="200" valign="top"><a
    <td width="238" valign="top" class="standardtext">
    <div id="Specials_DIV" width="500" spry:region="ds1"
    class="SpryHiddenRegion" style="overflow:auto; height:300px;
    width:500px" >
    <table id="Specials_Table">
    <th width="92" height="19" class="standardtext"
    scope="col" spry:sort="Title" ><a href="javascript:
    <th scope="col" spry:sort="topic" width="112"
    class="standardtext" ><a href="javascript:
    <th scope="col" spry:sort="Date" width="92"
    class="standardtext" ><a href="javascript: void(0)">Air
    <!--User clicks to reset the current row in the data
    <tr spry:repeat="ds1" spry:setrow="ds1" spry:odd="eg-bar"
    <td valign="top" class="standardtext" ><a
    href="javascript: void(0)">{Title}</a></td>
    <td valign="top" class="standardtext"
    <td valign="top" class="standardtext"
    <article id="23ASD38675">
    <Speaker><![CDATA[Speakers: ]]></Speaker>
    <Genesys><![CDATA[<a href="../link"><img
    src="../../../images/icn_webinar_39.gif" width="39" height="40"
    border="0"><br>View Replay</a>]]></Genesys>
    <MDate>February 27, 2008</MDate>
    <Series>Family Continuity and Governance
    width="200" height="150" border="0">]]></webinarimage>

    Date sorting with the format you use works just fine. I just
    tested it out. So I took a closer look at your code, and I see
    var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("webinars.xml",
    ds1.setColumnType("Date", "date");
    var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("webinars.xml",
    "news/article", { filterFunc: MyPagingFunc });
    You are basically creating a ds1, setting the column type,
    and then blowing away the original ds1 with a new one you create.
    Which means your column type for Date is reset back to "string".
    Delete ds1 creation code you don't want, and then place the
    setColumnType() call after it.
    It will then work as it should.
    --== Kin ==--

  • Styling spry:sort

    Is it possible to apply some css styling to a <th> with
    a spry:sort to give some indication of which column in a table is
    currently the one that the table is being sorted by?

    Thanks so much for your reply. Yes, the fact of my using Spry 1.5 was definitely the source of part of my trouble. I got the updater and now the error message has disappeared.
    My remaining problem is correctly fulfilling the implementation so that I'm triggering the addition of the ".ascending" and ".descending" classes upon user clicking the column headings. I see clearly from your example that they are being assigned dynamically and I think I have faithfully implemented the styles. But in Firebug, upon click of a column heading, while I am getting the correct Spry sorting behavior, I am unable to see the assignment of the .ascending and .descending classes.
    If I had a better grasp of the JavaScript involved I could probably troublshoot it, but in this instance, I'm just trying to implement "cookbook" style, so I'm unable even to see the dumb mistakes I may have made. My implementation seems to differ from yours only in that class and dataset names are different, data is (of course) different and I'm using an html table as a dataset whereas you are using an XML file as yours. Spry 1.6.1 is now in place.
    This is my markup (the relevant bits):
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryHTMLDataSet.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var ds2 = new Spry.Data.HTMLDataSet(null, "awards_cd", {sortOnLoad: "The_Award", sortOrderOnLoad: "ascending"});
    ds2.setColumnType("C-Deadline", "date");
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function mysort(rgn,phil)
            var so = phil("{ds_SortOrder}");
            var sc = phil("{ds_SortColumn}");
            if (so.length == 0) {so="ascending"; sc="The_Award"}
            return '';
              <div spry:region="ds2">
                        <table class="spry">
                                <th class="sortable" spry:sort="The_Award">The Award</th>
                                <th class="sortable" spry:sort="C-Deadline">C-Deadline</th>
                                <th class="sortable" spry:sort="Country">Country</th>
                                <th class="sortable" spry:sort="Disciplines">Disciplines</th>
                            <tr spry:repeat="ds2" spry:odd="odd" spry:even="even" spry:hover="hover" spry:select="hover">
                    <div spry:region="ds2">{function::mysort}</div>
                    <table id="awards_cd">
                            <th>The Award</th>
                            <td><a href="marshall.html">Marshall Scholarship</a></td>
                            <td>All Fields</td>
                            <td>2-3 years at any British University leading to a degree</td>
                            <td>US citizen, BA by start of grant period, 3.7 undergraduate gpa</td>
                            <td><a href="mitchell.html">Mitchell Scholarship</a></td>
                            <td>All Fields</td>
                            <td>1 year at an Irish University leading to a degree</td>
                            <td>US citizen, BA by start of grant period, 18 &gt; 30 yrs</td>
                            <td><a href="rhodes.html">Rhodes Scholarship</a></td>
                            <td>All Fields</td>
                            <td>2-3 years at Oxford leading to a degree</td>
                            <td>US citizen, BA by start of grant period, 18 &lt; 24 yrs at time of application</td>
                            <td><a href="fulbright.html">Fulbright Scholarship </a></td>
                            <td>All Fields</td>
                            <td>One academic year of study/research</td>
                            <td>US citizen, BA by start of grant period, no PhD at time of application</td>
                            <td><a href="ful_hays.html">Fulbright-Hays </a><a href="ful_hays.html">Doctoral Dissertation Award</a></td>
                            <td>Non-Western Area Studies</td>
                            <td>1 year of dissertation research</span></td>
                            <td>US citizen, PhD candidate</td>
                            <td><a href="daad_grad.html">DAAD Graduate Award</a></td>
                            <td>All Fields</td>
                            <td>1 year of study/research</td>
                            <td>US citizen, graduating senior or graduate student</td>
                            <td><a href="churchill.html">Churchill Scholarship</a></td>
                            <td>Math, Science, Engineering</td>
                            <td>1 year of graduate study at Cambridge</td>
                            <td>US citizen, BA by start of grant period</td>
                            <td><a href="luce.html">Luce Scholars Program</a></td>
                            <td>All Fields</td>
                            <td>1 year internship</td>
                            <td>US citizen, BA by start of grant period, &lt; 30 years, no prior experience in Asia</td>
                            <td><a href="whitaker_fellows.html">Whitaker Program for Biomedical Engineers</a></td>
                            <td>Biomedical Sciences</td>
                            <td>1 year of graduate study/ research</td>
                            <td>US citizen, BA by start of grant period</td>
                            <td><a href="berlin.html">Free University of Berlin Graduate Exchange</a></td>
                            <td>All Fields</td>
                            <td>1 year of dissertation research</td>
                            <td>PhD candidate</td>
    .even { background-color: #ede8dd; }
    .odd { background-color: #faf6eb; }
    .hover { background-color: #bcd4ec; }
    table.spry { margin: 1em 0; }
    table.spry th {
        background-color: #c2b7a1;
        text-align: left;
        padding: .5em;
    table.spry td { padding: .5em; }
    .descending { background: url(../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif) 95% 50% no-repeat; }
    .ascending { background: url(../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarUpHover.gif) 95% 50% no-repeat; }
    table.spry th.sortable:hover { cursor: pointer; }
    TEST PAGE: http://icenter.stanford.edu/orc/grad_comparisonMGH2.html
    I have the correct graphics now.
    If you have time and can spot where I've gone awry, many thanks. And thanks again for your solution and the time you spent originally looking at my page. All in all, your functionality seems like something Adobe should have put into the widget in the first place as it is virtually universal functionality in any other sortable table solutions that I've come across.
    Best Regards,

  • Spry:sort

    Hi thank you for reading,
    I have tried everything to make this table sort, but the only
    thing that works is by calling a sort method as you see me doing in
    the last step here.
    <div spry:region="dsItems1" spry:sort="@name">
    <table width="100%" height="100%" spry:sort="@name">
    <trspry:sort="@name" ><td spry:sort="@name">
    <h3 >Programs</h3></td></tr>
    <tr spry:repeat="dsItems1" spry:setrow="dsItems1"
    spry:sort="@name" >
    <td spry:sort="@name" style="padding-left:15px;
    "><a class="links" href="#">{@name}</a></td>
    <input type="button" value="Sort A-Z" onclick="DoSort();"
    thanks in advance for any hints!

    I believe your problem has to do with the fact that you have
    a spry:sort on a <td> *AND* you have a spry:sort on its
    parent <tr> which means that whenever you click on the
    <td>, the data set will be sorted by @name twice, giving the
    appearance that nothing happens?
    Make sure that you only put the sort attribute on the
    <td> or <th> elements.
    --== Kin ==--

  • Spry select with xml data

    Can this be done with Spry and if so, how please?
    I would like to have a dropdown select on my page that is
    populated by the lastname field in my database. Once selected I
    would like to display a table of the data I selected from the
    dropdown. I am to connect to an XML datasource and able to connect
    the dropdown to that last name field. I just don't know how to get
    the selected last name from the drop down to display. Any help is
    greatly appreciated.
    <%@ Page Language="VB" ContentType="text/html"
    ResponseEncoding="utf-8" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    Transitional//EN" "
    <html xmlns="
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <script src="../../../SpryAssets/xpath.js"
    <script src="../../../SpryAssets/SpryData.js"
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("so.xml",
    <div spry:region="ds1">
    <select name="selectLastName"
    <p> </p>
    <div spry:region="ds1">
    <th spry:sort="GlobalSubjectFirstName">First
    <th>Middle Name</th>
    <th spry:sort="GlobalSubjectLastName">Last
    <th> Address</th>
    <th> City</th>
    <th> State</th>
    <th> Age</th>
    <th>Charge Description</th>
    <tr spry:repeat="ds1" spry:setrow="ds1">

    <span spry:region="dsCities dsStates dsStates" id="citySelector">
         <select spry:repeatchildren="dsCities" id="citySelect" name="citySelect" tabindex="5" >
          <option spry:if="{ds_RowNumber} == {ds_CurrentRowNumber}" value="{name}" selected="selected" tabindex="5" >{name}</option>
          <option spry:if="{ds_RowNumber} != {ds_CurrentRowNumber}" value="{name}" tabindex="5" >{name}</option>
    that should be a spry:detailregion, and you have a double dsStates
    And when you are using multiple datasets inside a region, it might wise to prefix you template tags with the correct dataset
    {ds_RowNumber} => {dsStates::ds_RowNumber}

  • Spry:sort how to sort nested ds

    I use XMLDataSet to get Values from XML.
    First thing, i used nested XMLDataSets, to get nested datas.
    It works, but i have Problem with sort.
    When i use spry:sort and than the nested Set it adjust only the nested values like here:
    My project is a car database. So i have cars...and in the xml file are the colors and kilometers in nested roots. So i ca get them only with the nested procedure. My Target is, that when the user sort by nested value, the whole table is  sort by the nested sort.
    If i have my table with all the cars....than i will sort the hwole table over modell....price..and and...but also over color.
    How can i make this? because now i can only change the basic datastring or the nested datastring them self... so i never can sort the whole table by color...
    Thanks for help!

    Any help for me?
    Here the code....so i guess it helps more to understand what i mean...:
    var ds_autosuche = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("............xml", "results/result[brand != 0]");
    ds_autosuche.setColumnType("price", "number");
    var ds_autosuche_modell = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(ds_autosuche, "modell/name");
    var ds_autosuche_ez = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(ds_autosuche, "infos/info[@type = 'ez']" );
    var ds_autosuche_fuel = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(ds_autosuche, "infos/info[@type = 'fuel']" );
    var ds_autosuche_farbe = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(ds_autosuche, "color/name");
    var ds_autosuche_km = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(ds_autosuche, "infos/info[@type = 'km']" );
    i output than a table, where on every column is one value for one car. So than i can sort by brand, price....
    but not the whole table by name, km, ez, fuel... because they all nested datasources... how can i sort the whole table over nested typs....????

  • Spry Sorting

    Is use this code in my spry xml dataset and spry table:
    <div class="MainContent">
    <div spry:region="dsCatalog">
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
    <tr bgcolor="#CCCC99">
    <th spry:sort="@id"><div align="left"
    <th spry:sort="date"><div align="left"
    <th spry:sort="Fullname"><div align="left"
    <th spry:sort="district"><div align="left"
    <th spry:sort="score"><div align="right"
    <tr spry:repeat="dsCatalog" spry:setrow="dsCatalog"
    spry:odd="odd" spry:even="even" spry:hover="hover"
    The problem I have is that the highest amount of digits I use
    in the score field is 10,0 (3 digits) and all other values is 2
    digits (9,5 and 8,0) and the three digit value will not sort in the
    right order. I use sorting in all columns as you can see. The value
    of 10,0 will always stays in bottom (ascending) or top
    (descending). Do I have to use XSL to give a solution to this (and
    if so, how to implement it?). Or maybe there is another solution to
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi E.B.,
    The trouble stems from using commas instead of decimal
    First, by default, Spry assumes the column is text and sorts
    it as such.
    If you set the column to a number:
    Spry will return [NaN} (not a number) because it can't deal
    with the commas.
    If you use decimals points, it will work correctly.
    If you can't use decimals, the solution will have to be XSL
    or otherwise.
    Hope this helps.
    Donald Booth
    Adobe Spry Team

  • SPRY - sorting UK dates

    I have created a SPRY sortable table in Dreamweaver CS4.  Two  columns are formatted as UK dates dd/mm/yyyy. They are identified as  dates in the SPRY table.
    When sorting these date columns SPRY is  reading them as US date format which means the sorting is, while not  quite random, pretty meaningless.  I have checked this by reformatting  and displaying the date as US date format mm/dd/yyyy and then SPRY sorts  them as expected. 
    Would appreciate some help with how I retain  the UK date appearance and achieve a sort on that basis.  Is there a  localisation file somewhere in the SPRY framework that allows date  formats to be identified?
    If not, can anyone advise how to resolve this?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    The root of the issue is that using JavaScript to a string into a date easily lead to inconsistent, unexpected results.
    The way I solved this in the past is to have two columns inside my Spry datasets. One stores the date in yyyy-mm-dd format (ISO 8901, the format typically used by databases), another one stores a nicely formatted date (whatever format the language dictated).
    Then I always display the nicely formatted column, but I sort it only the yyyy-mm-dd one.
    As a bonus, yyyy-mm-dd sorts okay just as a string, so I have no need to assign a different datatype to it.

  • Spry Accordian with dynamic panels from XML

    Hi. I've searched, but haven't seen anybody answer this yet.
    I'm trying to build a page that uses a spry accordian to display
    data by category. So category 1 is on panel 1 in a spry table with
    a link to a spry detail section on the page. Category 2 is on panel
    2 in a spry table with a link to the same spry detail section, etc.
    I have 2 issues: 1) I haven't figured out how to filter a
    single XML data set onto different accordian panels or
    2) how to get the same detail region to take links from
    different XML data sets on the different panels.
    Any help that anybody could give would be VERY much

    I did get it working. Please check out..
    The key is the Data Set Shell. I use multiple data sets for
    each category, in your case department. Then I list the items in
    that category to update a detail region. If the above link doesn't
    help you please re-post and I can give you some more help.

  • Spry Slideshow with Filmstrip not working in IE Browsers

    I'm working on a brand new website design and am trying to incorporate the Spry Slideshow with Filmstrip on a lot of the pages. It works and loads great on every browser except IE versions. On IE it will show it correctly for a second and then changes it to show one picture above the other. Can someone please help me figure out what to do to make it work for IE?
    Here's a link to one of the test pages.
    Thanks for your help in advance!

    I have a similar problem. I've added a note to reference your problem. I've not got an answer to date.

  • A simple question about wrong sorting with multiple sort columns in Excel 2010

    Hi, everyone! I have encountered a problem that I don't know how to explain.
    So I post it here because I don't know if there is another more relevant forum...
    I have a data sheet with the students' scores for the course. 
    All the data were generated with the randbetween function,
    and pasted with the values.
    To rank the students by their performance,
    I did the sort with the column "total score" as the first sort-column
    and "final term" as the second.
    The weird thing to me is that the order of the data seems problematic.
    That is, all the rows are sorted correctly with the first sort-column.
    But for the rows with the same values of the first sort-column,
    there are some rows whose values of the second sort-column are out of order.
    (please look at the data file at
    Please change the "_dot_" to the real literal dot.
    Especially the rows with 56.7 as the first sort-column value
    and some other values near the tail of the list.)
    I tried to manually input and sort the same values of both columns
    in a near-by region. The result was correct.
    When some friend copied all the data to paste in Notepad,
    and reload them in excel. The problem disappears.
    Some friend also tried to wrap a round function at the values of the 1st sort-column,
    the sorting order became correct!
    But they could not explain why either.
    How confusing! I even tried to swap the first and secod sort-column;
    the output was right.
    All the data were generated by randbetween function and pasted with values.
    Where could all the special characters, if any, come?
    Can anyone give me an explanation? I would be very grateful.
    Thanks in advance!

    Re:  Sort is not in proper order
    Sounds as if the data includes spaces or hidden characters that are affecting the sort.
    That is indicated by the fact that manually entering the data resolves the problem.
    Note:  You can use a public file storage website to hold your file and add the link to it in your post.
    Jim Cone
    Portland, Oregon USA
    Special Sort excel add-in (30+ ways to sort) - 3 week no obligation trial

  • Sorting with nulls last on the fact column

    anybody tell me how to do the sorting with nulls last in the template? i can't change anything in data model or anywhere other than template.
    i did try to put the descending order,but null values are coming in between positive and negative values.
    could anyone please tell me how can i do that in template?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user12255470 on Apr 12, 2012 5:29 PM

    Hi to all,
    i've solved, is very simple using decode inside the select:
    my table is:
         "VAL" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE))
    Bye Bye

  • Currency Format in Spry Sort Table

    Any ideas on how to format all numbers in a spry sort table
    into US currency? Currently on my site, Spry is not displaying the
    ".00" that is included in my XML file.
    Spry Sort Table Example

    yes, I`ve had the same behavior. As a workaround, you have to change the format of the cells.
    Go into the properties of the cells:
    -> Right mouse click
    -> format cells
    -> category
    -> number
    -> change something, e.g. the number of decimal places to show
    Then you will have to map the component again to the same cells under "Display Data".
    And now, the currency information will be shown correctly.

  • Spry deal with many xml files

    Hi guys!
    I have a problem about "Spry.Data.XMLDataSet",
    I have two xml files, "em1.xml" and "em2.xml". they have the
    same structure;
    The code of "em1.xml" :
    <employee id="123456">
    <phone>(415) 333-0235 </phone>
    <employee id="127937">
    <phone>(415) 333-9475 </phone>
    and the "em2.xml" code:
    <employee id="123543">
    <phone>(415) 333-4334 </phone>
    <employee id="127944">
    <phone>(415) 333-7566 </phone>
    Now! I want to display these datas on a dynamic table.here is
    my code
    var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("em1.xml",
    var ds2 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("em2.xml",
    var ds3 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet();
    ds3.data = ds1 + ds2;
    <div spry:region="ds3">
    <ul spry:repeatchildren="ds3">
    <li spry:sort="lastname">{lastname}</li>
    finally! But It does not work! How can I combine "ds1" and

    on my God! Spry have not support the method!
    but I've solved it;
    my code:
    var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("em1.xml",
    var ds2 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("em2.xml",
    //ds2 addObserver
    var myObj = new Object;
    myObj .onPostLoad = function(dataSet,data){
    dataSet.data = dataSet.data.concat(ds1.data);//concat two
    for(var i=0; i<dataSet.data.length; i++){
    .ds_RowID = i;//reset ds_RowID
    ds2.addObserver(myObj );

  • Spry accordion with nested accordions

    I'm building an FAQ list with topics and sub topics, using a
    containing Spry accordion with multiple children, though just the
    one extra level deep. The nested accordions won't expand the full
    list. Instead, the div height remains fixed, and I get a scroll
    bar. Any ideas what part of the javascript to tweak to open up this
    Here's the page:

    alancymru escribió:
    > I'm building an FAQ list with topics and sub topics,
    using a containing Spry
    > accordion with multiple children, though just the one
    extra level deep. The
    > nested accordions won't expand the full list. Instead,
    the div height remains
    > fixed, and I get a scroll bar. Any ideas what part of
    the javascript to tweak
    > to open up this functionality?
    > Here's the page:
    > thanks
    Sure! It has to be done in two parts. First part from your
    SpryAccordion.css file and the second it is adding a new
    property to the
    Accordion object when it’s initialized.
    First part:
    Select .AccordionPanelContent class
    Delete Height property
    Change the value of overflow from auto to hidden;
    Second part:
    In the constructor function at the bottom of your faqs.htm
    file, amend
    this code:
    var Accordion1 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordion1");
    var Accordion9 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordion9");
    to this:
    var Accordion1 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordion1",
    var Accordion9 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordion9",
    Hope this helps.

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