SpryTabbedPanel: Flash player in tabs do not play video streams

Note: I am a complete noob (no experience with Javascript and rudimentary experience with htlm/css). Please be patient (I hope that this is the correct forum for this) and know that I am appreciative of any help or solution that anyone can provide.
Using Dreamweaver CS4 on Mac OS 10.5.8
We recently switched all of our streaming servers from Windows Media (good riddance) to Flash Media Server 3.5 (now getting awesome H.264 quality in comparison).
I was asked to re-design this webpage with the aim of re-organizing the content so that it is more accessible:
We used Adobe's test page for our first page:
http://www.librarymedia.net/flash/videoplayer.html?source=rtmp:// eam&type=live&idx=10
This was meant as a temporary page to get us started, and as you can see, it needs work but at least it works.
I've been working the the final version of this page. My boss wants a tabbed web page with links to our video streams (tab for each category of streams).
This is what I have so far:
http://www.librarymedia.net/Flash2/videoplayer2.html?source=rtmp:// tream&type=live&idx=10
I realize that I had several options before building this. One, I could have made a separate page for each tab and linked them with a tab menu. In hindsight, this might have been a better option since I could have just copied the working page that we already have for each tab. Or I could have done what I have tried to do: to use Dreamweaver's SpryTabbedPanel to make the tabs and insert a Flash player with links into each tab.
The problem:
1. The streams do not play. The player says "initializing" and then "please enter a stream name and play". Please note that I used SpryURLutils to get each link to open in the appropriate tab.
2. After reading about the benefits of external vs. inline javascript, I took all of the inline javascript that was contained in Adobe's sample page and placed it in an external file. I tried placing the javascript back into the source code (inline), but this did not fix the problem. I guess there is a Javascript problem or I need extra Javascript code to get this to work.  The javascript code is below. Use view source in your web browser to see source code. Please let me know if I need to provide more information.
// (C) Copyright 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE:  Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. 
// If you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior
// written permission of Adobe.
// THIS CODE IS NOT SUPPORTED BY Adobe Systems Incorporated.
// Version check based upon the values defined in globals
                                            var hasRequestedVersion = DetectFlashVer(10, 0, 0);
                                                var div = document.getElementById("flashcontent");
                                                div.innerHTML = '<a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer/" style="color:black"><img src="images/ERROR_getFlashPlayer.gif" width="641" height="377" /></a>';
                                                        "src", "swfs/videoPlayer",
                                                        "width", "640",
                                                        "height", "377",
                                                        "id", "videoPlayer",
                                                        "quality", "high",
                                                        "bgcolor", "#000000",
                                                        "name", "videoPlayer",
                                                        "type", "application/x-shockwave-flash",
                                                        "pluginspage", "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer",
                                                        "flashvars", flashVars
                                      // -->  
// Javascript in original page
function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
  var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
    var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
    if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
function changeImages() {
    if (document.images && (preloadFlag == true)) {
        for (var i=0; i<changeImages.arguments.length; i+=2) {
            document [changeImages.arguments[i]].src = changeImages.arguments[i+1];
var preloadFlag = false;
function preloadImages() {
    if (document.images) {
        navi_01_over = newImage("images/button_dynamic_up.gif");
        navi_02_over = newImage("images/button_samples_up.gif");
        navi_03_over = newImage("images/button_interactive.gif");
        preloadFlag = true;
function changetab(obj, obj2, obj3, left1, left2, left3, nav1, nav2, nav3){
    document.getElementById(obj).style.display = 'block';
    document.getElementById(obj2).style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById(obj3).style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById(left1).style.display = 'block';
    document.getElementById(left2).style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById(left3).style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById(nav1).src = "images/" + nav1 + "_up.gif";
    document.getElementById(nav2).src = "images/" + nav2 + "_down.gif";
    document.getElementById(nav3).src = "images/" + nav3 + "_down.gif";
function tabout(obj, nav){
    if (document.getElementById(obj).style.display == 'block'){
        document.getElementById(nav).src = "images/" + nav + "_up.gif";
        document.getElementById(nav).src = "images/" + nav + "_down.gif";
function tabover(obj){
    document.getElementById(obj).src = "images/" + obj + "_up.gif";
// Functionality
    <script language="javascript">
        var queryParameters = new Array();
        var flashVars = "";
        var tag = "";
        var url = "";
        window.onload = function ()
            for(var i=1 ; i<=10;i++)
                var ids = String("sel"+i.toString());
                document.getElementById( ids ).style.visibility = "hidden";
                document.getElementById( ids ).className = "style76";
            // mark the entry for that index
            if(queryParameters['idx'] != "")
                document.getElementById("td" + queryParameters['idx'] ).className = "style75";
                document.getElementById("sel" + queryParameters['idx'] ).style.visibility = "visible";
        function initialise()
            function getUrlParam( name )
                  name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
                  var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
                  var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
                  var results = regex.exec( window.location.href );
                  if( results == null )
                        return "";
                        return unescape( results[1] );
            queryParameters['source'] = getUrlParam('source');
            queryParameters['type'] = getUrlParam('type');
            queryParameters['idx'] = getUrlParam('idx');
               flashVars += "&videoWidth=";
            flashVars += 0;
            flashVars += "&videoHeight=";
            flashVars += 0;
            flashVars += "&dsControl=";
            flashVars += unescape("manual");
            flashVars += "&dsSensitivity=";
            flashVars += 100;
            flashVars += "&serverURL=";
            flashVars += queryParameters['source'];
            flashVars += "&DS_Status=";
            flashVars += "true";
            flashVars += "&streamType=";
            flashVars += queryParameters['type'];
            flashVars += "&autoStart=";
            flashVars += unescape("true");
            tag = "&lt;object width='640' height='377' id='videoPlayer' name='videoPlayer' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' &gt;&lt;param name='movie' value='swfs/videoPlayer.swf' /&gt; &lt;param name='quality' value='high' /&gt; &lt;param name='bgcolor' value='#000000' /&gt; &lt;param name='allowfullscreen' value='true' /&gt; &lt;param name='flashvars' value= '"+                   
            flashVars+"'/&gt;&lt;embed src='swfs/videoPlayer.swf' width='640' height='377' id='videoPlayer' quality='high' bgcolor='#000000' name='videoPlayer' allowfullscreen='true' pluginspage='http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer'   flashvars='"+ flashVars +"' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'&gt; &lt;/embed&gt;&lt;/object&gt;";
        function playStream()
            var url = "source=" + document.getElementById('inputURL').value;
            var type;
            url += ("&type=" + type);
            document.getElementById('playBtn').href="videoplayer.html?" + url;
        function checkbox(type)

Should I have posted this in the Spry forum instead? My apologies if this is the wrong forum.
>There is a sample application of the code included with the zip file  which shows how to implement it.
The sample doesn't really tell me what I need to do to the code to make it work (I do not know javascript), and unfortunately, I have not found any helpful instructions/documentation online. You've given me the answer, I just don't know enough to implement it. This is what I've done:
1. Placed the FAVideo.js file in my site folder and linked it to the page: <script src="FAVideo.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2. I added the following code (taken from the SimpleDemo.html example inside the FAVideo folder). My comments in bold. Page at
http://www.librarymedia.net/Flash2/videoplayer2.html?source=rtmp:// ympics2010_640x480.mov
         <! To the <body> section:-->
<body onLoad="">
    <div id="divOne"></div>
<!-Do I have to place the entire page within the "divOne" div (or just the section containing the tabs) in order for the javascript to work?-->
         <!-In the <head> section: -->
   <script type="text/javascript">
        playerOne = new FAVideo("divOne", "TabbedPanels1", "demo_video.flv",0,0,{ autoLoad:true, autoPlay:true });
<!- I noticed that the body code added a div id called "divOne", so I added the "TabbedPanels1" div id to the above code thinking that this would apply the javascript code to all of the tabs. Dreamweaver adds <div id="TabbedPanels1" class="TabbedPanels"> to the page when you insert the tabbed menu, so I'm thinking the javascript has to point to either one of those for it to work. The "demo_video.flv",0,0 code is probably unneccesary, right? As you can see, I'm completely clueless. -->
        function myHandler() {
Once again, thanks for your help.

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    ActiveX is part of the Windows operating system. Plus the ActiveX version of Adobe Flash is for Internet Explorer. Other browsers need their own version of Flash' Firefox needs the Plugin version of Flash.
    If you go to the Adobe website to download Flash while using Firefox, Adobe will provide the correct version of Flash automatically. Just make sure you de-select any other programs that Adobe may want to stick you with before you actually download Flash. Then close Firefox and run the Adobe Flash installer.

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    For my reference, here's the bug:
    https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=bug&id=3217331 - Flash player 11.3.300.257 plays video too fast
    In order to get traction on this, they're going to need to be able to reproduce it.
    It would be great if you could do two things:
    - Provide direct links to a couple videos that reproduce this problem. 
      If they're on different sites, and based in the US, even better.  (Geographic restrictions make it hard to troubleshoot.  We can VPN, but that can mask/introduce network and timing problems.)
    - Provide the output of dxdiag.exe
      Go to Start > Run > and type "debugdiag" no qoutes, then hit [Enter]
    Save the output and attach it to the bug above.

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    "Chrome plays videos fine
    HTML5 Player plays fine in all browsers"
    Chrome has its own embedded Flash Player - the installed version DOESN'T affect it.
    HTML5 DOESN'T use Flash (It's MP4 or webm)
    Download the Flash Player uninstaller. Flash Player uninstaller
    Download the Adobe Flash Player installer directly by clicking the following links.
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)
    SAVE all files.
    On each workstation:
    Run the uninstaller to remove both ActiveX and regular Flash Player.
    Reboot and then run the installers to replace both plugins.
    Check to be sure FP is enabled for IE: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/885448
    Disable ActiveX filtering: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/867968

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    Do you mean you can not play video but you can play game or other Flash contents?
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    Am presently Flash Player 11.5.502.146 on Windows 7 64 Bit with Firefox 18.0.1.
    I have been having a rather odd occurence.  When I go to youtube.com and select a video, all I get is a black box with no controls and nothing happens. (This also happens on other sites such as CBSSports.com)  If I right click on said black box, it just says "About Adobe Flash Player 11.5.502.146" which obviously takes me to the Aodobe websight.
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    http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/flash-player-games-video-or.html#main_5__Delete_all _Flash_Player_browsing_data  to no avail.
    I have installed 11.6 beta as well as Adobe Shockwave, tried switching to IE9 as well as Chrome with no resolution.

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    Thanks again for your time!

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    Hi libflashplayer.so,
    Thanks for answering.  The version of Adobe Flash Player I have is  .
    Regarding You Tube...I can bring up the site or type in what I'm looking for and a page will come up  - like this page for example: http://http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=andrea+bocelli+time+to+say+goodbye&aq=1 &oq=Andrea+Bo  . ( I cannot make screenshots. When I push Alt + PrtScn SysRq, nothing happens.
    The problem occurs after I choose a video, like Anreas Bocelli singing with Sarah Brightman.  The little iconic TV Screen will appear as if the video is going to load (Ie. a little black screen with the transparent start arrow.  Then my entire computer screen goes black.  There is no error message given.  A note comes onto the screen in white letters saying something like "Entering Auto  Mode" or something like that.
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    I WAS able to open & watch this ad that a friend sent.  Windows Media Player opened first & then this ad came on screen: 
    Hmmm. It won't let me paste it!  Its a wmx file I believe,
    Hope that gives you sufficient info for now.

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    Any workaround? any idea how that happened ? what cause it?

    Please add your vote. We're dying because of this issue.

  • Have W7 64bit, Firefox 7.01 and Flash Player 11 but unable to play videos in BBC News channel although can use BBCi and Win Internet Explorer works with both.

    Have looked at Flash Settings but not able to find solution. Tried reverting to Firefox v.6.02 but this did not resolve the problem.

    Try version 4.01 works great with flash for me at least
    I have been having crash issues with v 6 and 7 of Firefox. Make sure you update to latest version of adobe as well

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    Oh no... NOT THE 99-PAGER!!! Anything but THAT!!!

  • After uninstalling and downloading the latest Abobe Flash player, I can no lnger play youtube videos. I get the message "blocked plug-in". It works in Firefox, but not Safari.

    After uninstalling and downloading the latest Abobe Flash player, I can no lnger play youtube videos. I get the message "blocked plug-in". It works in Firefox, but not Safari?

    in Safari’s Preferences, select its Security tab, and make sure that its “Internet plug-ins: Allow Plug-ins” checkbox is checked.

  • I just bought an Ipad and find that it is not compatible with Adobe flash player which I need to play Bridge on line on BBO.  Is there a solution for this problem?

    I just bought an I pad abd find that it is compatible with Adobe Flash Player which I need to play bridge on BBO.  Is there a solution to this problem?

    No Flash for iPads, iPhones, or iPods
    Here's why there's is no Flash available for iDevices or other mobile devices. Adobe was unable to provide a product that was suitable to the needs of battery powered mobile devices used for Internet browsing. Existing Flash technology used too much memory, ate battery life, and was buggy. Simply put Flash did not work well on mobile devices.
    Apple's Steve Jobs led the escape from Flash dependency when Apple introduced the iPhone, and later introduced the iPad. There was a hue and cry over the omission. Time proved Jobs was right on target.
    So this is why there is no Flash for your iPhone or iPad or iPod nor for most SmartPhones. Flash has been abandoned by many sites in favor of supported technologies such as HTML5 or by providing their own custom app.
    Here is Steve Jobs official comment on his momentous decision to omit Flash from iDevices: Steve Jobs on Flash.
    Here is Adobe's later announcement to cease development of Flash for mobile devices: Adobe on Mobile Flash.
    Now, you are not necessarily out on a limb. There are some apps that can display some Flash, but don't count on there ability to display anything using Flash.
    Apps that can display some Flash from the Web:
    Photon Flash
    Also, note that many sites that use Flash provide their own app for accessing their material. So check with your favorite sites and find out if "there's an app for that."

  • Flash Player that auto appeared on my screen. Ever since I can not play video, and my system has become painfully slow. I have Mac OS Lion 10.7.5 and software is up to date. Before this everything was running beautifully. Can you please provide a link so

    Dear Adobe.
    Yesterday I installed the latest version of Flash Player that auto appeared on my screen. Ever since I can not play video, and my system has become painfully slow. I have Mac OS Lion 10.7.5 and software is up to date. Before this everything was running beautifully. Can you please provide a link so I can uninstall the latest version only. Thank you. Stephen Kress. Melbourne. Australia

    When you run the uninstaller, it will uninstall all Flash Player versions.
    If you want to revert to an older version after that, get it from http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/archived-flash-player-versions.html

  • I have just bought a MacBook Air and i cannot play videos from the internet as it asks for a flash player to be installed i try to download Adobe flash player and it will not allow me to do so?

    I have just bought a MacBook Air and i cannot play videos from the internet as it asks for a flash player to be installed i try to download Adobe flash player and it will not allow me to do so?

    Ziatron is correct that Flash does not work on an iPad, but it does work on a Mac. See Adobe Flash Player

Maybe you are looking for