SQL Loader and INSERT Trigger

I have problem and your help to solve it would be very much appreciated.
I am uploading a text file with SQL Loader into a table. Since I used APPEND option in the Loader, I don't want records to be duplicated. So, I wrote a "BEFORE INSERT .. FOR EACH ROW" trigger to check whether that row already exists or not.
For example, let us consider a table TEST as follows.
Fld1     NUMBER(2);
Fld2     VARCHAR2(10);
Fld3     VARCHAR2(10);
I have a trigger on this table.
vCount NUMBER(2);
DuplicateRow EXCEPTION;
SELECT Count(*) INTO vCount FROM Test
     WHERE fld1 || fld2 || fld3 = :new.fld1 || :new.fld2 || :new.fld3;
IF vCount > 0 THEN
     RAISE DuplicateRow;
WHEN DuplicateRow THEN
     Raise_Application_Error (-20001,'Record already exists');
     DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR : ' || SQLCODE || '; ' || SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 150));
Please refer to the following SQL statements which I executed in the SQL Plus.
SQL> insert into test values (1,'one','first');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into test values (1,'one','first');
insert into test values (1,'one','first')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20001: Record already exists
ORA-06512: at "CAMELLIA.TRG_TEST", line 13
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'CAMELLIA.TRG_TEST'
Would anyone tell me why do errors -6512 and -4088 occur ?
Also, if you have any other suggestion to handle this situation, please let me know.
By the way, I am using Oracle 8.1.7.
Thank you.

There are a few things wrong here, but you should really use a unique constraint for this.
SQL> create table t (a number, b number, c number,
  2      constraint uk unique (a, b, c));
Table created.Here's an example data file with 12 records three of which are duplicates.
9,9,9And a control file
load data
infile 'in.dat'
into table t
fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"'
(a, b, c)Running it with sql loader, inserts the nine records, outputs the three duplicates to a .bad file and logs all the errors in the .log file. No need for triggers or any code.
$ sqlldr control=in.ctl
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon Apr 21 23:16:44 2003
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Commit point reached - logical record count 12
$ cat in.bad
SQL> select * from t;
         A          B          C
         1          2          3
         3          4          5
         6          7          8
         3          2          1
         5          5          5
         1          1          1
         2          2          2
         8          8          8
         9          9          9
9 rows selected.

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    Kannan B wrote:
    Do not confuse the topic, as I told im not going to use External tables. This post is to speak the performance difference between SQL Loader and Simple Insert Statement.I don't think people are confusing the topic.
    External tables are a superior means of reading a file as it doesn't require any command line calls or external control files to be set up. All that is needed is a single external table definition created in a similar way to creating any other table (just with the additional external table information obviously). It also eliminates the need to have a 'staging' table on the database to load the data into as the data can just be queried as needed directly from the file, and if the file changes, so does the data seen through the external table automatically without the need to re-run any SQL*Loader process again.
    Who told you not to use External Tables? Do they know what they are talking about? Can they give a valid reason why external tables are not to be used?
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    I am not sure this is possible with SQL loader. I would rather use an external table based on your file.
    Then, I would use SQL to load your data into your table, based on your conditions.
    Your request is not very complicated, writing the SQL to do that will be really more simple than trying to do it with SQL loader.
    Hope it will help.

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    External tables are accessible from SQL, which generally simplifies life if the data files are physically located on the database server since you don't have to coordinate a call to an external SQL*Loader script with other PL/SQL processing. Under the covers, external tables are normally just invoking SQL*Loader.
    SQL*Loader is more appropriate if the data files are on a different server or if it is easier to call an executable rather than calling PL/SQL (i.e. if you have a batch file that runs on a server other than the database server that wants to FTP a data file from a FTP server and then load the data into Oracle).

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    sqlldr USERID=load/ps94mfo16 CONTROL=test_nica.ctl LOG=test_nica.log
    retcode=`echo $?`
    case "$retcode" in
    0) echo "SQL*Loader execution successful" ;;
    1) echo "SQL*Loader execution exited with EX_FAIL, see logfile" ;;
    2) echo "SQL*Loader execution exited with EX_WARN, see logfile" ;;
    3) echo "SQL*Loader execution encountered a fatal error" ;;
    *) echo "unknown return code";;
    sqlplus USERID=load/ps94mfo16 << EOF
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    multiple duplicate threads:
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    Re: Can some one help he sql loader issue.


    I have already posted and I really need help and don't come further with this
    I have the following problem. I have 2 tables which I created the following way:
    CREATE TYPE gemark_schluessel_t AS OBJECT(
    gemark_id NUMBER(8),
    gemark_schl NUMBER(4),
    gemark_name VARCHAR2(45)
    CREATE TABLE gemark_schluessel_tab OF gemark_schluessel_t(
    constraint pk_gemark PRIMARY KEY(gemark_id)
    CREATE TYPE flurstueck_t AS OBJECT(
    flst_id NUMBER(8),
    flst_nr_zaehler NUMBER(4),
    flst_nr_nenner NUMBER(4),
    zusatz VARCHAR2(2),
    flur_nr NUMBER(2),
    gemark_schluessel REF gemark_schluessel_t,
    flaeche SDO_GEOMETRY
    CREATE TABLE flurstuecke_tab OF flurstueck_t(
    constraint pk_flst PRIMARY KEY(flst_id),
    constraint uq_flst UNIQUE(flst_nr_zaehler,flst_nr_nenner,zusatz,flur_nr),
    flst_nr_zaehler NOT NULL,
    flur_nr NOT NULL,
    gemark_schluessel REFERENCES gemark_schluessel_tab
    Now I have data in the gemark_schluessel_tab which looks like this (a sample):
    1 101 Borna
    2 102 Draisdorf
    Now I wanna load data in my flurstuecke_tab with SQL*Loader and there I have problems with my ref column gemark_schluessel.
    One data record looks like this in my file (it is without geometry)
    If I wanna load my data record, it does not work. The reference (the system generated OID) should be taken from gemark_schluessel_tab.
    INFILE *
    CONTINUEIF NEXT(1:1) = '#'
    gemark_id FILLER
    Is there a error I made?
    Thanks in advance

    multiple duplicate threads:
    to call an oracle procedure and sql loader in an unix script
    Re: Can some one help he sql loader issue.

  • Using SQL*Loader and UTL_FILE to load and unload large files(i.e PDF,DOCs)

    Problem : Load PDF or similiar files( stored at operating system) into an oracle table using SQl*Loader .
    and than Unload the files back from oracle tables to prevoius format.
    I 've used SQL*LOADER .... " sqlldr " command as :
    " sqlldr scott/[email protected] control=c:\sqlldr\control.ctl log=c:\any.txt "
    Control file is written as :
    INFILE 'c:\sqlldr\r_sqlldr.txt'
    INTO table r_sqlldr
    Fields terminated by ','
    id sequence (max,1) ,
    fname char(20),
    data LOBFILE(fname) terminated by EOF )
    It loads files ( Pdf, Image and more...) that are mentioned in file r_sqlldr.txt into oracle table r_sqlldr
    Text file ( used as source ) is written as :
    after this load ....i used UTL_FILE to unload data and write procedure like ...
    l_file UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    l_buffer RAW(32767);
    l_amount BINARY_INTEGER ;
    l_pos INTEGER := 1;
    l_blob BLOB;
    l_blob_len INTEGER;
    SELECT data
    INTO l_blob
    FROM r_sqlldr
    where id= 1;
    l_blob_len := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(l_blob);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('blob length : ' || l_blob_len);
    IF (l_blob_len < 32767) THEN
    l_amount :=l_blob_len;
    l_amount := 32767;
    END IF;
    l_file := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('DBDIR1','Kalam_out.pdf','w', 32767);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('File opened');
    WHILE l_pos < l_blob_len LOOP
    DBMS_LOB.READ (l_blob, l_amount, l_pos, l_buffer);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Blob read');
    l_pos := l_pos + l_amount;
    UTL_FILE.PUT_RAW(l_file, l_buffer, TRUE);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('writing to file');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('File closed');
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Its working at last');
    END R_UTL;
    This loads data from r_sqlldr table (BOLBS) to files on operating system ,,,
    -> Same procedure with minor changes is used to unload other similar files like Images and text files.
    In above example : Loading : 3 files 1) Kalam.pdf 2) CTSlogo1.bmp 3) any1.txt are loaded into oracle table r_sqlldr 's 3 rows respectively.
    file names into fname column and corresponding data into data ( BLOB) column.
    Unload : And than these files are loaded back into their previous format to operating system using UTL_FILE feature of oracle.
    so PROBLEM IS : Actual capacity (size ) of these files is getting unloaded back but with quality decreased. And PDF file doesnt even view its data. means size is almot equal to source file but data are lost when i open it.....
    and for images .... imgaes are getting loaded an unloaded but with colors changed ....
    Also features ( like FFLUSH ) of Oracle 've been used but it never worked

    Thanks Justin ...for a quick response ...
    well ... i am loading data into BLOB only and using SQL*Loader ...
    I've never used dbms_lob.loadFromFile to do the loads ...
    i 've opend a file on network and than used dbms_lob.read and
    UTL_FILE.PUT_RAW to read and write data into target file.
    actually ...my process is working fine with text files but not with PDF and IMAGES ...
    and your doubt of ..."Is the data the proper length after reading it in?" ..m not getting wat r you asking ...but ... i think regarding data length ..there is no problem... except ... source PDF length is 90.4 kb ..and Target is 90.8 kb..
    thats it...
    So Request u to add some more help ......or should i provide some more details ??

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    Thank you in advance


  • Import and process larger data with SQL*Loader and Java resource

    I have a project to import data from a text file in a schedule. A lager data, with nearly 20,000 record/1 hours.
    After that, we have to analysis the data, and export the results into a another database.
    I research about SQL*Loader and Java resource to do these task. But I have no experiment about that.
    I'm afraid of the huge data, Oracle could be slowdown or the session in Java Resource application could be timeout.
    Please tell me some advice about the solution.
    Thank you very much.

    With '?' mark i mean " How i can link this COL1 with column in csv file ? "

  • SQL*LOADER and decode

    I'm setting up a sql*loader script and trying to use the decode function as referred to in 'Applying SQL Operators to Fields' I'm getting an error message ' Token longer than max allowable length of 258 chars'. Is there a limit to the size of the decode statement within sql*loader - or is it better to use a table trigger to handle this on insert? I ran the decode statement as a select through SQL*Plus and it works okay there. Oracle 8.0 Utilities shows example of decode in Ch. 5, but Oracle 9i Utilities Ch. 6 does not. Has anyone done this and what's the impact on performance of the load if I can get it to work? See my example below:
    INFILE 'e2e_prod_cust_profile.csv'
    (Insert_update_flag CHAR(1),
    Orig_system_customer_ref CHAR(240),
    customer_profile_class_name CHAR(30) NULLIF customer_profile_class=BLANKS
    'NORTHLAND Default','(MIA) Default',
    'NORTHLAND Non Consolidated','(MIA) Non Cons',
    'NORTHLAND Consolidated A','(MIA) Cons A',
    'NORTHLAND Consolidated B','(MIA) Cons B',
    'NORTHLAND Consolidated C','(MIA) Cons C',
    'NORTHLAND Consolidated D','(MIA) Cons D',
    'NORTHLAND Cons A NonZS','(MIA) Cons A NonZS',
    'NORTHLAND Cons B NonZS','(MIA) Cons B NonZS',
    'NORTHLAND Cons C NonZS','(MIA) Cons C NonZS',
    'NORTHLAND Cons D NonZS','(MIA) Cons D NonZS',
    'NORTHLAND International Billing','(MIA) International Billing',
    credit_hold CHAR(1),
    overall_credit_limit INTERGER EXTERNAL,
    "e2e_cust_profile.ctl" 49 lines, 1855 characters
    SQL*Loader-350: Syntax error at line 15.
    Token longer than max allowable length of 258 chars
    'NORTHLAND Consolidated D','(MIA) Cons D',

    Your controlfile is incomplete and has some typos, but you could try something like:
    create or replace function decode_profile_class_name (p_longname IN VARCHAR2)
    return VARCHAR2
      CASE p_longname
        WHEN 'NORTHLAND Default'               THEN RETURN '(MIA) Default';
        WHEN 'NORTHLAND Non Consolidated'      THEN RETURN '(MIA) Non Cons';
        WHEN 'NORTHLAND Consolidated A'        THEN RETURN '(MIA) Cons A';
        WHEN 'NORTHLAND Consolidated B'        THEN RETURN '(MIA) Cons B';
        WHEN 'NORTHLAND Consolidated C'        THEN RETURN '(MIA) Cons C';
        WHEN 'NORTHLAND Consolidated D'        THEN RETURN '(MIA) Cons D';
        WHEN 'NORTHLAND Cons A NonZS'          THEN RETURN '(MIA) Cons A NonZS';
        WHEN 'NORTHLAND Cons B NonZS'          THEN RETURN '(MIA) Cons B NonZS';
        WHEN 'NORTHLAND Cons C NonZS'          THEN RETURN '(MIA) Cons C NonZS';
        WHEN 'NORTHLAND Cons D NonZS'          THEN RETURN '(MIA) Cons D NonZS';
        WHEN 'NORTHLAND International Billing' THEN RETURN '(MIA) International Billing';
        ELSE RETURN p_longname;
      END CASE;
    INFILE 'e2e_prod_cust_profile.csv'
    Insert_update_flag          CHAR(1),
    Orig_system_customer_ref    CHAR(240),
    customer_profile_class_name CHAR(30) NULLIF customer_profile_class=BLANKS "decode_profile_class_name(:customer_profile_class_name)"
    credit_hold                 CHAR(1),
    overall_credit_limit        INTEGER EXTERNAL

  • Sql*loader and ORA-1843

    I 'd want to create a trigger before insert on the table toto to load '01-JAN-1900' in the field 'col1' if i got an ORA-1843 in Sql*loader.
    Here is the script :
    create or replace trigger trig1 before insert on toto
    for each row
    z1 date ;
    select to_date(:new.col1,'DD/Mon/YYYY') into z1 from dual;
    if SQLCODE = -1843 or SQLCODE = -1861 then
    :new.col1 := '01-JAN-1900';
    end if;
    if SQLCODE = -6502 then
    :new.col1 := '01-JAN-1900';
    end if;
    :new.col1 := '01-JAN-1900';
    I always got ORA-1843 in sql*loader's logfile. So the trigger doesn't catch the EXCEPTION. Why ?

    desc toto
    Name Null? Type
    Controlfile :
    load data
    infile 'titi.dat'
    into table titi
    (col1 position(1:7) DATE "YYYYMMDD" "DECODE (:col1, '9999999','19990101','000000
    0',null,:col1 + 19000000)")
    Indeed, the input format date is SYYMMDD where S=0 if year=19xx and S=1 if Year=20xx.
    Thanks for your reply.

  • Sql Loader and a batch id

    I have a loading table which as a primary key. We insert into load_ctl table which has a load_ctl_id and then sql load a csv file into a table called load_table.
    Now when we have to process the load_table we work with the primary key from the control table load_ctl_id to know which load to process. How can I get the load_ctl_id into my load_table. The csv file does not contain it.

    What full version of Oracle?
    How do you currently generate the control table load_ctl_id?
    Do you have to be concerned with concurrent load jobs?
    What tool are you using to perform the load (sqlldr)?
    If you already have a way of gerating the load_ctl_id and placing it into the control table and you do not need to worry about concurrent jobs you could use a before insert trigger to insert the same maximum load_ctl_id (assuming sequence or date stamp) into the load table with each row insert. Or leave the column null during the load and then immediately after the load update each column.
    If you have to worry about concurrent load processes where each would be a different batch number then how you currently create the load_ctl_id value is more important to the solution since you have to make sure two concurrently running sessions would in fact grap two different batch ids.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • Problem using SQL-LOADER and Unique Identifiers

    I'm trying to load a fixed-length records file containing people names and phone numbers. Data is specified as follows
    Toni Tomas66666666669999999999
    Jose Luis 33333333330000000000
    Notice that a maximum of 2 numbers can follow a person name, and 0000000000 means "no number specified".
    I want to assign a unique identifier to people (instead of using the NAME field as a Primary Key) using an Oracle Sequence. I did that, but I don't know
    how to assign the same id to each number.
    Considering the 2 previous lines, desired result should be:
    1     Toni Tomas
    2     Jose Luis
    1     6666666666
    1     9999999999
    2     3333333333
    In order to achieve that, my Control File looks like this
    INFILE phonenumbers.txt
    INTO TABLE people
         personID "mySequenceName.nextval", --an Oracle sequence
         name POSITION(1:10) CHAR
    INTO TABLE tel_numbers
    WHEN phonenumber !='0000000000'
         phonenumber POSITION(11:20) CHAR
    INTO TABLE tel_numbers
    WHEN phonenumber !='0000000000'
         phonenumber POSITION(21:30) CHAR
    I tried lots of things, but anyone works:
    a) reference the ID using something like ":\"people.personID\" (or similar aproaches)
    b) using a BEFORE INSERT TRIGGER getting the CURRVAL value of the Sequence. This solution
    does not work because it seems that all people is loaded before any telephone number. Hence,
    all phone numbers are associated, wrongly, to the last person in the data file.
    Does anyone know how can I solve this issue?
    Help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    Hi V Garcia.
    Information within the file is correct. Each line represents a COMPLETE record (Part of the line represents parent information and the rest is children data). As you can see in my first message, you can have more than one detail for a given master (i.e. two phone numbers):
    Toni Tomas66666666669999999999
    (10 chars for the name, 10 for each phone number. Thus, 2 children records to be created)
    With the solution given by Sreekanth Reddy Bandi (use of CURRVALUE within the SQL-Loader Control File), not all the details are linked to the parent record on the DB tables. It seems SLQ-Loader gets crazy when there is such amount of information.

  • SQL Loader and the bad file

    I use SQL Loader to read a file into a table. In my tests a lot of rows are rejected and written to the bad file. But there are no error messages.
    Is there a way to find out why the row was rejected.

    The Bad File
    The bad file contains records that were rejected, either by SQL*Loader or by the Oracle database server. Some of the possible reasons for rejection are discussed in the next sections.
    SQL*Loader Rejects
    Datafile records are rejected by SQL*Loader when the input format is invalid. For example, if the second enclosure delimiter is missing, or if a delimited field exceeds its maximum length, SQL*Loader rejects the record. Rejected records are placed in the bad file.
    Oracle Rejects
    After a datafile record is accepted for processing by SQL*Loader, it is sent to the Oracle database server for insertion into a table as a row. If the Oracle database server determines that the row is valid, then the row is inserted into the table. If the row is determined to be invalid, then the record is rejected and SQL*Loader puts it in the bad file. The row may be invalid, for example, because a key is not unique, because a required field is null, or because the field contains invalid data for the Oracle datatype.
    YOU WILL get more information
    sqlldr help=y
    also send your control file syntax
    kuljeet pal singh

  • Sql loader and tablespace doubt

    while i was inserting the data into a table using sqlloader and then suddenly the datafile gets full and i got sql*loader 605 error and i alloted a new datafile to the tablespace but the data didnt get inserted after that and the error was same sql*loader 605,but when i increase the size of the datafile then the error gets removed....why is it so???

    The data didn't get inserted because there was no space in the datafile.
    you increased the data file size, but the insert was already stopped because of the error.
    The error didn't happen again, because there was enough space in the datafile.
    See the log file for more details of the error. This error is not data related. from 605 that all we can understand.
    Note:: Please make short statements and ask clearly your questions. I have to read 5 time to kind of understand what you ask for.

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