SQL Query Discover

I have this query that I need to modify
              set nocount on
              create table #tempCI
              CI_ID int,
              ResourceID int,
              -- CI name in unicode
              ConfigurationItemName nvarchar(512),
              --machine name in unicode sent by the client
              Netbios_Name0 nvarchar(255)
              insert into #tempCI
              isnull(isnull(siteLocCI.LocValue, ComplianceStatusDetails.value('(/BaselineCIComplianceState/CIProperties/LocalizableText[@PropertyName="CIName"])[1]/./text()[1]', 'nvarchar(512)')),locci.DisplayName)
as ConfigurationItemName,
              isnull(detail.ComplianceStatusDetails.value('(/BaselineCIComplianceState/@ComputerName)[1]', 'nvarchar(255)'),sys.Netbios_Name0) as MachineName
              from v_CICurrentComplianceStatus detail
              join v_BaselineTargetedComputers tar on detail.CI_ID=tar.CI_ID and detail.ResourceID=tar.ResourceID
              inner join v_R_System sys on sys.ResourceID=detail.ResourceID
              left join v_LocalizedCIProperties_SiteLoc locci on locci.CI_ID=detail.CI_ID -- display name for the base class
              left join
              T.X.value('../@name', 'nvarchar(256)') as RID,
              T.X.value('./text()[1]', 'nvarchar(512)') as LocValue
              from v_SDMLocalizedData_SiteLoc
              cross apply LocalizedData.nodes('/root/data/value/.') T(X) ) siteLocCI
              on siteLocCI.ModelName=detail.ModelName and siteLocCI.SDMPackageVersion=detail.SDMPackageVersion
              and detail.ComplianceStatusDetails.value('(/BaselineCIComplianceState/CIProperties/LocalizableText[@PropertyName="CIName"]/@RID)[1]', 'nvarchar(255)')=siteLocCI.RID
              where sys.Netbios_Name0 = @computer
              and (ComplianceStatusDetails.value('(/BaselineCIComplianceState/CIProperties/LocalizableText[@PropertyName="CIName"])[1]/./text()[1]', 'nvarchar(512)') = @ciname
              or locci.DisplayName = @ciname)
              and (detail.SDMPackageVersion = @optsdmversion or @optsdmversion='')
              Netbios_Name0 as MachineName,
              ConfigurationItemName as BaselineName,
              temp.SDMPackageVersion as BaselineContentVersion,
              err.Description as SDMViolationDescription,
              count(1) as SDMViolationCount
              from (
              Model.X.value('./@Category', 'nvarchar(64)') as SDMViolationCategory,
              Model.X.value('./@Severity', 'nvarchar(64)') as SDMViolationSeverity
              from v_CICurrentComplianceStatus status with (NOLOCK)
              inner join #tempCI on #tempCI.CI_ID=status.CI_ID and #tempCI.ResourceID=status.ResourceID
              cross apply ComplianceStatusDetails.nodes('/*/ModelViolations/ModelViolation') as Model(X)
              union all
              Discover.X.value('./@Category', 'nvarchar(64)') as SDMViolationCategory,
              Discover.X.value('./@Severity', 'nvarchar(64)') as SDMViolationSeverity
              from v_CICurrentComplianceStatus status with (NOLOCK)
              inner join #tempCI on #tempCI.CI_ID=status.CI_ID and #tempCI.ResourceID=status.ResourceID
              cross apply ComplianceStatusDetails.nodes('/*/DiscoveryViolations/DiscoveryViolation') as Discover(X)
              ) temp
              inner join v_ConfigurationItems ci on ci.CI_ID=temp.CI_ID
              inner join v_CITypes ct on ci.CIType_ID=ct.CIType_ID
              inner join v_SDMErrorCategories err on err.Category=temp.SDMViolationCategory
              group by Netbios_Name0, ct.TypeName, ConfigurationItemName, temp.SDMPackageVersion, Description, SDMViolationSeverity, InfoURL
              union all
              tmp.Netbios_Name0 as MachineName,
              tmp.ConfigurationItemName as BaselineName,
              status.SDMPackageVersion as BaselineContentVersion,
              info.MessageName as SDMViolationDescription,
              cssev.Description as SDMViolationSeverity,
              count(1) as SDMViolationCount
              from v_CICurrentComplianceStatus status with (NOLOCK)
              inner join #tempCI tmp on (tmp.CI_ID=status.CI_ID and tmp.ResourceID=status.ResourceID and status.ComplianceState=4)
              inner join v_ConfigurationItems ci on ci.CI_ID=status.CI_ID
              inner join v_CITypes ct on ci.CIType_ID=ct.CIType_ID
              inner join v_CIValidationSeverity cssev on cssev.Severity=status.MaxNoncomplianceCriticality
              left join v_DCMClientStatusInformation info on info.MessageID=status.LastComplianceErrorID
              (ComplianceStatusDetails is null or
              (ComplianceStatusDetails.value('count(/*/DiscoveryViolations/DiscoveryViolation)','int') = 0
              and ComplianceStatusDetails.value('count(/*/ModelViolations/ModelViolation)','int') = 0)
              group by tmp.Netbios_Name0, ct.TypeName, tmp.ConfigurationItemName, status.SDMPackageVersion, info.MessageName, cssev.Description
              drop table #tempCI
Model.X.value('./@Category', 'nvarchar(64)') as SDMViolationCategory  --> what is the purpose of this command
Discover.X.value('./@Category', 'nvarchar(64)') as SDMViolationCategory --> what is the purpose of this command

>>Model.X.value('./@Category', 'nvarchar(64)') as SDMViolationCategory 
--> what is the purpose of this command
It gets the value of the attribute Category from the xml node
Consider this xml
<account language="en" />
This will retrieve the value of attribute language i.e. En from the node account                                    
select @xml.value('(/email/account/@language)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)')
from this link
declare @xml xml =
<account language="en" />
select @xml.value('(/email/account/@language)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)')
My Blog

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    By the way, I apologize for not setting my SQL off in a code box, but I tried that and it caused the page to be very wide with no horizontal scroll bar.
    Edited by: Jason Schill on Oct 27, 2008 11:30 PM

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    Firstly...don't compare the timings from Toad, since often Toad only fetches the first few records for you (i.e. it pages them).
    Secondly....the database link could be a factor here, but without seeing your query it's too hard to say.
    Can you post the query somewhere (on a webserver say)?

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    I suggest you try the [url http://forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=212]BPEL Forum

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    Hi BalusC.
    Thanks for the reply.
    Coincidentally I discovered your blog shortly after posting this question, and it has been a great help, thanks!
    I have another related problem now however. I am trying to display messages from the database, and then to allow a user to reply to these messages.
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    Could you please help me figure out why it doesn't work.
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    <h:dataTable binding="#{Home.messageTable}" id="messageTable" value="#{Home.messages}" var="dataItem">
                                                                    <f:facet name="header">
                                                                        <h:outputText value=""/>
                                                                    <h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="message_main">
                                                                        <h:outputText styleClass="message_label" value="FROM :"/>
                                                                        <h:outputText styleClass="message_data" value="#{dataItem.sender}"/>
                                                                        <h:outputText styleClass="message_label" value="DATE :"/>
                                                                        <h:outputText styleClass="message_data" value="#{dataItem.dateString}"/>
                                                                        <h:outputText styleClass="message_label" value="SUBJECT :"/>
                                                                        <h:outputText styleClass="message_data" value="#{dataItem.subject}"/>
                                                                        <h:outputText styleClass="message_label" value="MESSAGE :"/>
                                                                        <h:outputText styleClass="message_body" value="#{dataItem.message}"/>
                                                                        <h:commandLink styleClass="message_label" action="#{Home.selectMessage}" value="Reply" />
                                                                        <h:panelGroup rendered="#{dataItem.selected}" layout="block" styleClass="reply_panel">
                                                                            <h:outputText styleClass="message_label" value="Enter reply:"/>
                                                                            <h:inputTextarea styleClass="message_body" />
                                                                            <h:commandButton action="#{Home.sendReply}" styleClass="message_label" value="Send Reply" />
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    public String sendReply()
            Message msg = (Message)messageTable.getRowData();       
            msg.sendReply(?);// Needs the string value of the correct text area
            return null;
        public String selectMessage()
            Message msg = (Message)messageTable.getRowData();
            return null;

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    and then we would call those in the Record and Group selection
    SELECT * from TableA where TableA.date between {?StartDate} and {?EndDate} and TableA.job = {@sMyJobCode} and TableA.division = {@sMyDivision}
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    Is there a way to do this?  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

    An SQL Command can not use formula fields directly.  I would think that using parameters - with default values set - would be just as easy for the user, and they could be used in the SQL.
    Barring that, you could put the report into a subreport (if it is not already using subreports).  Calculate the formula in the main report, and use the formula to link to the subreport's parameters, which are added as parameters to the subreport's SQL Command.

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    <td><c:out value="${row.COL2}" /></td>
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    It is polite to mention what your answer was. These posts are not just here for you to ask questions, but to be used as a resource for other people to find answers. Saying "I solved it" with no details helps noone.
    I presume you discovered the JSTL <fmt:formatNumber> tag?

  • Problem with SQL query generated by setString

    Using Creator 2EA2 I have a rowset based on this query (it's actually only the last bit of it with the third parameter that is a problem):
    SELECT director.director_id,  director.name FROM director, director_last_modified WHERE name REGEXP '^[A-C]'  AND director_last_modified.dir_last_modified > ? AND director_last_modified.dir_last_modified <= ?  AND director.director_id = director_last_modified.director_id AND director_last_modified.dir_flagged = ? ORDER BY name; I use setObject to set the first and second parameters to a date. The third parameter refers to field in the database which indicates whether or not a director is 'flagged'. It's a TINYINT in a MySQL table and may contain either 0 or 1. If the user wants to see 'flagged' directors, I want to set the third parameter to 1. If they want to see all directors I want to set the third parameter to 0 OR 1.
    So I use setString with a String variable for the parameter:
    setString(3, strCriterion3);If strCriterion3 has been set as follows:
    strCriterion3 = "1";the generated SQL query ends with:
    director_last_modified.dir_flagged = '1' ORDER BY name; JDBC supplies the two apostrophes. So it would seem to follow that in order to produce a query which ends with:
    director_last_modified.dir_flagged = '1' OR '0' ORDER BY name;I shoud set strCriterion3 with:
    strCriterion3 = "1' OR '3";
    in order to get the required apostrophes.
    However, the generated query is then:
    director_last_modified.dir_flagged = '1\' OR '0\' ORDER BY name;How do I get rid of those backslashes? I've tried double apostrophes, by the way - that just gives me more backslashes.
    Thanks for any help you can offer.

    [Sorry, but I missed the parentheses from the query. It should end with:
    [code]AND (director_last_modified.dir_flagged = ?) ORDER BY name;
    - not that that makes any difference to the apostrophes problem.]
    I've just discovered a solution in this thread http://swforum.sun.com/jive/thread.jspa?forumID=123&threadID=56228
    So I've replaced = ? in the query with LIKE ?
    I then set strCriterion3 to either "1" or "%". That will do nicely, but it seems a bit of kludge and, under different circumstances, I'd still need to get rid of those pesky apostrophes. Any ideas?

  • Better SQL Query for clients without boundaries?

    I've been using and modifying/experimenting with Chris Nackers' SQL query for missing boundaries (http://myitforum.com/myitforumwp/2011/12/07/sql-query-to-identify-missing-smsconfigmgr-boundaries/)
    below (changed to add aliases)--but this seems to mainly be showing us non-clients, as several computers that were indeed missing boundaries (using SCCM 2007 SP2 R3, and all our boundaries are protected, most are IP Range, a few IP Subnet, none AD Site) are
    not being listed, and everything in the listing has NULL SYS.Client0.
    Is there a better query to pinpoint this issue, or maybe using something (error code or log?) that would show computers that can't find a distribution point or some other evidence of not having a boundary?
    SELECT DISTINCT SYS.Name0, SYS.Client0, IPA.IP_Addresses0, IPS.IP_Subnets0, SMSAS.SMS_Assigned_Sites0
    FROM dbo.v_R_System SYS
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.v_RA_System_IPSubnets IPS ON SYS.ResourceID = IPS.ResourceID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.v_RA_System_IPAddresses IPA ON SYS.ResourceID = IPA.ResourceID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.v_RA_System_SMSAssignedSites SMSAS ON SYS.ResourceID = SMSAS.ResourceID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.v_RA_System_SystemOUName SOU ON SYS.ResourceID = SOU.ResourceID
    WHERE (SMSAS.SMS_Assigned_Sites0 IS NULL)
    AND (NOT (IPA.IP_Addresses0 IS NULL))
    AND (NOT (IPS.IP_Subnets0 IS NULL))
    AND SYS.Operating_System_Name_and0 LIKE 'microsoft%server%'
    ORDER BY IPS.IP_Subnets0, SYS.Name0

    I gotcha now... I think most people, myself included, rely on finding clients that are not assigned to determine if a boundary is missing. If you expect clients to not be assigned that's not going to work for you.
    WHERE (SMSAS.SMS_Assigned_Sites0
    IS NULL) 
    AND (NOT (IPA.IP_Addresses0
    IS NULL))
    AND (NOT
    (IPS.IP_Subnets0 IS
    = This is saying show me all clients not assigned but they do have an IP address and they do have a subnet discovered.
    In the case of CM12 it is actually possible for that not to work anyway because you can have separate boundaries for client assignment and content lookup.
    I am not aware of any query that can compare the IP address, AD Site and IP subnet from each client to what's configured in boundaries and find machines that do not fall into any boundary.
    John Marcum | http://myitforum.com/myitforumwp/author/johnmarcum/

  • How to modify a SQL query?

    Hi all,
    I am using Crystal Reports version 10. I have a number of reports that have been written by a software vendor wherby the name of the database they were connected to when the report was written is coded into the FROM command of the reports SQL query, eg "GCUK_2" in the of the SQL snippet below.
    SELECT "Clients"."NAME", "Quotes"."QUOTE_ID", "Quote_Items"."UPRICE", "Quote_Items"."QTY", "Quote_Items"."UOM", "Quote_Items"."QUSAGE_ID", "Report_Control"."QUSAGEID", "Quote_Items"."STANDARD", "Quote_Items"."SECT_FLAG", "Quote_Items"."DISPORDER", "Quotes"."DESCRIPT", "Report_Control"."SECT_NAME", "Quote_Items"."CNT", "Category_and_Type"."TYPEDESC", "Quote_Items"."DESCRIPT", "Report_Control"."DISP_SORT"
    FROM   ((("GCUK_2"."schedwin"."QTE_CTRL" "Report_Control" INNER JOIN "GCUK_2"."schedwin"."QUSAGE" "Quote_Items" ON "Report_Control"."QUSAGEID"="Quote_Items"."QUSAGE_ID") LEFT OUTER JOIN "GCUK_2"."schedwin"."QUOTES" "Quotes" ON
    I have tried setting the Datasource Location, but it doesn't change the query at all. I have read on another forum that you can generate another SQL query using the Database Expert, Current Connections, then right click the Add Command for the database you want to create a SQL command. Is this the only way to update the database names in the query?

    Hi Sourashree,
    Thanks for that. All the reports were created by the vendor using tables as opposed to the command object. I would have thought that changing the datasource would automatically cause Crystal to rewrite the SQL query syntax, but this doesn't appear to be the case.
    Yes, I've noticed that modifying the record selection will change the sql query. The only way I can see to change the database name in the query is to change to the desired databsource and then remove and re-insert the tables, which will then update the query with the correct name. However, this seems to be a convoluted way of changing the db name in the query.

  • Discoverer Report showing Null VS Show SQL query showing results !!!

    I created a simple Cross Tab Discoverer report from a custom SQL which has a calculation for balances. The output is giving all null values even though there are balances. The output doesn't seem right. So I copied the query from Tools-->Show SQL and ran the query in the TOAD where I'm showing balances for the report. I don't understand why it is not showing in the discoverer. Please help.
    Edited by: PA1B on Jan 27, 2010 11:40 AM

    Sorry for late reply.
    Below is the Show SQL query. I don't think the query is application dependent. C_1 is my calculation.
    SELECT o279709.SEGMENT3 as E279727,
    o279709.SEGMENT4 as E279728,
    FROM ( --Foriegn Entity USD Balances
    SELECT                B.SEGMENT1,
                                  (select distinct substr(cat.COMPILED_VALUE_ATTRIBUTES,5,1) from apps.fnd_flex_values cat
                   where FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID = (select bat.FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID from apps.fnd_id_flex_structures_vl aat, apps.fnd_id_flex_segments_vl bat
                                                                                                                       where bat.id_flex_code = 'GL#' and
                                                                                                                            bat.id_flex_code = aat.id_flex_code and
                                                                                                                            aat.APPLICATION_ID = bat.APPLICATION_ID and
                                                                                                                            aat.APPLICATION_ID = 101 and
                                                                                                                            bat.SEGMENT_NAME = 'Prime Account' and
                                                                                                                            aat.id_flex_num = bat.id_flex_num
                                                                                                                            and bat.id_flex_num in (select distinct chart_of_accounts_id from apps.gl_code_combinations gat
                                                                                                                                                                              where gat.code_combination_id = A.code_combination_id))
                                       and cat.flex_value = b.segment3) ACCT_TYPE ,
                                  SUM(NVL(A.BEGIN_BALANCE_DR,0) - NVL(A.BEGIN_BALANCE_CR,0)) BEG_BAL,
                                  SUM(NVL(A.PERIOD_NET_DR,0)) DEBITS,
    FROM                     APPS.GL_BALANCES A ,
                                       APPS.GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS B,
                                       APPS.GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS     C
    --AND                           A.PERIOD_NAME = 'SEP-09'
    AND                          C.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = A.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
    --AND                           A.TRANSLATED_FLAG <> 'Y'
    --AND                           B.SEGMENT1 = '83101'
    --AND                           B.SEGMENT3 = '14602'
    --AND                           A.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = 77
    --AND                           A.CURRENCY_CODE = 'USD'
    ) o279709
    WHERE (o279709.PERIOD_NAME = 'DEC-09')
    AND (o279709.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID <> 72)
    AND (o279709.SEGMENT12 = '000')
    AND (o279709.SEGMENT3 IN ('10101','10301','10502','12001'))
    AND (o279709.SEGMENT1 IN ('82901','82902','82903','83001','83003','83201'))
    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS(( o279709.CURRENCY_CODE,o279709.SEGMENT3,o279709.SEGMENT4,o279709.TRANSLATED_FLAG ),( o279709.SEGMENT3,o279709.SEGMENT4 ),( o279709.SEGMENT3 ))
    Edited by: PA1B on Jan 29, 2010 12:50 PM

  • Error while executing a sql query for select

    HI All,
    ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace PSTEMP i'm getting this error while i'm executing the sql query for selecting the data.

    I am having 44GB of temp space, while executing the below query my temp space is getting full, Expert please let us know how the issue can be resolved..
    1. I dont want to increase the temp space
    2. I need to tune the query, please provide your recomendations.
    (select distinct
    where a.carrier_item_type in('Connection') and a.carried_item_type in('Service')
    AND a.carrier_items=b.mux
    and c.REPORTNUMBER=(case
    when a.carrier_item_type in ('ServicePackage','Service','Connection') then 10
    else 20
    and a.carrier_items not in (select carried_items from CST_ASIR.HIERARCHY_asir where carried_item_type in('Connection') ))A
    where not exists
    (select *
    Explain Plan
    INSERT STATEMENT ALL_ROWSCost: 129 Bytes: 1,103 Cardinality: 1                                                        
         20 LOAD AS SELECT CST_DSA.HIERARCHY_MISMATCHES                                                   
              19 PX COORDINATOR                                              
                   18 PX SEND QC (RANDOM) PARALLEL_TO_SERIAL SYS.:TQ10002 :Q1002Cost: 129 Bytes: 1,103 Cardinality: 1                                         
                        17 NESTED LOOPS PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT :Q1002Cost: 129 Bytes: 1,103 Cardinality: 1                                    
                             15 HASH JOIN RIGHT ANTI NA PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT :Q1002Cost: 129 Bytes: 1,098 Cardinality: 1                               
                                  4 PX RECEIVE PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT :Q1002Cost: 63 Bytes: 359,283 Cardinality: 15,621                          
                                       3 PX SEND BROADCAST PARALLEL_TO_PARALLEL SYS.:TQ10001 :Q1001Cost: 63 Bytes: 359,283 Cardinality: 15,621                     
                                            2 PX BLOCK ITERATOR PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD :Q1001Cost: 63 Bytes: 359,283 Cardinality: 15,621                
                                                 1 MAT_VIEW ACCESS FULL MAT_VIEW PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT CST_ASIR.HIERARCHY :Q1001Cost: 63 Bytes: 359,283 Cardinality: 15,621           
                                  14 NESTED LOOPS ANTI PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT :Q1002Cost: 65 Bytes: 40,256,600 Cardinality: 37,448                          
                                       11 HASH JOIN PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT :Q1002Cost: 65 Bytes: 6,366,160 Cardinality: 37,448                     
                                            8 BUFFER SORT PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD :Q1002               
                                                 7 PX RECEIVE PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT :Q1002Cost: 1 Bytes: 214 Cardinality: 2           
                                                      6 PX SEND BROADCAST PARALLEL_FROM_SERIAL SYS.:TQ10000 Cost: 1 Bytes: 214 Cardinality: 2      
                                                           5 INDEX FULL SCAN INDEX CST_DSA.IDX$$_06EF0005 Cost: 1 Bytes: 214 Cardinality: 2
                                            10 PX BLOCK ITERATOR PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD :Q1002Cost: 63 Bytes: 2,359,224 Cardinality: 37,448                
                                                 9 MAT_VIEW ACCESS FULL MAT_VIEW PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT CST_ASIR.HIERARCHY :Q1002Cost: 63 Bytes: 2,359,224 Cardinality: 37,448           
                                       13 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT CST_DSA.HIERARCHY_MISMATCHES :Q1002Cost: 0 Bytes: 905 Cardinality: 1                     
                                            12 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT SYS.HIERARCHY_MISMATCHES_IDX3 :Q1002Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                
                             16 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT CST_DSA.IDX$$_06EF0001 :Q1002Cost: 1 Bytes: 5 Cardinality: 1

  • Issue in creation of group in oim database through sql query.

    hi guys,
    i am trying to create a group in oim database through sql query:
    insert into ugp(ugp_key,ugp_name,ugp_create,ugp_update,ugp_createby,ugp_updateby,)values(786,'dbrole','09-jul-12','09-jul-12',1,1);
    it is inserting the group in ugp table but it is not showing in admin console.
    After that i also tried with this query:
    insert into gpp(ugp_key,gpp_ugp_key,gpp_write,gpp_delete,gpp_create,gpp_createby,gpp_update,gpp_updateby)values(786,1,1,1,'09-jul-12',1,'09-jul-12',1);
    After that i tried with this query.but still no use.
    and i also tried to assign a user to the group through query:
    insert into usg(ugp_key,usr_key,usg_priority,usg_create,usg_update,usg_createby,usg_updateby)values(4,81,1,'09-jul-12','09-jul-12',1,1);
    But still the same problem.it is inserting in db.but not listing in admin console.

    Hanuman Thota wrote:
    hi vladimir,
    i didn't find this 'ugp_seq'.is this a table or column?where is it?
    It is a sequence.
    See here for details on oracle sequences:
    Most of the OIM database schema is created with the following script, located in the RCU distribution:
    there you'll find plenty of sequence creation directives like:
    create sequence UGP_SEQ
    increment by 1
    start with 1
    cache 20
    to create a sequence, and
    VALUES (ugp_seq.nextval,'SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS', sysadmUsrKey , SYSDATE,sysadmUsrKey , SYSDATE, hextoraw('0000000000000000'), 1, roleCategoryKey, sysadmUsrKey, 'SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS', 'SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS', 'System Administrator role for OIM', 'Default');
    as a sequence usage example.

  • Using a SQL Query in an Alert and Matching a String

    I've created an alert in 12.0.4 using a SQL Query and the field that I'm trying to match is a string.  Originally the query returned multiple rows but when the alert still didn't fire, I modified the query WHERE clause to return only one row:
    NAME                                RESPONSE
    Are area lights working?            No
    My expression in the metric is RESPONSE.  In the Monitor I'm matching a string equal to No.  (Do I need double quotes around the matchvalue?  Single quotes?  No quotes?)  The metric is in the 15min scan group, the role is xMII Developers and I'm in that role. The monitor alert string is ' =  '.  Both metric and monitor are active and I've subscribed to the monitor.  Other alerts in the 15min scan group (all based on tag queries) are firing off properly.
    Why is nothing showing up in the Alert Log?
    David Macindoe

    Did you figure out the answer?  If not, I will try to find someone to address your question.

  • Use realational operators in an SQL query??????

    does any one knows how to use realational operators in an SQL query??????
    i wud like to do something like
    select decode(2<3,sysdate,sydate +1) from dual
    but i know decode does not supports relational operators......
    thanx and Regards

    You can use a CASE statement which does support relational operators, or if you must use DECODE, then you can use something like:
    SELECT DECODE(SIGN(2 - 3),-1,sysdate,sysdate - 1)
    FROM dual;The SIGN function returns -1 if the expression is < 0, 1 if the expression is > 0 and 0 if the expression is 0. This works for numeric comparisions. You can use the GREATEST or LEAST functions in a similar fashion for character comparisions.

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