Sql query using EJB

I'm trying to adapt my sql query i use for php in order to return zipcodes using a radial search.
This is my query that i use in php:
$strSql2 = "SELECT * FROM Zips where (DEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(" . $this->lat . ")) * SIN(RADIANS(lat)) + COS(RADIANS(" . $this->lat . ")) * COS(RADIANS(lat)) * COS(RADIANS(" . $this->lon . " - lon)))) * 69.090909) <= " . $distance;I need to adapt this to work for my finder method in my jaws.xml file, here is what i have so far, i know it doesn't work, especially with the < sign in there ;)
           <query>(DEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(" . $this->lat . ")) * SIN(RADIANS(lat)) + COS(RADIANS(" . $this->lat . ")) * COS(RADIANS(lat)) * COS(RADIANS(" . $this->lon . " -lon)))) * 69.090909) <= " . $distance</query>
           <order>zipcode ASC</order>
         </finder>          Thanks for your help guys.

If the ">" or "<" are creating the problem then u can use the following approach. Here i am explaing it with an example:
EJB QL statements are declared in XML deployment descriptors. XML uses the greater than (�>�) and less than (�<�) characters as delimiters for tags, so using these symbols in the EJB QL statements will cause parsing errors unless CDATA sections are used. For example, the following EJB QL statement causes a parsing error, because the XML parser cannot distinguish the use of the �>� symbol from a delimiter to a XML tag:
SELECT OBJECT( r ) FROM Reservation r
WHERE r.amountPaid > ?1
To avoid this problem, the EJB QL statement should be placed in a CDATA section:
SELECT OBJECT( r ) FROM Reservation r
WHERE r.amountPaid > 300.00
The CDATA section takes the form <![CDATA[ literal-text ]]>. When an XML processor encounters a CDATA section it doesn�t attempt to parse the contents enclosed by the CDATA section, instead the parser treats it as literal text .

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    Hi Max,
    Just to clarify. What SEM_MATCH prefix are you talking about?
    A SEM_MATCH based query is indeed a SQL query as SEM_MATCH is a SQL table function. So if you don't want to go through Java APIs or web service endpoint, then running SEM_MATCH directly should give you what you need. Or maybe you just want to see the underlying generated (from SEM_MATCH) SQL query. If that is true, can you please tell us why?
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       rc__             NUMBER;
       simple_list__    OWA_UTIL.vc_arr;
       complex_list__   OWA_UTIL.vc_arr;
       OWA.init_cgi_env (:n__, :nm__, :v__);
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       simple_list__ (2) := 'dbms\_%';
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       simple_list__ (4) := 'owa\_%';
       simple_list__ (5) := 'owa.%';
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       simple_list__ (7) := 'htf.%';
       simple_list__ (8) := 'wpg_docload.%';
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          rc__ := 2;
         oly_browse.oly_pattern (search_phrase      => :search_phrase,           --Oly_browse.oly_pattern is package name
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                                p_bcat             => :p_bcat,
                                p_stdy             => :p_stdy,
                                p_bloc             => :p_bloc,
                                z                  => :z
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    PROCEDURE order_search
    v_search_type_in IN VARCHAR2
    ,v_search_value1_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'NONE'
    ,v_search_value2_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'NONE'
    ,v_group_id_in IN bcf_groups.group_id%TYPE DEFAULT 0
    ,v_open_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0
    ,v_requested_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0
    ,v_cancelled_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0
    ,v_closed_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0
    ,v_employee_id_in IN sxweb00.customer.customer_id%TYPE DEFAULT 0
    ,outcursor IN OUT FulfillmentCurType
    v_status_code NUMBER;
    v_upper_search_value1 VARCHAR2(500);
    v_lower_search_value1 VARCHAR2(500);
    v_open_status VARCHAR2(10);
    v_closed_status VARCHAR2(10);
    v_cancelled_status VARCHAR2(10);
    v_requested_status VARCHAR2(10);
    v_group_for_search bcf_groups.group_id%TYPE;
    v_sql_select VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_sql_from VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_sql_where VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_sql_order_by VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_group_where VARCHAR2(100);
    v_status_where VARCHAR2(500);
    IF v_open_in = 1 THEN
    v_open_status := 'OPEN';
    END IF;
    IF v_closed_in = 1 THEN
    v_closed_status := 'CLOSED';
    END IF;
    IF v_cancelled_in = 1 THEN
    v_cancelled_status := 'CANCELLED';
    END IF;
    IF v_requested_in = 1 THEN
    v_requested_status := 'REQUESTED';
    END IF;
    IF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'GROUP'
    v_group_for_search := v_search_value1_in;
    v_group_for_search := v_group_id_in;
    END IF;
    -- This is the select statement used for all search types
    v_sql_select := ' '
    || 'po.order_id order_id '
    || ',decode('||v_group_id_in||',4,substr(bcf_locator.get_first_location(po.order_id,'||v_group_id_in||'),3),null) first_location '
    || ',TO_CHAR(po.order_date, ''mm/dd/yyyy'') order_date '
    || ',' || v_group_for_search || ' group_id '
    || ',TRIM(TO_CHAR(bcf_fulfillment.get_shipping_total(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') + bcf_fulfillment.get_tax_total(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') + bcf_fulfillment.get_subtotal(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') ,''$999,999,999,999,999,990.99'')) total '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_billing_name (po.customer_id) billing_name '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_open_and_assigned_count(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') open_and_assigned_count '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_divisions(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') divisions '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_division_count (po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ' ) division_count '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_picker_list (po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') picker_name '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_picker_count (po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') picker_count '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_order_status(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') order_status '
    || ',po.customer_id customer_id '
    -- IF there is only one unique picker then that means there are no unassigned or NULL pickers
    -- therefore by default the checkbox should not be selected else the count picker_count is
    -- 0 or > 1 meaning that at least one line item has an unassigned employee_id and by default
    -- the checkbox should be selected
    || ',DECODE(bcf_fulfillment.get_picker_count(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || '),1 ,0,1) print_cb '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_fulfillment_codes(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') fulfillment_types '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.has_group_been_reassigned(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') group_reassigned_flag '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_chain_codes(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') chain_codes '
    || ',po.status_id order_status_id '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_viewed_by_picker_flag(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') viewed_by_picker_flag '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_picker_list (po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ', ''N'') pickers_without_unassigned '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_group_list (po.order_id) group_list '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_line_item_count(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') line_item_count '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_shipping_priority(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') shipping_priority'
    -- Anna wants all users to know and always wants to know no matter what the status of the auth or order
    || ',(SELECT decode(count(*),0,''N'',''Y'') FROM bcf_payment WHERE ics_rflag = ''DAVSNO'' AND order_id = po.order_id AND status_code IN (''ATH2'',''FUL2'',''CPT0'',''CPT2'')) avs_failed'
    || ',trunc(po.order_date) date_for_sort'
    -- When we need to look at all orders then the v_group_for_search will be zero i.e. customer service rep
    IF v_group_for_search = 0 THEN
    -- This is the core tables used by most search types
    v_sql_from := ' '
    || 'FROM product_order po'
    -- || ',bcf_lookup lu'
    -- This is the core table join needed for most search types
    v_sql_where := ' '
    || 'WHERE 1 = 1 '
    -- No orders will be looked at for fulfillment purposes that occurred before the minimum
    -- shipping cost functionality was added
    -- || 'AND po.order_date >= lu.implement_date '
    || 'AND po.order_date >= (SELECT min(implement_date) FROM bcf_lookup) '
    || 'AND po.submitted_flag = 1 '
    || 'AND po.channel_code = ''BCF'' '
    -- When we are looking at all orders then we are not going to restrict it by group
    v_group_where := ' ';
    -- This is used where the search type requires searching by the Open, Closed, and Cancelled status.
    -- We are binding the three status variables so that they can be cached in Oracle and not need to be parsed after
    -- the first search of a search type is done.
    v_status_where := ' '
    || 'AND bcf_fulfillment.get_order_status(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search|| ') '
    || 'IN (:v_open_status, :v_requested_status, :v_cancelled_status, :v_closed_status) '
    -- This is the core tables used by most search types
    v_sql_from := ' '
    || 'FROM product_order po'
    || ',bcf_product_order_groups pog '
    -- This is the core table join needed for most search types
    v_sql_where := ' '
    || 'WHERE 1 = 1 '
    || 'AND po.order_id = pog.order_id '
    || 'AND po.channel_code = ''BCF'' '
    -- This is used only where the search type requires searching by a group.
    v_group_where := ' '
    || 'AND pog.group_id = ' || v_group_for_search
    -- This is used where the search type requires searching by the Open, Closed, and Cancelled status.
    -- We are binding the three status variables so that they can be cached in Oracle and not need to be parsed after
    -- the first search of a search type is done.
    v_status_where := ' '
    || 'AND pog.dn_status IN (:v_open_status, :v_requested_status, :v_cancelled_status, :v_closed_status) '
    END IF;
    -- If an employee_id is provided then we need to add in a where clause so that only orders that belong to that
    -- employee are pulled
    IF v_employee_id_in > 0
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where
    || 'AND pog.dn_employee_id = ' || TO_CHAR(v_employee_id_in) || ' '
    END IF;
    IF v_group_id_in = get_group_fulfillment_center1
    v_sql_order_by := 'ORDER BY '
    || 'bcf_fulfillment.get_division_count (po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_divisions(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') '
    || ',po.order_id '
    ELSIF v_group_id_in = c_GROUP_FULFILLMENT_CENTER_212
    v_sql_order_by := 'ORDER BY '
    || 'bcf_fulfillment.get_shipping_priority(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') DESC'
    || ',TRUNC(po.order_date)'
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_line_item_count(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ')'
    || ',decode('||v_group_id_in||',4,substr(bcf_locator.get_first_location(po.order_id,'||v_group_id_in||'),3),null)'
    || ',po.order_id'
    v_sql_order_by := 'ORDER BY '
    || ' bcf_fulfillment.get_shipping_priority(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') DESC'
    || ',chain_codes DESC'
    || ',po.order_id '
    END IF;
    IF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'ORDERNUMBER'
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = :v_search_value1_in '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where
    USING v_search_value1_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'STATUSONLY'
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || v_group_where || v_status_where
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'BILLINGNAME'
    v_upper_search_value1 := UPPER(v_search_value1_in);
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.upper_billing_name LIKE ''%'' || :v_upper_search_value1 || ''%'' '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_upper_search_value1;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'GROUP'
    IF v_search_value1_in = '0' -- Unassigned
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,product_order_detail_actv_v pod ';
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_status_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = pod.order_id '
    || 'AND pod.group_id IS NULL '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT DISTINCT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status;
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_status_where
    || 'AND pog.group_id = :v_group_for_search '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status, v_group_for_search;
    END IF;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'SHIPPINGNAME'
    v_upper_search_value1 := UPPER(v_search_value1_in);
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.upper_shipping_name LIKE ''%'' || :v_upper_search_value1 || ''%'' '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_upper_search_value1;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'USERNAME'
    v_lower_search_value1 := LOWER(v_search_value1_in);
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,sxweb01.customer c ';
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.customer_id = c.customer_id '
    || 'AND c.username LIKE ''%'' || :v_lower_search_value1 || ''%'' '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_lower_search_value1;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'BILLINGADDRESS1'
    v_upper_search_value1 := UPPER(v_search_value1_in);
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,order_payment op '
    || ' ,credit_card cc '
    || ' ,om_address oma '
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = op.business_object_id '
    || 'AND op.business_object_type = ''ORDR'' '
    || 'AND op.payment_method = ''CRCD'' '
    || 'AND op.payment_method_id = cc.credit_card_id '
    || 'AND cc.address_id = oma.address_id '
    || 'AND UPPER(oma.address1) LIKE ''%'' || :v_upper_search_value1 || ''%'' '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_upper_search_value1;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'SHIPPINGADDRESS1'
    v_upper_search_value1 := UPPER(v_search_value1_in);
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,shipping_info si '
    || ' ,om_address oma '
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = si.order_id '
    || 'AND si.ship_to_address_id = oma.address_id '
    || 'AND UPPER(oma.address1) LIKE ''%'' || :v_upper_search_value1 || ''%'' '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_upper_search_value1;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'BILLINGPHONE'
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,order_payment op '
    || ' ,credit_card cc '
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = op.business_object_id '
    || 'AND op.business_object_type = ''ORDR'' '
    || 'AND op.payment_method = ''CRCD'' '
    || 'AND op.payment_method_id = cc.credit_card_id '
    || 'AND cc.home_phone = :v_search_value1_in '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_search_value1_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'SHIPPINGPHONE'
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,shipping_info si '
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = si.order_id '
    || 'AND si.ship_phone = :v_search_value1_in '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_search_value1_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'CREDITCARDNUMBER'
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,order_payment op '
    || ' ,credit_card cc '
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = op.business_object_id '
    || 'AND op.business_object_type = ''ORDR'' '
    || 'AND op.payment_method = ''CRCD'' '
    || 'AND op.payment_method_id = cc.credit_card_id '
    || 'AND cc.credit_card_number = :v_search_value1_in '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_search_value1_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'PONUMBER'
    v_sql_from := ' '
    || 'FROM ' || ' product_order_detail_actv_v pod ,' || SUBSTR(v_sql_from, 6);
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || v_group_where
    || 'AND pod.po_no = :v_search_value1_in '
    || 'AND po.order_id = pod.order_id '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ DISTINCT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where
    USING v_search_value1_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'USERASSIGNED'
    IF v_search_value1_in = '0' -- 'Unassigned'
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where || ' ' || v_status_where
    || 'AND pog.unassigned_flag = ''Y'' '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status;
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where || ' ' || v_status_where
    || 'AND pog.dn_employee_id = :v_search_value1_in '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status, v_search_value1_in;
    END IF;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'ORDERDATE'
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where || ' ' || v_status_where
    || 'AND po.order_date BETWEEN TO_DATE( :v_search_value1_in, ''MON DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') AND TO_DATE( :v_search_value2_in ,''MON DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status, v_search_value1_in, v_search_value2_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'PRINTJOB'
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select
    || ' '
    || 'FROM product_order po '
    || ' ,bcf_print_jobs pj '
    || 'WHERE 1 = 1 '
    || 'AND pj.order_id = po.order_id '
    || 'AND pj.username = :v_search_value1_in '
    || 'AND pj.create_date = TO_DATE( :v_search_value2_in,''MON DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') '
    || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_search_value1_in, v_search_value2_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'FULFILLMENTTYPE'
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,product_order_detail_actv_v pod ';
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where || ' ' || v_status_where
    || 'AND pod.order_id = po.order_id '
    -- Because we have to drill down the the POD level
    -- we now need to ensure the pod records match on group
    || 'AND pod.group_id = ' || v_group_for_search
    -- We curr. have 3 fufillment types FC165, FC212, FCBABY
    -- so substr on 1st char works for Garry
    || 'AND UPPER(SUBSTR(pod.fulfillment_type,1,1)) = UPPER(:v_search_value1_in) '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT DISTINCT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status, v_search_value1_in;
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where
    || 'AND bcf_get_authorization_amount(po.order_id) > 0'
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by;
    END IF;
    END order_search;
    Edited by: vishal patel on Oct 23, 2008 3:59 PM

    PROCEDURE order_search
    v_search_type_in IN VARCHAR2
    ,v_search_value1_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'NONE'
    ,v_search_value2_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'NONE'
    ,v_group_id_in IN bcf_groups.group_id%TYPE DEFAULT 0
    ,v_open_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0
    ,v_requested_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0
    ,v_cancelled_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0
    ,v_closed_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0
    ,v_employee_id_in IN sxweb00.customer.customer_id%TYPE DEFAULT 0
    ,outcursor IN OUT FulfillmentCurType
    v_status_code NUMBER;
    v_upper_search_value1 VARCHAR2(500);
    v_lower_search_value1 VARCHAR2(500);
    v_open_status VARCHAR2(10);
    v_closed_status VARCHAR2(10);
    v_cancelled_status VARCHAR2(10);
    v_requested_status VARCHAR2(10);
    v_group_for_search bcf_groups.group_id%TYPE;
    v_sql_select VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_sql_from VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_sql_where VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_sql_order_by VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_group_where VARCHAR2(100);
    v_status_where VARCHAR2(500);
    IF v_open_in = 1 THEN
    v_open_status := 'OPEN';
    END IF;
    IF v_closed_in = 1 THEN
    v_closed_status := 'CLOSED';
    END IF;
    IF v_cancelled_in = 1 THEN
    v_cancelled_status := 'CANCELLED';
    END IF;
    IF v_requested_in = 1 THEN
    v_requested_status := 'REQUESTED';
    END IF;
    IF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'GROUP'
    v_group_for_search := v_search_value1_in;
    v_group_for_search := v_group_id_in;
    END IF;
    -- This is the select statement used for all search types
    v_sql_select := ' '
    || 'po.order_id order_id '
    || ',decode('||v_group_id_in||',4,substr(bcf_locator.get_first_location(po.order_id,'||v_group_id_in||'),3),null) first_location '
    || ',TO_CHAR(po.order_date, ''mm/dd/yyyy'') order_date '
    || ',' || v_group_for_search || ' group_id '
    || ',TRIM(TO_CHAR(bcf_fulfillment.get_shipping_total(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') + bcf_fulfillment.get_tax_total(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') + bcf_fulfillment.get_subtotal(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') ,''$999,999,999,999,999,990.99'')) total '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_billing_name (po.customer_id) billing_name '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_open_and_assigned_count(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') open_and_assigned_count '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_divisions(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') divisions '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_division_count (po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ' ) division_count '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_picker_list (po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') picker_name '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_picker_count (po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') picker_count '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_order_status(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') order_status '
    || ',po.customer_id customer_id '
    -- IF there is only one unique picker then that means there are no unassigned or NULL pickers
    -- therefore by default the checkbox should not be selected else the count picker_count is
    -- 0 or > 1 meaning that at least one line item has an unassigned employee_id and by default
    -- the checkbox should be selected
    || ',DECODE(bcf_fulfillment.get_picker_count(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || '),1 ,0,1) print_cb '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_fulfillment_codes(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') fulfillment_types '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.has_group_been_reassigned(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') group_reassigned_flag '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_chain_codes(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') chain_codes '
    || ',po.status_id order_status_id '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_viewed_by_picker_flag(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') viewed_by_picker_flag '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_picker_list (po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ', ''N'') pickers_without_unassigned '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_group_list (po.order_id) group_list '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_line_item_count(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') line_item_count '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_shipping_priority(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') shipping_priority'
    -- Anna wants all users to know and always wants to know no matter what the status of the auth or order
    || ',(SELECT decode(count(*),0,''N'',''Y'') FROM bcf_payment WHERE ics_rflag = ''DAVSNO'' AND order_id = po.order_id AND status_code IN (''ATH2'',''FUL2'',''CPT0'',''CPT2'')) avs_failed'
    || ',trunc(po.order_date) date_for_sort'
    -- When we need to look at all orders then the v_group_for_search will be zero i.e. customer service rep
    IF v_group_for_search = 0 THEN
    -- This is the core tables used by most search types
    v_sql_from := ' '
    || 'FROM product_order po'
    -- || ',bcf_lookup lu'
    -- This is the core table join needed for most search types
    v_sql_where := ' '
    || 'WHERE 1 = 1 '
    -- No orders will be looked at for fulfillment purposes that occurred before the minimum
    -- shipping cost functionality was added
    -- || 'AND po.order_date >= lu.implement_date '
    || 'AND po.order_date >= (SELECT min(implement_date) FROM bcf_lookup) '
    || 'AND po.submitted_flag = 1 '
    || 'AND po.channel_code = ''BCF'' '
    -- When we are looking at all orders then we are not going to restrict it by group
    v_group_where := ' ';
    -- This is used where the search type requires searching by the Open, Closed, and Cancelled status.
    -- We are binding the three status variables so that they can be cached in Oracle and not need to be parsed after
    -- the first search of a search type is done.
    v_status_where := ' '
    || 'AND bcf_fulfillment.get_order_status(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search|| ') '
    || 'IN (:v_open_status, :v_requested_status, :v_cancelled_status, :v_closed_status) '
    -- This is the core tables used by most search types
    v_sql_from := ' '
    || 'FROM product_order po'
    || ',bcf_product_order_groups pog '
    -- This is the core table join needed for most search types
    v_sql_where := ' '
    || 'WHERE 1 = 1 '
    || 'AND po.order_id = pog.order_id '
    || 'AND po.channel_code = ''BCF'' '
    -- This is used only where the search type requires searching by a group.
    v_group_where := ' '
    || 'AND pog.group_id = ' || v_group_for_search
    -- This is used where the search type requires searching by the Open, Closed, and Cancelled status.
    -- We are binding the three status variables so that they can be cached in Oracle and not need to be parsed after
    -- the first search of a search type is done.
    v_status_where := ' '
    || 'AND pog.dn_status IN (:v_open_status, :v_requested_status, :v_cancelled_status, :v_closed_status) '
    END IF;
    -- If an employee_id is provided then we need to add in a where clause so that only orders that belong to that
    -- employee are pulled
    IF v_employee_id_in > 0
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where
    || 'AND pog.dn_employee_id = ' || TO_CHAR(v_employee_id_in) || ' '
    END IF;
    IF v_group_id_in = get_group_fulfillment_center1
    v_sql_order_by := 'ORDER BY '
    || 'bcf_fulfillment.get_division_count (po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') '
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_divisions(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') '
    || ',po.order_id '
    ELSIF v_group_id_in = c_GROUP_FULFILLMENT_CENTER_212
    v_sql_order_by := 'ORDER BY '
    || 'bcf_fulfillment.get_shipping_priority(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') DESC'
    || ',TRUNC(po.order_date)'
    || ',bcf_fulfillment.get_line_item_count(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ')'
    || ',decode('||v_group_id_in||',4,substr(bcf_locator.get_first_location(po.order_id,'||v_group_id_in||'),3),null)'
    || ',po.order_id'
    v_sql_order_by := 'ORDER BY '
    || ' bcf_fulfillment.get_shipping_priority(po.order_id,' || v_group_for_search || ') DESC'
    || ',chain_codes DESC'
    || ',po.order_id '
    END IF;
    IF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'ORDERNUMBER'
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = :v_search_value1_in '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where
    USING v_search_value1_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'STATUSONLY'
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || v_group_where || v_status_where
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'BILLINGNAME'
    v_upper_search_value1 := UPPER(v_search_value1_in);
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.upper_billing_name LIKE ''%'' || :v_upper_search_value1 || ''%'' '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_upper_search_value1;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'GROUP'
    IF v_search_value1_in = '0' -- Unassigned
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,product_order_detail_actv_v pod ';
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_status_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = pod.order_id '
    || 'AND pod.group_id IS NULL '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT DISTINCT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status;
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_status_where
    || 'AND pog.group_id = :v_group_for_search '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status, v_group_for_search;
    END IF;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'SHIPPINGNAME'
    v_upper_search_value1 := UPPER(v_search_value1_in);
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.upper_shipping_name LIKE ''%'' || :v_upper_search_value1 || ''%'' '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_upper_search_value1;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'USERNAME'
    v_lower_search_value1 := LOWER(v_search_value1_in);
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,sxweb01.customer c ';
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.customer_id = c.customer_id '
    || 'AND c.username LIKE ''%'' || :v_lower_search_value1 || ''%'' '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_lower_search_value1;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'BILLINGADDRESS1'
    v_upper_search_value1 := UPPER(v_search_value1_in);
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,order_payment op '
    || ' ,credit_card cc '
    || ' ,om_address oma '
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = op.business_object_id '
    || 'AND op.business_object_type = ''ORDR'' '
    || 'AND op.payment_method = ''CRCD'' '
    || 'AND op.payment_method_id = cc.credit_card_id '
    || 'AND cc.address_id = oma.address_id '
    || 'AND UPPER(oma.address1) LIKE ''%'' || :v_upper_search_value1 || ''%'' '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_upper_search_value1;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'SHIPPINGADDRESS1'
    v_upper_search_value1 := UPPER(v_search_value1_in);
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,shipping_info si '
    || ' ,om_address oma '
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = si.order_id '
    || 'AND si.ship_to_address_id = oma.address_id '
    || 'AND UPPER(oma.address1) LIKE ''%'' || :v_upper_search_value1 || ''%'' '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_upper_search_value1;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'BILLINGPHONE'
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,order_payment op '
    || ' ,credit_card cc '
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = op.business_object_id '
    || 'AND op.business_object_type = ''ORDR'' '
    || 'AND op.payment_method = ''CRCD'' '
    || 'AND op.payment_method_id = cc.credit_card_id '
    || 'AND cc.home_phone = :v_search_value1_in '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_search_value1_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'SHIPPINGPHONE'
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,shipping_info si '
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = si.order_id '
    || 'AND si.ship_phone = :v_search_value1_in '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_search_value1_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'CREDITCARDNUMBER'
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,order_payment op '
    || ' ,credit_card cc '
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where
    || 'AND po.order_id = op.business_object_id '
    || 'AND op.business_object_type = ''ORDR'' '
    || 'AND op.payment_method = ''CRCD'' '
    || 'AND op.payment_method_id = cc.credit_card_id '
    || 'AND cc.credit_card_number = :v_search_value1_in '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_search_value1_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'PONUMBER'
    v_sql_from := ' '
    || 'FROM ' || ' product_order_detail_actv_v pod ,' || SUBSTR(v_sql_from, 6);
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || v_group_where
    || 'AND pod.po_no = :v_search_value1_in '
    || 'AND po.order_id = pod.order_id '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ DISTINCT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where
    USING v_search_value1_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'USERASSIGNED'
    IF v_search_value1_in = '0' -- 'Unassigned'
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where || ' ' || v_status_where
    || 'AND pog.unassigned_flag = ''Y'' '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status;
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where || ' ' || v_status_where
    || 'AND pog.dn_employee_id = :v_search_value1_in '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status, v_search_value1_in;
    END IF;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'ORDERDATE'
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where || ' ' || v_status_where
    || 'AND po.order_date BETWEEN TO_DATE( :v_search_value1_in, ''MON DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') AND TO_DATE( :v_search_value2_in ,''MON DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status, v_search_value1_in, v_search_value2_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'PRINTJOB'
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select
    || ' '
    || 'FROM product_order po '
    || ' ,bcf_print_jobs pj '
    || 'WHERE 1 = 1 '
    || 'AND pj.order_id = po.order_id '
    || 'AND pj.username = :v_search_value1_in '
    || 'AND pj.create_date = TO_DATE( :v_search_value2_in,''MON DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') '
    || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_search_value1_in, v_search_value2_in;
    ELSIF UPPER(v_search_type_in) = 'FULFILLMENTTYPE'
    v_sql_from := v_sql_from || ' ,product_order_detail_actv_v pod ';
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where || ' ' || v_group_where || ' ' || v_status_where
    || 'AND pod.order_id = po.order_id '
    -- Because we have to drill down the the POD level
    -- we now need to ensure the pod records match on group
    || 'AND pod.group_id = ' || v_group_for_search
    -- We curr. have 3 fufillment types FC165, FC212, FCBABY
    -- so substr on 1st char works for Garry
    || 'AND UPPER(SUBSTR(pod.fulfillment_type,1,1)) = UPPER(:v_search_value1_in) '
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT DISTINCT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by
    USING v_open_status, v_requested_status, v_cancelled_status, v_closed_status, v_search_value1_in;
    v_sql_where := v_sql_where
    || 'AND bcf_get_authorization_amount(po.order_id) > 0'
    IF (outcursor%ISOPEN) THEN
    CLOSE outcursor;
    END IF;
    OPEN outcursor FOR
    'SELECT ' || v_sql_select || v_sql_from || v_sql_where || v_sql_order_by;
    END IF;
    END order_search;

  • SQL query using Group by and Aggregate function

    Hi All,
    I need your help in writing an SQL query to achieve the following.
    I have table with 3 Columns. There are 3 possible values for col3 - Success, Failure & Error.
    Now I need a query which can give me the summary counts for distinct values of col3 for each GROUP BY of col1 and col2 values. When there are no values for col3 then it should return ZERO count.
    Example Data:
    Col1 Col2 Col3
    abc 01 success
    abc 02 success
    abc 01 success
    abc 01 Failure
    abc 01 Error
    abc 02 Failure
    abc 03 Error
    xyz 07 Failure
    Required Output:
    c1 c2 s_cnt F_cnt E_cnt (Heading)
    abc 01 2 1 1
    abc 02 1 1 0
    abc 03 0 0 1
    xyz 07 0 1 0
    s_cnt = Success count; F_cnt = Failure count; E_cnt = Error count
    Please note that the output should have 5 columns with col1, col2, group by (col1,col2)count(success), group by (col1,col2)count(failure), group by (col1,col2)count(error)
    and where ever there are NO ROWS then it should return ZERO.
    Thanks in advance.

    user13015050 wrote:
    Thanks TTT. Unfortunately I cannot use this solution because I have huge data for this.T's solution is basically the same as mine. The first 23 lines just simulates your table. Since you actually have a table, you would start with T's line 24:
    SELECT col1 c1, col2 c2, SUM(decode(col3, 'success', 1, 0)) s_cnt, ...
    user13015050 wrote:Thanks a lot Frank. It helped me out. I just did some changes to this as below and have no issues.
    SELECT     col1
    ,     col2
    ,     COUNT ( CASE
              WHEN col3 = 'SUCCESS'
              THEN 1
         )          AS s_cnt
    ,     COUNT ( CASE
              WHEN col3 = 'FAILED'
              THEN 1
         )          AS f_cnt
    ,     COUNT ( CASE
              WHEN col3 = 'ERROR'
              THEN 1
         )          AS e_cnt
    FROM     t1
    and c4 between to_date('20091031000000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AND to_date('20100131235959','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')
    GROUP BY c1, c2
    ORDER BY c1, c2;
    Please let me know if you see any issues in this query.It's very hard to read.
    This site normally compresses spaces. Whenever you post formatted text (such as queries or results) on this site, type these 6 characters:
    \(small letters only, inside curly brackets) before and after each section of formatted text, to preserve spacing.
    Also, post exactly what you're using.  The code above is SELECTing col1 and col2, but there's no mention of either in the GROUP BY clause, so I don't believe it's really what you're using.
    Other than that, I don't see anything wrong or suspicious in the query.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Optimizing an SQL Query using Oracle SQL Developer

    Hi ,
    Currently i am using Oracle SQL Developer as my Database IDE .
    Is it possible to use Orqcles SQLDeveloper for the purpose of Optimizing an SQL Query ??
    For example assume i am having a query as :
    Select from Tranac_Master where CUST_STATAUS='Y' and JCC_REPORT='N'*
    Could anybody please tell me how can i use Oracle SQL Developer to optimize this query or any other SQL queries ??
    Please share your ideas , thanks in advance .

    1. Your query looks very simplistic as it is, so I fail to see how you can better optimise it (unless 'Tranac_Master' is a view, in which case I'd need to see the view details).
    2. No tool can automagically optimise your SQL to any degree of practical use. Very minor adjustments may be possible automatically, but really it is a question of you knowing your data & database design accurately, and then you applying your expert knowledge to tune it.

  • Creating sql query using 3 tables

    There is database (supposed to be relational but it is not) and
    I cannot change the tables and it is very difficult to create SQL query.
    Please, help!
    First table T1
    a1 char 20
    time timestamp
    a2 char 7 (the same as t2.a2 when is trimmed)
    a3 number 5,0
    a4 number 8,4
    a5 number 7,3
    Second table T2
    a2 char 15
    b1 number 1,0
    b2 char 1,0
    b3 char 4
    a3 number 5,0
    Third table T3
    b3 char 4
    c1 char 4
    c2 number 7,3
    c3 number 8,4
    So, I need to create query (is it possible at all!?) from those 3 tables (a1, a2, b1,b2,b3, a4, a5, c2,c3
    where time is within interval (from, to), a3 in interval (1,2,3,4), t2.b3=t3.b3, t1.a2=t2.a2
    group by or sorted by a1, then, a2.
    Any suggestion is welcome!
    By the way, I will use this query in Crystal Reports.

    As I already mentioned, I received another conditions for the query, and when I create a new one, I
    First table T1
    a1 number 5,0
    a2 char 7 (the same as t2.a2 when is trimmed)
    a3 number 8,4
    a4 number 7,3
    a_time timestamp
    Second table T2
    a2 char 15
    b1 number 1,0
    b2 char 1,0
    b3 char 4
    b4 char 4
    Third table T3
    c1 char 4
    c2 number 7,3
    c3 number 8,4
    b3 char 4
    where if c1='MIN' c2, c3 return min values,
    and if c1='MAX' c2,c3 return max values
    SQL query:
    select t1.a1, t1.a2, t2.b1, t2.b2, t2.b3, t1.a3, t1.a4, t3.c1,
    t3.c2, t3.c3, t2.b4
    from t1, t2, t3
    where (TRIM(t1.a2)=TRIM(t2.a2)
    and t1.a1=19
    and ((to_char(t1.a_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') >= '2006-03-15')
    and (to_char(t1.a_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') <= '2006-03-16')))
    and t3.b3=t2.b3)
    order by t1.a_time
    Result set:
    a1, a2, b1, b2, b3, a3, a4, c1('MAX'), c2', c3', b4
    a1, a2, b1, b2, b3, a3, a4, c1('MIN'), c2", c3", b4
    So when I executed SQL query it returns 2 rows for the same a2.
    I want to get 1 row for each a2 together with c3 (c4) min and c3 (c4) max values.
    How to name columns for c2 min and c2 max (the same for c3) in order to retreive 1 row per a2 value, something like this:
    a1, a2, b1, b2, b3, a3, a4, c2min, c2max, c3min, c3max, b4

  • Need help in storing XML data in SQL server using EJB

    Hi all...
    i have one XML file and i need to store the data of XML in one of the table of SQL server ..i want to do this using EJB..
    like this
    Example :
    Data i XML :
    <empid> 101 </empid>
    <name> Ajitha </name>
    Table i have Created in SQL SERVER:
    Empid || name
    Final output should be :
    Empid || name
    101 || Ajitha

    Please check your settings as per following.
    Goto T code> DC20>Define data carrier type "server, front end"---> Then check the setting as per below
    Type             Description                    Path                       Online
    PC      give descriptio             maintain path         Tick
    Then Select this entry and click on " Define servers and files or folders"--->Then check the setting as per below
    Data Carrier       Type       Description
    DEFAULT           PC           default
    Then Select this entry and click on "Identify front computer"--> Then check the setting as per below
    Data Carrrier      Type        Net. address        Description
    Default          PC     DEFAULT            Default for local PC
    I have explained above so that u can co relate your settings with above..
    I hope this will help you.

  • SQL query using lot of Temp space

    I have sql query which is using lot of temp space , please suggest some ways to reduce this
    SELECT A.POSITION_NBR, TO_CHAR(B.EFFDT,'YYYY-MM-DD'), rtrim( A.SEQNO), A.EMPLID, B.REG_REGION, A.MANAGER_ID, A.REPORTS_TO, case when A.POSITION_NBR = A.REPORTS_TO THEN 'POS reports to same position' else 'Positions with multiple Emp' End Case
    (SELECT Count( C.EMPLID)
    Thanks in Advance

    use {noformat}<your code here>{noformat} tags to format your code.
    I have sql query which is using lot of temp space , please suggest some ways to reduce thisIf your sort_area_size is not set sufficient oracle used temp space for sorting operation. As your code is not readable i cant say much more than this. Check with your DBA if you have to increase the temp space.

  • SQL Query using bind variables

    Hi All,
    Can any one please explain me how oracle will parse the below substr query using the bind varaibles, just want to know what oracle does in the backend when processing the below substr query.

    All queries are processed in the same way.
    The example I've used on this article: PL/SQL 101 : Cursors and SQL Projection
    demonstrates the steps that a query/cursor goes through.
    If you're wondering if the SUBSTR in your query is applied to the value being bound in, _before_ the query is executed, then you are mistaken, the value is bound in as it is, and the substr takes place as part of the execution of the query.

  • SQL query using LIKE

    I want to do an SQL query which uses a parameter. This is the query: Find the books which contains the string "strTitle". I do this (it does not work):
    String strSQL="SELECT * FROM Books WHERE Title LIKE %'"+strTitle+"'% ";
    I know it is not correct, but anyone any idea of how i can do it?

    You can also use a PreparedStatement, for not-worrying about quotes:
    PreparedStatetment ps=con.prepareStatement(theQuery);
    ps.setString(1, likeString);
    ResultSet r=theQuery.execute();
    // etc...
    where :
    String theQuery=new String("SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE NAME LIKE ?;");
    also, likeString could be a custom method for making more complicated searches by one Like Statement,
    that needs reeding about RegExpressions.
    cheers, Thanasis

  • Need SQL query using View - Please help

    I have similar requirement like below.
    I have two tables DEPT and EMP and some departments may not have employees. I have created below view, which displays all DEPT records, even though there are no emplyees.
    SELECT deptno, empid, 0 AS selected
    FROM dept d, emp e
    WHERE d.deptno = e.deptnno (+);
    DEPTNO         EMPID        SELECTED
    10 101 0
    10 102 0
    20 103 0
    30 103 0
    40 104 0
    50 <null> 0
    Application will pass "empid" to the view (for ex. empid = 103) and I want result like below.
    DEPTNO         EMPID        SELECTED
    10 101 0
    10 102 0
    20 103 1
    30 103 1
    40 104 0
    50 <null> 0
    Can you please let me know the query using "dept_emp_vw" view. We have Oracle 11g Release 2.
    Thanks a lot for the help.

    Not possible using normal SQL - as SQL is not a procedure language and does not support variable declaration and use (e.g. passing empid as a variable and using it both as a predicate and as a condition in the SQL projection).
    That said - SQL can be "+parameterised+". An approach that is ugly and contrary to the basic design and use of SQL. But it can support the (very weird) view definition of yours.
    SQL> create or replace procedure SetVariable( name varchar2, value varchar2 ) is
      2  begin
      3          DBMS_SESSION.set_context( 'MyVariables', name, value );
      4  end;
      5  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> create or replace context MyVariables using SetVariable;
    Context created.
    SQL> create or replace view my_funky_weird_view as
      2  select
      3          e.empno,
      4          e.ename,
      5          e.job,
      6          case e.empno
      7                  when to_number(sys_context( 'MyVariables', 'empid' )) then
      8                          0
      9                  else
    10                          1
    11          end     as "SELECTED"
    12  from       emp e
    13  /
    View created.
    SQL> exec SetVariable( 'empid', 7499 )
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from session_context where namespace = 'MYVARIABLES';
    NAMESPACE            ATTRIBUTE            VALUE
    MYVARIABLES          EMPID                7499
    SQL> select * from my_funky_weird_view order by selected;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB               SELECTED
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN                 0
          7521 WARD       SALESMAN                 1
          7566 JONES      MANAGER                  1
          7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN                 1
          7698 BLAKE      MANAGER                  1
          7934 MILLER     CLERK                    1
          7788 SCOTT      ANALYST                  1
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT                1
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN                 1
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK                    1
          7900 JAMES      CLERK                    1
          7902 FORD       ANALYST                  1
          7369 SMITH      CLERK                    1
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER                  1
    14 rows selected.
    SQL>But I will N\OT recommend doing it this way. It is not natural SQL as PL/SQL is needed to "+inject+" name-value pairs into the context for the SQL view to use. It is ugly. It is not standard. It cannot scale. It is complex to use. Etc.
    Yes, there are instances when this approach is exactly what one needs - when for example dealing with a trusted context and using the contents for implementing a security layer. But in the above case - I would rather want to see the actual business requirement first, as I think you're barking up the wrong tree with the view solution you have imagined.

  • UPDATE SQL query using WHERE and a date/time data type... Multiple changes...

    I'm using the LabView Database Connectivity Toolset and am using the following query...
    UPDATE IndexStation
    SET Signal_Size=200
    WHERE 'StartTime=12:05:23'
    Now the problem is that this command seems to update all rows in the table IndexStation... Not just specifically the row where StartTime=12:05:23
    I have tries all sorts of {} [] / ' " around certain characters and column names but it always seems to update all rows...
    I've begun to use the SQL query tab in Access to try and narrow down as to why this happens, but no luck!
    Any ideas!?

    Chris Walter wrote:
    I completely agree about the Microsoft issue.
    But it seems no SQL based manual states that { } will provide a Date/Time constant.
    Is this an NI only implementation? Because I can't seem to get it to function correctly within LabView or in any SQL query.
    There is nothing about the database toolkit in terms of SQL syntax that would be NI specific. The database Toolkit simply interfaces to MS ADO/DAO and the actual SQL syntax is usually implemented in the database driver or database itself although I wouldn't be surprised if ADO/DAO does at times munch a bit with that too.
    The Database Toolkit definitely does not. So this might be a documentation error indeed. My understanding of SQL syntax is in fact rather limited so not sure which databases might use what delimiters to format date/time values. I know that SQL Server is rather tricky thanks to MS catering for the local date/time format in all their tools and the so called universal date/time format has borked on me on several occasions.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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