Start JavaFx project using a Java class

After hours of searching, I still can't solve this problem:
I have a pure JavaFx project but need to start it with a Java class.
It used to work with the Interface method, but (I guess) since the javafx update to 1.3, the JavaFx code starts executing (the console outputs FX.println statements) but the stage(s) never become visible.
        final Context context = FXLocal.getContext();
        final FXClassType instance = context.findClass("javafx.Launcher", this.getClass().getClassLoader());
        final ObjectValue obj = (ObjectValue) instance.newInstance();
        final LauncherInterface l = (LauncherInterface)obj.asObject();;
public interface LauncherInterface {
    public void run();
public class Launcher extends LauncherInterface {
    public override function run() {
// [...] init stuff
}I'm using java version "1.6.0_21", javafx 1.3.0_b412, windows 7
any ideas?
thanks alot

There is someting wrong in my answer that on the FX side you can keep your code but on the java side the call have to be defered to the javaFX container like that:
                new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                          //Create javaFX Stage
            );The class is in javafxrt.jar

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    I am pretty new to JavaFX but have been developing in Java for many years. I am trying to develop a JavaFX webservice client. What I am doing is creating a basic scene that displays the data values that I am polling with a Java class that extends Thread. The Java class is reading temperature and voltage from a remote server and storing the response in an instance variable. I would like to bind a JavaFx variable to the Java class instance variable so that I can display the values whenever they change.
    var conn: WebserviceConnection; // Java class that extends Thread
    var response: WebserviceResponse;
    try {
    conn = new WebserviceConnection("some_url");
    } catch (e:Exception) {
    def bindTemp = bind conn.getResponse().getTemperature();
    def bindVolt = bind conn.getResponse().getVoltage();
    The WebserviceConnection class is opening a socket connection and reading some data in a separate thread. A regular socket connection is used because the server is not using HTTP.
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    Am I missing something with how bind works? Can I do what I want to do with 'bind'. I basically want to run a separate thread to retrieve data and want my UI to be updated when the data changes.
    Is there a better way to do this than the way I am trying to do it?
    Thanks for any help in advance.

    If you don't want to constantly poll for value change, you can use the observer design pattern, but you need to modify the classes that serve the values to javafx.
    Heres a simple example:
    The Thread which updates a value in every second:
    public class TimeServer extends Thread {
        private boolean interrupted = false;
        public ValueObject valueObject = new ValueObject();
        public void run() {
            while (!interrupted) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                    interrupted = true;
    }The ValueObject class which contains the values we want to bind in javafx:
    import java.util.Observable;
    public class ValueObject extends Observable {
        private String value;
        public String getValue() {
            return this.value;
        public void setValue(String value) {
            this.value = value;
        private void fireNotify() {
    }We also need an adapter class in JFX so we can use bind:
    // ValueObjectAdapter.fx
    import java.util.Observer;
    import java.util.Observable;
    public class ValueObjectAdapter extends Observer {
        public-read var value : String;
        public var valueObject : ValueObject
            on replace { valueObject.addObserver(this)}
        override function update(observable: Observable, arg: Object) {
             // We need to run every code in the JFX EDT
             // do not change if the update method can be called outside the Event Dispatch Thread!
                 function(): Void {
                    value = valueObject.getValue();
    }And finally the main JFX code which displays the canging value:
    // Main.fx
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.text.Text;
    import javafx.scene.text.Font;
    import threadbindfx.TimeServer;
    var timeServer : TimeServer;
    var valueObjectAdapter : ValueObjectAdapter = new ValueObjectAdapter();
    timeServer = new TimeServer();
    valueObjectAdapter.valueObject = timeServer.valueObject;
    Stage {
        title: "Time Application"
        width: 250
        height: 80
        scene: Scene {
            content: Text {
                font : Font {
                    size : 24
                x : 10, y : 30
                content: bind valueObjectAdapter.value;
    }This approach uses less cpu time than constant polling, and changes aren't dependent on the polling interval.
    However this cannot be applied to code which you cannot change obviously.
    I hope this helps.

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    include it as a library
    open project settings goto libraries and simply add your class

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          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              //create task object
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                   protected Integer call() throws Exception{
                        System.out.println("Background task started...");
                        int iterations;
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                             System.out.println("Iteration " + iterations);
                        return iterations;
              //start the background task
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              System.out.println("Starting background task...");
    but the task doesn't start. I don't see any messages in my console. Is there something I missed?
    Edited by: 979420 on Jan 1, 2013 10:02 PM
    Edited by: 979420 on Jan 1, 2013 10:02 PM
    Edited by: 979420 on Jan 1, 2013 10:03 PM
    Edited by: 979420 on Jan 1, 2013 10:49 PM

    Tasks are meant to be run in the context of a JavaFX application, like in the example below:
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.concurrent.Task;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class TaskApp extends Application {
      public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); }
      @Override public void start(final Stage stage) throws IOException {
        //create task object
        Task<Integer> task = new Task<Integer>(){
          protected Integer call() throws Exception{
            System.out.println("Background task started...");
            int iterations;
            for(iterations = 0; iterations < 10000; iterations++){
              System.out.println("Iteration " + iterations);
            return iterations;
        //start the background task
        Thread th = new Thread(task);
        System.out.println("Starting background task...");
        stage.setScene(new Scene(new StackPane(), 200, 100, Color.BLANCHEDALMOND));;
    }Also your code was setting the task thread as a daemon thread. The Java Virtual Machine exits when the only threads running are all daemon threads. So once your main routine finished (which would be really quickly), the program would just exit without doing anything much. Note that, in your example, even if you made the Task thread a non-daemon thread, it still doesn't work (likely because the Task class has some reliance on the JavaFX system being initialized). For your simple background process you could skip Task and just use a Runnable or a Callable (which doesn't require JavaFX and hence would work in a non-daemon thread invoked from main), but I guess it's just an experiment.

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    And taking some notice of the reply that was provided three times, instead of just repeating the question, also doesn't cost a thing. Some people think it is the entire point of the forum, and of posting in the first place.
    And reviving old threads just to tell someone that they need 'a lot of growing up', and to improve their 'manners', and to stop the 'hostility and nastiness', while claiming you're 'not trying to start a fight at all', is not at all convincing. In fact it is both childish and ill-mannered.

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    - should I start with Java class diagram, followed by generating database tables, then create EO from it ?
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    If you are not from the OO world then you may be interested in this new site on OTN ( There is a workshop that starts by looking at an existing datamodel and builds up from there.
    If you are starting from nothing, you can indeed start higher at the Class Model level.
    I recently started discussing data modeling on my blog ( and there are some very good comments(feedback from readers) that may possibly be useful to you.
    If you are new to the UML modeling world, I recommend you read two very good papers by Jan Kettenis on OTN ( They are Getting Strted with UML Class modeling and Getting Started with UML Use Case Modeling.
    Shay pointed you to Toplink. There are a lot of resources on OTN for Toplink, including tutorials.
    Personally? I think if you have time, and if you can, start with a Class Model and perhaps a Use Case model, then you can start planning your application development from a solid base.
    Sue Harper

  • AES Algorithm error when trying to encrypt using stored Java class.

    Dear All,
    We have a specific reuirement where in we cannot use DBMS_CRYPTO package to encrypt/decrypt data using AES Algorithm
    So I am trying to use a stored Java class and I am getting "AES algorithm not available".
    I am using Oracle 10gR2 standard edition.
    Below is my code
    1. Stored Java class
    2. Stored function to access the above Java class.
    3. Test anonymus PL/SQL to test above code.
    Please help me finding the problem why I am getting "AES algorithm not available" error when I call stored Java class in Oracle.?
    **** If I use "DES" algorithm, it works. Also the Java code works well if I execute it as normal Java class from Eclipse.
    I verified the file in jre/lib/security and I see that there is provider entry for SunJCE.
    The jre version in Oracle is 1.4.2.
    I appreciate your help.
    Step1: Stored java class to encrypt and decrypt data
    import javax.crypto.Cipher;
    import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
    import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
    import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
    public class EncryptUtil
         public static String encrypt(String inStr)
         String outStr = "Test data 123";
    KeyGenerator kgen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
    SecretKey skey = kgen.generateKey();
    byte[] raw = skey.getEncoded();
    SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(raw, "AES");
    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
    cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec);
    byte[] encrypted =
    outStr =new String(encrypted);
    catch (Exception e)
         outStr = outStr + "exception thrown::" + e.getMessage();
    return outStr;
    Step2: Stored function to access above stored java class.
    pKey1 VARCHAR2
    LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'EncryptUtil.encrypt(java.lang.String ) return java.lang.String';
    Step3: Test encryption and descryption
    outstr VARCHAR2(2000);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('outstr-->' || SF_ENCRYPTUTIL('12345'));
    Below code example using DBMS_CRYPTO. This works, but we do not want to use this.
    l_in_val varchar2(2000) := 'Test data 123';
    l_mod number := dbms_crypto.ENCRYPT_AES128
    + dbms_crypto.CHAIN_CBC
    + dbms_crypto.PAD_PKCS5;
    l_enc raw (2000);
    l_enc_key raw (2000);
    l_dec raw (2000);
    l_enc := dbms_crypto.encrypt
    UTL_I18N.STRING_TO_RAW (l_in_val, 'AL32UTF8'),
    dbms_output.put_line ('Encrypted='||l_enc);
    Edited by: user5092433 on Sep 10, 2009 12:26 AM

    I guess I'd be a bit curious about why you can't use a DBMS_CRYPTO solution that provides identical output. It seems odd to want to have a procedure running inside Oracle and then dictate that it has to be Java and not PL/SQL...
    I verified the file in jre/lib/security and I see that there is provider entry for SunJCE.
    The jre version in Oracle is 1.4.2.Which file are you talking about? The JVM that is inside the Oracle database does not and can not use configuration files that are outside the database. I suspect when you talk about files and paths that you're looking at a JVM outside the database, which is not the JVM that your Java stored procedure would be using.
    Looking at the error, my assumption is that some JAR file needs to be loaded into the internal JVM in order for the AES algorithm to be available. But I'm unfortunately not familiar enough with these classes to say what that would be.

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    It seems from documentation that I need to add this in workflowregistry.xml file. I added the same like given below -
    <WorkflowApplication name='Workflow Name'
    <Comments>Nothing Here</Comments>
    </WorkflowApplication>Even tried restaring the application server but I am still getting same error. Any idea what needs to be done here? or I am missing smething?

    Well the first thing would be to read the workflowRegistry.xml file. The header talks about internal and external applications and so on. The crucial part is that any application registered must implement the WorkflowApplication interface (which I guess your class dont do)
    I gave up. I am totally baffled by the documentation. I admit it.
    What I did was to create an Script action in an Activity where the script used Xpress to invoke my class. It seems to work.

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    We are creating the java class by the Contivo mapping tool, how to use that class as a web serivce?
    Very thankful if anyone gives some light on this.
    Thanks in advance.....
    Rajeev Pariyadathu

    Transform.transform(     "Transform_HotelAvailRQ_",file1, file2);, like this we can use the contivo generated class

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    C:\> javap abc.class
    ERROR: Could not find abc.class
    abc.class present in C:\ drive.
    Please let me know how to solve the problem
    Thanks in Advance

    Thanks for your information, it works fine. Please let me know is there any option to display the method and variable implemation in abc.class.
    I have tried javap abc it displays the method name only.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Re: Using simple java class in an .war file.

    Hi All,
    I have a simple question,
    Can I access an simple java class from a jsp file that I have written by putting it in the "classes" folder?? What entry should go in the web.xml file?
    Here is my directory structure:
    ----test.jsp <file>
    ----WEB-INF <folder>
    | |
    | ----classes<folder>
    | | |
    | | ----simpleJavaClass.class<file>
    | |
    | ----lib<folder>
    | |
    | ----web.xml
    I want to access the simpleJavaClass.class from the jsp test.jsp.
    Please suggest.
    Thanks and regards

    It is possible to access the class in u r classes folder from u r jsp file.
    For example
    <%@ page import="com.test.service.PricingSolution,
    <% PricingSolution solution = (PricingSolution)session.getAttribute("solution"); %>
    This is a simple scriplet example. You do the same using jstl tags also.

  • Creating data dictionary type using custom java class

    Hi Experts,
    I have a situation involving the TableSorter mechanism as described here:
    In order to do my sorting correctly, I've created my own Java class implementing the Comparable interface. Based on this class, I need to define my own data dictionary type to be used in a context/table.
    However, I cannot se how this could be achieved as standard Data Dictionary elements can only be based on simple built-in types. Any ideas?
    Kind regards,
    Rasmus Røjkjær Ørtoft

    have you tried to use the following steps while creating your attribute
    1) Right click on the context
    2) New->Attribute
    3) Manually-> Provide a name for the attribute
    4) Browse->Select java native type and select your class

  • Using normal java classes to access database

    Dear friends,
    Is it a good practice to make database calls from a normal java class within J2EE environment.
    What I meant by a normal java class is a class which is not an enterprise bean.
    Best Regards,

    it is quite normal.
    If you make your own DAOs, it may not be efficient/generic.
    JSP/Servlets can use Hibernate (which is a set of POJOs) to access DB. Thus you have a J2EE environment using a very matured DB access methodoloy, and doing away with Enterprise bean.

  • Webboard project using sun java studio creator 2

    I would like to create a simple webboard using Sun Java Studio Creator 2. In the View Topic page, there are a subject and a message creator by the owner of the subject. Then there are messages reply by others. I use Table component to list all the messages. I put a Static Text and a Text Area component in a group panel. And put a group panel in a Table Column. I bind the the reply message with the Text Area.
    My problems are...
    1. The Text Area have the same value for every row.
    2. I changed the Text Area to Static Text. The binding is successful. However, it cannot display multiline message. Please suggest a component that is more suitable to bind the variable lines message. I would like each row to have different height depending on the length of the message.
    My jsp is as follows.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jsp:root version="1.2" xmlns:f="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:jsp="" xmlns:ui="">
        < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"/>
            <ui:page binding="#{ReadTopic.page1}" id="page1">
                <ui:html binding="#{ReadTopic.html1}" id="html1">
                    <ui:head binding="#{ReadTopic.head1}" id="head1">
                        <ui:link binding="#{ReadTopic.link1}" id="link1" url="/resources/stylesheet.css"/>
                    <ui:body binding="#{ReadTopic.body1}" id="body1" style="-rave-layout: grid">
                        <ui:form binding="#{ReadTopic.form1}" id="form1">
                            <ui:staticText binding="#{ReadTopic.staticText1}" id="staticText1" style="left: 120px; top: 24px; position: absolute"/>
                            <ui:messageGroup binding="#{ReadTopic.messageGroup1}" id="messageGroup1" style="position: absolute; left: 432px; top: 24px"/>
                            <ui:staticText binding="#{ReadTopic.staticText5}" id="staticText5" style="left: 120px; top: 72px; position: absolute" text="#{ReadTopic.topicGetNameDataProvider.value['topic.Owner']}"/>
                            <ui:staticText binding="#{ReadTopic.staticText6}" id="staticText6" style="left: 120px; top: 120px; position: absolute" text="#{ReadTopic.topicGetNameDataProvider.value['topic.Subject']}"/>
                            <ui:label binding="#{ReadTopic.label1}" id="label1" style="position: absolute; left: 24px; top: 24px" text="Topic No:"/>
                            <ui:label binding="#{ReadTopic.label2}" id="label2" style="position: absolute; left: 24px; top: 72px" text="Owner:"/>
                            <ui:label binding="#{ReadTopic.label3}" id="label3" style="position: absolute; left: 24px; top: 120px" text="Subject:"/>
                            <ui:button action="#{ReadTopic.button1_action}" binding="#{ReadTopic.button1}" id="button1"
                                style="left: 23px; top: 168px; position: absolute" text="Reply"/>
                            <ui:table augmentTitle="false" binding="#{ReadTopic.table2}" id="table2" style="left: 24px; top: 216px; position: absolute; width: 0px" width="0">
    /* ----- Functions for Table Preferences Panel ----- */
    * Toggle the table preferences panel open or closed
    function togglePreferencesPanel() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table2");
    /* ----- Functions for Filter Panel ----- */
    * Return true if the filter menu has actually changed,
    * so the corresponding event should be allowed to continue.
    function filterMenuChanged() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table2");
      return table.filterMenuChanged();
    * Toggle the custom filter panel (if any) open or closed.
    function toggleFilterPanel() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table2");
      return table.toggleTableFilterPanel();
    /* ----- Functions for Table Actions ----- */
    * Initialize all rows of the table when the state
    * of selected rows changes.
    function initAllRows() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table2");
    * Set the selected state for the given row groups
    * displayed in the table.  This functionality requires
    * the 'selectId' of the tableColumn to be set.
    * @param rowGroupId HTML element id of the tableRowGroup component
    * @param selected Flag indicating whether components should be selected
    function selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected) {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table2");
      table.selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected);
    * Disable all table actions if no rows have been selected.
    function disableActions() {
      // Determine whether any rows are currently selected
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table2");
      var disabled = (table.getAllSelectedRowsCount() > 0) ? false : true;
      // Set disabled state for top actions
      // Set disabled state for bottom actions
                                <ui:tableRowGroup binding="#{ReadTopic.tableRowGroup2}" id="tableRowGroup2" rows="10"
                                    sourceData="#{ReadTopic.topicdetailDataProvider}" sourceVar="currentRow">
                                    <ui:tableColumn binding="#{ReadTopic.tableColumn4}" id="tableColumn4" width="80%">
                                        <ui:panelGroup binding="#{ReadTopic.groupPanel1}" id="groupPanel1" style="height: 94px; width: 238px">
                                            <h:panelGrid binding="#{ReadTopic.gridPanel1}" border="0" columns="2" id="gridPanel1" width="100%">
                                                <ui:label binding="#{ReadTopic.label4}" id="label4" text="No:"/>
                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{ReadTopic.staticText11}" id="staticText11" text="#{currentRow.value['topicdetail.No']}"/>
                                                <ui:label binding="#{ReadTopic.label5}" id="label5" text="Name:"/>
                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{ReadTopic.staticText12}" id="staticText12" text="#{currentRow.value['topicdetail.Name']}"/>
                                                <ui:label binding="#{ReadTopic.label6}" id="label6" text="&#3586;&#3657;&#3629;&#3588;&#3623;&#3634;&#3617;:"/>
                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{ReadTopic.staticText10}" id="staticText10" text="#{currentRow.value['topicdetail.Message']}"/>

    Modify URL-PATTERN for your Faces Servlet from /faces/* to *.abc in web.xml
            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
           <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
        </servlet-mapping>hope that might help :)

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    here are some libraries which are open sources; hope it's useful. :D

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