State of a checkbox invisible in LibreOffice

About a week or two ago I noticed the checkboxes in LibreOffice always look cleared (empty, no tick visible). Other than that, they are fully functional, I just cannot see if a checkbox is ticked or not.
This happens only with libreoffice. Checboxes are working fine in other applications, for example kwrite, xfce terminal, geeqie. I suspect it was caused with libreoffice upgrade more than a month ago and I just didn't notice this glitch before.
Thanks for any help.

Good day. I have a similar issue: My checkbox is 'SalesTaxCheck' and I only want the calculation run if the box is checked.
I adjusted your script as follows:
if (this.getField("SalesTaxCheck").value=="On") event.value = +this.getField("subtotal").value * 0.08;
else event.value = "0";
Can you suggest where I may have gone wrong?
Thanks in advance.

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    IF :sunday = 'Y' THEN
    pkg_var.v_day_count := pkg_var.v_day_count + 1;
    :schtm_skmk.day_id := '1';
    msg_alert('2 ',I',false);
    INSERT INTO schtm      
    (:schmf.ROUTE_ID, :schtm_skmk.day_id, 1);
    msg_alert('end insert schtm','I',false);
    END IF;     
    if the checkbox is checked, I assigned value '1' to day_id. Then, I want to insert a row into table SCHTM. But, the insert statement fail. The msg_alert '2' pop up. The msg_alert 'end insert schtm' does not pop up, meaning the insert statement fail. It also fail after I replace the insert statement with the exact value of the item. But if I execute this statement in SQL plus, it insert a row into the database.
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    Shu Wen

    It seems that you have missed ELSE. By the way there is only one INSERT ...

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    choose Define Screen Layout at Document Level
    choose Field Selection Key -> PT8K
    choose GR/ IR Control
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  • Checkbox invisible when mouse over

    Hi Experts,
    We are using EP 7.0 . We have deployed an application which has a Checkbox in the UI.
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    Hi Ervin,
    Thanks a lot for the reply.
    Checked the browser compatibility thing using IE Developer tool but this didnt help.
    As of now could not check with other browsers but will do that and share the results.
    This application is using a custom theme and we are working on SAP Portal 7.0 SP8
    Also same issue is not appearing in SAP Portal 7.3 version. Here Portal 7.0 is consumer and Portal 7.3 is producer. Not sure if FPN creates some theme issues.
    I tried applying the standard theme and I was not facing this issue.
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    Let me know if I can try something else.

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    Good day. I have a similar issue: My checkbox is 'SalesTaxCheck' and I only want the calculation run if the box is checked.
    I adjusted your script as follows:
    if (this.getField("SalesTaxCheck").value=="On") event.value = +this.getField("subtotal").value * 0.08;
    else event.value = "0";
    Can you suggest where I may have gone wrong?
    Thanks in advance.

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    Please help.

    I am having the same problem as Mykel. Using CS6, I've created a form and added checkboxes. I had a request that I customize the checkboxes to make them easier to see when checked. I adjusted the states of the checkbox and they seemed to function well....but only in Acrobat Pro X. When I open the PDF in Acrobat Reader XI, then the checkboxes act strangely. (Most of the end users will be using Acrobat Reader, so this is a concern.) When intially checked, they appear in the modified way that I want them to. However, as soon as the user clicks somewhere else on the page, the modified checkbox reverts to the default checkbox with a tick mark in it instead.
    I'm exporting the PDF as an interactive PDF and have tried various settings. I've also experimented with creating a checkbox from scratch rather than modifying a provided checkbox. All to no avail. I'd welcome any thoughts or suggestions anyone may have. Hoping I've just missed a step in the process!
    Here are links to my original CS6 InDesign document and the PDF:

  • Setting Checkbox & Radio session state (AJAX)

    These functions will set the session state of a checkbox and radio items using Ajax.
    Any feedback is welcomed!
    // AJAX Checkbox Session
    function setCheckboxSession('P1_CHECKBOX'){
         var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value,null,0);
         gReturn = get.get('XML');
         get = null;     
    function html_CheckboxValue(pItemId){
         var boxes=html_GetCheckbox(pItemId);
         var l_val='';
         for (var j=0;j<boxes.length;j++){
              if (boxes[j].checked){
                   l_val = boxes[j].value;
         for (var i=j+1;i<boxes.length;i++){
              if (boxes.checked){
                   l_val = l_val+':'+boxes[i].value;
         return l_val;
    function html_GetCheckbox(pItemId){
    var l_array=new Array();
    var re=new RegExp('^'+pItemId.toUpperCase()+"_[0-9]+$");
    var inputs=document.getElementsByTagName('input');
    for (var j=0,l=inputs.length;j<l;j++)
    if (inputs[j].type=="checkbox" && inputs[j].id && inputs[j].id.match(re))
    return l_array;
    // AJAX Radio Session
    function setRadioSession('P1_RADIO'){
         var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value,null,0);
         gReturn = get.get('XML');
         get = null;

    check this
    Re: Modifying session state with javascript

  • TRI/ 3-State Checkbox

    hi all,
    is there any attribute IN <af:Select BooleanCheckbox> for setting tri state to a checkbox based on input supplied to it..

    forum is for jdev and adf.
    so I straightly hits the answer "no"
    here i cant speak in general, ;) so i wrote like this previous post,
    AFAIK, my answer is no for 3rd state.
    john wrotes : Some ui frameworks support 3 states for a checkbox (usually it's for native, not web apps) but adf has only 2yes i agree with this statement. as earlier i learnt about that.
    after read this post i will rewritten as post as
    AFAIK in adf, my answer is no for 3rd state.

  • Checkbox State Help

    Try to get the checkbox state into a var from an if Flash CS3
    When I press a button I have set up to email I cannot seem to
    get the state of the checkbox working.
    I can get a value but is always the same weather ticked or
    not. below code always returns no
    Please can anyone help
    on (release) {
    if (this.RSVP_text_popup.Check_box.selected) {
    var Coming = "Yes";
    } else {
    var Coming = "No";
    var subject = "Wedding Invite "+GuestsNames.text+" "+Coming;
    var body =
    getURL("mailto:[email protected]"+"?subject="+subject+"&body="+body);

    use trace(this.RSVP_text_popup.Check_box) to confirm the
    problem is an incorrect path/name issue.

  • Reading checked state of checkbox

    Hi there:-
    'Sorry to post such a simple question but I can find the
    answer in the Dreamweaver online reference, and I have wasted a lot
    of time trying to find the answer.
    I want to read the checked state of a given checkbox and then
    if value of true is returned invoke function "A" or if false is
    returned invoke function "B".
    Based on what I found in the reference I set up a variable to
    capture the state of the checkbox as follows:
    function checkboxState()
    var checkState = document.all.nameOfCheckbox.checked;
    if (checkState == true)
    if (checkState == false)
    The check box is setup as follows:
    <input name="nameOfCheckbox" type="checkbox"
    This doesn't work and I don't know why. I wondered if I had
    to define the checkbox in a particular way, e.g. using the value
    attribute or something, but the reference did not indicate this.
    If anyone can help I would appreciate it.

    Hi Jules,
    Thanks for the tip. It worked. I have seen people set up an
    if statement without any argument "if(checkStatus)" but I don't
    entirely understand the mechanics of what this is doing. (That is,
    how a true or false is passed to the variable) But I originally
    learned to code COBOL so maybe I am too old fashioned.

  • How do I use the button states in an action script?

    In my Captivate 8 project I use smart shape as buttons. The buttons have different images presented dependent on the state of the button. I have also created a simple action script that shows what happens when the button is pressed. When the button has been pressed the normal state of the button appear. I, however, want the down state of the button to remain visible util the user presses another button. How do I accomplish this? Is there variables for the buttons different state or how can I create that?

    When you talk about 'actionscript' do you mean advanced or shared actions? You cannot write actionscript within Captivate, only Javascript. If you use advanced/shared actions they'll be converted on runtime to either Actionscript (for SWF output) or Javascript (for HTML5 output).
    The states in shape buttons are the normal way buttons behave (not only in Flash). If you are indeed using shared/advanced actions, and you want the down state to remain until the next shape button is clicked, you'll have to go the way described by iFlashAppsToo. Create shapes that have the look of the down state, make them initially invisible and group all those shapes on one slide. Add two statements to the shared/advanced action (please do use shared actions, you'll save time):
    Hide Group   so that eventual down mimicked states on previously clicked buttons disappear
    Show Im_Downx    to show the down image for that button

  • How to update the model for a checkbox

    I have a series of check boxes. The first checkbox when checked, programmatically checks the others.
    The bidrectional binding of the UI and the model is done in the controller.
    However, when I dumped the model to the console I noticed that the actual visualized states of the checkboxes are not reflected in the console.
    I have been searching for a refresh() method or some mechanism to to the update but failed so far.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Say i have 5 rows then
    for(int i=1;i<=5;i++){
    String Newpath = updatepath(eval("{{obj.libraryname.web_input_text_fieldname}}"),i)
    web.text_area(Newpath).setText("Text to be set")
    Below function is used to update my path
    public String updatepath(String path,int i) throws exception {
    String FPath = "";
    if(i<2) {
    FPath = path.substring(0, path.indexOf("'", path.lastIndexOf("@id=")+5))+path.substring(path.indexOf("'", path.lastIndexOf("@id=")+5));
    } else {
    FPath = path.substring(0, path.indexOf("'", path.lastIndexOf("@id=")+5))+(i-1)+path.substring(path.indexOf("'", path.lastIndexOf("@id=")+5));
    return Fpath
    anyother way to update path and set the fields in mutiple block is appreciable

  • Can I create an interactive checkbox?

    I am creating a catalog of world paper money in InDesign, and exporting this catalog to PDF.
    I would like it if collectors could open the PDF and toggle the setting of a checkbox to indicate if they own a particular note
    Right now I have checkbox characters in InDesign, but these are treated no differently than any other text character in Acrobat.
    So my question is if there's any way that I can replace the checkbox text character in InDesign with something that will function as an interactive checkbox that toggles between empty and checked states when clicked in Acrobat?
    Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance!

    But you do want them to be able to save the PDF with the boxes checked so they show on screen the next time they view it? I'm a little shaky on forms (and I'm pretty sure this is an Acrobat form as soon as you add the checkbox), but unless it is "Reader-enabled" I don't think they can save the states of the checkboxes, and you should check the licensing restrictions.
    I think you'll be OK, because if memory serves you can distribute as many as you want if you don't collect more than three hundred, but you should definitely double-check to be sure. I ran into a problem with this and an application form at the local community college. We couldn't post it as a PDF on the college website and take electronic submissions for automated processing because we had to be able to receive an unlimited number of applications, and the college wasn't willing to invest in the additional software and licensing to allow that.

  • Saving session state during pagination

    I hacked into the PPR function to save the checkbox value into session state during pagination.
    Is there a way to do something similar for checkboxes in the report itself rendered using htmldb_item.checkbox()?
    Or is this an ill-advised effort?
    [The UI requirement here is clear...I have a bunch of items over many pages and I want to select them using checkboxes and have the selections remembered as I paginate back and forth.
    If you use Yahoo Mail, Compose a new message, click on the Insert Addresses link and it pops up a window with all your contacts, you can select them using checkboxes and go to the Next/Previous page and it remembers the selections]

    Click on the Create/Reset collection button to initialize your own private collection to play with.
    The checkboxes are remembered as you paginate thru the resultset. Basically, the state of the checkboxes is saved into session state using htmldb_Get before calling the PPR function to get the next/previous rows.
    Carl, let me know what you think of the approach. Is it a viable approach? Any caveats?
    [Unfortunately, I had to to make a copy of the builtin html_PPR_Report_Page function to make the above modification in it, didnt see a way to avoid it]

  • Read/set HTML checkbox in JSP

    I need to directly read and set the state of an HTML checkbox from a JSP page that contains it. It is not sufficient to submit the form and then get the value from the next page; I need to be able to set the value when the page loads, and then on cue, store the (possibly changed) state of the checkbox within the same page.
    How can this be done? Thanks in advance.

    you write the checkbox tag dynamically...
    <input type="checkbox" ... <%= checked ? "checked" : "" %>>
    or use a tag library that does it for you.
    But you can't do it within the page without Javascript. Once it loads in the browser, the Java part of the page is done and gone. So either you use Javascript to alter things in the browser before submitting the form, or you submit the page and recreate it based on what's submitted so far.

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