States on Images

Can  I put states on a images? (ex nomal, rollover..)

Hi Constantine1224,
Yes, it is possible to define states for images in Muse. Please refer to the following link

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    Anyone know why the Undo command occasionally produces "Undo Save History State for Image" rather than a proper undo of the last operation?

    I am aware of your contribution to this forum and genuinely have utmost respect for what you say, however without getting too heavily into the semantics of the meaning of the word “bug” I would truly appreciate your thought on this …
    b_gossweiler wrote:
    If you export (or also print) an image, an entry is inserted into the develop history of the image. Although these steps (export, print, ...) cannot be physically undone, the undo removes this history step from the develop history of the image. This makes sense and - IMHO - is not a bug at all.
    Would it not be reasonable that when a user requests an “undo” that they would expect this to undo the last thing “they” did regardless of what any background task is doing?   
    If this does occur when performing some background task on several hundred or thousand images does this mean that they could struggle to actually achieve any meaningful undo operation on what they are currently working on because they could be attempting to undo many state changes?      If so, could one consider that from a user’s perspective the undo mechanism is actually broken in this scenario?
    If they request an “undo” and it does not perform to the users reasonably expected behaviour would it not reasonably be considered at least undesirable if not a bug?
    If they perform an “undo” and they get this message have they actually undone something which might be important?   
    Even if it has no ill effects the message alone could be unsettling and confusing to users?
    You say it makes sense and I know I’m slow, but I would not expect a user to see this message when the user wants to undo for example the modification to exposure or other slider they have just changed.
    I’m not hung up on this as I have seen no ill effects other than mild inconvenience; however I would respectively appreciate your views on how this “makes sense” from a user’s perspective.

  • Why won't Photoshop revert to earlier history state after image resize when scripted?

    I've written an Applescript to automate watermarking and resizing images for my company. Everything generally works fine — the script saves the initial history state to a variable, resizes the image, adds the appropriate watermark, saves off a jpeg, then reverts to the initial history state for another resize and watermark loop.
    The problem is when I try not to use a watermark and only resize by setting the variable `wmColor` to `"None"` or `"None for all"`. It seems that after resizing and saving off a jpeg, Photoshop doesn't like it when I try to revert to the initial history state. This is super annoying, since clearly a resize should count as a history step, and I don't want to rewrite the script to implement multiple open/close operations on the original file. Does anyone know what might be going on? This is the line that's generating the problem (it's in both the doBig and doSmall methods, and throws an error every time I ask it just to do an image resize and change current history state):
                        set current history state of current document to initialState
    and here's the whole script:
    property type_list : {"JPEG", "TIFF", "PNGf", "8BPS", "BMPf", "GIFf", "PDF ", "PICT"}
    property extension_list : {"jpg", "jpeg", "tif", "tiff", "png", "psd", "bmp", "gif", "jp2", "pdf", "pict", "pct", "sgi", "tga"}
    property typeIDs_list : {"public.jpeg", "public.tiff", "public.png", "com.adobe.photoshop-image", "", "com.compuserve.gif", "public.jpeg-2000", "com.adobe.pdf", "", "com.sgi.sgi-image", "com.truevision.tga-image"}
    global myFolder
    global wmYN
    global wmColor
    global nameUse
    global rootName
    global nameCount
    property myFolder : ""
    -- This droplet processes files dropped onto the applet
    on open these_items
              set wmColor to null
              set nameCount to 0
              set nameUse to null
              if myFolder is not "" then
                        set myFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose where to put your finished images" default location myFolder -- where you're going to store the jpgs
                        set myFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose where to put your finished images" default location (path to desktop)
              end if
              repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_items
                        set totalFiles to count of these_items
                        set this_item to item i of these_items
                        set the item_info to info for this_item without size
                        if folder of the item_info is true then
                                            set this_extension to the name extension of item_info
                                  on error
                                            set this_extension to ""
                                  end try
                                            set this_filetype to the file type of item_info
                                  on error
                                            set this_filetype to ""
                                  end try
                                            set this_typeID to the type identifier of item_info
                                  on error
                                            set this_typeID to ""
                                  end try
                                  if (folder of the item_info is false) and (alias of the item_info is false) and ((this_filetype is in the type_list) or (this_extension is in the extension_list) or (this_typeID is in typeIDs_list)) then
                                  end if
                        end if
              end repeat
    end open
    -- this sub-routine processes folders
    on process_folder(this_folder)
              set these_items to list folder this_folder without invisibles
              repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_items
                        set this_item to alias ((this_folder as Unicode text) & (item i of these_items))
                        set the item_info to info for this_item without size
                        if folder of the item_info is true then
                                            set this_extension to the name extension of item_info
                                  on error
                                            set this_extension to ""
                                  end try
                                            set this_filetype to the file type of item_info
                                  on error
                                            set this_filetype to ""
                                  end try
                                            set this_typeID to the type identifier of item_info
                                  on error
                                            set this_typeID to ""
                                  end try
                                  if (folder of the item_info is false) and (alias of the item_info is false) and ((this_filetype is in the type_list) or (this_extension is in the extension_list) or (this_typeID is in typeIDs_list)) then
                                  end if
                        end if
              end repeat
    end process_folder
    -- this sub-routine processes files
    on process_item(this_item)
              set this_image to this_item as text
              tell application id "com.adobe.photoshop"
                        set saveUnits to ruler units of settings
                        set display dialogs to never
      open file this_image
                        if wmColor is not in {"None for all", "White for all", "Black for all"} then
                                  set wmColor to choose from list {"None", "None for all", "Black", "Black for all", "White", "White for all"} with prompt "What color should the watermark be?" default items "White for all" without multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed
                        end if
                        if wmColor is false then
                                  error number -128
                        end if
                        if nameUse is not "Just increment this for all" then
                                  set nameBox to display dialog "What should I call these things?" default answer ("image") with title "Choose the name stem for your images" buttons {"Cancel", "Just increment this for all", "OK"} default button "Just increment this for all"
                                  set nameUse to button returned of nameBox -- this will determine whether or not to increment stem names
                                  set rootName to text returned of nameBox -- this will be the root part of all of your file names
                                  set currentName to rootName
                                  set nameCount to nameCount + 1
                                  set currentName to rootName & (nameCount as text)
                        end if
                        set thisDocument to current document
                        set initialState to current history state of thisDocument
                        set ruler units of settings to pixel units
              end tell
      DoSmall(thisDocument, currentName, initialState)
      DoBig(thisDocument, currentName, initialState)
              tell application id "com.adobe.photoshop"
                        close thisDocument without saving
                        set ruler units of settings to saveUnits
              end tell
    end process_item
    to DoSmall(thisDocument, currentName, initialState)
              tell application id "com.adobe.photoshop"
                        set initWidth to width of thisDocument
                        if initWidth < 640 then
      resize image thisDocument width 640 resample method bicubic smoother
                        else if initWidth > 640 then
      resize image thisDocument width 640 resample method bicubic sharper
                        end if
                        set myHeight to height of thisDocument
                        set myWidth to width of thisDocument
                        if wmColor is in {"White", "White for all"} then
                                  set wmFile to (path to resource "water_250_white.png" in bundle path to me) as text
                        else if wmColor is in {"Black", "Black for all"} then
                                  set wmFile to (path to resource "water_250_black.png" in bundle path to me) as text
                        end if
                        if wmColor is not in {"None", "None for all"} then
      open file wmFile
                                  set wmDocument to current document
                                  set wmHeight to height of wmDocument
                                  set wmWidth to width of wmDocument
      duplicate current layer of wmDocument to thisDocument
                                  close wmDocument without saving
      translate current layer of thisDocument delta x (myWidth - wmWidth - 10) delta y (myHeight - wmHeight - 10)
                                  set opacity of current layer of thisDocument to 20
                        end if
                        set myPath to (myFolder as text) & (currentName) & "_640"
                        set myOptions to {class:JPEG save options, embed color profile:false, quality:12}
      save thisDocument as JPEG in file myPath with options myOptions appending lowercase extension
                        set current history state of current document to initialState
              end tell
    end DoSmall
    to DoBig(thisDocument, currentName, initialState)
              tell application id "com.adobe.photoshop"
                        set initWidth to width of thisDocument
                        if initWidth < 1020 then
      resize image thisDocument width 1020 resample method bicubic smoother
                        else if initWidth > 1020 then
      resize image thisDocument width 1020 resample method bicubic sharper
                        end if
                        set myHeight to height of thisDocument
                        set myWidth to width of thisDocument
                        if wmColor is in {"White", "White for all"} then
                                  set wmFile to (path to resource "water_400_white.png" in bundle path to me) as text
                        else if wmColor is in {"Black", "Black for all"} then
                                  set wmFile to (path to resource "water_400_black.png" in bundle path to me) as text
                        end if
                        if wmColor is not in {"None", "None for all"} then
      open file wmFile
                                  set wmDocument to current document
                                  set wmHeight to height of wmDocument
                                  set wmWidth to width of wmDocument
      duplicate current layer of wmDocument to thisDocument
                                  close wmDocument without saving
      translate current layer of thisDocument delta x (myWidth - wmWidth - 16) delta y (myHeight - wmHeight - 16)
                                  set opacity of current layer of thisDocument to 20
                        end if
                        set myPath to (myFolder as text) & (currentName) & "_1020"
                        set myOptions to {class:JPEG save options, embed color profile:false, quality:12}
      save thisDocument as JPEG in file myPath with options myOptions appending lowercase extension
                        set current history state of current document to initialState
              end tell
    end DoBig

    As many others here I use JavaScript so I can’t really help you with your problem.
    But I’d like to point to »the lazy person’s out« – with many operations that result in creating a new file on disk I simply duplicate the image (and flatten in the same step) to minimize any chance of damaging the original file if the Script should not perform as expected.

  • Animated (up state) button image quality

    I am experienced with Captivate and getting familiar with
    Flash MX.
    I am having trouble with loss of detail (blurry images) when
    importing flash into Captivate.
    In flash, I've created a simple button. It has a movie clip
    in its up state that makes the button "pulse". It has a graphic
    symbol for over, down, and hit states. I have published the swf
    with no compression and %100 "JPEG quality". When I preview the
    swf, it looks and responds to the click well. The button is a
    "NEXT" button that will eventually be used to "continue" the movie.
    It is about 108 pixels in width and 40 pixels high. It is based on
    images I already use for my NEXT button which was created using the
    Image Button functionality of Captivate.
    (NOTE: I have not tried to attach any action script to my new
    button yet because I am still struggling with image quality in
    Since it can't be imported as a "button", I have imported it
    as an animation. (I am well aware of the issues animations cause
    with "losing focus" and such. Just click a library item and then
    move on.)
    After inserting the animation, the upstate does pulse, the
    over state lights up when I mouse over, and the down state displays
    when I click. But, the image is noticeably Fuzzy. It is easy to
    measure just how fuzzy and bad it looks by putting my test button
    right next to an image of the up and over states in captivate OR
    opening the new button in flash player and looking at it next to
    the images in my image editing software. My images for up and over
    are crisp and clear, The animation in flash player is crisp and
    clear, but the flash animation in Captivate is quite fuzzy. I do
    not think the issue is in flash or in the way the swf was created.
    (NOTE: I actually had to import "big" png images into flash,
    resize them smaller, then make them into graphic symbols in order
    to make the image quality good enough in flash itself. Simply
    importing to the Flash library seemed to make images fuzzy too, but
    I've gotten around that issue by shrinking bigger images.
    ...honestly it works.)
    I want to know if there is anything I can do about this. Any
    insight into getting better image quality of animations in
    Captivate is greatly appreciated. As it stands the fuzzy images
    just look unprofessional and I can’t use my cool pulsing
    Thanks for your insights.

    While using the fill option for button , you can define the position and fitting for the image.

  • State doesn't change 'source' of mx:Image

    Hi All
    I have this image which depending on the state should display a different image. Here is the code
            <mx:State name="state1">
                <mx:SetStyle name="source" target="{background}">
            <mx:State name="state2">
                <mx:SetStyle name="source" target="{background}">
        <mx:Image id="background" />
    I have a creationComplete call to 'init' which sets the state like:
    private function init():void
        background.currentState = 'state2' ;
    However it doesn't work, no image is shown. Any suggestions what goed wrong ?

    Hi Scaljeri,
    Use this.currentState = 'state2' ; but not  background.currentState = 'state2' ;
    Also you need to use SetProperty and not SetStyle...
    name="source" target="{background}">
            <mx:State name="state1">
                <mx:SetProperty name="source" target="{background}">
            <mx:State name="state2">
                <mx:SetProperty name="source" target="{background}">
        <mx:Image id="background" />
    private function init():void
           this.currentState = 'state2' ;

  • Secondary Display image quality is poor (at 1:1) in Library module

    I'm not a frequent user of the Secondary Display feature, so I can't say state whether this particular issue is new in 2.3RC or if it also was seen in a previous version. I submitted a bug report since I searched but did not find any previous mention of this sort of thing. Anyone else notice this?
    Here's my problem: When I'm using LR's Develop module and activate the Secondary Display (SD) window, the SD images for all zoom ratios seem identical in quality (sharpness. color) to the images seen in the main screen--as expected. However when I switch over to Library module and use 1:1 zoom, the SD image becomes relatively degraded (i.e., quite blurry/pixelated) compared to the main window. When SD is set at the lower zoom ratios (still in Library module) its quality seems fine--i.e., more or less indistinguishable from the main screen. It's only when SD is used at 1:1 in the Library module that it appears "buggy".
    I'm using a Mac Power PC G4, OSX 10.4.11.
    P.S. I should mention that the image quality at 1:1 zoom in Library Module's Secondary Display is not only worse than the main Library screen, it's also significantly worse (less sharp) than seen in the Develop module--and that's certainly not unexpected.

    >Gordon McKinney:What happens is the second display doesn't render a 1:1 for optimal sharpness.
    For me it isn't just sharpness. I can make a change that is fairly radical and have it show up immediately in the main monitor--both in the navigation panel and in the main display panel. The image on the 2nd monitor remains unchanged.
    If I then use the history panel to move back to the previous state and then re-select the final state the image on the secondary display
    usually, not always gets updated. Sometimes it takes a 2nd or a third cycle from previous to latest history state. This 'missed update' in the 2nd monitor doesn't happen 100% of the time, but it does happen quite often.
    LR 2.3RC, Vista Ultimate x64, 8GB DRAM, nVidia 9800 GTX+ with latest drivers.

  • Problems with image sizes

    There seems to be lots of confusion about image sizes and Apple iBookstore Support  et al simply state that images should not be greater than 2 megapixels.
    IBook Author Help > Photos and other images,  states:-
    Important:  When you export your book for distribution outside the iBookstore, images are automatically scaled to a width of 2048 pixels, which is optimized for iPad with Retina display. Readers can view these images on other iPad models, but the viewing experience might be slower. You can improve the viewing experience on iPad models without Retina display by using images no wider than 1024 pixels. states:-
    Publishing to the iBookstore:
    If most of your readers will be using the original iPad, scale down images in Interactive Image widgets to a width of 2048 pixels and all other images to a width of 1024 pixels.
    Previewing on iPad, or exporting for distribution outside the iBookstore:
    You can improve the viewing experience on iPad models without Retina display by scaling down images in Interactive Image widgets to a width of 2048 pixels and all other images to a width of 1024 pixels.iBA help deals with exporting  books OUTSIDE the store and simply advises that you can  help none Retina viewers by having a smaller image.  No help at all really - but suggests that the use of images 2048 is OK. that would indicate 2048 x 1536 or 1496. No mention of what resolution should be used.
    iBookstore support basically reapeat this. 
    So  to ease life in getting books accepted,  should we all use 1024 x 768 @72ppi for iPad & iPad 2 and now iPad mini. ????
    and use 2048 x 1536 @ ??   for The New iPad Retina display!
    Both fail to mention HOW the books author would know which iPad a buyer/viewer will be using.  Also if "we" only use 1024 x 768, those with Retina do not get an "enhanced viewing experience".
    For a company that deals entirely with  devices that use logical programming - there seems very little logic  applied when it comes to dealing with a section of their business which by issueing iBA Free and wacking 30% of the top, must be adding to the $billions already stacked away in a corner somewhere.
    iBA makes eBooks for use/display on iPads only. For months now since iBA  became available, one of the  most common requests on this forum is help with....image sizes.
    It seems reasonable  now when Retina is in use and eventually the iPad and iPad 2 will fade away - ditto the new none retina mini and ALL Apple devices and  computers will be retina. So why not plan now!  Surely images in shoudl be geared to deal with Retina displays. IF  Apple would  take that line maybe  "Support" would have less work dealing with requests for help about images IF Apple accept that the next Stephen King may not have a clue how to deal with adjusting images sizes and simply state the required dimentions.
    I make photo books and use 2048 x 1496 @150ppi - so far ten free books have gone into the store.
    The suggestion about  images  for retina display as "standard" as been  sent as feedback.

    For all those who are still confused by Apples image restrictions / requirements...
    In the new Template chooser after the recent updates is "Antique". This template has a Chapter background image ( the olde world print of sailing ships in blue litho print style ). This print when opened in PS is 2771 x 1506 @72ppi. 2771x1506=4,173,126 pixels.This implies  Apple supply a book which does not comply with its own requirements!
    Higher  image resolution applied to printed photo inmages, make the image sharper. If for example you wanted to print a wall poster 45inches  wide, the  image needs needs a higher resolution to cater for the size, BUT the same image used for a 45" poster will print 4.5" wide print on your own printer!
    iBA full page is deemed to be 1024 x 748. resolution from Apple is 72ppi. An image with those specifications will be OK in iPad & iPad 2 - but not so sharp on a Retina display especially if zoomed larger on screen
    Now it seems 2048 x 1496 - double the original image size is suggested for Retina.
    You  can change an image in PS i.e. 1024 x 748 and change resolution to 144. PS will double the pixel size as you change the resolution. OK, just change pixel sizes back to 1024 x 748 and reolution is now 144.
    That indicates a sharper image which will be suitable for retina display and in fact all current iPad models.
    Today my 11th photo book was notified as available  in the iBook Store, all my images were pre-formatted at 2048 x 1496 @ 150ppi.   ( 2048 x 1496 = 3.063,808 pixels!)
    During delivery there were no issues flagged and after delivery no tickets.
    So I suggest all those folk pondering images sizes follow my example, which  is now proved to be accepatble!
    One thing puzzles me though, I dont use all images as full page and  they can  be masked down to - say - 250 x 200.  Should  just  make an image to fit the size I  want to display ??

  • Linked image question

    I create a monthly newsletter using InDesign CS3 (5.0.4) on a Dell Inspiron 6000 with a 1.5 GHz Pentium M processor, 2 GB of RAM and Win XP/SP3.
    I collect information from various sources, some of which are Micorsoft Word documents with graphics, and I rarely have access to the separate graphic files.  I have MS Word 2002 SP3.
    I can Copy the graphics from Word into InDesign (when I right click on these images in Word, I do not have the Save Image As option).  However, when I do so, the image is not linked, it is embedded, whatever the size of the image (and despite the Help file statement regarding images under/over 48 kB).
    The problem I encounter is when I try to export (Cross Media Export/XHTML Dreamweaver) a specific newsletter article (Export/Selection), including those embedded graphics (I also create an web version of the newsletter), I receive a message that "...only linked images are exported."  I want to export the article including the graphics.
    After searching through the InDesign Help file, I found info that says to choose Window/Automation/Data Merge/Content Placement Options/Link Images to link and not embed images.  This I have done.
    After searching this forum, I found a posting that says Copy/Paste does not preserve links(from any application except another ID file).
    In the ID Help file is a statement that the Links panel can be used to change the status (linked or embedded) of a graphic.  However, when I open the Links panel after pasting an image into a frame, the only choices are Copy Links and Sort.  I concluded that the limited choices are a result of the lack of a separate graphics file.  Correct?
    I can Paste the image into InDesign, Export it as a JPG (to create a separate graphics file), delete the Pasted image from the ID file, and then Place the JPG file into the ID file.  That creates a linked image, which is included with the selected exported newsletter article.
    Is there a better (simpler) way to accomplish this task?

    There are a number of ways to get graphics out of Word/Powerpoint/Excel, but copy/paste into Indesign is the worst, mainly because you get only screen resolution.
    1) Place the Word file. You'll get embedded graphics again (most of them at least), but there's nothing to stop you from unembedding them (through the Links panel), and you'll get full resolution images, not screen previews.
    2) Print the Word file to PDF and then Place pages of the PDF.
    3) Save the Word file to a web page (as mentioned by Jay and Jeffrey in this thread).
    4) Open the Word file in OpenOffice, save in OO's native format, change the extension to .zip, and unzip the file (where you'll find your graphics in separate files).
    5) My personal favorite: Copy out of Word and paste into Illustrator or Photoshop. Michael mentioned Photoshop too, but it's important to use the right program depending on the content. If you have a bitmap (a photo, scan, or screen capture), paste it into Photoshop. If you have a vector graphic (a drawing consisting of lines and shapes, like a graph) or a combination of vector and bitmap, paste it into Illustrator. The reason this is my favorite is because it gives me a chance to fix the graphic. If nothing else, everything from Word comes in as RGB, but I also usually need to change the typeface and size the graphic appropriately.
    Ken Benson

  • Got action sequence to "loop" but it shows in all states - conditional statement to fix it?

    Using Flash Catalyst & Notepad (to open and alter the code in the "Main" MXML file) I'm able to "loop" an action sequence on the home state for my swf by changing the code as follows:
    <s:Parallel id="Sequence3">
    <s:Parallel id="Sequence3" effectEnd="">
    The desired effect is a sequence (of 4 images) that loops whenever a user is viewing the home state.  It is activated "On Application Start"
    The PROBLEM is that the loop continues in all other states (it appears in the background - behind the objects that are supposed to show up on the other pages and only begins to show up in each state when the sequence begins another loop).
    I am assuming I need a conditional statement --- something along the lines of:
    while (condition){ statements;} other words, ONLY while currentstate = "Home" it should loop the sequence. What would be the correct code for this conditional statement and where would the conditional statement be inserted to loop the sequence as desired???  Or... is there another better way??
    My current code for this action sequence is:
    <s:Parallel id="Sequence3" effectEnd="">
                <s:Parallel target="{designlayer1}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="500" startDelay="2100"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage2}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="2100"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage3}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="2100"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage4}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="2100"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage5}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="1650"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage6}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="1800"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage7}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="1950"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{designlayer5}">
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="0" startDelay="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="2650"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="5300"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage8}">
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="0" startDelay="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="2650"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="5350"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage9}">
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="0" startDelay="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="2650"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="5350"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage10}">
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="0" startDelay="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="2650"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="5350"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage11}">
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="0" startDelay="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="2650"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="4750"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage12}">
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="0" startDelay="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="2650"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="5000"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{designlayer6}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="5900"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="7900"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage13}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="5900"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="7550"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage14}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="5900"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="7900"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage15}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="5900"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="7750"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage16}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="5900"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="7900"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage17}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="5900"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" startDelay="7900"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{designlayer7}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="8500"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" startDelay="11000"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage18}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="8500"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" startDelay="11000"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage19}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="8500"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" startDelay="11000"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage20}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="8500"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" startDelay="11000"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage21}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="8500"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" startDelay="10650"/>
                <s:Parallel target="{bitmapimage22}">
                    <s:Fade alphaTo="0" duration="0"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="0" startDelay="8500"/>
                    <s:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" startDelay="10800"/>
    Thank you!!!!!!!!

    Figured out my issue...
    I had to select each layer for the 4 photo sequence and "Remove From State" for each layer.  If this is done with all layers except the "Home" state, the images show only where appropriate.
    So...   "Loop an action sequence" is really easy.
    I've seen a lot of complaining that "FC can't do it" but with a very simple code mod, I was able to do it WITHOUT using the video timer method.
    I should also mention that I've never worked with Flash at all before this project and am only self-taught in HTML (basics).  I was able to make a pretty good looking Flash component for a web site and never would have attempted it without FC.  I have to say, while FC is a bit limited, GUI-based Flash is a great add for Adobe and will save me over $2k per year in web admin.
    To edit the document in Notepad as mentioned in the first post:
    the full text can be found here s/
    Editing MXML Documents
    To edit your projects MXML documents we first need to find the path to  the Flash Catalyst workspace. To do this publish your Flash Catalyst  project (CMD / CTRL + ENTER). Now, the browsers URL shows the path to  the project workspace. So in this URL,  "file:///Users/judah/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash  Catalyst/workspace/Project/bin-debug/Main.html", the project MXML  documents are located at, "file:///Users/monkeypunch/Library/Application  Support/Adobe/Flash Catalyst/workspace/Project/" when on a Mac.
    Flash Catalyst project files
    Project Files Description
    /src - location of the application source files
    /bin - the location of any additional flex libraries
    /bin-debug - location of testing swf
    /html-template - location of the html template that wraps around your application
    /src/Main.mxml - the main application file. make your application changes here
    /src/Main.css - the css stylesheet of the main application
    /src/components - the location of custom components and component skins
    /src/assets/graphics - location of optimized FXG graphic symbols
    /src/assets/images - location of images
    You can edit these XML documents in any text editor. To apply the  changes you need to save the file and refresh the Flash Catalyst  project. You can do this by opening the changed document in Flash  Catalyst code view. When we do this it will recognize the document has  changed and prompt you to use the newer version of the file. Select Yes.  If the project does not rebuild immediately publish it using CMD +  Enter.

  • Inserting image in item ?

    I have created a form with an image item that belongs to control block, also I had a button item. In When-Button-Pressed Trigger, I put this command :
    SELECT Image_blob
    INTO :CONTROL.Picture
    FROM Profile
    WHERE Name=:GLOBAL.gName;
    When I Run it and press the button, the image can't be loaded into CONTROL.Picture (image item). Anyone can help help me solve this problem ? Thank for any help..

    You cannot use Select --- Into statement with images.
    Create a block based on the table Profile, having the image item and name item visible. Have the user input the value for name in the NAME field.Put the button item also in this block.
    In the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger :

  • Scroll bar changes image in a frame?

    Hey there just wondering if this is possible, where scrolling a scroll bar updates a image to another image (even if you don't release your button) ie...

    Yes it is possible. I'm attempting to achieve something similar right now.
    I'm using a variation on imate-cc/
    Essentially you can use the On/Off states of images in a timline and link the scrubber to the timeline so when scrolling it scrubs down the timeline.
    I'm actually attempting to set up a scrubbable timelapse in a similar fashion for a project I'm working on. You can see my progress so far at
    I'm trying to figure out how to have a timline auto update with images from a source folder so that whenever images are added to the folder the timeline updates and expands to fit the timelapse. The scrub-bar is already set up to adjust to the duration of the timelinel.

  • Splash image flickering

    I have create a program that start with a splash image defined in the file with the statement SplashScreen-Image: data/images/splash.jpg.
    When i run the program with jre 1.6.0 I see an undesidered flickering of the splash image.Can anyone help me?

    what is the advantage of the native splash over
    making one yourself? The spash screen comes up before the JVM and as the app is loading.
    I guess its just there to pacify people who think the JVM and App Startup
    is too slow. I know people at my job have actually said to me when
    running a Java app "why does it load sooo much slower than a VB
    app?" when in actuality it came up in an eye blink.
    I guess VB apps load in half an eye blink, lol.
    Do you have any code that manipulates the java.awt.SplashScreenI thought that because the SS comes up before the JVM (or concurrently
    or whatever) that you couldnt control it?

  • Problems exporting rollover 'states' into Dreamweaver, and loss of font formats

    I am quite new to Fireworks and am having a little difficulty with some aspects of it.
    I am building a miltiple page site, and am exporting using the the 'export CSS and Images' option from Fireworks CS4 to Dreamweaver CS4.
    I have applied some 'swap image behaviour' to the links on the Master Page.
    However When I try to export to Dreamweaver I get the following message:
    "Only sliced images from the current state will be included in this export. Hotspot and behaviour attributes will be ignored."
    Obviously I want the states (swap image) functionality to be exported so that the javascript rollovers work. Any ideas how to resolve this?
    Also, when I export the pages into Dreamweaver, I have noticed that the font formatting is lost e.g. <h1> format style etc So an orange <h1> font title, with black outline, will not retain that formatting in Dreamweaver (it actually renders as white, which is the same as the <p> font elements.). I do know how to alter the CSS to render a different colour in Dreamweaver: but its the character outline that I cannot reproduce by manipulating the CSS (I don't know how to anyway....).
    Also, once a 'Master' page has been created, will all other pages within the document automatically inherit the functions and settings as per the Master Page. Or do I need to link each page to the Master Page in order for them to inherit its functionality and settings? I'm particuarly thinking about the states/rollover issue again here i.e. Will I need to set under/over states on each individual page or do I just need to set it once on the Master page?
    Thanks for your help.

    Q1:  There. Is no way to resolve this in Fireworks. You'll have to export the other states manually and build the rollovers in dreamweaver.
    Q2:  Again, *if* there us a widely supported CSS option fir text outlining you have tomanually apply it to the code in Dreamweaver.
    Q3:  Hyperlinks and graphics on the master page should be applied to all child pages.
    Fireworks is not a true web page editor. Keep this in mind. It is a graphics tool fulirst and foremost. The CSS and HTML features are not nearly as robust as Dreamweaver.   Hope this helps

  • Loading dynamically a Image

    Post Author: Fabio
    CA Forum: General
    Is there a way to load a image dynamically? For example, depending on the Theme of my application or the .css.

    Post Author: Manuel de Kleine
    CA Forum: General
    Fabio,Actually, you can, but only if using the image name.So, if you want to show a photo of an employee with his/her details, you could state the image with that details should be .jpg.To do this, you should insert a placeholding image. In the properties for this image, you can enter the location of the image on the tab &#91;Image&#93;. In the formula you could enter:.\images\.jpg.

  • AP unable to download the image from 5508 WLC

    I have a 5508 WLC connected to 2950 Switch and the LAP 1262 connected to the same default VLAN. My AP's are able to join the controller since they are in the same broadcast domain but They are NOT able to download the image from WLC. When I am looking at the wireless TAB of WLC.. it says... Downloading Image.
    Can anyone pls. suggest what all needs to be done to make UP the APs. Also, Following is the error i am seeing at the AP.
    *Apr 27 11:48:40.640: %DTLS-5-SEND_ALERT: Send FATAL : Close notify Alert to
    *Apr 27 11:48:40.640: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 27 11:48:40.640: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 27 11:48:40.694: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: capwap ifs:  read error or timeout
    *Apr 27 11:48:40.700: capwap_image_proc: problem extracting tar file
    *Apr 27 11:48:40.700: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Dropping dtls packet since session is not established.
    *Apr 27 11:48:51.000: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSEND: DTLS connection request sent peer_ip: peer_port: 5246
    *Apr 27 11:48:51.000: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to 
    *Apr 27 11:48:51.569: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSUCC: DTLS connection created sucessfully peer_ip: peer_port: 5246
    *Apr 27 11:48:51.569: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to
    *Apr 27 11:48:51.569: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to JOIN
    examining image...
    *Apr 27 11:48:56.571: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to archive download capwap:/ap3g1 tar file
    *Apr 27 11:48:56.583: %CAPWAP-5-AP_IMG_DWNLD: Required image not found on AP. Downloading image from Controller.
    *Apr 27 11:48:56.589: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to IMAGE
    *Apr 27 11:48:56.589: Loading file /ap3g1...
    logging facility kern
    % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
    %Error opening flash:/update/info (No such file or directory)
    ERROR: Image is not a valid IOS image archive.
    archive download: takes 48 seconds
    *Apr 27 11:49:44.640: %DTLS-5-SEND_ALERT: Send FATAL : Close notify Alert to
    *Apr 27 11:49:44.640: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 27 11:49:44.640: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 27 11:49:44.694: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: capwap ifs:  read error or timeout
    *Apr 27 11:49:44.700: capwap_image_proc: problem extracting tar file
    *Apr 27 11:49:44.700: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Dropping dtls packet since session is not established.
    *Apr 27 11:49:54.000: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSEND: DTLS connection request sent peer_ip: peer_port: 5246
    *Apr 27 11:49:54.000: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to 
    *Apr 27 11:49:54.569: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSUCC: DTLS connection created sucessfully peer_ip: peer_port: 5246
    *Apr 27 11:49:54.572: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to
    *Apr 27 11:49:54.572: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to JOIN
    examining image...
    *Apr 27 11:49:59.571: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to archive download capwap:/ap3g1 tar file
    *Apr 27 11:49:59.583: %CAPWAP-5-AP_IMG_DWNLD: Required image not found on AP. Downloading image from Controller.
    *Apr 27 11:49:59.589: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to IMAGE
    *Apr 27 11:49:59.589: Loading file /ap3g1...
    logging facility kern
    % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
    %Error opening flash:/update/info (No such file or directory)
    ERROR: Image is not a valid IOS image archive.
    archive download: takes 48 seconds
    *Apr 27 11:50:47.644: %DTLS-5-SEND_ALERT: Send FATAL : Close notify Alert to
    *Apr 27 11:50:47.644: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 27 11:50:47.644: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 27 11:50:47.697: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: capwap ifs:  read error or timeout
    *Apr 27 11:50:47.697: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Dropping dtls packet since session is not established.
    *Apr 27 11:50:47.703: capwap_image_proc: problem extracting tar file
    *Apr 27 11:50:57.000: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSEND: DTLS connection request sent peer_ip: peer_port: 5246
    *Apr 27 11:50:57.000: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to 
    *Apr 27 11:50:57.569: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSUCC: DTLS connection created sucessfully peer_ip: peer_port: 5246
    *Apr 27 11:50:57.569: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to
    *Apr 27 11:50:57.569: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to JOIN
    examining image...
    *Apr 27 11:51:02.571: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to archive download capwap:/ap3g1 tar file
    *Apr 27 11:51:02.583: %CAPWAP-5-AP_IMG_DWNLD: Required image not found on AP. Downloading image from Controller.
    *Apr 27 11:51:02.589: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to IMAGE
    *Apr 27 11:51:02.589: Loading file /ap3g1...
    logging facility kern
    % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
    %Error opening flash:/update/info (No such file or directory)
    ERROR: Image is not a valid IOS image archive.
    archive download: takes 48 seconds
    *Apr 27 11:51:50.640: %DTLS-5-SEND_ALERT: Send FATAL : Close notify Alert to
    *Apr 27 11:51:50.640: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 27 11:51:50.640: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 27 11:51:50.694: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: capwap ifs:  read error or timeout
    *Apr 27 11:51:50.700: capwap_image_proc: problem extracting tar file
    *Apr 27 11:51:50.700: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Dropping dtls packet since session is not established.
    *Apr 27 11:52:00.000: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSEND: DTLS connection request sent peer_ip: peer_port: 5246
    *Apr 27 11:52:00.000: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to 
    *Apr 27 11:52:00.569: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSUCC: DTLS connection created sucessfully peer_ip: peer_port: 5246
    *Apr 27 11:52:00.569: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to
    *Apr 27 11:52:00.569: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to JOIN
    examining image...
    *Apr 27 11:52:05.571: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to archive download capwap:/ap3g1 tar file
    *Apr 27 11:52:05.583: %CAPWAP-5-AP_IMG_DWNLD: Required image not found on AP. Downloading image from Controller.
    *Apr 27 11:52:05.589: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to IMAGE
    *Apr 27 11:52:05.589: Loading file /ap3g1...
    logging facility kern

    hi amjad,i am working on the same controller and i upload the image to another AP and cponvert it to LAP. bot this is not registering on controller and behaves like first as first ap is registered and working fine. 2nd ap console output is given below
    %Error opening flash:/update/info (No such file or directory)
    ERROR: Image is not a valid IOS image archive.
    archive download: takes 48 seconds
    *Apr 29 10:16:29.644: %DTLS-5-SEND_ALERT: Send FATAL : Close notify Alert to 192
    *Apr 29 10:16:29.644: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 29 10:16:29.647: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 29 10:16:29.707: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: capwap ifs:  read error or timeout
    *Apr 29 10:16:29.713: capwap_image_proc: problem extracting tar file
    *Apr 29 10:16:29.713: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Dropping dtls packet since session is
    not established.
    *Apr 29 10:16:40.000: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSEND: DTLS connection request sent peer_i
    p: peer_port: 5246
    *Apr 29 10:16:40.000: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to
    *Apr 29 10:16:40.569: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSUCC: DTLS connection created sucessfully
    peer_ip: peer_port: 5246
    *Apr 29 10:16:40.569: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to
    *Apr 29 10:16:40.569: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to JOIN
    examining image...
    *Apr 29 10:16:45.571: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to
    rform archive download capwap:/ap3g1 tar file
    *Apr 29 10:16:45.583: %CAPWAP-5-AP_IMG_DWNLD: Required image not found on AP. Do
    wnloading image from Controller.
    *Apr 29 10:16:45.589: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to IMAGE
    *Apr 29 10:16:45.589: Loading file /ap3g1...
    logging facility kern
    % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
    %Error opening flash:/update/info (No such file or directory)
    ERROR: Image is not a valid IOS image archive.
    archive download: takes 48 seconds
    *Apr 29 10:17:33.647: %DTLS-5-SEND_ALERT: Send FATAL : Close notify Alert to 192
    *Apr 29 10:17:33.647: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 29 10:17:33.650: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 29 10:17:33.710: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: capwap ifs:  read error or timeout
    *Apr 29 10:17:33.716: capwap_image_proc: problem extracting tar file
    *Apr 29 10:17:33.716: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Dropping dtls packet since session is
    not established.
    *Apr 29 10:17:43.000: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSEND: DTLS connection request sent peer_i
    p: peer_port: 5246
    *Apr 29 10:17:43.000: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to
    *Apr 29 10:17:43.569: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSUCC: DTLS connection created sucessfully
    peer_ip: peer_port: 5246
    *Apr 29 10:17:43.569: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to
    *Apr 29 10:17:43.569: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to JOIN
    examining image...
    *Apr 29 10:17:48.571: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to
    rform archive download capwap:/ap3g1 tar file
    *Apr 29 10:17:48.583: %CAPWAP-5-AP_IMG_DWNLD: Required image not found on AP. Do
    wnloading image from Controller.
    *Apr 29 10:17:48.589: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to IMAGE
    *Apr 29 10:17:48.589: Loading file /ap3g1...
    logging facility kern
    % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
    %Error opening flash:/update/info (No such file or directory)
    ERROR: Image is not a valid IOS image archive.
    archive download: takes 48 seconds
    *Apr 29 10:18:36.647: %DTLS-5-SEND_ALERT: Send FATAL : Close notify Alert to 192
    *Apr 29 10:18:36.650: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 29 10:18:36.650: %CAPWAP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DISCOVERY
    *Apr 29 10:18:36.710: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: capwap ifs:  read error or timeout
    *Apr 29 10:18:36.716: capwap_image_proc: problem extracting tar file
    *Apr 29 10:18:36.716: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Dropping dtls packet since session is
    not established.
    *Apr 29 10:18:46.000: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSRE
    pls help

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