Static final buffer passed into FilterOutputStream.write(byte[])

My team is using a custom subclass of FilterOutputStream to XOR some bytes with a key before writing them to an underlying OutputStream. We have never had problems with it until we started testing with Java 1.4.x -- where we noticed that some optimizations had been made to GZIPOutputStream to write the GZIP header out at once using a static final buffer to hold the header.
The problem seems to be that this header, although marked as static final, can still be changed when it is passed to our custom FilterOutputStream's write(byte[] b) method. For speed, we are XORing the bytes in place in the byte[] and then writing it directly back out. So every time we write the header with the same key, the static final byte[] that holds the header in GZIPOutputStream changes from its XORed to cleartext equivalent, and back.
My question is this: should this be considered a bug in the SDK, or a bug in our code? Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, but I can't find any documentation that specifies what can and can't be done with a byte[] that is passed into the write(byte[]) method of an OutputStream.
Any input is appreciated.
Mike Pontillo

Need some code here to clarify. Are you saying that
the original final static (constant) changes?
You've got to be careful when you talk about passing a
byte[], which can't be done, of course. You are
passing a reference to a byte[]. Using the reference,
the bytes can be copied. There aren't any restrictions
on what can be done to the copy.
and also, if you have final array, then only that arrays'
reference is final, but the content of array may change
as well as when that array wasn't static.Yes, I understand this. Thank you for your replies. FilterOutputStream.write(byte[]) of course takes a reference to a byte[]. We are overloading this to be something like:
public void write(byte[] b) {
   for(int i = 0 ; i < b.length ; i++) {
      b[i] = foo(b);
i.e. we modify the array inside the method rather than making a copy and writing out the copy.
This hasn't been a problem until Java 1.4.x -- now GZIPOutputStream passes a private static final byte[] (reference of course) into write(byte[]) in OutputStream. So when our overloaded write(byte[]) method gets called in FilterOutputStream and code similar to the above runs, the private static final reference to a byte[] is overwritten in the class. This was a change sometime between 1.3 and 1.4, I believe. From the J2SDK 1.4.1_02 source:
     * Writes GZIP member header.
    private final static byte[] header = {
        (byte) GZIP_MAGIC,                // Magic number (short)
        (byte)(GZIP_MAGIC >> 8),          // Magic number (short)
        Deflater.DEFLATED,                // Compression method (CM)
        0,                                // Flags (FLG)
        0,                                // Modification time MTIME (int)
        0,                                // Modification time MTIME (int)
        0,                                // Modification time MTIME (int)
        0,                                // Modification time MTIME (int)
        0,                                // Extra flags (XFLG)
        0                                 // Operating system (OS)
    private void writeHeader() throws IOException {
    }As you can see, they are passing a private static final reference to a byte array into somebody's untrusted method (ours). =)
Due to this issue we have to change our code so that it makes a copy of these bytes rather than changing them in the method. Now I'm wondering if this should be considered a bug in Java or not -- does changing bytes like this violate the general contract of an Input/Output stream? It at least seems like a bad idea for encapsulation purposes since anyone can change these bytes in the GZIPOutputStream class. We had previously assumed that if they were writing these bytes to an output stream they didn't care about them any more, which is the case 99.9% of the time in our experience.

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    Here some code snippets to give you an idea of what I do.
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    String fileName = "/server/SomeUltraSecretHiddenDirectory/ImportantSecretFile.doc";
    Click <a href="/fileservlet?fileName=<%=URLEncoder.encode(fileName)%>">HERE</a> to download file.Using the above code, ANYONE can retrieve this file if they know the URL. Also, they could try to change the URL paths to find other files. In other words, it's NOT SECURE.
    Now, try it this way (all exception handling is left out):
    private static final byte[] salt = { (byte)0xd4, (byte)0xa3, (byte)0xff, (byte)0x9e,
    (byte)0x12, (byte)0xc7, (byte)0xd0, (byte)0x84 };     
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    base64Encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
    base64Decoder = new BASE64Decoder();
    // get key object
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    PBEKeySpec keySpec = new PBEKeySpec("somesecretkeystring");
    SecretKeyFactory kf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES");
    key = kf.generateSecret(keySpec);     
    // get parameter spec
    PBEParameterSpec paramSpec = new PBEParameterSpec(salt, 1000);
    // create cipher
    Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES");
    c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, paramSpec);     
    // take string and get encrypt it (base-64 encode it to get rid of non-printable characters
    byte[] aResult = c.doFinal(fileName.getBytes("UTF-8"));
    String strResult = base64Encoder.encodeBuffer(aResult);
    // print the link
    Click <a href="/fileservlet?fileName=<%=URLEncoder.encode(strResult)%>">HERE</a> to download file.
    // on the server side, do the following to decrypt the link
    String encryptedFileName = request.getParameter("fileName");
    // create decryption cipher (i'm skipping a lot of the init code this time - see above for code example)
    Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES");
    c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, paramSpec);
    // decrypt string
    byte[] aResult = c.doFinal(base64Decoder.decodeBuffer(encryptedFileName));
    String strResult = new String(aResult, "UTF-8");Now you have the decrypted String. Your link will be unreadable and unbreakable. 100% safe as long as your key password is safe. I hope that gives you an idea of what you can do with cryptography!
    A few notes:
    - Most of the above code is in separate methods that can be easily reused (especially encrypt() and decrypt())
    - All exception handling has been left out
    - The above code was patched together from memory, so don't expect it to work as is (that's my disclaimer :)
    - You'll need the JCE libraries to use this functionality.
    - For REALLY sensitive data (such as passwords), make sure you use one-way encryption (hashes) if you don't ever need to decrypt it again.

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         String productType = "";
         String instance = "";
         String process = "";
         String asOfDate = "";
         String currencyCode = "";
         String curveId = "";
         String results = "";
         private String debug;
    private PrintWriter out;
         private WriteToLogFile logFile;
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         public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
         // method called for each get request
         public void doGet( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
                   throws ServletException, IOException
              String toWrite = " ";
    // Get the object identifier from the parameters passed in
              sqlType = request.getParameter("sqltype");
    productType = request.getParameter("producttype").toUpperCase();
              instance = request.getParameter("instance");
              process = request.getParameter("process");
              asOfDate = request.getParameter("asofdate");
              curveId = request.getParameter("curveid");
              currencyCode = request.getParameter("ccy").toUpperCase();
              if ( request.getParameter("debug") !=null)
                   debug = request.getParameter("debug");
                   debug ="";
              // set the mime type to html
    response.setContentType( "text/html" );
    out = response.getWriter();
              // write some parameters to a log file
              toWrite = toWrite + "<li>" + getServletInfo() + " at " + new Date() + " " + sqlType + " " +
                        productType + " " + instance + " " + process + " " + asOfDate + " " + curveId + " " +
         CachedObject o1 = (CachedObject)CacheManager.getCache("EB_" + currencyCode + productType + asOfDate);
    if(o1 == null){
              CacheSecurityObject cso = new CacheSecurityObject();
                   if((request.getParameter("sqltype") == null) && (request.getParameter("instance") != null)){
    results = (String)cso.putSecurityinCache(null, request.getParameter("producttype"), request.getParameter("instance"), request.getParameter("process"), request.getParameter("asOfDate"), request.getParameter("curveId"), request.getParameter("currencyCode"));
    //results = (String)cso.putSecurityinCache(null, "yc", "frafu", "official", "20011105", "baceod", "sek");
                   } else {
    //results = (String)cso.putSecurityinCache("bondtypes", "bond", null, "official", "20011105", "baceod", "eur");
    results = (String)cso.putSecurityinCache(request.getParameter("sqltype"), request.getParameter("producttype"), null, request.getParameter("process"), request.getParameter("asOfDate"), request.getParameter("curveId"), request.getParameter("currencyCode"));
    // general catch for all exceptions
              catch(Exception exception)
                   out.println( "Exception: The item that you requested was not found in the cache" + "<BR>" );
                   toWrite = toWrite + "Exception : " + exception.getMessage() + "\n" ;
    // write to logfile
              logFile = new WriteToLogFile();
              if (toWrite!=null)
         // need the class name for log file
         public String getServletInfo()
         return this.getClass().getName();

    That section of the code references a cache to extract an item that has been requested by the user. If the item is not in the cache i.e. if(o1 == null) then it will call a class that generates that object and places that object into the cache. The second time the user makes the same call then they will be handed a cached copy of that object which is aimed to make the whole servlet call faster.
    That section of the code works fine coz I have tested that separately. It is the reading in of the arguments that is causing the problem.

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    Ultimately through experimenting with it, we found that the buffer size of the create writer endpoint  for the data stream was causing the problem and that we had fat fingered the constants for this buffer size.   Also, pre-allocating or allocating the buffer on the fly made no difference.  We imagine that it may be due to the fact we are using a complex data type with a cluster with an array inside of it and it can be difficult to allocate a buffer for this data type.  We guess that the issue may be that by the reader endpoint establishing the connection to a writer with a large buffer size specified, the writer endpoint ultimately times out somewhere in the handshaking routine that is hidden below the surface. 
    I just wanted to post this so others would have a reference if they run into a similar situation and again for reference we found this in LV2014 but are not aware if it is a problem in earlier versions.

    Hi Curtiss!
    Thank you for your post!  Would it be possible for you to add some steps that others can use to reproduce/resolve the issue?
    Kelly B.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

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    If you need that, you definitely do too much work in your JSPs. You should do all your work in Servlets (or Actions if you're using Struts or something similar).
    Your JSPs should only do the presentation.
    Remember that JSPs are not classes (they are compiled into classes internally, but you don't have direct access to those).
    If you absolutely need such a public static final field that you want to access from several JSPs, just define it in a Class and reference that class from your JSPs.

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    public static final String ADD = "ADDOPP";
    public static final String DELETE = "DELETEOPP";
    public static final String UPDATE = "UPDATEOPP";
    client Side: mywebserviceport.setOperation( mywebservicePort.ADD );

    Sure, you can use JAX-WS and enums.
    For example on the server:
    public class echo {
    public enum Status {RED, YELLOW, GREEN}
    public Status echoStatus(Status status) {
    return status;
    on the client you get.
    @WebService(name = "Echo", wsdlLocation ="..." )
    public interface Echo {
    public Status echoStatus(
    @WebParam(name = "arg0", targetNamespace = "")
    Status arg0);
    public enum Status {
    public String value() {
    return name();
    public static Status fromValue(String v) {
    return valueOf(v);

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    thanks in advanced.
    form get_data.
    select * into corresponding fields of table itab
             from  J_1IEXCHDR
                     inner join  J_1IEXCDTL
                        on  J_1IEXCDTLlifnr =  J_1IEXCHDRlifnr
                     where  J_1IEXCHDr~status = 'P'.
       append itab.

    Pass your final table(internal table which you want to display) along with fieldcatalog to FM reuse_alv_grid_display.:\
          i_callback_program = i_repid
       IT_SORT               = gt_sort
          it_fieldcat        = lt_fieldcat[]
          t_outtab           = lt_final
          program_error      = 1
          OTHERS             = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

  • Will declaring primitives as static final (constants) conserve memory?

    I wrote a code
    int a = flag?1:0;on which my supervisor commented that 1 and 0 should be replaced by SomeInterface.ONE (=1) and SomeInterface.ZERO (=0) respectively. The reason he gave was that since constants are static so it will conserve memory.
    Is this really true?

    First of all, this Interface for Constants anti-pattern is widely derided.
    Secondly, one of the reasons it was used in the first place was readability, not performance, and in that case constants that pertain to the meaning of that 1 and 0, and not the values, might have been understandable (e.g. SomeInterface.TRUE = 1 and SomeInterface.FALSE = 0), but definately not ONE and ZERO.
    Thirdly, memory use is the same as public static final variables (as interface constants are), have their value compiled directly into the class using them, at the point where it used, so whether a constant is used, or a literal value, the space that that class definition uses is the same. In addition, there is then an interface definition that also has those values so the memory use is more, in end effect. And, regardless, that memory space is not on the heap, which is the memory space you will be most interested in, so it has no noticeable effect on memory space either way.

  • Enum vs static final String

    I was going to use static final Strings as enumerated constants in my application, but would like to see if I should be using enums instead.
    In terms of efficiency, if I have, say, 5 enumerated elements, will only one copy of the enumerated element be in memory, like a static final String? So regardless of how many times I refer to it, all references point to the same instance (I'm not sure if what I just said even makes sense in the context of enums, but perhaps you could clarify).
    Are there any reasons why for enumerated constants that are known at development time, why static final Strings (or static final anything, for that matter) should be used instead of enums if you're using JDK 1.5?

    In terms of efficiency, if I have, say, 5 enumerated elements, will only one copy of
    the enumerated element be in memory, like a static final String?I don't know if it addesses your concerns, but the the Java Language Specification says this about enums: "It is a compile-time error to attempt to explicitly instantiate an enum type (�15.9.1). The final clone method in Enum ensures that enum constants can never be cloned, and the special treatment by the serialization mechanism ensures that duplicate instances are never created as a result of deserialization. Reflective instantiation of enum types is prohibited. Together, these four things ensure that no instances of an enum type exist beyond those defined by the enum constants." (
    As for the problems of memory usage, how big are these strings anyway?
    The advantages of using enums over static final strings are discussed in the "technotes" accompanying 1.5 They list the following as problems with the static final "antipattern"
      * It is not typesafe (methods that expect one of your constants can be sent any old string)
      * There is no name space - so you must continually be sure that your constants don't have names that may be confused
      * Brittleness. Your strings will be compiled into the clients that use them. Then later you add a new constant...
    �  * Printed values will be uninformative. Perhaps less of a problem for Strings, but, still, simply printing the string will leave its semantic significance obscure.

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    Attachments: ‏130 KB

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    Concatenate strings should work or just use one string constant with multiple lines. The problem you're having could be that the instrument requires some sort of delay but without details on the instrument, only you or the vendor can answer that. Some instruments will have a queue and others won't. The other possiblity is that you need some kind of termination character between commands. This might be a carriage return for a serial instrument or the ; character for a GPIB one. Check the instrument manual or provide the make and model and maybe someone here has some experience with it.

  • Changing the value of a parameter that has been passed into an SSRS 2008 R2 report

    I support 200+ reports that all use stored procedures and have many drill downs with built in URLs.
    I want to do the below to avoid creating a brand new parameter that I will have to add to literally hundreds of places.
    We have what I'll call Param1 that receives a value from the user.  That Param1 is passed to the stored procedure(s) for the report and also embedded in any Action URLs for drill downs to other reports from that report.  All works great.
    Now I have a need to concatenate a string to whatever value they supplied which provides context for the environment in which they are running.  The reason I want to do this instead of creating a new parameter is because I need this in all my reports
    and as stated above I would have to make 100s of changes to make that happen.  If I can figure out a way to concatenate a value to the existing Param1 value I can greatly reduce the number of changes.
    I can't seem to be able to find a way to modify the value on an existing parameter that is passed into the report prior to report execution.
    I get an error when I simply try to concatenate something to the parameter in its Default property.
    I can't find a way to update a parameter value in the Report Code block.  There don't appear to be any methods available on the Parameter Collection to set the value of a parameter.
    Any ideas?

    Create a new parameter. Mark it internal, set it's value by expression to:
    and pass it to the proc?
    Don't forget to mark helpful posts, and answers. It helps others to find relevant posts to the same question.

  • How to preserve data when converting a Standard DSO into a Write Optimized

    I'm looking for proven strategies for preserving data when converting a standard DSO into a write optimized DSO. The data has to be dropped before the new DSO is transported into the environment.
    1. The DSO is currently in synch with a cube,
    2. The PSA does not have all the data which is in the DSO.
    3. Data volume is incredibly high for a full reload from ECC, so we'd like to avoid that option.
    Appreciate any help!

    Hi Gregg,
    have you considered just deleting the data? I know that sounds simple, but it might be a valid solution.
    If the DSO is just receiving new data (e.g. FI documents), you can continue to deliver a logically correct delta to the cube.
    Should that not be possible and you really want all data that you currently have in your DSO1 in the write optimized future of it, then how about this:
    - Create a new DSO2 same structure as DSO1
    - Load all data into that
    - Delete all data from your DSO1 and import the transport to make it write optimized
    - Load all data back into you now write optimized DSO1 from DSO2
    The problem you have then, is that all data that you have already loaded into your cube is due to be delivered as a delta from DSO1 again.
    Depending on your transformation / update rules that might or might not be a problem.

  • How do I convert a Vector to be passed into the session

    Hi I have a vector in a JSP that I need to pass on to a second JSP. I use the following command to do that just as I pass normal other strings:
    But the follwoing error is been thrown by Tomcat.
    Incompatible type for method. Can't convert void to java.lang.Object.
    I guess I have to convert it explicitly into an object and then how do I do that? could someone please help me fast on this?
    if this doesn't work is there some other way to send this vector to my other page? I am currently sending enough strings using the above method, but for Vectors it doesn't seem to work though I am told that a session object can carry any object unlike the request object that carries only strings. Please help!!!!

    Hi Calin thank you so much for taking ur time to help me with my problem.
    well let me explain my requirement fully in detail. JSP1 has a form on it for the user to fill in. its in the form of a table with multiple rows. say as in entering product details one after the other in an invoice.
    I want each of these rows taken in and passed into JSP2.
    What I do is pack each row of the table into a hashtable using a 'for' loop.
    Then I add each record (within the 'for' loop) to a Vector. After the 'for' loop, outside of it, I set this Vector to the session as :
    Well let me copy paste and extract of the coding from my source which shows what I have done.
    Vector set=new Vector();
    for (int i=0;i<Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("NoOfRecords"));i++)
    Hashtable Record=new Hashtable();
                   Record.put("ContractEndDate",ContractEndDate);               set.add(Record);
    well don't worry about the for loop condition up there cos it works for the main functionality that exists within the for loop. but what seems to go wrong is when I add records to the hashtable and when I pack it to the Vector "set"
    I hope I have not done something wrong as a principle over here.
    And btw the error that I showed u before, is pointed at a row which exists in the file that is generated when compiled. the out.println part is generated in that file during compilation and I don't know why.
    I hope I have given u information for u to make some sense of my requirement and thank u a million once again for ur effort to help me out. I am grateful to all of u.

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    Does this code look ok below? trying to match it all in one string public String getEmail(){ //Checks for email addresses making sure it contains //the @ symbol, .net .com and .edu. Pattern p = Pattern.compile("/^\w+((-\w++)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((

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    I have a number of Adobe Photoshop Elements slide shows in the Video CD format.  Since many DVD players (especially blue-ray) do not accomodate the Video CD format........... I would like to convert them to DVD.  This will not improve the resolution

  • Tab control using keyboard functions

    Hi, Thanks very much for helping with my questions. I want to know how to open different tabs of my application using key board keys (hot key). Solved! Go to Solution.