Statusformat=xml in Reports6i

Reports9i servlet has a parameter statusformat=xml which allows you to get back jobid and some statusinformations after starting them over web.
Are there any plans backport and incorporate this in a current Reports6i patch?
This would help us a lot!
Cheers, Stefan

nhmm ... what a pitty!
That makes Oracle Reports6i pretty unflexible to integrate with it!
I am looking for a generic way to handle delayed/asynchronous printing from our application ... but of course monitoring the whole process in an administration screen.
So the only way to get back a reports internal jobid to access the reports api tables for checking status is by using run_report_object in Oracle Forms. No other way (Reports OCI doesn't return anything, and websubmit also doesn't return anything).
statusformat=xml would solve our problems (and a lot of other peoples). Any chance this feature can get implemented in a upcomming patch?
Cheers, Stefan

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    I have
    ORAS 10g(
    utl_mail configured.

    In file the http port is 7778,
    now the output is like this...
    SQL> /
    * API-Version : 9i *
    * (C) Oracle Corporation, 2000 - 2002 *
    * Debugging turned ON **************************
    *** Length of Paramlist : 1
    OK : Parameter added : GATEWAY=
    *** Length of Paramlist : 2
    OK : Parameter added : SERVER=rep_myserver_oracleas2
    *** Length of Paramlist : 3
    OK : Parameter added : REPORT=D:\Reports\emp.rdf
    *** Length of Paramlist : 4
    OK : Parameter added : USERID=abc/xyz@mydb
    *** Length of Paramlist : 5
    OK : Parameter added : DESTYPE=mail
    *** Length of Paramlist : 6
    OK : Parameter added : DESFORMAT=PDF
    *** Length of Paramlist : 7
    OK : Parameter added : [email protected]
    Starting run_report: building url
    *** Building URL (RUN_REPORT)
    OK : URL built :
    *** Submitting HTTP Request
    *** using URL
    OK : Request submitted - Return stream : <?xml version = '1.0' encoding =
    'ISO-8859-1' standalone = 'yes'?>
    <error code="50159"
    component="REP" message="Executed successfully but there were some errors when
    distribute the output"/>
    OK : Request submitted - Length of stream : 229
    *** XML-Parsed - Following Structure discovered :
    *** Checking elements!
    serverQueues ()
    *** Checking attributes!
    *** Checking attributes!
    __code = 50159
    __component = REP
    __message = Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the
    *** Finished Parsing XML
    Getting value for element: job
    Getting value for element: error
    *** Requesting value for Attribute error.component [REP]
    Getting value for element: error
    *** Requesting value for Attribute error.code [50159]
    Getting value for element: error
    *** Requesting value for Attribute error.message [Executed successfully but    
    there were some errors when distribute the output]
    REP-50159:Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06512: at "NRSP.SRW", line 264
    ORA-06512: at "NRSP.SRW", line 799
    ORA-06512: at line 15

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    &statusformat=xmlI still don't get the graphs
    sorry for my ignorence....But what will &statusformat=xml will do ?

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    the report cannot be run.
    In the Form :
    A record group named 'Q_QUERY'with 2 columns named 'APPLY_AGT' & 'STATUS' was built and populated.
    l_Param_Name := 'Q_QUERY';
    l_Param_Value := 'Q_QUERY';
    add_parameter (l_PARMLIST_ID, l_Param_Name, DATA_PARAMETER, l_Param_Value);
    Then will call the report using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT
    And just before calling the report , I am sure the data is already in the Record Group.
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    Am I missed something or it really can't do this in 10g ?
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    Please help, thanks!

    Use the following URL to see the exact reprt error in the server:
    just replace the words between *s  with their values. It will give u an idea as to what went wrong.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • How to know the jobid of an async report

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    I'm trying to get the jobid of an async report that is successfully submitted over a web browser, i got the generic message from reports that my report is "Successfully submitted" but i got no extra info in order to access to the output from that report.
    So please, if anyone can help me i would appreciate it a lot!!

    You can add statusformat=xml in the URL. The jobid will be returned among other information.


    Hi All,
    When I run my report directly from the report builder, I get the output. But when I run it through the form I get TERMINATED_WITH_ERROR status in REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS() builtin. How can I know what that error is? Any idea is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards,

    A jobid has been returned by the builtin RUN_REPORT_OBJECT.
    You can use the URL :
    replace 123 by the jobid and repserver by the reports server name

  • Running report from database package

    I have a database package and it gets soem details and submits the report using SRW. It has submitted successfully. But the report is not outputed but there is file with extension eps. Can the package pass the user variables??
    The package code follows:-
    PROCEDURE p_submit_copy_invoices(
    par_organization_id1           IN     system_users.organization_id%TYPE,
    par_batch_no1               IN     ds_invoice_headers.batch_no%TYPE,
    par_invoice_date IN ds_invoice_headers.creation_date%type,
    par_user_code          IN     system_users.user_code%TYPE,
    par_err_msg               OUT     VARCHAR2) IS
    replist SRW_PARAMLIST;
    repindent SRW.job_ident;
    repstatus SRW.STATUS_RECORD;
    par_customer_code_from ds_invoice_headers.customer_code%type;
    par_organization_id number;
    par_batch_no number;
    WHERE dih.ORGANIZATION_ID = par_organization_id1
    AND TRUNC(dih.CREATION_DATE) = par_invoice_date --'16-SEP-04' --TO_DATE(:DUAL.INVOICE_DATE)
         --v_user_params :=  ' par_organization_id1 ='||:GLOBAL.organization_id
         --                    || ' par_customer_code_from ='||CURR_REC.customer_code
         --                    || ' par_batch_no = '||CURR_REC.batch_no;
         dbms_output.put_line('inside loop -'||curr_rec.customer_code);
    replist := SRW_PARAMLIST(SRW_PARAMETER('',''));
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(replist,'USERID','dis/[email protected]');
         dbms_output.put_line(' before desformat ');
         dbms_output.put_line(' before MODE');
         dbms_output.put_line(' user defined variable ');
         dbms_output.put_line(' before runrepoert ');
         repindent := srw.run_report(replist);
         repstatus := SRW.REPORT_STATUS(repindent);     
         dbms_output.put_line(' status of the report - '||repstatus.statuscode);
         END LOOP;
    END p_submit_copy_invoices;
    I have turned the dubugging on :-
    * API-Version : 9i *
    * (C) Oracle Corporation, 2000 - 2002 *
    * Debugging turned ON **************************
    *** Length of Paramlist : 1
    OK : Parameter added : GATEWAY=
    *** Length of Paramlist : 2
    OK : Parameter added : REPORT=/u02/app/dis/dev/reports/rdf/dsinvprt.rdf
    *** Length of Paramlist : 3
    OK : Parameter added : SERVER=repseikoapps2
    *** Length of Paramlist : 4
    OK : Parameter added : USERID=dis/[email protected]
    *** Length of Paramlist : 5
    OK : Parameter added : DESTYPE=FILE
    before desformat
    *** Length of Paramlist : 6
    OK : Parameter added : DESTINATION=/u02/app/dis/dev/reports/rep/dsinvprt.pdf
    *** Length of Paramlist : 7
    OK : Parameter added : BLANKPAGES=no
    *** Length of Paramlist : 8
    OK : Parameter added : COPIES=1
    before MODE
    *** Length of Paramlist : 9
    OK : Parameter added : MODE=Bitmap
    *** Length of Paramlist : 10
    OK : Parameter added : ORIENTATION=Landscape
    *** Length of Paramlist : 11
    OK : Parameter added : PARAMFORM=no
    user defined variable
    *** Length of Paramlist : 12
    OK : Parameter added : =129
    *** Length of Paramlist : 13
    OK : Parameter added : =250000D
    *** Length of Paramlist : 14
    OK : Parameter added : =100104
    before runrepoert
    Starting run_report: building url
    *** Building URL (RUN_REPORT)
    OK : URL built :
    *** Submitting HTTP Request
    *** using URL :
    OK : Request submitted - Return stream : <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' standalone = 'yes'?>
    <job id="842" queueType="past">
    OK : Request submitted - Length of stream : 678
    *** XML-Parsed - Following Structure discovered :
    *** Checking elements!
    serverQueues ()
    *** Checking attributes!
    job ()
    *** Checking attributes!
    __id = 842
    __queueType = past
    name (/u02/app/dis/dev/reports/rdf/dsinvprt.rdf)
    *** Checking attributes!
    type (report)
    *** Checking attributes!
    status (Finished successfully)
    *** Checking attributes!
    __code = 4
    owner (RWUser)
    *** Checking attributes!
    server (repseikoapps2)
    *** Checking attributes!
    destination ()
    *** Checking attributes!
    desType (FILE)
    *** Checking attributes!
    desFormat (unknown)
    *** Checking attributes!
    file (71106787.eps)
    *** Checking attributes!
    timingInfo ()
    *** Checking attributes!
    queued (1/10/2004 15:02:18)
    *** Checking attributes!
    started (1/10/2004 15:02:18)
    *** Checking attributes!
    finished (1/10/2004 15:02:18)
    *** Checking attributes!
    *** Finished Parsing XML
    Getting value for element: job
    *** Requesting value for Attribute [842]
    Getting value for element: server
    *** Requesting value for TAG server [repseikoapps2]
    Getting value for element: job
    *** Requesting value for Attribute job.type []
    Getting value for element: job
    *** Requesting value for Attribute job.queueType [past]
    Getting value for element: name
    *** Requesting value for TAG name [u02/app/dis/dev/reports/rdf/dsinvprt.rdf]
    Getting value for element: status
    *** Requesting value for Attribute status.code [4]
    Getting value for element: status
    *** Requesting value for TAG status [Finished successfully]
    Getting value for element: owner
    *** Requesting value for TAG owner [RWUser]
    Getting value for element: desType
    *** Requesting value for TAG desType [FILE]
    Getting value for element: desName
    *** Requesting value for TAG file [71106787.eps]
    Getting value for element: queued
    *** Requesting value for TAG queued [1/10/2004 15:02:18]
    Getting value for element: started
    *** Requesting value for TAG started [1/10/2004 15:02:18]
    Getting value for element: finished
    *** Requesting value for TAG finished [1/10/2004 15:02:18]
    Getting value for element: parentJob
    *** RUN REPORT BY URL - Processing finished
    JobID : 842
    StatusCode : 4
    StatusText : Finished successfully
    TimeStamp : 10/01/04 02:22 PM
    *** Length of Paramlist : 1
    OK : Parameter added : GATEWAY=
    *** Length of Paramlist : 2
    OK : Parameter added : SERVER=repseikoapps2
    *** Length of Paramlist : 3
    OK : Parameter added : JOBID=842
    *** Length of Paramlist : 4
    OK : Parameter added : AUTHID=
    *** Building URL (showjobid)
    Added jobid to URL
    Added Server to URL
    Added statusformat to URL
    OK : URL built :
    *** Submitting HTTP Request
    *** using URL :
    OK : Request submitted - Return stream : <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' standalone = 'yes'?>
    <job id="842" queueType="past">
    OK : Request submitted - Length of stream : 678
    *** XML-Parsed - Following Structure discovered :
    *** Checking elements!
    serverQueues ()
    *** Checking attributes!
    job ()
    *** Checking attributes!
    __id = 842
    __queueType = past
    name (/u02/app/dis/dev/reports/rdf/dsinvprt.rdf)
    *** Checking attributes!
    type (report)
    *** Checking attributes!
    status (Finished successfully)
    *** Checking attributes!
    __code = 4
    owner (RWUser)
    *** Checking attributes!
    server (repseikoapps2)
    *** Checking attributes!
    destination ()
    *** Checking attributes!
    desType (FILE)
    *** Checking attributes!
    desFormat (unknown)
    *** Checking attributes!
    file (71106787.eps)
    *** Checking attributes!
    timingInfo ()
    *** Checking attributes!
    queued (1/10/2004 15:02:18)
    *** Checking attributes!
    started (1/10/2004 15:02:18)
    *** Checking attributes!
    finished (1/10/2004 15:02:18)
    *** Checking attributes!
    Getting value for element: job
    *** Requesting value for Attribute [842]
    Getting value for element: server
    *** Requesting value for TAG server [repseikoapps2]
    Getting value for element: job
    *** Requesting value for Attribute job.type []
    Getting value for element: job
    *** Requesting value for Attribute job.queueType [past]
    Getting value for element: name
    *** Requesting value for TAG name [u02/app/dis/dev/reports/rdf/dsinvprt.rdf]
    Getting value for element: status
    *** Requesting value for Attribute status.code [4]
    Getting value for element: status
    *** Requesting value for TAG status [Finished successfully]
    Getting value for element: owner
    *** Requesting value for TAG owner [RWUser]
    Getting value for element: desType
    *** Requesting value for TAG desType [FILE]
    Getting value for element: desName
    *** Requesting value for TAG file [71106787.eps]
    Getting value for element: queued
    *** Requesting value for TAG queued [1/10/2004 15:02:18]
    Getting value for element: started
    *** Requesting value for TAG started [1/10/2004 15:02:18]
    Getting value for element: finished
    *** Requesting value for TAG finished [1/10/2004 15:02:18]
    Getting value for element: parentJob
    *** JOB STATUS - Processing finished
    JobID : 842
    StatusCode : 4
    StatusText : Finished successfully
    TimeStamp : 10/01/04 02:22 PM
    Can any one help me why the file is not created.

    The file is created, but as an eps file (post script printer file). That is because you have not specified a desformat (e.g. PDF).

  • Displaying Report Server error in forms

    Is there a way in forms to display the error message from the reports server instead of the generic non informative message "FRM-41214 Unable to Run Report."

    test the following code :
    v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
    IF Form_Failure THEN
    rro_error_code := ERROR_CODE;
    END IF;
    idx := INSTR(v_rep , '_' , -1) ;
    if (idx > 0 ) then
         v_repjobid := substr(v_rep , idx + 1);
         v_repserver := substr(v_rep , 1 , idx-1);
    end if;
    if rro_error_code = 41214 then
         web.show_document ('/reports/rwservlet/showjobid'||v_repjobid||'?server='||v_repserver||'&statusformat=xml','_blank');
    end if;

  • REP-50159: Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribt

    i get this error(REP-50159: Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the output)
    when i distribute output using following url.\Reports\emp.rdf+userid=abc/xyz@mydb+desformat=pdf+DESTYPE=mail+DESNAME="[email protected]"+FROM="[email protected]"
    I am working on ORA AS 10g(,Windows Server 2003
    Please mark out suggestions.

    @Inol ...yea i have configrd the mail server(smtp) properties in report server,when the destype is file, the url works fine.i.e generate the file on specified location.
    but using destype mail, it fails, whether i use the url, or use the even driven api procedure..
    Running the procedure its the debugged out put with error...
    * API-Version : 9i *
    * (C) Oracle Corporation, 2000 - 2002 *
    * Debugging turned ON **************************
    *** Length of Paramlist : 1
    OK : Parameter added : GATEWAY=
    *** Length of Paramlist : 2
    OK : Parameter added : SERVER=rep_myserver_oracleas2
    *** Length of Paramlist : 3
    OK : Parameter added : REPORT=D:\Reports\emp.rdf
    *** Length of Paramlist : 4
    OK : Parameter added : USERID=abc/xyz@mydb
    *** Length of Paramlist : 5
    OK : Parameter added : DESTYPE=mail
    *** Length of Paramlist : 6
    OK : Parameter added : DESFORMAT=PDF
    *** Length of Paramlist : 7
    OK : Parameter added : [email protected]
    Starting run_report: building url
    *** Building URL (RUN_REPORT)
    OK : URL built :
    *** Submitting HTTP Request
    *** using URL
    OK : Request submitted - Return stream : <?xml version = '1.0' encoding =
    'ISO-8859-1' standalone = 'yes'?>
    <error code="50159"
    component="REP" message="Executed successfully but there were some errors when
    distribute the output"/>
    OK : Request submitted - Length of stream : 229
    *** XML-Parsed - Following Structure discovered :
    *** Checking elements!
    serverQueues ()
    *** Checking attributes!
    *** Checking attributes!
    __code = 50159
    __component = REP
    __message = Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the
    *** Finished Parsing XML
    Getting value for element: job
    Getting value for element: error
    *** Requesting value for Attribute error.component [REP]
    Getting value for element: error
    *** Requesting value for Attribute error.code [50159]
    Getting value for element: error
    *** Requesting value for Attribute error.message [Executed successfully but
    there were some errors when distribute the output]
    REP-50159:Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06512: at "NRSP.SRW", line 264
    ORA-06512: at "NRSP.SRW", line 799
    ORA-06512: at line 15
    --- i am stuck here...
    -- Googled the error but in vain.....

  • How to run reports asynchronously with rwservlet?

    Is there any examples how to use rwservlet to call some PDF reports asynchronously?
    My application (deployed on the serverA constructs the redirection URL to display the desired report (and the reports servlet is installed on the server B):
    Because my report execution time can be longer that 5 min, sometimes I have “Page not found” in my web browser, and for that reason I decided that I must execute the reports asynchronously.
    I know that I can have all the information (jobId and server) in an XML format by adding &statusformat=xml&BACKGROUND=YES to my URL. My problem is that I can’t handle this XML response on the client side, in the browser with JavaScript - XMLHttpRequest (problems with SSO authorisation).
    Do I need another application (with a JSP page for example) to be deployed to the same server with the rwservlet to make the asynchronously call?
    Thanks for any suggestion,

    Look at "Using Event-Driven Publishing":

  • XML (DTD) and Reports6i

    What's at the bottom of Oracle's statement Reports6i reads DTD?
    Has anybody ever tested this feature?
    What's the purpose of this?
    Let us talk about it!

    Yep, I noticed it too. I used DTD, of course.
    "Nick Minutello" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message news:[email protected]..
    There seems to be a discrepancy between the DTD for theweblogic-ejb-jar.xml file
    and the WLS7 documentation: Which source of information should I treat as
    For example, the WLS7 documentation contains no information on the<idempotent-methods>
    element (and its child elements)
    (There is also a (larger) discrepancy between the weblogic-application.xmlDTD and
    the docs - I will post that Q under application deployment)

  • Clob field cannot generate to XML

    I'm using Reports6i and am trying to generate a report to XML. Among the data is a clob field. Everything else looks fine except the clob, which is gibberish. The same gibberish is repeated for every row of data.
    Has anyone else encountered this?? Is it a bug?? Is there a setting I can change?? Any help would be appreciated.

    Wrote to SAP. Got the below mentioned reply from them
    Please make sure that in transaction SMSY, in the Header Data tab for
    the system you want to upgrade, both ERP 6 and EHP5 for ERP 6 are added
    as product versions and also active. Information about why this is
    needed can be found in note 1464712.
    Please don't forget to choose a relevant product instance for ERP 6.
    After this is done, please enter the system in an ERP 6 logical
    component. Please add the new ERP 6 logical component to another
    solution, and please proceed to opening the Maintenance Optimizer
    transaction from the solution with the ERP 6 logical component.
    The option to choose should be 'Enhancement Package install'.
    The technical usage to choose is Discrete Ind.& Mill Products.
    If somehow you are not able to choose technical usage Discrete Ind.&
    Mill Products in the technical usage screen in Maintenance Optimizer:
    please check note 1324838 for the required product instances of ERP 6
    in SMSY.

  • Generate XML

    Hi, i have created a Reports6i rdf file that contains several levels of groupings. It all appears okay on the rdf report but when I generate to XML and view the xml file, only some one levels have been translated.
    e.g. the report contains
    Group 1a and 1b are linked to group1 when I produce as XML only 1a comes out on the file.
    Why is this?

    The patch sets you find on Metalink for Reports NT/2000 Server have been thoroughly tested. (Look at the list of "Latest product patch sets or minipacks" for "MS Windows NT/2000 Server" and not "MS Windows 95/98/NT/2K Client".) These patchsets are product maintenance releases containing accumulated high priority bugs. One-off or backport patches are another matter, which are for specific bugs and have limited testing.
    Of course, for production systems you should always test in advance and in isolation as much as possible to insure that no regressions occur.
    The Oracle Reports Team --skw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Xml output remove tag begin with LIST_

    I have a requirement to generate a report with XML output. This output will be used for upload informations to other application. I know names of all tags and I can't have other tags.
    I have a xml file for bi publisher and work fine but group element added one more tag who begin with LIST_.
    I want to remove all tags which begin with LIST_.
    Any suggestion?

    In reports6i I can you can click on the report properties of the group to remove the list tag.
    In data templates just add the property
              <property name="include_rowsettag" value="false"/>Don't forget to give me the points!
    Ike Wiggins

  • XML Quote report

    We have a problem with our XML Quote report that cuts off the report at 26 pages when it should go to about 200 pages.
    We have another report the Acknowledge Quote and it works fine.

    Finally we found the solution for this problem.
    1. Open qotSCocPrint.jsp and add below line inside <SELECT id="qotOutFrmt" name="qotOutFrmt"> statement. This line should be added after "for" loop.
    <OPTION value="EXCEL">Excel Format</option>
    We can add as many options the XML Publisher supports.
    2. Decompile oracle.apps.aso.print.webui.MainCO.class (Controller).
    Change the below line
    Take a backup of the original file, compile the java in the same directory.
    3. Decompile oracle.apps.aso.print.server.PrintQuoteAMImpl.class and change this line
    Field field = class2.getDeclaredField("OUTPUT_TYPE_PDF");
    String outputFormat="OUTPUT_TYPE"+as[12].trim();
    Field field = class2.getDeclaredField(outputFormat);
    Bounce Apache and generate the Quote output in desired format.

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