Steps of notes application

can any body give me the steps of oss notes application in SAP.

Hi Prem,
For searching to the OSS notes just go to the link below
For applying notes go to transaction SNOTE and refer to the below link
Reward points if useful.

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    Please try to do as follows:
    1. Check your farm solution whether reference the Microsoft.SharePoint.dll. Or try to add the Microsoft.SharePoint.dll into the bin folder.
    2. Execute the iisreset command.
    3. Create a new farm solution and check whether the issue still occurs or not.
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    I wasn't asking about the commit.
    In the first post you said:
    "The waiting time is varying from time to time some times it is getting executed in 20 min, some time it is taking 1 hr no fixed time."
    And in the latest post you said:
    "but no matter it is not moving to the next step"
    Which one is true?
    And anyway, commiting the result of a decision step is not, I think, something that can be delayed.
    Rick Bakker
    Hanabi Technology

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    Hi vishal,
    The root cause of the issue is
    You don't have IIS restart privilege on windows OS
    Even if you have it, you have not added your login account in to SharePoint sitecollection administrator.
    To solve the issue
    To see whether you have privilege or not, you can open a command prompt and type "IISReset". 
    If you able to restart, then it will restart successfully otherwise it will deny it.  The reason is, Though you are in administrators group, windows 2008 will not run on the administrator privilege. Every time when you do an operation like IIS
    restart or Installation, it will prompt for UAC (User Account Control). You should accept the dialog box and elevate the privilege to run the operation. 
    Or you can right click the application whatever you want to run and click the menu option "Run as Administrator" which will solve the issue.
    If you want to avoid UAC and directly run through you admin account then, go to Control panel -> Manage account -> Hide UAC
    Second if you have all the privilege and still you are getting error in VS2010 as "'Recycle IIS Application Pool':0x80070005Access denied, then you have to add your account in to site collection admin.
    1) You can do this by going to sharepoint administration page.
    2) Navigate to the site collection administration option
    3) Add your name into site collection administrator as a second owner. SharePoint will allow a second owner for site colleciton
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    I have faced the same issue.
    These are browser compatibility issues.
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    There is a permanent solution for it to upgrade tools version to 8.52.03.
    This update has been provided by oracle for resolution of browser compatibility issues.
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    chanrachu wrote:
    ready store back factory setting all my data loss but insert sim start reboot
    I have no idea what that means or how it is related to the question about how many notes you can store in the Notes application. If your question is not related to the OP's question, it's both more polite and more effective to start your own thread with a properly descriptive subject line. If English is not your native language, you might do better posting in your native language. If that's not an option, please try to write your post in complete sentences with punctuation. Give as much detail as you can, including what you're trying to do, what happens when you try, what error messages your getting and what troubleshooting steps you've already taken.
    Best of luck.

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    Ever since I bought my iPhone and iPad, I've been using the Notes app extensively. It's very powerful, since I can jot down some small thoughts on my way to a meeting on my iPhone, and pick up during the meeting on my iPad. I totally love it!
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    Thank you in advance,
    Rotterdam, the Netherlands

    These are user-to-user forums, they are not monitored by Apple. If you want to leave feedback for Apple then you can do so here :

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    My Powerbook was the same. Only fix is to reinstall OSX from the install CD but be sure not to pick the Format and install clean. Once you boot with the install CD pick the preserve user data and settings.
    On My machine the reinstall looked perfect. My network, email, files and all the programmes were all there. Most apps worked fine but Adobe CS2, Virtual PC and NetBarrier all needed reinastallation as they reported a few files or registration was missing. I went for the 10.4.3 upgrade again and it worked fine.
    Good luck

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    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
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    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi All,
    Found solution for steps not displayed in LSMW:
    Transaction :SMLT
    check whether your language (DUTCH in mycase) has supplemention with ENGLISH OR GERMAN Language If not then import neccesary package.
    For more details refer SAP note:761911

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