Stored Procedure Command issues in CS3

I've been having a problem using some stored procedures in
CS3 which had previously worked with no issue in 8.0.2. I'm running
CS3 on a Mac for ASP & SQL Server 2000.
The input parameters for the stored procedure are...
Fieldname: CategoryID (int) length: 4
Fieldname: Men (bit) length: 1
Fieldname: Women(bit) length:1
I have no problem using the Command function to call this
stored procedure in DW 8.0.2, but in CS3, while I am able to TEST
the recordset successfully within the Command dialog, when I press
OK and then attempt to view the field list in the Bindings panel, I
get this error...
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Procedure
'spCategoryProduct' expects parameter '@Men', which was not
When I open up the command settings dialog again, Default
Values and the Runtime Values I entered for the Men and Women bit
parameter are blank. The only Default Value and Runtime Value
retained is for the field CategoryID.
CS3 is able to call other stored procedures which do not
contain a Bit field type without issue, so I'm curious if this is
the culprit.
I have DW8.0.2 still installed on the same system, and have
been able to call this stored procedure in this older version,
without any problems.
Please help!

Holy thread-resurrection Batman!
Please open a new dicussion after reading the bi4.0 data access guide:
Also, please specify which SP and Patch you are using.

Similar Messages

  • Stored Procedure/Variable issue

    Hopefully this is the last issue to work through... but we need to access images stored on another server. We have a stored procedure called 'get_doc' that accesses the image file, and we've successfully tested it with a hardcoded value. A button calls a process that executes the following PL/SQL:
    get_doc (
    p=> 77456);
    However, when I use the same process with a variable on the page (which has the same numeric value of 77456), the procedure says the value of p is Null.
    get_doc (
    p=> :P7_STARTERNUM);
    Any suggestions or advice?
    (Using ApEx 4.0 in IE8)

    CPate  wrote:
    Yes, the connection is correct. And I swapped in the hardcode number, the process does what it is supposed to and returns the image. Swap back in the variable (with to_number as well, just to be sure) and it returns null.
    I tried debugging it and didn't see where P7_STARTERNUM was changed. It just says:
    ..Process "STARTERGET": PLSQL (AFTER_SUBMIT) get_doc (p=> to_number(:P7_STARTERNUM));The trace should look something like:
    0.00275     0.00220     A C C E P T: Request="SAVE"
    0.00484     0.00801     Metadata: Fetch application definition and shortcuts
    0.01291     0.00110     alter session set nls_language="ENGLISH"
    0.01399     0.00069     alter session set nls_territory="UNITED KINGDOM"
    0.01476     0.00084     NLS: CSV charset=WE8MSWIN1252
    0.06085     0.00087     Session State: Save form items and p_arg_values
    0.06173     0.00146     ...Session State: Save "P7_CUSTOMER_ID" - saving same value: "7"
    0.06319     0.00264     ...Session State: Save Item "P7_CUST_FIRST_NAME" newValue="Eugene" "escape_on_input="N"     
    0.33200     0.00090     Processing point: After Submit
    There should be a session state change like those shown recorded for your <tt>P7_STARTERNUM</tt> item.
    What's the *Display As* type of the <tt>P7_STARTERNUM</tt> item?
    the procedure says the value of p is Null.
    How do you know this?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Stored Procedure creation issue

    Hi All,
    I need a stored procedure's for below Scenario:
    tblProduct is a parameter table that has values list of Products and every product has code (Eg, PEN A, BOOK B , PENCIL C and so on)
    For every value a procedure sp_findIndex will be called 
    sp_findIndex finds the index of the alphabet based on the tblKeyValue a key value table which has two columns key and value, key 1,2,3....
    and values A,B,C..
    Further sp_findIndex calls sp_evenOdd with
    the index as input and provides an output whether index is an even or an odd number 
    which is printed through sp_findIndex procedure 
    Task 1
    List down even and odd for all the products.
    Task 2
    Now warp this logic to stored procedure sp_wrapper which takes input Product names separated by comma.
    Thanks in Advance.........
    Create table Tbl_Product
    Product varchar(50) NULL,
    Code Varchar (50) NULL
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('PEN','A')
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('BOOK','B')
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('PENCIL','C')
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('TV','D')
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('COMPUTER','E')
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('SHOES','F')
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('SHIRT','G')
    Create table tbl_KeyValue
    value char(3) NULL,
    keys int NULL
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('A',1)
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('B',2)
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('C',3)
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('D',4)
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('E',5)
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('F',6)
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('G',7)
    (PRODUCT1 VARCHAR(1000))
    SET @COMMA =','
    Create Procure sp_findIndexes(@value varchar(10))
    Declare @keys int
    set @Keys =(select A.keys from tbl_keyvalue A where A.value=@value)
    Declare @Evenodd varchar(10)
    Declare @result int
    Exec @result =sp_EvenOdds @keys
    if @result=1
    set @EvenOdd ='Even'
    set @EvenOdd='Odd'
    insert into ##EvenOddResultss select A.keys,B.Product,@evenodd as evenodd from tbl_product B
    inner join
    tbl_KeyValue A
    on A.Value=B.code and A.keys=@keys
    Create procedure sp_EvenOdds (@Key int)
    I am calling third procure from second,second from Main Procedure...
    Thanks in Advance...

    1. Again this is a image and not a code!
    Do you want to waste our time on typing while we can help other people?!?
    Isn't it more helpful to use copy/paste and to bring us a code and not stories/images? 
    2. How can we recreate the issue and execute or even just create this SP without having the relevant elements (like the tables) ?!?
    Please post DDL+DML!
    DDL = Data Definition Language. In our case that is, CREATE TABLE statements for your tables and other definitions that are needed to understand your tables structure and there for let us to test and recreate the problem in our server. Without DDL no one
    can execute any query.
    How to get DDL: Right click on the table in Object Explorer and select script table as CREATE. Post these create table scripts here.
    DML = data manipulation language is a family of queries used for manipulating the data it self like: inserting, deleting and updating data. In our case we need some sample data in order to check the query and get result, so we need some indert query for
    sample data.
    If you post a "create query" for the tables and "insert query" with some sample, then we could help you without Assuming/Guessing. There is a reason that DDL is generally asked for and expected when discussing query problems - it helps
    to identify issues, clarify terminology and prevent incorrect assumptions.  Sample data also provides a common point of reference for the discussion. A script that can be used to illustrate or reproduce the issue you have, will encourage others to help.
    [Personal Site] [Blog] [Facebook]
    Hi Pituach,
    Create table Tbl_Product
    Product varchar(50) NULL,
    Code Varchar (50) NULL
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('PEN','A')
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('BOOK','B')
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('PENCIL','C')
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('TV','D')
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('COMPUTER','E')
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('SHOES','F')
    Insert into Tbl_Product values('SHIRT','G')
    Create table tbl_KeyValue
    value char(3) NULL,
    keys int NULL
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('A',1)
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('B',2)
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('C',3)
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('D',4)
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('E',5)
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('F',6)
    Insert into tbl_Keyvalue values('G',7)
    Main Procedure:
    (PRODUCT1 VARCHAR(1000))
    SET @COMMA =','
    Second procedure:
    Create Procure sp_findIndexes(@value varchar(10))
    Declare @keys int
    set @Keys =(select A.keys from tbl_keyvalue A where A.value=@value)
    Declare @Evenodd varchar(10)
    Declare @result int
    Exec @result =sp_EvenOdds @keys
    if @result=1
    set @EvenOdd ='Even'
    set @EvenOdd='Odd'
    insert into ##EvenOddResultss select A.keys,B.Product,@evenodd as evenodd from tbl_product B
    inner join
    tbl_KeyValue A
    on A.Value=B.code and A.keys=@keys
    Third Procedure:
    Create procedure sp_EvenOdds (@Key int)
    I am calling third procure from second,second from Main Procedure

  • Can someone help me diagnose a strange stored procedure performance issue please?

    I have a stored procedure (posted below) that returns message recommendations based upon the Yammer Networks you have selected. If I choose one network this query takes less than one second. If I choose another this query takes 9 - 12 seconds.
    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[MessageView_GetOutOfContextRecommendations_LargeSet] Script Date: 2/18/2015 3:10:35 PM ******/
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[MessageView_GetOutOfContextRecommendations_LargeSet]
    -- Parameters
    @UserID int,
    @SourceMessageID int = 0
    -- variable for @HomeNeworkUserID
    Declare @HomeNeworkUserID int
    -- Set the HomeNetworkID
    Set @HomeNeworkUserID = (Select HomeNetworkUserID From NetworkUser Where UserID = @UserID)
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    -- Begin Select Statement
    Select Top 40 [CreatedDate],[FileDownloadUrl],[HasLinkOrAttachment],[ImagePreviewUrl],[LikesCount],[LinkFileName],[LinkType],[MessageID],[MessageSource],[MessageText],[MessageWebUrl],[NetworkID],[NetworkName],[PosterEmailAddress],[PosterFirstName],[PosterImageUrl],[PosterName],[PosterUserName],[PosterWebUrl],[RepliesCount],[Score],[SmallIconUrl],[Subjects],[SubjectsCount],[UserID]
    -- From View
    From [MessageView]
    -- Do Not Return Any Messages That Have Been Recommended To This User Already
    Where [MessageID] Not In (Select MessageID From MessageRecommendationHistory Where UserID = @UserID)
    -- Do Not Return Any Messages Created By This User
    And [UserID] != @UserID
    -- Do Not Return The MessageID
    And [MessageID] != @SourceMessageID
    -- Only return messages for the Networks the user has selected
    And [NetworkID] In (Select NetworkID From NetworkUser Where [HomeNetworkUserID] = @HomeNeworkUserID And [AllowRecommendations] = 1)
    -- Order By [MessageScore] and [MessageCreatedDate] in reverse order
    Order By [Score] desc, [CreatedDate] desc
    ENDThe Actual Execution Plan Shows up the same; there are more messages on the Network that is slow, 2800 versus 1,500 but the difference is ten times longer on the slow network.Is the fact I am doing a Top 40 what makes it slow? My first guess was to take the Order By Off and that didn't seem to make any difference.The execution plan is below, it takes 62% of the query to look up theIX_Message.Score which is the clustered index, so I thought this would be fast. Also the Clustered Index Seek for the User.UserID take 26%which seems high for what it is doing.
    I have indexes on every field that is queried on so I am kind of at a loss as to where to go next.
    It just seems strange because it is the same view being queried in both cases.
    I tried to run the SQL Server Tuning Wizard but it doesn't run on Azure SQL, and my problem doesn't occur on the data in my local database.
    Thanks for any guidance, I know a lot of the slowness is due to the lower tier Azure SQL we are using, many of the performance issues weren't noticed when were on the full SQL Server, but the other networks work extremely fast so it has to be something to
    with having more rows.
    In case you need the SQL for the View that I am querying it is:
    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[MessageView]
    SELECT M.UserID, M.MessageID, M.NetworkID, N.Name AS NetworkName, M.Subjects, M.SubjectsCount, M.RepliesCount, M.LikesCount, M.CreatedDate, M.MessageText, M.HasLinkOrAttachment, M.Score, M.WebUrl AS MessageWebUrl, U.UserName AS PosterUserName,
    U.Name AS PosterName, U.FirstName AS PosterFirstName, U.ImageUrl AS PosterImageUrl, U.EmailAddress AS PosterEmailAddress, U.WebUrl AS PosterWebUrl, M.MessageSource, M.ImagePreviewUrl, M.LinkFileName, M.FileDownloadUrl, M.LinkType, M.SmallIconUrl
    FROM dbo.Message AS M INNER JOIN
    dbo.Network AS N ON M.NetworkID = N.NetworkID INNER JOIN
    dbo.[User] AS U ON M.UserID = U.UserID
    The Network Table has an Index on Network ID, but it non clustered but I don't think that is the culprit.

    I marked your response as answer because you gave me information I didn't have about the sort. I ended up rewriting the query to be a join instead of the In's and it improved dramatically, about one second on a very minimal Azure SQL database, and before
    it was 12 seconds on one network. We didn't notice the problem at all before we moved to Azure SQL, it was about one - three seconds at most.
    Here is the updated way that was much more efficient:
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Procedure Name]
    -- Parameters
    @UserID int,
    @SourceMessageID int = 0
    -- variable for @HomeNeworkUserID
    Declare @HomeNeworkUserID int
    -- Set the HomeNetworkID
    Set @HomeNeworkUserID = (Select HomeNetworkUserID From NetworkUser Where UserID = @UserID)
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    ;With cteMessages As
    -- Begin Select Statement
    Select (Fields List)
    -- Join to Network Table
    From MessageView mv Inner Join NetworkUser nu on MV.NetworkID = nu.NetworKID -- Only Return Networks This User Has Selected
    Where nu.HomeNetworkUserID = @HomeNeworkUserID And AllowRecommendations = 1
    -- Do Not Return Any Messages Created By This User
    And mv.[UserID] != @UserID
    -- Do Not Return The MessageID
    And mv.[MessageID] != @SourceMessageID
    ), cteHistoryForThisUser As
    Select MessageID From MessageRecommendationHistory Where UserID = @UserID
    -- Begin Select Statement
    Select Top 40 (Fields List)
    -- Join to Network Table
    From cteMessages m Left Outer Join cteHistoryForThisUser h on m.MessageID = h.MessageID
    -- Do Not Return Any Items Where User Has Already been shown this Message
    Where h.MessageID Is Null
    -- An Order By Is Needed To Get The Best Content First
    Order By Score Desc
    The Left Outer Join to test for null was the biggest improvement, but it also helped to join to the NetworkUser table instead of do the In sub query.

  • Stored procedure Performance issue in SQLserver 2005

    Hi All,
    i am inserting the data to Database by using of Stored procedure in target DB.
    My source structure and target structures are looking below
    I have the source structure having lot of rows and look like my structure is below:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <ns0:POCA0013_KANLOG_REQUEST_MT_response xmlns:ns0="urn:com:POCA0013:sample">
    -  <row>
    -  <row>
        n  number of rows
    and after mapping my target structure is coming to like this.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <ns0:POCA0013_DB_MT xmlns:ns0="urn:pg-com POCA0013:sample">
       <XI_SP_DATA action="EXECUTE">
         <PROJEK isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">O-USA</PROJEK>
         <KOLLO isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR" >123</KOLLO>
       <XI_SP_DATA action="EXECUTE">
         <PROJEK isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">O-Denmark</PROJEK>
         <KOLLO isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR" />256</KOLLO>
      N number of times
    this is working perfectly to insert the records into the database by using stored procedure. each record  it call the stored procedure for insert the records, for example we had 100 records and it call 100 times stored procedure.
    But in case of huge data, for example 10000 records, it call the 10000 times to stored that case we had a problem for database side.
    we have  one reason to use the stored procedure here, because once insert the data into table, if successful log table is created with successful status , if not log table is created with error status. for that purpose i am using stored procedure here.
    Our customer wants to call the stored procedure for one time for all records.How i can manage this situation.
    Can you give me your valuble ideas about this problem.
    Thank you very much.,
    Edited by: sateesh kumar .N on Apr 23, 2010 6:53 AM
    Edited by: sateesh kumar .N on Apr 23, 2010 6:54 AM
    Edited by: sateesh kumar .N on Apr 23, 2010 7:54 AM

    Hi Sateesh,
    how about a different approach.
    Add 2 more tables to your solution. The first table is used as a staging table, where PI inserts all the data without making any checks, whatsoever. The second table is used as a control table. If the insertion is finished, a log entry is inserted into this second table, containing the information about success or failure or how many rows had been inserted. Put an insert trigger on this table, which in term starts a stored procedure. This stored procedure can read all the data from the staging table and put it into the desired target tables. Additionally you can perform plausiblitiy checks inside this SP.
    Okay I know, this is a complete new solution in comparison to what you did before. But in my experience, this will be much more performant than 10000 calls to one stored procedure who only does inserts as you described.

  • Stored Procedure Output Issue in Query Template

    We have written a stored procedure which returns 3 outputs which are of type CLOB. Whenever we call the procedure from query template it gives an error Wrong number or type of parameters. It seems that we need to pass some variables which are of type clob to the procedure while calling which we cannot do as per my knowledge in query template.
    Even if we are able to get the output we will not be getting complete output since the out put values are of type CLOB.
    Can you guide me how to achive this

    Sometime back i faced the similar problem. But I used oracle pipelined functions to achieve this....
    The basic thing is it will break the chunk into records of length of 4000 chars and it will return in a table. And from other end you can loop and concatenate. Hope this helps....
    create or replace FUNCTION FN_GEN_XML RETURN dashb_xml pipelined IS v_xml CLOB := NULL;
    v_temp VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL;
    v_counter NUMBER := 1;
      SELECT somefunction(0)
      INTO v_xml
      FROM dual;--v_xml here is clob type. here you might need to call your proc and get it into this variable.
      dbms_output.put_line ('length of v_xml is:' || length(v_xml));
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('start of this function');
        v_temp := SUBSTR(v_xml,   v_counter,   4000);
      WHEN v_temp IS NULL;
      pipe ROW(v_temp);
      v_counter := v_counter + 4000;
    Ravi Kumar

  • Stored Procedure Performance Issue in Sharepoint Report

    We have a report stored procedure that runs in about 1 minute in production; however, when executed from the Sharepoint it populates, it runs for over 20 minutes, with exactly the same parameters. We've done everything to avoid parameter sniffing problems:
    used WITH RECOMPILE on the procedure declaration; added OPTION OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN on the parameters within queries; even created local variables and assigned the parameter values to them and used them throughout the procedure. None of these has had any effect.
    I know that the 1-base minute run time is a big red flag, and we're working on pre-aggregating this data into our BI platform, but that's months down the liine and this is needed for month-end close every month.
    Other relevant information:
    Sharepoint 2013 on SQL Server 2012
    Data Source is a SQL Server 2008 R2 database
    Report definition created in Visual Studio 2008

    I'm trying to figure out why it's taking so long.  When I query on ExecutionLog3 I see the following (converted to seconds):
    Total Seconds
    Retrieval Seconds
    Processing Seconds
    Rendering Seconds
    Yet running in SSMS, it completes (consistently) in 62 seconds.

  • Stored Procedure Universe Issues

    Working in version 3.1 SP1 Fix pack 1.8 and created some simple stored procedures to use in the universe and everything worked fine but then due to changing requirements added additional logic to the stored procedures (SQL 2005 database) for the report to include additional prompts and mulitple selects within the code.  With these changes, have encountered multiple errors when trying to insert them in the universe or when we are able to insert them in to the universe then no data ever returns from the new stored procedures even though correct execute statements are being created on the SQL Server and they work on SQL Server and in other BI tools.  Has anyone else encountered this or know of any limitations using stored procedures in universes?

    Holy thread-resurrection Batman!
    Please open a new dicussion after reading the bi4.0 data access guide:
    Also, please specify which SP and Patch you are using.

  • Bulk Insert Through Stored Procedure performance issue

    i am new to oracle. i am writing a stored procedure through which i want to insert 1 billion record in a table. but it takes days to insert it . please tell me how can i improve performance of my stored procedure. because same stored procedure when i convert it into sql server in take 24 - 30 min to insert 1 billion record.
    Code of my stored procedure are as follows :
    create or replace PROCEDURE bspGenerateHSCode(
    mLoc_id IN INT,
    HSCodeStart IN VARCHAR2,
    HSCodeEnd IN VARCHAR2,
    mRqstId IN INT,
    total_count IN INT,
    Status OUT INT)
    ExitFlag INT;
    row_count INT;
    mBatchStart NUMBER;
    mBatchEnd NUMBER;
    mStartSqnc NUMBER;
    mEndSqnc NUMBER;
    mHSCode VARCHAR2(500);
    HSStartStr VARCHAR2(500);
    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO row_count FROM goap_eal_allocation
                   WHERE hs_code_start = HSCodeStart
    AND hs_code_end = HSCodeEnd
    AND loc_id = mLoc_id
    AND processed = 0;
    IF row_count > 0 THEN
    SELECT CAST ( REVERSE(substr(REVERSE(HSCodeStart), 1, instr(REVERSE(HSCodeStart), ',') -1)) AS NUMBER) INTO mStartSqnc FROM DUAL;
    SELECT CAST ( REVERSE(substr(REVERSE(HSCodeEnd), 1, instr(REVERSE(HSCodeEnd), ',') -1)) AS NUMBER) INTO mEndSqnc FROM DUAL;
    SELECT CAST( REVERSE(substr( REVERSE(HSCodeStart), instr(REVERSE(HSCodeStart), ','))) AS VARCHAR2(500) ) INTO HSStartStr FROM DUAL;
    mBatchStart := mStartSqnc;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('start batch ' || mBatchStart);
    mBatchEnd := mBatchStart + 5000;
    IF mBatchEnd > mEndSqnc THEN
    mBatchEnd := mEndSqnc + 1;
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('End batch ' || mBatchEnd);
    mHSCode := HSStartStr || mBatchStart;
    mBatchStart := mBatchStart + 1;
    INSERT INTO goap_eal_register(id, hs_code, loc_id, status_id, synced)
    SELECT CASE WHEN MAX(id) > 0 THEN (MAX(id) + 1) ELSE 1 END AS id ,
    mHSCode, mLoc_id, 6, 1 FROM goap_eal_register;
    EXIT WHEN mBatchStart = mBatchEnd;
    EXIT WHEN mBatchStart = mEndSqnc +1;
    UPDATE goap_eal_allocation SET processed = 1
    WHERE hs_code_start = HSCodeStart
    AND hs_code_end = HSCodeEnd
    AND loc_id = mLoc_id;
    Status := 1;
    Status := 0;
    END IF;

    Please edit your post and add \ on the line before and the line after the code to preserve formattingsee how this looks?
    Also, when you basically just want to RETURN without doing any work then your first test should just RETURN if you don't want to do any work.
    Instead of what your code does:IF row_count > 0 THEN
    . . . a whole lot of code that is hard to read or understand
    Status := 1;
    Status := 0;
    END IF;
    Test the condition to determine when you do NOT want proceed and just return.IF row_count = 0 THEN
    Status := 0;
    END IF;
    -- now NONE of the following code needs to be indented - you won't get here unless you really want to execute it.
    . . . break the code into separate steps and add a one line comment before each step that says what that step does.
    Status := 1;

  • Sub report using Stored Procedure returns incorrect data

    Post Author: rikleo2001
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    I am using CR 9 in application.
    One simple report and one Sub report, sub report is basically linked with Stored procedure accepting one parameter and returns a select query.
    Main report is linked with that sub report using that parameter field.
    Sub report is on demand sub report.
    Now when I execute that main report and click on on demand sub report I am getting Wrong order information.
    Here is out put on main report
    Order 1                                          on demandDetail
    Order 2                                          on demandDetail
    Order 3                                          on demandDetail  
         NOW If I click on Order 3 (On demanddetail link, it displays rondom order details, some time correct on too), I am really stuck and don't know where I am going wrong.
    Please help me to solve this issues.
    Many Thanks

    Post Author: rikleo2001
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    Hi Yangster,
    Thank you so much for your reply.
    On DEMAND Sub report is located in main report, IN DETAIL SECTION
    I am passing Order ID from main report linked to  {?morderid} in subreport under command object, and if I run it in design mode, it works perfectly alright, so problem is isolated to ASP.NET and Crystal report post back method on Crystal report.
    The example I give to you this is a simple example to identify issues in my real application and report.
    My main report contains summary of data base on unique identifier. that summary have 4 differant types of details which has to be on the same report (as Crystal report doesn't provide Nested subreport), so I decided to use 4 subreports on main report and all subreport using Stored procedure command object.(Sub report has it own complex processing requirement to fulfill).
    Please help me with any further ideas? for the sample which I presented to you this is only using one SP on main report with a simple processing.
    Many Thanks

  • Stored Procedure row limit in MII

    We've a transaction that reads data from an Excel sheet and inserts those records in DB by calling a procedure. The application works fine if the rows in Excel is limited to 49. However, if the no. of rows exceed 49, then it doesn't work. On calling the procedure in MII with more than 49 rows of data, MII only returns the first 49 rows.
    We have set the row count in MII to 10000.
    Any inputs?

    Artificially increasing RowCount isn't the answer, especially if aspects in the code need to preallocate memory for resultsets, etc.  In a sense this is why all queries contain the RowCount parameter - to not have unbounded requests (if I'm not mistaken there is also a safety cap override in the code).  Once you've issued an infinite/unbound query to a database, closing the browser will not stop this from continuing to process.
    If you are using something like an SQL stored procedure, then issuing SET ROWCOUNT 0 at the beginning of the procedure will allow sub selects and joins to not fall subject to the RowCount of the query, which like was mentioned, is there more appropriately for the returned resultset.  Of course - this should be used with discretion.

  • Data committed by Stored Procedure can rollback ?

    Hi all !
    I have an application which uses SLSB marked as tx-Required CMT.
    However some business logic is inside Oracle Stored Procedures which issue Commit / Rollback at the end of their job.
    I wonder what happens if, in the end, the EJB rolls back the Container tx ? the data committed by the stored procedure will Rollback ?

    Francesco Marchioni wrote:
    Hi all !
    I have an application which uses SLSB marked as tx-Required CMT.
    However some business logic is inside Oracle Stored Procedures which issue Commit / Rollback at the end of their job.
    I wonder what happens if, in the end, the EJB rolls back the Container tx ? the data committed by the stored procedure will Rollback ?
    FrancescoHi, no. It is an unmanageable situation if WebLogic thinks it's running a
    transaction but some of the procedures being called contain transaction
    control calls. If a procedure calls a commit or rollback, everything in
    the current transaction is affected, and nothing in the future.
    For sanity's sake you must remove all transaction calls from procedures
    if they are to be called from WebLogic transactions.

  • Issue with Executing OS commands from Stored Procedure

    I am trying to execute the scripts provided at :
    provided by xtender user.
    As required, I have asked my DBAs to grant privileges by executing the following scripts:
      --change to needed permissions and execute
      dbms_java.grant_permission( 'ODS', '', '/var/factiva/ODS/bin/CVIM_Rpt_ExportCSVFile’, 'read,write,execute' );
    /where CVIM_Rpt_ExportCSVFile is my script residing in the Unix server where my Oracle is installed.
    The error I am facing when I try to execute the following command is:
    select * from table(xt_shell.shell_exec('/var/scripts/CVIM_Rpt_ExportCSVFile',100))
    Exception:the Permission ( /var/scripts/CVIM_Rpt_ExportCSVFile execute) has not been granted to ODS. The PL/SQL to grant this is dbms_java.grant_permission( 'ODS', '', '/var/scripts/CVIM_Rpt_ExportCSVFile', 'execute' )I have asked my DBA to also execute the following scripts: - But I still see the same error as above. I am not able to figure out whats going on. Can anyone pls help me out??
    EXEC Dbms_Java.Grant_Permission('ODS', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'writeFileDescriptor', '');
    EXEC Dbms_Java.Grant_Permission(ODS', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'readFileDescriptor', '');
    dbms_java.grant_permission( 'ODS', '', '/var/scripts/CVIM_Rpt_ExportCSVFile', 'execute' )

    Issue with Executing OS commands from Stored Procedure

  • Issue with sending mail through java stored procedure in Oracle

    I am using Oracle 9i DB. I created a java stored procedure to send mail using the code given below. The java class works fine standalone. When its run from Java, mail is sent as desired. But when the java stored procedure is called from pl/sql "Must issue a STARTTLS command first" error is thrown. Please let me know if am missing something. Tried the same code in DB and got the same error
    javax.mail.MessagingException: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. va6sm31201010igc.6
    Code for creating java stored procedure: (T1 is the table created for debugging)
    create or replace and compile java source named "MailUtil1" AS
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.mail.Message;
    import javax.mail.Session;
    import javax.mail.Transport;
    import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
    import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
    public class MailUtil1 {
    public static void sendMailwithSTARTTLS(String host, //
    String from, //sender mail id
    String fromPwd,//sender mail pwd
    String port,//587
    String to,//recepient email ids
    String cc,
    String subject,
    String messageBody) {
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
    props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "True"); // added this line
    props.put("", host);
    props.put("mail.smtp.user", from);
    props.put("mail.smtp.password", fromPwd);
    props.put("mail.smtp.port", port);
    props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
    #sql { insert into t1 (c1) values ('1'||:host)};
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
    MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
    message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
    #sql { insert into t1 (c1) values ('2')};
    InternetAddress[] toAddress = new InternetAddress[1];
    // To get the array of addresses
    for( int i=0; i < toAddress.length; i++ ) { // changed from a while loop
    toAddress[i] = new InternetAddress(to);
    for( int i=0; i < toAddress.length; i++) { // changed from a while loop
    message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddress);
    if (cc!=null) {
    InternetAddress [] ccAddress = new InternetAddress[1];
    for(int j=0;j<ccAddress.length;j++){
    ccAddress[j] = new InternetAddress(cc);
    for (int j=0;j<ccAddress.length;j++){
    message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, ccAddress[j]);
    #sql { insert into t1 (c1) values ('3')};
    Enumeration en = message.getAllHeaderLines();
    String token;
    token ="E:"+en.nextElement().toString();
    #sql { insert into t1 (c1) values (:token)};
    token ="ConTyp:"+message.getContentType();
    #sql { insert into t1 (c1) values (:token)};
    token = "Encod:"+message.getEncoding();
    #sql { insert into t1 (c1) values (:token)};
    token = "Con:"+message.getContent();
    #sql { insert into t1 (c1) values (:token)};
    Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtp");
    #sql { insert into t1 (c1) values ('3.1')};
    transport.connect(host, from, fromPwd);
    #sql { insert into t1 (c1) values ('3.2')};
    transport.sendMessage(message, message.getAllRecipients());
    #sql { insert into t1 (c1) values ('3.3')};
    #sql { insert into t1 (c1) values ('4')};
    catch(Exception e){
    String ex= e.toString();
    #sql { insert into t1 (c1) values (:ex)};
    catch(Exception e1)
    Edited by: user12050615 on Jan 16, 2012 12:18 AM

    Thanks for the reply. Actually I have seen that post before creating this thread. I thought that I could make use of java mail to work around this problem. I created a java class that succesfully sends mail to SSL host. I tried to call this java class from pl-sql through java stored procedure. That did not work
    So, is this not supported in Oracle ? Please note that I have tested this in both 9i and 11g , in both the versions I got the error. You can refer to the code in the above post.
    Edited by: user12050615 on Jan 16, 2012 12:17 AM

  • Invoking Unix command with java stored procedure

    I have a perfectly working environment and now I am trying to replicate the same in another server. I have a java stored procedure which invokes the Unix command using java Runtime.exec() in my code named "run". I am sure that the code is called and the java class run is resolved in oracle as I could see that in dba_java_resolvers dictionary. But I am not sure whether the function in java is called or whether a exception is thrown. how to identify this? Could there be any thing to do with settings in oracle side? please help me.
    Thanks in advance,

    Do you get any output while running the code?
    I'm testing similar solution and if there are any errors or Oracle can't execute the program due to permissions or other issues the error information will be displayed. Also in the Java class itself you need to catch exceptions and print stack trace to standard output.
    x number;
    dbms_output.put_line('Returned value='||x);
    when others then dbms_output.put_line('Sql error='||substr(sqlerrm,1,250));
    <system_command.run_command> - replace with a call to your java stored procedure.

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