Stored Procedure Only Returns First Character

I am having an issue with ColdFusion MX7 and a MSSQL 2005 DB.
I am able to duplicate my development issue with the following simple example
-- SQL Code
    @myString varchar(36) OUT
    set @myString = 'This is my test';
-- CFCode
<cfstoredproc procedure="myTestProc" datasource="#dsName#">
        <cfprocparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
               variable="vars.myString" />
<cfdump label="testProcReturn" var="#vars#" />
<cfabort />
This is what it returns
testProcReturn - struct
I have tried many, many, many variations of CFSQLTYPE and the datatype in the procedure and not once have I got it to return more than just the first character.

I just discovered that the following works.  I consider it a workaround and not a final solution.  It appears there is something wrong with the way I am using cfstoredproc or there is a bug in it.
<cfquery name="testProc" datasource="#dsName#">
DECLARE    @myString varchar(36)
EXEC    myTestProc
          @myString = @myString OUTPUT
SELECT    @myString as 'myString'
<cfdump label="testProc" var="#testProc#" />
<cfabort />
This code returns what I expect it to.
testProc - query - Top 1 of 1 Rows
This is my test

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  • Stored procedure that returns multiple tables

    Hello everyone,
    I was wondering if there's a way to write a stored procedure that returns multiple result set as in sql server. for example, in sql server, you can write 2 select statements and when loading them in c#, u can get two data tables.
    I am not sure having a single ref cursor for each select is the only solution. I might need to return a variable number of tables per procedure call (based on a certain criteria).
    Any ideas?
    thanks for your time

    Sure. Ref cursor is the only easier answer for your problem.
    satyaki>select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.43
    satyaki>create or replace procedure ref_gen_arg(choice in int,b in out sys_refcursor)
      2  is  
      3    str   varchar2(500);
      4  begin   
      5    if choice = 1 then      
      6      str := 'select * from emp';   
      7    elsif choice = 2 then      
      8      str := 'select * from dept';   
      9    end if;       
    11    open b for str;
    12  exception  
    13    when others then     
    14      dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
    15  end;
    16  /
    Procedure created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:04.38
      2    rec_x emp%rowtype;   
      3    rec_y dept%rowtype;       
      4    w sys_refcursor;
      5  begin  
      6    dbms_output.enable(1000000);  
      7    ref_gen_arg(1,w);  
      8    loop    
      9      fetch w into rec_x;     
    10      exit when w%notfound;             
    11        dbms_output.put_line('Employee No: '||rec_x.empno||' - '||                          
    12                             'Name: '||rec_x.ename||' - '||                          
    13                             'Job: '||rec_x.job||' - '||                          
    14                             'Manager: '||rec_x.mgr||' - '||                          
    15                             'Joining Date: '||rec_x.hiredate||' - '||                          
    16                             'Salary: '||rec_x.sal||' - '||                          
    17                             'Commission: '||rec_x.comm||' - '||                          
    18                             'Department No: '||rec_x.deptno);  
    19    end loop;  
    20    close w;    
    22    ref_gen_arg(2,w);  
    23    loop    
    24      fetch w into rec_y;
    25      exit when w%notfound;            
    26         dbms_output.put_line('Department No: '||rec_y.deptno||' - '||                           
    27                              'Name: '||rec_y.dname||' - '||                           
    28                              'Location: '||rec_y.loc);  
    29    end loop;  
    30    close w;
    31  exception  
    32    when others then    
    33      dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
    34  end;
    35  /
    Employee No: 9999 - Name: SATYAKI - Job: SLS - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 02-NOV-08 - Salary: 55000 - Commission: 3455 - Department No: 10
    Employee No: 7777 - Name: SOURAV - Job: SLS - Manager:  - Joining Date: 14-SEP-08 - Salary: 45000 - Commission: 3400 - Department No: 10
    Employee No: 7521 - Name: WARD - Job: SALESMAN - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 22-FEB-81 - Salary: 1250 - Commission: 500 - Department No: 30
    Employee No: 7566 - Name: JONES - Job: MANAGER - Manager: 7839 - Joining Date: 02-APR-81 - Salary: 2975 - Commission:  - Department No: 20
    Employee No: 7654 - Name: MARTIN - Job: SALESMAN - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 28-SEP-81 - Salary: 1250 - Commission: 1400 - Department No: 30
    Employee No: 7698 - Name: BLAKE - Job: MANAGER - Manager: 7839 - Joining Date: 01-MAY-81 - Salary: 2850 - Commission:  - Department No: 30
    Employee No: 7782 - Name: CLARK - Job: MANAGER - Manager: 7839 - Joining Date: 09-JUN-81 - Salary: 4450 - Commission:  - Department No: 10
    Employee No: 7788 - Name: SCOTT - Job: ANALYST - Manager: 7566 - Joining Date: 19-APR-87 - Salary: 3000 - Commission:  - Department No: 20
    Employee No: 7839 - Name: KING - Job: PRESIDENT - Manager:  - Joining Date: 17-NOV-81 - Salary: 7000 - Commission:  - Department No: 10
    Employee No: 7844 - Name: TURNER - Job: SALESMAN - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 08-SEP-81 - Salary: 1500 - Commission: 0 - Department No: 30
    Employee No: 7876 - Name: ADAMS - Job: CLERK - Manager: 7788 - Joining Date: 23-MAY-87 - Salary: 1100 - Commission:  - Department No: 20
    Employee No: 7900 - Name: JAMES - Job: CLERK - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 03-DEC-81 - Salary: 950 - Commission:  - Department No: 30
    Employee No: 7902 - Name: FORD - Job: ANALYST - Manager: 7566 - Joining Date: 03-DEC-81 - Salary: 3000 - Commission:  - Department No: 20
    Department No: 10 - Name: ACCOUNTING - Location: NEW YORK
    Department No: 20 - Name: RESEARCH - Location: DALLAS
    Department No: 30 - Name: SALES - Location: CHICAGO
    Department No: 40 - Name: LOGISTICS - Location: CHICAGO
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.73
    Satyaki De.

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    We have tried several things, we can get  a stored procedure to return a result set if we are not passing in variables but we cannot get them when we are passing in variables.
    We know how to do it calling  MS SQL.
    Thanks for any help,
    Nathan Sr
    P.S. we have heard this may not be possible with the current Oracle Driver is there a different Oracle driver?

    I can only barely understand what you're asking here (not from a technical perspective, but from understanding your written English), but I suspect you're wanting to know how to pass back values other than recordsets from Oracle?
    You should be able to pass them back via a type=out proc param, shouldn't you?
    If you could reword your post so it's a bit more coherent, and possibly post some code, that might help.

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    retval number;
    dbms_output.put_line('retval is ' ||retval);

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    Result set is of RowType and is not supported as a Stored Procedure as far as I know.

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    Hi Vikas,
    Actually, I just found another posting that shows how to do what I'm looking for:
    Re: Filling a LOV with a cursor
    Check it out. I posted another question in response to that discussion...maybe you could answer that? Thanks!

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    JPA Class:
    import java.sql.Array;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.persistence.Entity;
    import javax.persistence.Id;
    import org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.Direction;
    import org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.NamedStoredProcedureQuery;
    import org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.StoredProcedureParameter;
    * The persistent class for the MessagePublish database table.
    public class TeamMembersDetails implements Serializable {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         private long userId;
         private List<TeamMembersDetailsOT> teamMembersDetailsOT;
         public void setTeamMembersDetailsOT(List<TeamMembersDetailsOT> teamMembersDetailsOT) {
              this.teamMembersDetailsOT = teamMembersDetailsOT;
         public List<TeamMembersDetailsOT> getTeamMembersDetailsOT() {
              return teamMembersDetailsOT;
    PROCEDURE get_user_team_roles (
    i_user_id IN ue_user.user_id%TYPE
    , o_team_roles OUT OBJ_TEAM_ROLES_ARRAY
    , i_debugmode IN NUMBER :=0)
    TeamMembersDetailsOT contains the same attributes defined in the OBJ_TEAM_ROLES.

    A few things.
    You are not using a JDBC Array type in your procedure, you are using a PLSQL TABLE type. An Array type would be a VARRAY in Oracle. EclipseLink supports both VARRAY and TABLE types, but TABLE types are more complex as Oracle JDBC does not support them, they must be wrapped in a corresponding VARRAY type. I assume your OBJ_TEAM_ROLES is also not an OBJECT TYPE but a PLSQL RECORD type, this has the same issue.
    Your procedure does not return a result set, so "returnsResultSet=true" should be "returnsResultSet=false".
    In general I would recommend you change your stored procedure to just return a select from a table using an OUT CURSOR, that is the easiest way to return data from an Oracle stored procedure.
    If you must use the PLSQL types, then you will need to create wrapper VARRAY and OBJECT TYPEs. In EclipseLink you must use a PLSQLStoredProcedureCall to access these using the code API, there is not annotation support. Or you could create your own wrapper stored procedure that converts the PLSQL types to OBJECT TYPEs, and call the wrapper stored procedure.
    To map to Oracle VARRAY and OBJECT TYPEs the JDBC Array and Struct types are used, these are supported using EclipseLink ObjectRelationalDataTypeDescriptor and mappings. These must be defined through the code API, as there is currently no annotation support.
    I could not find any good examples or doc on this, your best source of example is the EclipseLink test cases in SVN,
    James :

  • How Do I Call PL/SQL Stored Procedure That Returns String Array??

    I Have Problem Calling An Oracle(8i) Stored Procedure That Returns Array Type (Multi Rows)
    (As Good As String Array Type..)
    In This Fourm, I Can't Find Out Example Source.
    (Question is Exist.. But No Answer..)
    I Want An Example,, Because I'm A Beginner...
    (I Wonder...)
    If It Is Impossible, Please Told Me.. "Impossible"
    Then, I'll Give Up to Resolve This Way.....
    Please Help Me !!!
    Thanks in advance,

    // Try the following, I appologize that I have not compiled and run this ... but it is headed in the right direction
    import java.sql.*;
    class RunStoredProc
    public static void main(String args[])
    throws SQLException
    catch(Exception ex)
    java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
    props.put("user", "********"); // you need to replace stars with db userid
    props.put("password", "********"); // you need to replace stars with userid db password
              // below replace and DBNAME, and port address if different than 1521
    Connection conn =
    DriverManager.getConnection("", props);
    // replace "Your Stored Procedure" with your stored procedure
    CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("Your Stored Procedure");
    ResultSet rset = stmt.execute();

  • Stored Procedure/Function Returns Rows?

    I have very little experience writing PL/SQL procedures, but I have written my fair share of Sybase stored procedures. In Sybase, I can create a stored procedure that returns rows of data. For example:
    create procedure myproc as
    select * from mytable;
    Then if I invoke the procedure (whether that is from an interactive SQL session or from a ColdFusion or JSP page), several rows of data are returned to me.
    The benefit of this is that the web developers don't need to write complicated SQL.
    Is this even possible in Oracle? I have never seen anyone actually do this. Or do my web coders need to learn how to write PL/SQL and embed it into their code?

    Hi Justin,
    Thanks for your reply. That's kind of what I was suspecting, except that I was hoping to be able to execute the function/procedure from within a SQL session also, for testing. Is there a way to invoke such a procedure from a SQL*Plus session and have it return the rowset (ref cursor) just as if I had typed in the SQL select statement?
    For example, I just want to type at a SQL*Plus prompt something like this:
    mypackage.myfunction(param1, param2);
    and then have it return the results to me. Is that possible?
    Thanks again for your help.

  • Call a Stored Procedure that returns a REFCURSOR using ODI Procedure

    I have a scenario wherein the stored procedure (TEST_PROC1) that returns a REFCURSOR. The second procedure(TEST_PROC2) will use the REFCURSOR as inpuut and insert it to a table.
    Now, I need to execute the test procedures (TEST_PROC1 and TEST_PROC2) using the ODI Procedure but I always get error. However, I was able to execute the test procedures using sqlplus. Here is the command I used for sqlplus:
                   var rc refcursor
                   exec TEST_PROC1(:rc);
                   exec TEST_PROC2(:rc);
    PL/SQL Stored Procedure:
    -- TEST_PROC1 --
    create or replace
    OPEN p_cursor FOR
    SELECT *
    FROM test_table1;
    -- TEST_PROC2 --
    create or replace
    procedure TEST_PROC2( rc in out sys_refcursor ) is
    FETCH_LIMIT constant integer := 100;
    type TFetchBuffer is table of test_table2%RowType;
    buffer TFetchBuffer;
    fetch rc bulk collect into buffer limit FETCH_LIMIT;
    forall i in 1..buffer.Count
    insert into test_table2(
    c1, c2
    ) values(
    buffer(i).c1, buffer(i).c2
    exit when rc%NotFound;
    end loop;
    Is there a way to call a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that returns a REFCURSOR using ODI Procedure?

    Thanks for the reply actdi.
    The procedure TEST_PROC1 is just a sample procedure. The requirement is that I need to call a stored procedure that returns a cursor using ODI and fetch the data and insert into a table, which in this case is test_table2.
    I was able to execute a simple SQL procedure (without cursor) using ODI procedure. But when i try to execute the SQL procedure with cursor in ODI, I encountered error.
    Do you have any idea how to do this?

  • Using XI - RFC table and an Oracle stored procedure that returns a cursor.

    I need to create an interface using XI between an RFC table and an Oracle stored procedure that returns a cursor.  We are on oarcle 9.2 and  SP12.
    My stored procedure looks something like this:
    PROCEDURE testproc_xi2 (p_recordset1 OUT SYS_REFCURSOR,
                                             in_quoteid IN varchar2 )
      OPEN p_recordset1 FOR
       SELECT  q.quote_id,
                FROM quote q
               WHERE q.quote_id = in_quoteid
                 AND q.total_cost > 0 ; 
    END testproc_xi2 ;
    My RFC has table and  one import parameter .
    I wanted to know how to create the data type for the ref cursor? and also for the table type in the RFC?
    CAN XI handle multi rows coming from a Stored procedure? Are there any other alternative methods if this is not supported?Any pointers to this would be helpful.
    I have called a Oracle SP from an RFC before, but that interface had one input parameter going to the stored procedure from the RFC and about 6 o/p parameters coming from the Stored procedure. This works fine.
    Thanks for the help.

    i dont think there is anything called an rfc table...RFC stands for remote function call. That in essence would imply you need a rfc to jdbc connection.
    yes XI can handle multiple rows cooming from the the stored procedure if you have them mapped appropriately.
    Now as to how to create the data type within xi , you need to know what fields are going to be returned and whether they are nested and then just create them as you would for an xml
    for ex
    that in xi would be smthing like
    Details  type of data occurence
    FirstName type of data occurence
    LastName type of data occurence.
    Hope that helps.
    If it does dont forget the points..:-)

  • How to execute stored procedure that returns a cursor?

    How to execute a stored procedure that returns a cursor?
    Follow the code:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE stp_cashin_grupo
    (p_func IN VARCHAR
    ,p_cod_grup IN Integer
    ,p_des_grup IN VARCHAR
    ,p_logi IN VARCHAR
    ,p_curs_rset OUT infoc.pck_cashin_grupo.curs_rset
    if p_func = '1' then
    OPEN p_curs_rset FOR
    from infoc.tbl_cashin_grupo
    order by des_grup;
    end if;
    END stp_cashin_grupo;
    and the package:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pck_cashin_grupo
    TYPE curs_rset IS REF CURSOR;
    END pck_cashin_grupo;
    My question is how to execute in sql plus?
    EXEC stp_cashin_grupo('1',0,'','465990', my doubt is how to pass the cursor as return

    my doubt is how to pass the cursor as returnExample :
    TEST@db102 > var c1 refcursor;
    TEST@db102 > create or replace procedure ref1 (
      2     v1 in varchar2,
      3     cur1 out sys_refcursor)
      4  is
      5  begin
      6     open cur1 for 'select * from '||v1;
      7  end;
      8  /
    Procedure created.
    TEST@db102 > exec ref1('dept',:c1);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    TEST@db102 > print c1
        DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
            10 ACCOUNTING     NEW YORK
            20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
            30 SALES          CHICAGO
            40 OPERATIONS     BOSTON
    TEST@db102 >

  • Help! Need oracle help with constructing stored procedure that return resultsets

    Suns tutorial path for returning resultsets from stored procedures indicates that the following should work...
    CallableStatement cs = con.prepareCall("{call SHOW_SUPPLIERS}");
    ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery();
    Thats if you build your stored procedure something like this ...
    String createProcedure = "create procedure SHOW_SUPPLIERS " + "as " + "select SUPPLIERS.SUP_NAME, COFFEES.COF_NAME " + "from SUPPLIERS, COFFEES " + "where SUPPLIERS.SUP_ID = COFFEES.SUP_ID " + "order by SUP_NAME";
    We are using oracle 8.1.6. However I've been told that with oracle procedures when you return a result set from a called procedure you return a p_cursor variable. Somthing like this
    (p_cursor in out SHOW_SUPPLIERS.SHOCurTyp)
    open p_cursor for
    select * from suppliers
    In which case the above mentioned sun code doesn't work.
    We want to use jdbc to call a stored procedure that returns a resultset that does not require us to import any proprietary oracle objects...
    Is there another way to write these stored procedures, rather than using this cursor construct? Are we missing something in the way we invoke them?

    Suns tutorial path for returning resultsets from stored procedures indicates that the following should work...
    CallableStatement cs = con.prepareCall("{call SHOW_SUPPLIERS}");
    ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery();
    Thats if you build your stored procedure something like this ...
    String createProcedure = "create procedure SHOW_SUPPLIERS " + "as " + "select SUPPLIERS.SUP_NAME, COFFEES.COF_NAME " + "from SUPPLIERS, COFFEES " + "where SUPPLIERS.SUP_ID = COFFEES.SUP_ID " + "order by SUP_NAME";
    We are using oracle 8.1.6. However I've been told that with oracle procedures when you return a result set from a called procedure you return a p_cursor variable. Somthing like this
    (p_cursor in out SHOW_SUPPLIERS.SHOCurTyp)
    open p_cursor for
    select * from suppliers
    In which case the above mentioned sun code doesn't work.
    We want to use jdbc to call a stored procedure that returns a resultset that does not require us to import any proprietary oracle objects...
    Is there another way to write these stored procedures, rather than using this cursor construct? Are we missing something in the way we invoke them?

  • TestStand database logging problem: only the first character is put in the table.

    I am using TestStand 2.0.1 and Microsoft SQL server database. There is a weird problem when I use database logging. At first, all the database logging ran good.
    Then one day after I moved the test equipment to production line, TestStand only logs the first character of each string field in the tables! There is no error message.
    I setup another SQL server running locally on the same machine as the TestStand is and move the database to the local server, database logging has no problem. Schemas in TestStand Dabasebase Options are the same.
    I tried to run TestStand from another computer on the network. There was no problem before, too.  But now, TestStand always shows a Run-time error message like this:
    An exception occurred calling 'LogResults' in 'ITSDBLog' of 'DBLog 1.0 Type Library'
    An error occurred executing a statement.
    Schema: New.
    Statement: STEP_RESULT.
    Connection failureMultiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.
    Source: TSDBLog
    Error Code:
    -2147467259; User-defined error code.
    Step 'Log Results to Database' of sequence 'Log To Database' in 'Database.seq'
    I have checked that the connection is good and also the table UUT_RESULT has been logged correctly.
    Anyone can help?

    Thank you very much, Santiago.
    Yes, I have a customized schema, but it is based on the pre-existing schema. I tried the schema:TS 1.x Access/SQL (NI), which  came with TestStand, the results were the same. 
    I have tried to run different sequences. On one computer, I always get only the first character of each string entry logged in the remote database, however for the local server, everything is fine. On the other computer, there is no local SQL server, I always get similar error message as I mentioned in my post. The sequence step reports error is  "Log Results to Database".
    Any more suggestion?
    Thanks again.
    Best regards,

  • How to execute an Oracle stored procedure which returns many records?

    I have two synchronous scenarios XI<->PI<->JDBC, where JDBC is receiver adapter.
    Each scenario runs a different stored procedure in Oracle database.
    The first stored procedure returns only one record, the second stored procedure returns many records, which come from a cursor.
    In the first scenario I executed the stored procedure following the directions of Help SAP page and works perfectly.
    Link: []
        <storedProcedureName action=u201DEXECUTEu201D>
          <param1 [isInput=u201Dtrueu201D] [isOutput=true] type=SQLDatatype>val1</param1>
    I have sought in the forums of SDN and cannot find the way to run the second stored procedure, and receive the information it returns.
    Thank you for your help.
    Rafael Rojas.

    Think It doesnt matter either cursor or result set. Try to get the response back from JDBC and see what are the fields it exactly populating.
    In Procedure you can able to find the columns selecting in Cursors. Give those columns in the DT.
    File - JDBC (Execute-- Procedure)
    To get the response
    JDBC_respose -  File
    Correct me if im wrong.

Maybe you are looking for