Stored Procedure vs Views, Please clearify.

Hi Gents,
I am working on client side as a crystal report developer, the client has several applications linked to each other by some means and each application has its own database. They have created a common database called Reporting Layer, the database consists of only stored procedures, that is the stored procedures are collecting data from all the databases and making up a dataset. Now I need to develop reports using these stored procedures. Consider these stored procedures as tables for now.
If you have got the basics, here is my concern about using stored procedures for the reports.
Example : Say I need to refer 3 stored procedures for my report to get the required data then I need to call or attach all the three stored procedures with crystal and link them properly to get the required data. The question here is, say I need only 2 columns from each stored procedure then I simply drag the columns needed and drop on the reports...!!!
So if I had a view instead of a stored procedure then I could refer 3 views in the command object or might have written a stored procedure to return the results containing only the columns the report is ment for.
Select v1.a, v1.b, v2.a, v2.b, v3.a, v3.b from v1,v2,v3 where = and =
Select v1.a, v1.b, v2.a, v2.b, v3.a, v3.b from v1 inner join v2 on = inner join v3 on =
I want to explain this to my client and ask them to convert all the stored procedures to views, please suggest what can I tell them ? And if you think that the method my client has opted that is of stored procedures is better than views then please explain in this scenario.

Hi Azhar,
Not sure if you are in the right place, you would likely get a better description if you post your question to the Forums for which ever DB server you are using. They likely have more detailed info on the efficiencies of each.
For Crystal Reports one possble scenario with using multiple Stored Proceedures (SP) is that each SP would or should be in it's on subreport. Unless you can link them, this will cause the SP to run each time that section is hit. Worst Example is if you put the subreport in the detail section for every record returned the subreport would run. If in the group header for each Group header condition met the subreport would run.
Using them in a Command Object would work but not that efficient and would be better if you used one SP to get the data or use a database to save all the data into as you suggested and report directly off of it.
As for the amount of data the SP returns CR may only ask for the fields used, depends on a few conditions, or it may have to get all of the data and filter out just the fields used in the report. Could be a big delay waiting for the SP to run and/or client side data filtering.
As for Views all the data collection is done server side, same as an SP, but only one view would be required. Or you may want to create specific SP's for use in the reports and not use Command Objects but simply drop the SP into the Database Wizard as the data source. This way all data collection is done server side which is much more efficient and CR at filtering data.
CR does not care if you use Views or SP's, we are simply sending the SQL to the server and waiting for the results. Which one is more efficient is more for that DB forum to answer.
Hope this helps

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    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[MessageView_GetOutOfContextRecommendations_LargeSet] Script Date: 2/18/2015 3:10:35 PM ******/
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[MessageView_GetOutOfContextRecommendations_LargeSet]
    -- Parameters
    @UserID int,
    @SourceMessageID int = 0
    -- variable for @HomeNeworkUserID
    Declare @HomeNeworkUserID int
    -- Set the HomeNetworkID
    Set @HomeNeworkUserID = (Select HomeNetworkUserID From NetworkUser Where UserID = @UserID)
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    -- Begin Select Statement
    Select Top 40 [CreatedDate],[FileDownloadUrl],[HasLinkOrAttachment],[ImagePreviewUrl],[LikesCount],[LinkFileName],[LinkType],[MessageID],[MessageSource],[MessageText],[MessageWebUrl],[NetworkID],[NetworkName],[PosterEmailAddress],[PosterFirstName],[PosterImageUrl],[PosterName],[PosterUserName],[PosterWebUrl],[RepliesCount],[Score],[SmallIconUrl],[Subjects],[SubjectsCount],[UserID]
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    From [MessageView]
    -- Do Not Return Any Messages That Have Been Recommended To This User Already
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    -- Do Not Return Any Messages Created By This User
    And [UserID] != @UserID
    -- Do Not Return The MessageID
    And [MessageID] != @SourceMessageID
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    -- Order By [MessageScore] and [MessageCreatedDate] in reverse order
    Order By [Score] desc, [CreatedDate] desc
    ENDThe Actual Execution Plan Shows up the same; there are more messages on the Network that is slow, 2800 versus 1,500 but the difference is ten times longer on the slow network.Is the fact I am doing a Top 40 what makes it slow? My first guess was to take the Order By Off and that didn't seem to make any difference.The execution plan is below, it takes 62% of the query to look up theIX_Message.Score which is the clustered index, so I thought this would be fast. Also the Clustered Index Seek for the User.UserID take 26%which seems high for what it is doing.
    I have indexes on every field that is queried on so I am kind of at a loss as to where to go next.
    It just seems strange because it is the same view being queried in both cases.
    I tried to run the SQL Server Tuning Wizard but it doesn't run on Azure SQL, and my problem doesn't occur on the data in my local database.
    Thanks for any guidance, I know a lot of the slowness is due to the lower tier Azure SQL we are using, many of the performance issues weren't noticed when were on the full SQL Server, but the other networks work extremely fast so it has to be something to
    with having more rows.
    In case you need the SQL for the View that I am querying it is:
    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[MessageView]
    SELECT M.UserID, M.MessageID, M.NetworkID, N.Name AS NetworkName, M.Subjects, M.SubjectsCount, M.RepliesCount, M.LikesCount, M.CreatedDate, M.MessageText, M.HasLinkOrAttachment, M.Score, M.WebUrl AS MessageWebUrl, U.UserName AS PosterUserName,
    U.Name AS PosterName, U.FirstName AS PosterFirstName, U.ImageUrl AS PosterImageUrl, U.EmailAddress AS PosterEmailAddress, U.WebUrl AS PosterWebUrl, M.MessageSource, M.ImagePreviewUrl, M.LinkFileName, M.FileDownloadUrl, M.LinkType, M.SmallIconUrl
    FROM dbo.Message AS M INNER JOIN
    dbo.Network AS N ON M.NetworkID = N.NetworkID INNER JOIN
    dbo.[User] AS U ON M.UserID = U.UserID
    The Network Table has an Index on Network ID, but it non clustered but I don't think that is the culprit.

    I marked your response as answer because you gave me information I didn't have about the sort. I ended up rewriting the query to be a join instead of the In's and it improved dramatically, about one second on a very minimal Azure SQL database, and before
    it was 12 seconds on one network. We didn't notice the problem at all before we moved to Azure SQL, it was about one - three seconds at most.
    Here is the updated way that was much more efficient:
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Procedure Name]
    -- Parameters
    @UserID int,
    @SourceMessageID int = 0
    -- variable for @HomeNeworkUserID
    Declare @HomeNeworkUserID int
    -- Set the HomeNetworkID
    Set @HomeNeworkUserID = (Select HomeNetworkUserID From NetworkUser Where UserID = @UserID)
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    ;With cteMessages As
    -- Begin Select Statement
    Select (Fields List)
    -- Join to Network Table
    From MessageView mv Inner Join NetworkUser nu on MV.NetworkID = nu.NetworKID -- Only Return Networks This User Has Selected
    Where nu.HomeNetworkUserID = @HomeNeworkUserID And AllowRecommendations = 1
    -- Do Not Return Any Messages Created By This User
    And mv.[UserID] != @UserID
    -- Do Not Return The MessageID
    And mv.[MessageID] != @SourceMessageID
    ), cteHistoryForThisUser As
    Select MessageID From MessageRecommendationHistory Where UserID = @UserID
    -- Begin Select Statement
    Select Top 40 (Fields List)
    -- Join to Network Table
    From cteMessages m Left Outer Join cteHistoryForThisUser h on m.MessageID = h.MessageID
    -- Do Not Return Any Items Where User Has Already been shown this Message
    Where h.MessageID Is Null
    -- An Order By Is Needed To Get The Best Content First
    Order By Score Desc
    The Left Outer Join to test for null was the biggest improvement, but it also helped to join to the NetworkUser table instead of do the In sub query.

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    hello ive an assignment due but ive hit a brick wall, would anyone be as kind to help me?
    ShareTraders LTD is an online share brokerage which allows its customer to trade shares on the US stock market.  Customers can either sell or buy shares – the sales price depends on the curently quoted prices in the share table.  The below ERD
    shows a section of their database that refers to their customers who trade shares online.
    Funds are categorised into different categories.
    Customers may limit their exposure to a particular category of fund.
    Customers fund their share purchases through funds.
    Customers may limit their exposure to a particular category of fund.
    Shares are grouped into different categories.
    Customer trades are tracked in their portfolios.
    The shares that the customer’s trade are recorded in their portfolios.
    Staff are authorised to change the share prices of particular categories of shares.
    Staff are authorised to change the share prices of particular categories of shares.
    TSQL à Stored procedure
    Create a stored procedure (call it
    Assign1) which will
    insert a purchase of shares into the CustomerPortfolioTBL for a customer. The data that will be passed to the stored procedure is: the CustomerID, the ShareID, and the TransactionAmount.
    The data for the other columns in the CustomerPortfolioTBL will be got as follows
    à make sure that this column is an identity column which will automatically generate the next TransactionID.
    TransactionType – this column will be filled by your sproc with the word “Purchase”.
    à the price will be read from the share SellPrice column in the ShareTBl for that ShareID.
    à this column will be filled by your sproc with todays date
    à use the GetDate() function.
    Business Requirement
    Customers are not allowed to purchase more than 5 times in the current month. Your sproc must therefore:-
    Count the number of purchases the customer has made this month
    à use the Month() and the GetDate() functions.
    If the no of purchases is greater than or equal to 5 your sproc must send an error message of “Sorry
    purchase is refused 5 purchases have been made this month”
    Customers cannot spend over their exposure limit for a particular share category – get this from the CustomerExposureTBl.  Your sproc must therefore:-
    Read in to an internal variable the exposure limit from the CustomerExposureTBl for the inputted CustomerID.
    Add up all the transaction amount of shares that the customer has purchases (TransactionType = purchase) for shares whose category is the same as the share
    being purchased).  Put this calculation into an internal variable.
    Add up all the transaction amount of shares that the customer has sold  (TransactionType = sale) for shares whose category is the same as the share being
    purchased).  Put this calculation into an internal variable.
    If ((Total Purchases
    of share in this category – Total Sales of share in this category) + TransactionAmount) is greater than  exposure limit your sproc
    must send an error message of “Sorry purchase is refused Exposure limit is breached”
    This reads like you just want someone to do your homework for you. Could you post the following?
    What have you written so far? Please include the code in your reply.
    Where are you getting stuck specifically?
    Mark as answer or vote as helpful if you find it useful | Igor

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    They are not encrypted. They are obfuscated. ApexSQL can show you the source code with the wink of an eye.
    But before you do that - if this is a vendor application, check your license agreement.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    a_val number,
    b_val varchar2(100)
    create type nest_typ is table of obj_typ
    create or replace procedure retrieve_emp(mgr_no number,e_details out nest_typ) is
    select obj_typ(empno,ename) bulk collect into e_details from emp
    where mgr = mgr_no;
    nest_var nest_typ;
    for i in 1..nest_var.count loop
    dbms_output.put_line(nest_var(i).a_val || ' - '||nest_var(i).b_val);
    end loop;
    7499 - ALLEN
    7521 - WARD
    7654 - MARTIN
    7844 - TURNER
    7900 - JAMESUsing ref cursor
    create or replace procedure retrieve_emp2(mgr_no number,e_details out sys_refcursor) is
    OPEN e_details FOR select empno,ename from emp
    where mgr = mgr_no;
    empno_val emp.empno%type;
    ename_val emp.ename%type;
    edetails_ref_Cur sys_refcursor;
    fetch edetails_ref_cur into empno_val,ename_val;
    exit when edetails_ref_cur%notfound;
    dbms_output.put_line(empno_val ||' - '||ename_val);
    end loop;
    close edetails_ref_cur;
    7499 - ALLEN
    7521 - WARD
    7654 - MARTIN
    7844 - TURNER
    7900 - JAMESHTH,

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    Application Human Resources
    Execution Method PL/SQL Stored Procedure
    Execution File name NAPESCO_STAFF_LEDGER_DTLS
    i would like to know how to view and modify this procedure ,where is it stored
    kindly help

    This seems to be a custom package. To view the source of the "PL/SQL Stored Procedure" concurrent program please refer to (Note: 455582.1 - Where Can I Get the Source File of Any 'Pl/Sql Stored Procedure' on Current Program?).

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    Hi Gurus,
    Am facing a TimeOut  issue while executing the Sql Stored Procedure.
    I have changed a settings of Execution TimeOut to Zero (which is unlimited ), Am still unable to execute the Stored Procedure.
    Should i have to add any TimeOut Command in my Sql Stored Procedure. If please suggest me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Time out is the client who throws the error  not SQL Server. Please read Erland's article
    Are you sure there is blocking/locking? Is that possible someone run BEGIN TRAN and did not properly specify COMMIT TRAN?
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • How to use stored procedures in postgresql

    if any body knows how to create a stored procedure in postgresql
    please help me

    Refer the below link:
    Receiver JDBC scenario MS access - /people/sameer.shadab/blog/2005/10/24/connecting-to-ms-access-using-receiver-jdbc-adapter-without-dsn
    /people/sap.user72/blog/2005/06/01/file-to-jdbc-adapter-using-sap-xi-30 --> for jdbc receiver: file -JDBC
    Stored Procedures-
    HI in the message mapping structure u need to specify the different action and also u need to specify the procedure name.
    refer the below link which has all the associated action

  • Like in stored procedure returns incorrect result

    Hello all,
    I have a stored procedure like below
    Alter PROCEDURE ContactsListBySearch
    @AuthorID int,
    @currentPage INT,
    @pageSize INT,
    @searchStr nvarchar
    set nocount on;
    WITH tempLog AS (
    SELECT distinct ROW_NUMBER()OVER (ORDER BY email DESC) AS Row,
    email,username from AddContact where userid = @AuthorID and email like '%'+@searchStr+'%' and username like '%'+@searchStr+'%' )
    SELECT email,username
    FROM tempLog
    WHERE Row between ((@currentPage - 1) * @pageSize + 1) and (@currentPage*@pageSize)
    for a search string david it gives me unrelated rows.
    But for the same query string david if i run the query
    select email,username from addcontact where userid=2 and email like '%david%' and username like '%david%'
    It gives me exact result.
    How to pass an paramter as a string in the stored procedure?? please help me.
    Edited by: user4554966 on Jan 18, 2010 6:45 PM

    Did not get any help from them ;)

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    Dear Readers,
    Can someone tell me what is the difference when we use Declare and don't use declare in the create stored procedure statement. Please see below:
    Create proc education
     Declare @name varchar(20)
    Select @name='John'
    When I run this store procedure nothing is happening, I don't know why?
    When I run the same procedure without Declare it runs. see e.g. below:
    Create Proc learn
    @name varchar(20)
    Select @name
    It runs successfully. What is the difference between Declare  and when I don't use Declare?

    Create proc education
    Declare @name varchar(20)
    Select @name='John'
    Select @name
    exec education;
    -- John
    The first SELECT is only an assignment statement. You can use SET as well.
    Create proc education1
    Declare @name varchar(20)
    SET @name='John'
    Select @name
    exec education1;
    -- John
    In the parameterized sp, the @name is set when the sp is called (exec).
    Example for stored procedure with parameters:
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SQL Server 2014 Database Design
    New Book / Kindle: Beginner Database Design & SQL Programming Using Microsoft SQL Server 2014

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    select * from (select * from tablename) alias. instead of this, can we do like this
    select * from (results of stored procedure) alias.
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    I agree. Pipelined Table Functions are the way to go.
    Docs at
    Working demos in Morgan's Library at under Pipelined Table Functions.

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    Hi All,
    We have a following requirement, in OSB while using the DB adapter with stored procedure.
    1) the store procedure has custome datatype as inout parameter
    2) send reference cursor as input to stored procedure
    Can you please let me know how to do this.

    Please go through below links -
    Section "9.7 Stored Procedure and Function Support" of Tech Adapter user guide -

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    Many thanks,

    As a work around you can use the CR2008 to design your reports based on stored procedures and then import the reports in Crystal Report For Eclipse IDE. You will be able to view the fields/Data coming from the Stored Procedures.

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