Storing session variables

Any way to effectively bring 3 different column values into a session upon login and store them as variables or application items for later use for auto populating fields? Also, these values need to be session related, and there may be more than 10 sessions at one time, meaning up to 30 values, 3 x 10 users.

OK, got application items set. I still have another question about choosing one of two item values. The information I pulled into application items was like the following: Emp No, Unit Assigned, Unit Detailed. The question is, everyone has a value in column Unit Assigned, but not everyone has a value in Unit Detailed. I pulled both assigned and detailed into the application as I couldn't see how to pull one or the other based on null values. What I had wanted to do was set just one UNIT value based on whether or not there was data in the Unit Detailed column. Something like: if unit detailed is null, then unit assigned. Problem was I couldn't get the syntax into a computation using if then. My idea was to set a session value for each one then try to compare them while the page rendered with a similar formula but I still can't get the correct syntax.
How and where should the assigned vs. detailed formula be used? Should I create just one UNIT application item and fill it with an output from a formula or should I set both and choose either one somewhere in the page rendering?
i got halfway, this seems easy I just can't get the if then portion going.

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    i have a listener servlet class which is performing tcp/ip socket communication. now i want this class to store session variables. i have tried to implement it and access the stored variable values from other pages, but i am unable to access them, which tells me that the servlet is not storing the values in the first place.
    any help. thanks in advance.

    can you post some code.
    it is also posible that those values are stored in a different session that in the one you try to read from

  • To pass new session variable value to stored proc before running a report.

    Below is summary of the report requirement -
    Database level design
    1. Created a view and a global temporary table (GTT)
    2. Created an Oracle package procedure to accept from and to business dates on basis of which it will fetch, process and populate the GTT.
    Repository level design
    1. Created a business model containing the view and the GTT (mentioned above)
    2. Created two SESSION variables "from_dt" and "to_dt" to be initialized by their respective init blocks. Each of the variable is initialized with a DATE column value (of type DATETIME) from a database lookup table. I have also set the option "Enable that variable to be set by any user" for both variables.
    Query for these variables :
    from_dt = select from_date from <table>
    to_dt = select add_months(from_date,12) from <table>
    Presentation level design
    1. Using a text box, i display the default/initialized values of these variables like this -
    Current business date:@{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.from_dt']} Future business dt:@{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.to_dt']}
    Dates get displayed in YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00 format
    The text msg displays these default dates and allows the user to specift different date range for which i create prompts as shown below.
    2. Using any random two columns of date type from the business model, i create two date dashboard prompts with labels "From Dt" and "To Dt".
    i select Calender Controls for both; setting Default To = Report Defaults.
    The Set Variable is set to Presentation variables - such that pv_from_dt maps to "From Dt" and pv_to_dt maps to "To Dt".
    3. i create the report using the business model created above. In the report "Advanced Tab" => "Prefix" field i specify the following -
    SET VARIABLE from_dt='@{pv_from_dt}',to_dt='@{pv_to_dt}';
    Note : The logic here is to display the default dates and allow user to specify different date values which will be stored in presentation variables.
    If the user does specify different "from dt" and "to dt" values, then using the presentation variables, i want to "write" back these new values to the corresponding session variables mentioned above.
    If the user does not specify different date range, then the default/initialized dates must be considered.
    I also display the default and new date values in the report title.
    Back to Repository level design
    To execute the stored procedure that will load the GTT before running the report I need to pass two date parameters to the stored procedure on basis of which it will fetch data, process and populate the GTT.
    In the Connection Pool --> Connection Script Tab --> Execute before query, I wrote the below query using the repository variables FROM_DT and TO_DT to execute the procedure -
    v_from_dt date;
    v_to_dt date;
    v_from_dt := VALUEOF(From_Dt);
    v_to_dt := VALUEOF(To_Dt);
    Now when i try to run the report i get the following error :
    [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 23006] The session variable, NQ_SESSION.to_dt, has no value definition. (HY000)..
    Need help on this.
    Is it possible to "write back" a new value to a session variable ?
    Any other alternatives.
    Edited by: user10309945 on Jan 24, 2011 10:08 PM

    Sandeep, I found a several topics where users describe saving values in DB through stored procedure or function. For example, [How to store OBIEE presentation level variable values in DB |] I tried it and get an error
    *10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 14551, message: ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query ORA-06512*
    It's not a BI error. This error are generated by Oracle DB. If I write next:
    SELECT MyPLSQLFunction(p1,p2) FROM DUAL
    I get the same error.
    Oracle doesn't allow DML operations in SELECT.
    Did you relalize this feature yourself? Where did I mistake?

  • Session variable not storing in custom trigger

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    any clues would help.
    here are the relevant code:
    //start Trigger_Custom_Subject_Mentor trigger
    function Trigger_Custom_Subject_Mentor(&$tNG) {
    //Check subject exists
    $_SESSION['sb_id'] = $subject_id;
    //end Trigger_Custom_Subject_Mentor trigger
    // Make an insert transaction instance
    $ins_share = new tNG_insert($conn_smart);
    // Register triggers
    $ins_share->registerTrigger("STARTER", "Trigger_Default_Starter", 1, "POST", "KT_Insert1");
    $ins_share->registerTrigger("END", "Trigger_Redirect", 90);
    // Add columns
    $ins_share->addColumn("share_item", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "POST", "share_item");
    $ins_share->addColumn("share_subject", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "SESSION", "sb_id");
    $ins_share->setPrimaryKey("share_id", "NUMERIC_TYPE");
    // Register triggers
    $ins_share->registerTrigger("STARTER", "Trigger_Default_Starter", 1, "POST", "KT_Insert1");
    $ins_share->registerTrigger("BEFORE", "Trigger_Custom_Subject_Mentor", 50);
    $ins_share->registerTrigger("END", "Trigger_Default_Redirect", 99, "share.php?item_id={share_item}");

    hi User,
    1) Pull a dummy column in Fx use the Session variable --->(Variable -->session )
    2) Next, goto narrative view in Narrative view section use @1
    3) If u want you can hide the column that we created in criteria section

  • Session variable size limitation (LV Webservices)

    Hi community,
    I read couple dozen email addresses from an XML and trying to write them into a session variable. The email addresses are comma separated and have a total string length of about 1100 characters. When I try to write it into a session variable LabVIEW drops an error message (-67158).
    It is very clearly related to the size of the string as if use lets say only 200 characters I dont receive the error message.
    How can I get rid of this limitation?

    I am writing a general purpose webpage where I need email notifications. I have the workaround ready (before I send out the emails I dont read the emails from a session, but using the userID stored in the session to read the email from the xml). But generally having this limitation is annoying and unnecessary as normally you easily can store 100kB in one session. (probably even more, but that was the max I have ever did)

  • Trying to move a list of form variables to session variables of the same name

    I am trying to move a list of form variables to session variables of the same name and I am having a lot of trouble.
    I have never had to post of this forum with a language question in all the 10 years I have been using ColdFusion. I was a qa Engineer @ Allaire/Macromedia back when it was going from one to the other. I have a pretty good grasp of the language.
    I have software that runs off a list. The fieldnames are variable and stored off in an array. It's survey software that runs off a "meta file". In this example; I have the number of fields in the survey set to 12 in the "metafile". I have each field declared in that file in array Session.SurveyField[1] and the above loop works fine. I include this "metafile" at the start of the process.
    I cfloop around a struct and it works wherever I have needed to use it; such as here - writing to the database for example;
    <CFQUERY NAME="InsertRec" DATASOURCE="Survey">
    INSERT into #variables.SurveyTableName#
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    ,q08_ProjAdv,q09_Color,q10_SantaClaus,q11_Supervisor,q12_SupervisorOpinion --->
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset thisname = "Session." & Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    ,'#Session.q01_name#','#Session.q02_AcadTechORNA#','#Session.q03_Water#','#Session.q04_Fi rstAid#'
    ,'#Session.q05_CPR#','#Session.q06_LifeGuard#','#Session.q07_AED#','#Session.q08_ProjAdv# ',
    ,'#Session.q09_Color#','#Session.q10_SantaClaus#','#Session.q11_Supervisor#','#Session.q1 2_SupervisorOpinion#' --->
    NOW HERE'S THE PROBLEM: I am running into trouble when trying to move the form variables to session variables of the same name. It is the only part of the software that I still need the datanames hard coded and that is a roadblock for me.
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset thissessionfield = "Session." & Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    <cfset thisformfield = "Form." & Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    <cfset #thissessionfield# = #evaluate(thisformfield)#>
    I have tried it with or without the "evaluate"; same result. It doesn't give an error; it just ignores them (session variables look as such in the next page in the chain)
    Note: they exist because I CFPARAM them in a loop like the above at the start of the procedure) - and this works just fine!
    <cflock scope="Session" type="EXCLUSIVE" timeout="30">
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset dataname = "Session." & Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    <cfparam name="#variables.dataname#" default="">
    I EVEN tried exploiting the Form.Fieldnames list using CFLoop over the list and the same sort of logic within and it still gives me nothing....
    Here's the FORM.FIELDNAMES value
    Here's the logic; SAME RESULT - The session variables don't get set.
    <cfloop list="#Form.FieldNames#" index="thisfield">
    <!--- <br>#thisfield# --->
    thisSESSIONfield = "Session." & thisfield;
    thisFORMfield = "Form." & thisfield;
    #thisSESSIONfield# = #thisFORMfield#;
    The CFPARAM in a loop with variable output name works just fine; so does the post (which I included above) as does the SQL Create, Param Form Variables, Param Session Variables, etc.
    THIS even works for moving BLANK to each session variable, to zero them all out at the end of the process;
    <cflock scope="Session" type="EXCLUSIVE" timeout="30">
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset thislocalfield = Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    thissessionfield = "Session." & thislocalfield;
    <cfset #thissessionfield# = "">
    Expanding on that code, you would think this would work, but it doesn't;
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset thislocalfield = Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    thissessionfield = "Session." & thislocalfield;
    thisformfield = "Form." & thislocalfield;
    <!--- debug --->
    <!--- <cfoutput>#thissessionfield# = "#evaluate(thisformfield)#"</cfoutput><br> --->
    <cfset #thissessionfield# = "#evaluate(thisformfield)#">
    And see that debug code in the middle? To add insult to injury... When I uncomment that it shows me this. So it certainly looks like this should work....
    Session.q01_name = "Me"
    Session.q02_AcadTechORNA = "N/A"
    Session.q03_Water = "Yes (certificate expired)"
    Session.q04_FirstAid = "Yes (certificate is current)"
    Session.q05_CPR = "No"
    Session.q06_LifeGuard = "Yes (certificate expired)"
    Session.q07_AED = "Yes (certificate expired)"
    Session.q08_ProjAdv = "Yes (certificate expired)"
    Session.q09_Color = "Gray"
    Session.q10_SantaClaus = "Yes"
    Session.q11_Supervisor = "Da Boss"
    Session.q12_SupervisorOpinion = "Not a bad thing"
    There must be some simpler way to do this. This way won't work against all odds even though it seems so much like it should.
    So I end up having to hardcode it; still looking for an automated way to set these #@%$*@!## session variables over the list from the form variables of the same @#@!$#%$%# name. Do I sound frustrated???
    No matter what I do, if I don't HARDCODE like this;
    <cfset Session.q01_name = Form.q01_name>
    <cfset Session.q02_AcadTechORNA = Form.q02_AcadTechORNA>
    <cfset Session.q03_Water = Form.q03_Water>
    <cfset Session.q04_FirstAid = Form.q04_FirstAid>
    <cfset Session.q05_CPR = Form.q05_CPR>
    <cfset Session.q06_LifeGuard = Form.q06_LifeGuard>
    <cfset Session.q07_AED = Form.q07_AED>
    <cfset Session.q08_ProjAdv = Form.q08_ProjAdv>
    <cfset Session.q09_Color = Form.q09_Color>
    <cfset Session.q10_SantaClaus = Form.q10_SantaClaus>
    <cfset Session.q11_Supervisor = Form.q11_Supervisor>
    <cfset Session.q12_SupervisorOpinion = Form.q12_SupervisorOpinion>
    I always get this from my next page because the session variables are empty;
    You must answer question 1.
    You must answer question 2.
    You must answer question 3.
    You must answer question 4.
    You must answer question 5.
    You must answer question 6.
    You must answer question 7.
    You must answer question 8.
    You must answer question 9.
    You must answer question 10.
    I tried duplicate as well, but I can not get the above to work...
    Can anyone help me do this thing that one would think is simple????

    I think if you use structure array syntax you should get the results you want.
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
          <cfset session[Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]] = Form[Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]]>
    Or probably even easier.
    <cfset session = duplicate(form)>

  • How to get values from a stored package variable of type record ?

    In my JClient form, I need to get values from a database stored package variable of type record. And the values are retained in the JClient form for the whole session. The values are copied only once when the form is started.
    What is the best way to do that ?

    not sure what your model is, but if it is Business Components, I think I would expose the properties as a client method on the application module. This way all JClient panels and frames will have access to it. You could use a HashMap to store the data in teh app module.
    If JDBC supports the record type, then you should be able to call it via a prepared SQL statement. If not, you may consider writing a PLSQL accessor to your stored procedure that returns something that can be handled.
    Steve Muench provides the following examples on his blog page

  • Javacard and session variables

    I'm trying to find a reasonable Javacard technique to handle "session variables" that must be kept between successive APDUs, but must be re-initialized on each card reset (and/or each time the application is selected); e.g. currently selected file, currently selected record, current session key, has the user PIN been verified...
    Such variables are best held in RAM, since changing permanent (EEPROM or Flash) variables is so slow (and in the long run limiting the operational life of the card).
    Examples in the Java Card Kit 2.2.2 (e.g. manipulate session variables in the following way:
    1) The programmers group session variables of basic type (Short, Byte, Boolean) according to type, and map each such variable at an explicit index of a vector (one per basic type used as session variable).
    2) At install() time, each such vector, and each vector session variable, is explicitly allocated as a transient object, and this object is stored in a field of the application (in permanent memory), where it remains across resets.
    3) Each use of a session variable of basic type is explicitly translated by the programmer into using the appropriately numbered element of the appropriate vector.
    4) Vector session variables require no further syntactic juggling, but eat up an object descriptor worth of permanent data memory (EEPROM or Flash), and a function call + object affectation worth of applet-storage memory (EEPROM, Flash or ROM).
    The preparatory phase goes:
    public class MyApp extends Applet  {
    // transientShorts array indices
        final static byte       TN_IX = 0;
        final static byte       NEW_BALANCE_IX=(byte)TN_IX+1;
        final static byte      CURRENT_BALANCE_IX=(byte)NEW_BALANCE_IX+1;
        final static byte      AMOUNT_IX=(byte)CURRENT_BALANCE_IX+1;
        final static byte   TRANSACTION_TYPE_IX=(byte)AMOUNT_IX+1;
        final static byte     SELECTED_FILE_IX=(byte)TRANSACTION_TYPE_IX+1;
        final static byte   NUM_TRANSIENT_SHORTS=(byte)SELECTED_FILE_IX+1;
    // transientBools array indices
        final static byte       TRANSACTION_INITIALIZED=0;
        final static byte       UPDATE_INITIALIZED=(byte)TRANSACTION_INITIALIZED+1;
        final static byte   NUM_TRANSIENT_BOOLS=(byte)UPDATE_INITIALIZED+1;
    // remanent variables holding reference for transient variables
        private short[]     transientShorts;
        private boolean[]   transientBools;
        private byte[]      CAD_ID_array;
        private byte[]      byteArray8;  // Signature work array
    // install method
        public static void install( byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength ) {
             //Create transient objects.
            transientShorts = JCSystem.makeTransientShortArray( NUM_TRANSIENT_SHORTS,
            transientBools = JCSystem.makeTransientBooleanArray( NUM_TRANSIENT_BOOLS,
            CAD_ID_array = JCSystem.makeTransientByteArray( (short)4,
            byteArray8 = JCSystem.makeTransientByteArray( (short)8,
    (..)and when it's time for usage, things go:
        if (transientShorts[SELECTED_FILE_IX] == (short)0)
            transientShorts[SELECTED_FILE_IX] == fid;
        transientBools[UPDATE_INITIALIZED] =
            sig.verify(MAC_buffer, (short)0, (short)10,
                byteArray8, START, SIGNATURE_LENGTH);I find this
    a) Verbose and complex.
    b) Error-prone: there is nothing to prevent the accidental use of transientShorts[UPDATE_INITIALIZED].
    c) Wastefull of memory: each use of a basic-type state variable wastes some code; each vector state variable wastes an object-descriptor worth of permanent data memory, and code for its allocation.
    d) Slow at runtime: each use of a "session variable", especially of a basic type, goes thru method invocation(s) which end up painfully slow (at least on some cards), to the point that for repeated uses, one often attain a nice speedup by caching a session variable, and/or transientShorts and the like, into local variables.
    As an aside, I don't get if the true allocation of RAM occurs at install time (implying non-selected applications eat up RAM), or at application selection (implying hidden extra overhead).
    I dream of an equivalent for the C idiom "struct of state variables". Are these issues discussed, in a Sun manual, or elsewhere? Is there a better way?
    Other desperate questions: does a C compiler that output Javacard bytecode make sense/exists? Or a usable Javacard bytecode assembler?
    Francois Grieu

    Interesting post.
    I don't have a solution to your problem, but caching the session variables arrays in local variable arrays is a good start. This should be only done when the applet is in context, e.g. selected or accessed through the shareable interface. This values should be written back to EEPROM at e.g. deselect or some other important point of time. Do you run into problems if a tear happens? I don't think so since the session variables should be transactional, and a defined point will commit a transaction.
    Analyzing the bytecode is a good idea. I know of a view in JCOP Tools (Eclipse plugin) where you can analyze the bytecode and optimize it to your needs.

  • Using Session Variables for User Login - sometimes they don't persist... what am I doing wrong?

    Hi all,
    I'm running a site that requires user login.  I approached the building of this site as almost a complete newb to CF (and dynamic coding in general), and it's been a great learing experience (with lots of help from you guys).
    However, I guess I never learned the correct way to handle a user login.  It seemed to me that I could just test the user-entered credentials against those stored in a database, then set a session variable containg that user's record number.  Then, not only would I have an easy way of knowing who this user was and therefore what info to serve him, but I could test for the existence of a valid login on every page in the protected folder, by adding this code to my application.cfc in that folder:
    <cfset This.Sessionmanagement=true>
    <cfset This.Sessiontimeout="#createtimespan(0,8,0,0)#">
       <cfif NOT isDefined ("session.username") or NOT isDefined ("session.password") or NOT isDefined ("session.storeID")>
         <cflocation url="../index.cfm" addtoken="no">
    ...and it goes on to run a query and verify that the session.username and session.password match for the store defined by session.storeID.  If not, all session variables are cleared and it bounces you back to the login page.  When the user clicks Logout, all I do is delete all the session variables.
    This seemed to work great for like a year, but lately I've been getting reports that the login doesn't seem to persist for longer than approx. 20 minutes of inactivity.  You can see I specified session variables to remain active for 8 hours (I know that seems like a drastically long login, but it's what's necessary for this application).  I've only gotten this report from a few people, and I myself can't seem to duplicate it... I've tested an inactive login for 45 minutes now and it held.
    SO:  any reason you can think of why session variables would be spontaneously clearing for some people?  Would having your router reset its IP address invalidate the session or something?  Also, the problem seemed to begin appearing after my host upgraded all their servers to CF9... could there be any relation?
    And on a more general note... did I go about this completely the wrong way to begin with?  If so, what's the standard way to manage a login?
    Lots of questions, I know... thanks very much for any answers or suggestions!

    Thanks very much - very helpful information.
    Sounds like passing the tokens in every request is probably the way to go for this.  I don't think it's likely that any users will be sharing links, unless they actually intend for the recipient to see their info anyway.
    Is that all I would have to do, is add the tokens to every path?  Would that guarantee that all the session variables would remain valid until timeout or being cleared?
    Again, thanks, you've been really helpful.
    On Jun 23, 2010 4:37 PM, Ian Skinner &lt;[email protected]&gt; wrote:
    Unfortunately this is the nature of HTTP web applications.  There is NO state maintained from HTTP request to request.  This is by design in the HTTP protocol specifications.
    ColdFusion provides two methods to circumvent this limitation.  Each method has limitations and caveats.  They both rely on the passing of tokens between the client and the server with every request.  These tokens can be passed as cookies OR URL (GET) variables.  You are using the cookie method, which is the simpler and most common. You may be experiencing the limitation of this method.  If something happens to the cookies the session can be lost.
    You could pass the (CFID &amp; CFTOKEN) OR JESSIONID tokens through the URL query string with every request.  This requires one to add these values to every link, form action, cflocation or other request path in our application.  ColdFusion provides the session.urltoken variable to make this easier to do.  The tokens will be visible to the user.  Also if the links with an individual token is share with other users, via e-mail, chat, social networks, etc and one of these users utilize the link during the life of a session (8 hours apparently in your case).  Then that user will access the session of the original user.
    Cookie session management is by far the most common choice by CF developers.  If these methods do not meet your needs you would need to go beyond the HTTP limitations of web applications.  One might be able to accomplish this with a Flex|Air|Flash applications that can be configured to use a continuous connection to the server.  Thus not suffer the stateless nature of the normal HTTP request-response cycle.
    I do not know if a router resetting would cause cookies to be discarded or otherwise invalidated.  But I would not think it is beyond the relm of possibilities.

  • Session variable and initialization block issues

    We are using OBIEE and utilizes built in security features. (No LDAP or other single sign on). The user or group names are not stored in any external table. I have a need to supplement Group info of the user to the usage tracking we implemented recently as the NQ_LOGIN_GROUP.RESP column contains username instead of group name. So I created a session variable and associated with a new initialization block and also had a junk default value set to the variable. In the initialization block, I wrote the following query and as a result it inserted correct values into the table when the TEST button was clicked from the initialization block form.
    insert into stra_login_data (username, groupname, login_time) values ('VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.USER)', 'VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.GROUP)', SYSDATE)
    My intention is to make this execute whenever any user logs on. The nqserver.log reports the following error and it doesn?t insert values into the table.
    [nQSError: 13011] Query for Initialization Block 'SET_USER_LOGIN_BLOCK' has failed.
    [nQSError: 23006] The session variable, NQ_SESSION.USER, has no value definition.
    [nQSError: 13011] Query for Initialization Block 'SET_USER_LOGIN_BLOCK' has failed.
    [nQSError: 23006] The session variable, NQ_SESSION.GROUP, has no value definition.
    When I changed the insert statement as below, this does get populated whenever someone logs in. But I need the values of GROUP associated with the user as defined in the repository.
    insert into stra_login_data (username, groupname, login_time) values ('TEST_USER', TEST_GROUP', SYSDATE)
    Could someone help me out! As I mentioned above, I need the GROUP info into the usage tracking. So, if there is another successful approach, could you please share?
    Thank you

    Hi Amin,
    See [this thread|]. You can't use the GROUP session variable in an Init Block unless it has been seeded from an Init Block first. There isn't an easy solution for what you want, but here are some options:
    1) Create a copy of your User => Groups assignments in your RPD in an table so you can use it in your Usage Tracking Subject Area. But this means you will have to replicate the changes in two places so it's not a good solution.
    2) As the GROUP session variable is populated when you login you could theoretically use it a Dashboard and pass it a parameter to write the value to the database. But as I am not sure how can you make fire only once when the user logins it sounds like a bad idea.
    3) Move your User => Groups assignments from your RPD to a DB table. Use OBIEE Write Back or something like Oracle APEX to maintain them.
    I think 3) is the best solution to be honest.

  • Session variable causing ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'

    i have a page that before the session variable was added,
    would display the
    text i required if the recordset was empty.
    Now i have a session variable on the same page and if the
    recordset is
    empty, instead of showing the text i need displayed, i get
    the following
    ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'
    Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been
    deleted. Requested
    operation requires a current record.
    /Help_Desk/verified.asp, line 31
    If i remove the session variable code from the page, it works
    the conflicts?
    What im doing is verifying if a user exists in the database.
    If they do
    there name is stored in a session and used later on the
    following pages. If
    they do not exist, they are suppose to receive a message
    indicating to call
    our support center to update there name...
    I dont understand why the addition of the above two lines
    cause this error

    Here is all the code on the page... please let me know if
    there is something
    <!--#include file="../Connections/USD.asp" -->
    Dim rsVerify__varLname
    rsVerify__varLname = "%"
    If (Request.Querystring("last") <> "") Then
    rsVerify__varLname = Request.Querystring("last")
    End If
    Dim rsVerify__varFname
    rsVerify__varFname = "%"
    If (Request.Querystring("first") <> "") Then
    rsVerify__varFname = Request.Querystring("first")
    End If
    Dim rsVerify
    Dim rsVerify_numRows
    Set rsVerify = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    rsVerify.ActiveConnection = MM_USD_STRING
    rsVerify.Source = "SELECT c_last_name, c_first_name,
    c_email_addr FROM AHD.ctct WHERE c_last_name = '" +
    Replace(rsVerify__varLname, "'", "''") + "' and c_first_name
    = '" +
    Replace(rsVerify__varFname, "'", "''") + "' and del = '0'"
    rsVerify.CursorType = 0
    rsVerify.CursorLocation = 2
    rsVerify.LockType = 1
    rsVerify_numRows = 0
    <title>Account Verification</title>
    <body text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF"
    leftmargin="0" topmargin="0">
    <!--#include virtual="/inc/header.asp" -->
    <% If Not rsVerify.EOF Or Not rsVerify.BOF Then %>
    <table width="605" align="center">
    <tr bgcolor="#9999FF">
    <td><strong>USD Name:</strong></td>
    <td><strong>Last Name:</strong></td>
    <td colspan="2"><div
    align="center"><strong>If all 4 fields above
    your correct information please select from the links
    If your are missing any information above please contact the
    before proceeding.</strong> </div></td>
    <td colspan="2"><hr size="1"> <table
    width="400" align="center">
    <td><div align="center"><strong><a
    Store / DC
    <td><div align="center"><strong><a
    <% End If ' end Not rsVerify.EOF Or NOT rsVerify.BOF %>
    <div align="center">
    <% If rsVerify.EOF And rsVerify.BOF Then %>
    <table width="605">
    <td><div align="center"><font
    color="#FF0000"><strong>If you are
    this message, chances are you are not completely setup in
    Please contact the help desk to have your information
    verified and
    if needed.</strong></font>
    <% End If ' end rsVerify.EOF And rsVerify.BOF %>
    <div align="center"></div>
    <!--#include virtual="/inc/footer.asp" -->
    Set rsVerify = Nothing
    "Daniel" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >i have a page that before the session variable was added,
    would display the
    >text i required if the recordset was empty.
    > Now i have a session variable on the same page and if
    the recordset is
    > empty, instead of showing the text i need displayed, i
    get the following
    > error:
    > --------------------------
    > ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'
    > Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has
    been deleted.
    > Requested operation requires a current record.
    > /Help_Desk/verified.asp, line 31
    > -----------------------------
    > If i remove the session variable code from the page, it
    works fine.....why
    > the conflicts?
    > <%Session("last")
    > <%Session("first")
    > <html>
    > --------------
    > What im doing is verifying if a user exists in the
    database. If they do
    > there name is stored in a session and used later on the
    following pages.
    > If they do not exist, they are suppose to receive a
    message indicating to
    > call our support center to update there name...
    > I dont understand why the addition of the above two
    lines cause this error

  • To obtain the value of a session variable in a JAVA class

    Hello again.
    I have a JSP page, in witch I kept a session variable with a value, and later (in the same JSP page) I use a JAVA class to obtain the value stored in this session variable (I make this to verify that this works well and that this is possible)
    When I run the file, I obtain the following error:
    causa ra�z
         javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( my code is:
    ------------->The JSP file:<-----------------
    session.setAttribute("VarSession", "empty");
    <%@ page import="ConfigAnlsEspect.Config"%>
    Config ObjConfigAE = new Config();
    String valorDev = ObjConfigAE.getValueSession();
    out.println("<br>Returned= -->"+valorDev+"<--<br>");
    ------------->The JAVA class:<-----------------
    package ConfigAnlsEspect;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class Config extends HttpServlet{
         HttpSession session = null;
         String valor = null;
         public Config (){
              valor = (String)session.getAttribute("VarSession");
         public String getValueSession(){     
              return valor;
    }Why I obtain java.lang.NullPointerException ??
    Thanks very much

    I have solved the problem, doing (in the java class):
    package ConfigAnlsEspect;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class Config extends HttpServlet{
         HttpSession session;
         String valor = null;
         public Config (HttpSession session){
              this.session = session;
              valor = (String)this.session.getAttribute("VarSession");
         public String getValueSession(){     
              return valor;
    }is it rigth ??

  • How to pass page session variable to on-demand PL/SQL process

    I am trying to execute a stored procedure that takes two page session variables as input and executes code based on those two variables. I have tried creating a stored procedure on the db-side and calling it using:
    but APEX rejects the variables.
    I have also tried putting in the entire procedure in APEX as well, but I get the same problem. I have also tried using the :P23_TC_ID syntax, and still a no-go. What am I doing wrong?

    If PROC_UPDT_EMP is a stored procedure that takes 2 IN parameters, you would do
    proc_updt_emp(:P23_TC_ID,:P23_EMP_ID);in an after-submit page process. That would pass in the values of those 2 items from session state.

  • Placing session variable on bottom of each printed page

    I have an application that contains a page in which we use as
    a printed report. We plan to convert this someday to a crystal
    report but for now are only option is to use the web browser as our
    reporting page.
    What I need is to know is if there is a way to code the page
    so that the report id, which is stored as a session variable can be
    printed out on either the top or bottom of each new page. The
    report contains a lot of narrative, so it is impossible to tell
    where the new page is going to begin and end because the length of
    the narrative varies from 1 to 10 pages.
    I don’t know if there is anyway to incorporate the page
    setup from the browser settings, we are a state government, and we
    are only using Internet Explorer 6.0 as our browser. The
    application is using CF MX 7.
    Any ideas??

    I think I misunderstood. You have one long report and when
    printed will be multiple pages. You need the report name to be on
    each page.
    Three ways I can think of to do it.
    First you can use the <title></title> to your
    advantage. When printing from a browser the title is at the top of
    each page. (though this can be turned off under browser options but
    is on by default if I remember correctly).
    <cfset report_name = "Dynamic Report Name">
    Second, you can make the report name part of the URL so it
    will appear at the bottom of each page.(this can be turned off too
    in browsers)
    Third, use an image as a watermark. You should probably make
    the image 1/2 the height of the printed page. The background image
    repeats. That way, you are sure it will appear somewhere on each
    page printed. Width is another problem. But you may be able to
    center the background image horizontally using css.
    <body BACKGROUND="images/report_proof_background.jpg" >
    * You might also want to check out using css with page

  • Help Needed in checking session variable

    In a sample site, I am calling a bounded task flow from an unbounded task flow. In the called taskflow the default activity is a router which checks the session variable, and the home page will be loaded only if the session variable is not null. If session variable is null router will lead to a page dispalying 'session expired'. But even after clearing the session if I copy pasted the previous url, the home page is loading. But when I call bounded taskflow from a bounded taskflow, it is working fine. Can anyone suggest any solution? Thanks in advance

    Thanks for the reply. I'm using jdev I'm just trying with a sample example. I have a login page and when the user logins, the user name is stored in session. the loginpage view activity is in adfc config unbounded taskflow. The login credentials is validated in a backing bean and based on the return value, if the login is valid, a bounded taskflow 'hometaskflow' is called. In this bounded taskflow, the default activity is a router wchich checks the username stored in session. If the username is not null it will lead to the 'homepage' view. Else if it is null it will lead to a 'sessionexpired' view.
    In the java class of login page I'm accessing the session variable as shown
    public Username getSessionBean()
    Username username =
    return username;
    public static Object resolveExpression(String expression)
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Application app = facesContext.getApplication();
    ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
    ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
    ValueExpression valueExp =
    elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, expression,
    return valueExp.getValue(elContext);
    On login button click the function being executed is as shown
    public String onLoginClick() {
    && String.valueOf(itPassword.getValue()).equals("admin"))
    Username username=getSessionBean();
    return "success";
    else {
    return "invalid";
    And to set username as null on logout, I used this function on logout click
    public void clearSession()
    Username username=getSessionBean();
    The EL expression used to check the value of session variable is
    #{sessionScope.Username.username==null} outcome is expired
    #{sessionScope.Username.username!=null} outcome is active
    This worked when I used in a bounded taskflow, which is being called from another bounded taskflow. But not working in this scenario...

Maybe you are looking for

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  • RM Material Phase Out

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  • After install flash cs6 error 213:11 occurs

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  • There is a duplicate 'system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler' section defined

    Hi when i create new web application  i got this error i recently changed the spfarm user password and reset again in IIS app pool for central admin and in managed acounts in cenrata administration site, adil