Strengh Policy File

I intalled o JCE in JKD 1.5.0_05, in accordance with readme of jce. When I run the program SimplePolicyTest:
64 bit test: passed
192 bit test failed: there are bigger problems than just policy files: Illegal key size or default parameters
Tests completed
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 6 seconds)
I have installed the provider correctly in the jre/lib/ext area. What eu have added to the configuration file in

What about those lines?
CodeBase "file:/C:/Program%20Files/Java/jdk1.5.0_04/jre/lib/ext/*"
CodeBase <ALL>
Do you have them in policytool?
One more thing...
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
* Test to make sure the unrestricted policy files are installed.
public class SimplePolicyTest
    public static void main(
        String[] args)
    throws Exception
        byte[] data = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07 };
        // create a 64 bit secret key from raw bytes
        SecretKey key64 = new SecretKeySpec(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02,
                0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07 }, "Blowfish");
        // create a cipher and attempt to encrypt the data block with our key
        Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("Blowfish/ECB/NoPadding");
        c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key64);
        System.out.println("64 bit test: passed");
        // create a 192 bit secret key from raw bytes
        SecretKey key192 = new SecretKeySpec(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02,
                0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c,
                0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16,
                0x17 }, "Blowfish");
        // now try encrypting with the larger key
        c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key192);
        System.out.println("192 bit test: passed");
        System.out.println("Tests completed");
}Is this your SimplePolicyTest?
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    Hi Everybody:
    I'm a .NET developer with C #. I have a few applications currently running on my computer using the ODP 10.1
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    ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    In FAQ section for ODP.NET I found the next:
    Q: I have two .NET applications on the same machine running two different versions of ODP.NET. How do I ensure both these applications use the correct ODP.NET version?
    A: Beginning with ODP.NET, the Oracle installer will register the following publisher policy DLLs in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) that redirect 9.2, 10.1 and 10.2 ODP.NET applications to use the last installed version of ODP.NET: Policy.9.2.Oracle.DataAccess.dll and Policy.10.1.Oracle.DataAccess.dll.
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    You may undo the redirection manually. Policy DLLs can be de-installed through gacutil.exe using the /u option. Another approach is to navigate to the GAC directory (i.e. C:\WINNT\assembly) through the Windows Explorer and delete the policy folders. That will eliminate any policy enforcement for all your ODP.NET applications.
    If you have applications on the same machine using different ODP.NET versions, you should create an application-specific policy file.
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    Binding redirection is a ".net thing" as opposed to a " thing", see if this helps:
    Hope it helps,

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  • Server.policy file

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    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkDelete(
    I tried to modify the server.policy file adding the following line:
    permission "/path/to/file/", "delete";
    but nothing changes, even when I restart the application server (don't know even if it is necessary to restart). I am using Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1. Any help is welcome...
    Thanks in advance

    I think I solved the problem. At least I managed to delete the file :-)
    First I had to add the following line to JRE's java.policy file:
    permission "/path/to/file/", "delete";Then I added the following entry to the server's server.policy file:
    grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications/j2ee-apps/MyApp-" {
      permission "/path/to/file/", "delete";
    };like described here:
    I hope this could help to someone with the same problem

  • Problem fetching policy-file-request

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    * A SWF file may no longer make a socket connection to its
    own domain without a socket policy file. Prior to version
    9,0,115,0, a SWF file was permitted to make socket connections to
    ports 1024 or greater in its own domain without a policy file.
    * HTTP policy files may no longer be used to authorize
    socket connections. Prior to version 9,0,115,0, an HTTP policy
    file, served from the master location of /crossdomain.xml on port
    80, could be used to authorize a socket connection to any port 1024
    or greater on the same host.
    So with the tighter security measures, a policy file has to
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    made by the player has a simple format: clear text
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    the ports.
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    will fail almost always if the user is behind any firewall.
    This will render all SWFs, that do not use well known ports,
    unusable. Does anyone know what is the solution to this
    problem? Or am I missing something here?

    Common guys, someone has to know what to do here.
    I have read all that I can read and tried all that I could
    and the flash app is not accepting my policy file.

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    Thank you

    We you codegen a Policy annotated WSDL, the policies are get included in the stub. Hence you don't have to specify a separate Policy file.
    But if you need to use a separate policy then you need to set them in the AxisDescription object that you use in the ServiceClient and OperationClient.
    ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceClient();
    OperationClient operationClient = serviceClient
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("path-to-policy.xml");
    Policy servicePolicy = PolicyEngine.getPolicy(fis);
    AxisService axisService = serviceClient.getAxisService();
    If you need more information please repost this to [email protected] with a [AXIS2] subject prefix.

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    it pops a message that file is not found. I have tried dots, different slashes (back and forward) and still have no luck. I need this custum permission to be checked so that I can allow special access from a certain codebase so that say if I try a dangerous method I can just simply check in the code;
    this.getSecurityManager.checkPermission(new SpecialPermission("lol"));
    Also I need a paramater option, but I cant think of any since its not a FilePermission that takes a name and attributes (read, write..) what does BasicPermission take and if I extend it what attribute should I pass in. I dont really care about how this permission works, i just use it to restrict access to a certain functions in code that are ran from specific codeBAse.
    Please dont ask why I need this :)
    Thanks in advance, the documentation on how to add custum policies is simply NOT THERE. thus I have to bug people around.

    If you just have to add another permission it is easy.
    Create a class extending the BasicPermission. Have an entry into
    the policy file like
    grant <Principal> {
    permission <CumstomPermission> "lol"
    }that should be all. If you do have a specific Principal, please
    do not forget to add the Principal to the relevant Subject after login.

  • Error in manifest or policy file

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    Activation context generation failed for "F:\AdobeCC\Adobe Dreamweaver CC\Dreamweaver.exe".Error in manifest or policy file "" on line . A component version required by the application conflicts with another component version already active. Conflicting components are:. Component 1: C:\windows\WinSxS\manifests\ 7601.17514_none_fa396087175ac9ac.manifest. Component 2: C:\windows\WinSxS\manifests\ 01.17514_none_41e6975e2bd6f2b2.manifest.
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    Have a look at this discussion Event ID 80 SideBySide

  • Java.lang.SecurityException: Jurisdiction policy files are not signed by t

    *I am installing ECC6 onAIX 6.1 with oarcle 10g.*
    *I am getting error in create secure store*
    *Policy and security files are ok,*
    aused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
            at javax.crypto.Cipher.a(Unknown Source)
            at javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(Unknown Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImpl(Native Method)
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
            ... 6 more
    Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Cannot set up certs for trusted CAs
            at javax.crypto.b.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImpl(Native Method)
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
            ... 17 more
    Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Jurisdiction policy files are not signed by trusted signers!
            at javax.crypto.b.a(Unknown Source)
            at javax.crypto.b.a(Unknown Source)
            at javax.crypto.b.access$600(Unknown Source)
            at javax.crypto.b$ Source)
            ... 20 more
    ERROR      2009-07-07 14:10:47.063
    CJS-30050  Cannot create the secure store. SOLUTION: See output of log file SecureStoreCreate.log:
    SAP Secure Store in the File System - Copyright (c) 2003 SAP AG
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
            at javax.crypto.Cipher.a(Unknown Source)
            at javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(Unknown Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImpl(Native Method)
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
            ... 6 more
    Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Cannot set up certs for trusted CAs
            at javax.crypto.b.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImpl(Native Method)
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
            ... 17 more
    Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Jurisdiction policy files are not signed by trusted signers!
            at javax.crypto.b.a(Unknown Source)
            at javax.crypto.b.a(Unknown Source)
            at javax.crypto.b.access$600(Unknown Source)
            at javax.crypto.b$ Source)
            ... 20 more.
    ERROR      2009-07-07 14:10:47.547 [sixxcstepexecute.cpp:960]
    FCO-00011  The step createSecureStore with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_SecureStore|ind|ind|ind|ind|8|0|createSecureStore was executed with status ERROR ( Last error reported by the step :Cannot create the secure store. SOLUTION: See output of log file SecureStoreCreate.log:
    SAP Secure Store in the File System - Copyright (c) 2003 SAP AG
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
            at javax.crypto.Cipher.a(Unknown Source)
            at javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(Unknown Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImpl(Native Method)
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
            ... 6 more
    Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Cannot set up certs for trusted CAs
            at javax.crypto.b.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImpl(Native Method)
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
            ... 17 more
    Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Jurisdiction policy files are not signed by trusted signers!
            at javax.crypto.b.a(Unknown Source)
            at javax.crypto.b.a(Unknown Source)
            at javax.crypto.b.access$600(Unknown Source)
            at javax.crypto.b$ Source)
            ... 20 more.).
    what could be the problem ?
    Please give me the soluation

    Dear Juan
    You are correct.
    I downloaded correct file from IBM site , and Create Secure store step completed but innext step IMPORT JAVA DUMP
    it gave error
    n error occurred while processing service SAP ERP 6.0 Support Release 3 > SAP Systems > Oracle > Central System > Central System( Last error reported by the step : Execution of JLoad tool '/usr/java14_64/bin/java -classpath /swdump/tmpinst/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/ORA/CENTRAL/AS/install/sharedlib/launcher.jar -showversion -Xmx512m -Xj9 /swdump/tmpinst/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/ORA/CENTRAL/AS/install/lib/iaik_jce.jar:/swdump/tmpinst/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/ORA/CENTRAL/AS/install/sharedlib/jload.jar:/swdump/tmpinst/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/ORA/CENTRAL/AS/install/sharedlib/antlr.jar:/swdump/tmpinst/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/ORA/CENTRAL/AS/install/sharedlib/exception.jar:/swdump/tmpinst/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/ORA/CENTRAL/AS/install/sharedlib/jddi.jar:/swdump/tmpinst/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/ORA/CENTRAL/AS/install/sharedlib/logging.jar:/swdump/tmpinst/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/ORA/CENTRAL/AS/install/sharedlib/offlineconfiguration.jar:/swdump/tmpinst/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/ORA/CENTRAL/AS/install/sharedlib/opensqlsta.jar:/swdump/tmpinst/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/ORA/CENTRAL/AS/install/sharedlib/tc_sec_secstorefs.jar:/oracle/client/10x_64/instantclient/ojdbc14.jar -sec AGQ,jdbc/pool/AGQ,/usr/sap/AGQ/SYS/global/security/data/,/usr/sap/AGQ/SYS/global/security/data/SecStore.key -dataDir /swdump/NW7.0_SR3_JAVA_COMP_51033513/DATA_UNITS/JAVA_EXPORT_JDMP -job /swdump/tmpinst/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/ORA/CENTRAL/AS/IMPORT.XML -log jload.log' aborts with return code 1. SOLUTION: Check 'jload.log' and '/swdump/tmpinst/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/ORA/CENTRAL/AS/' for more information.

  • Load XML file from addon domain without cross-domain Policy file

    Assuming that there are two addon domains on the same server: /public_html/       and      /public_html/
    I try to load XML file from into without using cross-domain policy file (since it doesn’t work on xml files in my case).
    So the idea is to use php file in order to load XML and read it back to flash.
    I’ve found an interesting scripts that seems to do the job but unfortunately I can't get it to work. In my opinion there is somewhere problem with AS3 part. Please take a look.
    Here are the AS3/PHP scripts:
    AS3 (.swf in
    // location of the xml that you would like to load, full http address
    var xmlLoc:String = "";
    // location of the php xml grabber file, in relation to the .swf
    var phpLoc:String = "loadXML.php";
    var xml:XML;
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(phpLoc+"?location="+escape(xmlLoc) );
    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoaded);
    loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOErrorHandler);
    function onIOErrorHandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void {
        trace("There was an error with the xml file "+e);
    function onXMLLoaded(e:Event):void {
        trace("the rss feed has been loaded");
        xml = new XML(;
        // set to string, since it is passed back from php as an object
        xml = XML(xml.toString());
        xml_txt.text = xml;
    PHP (loadXML.php in
    header("Content-type: text/xml");
    $location = "";
    if(isset($_GET["location"])) {
        $location = $_GET["location"];
        $location = urldecode($location);
    $xml_string = getData($location);
    // pass the url encoded vars back to Flash
    echo $xml_string;
    //cURLs a URL and returns it
    function getData($query) {
        // create curl resource
        $ch = curl_init();
        // cURL url
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $query);
        //Set some necessary params for using CURL
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
       //Execute the curl function, and decode the returned JSON data
        $result = curl_exec($ch);
        return $result;
        // close curl resource to free up system resources

    I think you might be right about permissions/settings on the server for php. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to adjust them.
    So I wrote my own script - this time I used file path instead of http address of the XML file.  It works fine in my case.
    Here it is:
    XML file on
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <image imagePath="galleries/gallery_1/images/1.jpg" thumbPath="galleries/gallery_1/thumbs/1.jpg" file_name= "1"> </image>
        <image imagePath="galleries/gallery_1/images/2.jpg" thumbPath="galleries/gallery_1/thumbs/2.jpg" file_name= "2"> </image>
        <image imagePath="galleries/gallery_1/images/3.jpg" thumbPath="galleries/gallery_1/thumbs/3.jpg" file_name= "3"> </image>
    swf  on
    var imagesXML:XML;
    var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
    var varURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("MyPHPfile.php");
    varURL.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = variables;
    var MyLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
    MyLoader.dataFormat =URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
    MyLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, XMLDone);
    function XMLDone(event:Event):void {
        var imported_XML:Object =;
        imagesXML = new XML(imported_XML);
       MyTextfield_1.text = imagesXML;
       MyTextfield_2.text = imagesXML.image[0].attribute("thumbPath");  // sample reference to attribute "thumbPath" of the first element
    php file on
    $xml_file = simplexml_load_file('../../');  // directory to XML file on the same server
    $imported_XML = $xml_file->asXML();
    print "imported_XML=" . $imported_XML;
    PS: for those who read the above discussion: the first and the second script work but you must test which one is better in your situation. The first script will also work between two domains on different servers. No cross domain policy file needed.

  • How to install unlimited strength policy files with 2003 windows server

    Hi all,
    I am working on encryption AES 256 bit key encryption.
    128 is default encryption key.But for use 256 bit encryption key need to add unlimited strength policy file with jdk.
    That is working fine on windows xp.
    Now problem
    But when i run on client machine with operating system windows 2003 server standard.
    I replaced all files under folder Java\jdk1.6.0_10\jre\lib\security with files which i am using on windows XP.
    Restarted the computer after update files but on windows server 2003 256 bit key encryption not working.
    Giving following exception Illegal key size or default parameters
    Please suggest me how to run encryption on windows server 2003..

    anu1106 wrote:
    I replaced all files under folder Java\jdk1.6.0_10\jre\lib\security with files which i am using on windows XP.Why? Why not just install the unlimited strength files in the normal way according to the installation instructions given in the distribution file?

  • How do I apply JCE Jurisdiction Policy Files in oracle jvm

         I have some java procedure using AES, while the default key size limit is 128.
         For local java, I can easily replace Jurisdiction Policy Files in JDK OR JRE,  But I do not know how to do such thing in oracle database(11g2) jvm


  • How to assign special FilePermission in a policy file

    I'm using jaas 1.0 with JDK1.3.
    I want a user to be able to specify a file (a password file : login-password) and to be able to access it before being authenticated. (and so without any permissions to access it)
    I'd like to assign FilePermission not for a file in particulary but for files with an extension in particular (*.pwd in my example). How can I do it in a policy file ?
    Check my code :
    I am in the e:/dvpl directory.
    if I specify that the file must be passwd2.pwd, that's ok, that works, but
    if I want to give read permissions for all the files in conf/ or just for *.pwd, that doesn't work.
    How can I do ?
      //permission "e:/dvpl/conf/passwd2.pwd", "read";
      permission "./conf/-", "read";
      permission "e:/dvpl/conf/-", "read";
      permission "e:/dvpl/conf/*.pwd", "read";Thanks for any help.
    Yann P.
    JOnAS The EJB Server

    if you want to give read permissions for all the files in conf:
    permission "\\dvp\\conf\\-","read";
    Hope this help!

  • XMLSocket "Failed to load policy file" error

    I am trying to use an XMLSocket.swf file, and it is not connecting.  Do I need to open up a port on my server?  I am trying to run this on a dedicated remote Windows 2008 server.
    Here is the error from FlashFirebug:
         OK: Root-level SWF loaded: file:///C|/Users/vcaadmin/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/70vbx4ys.default/exten sions/
        OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
        OK: Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files to authorize data loading from resource at xmlsocket:// by requestor from
        Error: Failed to load policy file from xmlsocket://
        Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket:// by requestor from has failed because the server cannot be reached.
    My crossdomain.xml is saved to the root of the web directory and looks like:
        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
        <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only"/>
        <allow-access-from domain="*"/>
        <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="SOAPAction"/>
    I notice that both ports 843 and 9997 are closed for my domain ( - when I check using a service such as  Do I need to get these ports open to get the policy file to work?

    As a test, I uploaded my Flash/Gaia site into an existing site on my old host.  And although the site actually works in this setting, when I run things in the FlashPlayerDebugger, I'm still getting Security Sandbox Violations - so (as adninjastrator suggested in earlier post), this may have nothing to do with the DNS changes - but perhaps with my setting things up wrong somewhere so that the Flashplayer is trying to access my local computer - maybe??
    Debugger logs gives me this:
    Error: Failed to load policy file from xmlsocket://
    Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket:// by requestor from has failed because the server cannot be reached.
    *** Security Sandbox Violation ***
    So, I've now uploaded the identical bin (which contains all the files for my site) - but I'm getting different behaviors on the two hosts.
    On the new holistic servers, the site won't go past the first page:
    On the 1&1 servers, I still get runtime errors in FlashPlayerDebugger - but the site runs ok -
    Posting those links in hopes someone with more experience in these sandbox issues can help steer me in the right direction.

  • Policytool give me error Could not find Policy File ....\.java.pol

    hi master
    error Could not find Policy File: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.java.policy
    Sir when I open policytool the system give me this error
    And I use this link
    For Keystore, Policy and Security File Reader
    that give me this message
    ------ Default Policy File and Keystore Status ------
    java.home C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_1
    C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_1\lib\security found.
    user.home C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.java.policy NOT found.
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.keystore NOT found.
    How set user home and keystor please give me idea

    I know this is a relatively old post, but some people can stumble on this page when doing a search for this problem.
    Anyway, I ran into this on my PC after I installed Sybase which had an older jre.
    1. Run regedit
    2. Look for Java Runtime Environment
    You may have to do multiple searches. Eventually you'll find one with the version number.
    3. Modify the value and change it to the correct version number. (in your case, you would have changed it from 1.4 to 1.6).
    This is much quicker than reinstalling Java every time installing something that uses an older version of Java hoses up the registry value.

Maybe you are looking for

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