Stretching photo montages in CS4?

I have a Premiere CS4 project which consists of hundreds of photos appearing one after another with a one second dissolve between each.  My client would like for all the photos to be 6 seconds long instead of 5.  Is there a way to do this without starting over from scratch?  Normally, that wouldn't be that big of a deal, but a large number of the photos have various video effects added.  If I simply select all the photos and increase their durations, then the photos slam into each other without increasing the duration of the project.  I could output the project as an .avi file and time stretch that, but then the dissolves would be longer than 1 second, and I don't want that.  Any suggestions?
J. D.

In that case, a workaround may be to nest your sequence into a new sequence and stretch the duration by 20%. It will also increase the duration of your dissolves, but is the only practical solution to avoid reapplying all those filters.
One effort may be worthwile, but I do not know if it will work.
1. In preferences set the default still duration to 6 secnods and automate to sequence in a new sequence with the standard dissolves.
2. select all clips in your current sequence and select copy.
3. In the new sequence, select all clips and select paste attirbutes.
Maybe that will work. Try it.

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    Down-res your photos as much as you possibly can and you should be ok.
    Here's a 2-part tutorial on doing a 3D photo fly-through:
    Part 1:
    Part 2:

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    Hi Barbara thanks for the link
    I'd already used the second option mentioned in it to access the Library: ie Finder > Go > Alt click. 
    I found this file list in the Library under Preference Panes > Preferences. If this is the correct file list which of these need to be deleted please?
    I searched in vain for the first file you mention: com.adobe.PhotoshopElements.plist:

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    File size has nothing to do with rendering performance. Search the forum, there's tons of threads on this. and by all means, read some basics:
    Getting started with After Effects

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    You might give Discus a try. It has templates for printing directly on printable discs and many label layouts. These are just some of the labels I've created for DVDs:
    Click to view full size
    Just so you know it's strongly recommended to not put paper labels on disks, particularly DVDs but also CDs. The labels can unbalance the disk causing playback problems, blister or begin to peel after a while jamming optical drives, especially slot loading drives.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier versions) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. There are versions that are compatible with iPhoto 5, 6, 7 and 8 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    NOTE: The new rebuild option in iPhoto 09 (v. 8.0.2), Rebuild the iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup" makes this tip obsolete.

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    Thanks, Eric

    Jim might know of some tutorial to look at...but just to show you quickly what it will look like...
    1) use a photo that is no bigger than 4000 px  X  4000 px.....
    2) put on timeline
    3) use CTI to determine start point for zoom and click "scale" under effect panel (sets keyframe)  under motion /scale...
    4) adjust scale from 100% to what you want...
    5) move CTI to next point on timeline where effect will end
    6) click scale again (sets keyframe)
    7) adjust scale
    image shows timeline and keyframes in effect panel where scale was adjusted
    This link has the movie export made from this sample...called " zoom sample mov " ....for you to SEE what it does

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