Stuck on CONNECT_BY ... PRIOR statement / sub-select Query

I am trying to generate a list of customisations made to our eBusiness system.
I'm using this example as a starting point:
   FROM applsys.jdr_paths jp1
    AND jp1.path_docid BETWEEN 18000 AND 18700;
_NAME                                                    PATH_DOCID PATH_OWNER_DOCID PATH_TYPE                        PATH_SEQ PATH_XML_V PATH_XML_E CREATED_BY                     CREATION_ LAST_UPDATED_BY                LAST_UPDA LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
customizations                                                18479             1650 PACKAGE                                -1                       1                              24-SEP-05 1                              24-SEP-05 1
customizations                                                18665            18663 PACKAGE                                -1                       1                              24-SEP-05 1                              24-SEP-05 1
customizations                                                18010            18009 PACKAGE                                -1                       1                              24-SEP-05 1                              24-SEP-05 1I can then use this to extract the full path - for example, using the example above, the "PATH_OWNER_DOCID" = 18663:
         , SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(p.path_name, '/') PATH
         , p.path_docid
      FROM (SELECT jp.path_name
                 , jp.path_seq
                 , jp.path_docid
                 , jp.path_owner_docid
              FROM applsys.jdr_paths jp) p
CONNECT BY path_docid = PRIOR path_owner_docid
START WITH p.path_docid = 18665;
LEVEL     PATH                                                                  PATH_DOCID
1     /customizations                                                          18665     
2     /customizations/webui                                                  18663     
3     /customizations/webui/pagesetup                                          18661     
4     /customizations/webui/pagesetup/printmgmt                          18660     
5     /customizations/webui/pagesetup/printmgmt/bpa                          10174     
6     /customizations/webui/pagesetup/printmgmt/bpa/ar                  10173     
7     /customizations/webui/pagesetup/printmgmt/bpa/ar/apps                  2     
8     /customizations/webui/pagesetup/printmgmt/bpa/ar/apps/oracle          1What I'd really like to do is to include the bottom most path (i.e. the most detailed, full path (path_docid = 1 in the e.g. above) in the first SQL statement.
That way, against each customisation, listed via this:
   FROM applsys.jdr_paths jp1
    AND jp1.path_docid BETWEEN 18000 AND 18700;I would like to include, possibly via a sub-select, the full path of the customisation - not all of the other lines leading up to the full path, just the full path itself.
But I can't work out how to combine the 2 SQLs, assuming it can be done at all.
Any advice much appreciated.

If understand your question right... Just a MAX would work.
select (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(object_name, '/'))
select object_name, rownum lv
       from all_objects
   where rownum <= 5
   ) t
    START WITH lv = 1
   CONNECT BY PRIOR lv = lv - 1
5 rows selected.
select max(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(object_name, '/'))
select object_name, rownum lv
       from all_objects
   where rownum <= 5
   ) t
    START WITH lv = 1
   CONNECT BY PRIOR lv = lv - 1
1 row selected.vr
Sudhakar B.

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    select R1. pid,, from (
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    inner join (select SUBSTRING(Pid,1,13)as Original_Icn,status,paid_amount from dbo.Q2STATUS
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    where SUBSTRING(Pid,12,2) ='A1')A1 on a1.Pid=org.PID

    Please check following item
    It uses a
    SQL string function, please create it first
    create table Q2STATUS (Pid nvarchar(200), Status varchar(20), paid_amount int)
    insert into Q2STATUS select '123456 = Original_PID, Reversal =123456R1, Adjustment= 123456A1',NULL,250
    with cte2 as (
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    ), cte as (
    select cte2.*, typeid, v.*
    from cte2
    cross apply dbo.split(cte2.Pid, ',') s
    cross apply dbo.split(s.val, '=') v
    ), cte3 as (
    rn, pid, status, paid_amount, max(pidtype) pidtype, max(pidval) pidval
    from (
    rn, Pid, status, paid_amount, typeid,
    case when (typeid = 1 and id = 2) or (typeid <> 1 and id = 1) then ltrim(rtrim(val)) else null end as pidtype,
    case when (typeid = 1 and id = 1) or (typeid <> 1 and id = 2) then ltrim(rtrim(val)) else null end as pidval
    from cte
    ) g
    group by rn, pid, status, paid_amount, typeid
    cte3.pidval as 'Original_PID',
    cte4.pidval as 'Reversal',
    cte5.pidval as 'Adjustment'
    from cte2
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    left join cte3 as cte4 on cte4.rn = cte2.rn and cte4.pidtype = 'Reversal'
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    Please note that I have used
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    inner join c on af2 = cf2......
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    Kindly give me pointers.

    Hey thanks for the reply, but the problem is not solved.
    I am already using  ( fileds, value) like table in my where condition and the select statement was working properly.
    the problem is that now I have to include some tables in the join statement which can be empty and so i want to use Outer join.
    But I am getting a runtime error as below:
    Error analysis
        An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
        The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SYNTAX', was not
         caught in
        procedure "ZATSCSNG_RFC_READ_TABLE" "(FUNCTION)", nor was it propagated by a
         RAISING clause.
        Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
        exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
        The reason for the exception is:
        The running ABAP program wanted to execute a SELECT statement whose
        WHERE condition was (partly) specified dynamically. The part that is
        specified in an internal table at runtime is compared to a field of the
        right table of an LEFT OUTER JOIN. Such comparisons are not supported by
         all database systems and are therefore not allowed.

  • Strange results with Insert statement having select query

    Hi all,
    I am facing a strange issue with Insert statement based on a select query having multiple joins.
    DB- Oracle 10g
    Following is the layout of my query -
    Insert into Table X
    Select distinct Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Function(Col 5) from Table A, B
    where trunc(updated_date) > = trunc(sysdate-3)
    and join conditions for A, B
    Select Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Function(Col 5) from Table C, D
    trunc(updated_date) > = trunc(sysdate-3)
    and join conditions for C, D
    .... till 4 unions. all tables are residing in the local Database and not having records more than 50,000.
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    Can somebody explain why is the discrepancy and what is the solution for it.
    Or atleast some pointers how to proceed with the analysis.
    Edited by: Pramod Verma on Mar 5, 2013 4:59 AM
    Updated query and added more details

    Since I am using Trunc() in the where clause so timing should not matter much. Also I manually ruled out records which were updated after the job run.
    The first rule of troubleshooting is to not let your personal opinion get in the way of finding out what is wrong.
    Actually this code, and the process it represents, is the most likely CAUSE of the problem.
    where trunc(updated_date) > = trunc(sysdate-3)
    You CANNOT reliably use columns like UPDATED_DATE to select records for processing. Your process is flawed.
    The value of that column is NOT the date/time that the data was actually committed; it is the date/time that the row was populated.
    If you insert a row into a table right now, using SYSDATE (8am on 3/5/2013) and don't commit that row until April your process will NEVER see that 3/5/2013 date until April.
    Here is the more typical scenario that I see all the time.
    1. Data is inserted/updated all day long on 3/4/2013.
    2. A column, for example UPDATED_DATE is given a value of SYSDATE (3/4/2013) in a query or by a trigger on the table.
    3. The insert/update query takes place at 11:55 PM - so the SYSDATE values are for THE DAY THE QUERY BEGAN
    4. The data pull begins at 12:05 am (on 3/5/2013 - just after midnight)
    5. The transaction is COMMITTED at 12:10 AM (on 3/5/2013); 5 minutes after the data pull began.
    That data extract in step 4 will NEVER see those records! They DO NOT EXIST when the data pull query is executed since they haven't been committed.
    Even worse, the next nights data pull will not see them either! That is because the next pull will pull data for 3/5/2013 but those records have a date of 3/4/2013. They will never get processed.
    Job timing is 4am and 10pm EST
    Another wrinkle is when data is inserted/updated from different timezones and the UPDATED_DATE value is from the CLIENT pc or server. Then you can get even more data missed since the client dates may be hours different than the server date used for the data pull process.
    DO NOT try to use UPDATED_DATE type columns to do delta extraction or you can have this issue.

  • Multi sub-select query help

    I need to write a query which identifies the patients who exist in the master table for a given organization and trait and do not exist in the final table.
    For example, for organization 499 and trait 43926, I have a total of 119 patients. After some processing, out of these 119 patients, only 106 patients get inserted into the final_traits table.
    This leaves us with a difference of 13 patients. I want a query that will give me this list of 13 patients.
    In order to achieve this, I need to use three tables:
    1.     Master_traits which contains the entire patient population. The field needed from this table is dwkey_patient.
    2.     Patient which contains the demographic info. The three fields needed from this table are dwkey_patient, patient_key, and name.
    3.     Final_traits which contains the detail trait info. The field needed from here is patient_key.
    To retrieve the 119 patients along with their names, the first join needs to be between “master_traits” and “patient” using the dwkey_patient field.
    From these 119 patients, to determine which ones did NOT get inserted into the final_traits table, the second join will be between “patient” and “final_traits” using the patient_key field. This should give me 13 patients.
    So far, I have the portion of the query which gives me the total population of 119.
    select a.dwkey_patient, b.patient_key,
    from master_traits a, patient b
    where a.dwkey_patient = b.dwkey_patient
    and a.dwkey_org = 499
    and a.dwkey_approval > 0
    and a.dwkey_traittype = 43926
    and a.out_of_range is null
    order by dwkey_patient asc;
    I am having a tough time getting the second portion of the query to show me the 13 patients who were not inserted.
    Can someone help?

    It works for me...
    MHO%xe> with master_traits as
      2  ( select 1234 dwkey_patient from dual union all
      3  select 2345 from dual union all
      4  select 3456 from dual union all
      5  select 4567 from dual union all
      6  select 5678 from dual
      7  )
      8  , patient as
      9  ( select 1234 dwkey_patient, 900 patient_key, 'smith' name from dual union all
    10   select 2345, 901, 'jones' name from dual union all
    11   select 3456, 902, 'murphy' name from dual union all
    12   select 4567, 903, 'brown' name from dual union all
    13   select 5678, 904, 'miller' name from dual
    14   )
    15  , final_traits as
    16  ( select 900 patient_key from dual union all
    17  select 901 from dual union all
    18  select 903 from dual
    19  ) -- actual query starts here:
    20  select a.dwkey_patient, b.patient_key,
    21  from   master_traits a
    22     ,   patient b
    23     ,   final_traits c
    24   where a.dwkey_patient = b.dwkey_patient
    25  --   and a.dwkey_org = 499
    26  --   and a.dwkey_approval > 0
    27  --   and a.dwkey_traittype = 43926
    28  --   and a.out_of_range is null
    29     and b.patient_key = c.patient_key(+)
    30     and c.patient_key is null
    31  ;
             5678         904 miller
             3456         902 murphySo, you might need to adjust your WHERE clause I commented out in above example...
    MHO%xe> with master_traits as
      2  ( select 1234 dwkey_patient from dual union all
      3  select 2345 from dual union all
      4  select 3456 from dual union all
      5  select 4567 from dual union all
      6  select 5678 from dual
      7  )
      8  , patient as
      9  ( select 1234 dwkey_patient, 900 patient_key, 'smith' name from dual union all
    10   select 2345, 901, 'jones' name from dual union all
    11   select 3456, 902, 'murphy' name from dual union all
    12   select 4567, 903, 'brown' name from dual union all
    13   select 5678, 904, 'miller' name from dual
    14   )
    15  , final_traits as
    16  ( select 900 patient_key from dual union all
    17  select 901 from dual union all
    18  select 903 from dual
    19  )
    20  select a.dwkey_patient, b.patient_key,
    21    from master_traits a, patient b
    22   where a.dwkey_patient = b.dwkey_patient
    23  --   and a.dwkey_org = 499
    24  --   and a.dwkey_approval > 0
    25  --   and a.dwkey_traittype = 43926
    26  --   and a.out_of_range is null
    27     and not exists ( select null
    28                        from final_traits c
    29                       where c.patient_key =  b.patient_key )
    30  ;
             5678         904 miller
             3456         902 murphyWorks too (ofcourse)
    Edited by: hoek on Jun 4, 2009 8:37 PM

  • Very slow Sub Select Query

    Oracle Version
    Sorry to ask what is probably a stupid question that only serves to highlight how useless my SQL is!
    I have this SQL which counts total requisition lines, and then counts how many of those lines have converted to Sales Orders:
    SELECT prha.segment1
         , (SELECT COUNT(*)
              FROM po.po_requisition_lines_all prla
             WHERE prla.requisition_header_id = prha.requisition_header_id)
         , (SELECT COUNT(*)
              FROM po.po_requisition_lines_all prla
                 , ont.oe_order_lines_all sol
             WHERE prla.requisition_line_id = sol.source_document_line_id
               AND prla.requisition_header_id = prha.requisition_header_id)
      FROM po.po_requisition_headers_all prha
    WHERE  prha.creation_date >= '03-JUL-2008';The SQL works, but it is really, really slow. Is that just because it is running through lots and lots of data?
    If I comment out the 2nd Count SELECT, it runs immediately. Perhaps it is so slow because the join between the po_requisition_lines_all and the oe_order_lines_all table is not via primary keys. Also, there is not an index on the oe_order_lines_all table related to the source_document_line_id field.
    I'm sorry I haven't provided the full table designs for the tables involved - but the primary keys joining the requisition tables = via the requisition_headers_all table, and the join via the po_requisition_lines_all and the oe_order_lines_all table is not via a primary key or an index.
    Sorry once again, for probably talking nonsense.

    Please note this is a untested code as you didn't provide any of the required information like
    a) Test Data
    b) Relationship between the tables
    You could try something like this. But as already @someoneelse suggested it is definitely worth reading the link.
    select prha.segment1, count(case when prla.requisition_header_id is not null then 1 end) req_line_ct,
    count(case when sol.source_document_line_id is not null then 1 end) so_line_ct
    po.po_requisition_header_all prha,
    po.po_requisition_lines_all prla,
    ont.oe_order_lines_all sol
    prha.creation_date >= to_date('03.07.2008','')
    prha.requisition_header_id = prla.requisition_header_id (+)
    prla.requsition_line_id = sol.source_document_line_id (+)
    group by prha.segment1;Regards

  • Sub-Select SQL query in Oracle BI Answers

    What's the proper usage of Sub-Select SQL query in Oracle BI Answers Version Oracle Business Intelligence
    I get [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occured when trying to Sub Select query like:
    itemno = (SELECT MIN(orders.itemno) FROM mydatabase where rownum < 2 order by orders.itemno)

    Maybe the best is to create a new physical and logical object for your sub-select and join this with your current objects.

  • Alter Statement in Select

    Can we write an alter statement in Select Query?

    Dynamic sql
    SQL> create table t_al (al number(10));
    Table created.
       v_al   VARCHAR2 (200);
        select 'alter table t_al modify al varchar2(20)' into v_al from dual;
    execute immediate v_al;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> desc t_al;
      AL  VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)

  • Multiple values in where clause(IN) of select query in Cisco Cloud Portal using single field

    I can actually pass multiple values in the IN statement of select query using multiple dictionary fields in the data retrieval rule of the AFC in Cisco cloud portal like
    #dictionary.field1# = 1 and
    select col1,col2 from table1 where col3 in (#dictionary.field1#,dictionary.field2#).
    but I want to pass mutiple values in a single field as
    select col1,col2 from table1 where col3 in (#dictionary.field1#) and the query gives no data because it is taking as '1,2' instead of '1','2'.
    Please give the solution for passing multiple values in a single variable to use in IN operator of WHERE clause

    Ok, I now understand what you are trying to do. Unfortunately, you cannot inject parts of a SQL statement into a DDR through a dictionary field, which always represents a specific value (the comma in your case is attempting injection of a SQL construct to refer to multiple values). One possible solution is to arbitrarily consolidate your list of values using a delimiter that you know will not be in the values themselves such as a colon (:). Let's use 3 values as it serves as a better example.
    Set your dictionary field to a single reference to all 3 values of interest, say 'a', 'b', 'c' as:
    :a:b:c:  (you can use javascript to create this consolidated dictionary field)
    Now your query would look something like the following:
    select col1,col2 from table1 where #dictionary.field1t# like '%:'+col3+':%'
    This should achieve the desired result.

  • Comparing dates in select query.

    Hi Experts,
    I need to select data from one table such that the date field of the table should be either today's date or earlier date.
           How can I write such comparison statement in select query.

    select * from <your_table>
                   where <date_field> <= sy-datum.
    endselect .

  • SUB select

    I have 2 reports. The first report contains YYYY, Q, avg(val1).
    2007 Q1 5
    2007 Q2 6
    2007 Q2 7
    Cumul 6
    Besides I want to create a report (gauge) containing the cumul value.
    Therefore it seems that I need to create a SUB select query like this
    select year, avg(avg(val1))
    from (select YYYY, avg(val1) over (partition by YYYY, Q) from table)
    group by YYYY
    Any one an idea how I can fix this in answers??
    Txs for your help

    did you try ∑ option in answers?

  • Using case when statement in the select query to create physical table

    I have a requirement where in I have to execute a case when statement with a session variable while creating a physical table using a select query. let me explain with an example.
    I have a physical table based on a select table with one column.
    I also have a customer table.
    In my dashboard that has two pages, Page 1 contains a table with the customer table with column navigation to my second dashboard page.
    In my second dashboard page I created a dashboard report based on NAME_PARAMETER table and a prompt based on customer table that sets the NAME_ PARAMETER request variable.
    When i click on a particular customer, the prompt sets the variable NAME_PARAMETER and the NAME_PARAMETER table shows the appropriate customer.
    everything works as expected. YE!!
    Now i created another table called NAME_PARAMETER1 with a little modification to the earlier table. the query is as follows.
    Now I pull in this table into the second dashboard page along with the NAME_PARAMETER table report.
    surprisingly, NAME_PARAMETER table report executes as is, but the other report based on the NAME_PARAMETER1 table fails with the following error.
    Error Codes: OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 16001] ODBC error state: S1000 code: 1756 message: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated. [nQSError: 16014] SQL statement preparation failed. (HY000)
    If anyone has any explanation to this error and how we can achieve the same, please help.

    Updates :) sorry.. the error was a stupid one.. I resolved and I got stuck at my next step.
    I am creating a physical table using a select query. But I am trying to obtain the name of the table dynamically.
    Here is what I am trying to do. the select query of the physical table is as follows.
    The idea behind this is to obtain the data from the same table from different schemas dynamically based on what a session variable. Please let me know if there is a way to achieve this, if not please let me know if this can be achieved in any other method in OBIEE.

  • Sub selects in a SQL statement

    Hi, I have a query with an obsene amount of sub selects,
    for example :
    SELECT p.ID,
    (select something from data where id = data1,
    (select somelse from data2 where id = data2,
    (select someelse from data3 where id = data3,
    (select someelse from data4 where id = data4,
    (select someelse from data5 where id = data5,
    FROM property P
    WHERE ..........
    this query is taking a long time to process. Is there a more efficient way of doing such a statement?
    thanks in advance

    Since the original poster said "this query is taking a long time to process", I assumed that there was a one-to-one relationship between properties and each of the dataX tables, otherwise, as you pointed out, he would be complaining about ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
    In my union, I am returning a single column from each of the data tables (plus the id), and a NULL for each of the other columns in the in-line view. The MAX function just gets the single row for each column that actually has a value.
    As a test case, I did:
    CREATE TABLE properties AS
    SELECT rownum id, object_name
    FROM all_objects
    WHERE rownum < 11;
    CREATE TABLE data1 (id NUMBER, descr VARCHAR2(10));
    INSERT INTO data1 VALUES(1, 'ONE');
    INSERT INTO data1 VALUES(2, 'TWO');
    CREATE TABLE data2 (id NUMBER, descr VARCHAR2(10));
    INSERT INTO data2 VALUES(4, 'FOUR');
    INSERT INTO data2 VALUES(5, 'FIVE');
    INSERT INTO data2 VALUES(6, 'SIX');
    CREATE TABLE data3 (id NUMBER, descr VARCHAR2(10));
    INSERT INTO data3 VALUES(9, 'NINE');The original version as posted retrieves:
    SQL> SELECT, p.object_name,
      2         (SELECT descr FROM data1 WHERE id = data1,
      3         (SELECT descr FROM data2 WHERE id = data2,
      4         (SELECT descr FROM data3 WHERE id = data3
      5  FROM properties p
      6  ORDER BY;
            ID OBJECT_NAME                    DATA1      DATA2      DATA3
             1 TAB$                           ONE
             2 I_IND1                         TWO
             3 I_COBJ#                        THREE
             4 USER$                                     FOUR
             5 I_OBJ1                                    FIVE
             6 I_PROXY_ROLE_DATA$_2                      SIX
             7 BOOTSTRAP$                                           SEVEN
             8 I_ICOL1                                              EIGHT
             9 UNDO$                                                NINE
            10 PROXY_ROLE_DATA$
    10 rows selected.
              0  recursive calls
              0  db block gets
             93 consistent gets
              0  physical reads
              0  redo size
           1000  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
            655  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
              2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              1  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
             10  rows processedBut, it does a SELECT (hopefully indexed) of data1, data2, and data3 for each row in properties. Minimally, 9 gets per row of properties (index root, index leaf, table row for each of data1, data2, data3) without even getting any data from properties.
    My query returns:
    SQL> SELECT, p.object_name, a.data1, a.data2, a.data3
      2  FROM properties p,
      3       (SELECT id, MAX(data1) data1, MAX(data2) data2, MAX(data3) data3
      4        FROM (SELECT id, descr data1, TO_CHAR(NULL) data2, TO_CHAR(NULL) data3
      5              FROM data1
      6              UNION ALL
      7              SELECT id, TO_CHAR(NULL), descr, TO_CHAR(NULL)
      8              FROM data2
      9              UNION ALL
    10              SELECT id, TO_CHAR(NULL), TO_CHAR(NULL), descr
    11              FROM data3)
    12        GROUP BY id) a
    13  WHERE =
    14  ORDER BY;
            ID OBJECT_NAME                    DATA1      DATA2      DATA3
             1 TAB$                           ONE
             2 I_IND1                         TWO
             3 I_COBJ#                        THREE
             4 USER$                                     FOUR
             5 I_OBJ1                                    FIVE
             6 I_PROXY_ROLE_DATA$_2                      SIX
             7 BOOTSTRAP$                                           SEVEN
             8 I_ICOL1                                              EIGHT
             9 UNDO$                                                NINE
            10 PROXY_ROLE_DATA$
    10 rows selected.
              0  recursive calls
              0  db block gets
             12 consistent gets
              0  physical reads
              0  redo size
           1000  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
            655  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
              2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              2  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
             10  rows processedThe same result, but 1/8 of the gets. an outer join is also possible:
    SQL> SELECT, p.object_name, d1.descr data1, d2.descr data2, d3.descr data3
      2  FROM properties p, data1 d1, data2 d2, data3 d3
      3  WHERE = AND
      4 = AND
      5 =
      6  ORDER BY;
            ID OBJECT_NAME                    DATA1      DATA2      DATA3
             1 TAB$                           ONE
             2 I_IND1                         TWO
             3 I_COBJ#                        THREE
             4 USER$                                     FOUR
             5 I_OBJ1                                    FIVE
             6 I_PROXY_ROLE_DATA$_2                      SIX
             7 BOOTSTRAP$                                           SEVEN
             8 I_ICOL1                                              EIGHT
             9 UNDO$                                                NINE
            10 PROXY_ROLE_DATA$
    10 rows selected.
              0  recursive calls
              0  db block gets
             12 consistent gets
              0  physical reads
              0  redo size
           1000  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
            655  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
              2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              1  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
             10  rows processedSo, the same number of gets, and it saves one sort. But if the tables are large, multiple outer joins may not be as efficient as one outer join to the union all query.

  • Please suggest a select query / sub query with out using any subprograms or

    source table: Three columns ORIGIN, DESTINATION,MILES
    Origin      Destination Miles
    Sydney      Melbourne      1000
    Perth      Adelaide      3000
    Canberra      Melbounre      700
    Melbourne      Sydney           1000
    Brisbane      Sydney           1000
    Perth      Darwin           4000
    Sydney      Brisbane      1000
    out put :Three columns ORIGIN, DESTINATION,MILES
    Duplicate routes are to be ignored so the output is
    Origin      Destination      Miles
    Sydney      Melbourne      1000
    Perth      Adelaide      3000
    Canberra      Melbounre      700
    Brisbane      Sydney           1000
    Perth      Darwin           4000
    Please suggest a select query / sub query with out using any subprograms or functions/pkgs to get the out put table.

    user9368047 wrote:
    ... Please suggest a select query / sub query with out using any subprograms or functions/pkgs to get the out put table.Why? If the most efficient way to get the results you want involves using a function, why wouldn't you use it?
    Here's one way, without any functions:
    SELECT     a.*
    FROM           source_table  a
    LEFT OUTER JOIN      source_table  b  ON   a.origin          = b.destination
                                          AND  a.destination       = b.origin
                          AND  a.miles          = b.miles
    WHERE   b.origin  > a.origin    -- Not b.origin > b.origin
    OR     b.origin  IS NULL
    ;If you'd care to post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for your sample data, then I could test this.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Nov 6, 2012 7:39 PM
    Corrected WHERE clause after MLVrown (below)

  • Sub-Select Count query breaking TOAD

    Running TOAD 9.1
    I am running some SQL on our eBusiness Suite:
    SELECT pha.segment1
         , pha.type_lookup_code
         , (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT pha2.po_header_id)
              FROM po.po_headers_all pha2
                 , po.po_lines_all pla
             WHERE pha2.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
               AND pla.contract_id = pha.po_header_id) po_count
         , (SELECT MAX(pha2.creation_date)
              FROM po.po_headers_all pha2
                 , po.po_lines_all pla
             WHERE pha2.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
               AND pla.contract_id = pha.po_header_id) latest_cpa_po
      FROM po.po_headers_all pha
         , po.po_vendors pv
         , po.po_vendor_sites_all pvsa
    WHERE pha.vendor_id = pv.vendor_id
       AND pha.vendor_site_id = pvsa.vendor_site_id
    --   AND pv.VENDOR_NAME LIKE 'H%'
       AND pha.vendor_id = 98
       AND pha.type_lookup_code = 'CONTRACT'
       AND pha.org_id IN(7041, 7042);The above query runs quicky (approx. 1 second). If I take out the AND pha.vendor_id = 98 then the query takes a few minutes to run.
    When I try to export it, or scroll down to view > 500 rows, TOAD crashes.
    I know this isn't a TOAD forum, but I think that this is probably an issue with my no doubt rubbish SQL.
    If I take out this sub-select, then the problem doesn't happen:
         , (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT pha2.po_header_id)
              FROM po.po_headers_all pha2
                 , po.po_lines_all pla
             WHERE pha2.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
               AND pla.contract_id = pha.po_header_id) po_countHowever, I can't work out a better way of getting the data I need.
    The sub-select counts POs which have been raised where the contractID on the PO line is the same as the PO Header ID from the main query.
    Any advice please, on what I could do to sort this out would be much appreciated.

    It looks like you can replace both scalar sub-queries with a join, like this:
    WITH     header_lines_summary     AS
         SELECT    pla.contract_id
              ,       COUNT (DISTINCT pha2.po_header_id)     AS po_count
              ,       MAX (pha2.creation_date)          AS latest_cpa_po
              FROM        po.po_headers_all pha2
                 ,        po.po_lines_all   pla
             WHERE        pha2.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
          GROUP BY       pla.contract_id
    )                                        -- Everything up to this line is new
    SELECT pha.segment1
         , pha.type_lookup_code
         , hls.po_count                              -- Changed
         , hls.latest_cpa_po                         -- Changed
      FROM po.po_headers_all     pha
         , po.po_vendors           pv
         , po.po_vendor_sites_all      pvsa
         , header_lines_summary     hls                    -- New
    WHERE pha.vendor_id          = pv.vendor_id
       AND pha.vendor_site_id     = pvsa.vendor_site_id
       AND pha.po_header_id          = hls.contract_id (+)          -- New
    --   AND pv.VENDOR_NAME      LIKE 'H%'
       AND pha.vendor_id           = 98
       AND pha.type_lookup_code      = 'CONTRACT'
       AND pha.org_id           IN (7041, 7042);Aside from the sub-query (which is entirely new), the query above is just what you posted, with 2 lines changed and 2 lines added, as marked.
    This should be more efficient, but I don't know for certain that it will solve the Toad problem.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables, and also post the results you want from that data.
    It never hurts to say what version of Oracle you're using.

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