Substitution strings in chart sql query

Hi Guys,
I am creating line charts and bar charts based on a query in HTML DB 1.5. I am using substitution strings in the query. Though I can use substitution strings in the line chart, I cannot do it in the bar chart. I am using almost the same sql query in both line and bar charts.
The sql query in line chart is
SELECT null, TO_CHAR(t1.extract_date, 'W-MON-YYYY') extractdate,
FROM ind t1,geography t2
WHERE t1.country_id = t2.country_id(+)
AND t2.region_name like
AND t2.subregion_name like
GROUP BY TO_CHAR(extract_date, 'W-MON-YYYY')
order by to_date(extractdate,'DD-MON-YY')
The sql query in bar chart is
SELECT null, TO_CHAR(t1.extract_date, 'W-MON-YYYY') extractdate,AVG(&P40_METRICS.) orgid
FROM ind t1,geography t2
WHERE t1.country_id = t2.country_id(+)
AND t2.region_name like
AND t2.subregion_name like
GROUP BY TO_CHAR(extract_date, 'W-MON-YYYY')
order by to_date(extractdate,'DD-MON-YY')
The min_of_averages function in the line chart query is some function I am calling. Even if I cut-paste the line chart query in the bar chart I get the error.
The substitution string which is giving the problem is "&P40_METRICS."
The error I am getting is
Query cannot be parsed, please check the syntax of your query. (ORA-00909: invalid number of arguments)
The only difference I see is that line chart query is inside a series and bar chart is not, does this make a difference??? Or is it because I am using the substitution string in choosing the column??? Please help!!!!

You might be using an HTML bar chart and an SVG line chart, I can't tell, but their implementations differ. You won't be able to use a substitution string to replace a column name in the query in the situation you found, you'd have to figure out a way to construct the query string before it gets executed and I'm not sure the chart pages will let you do that.

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    -- other HTML source here --
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    I'm not sure I understand but say your database table's column contains 'Hello the session id is &APP_ID. ...'. Using a PL/SQL region you could emit that column thus:for c1 in (select content_col from content_tab) loop
      htp.p(replace(c1.content_col, '&' || 'APP_ID.', :APP_ID));
    end loop;Splitting up the substitution item name into concatenated strings avoids problems with the Builder doing substitutions when you don't want it to.

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    city     region      issue     value
    c1     north     i1     y
    c1     north     i2     y
    c2     north     i1     n
    c2     north     i2     y
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    north     i2     2
    south     i1     1
    south     i2     0
    east     i1     0
    east     i2     0

    WITH table1 AS
    (SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 2 seq_no
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 5 seq_no
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 7 seq_no
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 8 seq_no
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 12 seq_no
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 14 seq_no
    FROM dual
    table2 AS
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 1 seq_no, 98500 cmmt_curr_amt
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 2 seq_no, 98500 cmmt_curr_amt
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 3 seq_no, 0 cmmt_curr_amt
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 4 seq_no, 98500 cmmt_curr_amt
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 5 seq_no, 98500 cmmt_curr_amt
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 7 seq_no, 98500 cmmt_curr_amt
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 8 seq_no, 98500 cmmt_curr_amt
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 11 seq_no, 59300 cmmt_curr_amt
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 12 seq_no, 59300 cmmt_curr_amt
    FROM dual
    SELECT 1435177 qte_id, 14 seq_no, 59300 cmmt_curr_amt
    FROM dual
    SELECT qte_id, t2_seq_no, cmmt_curr_amt - cmmt_curr_lag diff
    (SELECT t2.qte_id, t2.seq_no t2_seq_no, t1.seq_no t1_seq_no, cmmt_curr_amt, LAG(cmmt_curr_amt,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY t2.qte_id ORDER BY t2.seq_no) cmmt_curr_lag
    FROM table1 t1, table2 t2
    WHERE t2.qte_id = t1.qte_id (+)
    AND t2.seq_no = t1.seq_no(+)
    ORDER BY 1,2
    WHERE t1_seq_no IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY 1,2
    1435177 2 0
    1435177 5 0
    1435177 7 0
    1435177 8 0
    1435177 12 0
    1435177 14 0

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    Hi Christo
    Works fine. Just had to change the parameter order:
    DBMS_LOB.substr(clob_column,4000,1) converts the CLOB to a VARCHAR
    Thanks a lot,

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    What is your expected output... The query I posted just removes them, it never replaces them with spaces..your string already has space.. if you want to remove space as well .. try this...
    SELECT TRANSLATE ('TESTING ! ABC 123 #', '-~!@#$%^*/\+:;|<>?_, ', ' ') FROM DUAL;
    Else post your expected output..

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    page_type VARCHAR2(1000);
    page_type := lower(substr(:TITLE,instr(:TITLE,'Query')));
    if (page_type = 'query') then
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
    end if;
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    :TEST_VALUE3 := V('TITLE');

    You can use javascript on page HTML header
    function getDocTitle(pItem){
      $x_Value(pItem, document.title);
    </script>And page body
    onload=" getDocTitle('Px_YOUR_ITEM');"Br, Jari

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    PROCEDURE prb_footer_navigation( p_application_id VARCHAR2
    , p_page_id VARCHAR2
    , p_session_id VARCHAR2);
    p_application_id will be used to get the caption and links of the specific application and p_page_id will be used to know which tab is selected.
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    SELECT t.tab_text caption
    , t.tab_target link
    , t.tab_sequence num
    FROM flows_010600.wwv_flow_toplevel_tabs t
    WHERE t.flow_id = p_application_id
    ORDER BY t.tab_sequence
    (the user has been granted select from flows_010600.wwv_flow_toplevel_tabs)
    The problem is:
    tab_target has substitution strings like '&XXX.' or '&PX_XXX.', so how can I get the real link with resolved substitution strings using pl/sql?
    Something like function_resolve_string(p_string, p_session_id) would be appreciated...
    Thanks in advance!

    Have you considered looking at how the navigation bar gets onto your page by examining the page template? You'll find something like this in the body section: 
      <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" summary="">
          <td valign="top" class="t1Logo">#LOGO#</td>
          <td align="right" valign="top">#NAVIGATION_BAR#</td>
      </table>Just copy and paste that onto the end of the body section, or into the footer section of the template, although the footer might not support all the same substitution patterns.
    If that's the kind of result you have in mind, do the same thing for the (html) tables that contain #PARENT_TAB_CELLS# and #TAB_CELLS#. I don't guarantee this will work, but it's worth experimenting with.

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    String IS:
    AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9'' MEMBRAIN'I would like to seperate this string into multiple lines using the delimeter .(dot)
    Sample Output should look like:
    SNO       STRING
    1            AFTER PAINT
    2            ACOUSTICAL
    3            1
    5            9" MEMBRAIN
    FYI i am using Oracle 9.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    There's this as well:
    with x as ( --generating sample data:
               select 'AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9" MEMBRAIN' str from dual union all
               select 'BEFORE PAINT.ELECTRIC.2..45 caliber MEMBRAIN' str from dual)
    select str,
           row_number() over (partition by str order by rownum) s_no,
           cast(dbms_xmlgen.convert(t.column_value.extract('//text()').getstringval(),1) as varchar2(100)) res
    from x,
         table(xmlsequence(xmltype('<x><x>' || replace(str,'.','</x><x>') || '</x></x>').extract('//x/*'))) t;
    STR                                                S_NO RES                                                                                                
    AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9" MEMBRAIN                 1 AFTER PAINT                                                                                        
    AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9" MEMBRAIN                 2 ACOUSTICAL                                                                                         
    AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9" MEMBRAIN                 3 1                                                                                                  
    AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9" MEMBRAIN                 4                                                                                                    
    AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9" MEMBRAIN                 5 9" MEMBRAIN                                                                                        
    BEFORE PAINT.ELECTRIC.2..45 caliber MEMBRAIN          1 BEFORE PAINT                                                                                       
    BEFORE PAINT.ELECTRIC.2..45 caliber MEMBRAIN          2 ELECTRIC                                                                                           
    BEFORE PAINT.ELECTRIC.2..45 caliber MEMBRAIN          3 2                                                                                                  
    BEFORE PAINT.ELECTRIC.2..45 caliber MEMBRAIN          4                                                                                                    
    BEFORE PAINT.ELECTRIC.2..45 caliber MEMBRAIN          5 45 caliber MEMBRAIN      

  • Can substitution strings be used for table name references?

    I was wondering if it's possible to use substituion strings for table names in SQL queries. This would allow for me to edit all references to a table at one location. For instance, if a table name or dblink changed, I could edit the substitution string or application item to ensure all the queries reference the new table.
    For example:
    select * from &table1.
    table1 would be the substitution string for the actual table name
    I know this is possible if I used a pl/sql function returning a query, but I would much rather use a substition string in a SQL query.
    Thanks in advance.

    i think not
    because how create the fields of * in this case
    in the other because all is dynamic, i think that you obtain only an error


    Im trying to make a string with a sql query.
    the object is return a select statement in the var string and the select statement must be return a string like that :
    select item1, item2, item3 from table where
    item1 like '%PEPE%' and item2 like '%COSA2%';
    then I make a string like that :
    lq_sql := 'select item1, item2, item3 from table where item1 like '||'%'||:P1_NOMBRE||'%'
    but this give errors.
    Any help? thanks in advanced and regards everybody.

    If you check your statement in sql*plus this is how it will look like:
    select 'select item1, item2, item3 from table where item1 like '||'%'||&P1_NOMBRE||'%' txt
    from dual
    Enter value for p1_nombre: 3
    select item1, item2, item3 from table where item1 like %3%
    ***You are missing single quotes before and after the % statement, as follows:
    select 'select item1, item2, item3 from table where item1 like '||'''%'||&P1_NOMBRE||'%''' txt
    from dual
    Enter value for p1_nombre: 3
    select item1, item2, item3 from table where item1 like '%3%'BTW, i changed colon (:) to ampersand (&) to run it in SQL*plus but it should be a colon.

  • Having troubles passing values of Shuttle control to SQL Query of Report and Chart Region

    I am very new to APEX and need help for one of the Pa.I have a shuttle control on my page which populates Categories. Once user selects Categories from this control, I wish to pass the values to following SQL query :
    select * from emp_class where category IN ( LIST of VALUES FROM RIGHT SIDE SHUTTLE).
    I tried various ways of doing this including writing a java scripts which reads shuttle value, converts it into below string
    'Category1',Category2',Category3'. Then I set this value to a text box. And then I was expecting that below trcik would work
    select * from emp_class where category IN (:TXT_VALUES)
    I am sure this is not right way and hence its not working. Can you please guide me here with options?
    Many Thanks,

    b96402b4-56f7-44ba-8952-fb82a61eeb2c wrote:
    Please update your forum profile with a real handle instead of "b96402b4-56f7-44ba-8952-fb82a61eeb2c".
    I am very new to APEX and need help for one of the Pa.
    Don't understand what this means. What is "Pa"?
    select * from emp_class where category IN (:TXT_VALUES)
    I am sure this is not right way and hence its not working. Can you please guide me here with options?
    This is a common fallacy. In
    select * from table where columnvalue in (7788, 7839, 7876)
    (7788, 7839, 7876) is an expression list and the predicate is evaluated as a membership condition.
    select * from table where columnvalue in :P1_X
    :P1_X is a scalar string, incapable of containing multiple values.
    In an APEX standard report, a PL/SQL function body returning an SQL query report source with lexical substitution can be used to produce a "varying IN-list":
    return 'select * from table where columnvalue in (' || :P1_X || ')';
    where P1_X contains fewer than 1000 values, has been sanitized for SQL injection, and string values are properly quoted.
    Some people suggest the following approach, which will also work in APEX interactive reports:
    select * from table where instr(':' || :P1_X || ':', ':' || columnvalue || ':') > 0
    However this is non-performant as it eliminates the possibility of the optimizer using indexes or partition pruning in the execution plan.
    See varying elements in IN list on Ask Tom, and emulating string-to-table functionality using sql for efficient solutions.

  • Using a SQL Query in an Alert and Matching a String

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    NAME                                RESPONSE
    Are area lights working?            No
    My expression in the metric is RESPONSE.  In the Monitor I'm matching a string equal to No.  (Do I need double quotes around the matchvalue?  Single quotes?  No quotes?)  The metric is in the 15min scan group, the role is xMII Developers and I'm in that role. The monitor alert string is ' =  '.  Both metric and monitor are active and I've subscribed to the monitor.  Other alerts in the 15min scan group (all based on tag queries) are firing off properly.
    Why is nothing showing up in the Alert Log?
    David Macindoe

    Did you figure out the answer?  If not, I will try to find someone to address your question.

  • SQL query for empty string

    I am trying to execute the following SQl query, SELECT * FROM Failure WHERE ID = '123' AND RepairAction = ' ';, using the DB Tools Execute This query never finds the record in my database. My database contains a record where the ID filed contains the value of '123' and the RepairAction field is an empty string. If I remove the 'AND RepairAction ' ';' text from my query statement, the record is found. I believe my problem is that I am not using the correct syntax to describe and empty string. I have tried the following: '', ' ', "", " ", and NULL as empty string arguments, and none of these work.
    I was hoping someone might be able to tell me what the correct syntax is for an empty string or if there is another approach I need to take.
    Thank you in advance for your help,
    Go to Solution.

    While creating your table "Failure", was the column "ID" delclared as intiger or varchar? If it is intiger and you use '123' , it wont return the results. You will have to try without the inverted comas ' '.
    (Giver Kudos to good Answers, Mark it as a solution if your problem is Solved)

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    "ODBC;DRIVER={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};UID=xyz;PWD=xyz;SERVER=xyz;" _
    , Destination:=Range("A4"))
    .CommandText = Array( _
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    What does "XL" (whatever that is) have to do with Crystal Reports which is what you are obviously working with have to do with the Oracle database?
    The rules for using Crystal with Oracle are quite clearly described in all the Crystal Reports docs ... you MUST use IN OUT ref cursors unless you are doing direct table or view access.

Maybe you are looking for

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