I want to substract 2 dates and to get the difference in minutes. Can you help me with that ?

select (sysdate - (sysdate - 10)) * 24 * 60 from dual
sysdate - date1
(sysdate -10) - date2
24 - number of hours per day
60 - number of minutes per hour
Is this what you need?

Similar Messages

  • How to get the difference of two dates in years,months and days

    Hi friends,
    how to get the difference of two dates in years,months and days
    for ex 2 years 3 months 13 days
    select (sysdate-date_Start) from per_periods_of_service

    Something like this...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select to_date('17-nov-2006','dd-mon-yyyy') as c_start_date, to_date('21-jan-2008','dd-mon-yyyy') as c_end_date from dual union all
      2             select to_date('21-nov-2006','dd-mon-yyyy'), to_date('17-feb-2008','dd-mon-yyyy') from dual union all
      3             select to_date('21-jun-2006','dd-mon-yyyy'), to_date('17-jul-2008','dd-mon-yyyy') from dual
      4             )
      5  -- end of test data
      6  select c_start_date, c_end_date
      7        ,trunc(months_between(c_end_date, c_start_date) / 12) as yrs
      8        ,trunc(mod(months_between(c_end_date, c_start_date), 12)) as mnths
      9        ,trunc(c_end_date - add_months(c_start_date, trunc(months_between(c_end_date, c_start_date)))) as dys
    10* from t
    SQL> /
    C_START_D C_END_DAT        YRS      MNTHS        DYS
    17-NOV-06 21-JAN-08          1          2          4
    21-NOV-06 17-FEB-08          1          2         27
    21-JUN-06 17-JUL-08          2          0         26
    SQL>But, don't forget that different months have different numbers of days, and leap years can effect it too.

  • Function module to get the difference of dates ..

    Hi ,
    Can somebody pls help me with the function module to get the difference between two dates?
    I need to find the difference value and delete records if >1.
    Thanks in advance.

       When I tested the FM in my Program, it is <b>working</b>!!!!!
       Note that the Two Input Dates are to be in the format of <b>DATS</b> type (Eg: <b>vimimv-dmibeg</b>).
      U can want the Day which u have specified in the parameter I_DATUM_BIS (eg: 20050101) to be included for
    the calculation , then put X in the parameter I_KZ_INCL_BIS.
    Sample Code :
    report zkam01.
    <b>sav_nlaufz like rf60v-nlaufz, 
    date1 type vimimv-dmibeg,
    date2 type vimimv-dmiend.</b>
    date1 = '20050101'.
    date2 = '20051001'.
    call function 'MONTHS_BETWEEN_TWO_DATES'
             i_datum_von   = date1
             i_datum_bis   = date2
             i_kz_incl_bis = 'X'
             e_monate      = sav_nlaufz.
    / date2,
    / sav_nlaufz.
    Please allot points if the problem is solved.
    Message was edited by: Kam

  • Getting the difference between 2 dates

    I am creating a Date object (using today;s day, month and year. hours and minutes come from a config file) and getting the difference between this date and the current date and time.
    My code is as follows:
    I am passing 07:30 into the method as the parameter aSstart_time.
    Calendar newCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.UK);
        SimpleDateFormat dtformat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yy HH:mm");
        int lIYear = newCalendar.get(newCalendar.YEAR);
        int lIMonth = newCalendar.get(newCalendar.MONTH);
        int lIDay = newCalendar.get(newCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        String lSstartHrs = aSstart_time.substring(0,aSstart_time.indexOf(":"));
        //System.out.println(">>>>>>>>> THE HOURS IS: " + lSstartHrs);
        String lSstartMins = aSstart_time.substring(aSstart_time.indexOf(":")+1,aSstart_time.length());
        //System.out.println(">>>>>>>>> THE MINS IS: " + lSstartMins);
        java.util.Date ldStartTime = new java.util.Date(lIYear,lIMonth,lIDay, Integer.parseInt(lSstartHrs),Integer.parseInt(lSstartMins));
        System.out.println("Year: " + lIYear);
        System.out.println("Month: " + lIMonth);
        System.out.println("Day: " + lIDay);
        System.out.println("Hour: " + Integer.parseInt(lSstartHrs));
        System.out.println("Min: " + Integer.parseInt(lSstartMins));
        System.out.println("The number of milliseconds for current time is: " + newCalendar.getTime().getTime());
        System.out.println("The number of milliseconds for 07:30 is: " + ldStartTime.getTime());
        System.out.println("calendar time: " + dtformat.format(newCalendar.getTime()).toString());
        System.out.println("created time: " + dtformat.format(ldStartTime).toString());
        if(newCalendar.getTime().getTime() < ldStartTime.getTime()){
          System.out.println("The current time is less than the config time (07:30)");
          System.out.println("The time is greater than 07:30");
        }When I run this program at 10:06am I get the following output:
    Year: 2006
    Month: 1
    Day: 15
    Hour: 7
    Min: 30
    The number of milliseconds for current time is: 1139997962321
    The number of milliseconds for 07:30 is: 61098132600000
    calendar time: 15-02-06 10:06
    created time: 15-02-06 07:30
    The current time is less than the config time (07:30)
    The Date.gettime() method should measure the number of milliseconds after 01-01-1970 so the number of milliseconds for the current time (10:06am) should be greater than the number of milliseconds for 07:30. A you can see in the above output this is not the case.
    Anybody have any idea why this is happening. Am I using the .gettime() method for the correct purpose.
    Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    It is beacause Calendar use fully defined year as parameter, so Calendar.set(year + 1900, month, date, hrs, min) is (almost) equivalent to new Date(year, month, date, hrs, min)Example:    int year = 85; // old way of specifying a year in a Date
        int month = 3;
        int date = 12;
        int hrs = 12;
        int min = 0;
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.set(year + 1900, month, date, hrs, min);
        Date d = new Date(year, month, date, hrs, min);
        System.out.println(cal.getTime());You will obtain the same date (except seconds and miliseconds in this case, as they probably won't be zero with Calendar.getInstance(); )

  • How to get the difference between these two dates

    Hello Friends,
    I need to get the difference between these two fields which store dates but with varchar2 data types
    SELECT pac.segment1, pac.segment2 emp_no, pac.segment3 NAME,
    pac.segment4 POSITION, pac.segment5 start_date, pac.segment6,
    FROM per_analysis_criteria pac, fnd_id_flex_structures_vl ffs
    WHERE ffs.id_flex_structure_code = 'Employee Rejoin'
    AND ffs.id_flex_num = pac.id_flex_num
    AND TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (pac.segment7, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'))
    - TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (pac.segment6, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')) > 1;
    my query is something like this...
    am trying to find the difference between the last two columns but with not much luck..
    can some one suggest me a solution please

    SELECT pac.segment1, pac.segment2 person_id, pac.segment3 NAME,
    papf.employee_number, paaf.supervisor_id, pac.segment4 POSITION,
    pac.segment5 start_date, pac.segment6, pac.segment7,
    ( TO_DATE (TO_CHAR (pac.segment7), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
    - TO_DATE (pac.segment6, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
    + 1
    ) difference,
    FROM per_analysis_criteria pac,
    apps.fnd_id_flex_structures_vl ffs,
    per_all_people_f papf,
    per_all_assignments_f paaf,
    per_all_people_f papf2,
    (SELECT email_address, person_id
    FROM per_all_people_f
    WHERE person_id IN (
    SELECT person_id
    FROM per_all_assignments_f
    WHERE position_id IN (SELECT position_id
    FROM per_positions
    WHERE NAME LIKE 'HR Manager.704.')
    AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN effective_start_date
    AND effective_end_date)
    AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
    AND business_group_id = fnd_profile.VALUE ('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID')) POST
    WHERE ffs.id_flex_structure_code = 'Employee Rejoin'
    AND TO_CHAR (papf.person_id) = pac.segment2
    AND ffs.id_flex_num = pac.id_flex_num
    AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
    AND papf.effective_end_date
    AND papf.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
    AND papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
    AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date
    AND paaf.effective_end_date
    AND papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
    AND papf2.person_id = paaf.supervisor_id
    AND paaf.primary_flag = 'Y'
    AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf2.effective_start_date
    AND papf2.effective_end_date
    AND papf2.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
    and ( TO_DATE(to_char(pac.segment7), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')-TO_DATE (pac.segment6, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')+1) >1
    last line is giving me the error pls suggest a solution

  • Java code to get the difference between two dates in days

    Hi ppl,
    I need to write a user defined function to get the difference between two date nodes, in days.Please help me out

    have a look at those two:
    (How do I calculate the difference between two dates?)
    Calculating the Difference Between Two Datetime Stamps
    Get difference in days

  • How to get the difference of two dates?

    let's say i have a table named tblData and has 4 columns: data_RefNo, data_DateReported, data_TargetDate, data_Data
    tblData returns 2 rows.
    10000................10-20-2004 10:55:44 AM........10-20-2004 10:57:44 AM........Slow Response Time
    10000................10-21-2004 10:55:44 AM........10-21-2004 11:55:44 AM........Bug Error
    i just wana ask how to get the difference of the date_DateReported and date_TargetDate.
    i tried this code but it didnot work
    public Vector get_con_pf()
      Vector vData = new Vector();
      String query  = "SELECT * FROM tblData WHERE data_RefNo= '"'10000'"'";
        DBConnect db = new DBConnect();
        ResultSet rs = db.execute(query);
        while (
          vData.addElement(DATEDIFF(mi, rs.getString("st_DateReported"), rs.getString("st_TargetFinishDate")));
      catch (Exception e)
        System.out.println("Error: " + e );
      return vData;   
    i want to return the difference of the data_DateReported and date_TargetDate, i did this
    vData.addElement(DATEDIFF(mi, rs.getString("st_DateReported"), rs.getString("st_TargetFinishDate")));but it didnot work.
    How do i get that? because i want to return a vector.
    the code must return the values:
    2 for the 1st rows because the difference is only 2 minutes, and
    60 for the 2nd row.

    ooops i tried this one:
    query = "SELECT *, DATEDIFF(mi, data_DateReported, data_TargetDate) AS diff FROM tblData WHERE data_RefNo = '10000'";and it works.
    problem solved! :)

  • Getting the Difference in JTables my algo is messed

    Im trying to get the difference of two other words if Table B has the rowdata of Table A, then Table C should not have it...Table C should have all the data in Table A - the data in Table B
    heres my code:
    //in a subclass of JTable
    public Object[][] getDifferenceData(JTable table){
        DefaultTableModel thisModel = (DefaultTableModel)this.getModel();
        DefaultTableModel userModel = (DefaultTableModel)table.getModel();
        int differenceRows = thisModel.getRowCount() - userModel.getRowCount();
        Object[][] newData = new Object[differenceRows][2];
        Object symbol = new Object();
        Object description = new Object();
         for (int i=0; i<differenceRows; i++){
            for (int j=0; j<userModel.getRowCount()-1; j++){
                if ((symbol = thisModel.getValueAt(i,0)) != userModel.getValueAt(j,0)){
                    //symbol in portfolio model != symbol in user portfolio
                    //so new difference table model should have it
                    description = thisModel.getValueAt(i,1);
                    newData[0] = symbol;
    newData[i][1] = description;
    return newData;
    heres what im trying to do
    1) new Data[][] is set to size bigger table row count - smaller tables
    for all new row size
    2)compare table A data in the current row and first column to all the rows/first column of table B
    3) if the data is NOT the same, the copy that row data from Table A into a new 2D data vector to the appropriate row
    4) return the new data[][] for new jtable creation
    but what happens is that the difference table (C) contains the corrent number of rows...but it still contains the data found in table B, and the new table C is just table C with the right number of rows cut off
    my algo is severly messed :)
    any help would be appreciated..thanks

    hey klepto,
    your not using .equals() on the symbol Object, this means that all it is doing is seeing if they refer to the same instance of the object, not if the to instances have the same value.
    The other problem is that you presume that the difference of the two collections is based on their respective size. What if they contain totaly different values? Then the total size would be the sum of both collections.
    Lets presume that the symbol is a String. Then I would do the following:
    //in a subclass of JTable
    public Object[][] getDifferenceData(JTable table, DefaultTableModel thisModel, DefaultTableModel userModel){
        Object[][] newData = null;
        String symbolA = null;
        String symbolB = null;
        String description = null;
        SymbolData symbolData = null;
        Vector newList = new Vector();
        int nbrRowsA = thisModel.getRowCount();
        int nbrRowsB = userModel.getRowCount();
        for(int i = 0; i < nbrRowsA; i++) {
            symbolA = (String)thisModel.getValue(i, 0);
            for(int j = 0; j < userModel.getRowCount() - 1; j++) {
                symbolB = (string)userModel.getValue(i, 0);
                    description = (String)thisModel.getValueAt(i,1);
                    newList.add(new SymbolData(symbol, description));
        if(newList.size() > 0) {
            int size = newList.size();
            newData = new String[size][2];
            for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                symbolData  = (SymbolData)newList.get(i);
                newData[0] = symbolData.getSymbol();
    newData[i][1] = symbolData.getDescription();
    return newData;
    class SymbolData {
    String symbol;
    String description;
    MyDataClass(String symbol, String description) {
    this.symbol = symbol;
    this.description = description;
    String getSymbol() {
    return symbol;
    String getDescription() {
    return description;
    String[] getData() {
    String[] data = new String[2];
    data[0] = symbol;
    data[1] = description;
    return data;
    Hmm, that should do the job. Not the fastest code, I'm sure there
    could be some improvements with the array handling. But it should
    get you started.
    Also I have not attempted to compile the above so I suspect you
    will find problems (only on a good day do I get zero compile errors
    when I first write something, good days are rare :-) ).

  • Need to get the difference between two period

    Hi All,
    I need to get the difference of two posting period like period is in format YYYYMM.
    I need to subtract posting perid '200512' FROM '200601' how will be it possible.
    Please suggest.

    YOu can also do like the following.
    Determine you first day of first period and last day of second period.
    data: first_day type datum,
          last_day type datum,
          days type i.
    first_day = date from FM RKE_GET_FIRST_DAY_IN_PERIOD  
    last_day = date from FM RKE_GET_LAST_DAY_IN_PERIOD   
    days = last_day-first_day.

  • As to the data type of the data type of the difference between two date type of datas

    I have a question about the data type of the difference between two date type of datas.
    There are two date type of datas as:
    I try to use the following SQL Script in Oracle SQL*Plus as:
    ELSE '3+ Hours'
    The error message of "Invalid Number" for the '000 01:30:00.000' happens.
    I don't know if the data type of the interval is wrong.
    Many Thanks,

    WHEN (to_char(SSHIPMENTS.RECEIVEDATETIME,'hhmiss') - to_char(SSHIPMENTS.PROMISEDATETIME,'hh24miss')) < '010000' THEN 'OnTime'
    WHEN (to_char(SSHIPMENTS.RECEIVEDATETIME,'hhmiss') - to_char(SSHIPMENTS.PROMISEDATETIME,'hh24miss'))< '000 01:30:00.000' THEN '60-89 Minutes'
    ELSE '3+ Hours'
    just try it out..

  • Query to get the difference between 2 totals from 2 different queries

    I wanted to know if it is possible to get the difference between 2 totals from 2 different queries. I would explain with an example:
    1st query  - Select sum(homepass) from table 1
    2nd query – select sum(homepass) from table2
    Is it possible to display the difference like-
    Select sum(homepass) from table 1 - sum(homepass) from table2
    I know the above query would gives syntax error but is there a better way or a trick to get the above task accomplished from a single query.
    I hope, my question is clear.
    Please revert with the reply to my query.

    tomernitin wrote:
    Try this one also:
    WITH adtn1
    SELECT 110 val1 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 10 FROM dual
    SELECT 10 val2 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 100 FROM dual
    SELECT(Sum(a1.val1)-Sum(a2.val2)) Diff FROM adtn1 a1,adtn2 a2;
    let me know if you still have any doubt.
    Um.... I don't think so. Not with the cartesian join between a1 and 2.

  • How to get the difference between two columns in a column group

    Hi All,
    My first time here and really new to programming. I would like to get the difference between 2 columns that are inside 
    a column group.
    Here is my sample table below: The Column Group is PeriodNumber and can only choose 2. like 1 and 2.. I would like to have a third row which will simply calculate the difference between the amounts in PeriodNumber 1 and 2.
    Account                    1                            2     
    1) Cash                10,000                15,000
    2) Receivables      12,000                11,500
    3) Equipment          5,000                  5,500
    Total Assets          27,000                32,000

    Hi yabgestopa,
    From your description, you want to get the difference between two columns in a column group. After testing it in my environment, we can use custom code to achieve your requirement. For more details, you can refer to the following steps:
    Copy the custom code below and paste it to your report. (Right-click report>Report Properties>Code)
    Dim Shared Num1 As Integer
    Dim shared Num2 As Integer
    Public Function GetAmount(Amount as Integer, Type as String)
    If Type = "1" Then
    End If
    Return Amount
    End Function
    Public Function GetDif()
    Return Num1-Num2
    End function
    Right-click the second column to insert a third column with Outside Group-Right.
    Then use the expressions below in the matrix.
    The report looks like below.
    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Do we have a way to get the differences between xtext model before and after partial parse?

    Do we have a way to get the differences between xtext model before and after partial parse?
    As an example i have file contains 4 lines, xtext parsed this file and generated its model, then i made small modification in line number 3, so xtext partially parsed the file and generated another model.
    The question is could we get the nodes that has been deleted from the model?
    could we get the new nodes added to the model?
    could we get the differences between the two models?

    Workflow {
    bean = StandaloneSetup {
    scanClassPath = true
    platformUri = "${runtimeProject}/.."
    // The following two lines can be removed, if Xbase is not used.
    registerGeneratedEPackage = "org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XbasePackage"
    registerGenModelFile = "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.xtext.xbase/model/Xbase.genmodel"
    component = ParseXextModel{
    //Load the xtext model and keep the reference of the inmem model
    component = DirectoryCleaner {
    directory = "${runtimeProject}/src-gen"
    component = DirectoryCleaner {
    directory = "${runtimeProject}/model/generated"
    component = DirectoryCleaner {
    directory = "${runtimeProject}.ui/src-gen"
    component = DirectoryCleaner {
    directory = "${runtimeProject}.tests/src-gen"
    component = Generator {
    pathRtProject = runtimeProject
    pathUiProject = "${runtimeProject}.ui"
    pathTestProject = "${runtimeProject}.tests"
    projectNameRt = projectName
    projectNameUi = "${projectName}.ui"
    encoding = encoding
    language = auto-inject {
    uri = grammarURI
    // Java API to access grammar elements (required by several other fragments)
    fragment = grammarAccess.GrammarAccessFragment auto-inject {}
    // provides a compare view
    fragment = compare.CompareFragment auto-inject {}
    component = ParseXextModel{
    //Load the xtext model again and keep the reference of the inmem model
    component = CompareModel {
    //Implement this using EMF Comapre to see the differnces between 2 models

  • Trying to Get the "Difference" Between Two Tracks

    What I am trying to accomplish is this: I have an audio track of a voiceover with a music bed beneath it. I also have the bed music by itsself, without the voiceover. I want only the voice portion. Is there a way that I can "cancel out" the music portion or get the difference between the two tracks (just the voice portion)? It seems that there should be some means of doing this, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to do it!
    Any advice?

    If it's exactly the same music track, then as long as you line it up sample-accurate and the levels co-incide, you can do a simple subtractive process. You need both files available, trimmed to length. Open them both in Edit View, and copy one of them to the clipboard. Open the other, and select Mix-paste, and use the 'invert' option. That will effectively subtract one from the other, with the difference being your vocal.
    Have to tell you though that the chances of getting this spot on are amazingly low... any errors at all leave you with bleed-through, about which you can do nothing.

  • How to get the difference between two HashMaps

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    HashMap first = new HashMap<Integer,Object>();
    HashMap second = new HashMap<Integer,Object>();
    How to get the difference between one and two and put the result in the third
    HashMap third = new HashMap<Integer,Object>();

    My bad, difference of course means removeAll():Map<Integer,Object> first = new HashMap<Integer,Object>();
    Map<Integer,Object> second = new HashMap<Integer,Object>();
    Map<Integer,Object> third = new HashMap<Integer, Object>(first);
    third.keySet().removeAll(second.keySet());No loops needed.

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