Suggest a text layout that feels bold, formal, luxurious and different

Hello. I am trying to format a report and trying to make it look:
* formal
* emphasized and being important
* formal but not stiff (in fact, the report is about not to be stiff).
I am thinking I could do so by:
Using emphasized and very big font size for titles, like in the foreword (see last 2 pages)
Using large page margin at the bottom and outside, like in "summary" (see last 2 pages)
Using a single red line to add variants to the text layout and use a border
to include list of actions suggested: (see last 2 pages)
I am pretty new to design layouts. My question:
a. how do you feel about these layouts and do they present what I want to present?
b. how can I improve these layouts to better reach the goal (feels bold, formal, luxurious and different, which is exactly the feel of the report text itself)? Especially the single red line I added wishing to add variants, looks not good to me because it looks as if the final publication was not properly cut;
Note that I can only use 2 colors (red and black) and only one typeface, for other technical reasons.
Thanks in advance!

My only advice is to lower the bottom margins and add some text leading to loosen it up a bit. You might consider a thicker red line with a screen of 30 - 40%, depending on audience ( i.e., if mostly male, leave it 100% red ). A bolder rule line will make the entire document feel stronger ( you could also leave the fine rule of 100% red and add a thicker screened rule attached to the bottom of the thin rule, thus creating a bolder overall rule while maintaining the existing thin rule ). I'd experiment with different thicknesses. But, overall I like your use of white space. You just need to balance it. Add some air to your drop caps. I cannot comment on your font because I am not familiar with your language. I think if you are making a statement of flexible strength, the bold font will suffice. I'd take a look at F.L., R.R. instead of justified format just to see if that loosens it up further.

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    kanau wrote:
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    Odds are that is a scam.
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    You can set the pref <b>layout.spellcheckDefault</b> to <i>2</i> on the <b>about:config</b> page.
    To open the <i>about:config</i> page, type <b>about:config</b> in the location (address) bar and press the "<i>Enter</i>" key, just like you type the url of a website to open a website.<br />
    If you see a warning then you can confirm that you want to access that page.<br />
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    Thank you in advance.

    Hi JB,
    Thanks for your anwser. Your second strategy sounds good,
    but how should
    I proceed to mulitply the height of my text member (x2 ou
    x4). I tried the
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    member(x).height = member(x).height*2
    ... but as you know, it only works for the width.
    Thank you again for your help !
    "JB" <[email protected]> a �crit dans le
    message de news:
    [email protected]..
    > As I recall the simple printomatic printMember command
    uses the image of
    > a text member, which should be preserving the styling,
    using the
    > member().text extracts unformatted text, but does allow
    printomatic to
    > print at full printer resolution, unlike a text member
    bitmap image.
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    > words in the text memer, converting the info to
    > layout/formating form.
    > Have an off stage scaled up version of the text member,
    whose image is
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    when images are
    > scaled down on page, so feeding it a 2x or 4x size text
    member image
    > make the effective print resolution 150 or 300 dpi.
    > THe easiest case is where all the text is the same point
    size, a
    > standardize prepareForPrint routine should be able to
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    > the member, scale up the font size and the width of the
    member rect so
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    private function selectFont(fontXML:XML):void {               
                    var path:String = fontXML.@source;
                    var myEvent:IEventDispatcher = styleManager.loadStyleDeclarations(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.url.substring(0,FlexGl obals.topLevelApplication.url.lastIndexOf("/"))+"/"+path);
                    myEvent.addEventListener(StyleEvent.COMPLETE, function(event:StyleEvent):void{
                        var editManager:EditManager = textFlow.interactionManager as EditManager;
                        var itextLayout:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
                        itextLayout.fontSize = 20;
                        var fontName:String = fontXML.@name;
                        itextLayout.fontFamily = fontName;   
               "itext = " + itextLayout.fontFamily);
                        var flowLeafElement:FlowElement = textFlow.findLeaf(editManager.anchorPosition) as FlowElement;
    Can anyone please let us know what is missing in the implementation?
    Thanks in advance.

    My recommendation: unless you really care about ISWFContext implementations and the application domain issues, ignore Alex's post about embedded fonts.
    It is a nice discussion about the inner workings of the domain and security of how this works but it is imho broken and is an insane concept to require an ISWFContext to just use an embedded font. It also breaks runtime CSS loading that has fonts embedded in it because the Flex compiler (last I checked) was also busted – it doesn't include the function necessary to create within context the font embed so that it may be applied. You can't create an ISWFContext with a compiled CSS file.
    These issues were introduced in the last Flex SDK beta before FB4 was released in final form. There are multiple bugs logged against the issue of applying loaded font files to TLF text (in short, SWFContext is broken and you have to override GlobalSettings.resolveFontLookupFunction to return embedded or null, all the time).
    Here's some more details to get you started - with links to at least one of the SDK bugs that were filed:
    For example:
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.GlobalSettings;
    import flash.text.engine.FontLookup;
    GlobalSettings.resolveFontLookupFunction = function makeValid():String { return FontLookup.EMBEDDED_CFF };
    And you may need to do this after your font is loaded:
    Disclaimer: I haven't seen the latest Flex SDK release to see if this was fixed. I have an AIR application with native process that builds embedded font SWF files for use and stub code for FB4 usage but haven't updated to the latest SDK yet to see if it's working properly.
    Anyhow, your best bet is to look at the Flash Builder forums. I think this is/was a Flex team issue, not TLF.

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    Thank you.

    mackrispi wrote:
    Now is it better from performance point of view to move all three columns into one dummy column ... with name like FULLTEXT ... and put index on this single column,
    and then use CONTAINS(FULLTEXT,'...')>0What version of Oracle are you on? If 11 then you could use a virtual column to do this, otherwise you'd have to write code to maintain the column which can get messy.
    mackrispi wrote:
    Or is it almost the same for oracle if i put indexes on all three columns and then call:
    CONTAINS(TITLE,'...')>0 OR CONTAINS(SUBTITLE,'...')>0 OR CONTAINS(BODY,'...')>0Benchmark it and find out :)
    Another option would be something like this.
    Were i you, i would try out those 3 approaches and see which meet your performance requirements and weigh that with the ease of implementation and administration.

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    2. Store the rich text contents of text  boxes in Database table
    3. Convert and display the data stored in db table as rich text.

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  • How to retrieve text messages that I mistakenly deleted??(Please help!!)

    I've had the Verizon VX8300 for 3 years since 2007 and I have upgraded to the HTC Incredible Droid and received it as a Christmas gift on Christmas morning. When my dad was disconnecting the old phone, I figured that it would be automatically transferable because everything else transferred like my contacts, voice messages, pics, etc. I was looking through old texts and accidentally deleted all of my texts that I've kept for souvenir and they were very memorable and special to me from friends/family. Now I was wondering if there's anyway I can get this data back whether it's getting a printout or using an online free trial of a text message retriever like Asfotech, Bitpim, or Wondershare Data Recovery. I've went to 3 different Verizon stores and none were helpful and didn't even bother looking at my old phone.
    PS: I know you need like a court order or a subpoena but that is extremely silly and unnecessary because would I honestly need a court order just to retrieve harmless innocent messages like "What's Up?" or "How's it going, man?". Someone said that Verizon archives the messages and it's my privacy so I should have the right to get a printout of MY messages and it would be so messed up if Verizon wouldn't let someone look at their OWN text messages on their OWN phone if they deleted them on accident. It's not like they would be invading my privacy anyways all they would need to do is print them out without looking at them. I have nothing to hide anyways so it wouldn't be a big deal to me.

    I understand what you are saying but whats to say for example the account owner (a parent) decided to have all the messages retrieved for them of their child who is on the account??? Verizon has NO IDEA if that person is their child, relation, boyfriend, employee..... That is why court orders are necessary.
    But in your case unless the messages you want are from the last 6-10 days, they are (as Ernie Harwell used to say) "LONG GONE" from Verizon's servers.
    I know the feeling of losing texts you planned to keep. A few months ago, I was playing with force closing apps and in doing so deleted a bunch I was keeping. That is why I found an app to sand messages to an email address also.

Maybe you are looking for