Sun java web server - using a lot of memory

sjws 6.1sp7 - solaris 10u4
we have a web server instance that uses over 3gb of ram. it servers mostly jsps. i understand why permanent heap is so large (jsp classes) any one have an idea of what else could be going on here?
17921 webservd 3271M 2976M cpu1 0 10 9:05:55 31% webservd/80
pmap shows (cut down for length):
00010000 8K r-x-- /opt/jws61/bin/https/bin/webservd
00020000 8K rwx-- /opt/jws61/bin/https/bin/webservd
00022000 1171168K rwx-- [ heap ]
< snip, and a bunch of the following >
74000000 5440K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823381
74560000 120K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823394
74590000 408K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823341
74600000 464K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823383
74680000 2192K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823304
748B0000 72K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823307
748D0000 144K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823286
74900000 1264K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823418
74A50000 160K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823345
74A80000 552K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823276
74B10000 8K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823327
74B20000 352K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823280
74B80000 832K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823319
74C60000 104K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823324
74C80000 504K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823337
74D10000 352K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823283
74D70000 32K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823406
74D80000 664K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823271
74E30000 16K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823314
74E40000 40K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823349
74E50000 32K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823404
74E60000 104K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823278
74E80000 584K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823347
74F20000 312K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823248
74F80000 1808K r--s- dev:85,40 ino:3471
75150000 80K r--s- dev:314,2 ino:6823373
< snip, and then what appears to be taking up most of the memory >
96800000 20480K rwx-- [ anon ]
97C00000 20480K rwx-- [ anon ]
99000000 20480K rwx-- [ anon ]
9A400000 28672K rwx-- [ anon ]
9C000000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
9C400000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
9C800000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
9CC00000 28672K rwx-- [ anon ]
9E800000 8192K rwx-- [ anon ]
9F000000 8192K rwx-- [ anon ]
9F800000 24576K rwx-- [ anon ]
A1000000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
A1400000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
A1800000 12288K rwx-- [ anon ]
A2400000 40960K rwx-- [ anon ]
A4C00000 8192K rwx-- [ anon ]
A5400000 16384K rwx-- [ anon ]
A6400000 24576K rwx-- [ anon ]
A7C00000 40960K rwx-- [ anon ]
AA400000 20480K rwx-- [ anon ]
AB800000 12288K rwx-- [ anon ]
AC400000 20480K rwx-- [ anon ]
AD800000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
ADC00000 36864K rwx-- [ anon ]
B0000000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
B0400000 16384K rwx-- [ anon ]
B1400000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
B1800000 8192K rwx-- [ anon ]
B2000000 45056K rwx-- [ anon ]
B4C00000 12288K rwx-- [ anon ]
B5800000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
B5C00000 12288K rwx-- [ anon ]
B6800000 16384K rwx-- [ anon ]
B7800000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
B7C00000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
B8000000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
B8400000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
B8800000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
B8C00000 4096K rwx-- [ anon ]
#/usr/jdk/j2sdk1.4.2_16/bin/jmap -heap 17921
Attaching to process ID 17921, please wait...
Debugger attached successfully.
Server compiler detected.
JVM version is 1.4.2_13-b06
using thread-local object allocation.
Mark Sweep Compact GC
Heap Configuration:
MinHeapFreeRatio = 40
MaxHeapFreeRatio = 70
MaxHeapSize = 67108864 (64.0MB)
NewSize = 2228224 (2.125MB)
MaxNewSize = 4294901760 (4095.9375MB)
OldSize = 1441792 (1.375MB)
NewRatio = 2
SurvivorRatio = 32
PermSize = 16777216 (16.0MB)
MaxPermSize = 1073741824 (1024.0MB)
Heap Usage:
New Generation (Eden + 1 Survivor Space):
capacity = 347406336 (331.3125MB)
used = 163723696 (156.1390838623047MB)
free = 183682640 (175.1734161376953MB)
47.1274352348024% used
Eden Space:
capacity = 336920576 (321.3125MB)
used = 163723696 (156.1390838623047MB)
free = 173196880 (165.1734161376953MB)
48.59415175640683% used
From Space:
capacity = 10485760 (10.0MB)
used = 0 (0.0MB)
free = 10485760 (10.0MB)
0.0% used
To Space:
capacity = 10485760 (10.0MB)
used = 0 (0.0MB)
free = 10485760 (10.0MB)
0.0% used
tenured generation:
capacity = 715849728 (682.6875MB)
used = 645847144 (615.9278335571289MB)
free = 70002584 (66.7596664428711MB)
90.22105041576548% used
Perm Generation:
capacity = 895221760 (853.75MB)
used = 894921568 (853.4637145996094MB)
free = 300192 (0.286285400390625MB)
99.96646730302892% used

It usually takes about 24 hours to get there. It is easily reproducible. "Kill -3" is not leaving a javacore for some reason.
The applications are mostly jsp, and are all over the board. There is a lot of XML parsing, some db connections, and all sorts of other home grown things. However, if the jsp applications were leaking would that not be in the heap?
How would I hunt down these allocations?
A2400000 40960K rwx-- [ anon ]
A4C00000 8192K rwx-- [ anon ]
A5400000 16384K rwx-- [ anon ]
A6400000 24576K rwx-- [ anon ]
A7C00000 40960K rwx-- [ anon ]
AA400000 20480K rwx-- [ anon ]
AB800000 12288K rwx-- [ anon ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
   Use is subject to license terms.
<!DOCTYPE SERVER PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD Sun ONE Web Server 6.1//EN" "file:///opt/jws61/bin/https/dtds/sun-web-server_6_1.dtd" >
    <PROPERTY name="docroot" value="/xxxxxweb/xxx"/>
    <PROPERTY name="accesslog" value="/data/logs/xxxxx/access"/>
    <PROPERTY name="user" value=""/>
    <PROPERTY name="group" value=""/>
    <PROPERTY name="chroot" value=""/>
    <PROPERTY name="dir" value=""/>
    <PROPERTY name="nice" value=""/>
    <LS id="ls1" port="92" servername="xxxxx" defaultvs="https-bamxxx"/>
    <MIME id="mime1" file="mime.types"/>
    <ACLFILE id="acl1" file="/opt/jws61/httpacl/generated.https-xxxxx.acl"/>
    <VSCLASS id="vsclass1" objectfile="obj.conf">
        <VS id="https-xxxxx" connections="ls1" mime="mime1" aclids="acl1" >
            <PROPERTY name="docroot" value="/xxxxxweb/xxx"/>
            <WEBAPP uri="/" path="/xxxxxweb/xxx" enabled="true"/>
<JAVA javahome="/usr/jdk/j2sdk1.4.2_13" serverclasspath="/opt/jws61/bin/https/jar/webserv-rt.jar:${java.home}/lib/tools.jar:/opt/jws61/bin/https/jar/webserv-ext.jar:/opt/jws61/bin/https/jar/webserv-jstl.jar:/opt/jws61/bin/https/jar/ktsearch.jar:/opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar:/opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/jdbc/lib/nls_charset12.jar:/opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/jdbc/lib/ocrs12.jar" classpathsuffix="" envclasspathignored="true" nativelibrarypathprefix="/opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib32" debug="false" debugoptions="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n" dynamicreloadinterval="-1">
<!--       <JVMOPTIONS>-DORACLE_HOME="/opt/oracle/product/9.2.0"</JVMOPTIONS> -->
        <SECURITY defaultrealm="native" anonymousrole="ANYONE" audit="false">
            <AUTHREALM name="file" classname="">
              <PROPERTY name="file" value="/opt/jws61/https-xxxxx/config/keyfile"/>
              <PROPERTY name="jaas-context" value="fileRealm"/>
            <AUTHREALM name="native" classname="">
              <PROPERTY name="jaas-context" value="nativeRealm"/>
            <AUTHREALM name="ldap" classname="">
              <PROPERTY name="directory" value="ldap://localhost:389"/>
              <PROPERTY name="base-dn" value="o=isp"/>
              <PROPERTY name="jaas-context" value="ldapRealm"/>
            <AUTHREALM name="solaris" classname="">
              <PROPERTY name="jaas-context" value="solarisRealm"/>
    <LOG file="/data/logs/xxxxx/errors" loglevel="info"/>
# The NetsiteRoot, ServerName, and ServerID directives are DEPRECATED.
# They will not be supported in future releases of the Web Server.
NetsiteRoot /opt/jws61
ServerName entertainment
ServerID https-xxxxxx
RqThrottle 128
DNS off
Security off
PidLog /opt/jws61/https-xxxxxx/logs/pid
User webservd
StackSize 131072
TempDir /tmp/https-xxxxxx-ba138622
CGIWaitPid on
KeepAliveThreads 4
KeepAliveTimeout 30
KernelThreads off
MaxKeepAliveConnections 256
MaxProcs 1
UseNativePoll on
Init fn=flex-init access="$accesslog" format.access="%Ses->client.ip% - %Req->vars.auth-user% [%SYSDATE%] \"%Req->reqpb.clf-request%\" %Req->srvhdrs.clf-status% %Req->srvhdrs.content-length%"
Init fn="load-modules" shlib="/opt/jws61/bin/https/lib/" shlib_flags="(global|now)"###obj.conf
<Object name="default">
AuthTrans fn="match-browser" browser="*MSIE*" ssl-unclean-shutdown="true"
NameTrans fn="redirect" from="/NASApp/xxx/" url-prefix="/"
NameTrans fn="ntrans-j2ee" name="j2ee"
NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from=/mc-icons dir="/opt/jws61/ns-icons" name="es-internal"
NameTrans fn=document-root root="$docroot"
PathCheck fn=unix-uri-clean
PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default"
PathCheck fn=find-pathinfo
PathCheck fn=find-index index-names="index.html,home.html,index.jsp"
ObjectType fn=type-by-extension
ObjectType fn=force-type type=text/plain
Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=magnus-internal/imagemap fn=imagemap
#Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=magnus-internal/directory fn=index-common
Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=magnus-internal/directory fn=send-error code=404 path="404.html"
Service method=(GET|HEAD|POST) type=*~magnus-internal/* fn=send-file
Service method=TRACE fn=service-trace
Error fn="error-j2ee"
Error fn=send-error code=404 path="/xxxxxxweb/xxx/404.html"
Error fn=send-error code=405 path="/xxxxxxweb/xxx/404.html"
Error fn=send-error code=500 path="/xxxxxxweb/xxx/500.html"
AddLog fn=flex-log name="access"
<Object name="j2ee">
Service fn="service-j2ee" method="*"
<Object name="cgi">
ObjectType fn=force-type type=magnus-internal/cgi
Service fn=send-cgi user="$user" group="$group" chroot="$chroot" dir="$dir" nice="$nice"
<Object name="es-internal">
PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="es-internal"
<Object name="send-compressed">
PathCheck fn="find-compressed"
<Object name="compress-on-demand">
Output fn="insert-filter" filter="http-compression"
<Object ppath="*.xml">
AuthTrans fn="set-variable" insert-srvhdrs="Cache-Control: max-age=60"
AuthTrans fn="set-variable" insert-srvhdrs="Edge-Control: max-age=60"

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    u should be using
    - default installation ( you can also use silent installation for this)
    wadm delete-instance --user admin
    wadm delete-config --user admin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    OK, found the solution by myself.
    The Administrator's Guide mentiones the possibility to install a certificate with the wadm CLI, so I tried that:
    wadm> install-cert -v --config=www -y server -n Server-Cert /www.crt    
    Please enter token-pin>
    ADMIN4086: The Certificate could not be installedThe CLI Reference Manual says for the command install-cert, option --replace*:
    "Note – --replace option of install-cert CLI is deprecated
    and currently using this option may not work as expected.
    For replacing a CA-signed certificate, users should delete the
    cert using delete-cert CLI and then install the new one
    using install-cert CLI."
    wadm> install-cert -v --config=www -y server -n Server-Cert --replace /www.crt 
    Please enter token-pin>
    ADMIN4112: No Private key foundOK, so maybe if I had installed the first certificate (before generating the new CSR) that would have worked, I don't know.
    Deleting the old cert doesn't work at once:
    wadm> delete-cert -v --config=www Server-Cert
    Please enter token-pin>
    ADMIN4139: Certificate Server-Cert is being referred to by listeners: http-listener-2So before deleting you have to remove the certificate from the listener. Then:
    wadm> delete-cert -v --config=www Server-Cert                                           
    Please enter token-pin>
    CLI201 Command 'delete-cert' ran successfully
    wadm> install-cert -v --config=www -y server -n Server-Cert /www.crt  
    Please enter token-pin>
    CLI201 Command 'install-cert' ran successfullyAfter re-adding the certificate to the ssl listener and deploying all the changes to the servers
    everything is fine.

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    Thanks for the reply Chilideveloper, here is the output of the core dump. I hope it is a) the right thing and b) helpful
    GNU gdb 6.6
    Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
    welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
    Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
    There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details.
    This GDB was configured as "i586-suse-linux"...
    (no debugging symbols found)
    Using host libthread_db library "/lib/".
    warning: Can't read pathname for load map: Input/output error.
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    (no debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    (no debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    (no debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    (no debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    (no debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /lib/
    Loaded symbols for /lib/
    Reading symbols from /lib/
    Loaded symbols for /lib/
    Reading symbols from /lib/
    Loaded symbols for /lib/
    Reading symbols from /lib/
    Loaded symbols for /lib/
    Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
    Reading symbols from /lib/
    Loaded symbols for /lib/
    Reading symbols from /lib/
    Loaded symbols for /lib/
    Reading symbols from /lib/
    Loaded symbols for /lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /lib/
    Loaded symbols for /lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /lib/
    Loaded symbols for /lib/
    Reading symbols from /lib/
    Loaded symbols for /lib/
    Reading symbols from /lib/
    Loaded symbols for /lib/
    Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
    Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
    Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
    Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
    Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
    Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
    Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
    Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
    Reading symbols from /lib/
    Loaded symbols for /lib/
    Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /root/Downloads/java/jdk1.6.0_03/jre/lib/i386/server/
    Loaded symbols for /root/Downloads/java/jdk1.6.0_03/jre/lib/i386/server/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Reading symbols from /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Loaded symbols for /sun/webserver7/lib/
    Core was generated by `webservd -d /sun/webserver7/admin-server/config -r /sun/webserver7 -t /tmp/admi'.
    Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
    #0 0xb67bbdd5 in strtok () from /lib/

  • Sun Java Web Server Administration Server Backup

    I've a question about Sun Java Web Server Administration Server backup, how it's possible to backup all the config, the Administration Nodes keys included? I'm thinking about in case of full damage of Administration Server how can I install a new one and restore all the config so I can manage the cluster again? Or it is necessary to re-register the Node's to the new Administration Server? In this case how can I restor to the Administration Server the application's, virtual servers, etc...?

    The Admin Server is another instance of Web Server, but with some web-apps that know how to manage configuration files, etc. There's nothing real magical going on in there. You should be able to wholesale backup the entire directory and, if needed, restore it (in fact I've done this several times).
    The files in the admin instance are considered a private interface, meaning that Sun does not guarantee that they won't change in location or format from one Update to another, but in practice they rarely change.
    Regarding the nodes specifically - communication between the nodes and the admin instance is done over SSL using a self-signed certificate that was generated when the admin server was installed. The certificate is in the admin instance's config/cert8.db and key3.db files just as it would be for any "normal" instance. Keep those backed up along with admin-serv/config-store/ and you should feel pretty confident that you have the configs, nodes, and certificate/key backed up.
    Again - the files in the admin instance are considered a private interface. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. You may burn your fingers and start a fire. Your mileage may vary. Files from WS7.0u4 may break things if restored into a WS7.0u10 deployment, etc etc etc.

  • Perl Buffer Issue on Sun Java Web Server 7_3

    I currently migrating a website built using Perl on Apache. I was able to setup the Sun Java Web Server to run the site without any errors. During testing we noticed one small anomoly that I just can't figure out. Many of the Perl scripts run for 30+ seconds. The scripts render a portion of the response, HTML, that displays a status to the user. In Apache this displays fine, but in the Sun Java Web Server nothing is displayed until the script is complete. We have the "$| = 1;" command sprinkled throughout the scripts to properly flush the buffer, but that doesn't seem to work. Is there a config option that I'm missing that will help flush the buffer from CGI programs? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I made the change in my /webserver7/ file. Here is a complete copy of my obj.conf file. I've restarted the webserver instance and still the buffer doesn't seem to be flushing anything to the client until the perl script is done running.
    <Object name="default">
    AuthTrans fn="match-browser" browser="*MSIE*" ssl-unclean-shutdown="true"
    NameTrans fn="ntrans-j2ee" name="j2ee"
    NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/mc-icons" dir="/apps/sun/webserver7/lib/icons" nam
    PathCheck fn="uri-clean"
    PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default"
    PathCheck fn="find-pathinfo"
    PathCheck fn="find-index-j2ee"
    PathCheck fn="find-index" index-names="index.html,home.html,index.jsp"
    ObjectType fn="type-j2ee"
    ObjectType fn="type-by-extension"
    ObjectType fn="force-type" type="text/plain"
    Service method="(GET|HEAD)" type="magnus-internal/directory" fn="index-common"
    Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file"
    Service method="TRACE" fn="service-trace"
    Error fn="error-j2ee"
    AddLog fn="flex-log"
    <Object name="j2ee">
    Service fn="service-j2ee" method="*"
    <Object name="es-internal">
    PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="es-internal"
    <Object name="cgi">
    ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/cgi"
    Service fn="send-cgi" bucket="cgi-bucket" UseOutputStreamSize=0
    <Object name="send-precompressed">
    PathCheck fn="find-compressed"
    <Object name="compress-on-demand">
    Output fn="insert-filter" filter="http-compression"

  • Deploy .war or .ear file to sun java web server 7.0 update 4

    This could be a very daft question, but still I would like to get a clarification.
    My clients are a financial organisation, and for security and various other reasons they accept only .ear files. But this time the development and deployment would be done on Sun Java Web Server 7.0 update 4 . Now since its a web server I don't think I can deploy an .ear file.
    But sure I would like to get an answer from the experts here, is it possible to deploy and .ear file to Sun Java Web Server 7.0 before I can go back to my clients.
    Please help me here as I'm in a real big confusion here. Your help would be highly valuable to me.

    Thanks for the reply and I appreciate your help. Well I tried deploying an .ear file directly and web server 7 complains that it doesn't have a .war extension, understandably so.
    And then ripping apart the .ear file and deploying the .war file does work, as is expected of a web server.
    Well, about my customer is a bank and they have a very tight security policy, and why they need an .ear file is beyond my understanding. Well as far as this issue is concerned, I need a strong point so that I can get back to them that we need to comply to the third party software.
    But I didn't wan't to get back to them saying we can only provide a .war file and then later find out an .ear file could have done the job. And being seen as the technical experts we can't afford to make any mistake.

  • Php with xsl on Sun Java Web Server 7.0

    Hi anyone,
    i installed php as nsapi via phppack. Now i need xsl support in php. I've tryed to compile php with the following line (php 5.2.6):
    ./configure with-nsapi=/export/netscape_71 enable-force-cgi-redirect with-gettext with-zlib --with-xsl=/usr/lib64/php5/extensions
    magnus.conf, obj.conf and mime.types are assimilate to this article:
    After compiling, i copy the in the .plugins/php/ dir an restart the webserver.
    He stops with this message:
    failure: CORE2253: Error running Init function load-modules: dlopen of /export/netscape_71/plugins/php/ failed (/export/netscape_71/plugins/php/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
    failure: server initialization failed
    What's going wrong?
    How i get xsl Support on Sun Java Web Server?

    essential wrote:
    ./configure with-nsapi=/export/netscape_71 enable-force-cgi-redirect with-gettext with-zlib --with-xsl=/usr/lib64/php5/extensionsYou are pointing to 64-bit library path. Change it to 32-bit library path.
    failure: CORE2253: Error running Init function load-modules: dlopen of /export/netscape_71/plugins/php/ failed (/export/netscape_71/plugins/php/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
    failure: server initialization failedThis means that it expects a 32-bit library but it found a 64-bit one.

  • Is Sun Java Web Server 6.1 compatible with RedHat 5.5

    Sun Java web Server 6.1 installed on Red Hat 5.1 and Opertaing System is going to be upgraded to Red Hat 5.5. Can any one tell me whether Sun Java Web Server 6.1 is compatible with Red Hat Linux 5.5

    If you want the internal server to service requests for /admin, you should teach the internal server to service requests for /admin.
    It is possible -- but complicated -- to configure Web Server 6.1 to rewrite request URIs before proxying requests to the internal server. However, unless you rewrite all the HTML generated by the internal server, the results probably won't be what you want. Consider, for example, what happens if the internal server's HTML references /foo.gif. Does that mean the web browser should ask for /admin/foo.gif or /foo.gif?
    Rewriting request URIs is much simpler in Web Server 7.0, but it's still probably not the right tool.

  • Unable to start sun java web server 6.1 SP4

    I have recently installed sun java web server 6.1 SP4 on solaris 10. The directory structure it created was completely different from the one mentioned in the documentation. I could not find the https-adminserv directory under the web server root directory. Instead the closest directory was bin/https/httpadmin/bin directory. On executing ./start it gave an error start: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory
    Any help is welcome. Thanks.
    I had not installed the webserver in the standard location /opt/SUNWwbsrvr but in /BCP partition.

    also, you can do something like
    cd https-admserv
    sh -x start
    this will show as to what is the current LD_LIBRARY_PATH is pointing to and why is not getting loaded.
    if you don't see
    https-* under web server install root directory, then something wrong with your installation as well.
    yes, if u stand alone version of web server, then you shouldn't run into any dependencies issue. u can also get 6.1 sp6 version from web -

  • Sun java web server for Zlinux (Linux for System Z)?

    thank you for reading my post
    Is there any version of Sun java web server available for Z linux?
    Or its better to say whether linux edition of sun java web server run under Zlinux (linux for System Z)

    No version of Web Server is certified on ZLinux.

  • Sun Java Web Server and IPlanet

    Are there any issues with running IPlanet and Sun Java Web Server at the same time. The old Web-site are in Servlet format and the new Web site will be deployed with a .war file, so I would like to run both at the same time until I have customized the new Sun Java Web Server instance. Is this possible and if so are there any issues with running them at the same time?

    You can install iPlanet Web Server and Sun Java System Web Server on the same Solaris system, provided that each server is installed to a separate directoy. If each server is configured to listen on a different port and/or IP address, the two servers can run concurrently without problem.

  • Sun Java Web Server 2005Q4

    Where can I download the Sun Java Web Server 2005Q4 version from?
    I am unable to find it in the Sun website.

    I think Service Pack 5 is not yet made publicly downloadable.
    Moreover , You can get Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Service Pack 4 from here ,

Maybe you are looking for

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