Sun One - Weblogic interoperability

I have a web app on Sun One. I am trying to use an EJB on a weblogic server. I get the following error.
Unexpected exception in LoginManagerHome:org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE: can't instantiate custom socket factory: weblogic.corba.client.cluster.ORBSocketFactory vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No
I have added the weblogic jar and the wlclient.jar to the path. Can anyone point me in the right direction???

SimpleRemoteStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean can be substituted for SimpleRemoteStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean2.
It's just overridden to correct a bug in spring m3 that's fixed in m4:
package org.springframework.ejb.access;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
public class SimpleRemoteStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean2 extends
          SimpleRemoteStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean {
     public void afterPropertiesSet() throws NamingException {
          Properties properties = new Properties();
          for (Iterator iter = getJndiEnvironment().entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
          Map.Entry property = (Map.Entry);
          properties.setProperty((String) property.getKey(),(String) property.getValue());

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    Dear all,
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    Many Thanks for all of you.

    where do you get the weblogic plugin from ?
    i am intrested in doing the same thing
    "Ivan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    Dear all,
    My boss require me to use Sun One Studio 4 update 1 to do the development,but
    I find it's a nightmare to deploy the EJB/ application to the WebLogic6.1.
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    PLZ assume this scenario.
    I configure in obj.conf from sun-one to weblogic like this
    <Object name="weblogic" ppath="*/hw/*">
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    which version of web server r u using here ? 6.1 or 7.0 ? if it is 6.1 then there is no easy <If> syntax. if u r using 7.0, then u need to be aware that the processing of 'ppath' is slightly different in 7.0
    in any case, this would be the syntax
    <Object name="weblogic" ppath="/hw/">
    Service fn="wl_proxy" WebLogicHost="------------------" WebLogicPort="------"
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    # send it to a different post..
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         at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction.MultiActionController.handleRequestInternal(
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         at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
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         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
         at Source)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    Caused by: Illegal character in path at index 29: /models/Sportwagon/Sportwagon SS V-Series
         ... 26 more
    This is the path which was access by me using Sun One Web Server: http://poll:8006/models/Sportwagon/Sportwagon%20SS%20V-Series
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    where do you get the weblogic plugin from ?
    i am intrested in doing the same thing
    "Ivan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    Dear all,
    My boss require me to use Sun One Studio 4 update 1 to do the development,but
    I find it's a nightmare to deploy the EJB/ application to the WebLogic6.1.
    I've already installed the weblogic plug-in in the Sun One Studio.
    During deploying I could not find any setting that ask me for theweblogic-ejb-jar.xml.
    So I think the deployment will fail.
    Is there any others tutorial or e-book that can help me to familiar withthe deployment
    Many Thanks for all of you.

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    Check if your web app has the same cookie name (weblogic.xml) as defined in the obj.conf.

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    Currently JDeveloper provides Application server connections to Oracle9iAS and WebLogic, which can be used to deploy J2EE Modules.
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    JDev Team

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  • Sun One EJB problem - PortableRemoteObject.narrow ClassCastException...

    Hi all,
    I'm using Sun One app server 7 for the first time and am having a bit of difficulty. I have deployed a very simple EAR containing one stateless session bean just to test it. The ear appears to have deployed correctly but PortableRemoteObject.narrow is throwing a ClassCastException when trying to do a remote lookup on the bean.
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    initialContextFactory = com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory
    providerUrl = iiop:// lookup appears to work okay - this line of code executes successfully
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    Object obj = PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref, homeClass);...this is the exception I get...
         at Source)
         at javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(Unknown Source)
         at com.scorlog.ServiceLocator.getRemoteHome(, when PortableRemoteObject.narrow() executes, I get the following console exception on the server...
            at org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPOA._invoke(
            at com.iplanet.ias.util.threadpool.FastThreadPool$
    FINE: No SAS context element found in service context listI have seen the forum that other users have had similar problems and the suggestion was that the client can't see the ejb stubs. I don't think this is the problem in my case as I deployed the same ear on weblogic 7 (obviously substituting sun-ejb-jar.xml for a weblogic-ejb-jar.xml) and successfully executed the same client code for the remote lookup.
    My feeling is that the problem revolves around the JNDI binding. Could it be the case that even though the object is binding properly, the app server doesn't realise it is an ejb and not a jdbc/jms/mail object? The documentation gives details on looking up a JDBC, javamail, URL, JMS resource ( but not ejb so I could be doing something simple wrong here...
    My sun-ejb-jar.xml is as follows....
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Generated by XDoclet -->
    </sun-ejb-jar>However, I noticed on another thread, a user had some additional elements under their <ejb> tag like this...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    </sun-ejb-jar>However, when I tried to add and <ejb-ref> element to my xml doc the ear failed to deploy. This is the error I get in the admin console...
    Deployment Error -- Error while running ejbc -- Fatal Error from EJB Compiler -- --
    Failed to load deployment descriptor for: testApp cause: Error converting J2EE-
    specific ejb xml to object representation: testApp.jar app_testApp Generated by
    XDoclet This bean has no ejb reference by the name of [ejb/SBtest]
    ejb/SBTestSBTestThis problem is eating up my time and being made all the more frustrating by the fact that a) it deploys on weblogic and b) the documentation is terrible. Even the sample application that comes with sun one only provides the .class files for the code that does the ejb look up and not the .java so you can't see how they hell they do it!
    Unfortunately I am tied to using Sun One so I really need to solve this problem fast. If anyone can provide any help I'd greatly appreciate it.
    John :)

    I am having the same problem after upgrading to Sun One from iplanet. Any clue?

  • Sun ONE Web Server & Remote User field

    I look for a tip to my Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 SP2 configuration.
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    - OS: Sun Solaris 8
    - Apache 1.3 (listen port :80)
    - Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 SP2 (listen port :81)
    - Weblogic 8.1 SP4 (listen port :8001)
    The 3 applications are in the same server.
    My first configuration works:
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    - Weblogic listens http requests and work with the remote user id (use method HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser())
    My second configuration doesn't work:
    - Apache works with basic authentification by password file (generate with htpasswd) + reverse proxy mode (use VirtuaHost) and communicates with Sun ONE Web Server
    - Sun ONE Web Server works with no authentification mode and communicates with Weblogic
    - Weblogic listens http requests and works with the remote user id (use method HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser())
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    How I can configure my Sun ONE Web Server to foward the remote user id ?
    Thank you.

    Can you send your obj.conf?
    I do not have a 6.1 Web Server installed, by guess work try
    NameTrans fn="redirect" from="/index.html" url="/"
    Also remove find-index or any such SAFs if you have in your obj.conf
    PathCheck fn="find-index" index-names="index.html,home.html,index.jsp"Why do you need this?

  • Sun One Web Server 6.1 Eclipse Plugin?

    I have Eclipse 3.1 with WST tools and Visual Editor plug-in installed. I am a
    noob to this IDE and web solution. I want ot use Sun One Web Server for my web
    application testing and implementation. I want my Dynamic Web Application
    projects to build and use the Sun One Web Server I have installed and running on
    my machine. The only server options I see are some Generic WebLogic servers and
    JBOSS or Tomcat/Jakarta servers. How do I get the Sun One Web Server to show up
    as an option when building a web application in Eclipse using WST?

    I am look for the same like you did quite ago but I need free Eclipse Plugin for Sun One Web Server 7/8 and let me have ref if you could.

  • Using Sun ONE Initial Context from servelt

    i'm triyng to bind an rmi resources from a servlet.
    This simplified code worked fine with weblogic:
    props.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory");
    props.put("java.naming.provider.url", "t3://localhost:port");
    ctx = new InitialContext(props);
    LoginImpl login = new LoginImpl();
    ctx.rebind("login", login);}
    catch (Exception e){
    Now i'm trying to translate this code on Sun ONE 7,
    but i' m m not able to create jndi resouce.
    I've tried with
    props.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.cosnaming.CNCtxFactory");
    props.put("java.naming.provider.url", "iiop://localhost:3700");
    but i've this error back:
    [2003-10-31 18:34:00,875] ERROR -- runJob -- service-j2ee -- com.ilsole24ore.wp.admin.init.LoginAdminInitializer -- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Only instances of org.omg.CORBA.Object can be bound
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Only instances of org.omg.CORBA.Object can be bound
    I think i'm using wrong properties, what are the correct settings for using Rmi from JNDI.

    i'm triyng to bind an rmi resources from a servlet.
    This simplified code worked fine with weblogic:
    props.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory");
    props.put("java.naming.provider.url", "t3://localhost:port");
    ctx = new InitialContext(props);
    LoginImpl login = new LoginImpl();
    ctx.rebind("login", login);}
    catch (Exception e){
    Now i'm trying to translate this code on Sun ONE 7,
    but i' m m not able to create jndi resouce.
    I've tried with
    props.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.cosnaming.CNCtxFactory");
    props.put("java.naming.provider.url", "iiop://localhost:3700");
    but i've this error back:
    [2003-10-31 18:34:00,875] ERROR -- runJob -- service-j2ee -- com.ilsole24ore.wp.admin.init.LoginAdminInitializer -- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Only instances of org.omg.CORBA.Object can be bound
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Only instances of org.omg.CORBA.Object can be bound
    I think i'm using wrong properties, what are the correct settings for using Rmi from JNDI.

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