SVG bar chart label length

There seems to be a display limit of 15 chars on the length of labels for a SVG bar chart.
Any known workarounds ?

hi patrick--
i'm not seeing this limit in my tests. i tried both vertical and horizontal bar charts and was able to display labels like ename||ename||ename||ename||ename w/o issues. if you're still hitting it, could you please describe where/how your hitting that 15 character limit?

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  • Format SVG bar chart labels

    I am currently using APEX 2.2.1.
    Here is the SQL for my SVG vertical bar chart.
    select * from(select null link, hourstart label,(select count(*)
    FROM toctasks.toc_tasker
    where (tas_create_dt between
    to_date(:P17_STARTDATE||' 06:00','DD-MON-RR HH24:MI')
    to_date(:P17_ENDDATE||' 05:59','DD-MON-RR HH24:MI'))
    (trim(substr(to_char(tas_create_dt,'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI'),10,6)) >= hourstart
    and trim(substr(to_char(tas_create_dt,'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI'),10,6)) <= hourend )
    and instr(:P17_INCLUDE_LOGONLY,tas_status) > 0) value from testtocday
    order by hrseq)
    The X axis labels are the hours of the day (hourstart), starting at 0600 and ending at 0500.
    I would like to do any one of the following:
    1. Bold and red the hour label when it is equal to 0600, 1400 and 2200.
    2. Change the color of the bar when the hour label is equal to 0600, 1400 and 2200.
    3. put some sort of vertical marker in the chart when the hour label is equal to 1400 and 2200.
    Any of this possible?

    hi patrick--
    i'm not seeing this limit in my tests. i tried both vertical and horizontal bar charts and was able to display labels like ename||ename||ename||ename||ename w/o issues. if you're still hitting it, could you please describe where/how your hitting that 15 character limit?

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    Me too, in my SVG pie chart, the last row legend text was truncated. just like:
    deal size > 70k - 92.5%
    deal size
    I actually expected in the second row, deal size <= 70k ...
    What happened? and how can I control this, moreover the legend was displayed in the left upper of the region and cost a lot width in my screen. Can I change to display the legend in other place, eg. the bottom of the region or the chart?
    Anyone can help us about this?

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    I'm trying to make stacked bar chart but no matter what I do I can't have series label to be displayed within the chart area.
    Is it a bug fixed in a latter version of APEX ? Is there something particular to do (for example an option to thick) to have them displayed ?
    thank you for help.

    The answer is yes there is something particular to do.
    If you want your stacked bar chart to display well all series have to be the same and not null.
    So you must write outer joined queries with nvl in the select.

  • 3D Bar chart labels

    how do you move value labels on a 3D stacked bar chart so they dont overlap each other. For that matter, how do you move them on the chart period! On a PC, you just click and drag.

    Hi all,
    First - I love Numbers and iWork 08 - fantastic software for a fantastic price, no doubt, and it get's better for every iteration by giant leaps.
    However, 3D Charts are currently only useful some of the time. Whilst it may be true that you can re-orient the chart so you can read your x-labels, this only works for very few datapoints.
    For example, I have a list of daily prices which should be mapped on a 3D-stacked area chart. With 3 years worth of datapoints, it is "impossible" to get a decent looking chart.
    First of all, I would have to be able to just move the x-labels further away from the chart base line. Second, instead of me having to delete the dates until I only have a single date value per quarter, it would be great if you could just select specific dates to be plotted as lables on the x-axis.
    I guess it's 2D for now then...

  • Bar Chart labels are occupying more than the needed space

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    to control this?
    Thank you

    Hi Pedro,
    Do you mean the value of the label is long and will be cut and not display all the word? I have set the properties of CustomInnerPlotPosition but not CustomPosition and can't see the issue.
    You can using the expression in the label to make one long label to display
    Wrapped like below:
    =IIF(Len(Fields!Category.Value)>5,Left(Fields!Category.Value,5) + chr(10) + Right(IIF(Len(Fields!Category.Value)>5,Fields!Category.Value,"11111"),IIF(Len(Fields!Category.Value)>5,Len(Fields!Category.Value)-5,5)),Fields!Category.Value)
    Above expression will split one label to disply in two line, first five word in first line and the rest in the second line like below:
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Chart label length clipping problem

    I have a generic chart rendering app.  It works fine for most charts, but I am getting some really wierd results when I use a logAxis.  It is clipping the chart on the right side.  Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
    <mx:Panel xmlns:mx="" styleName="panelfilled" roundedBottomCorners="true" horizontalAlign="center"
    paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="20" paddingBottom="10" paddingTop="35" resizeEffect="Resize" id="chartPanel">
    [Event(name="chartDrawn", type="")]
    .panelfilled  {
                border-style: solid;
                border-thickness: 0;
                border-skin: ClassReference("border.SimpleGradientBorder");
                fill-colors: #FFFFFF, #FFFFFF;
                corner-radius: 20;
    public function makeLogChart(genericChart:CartesianChart,
                genericLegend:Legend, chart:ChartObject):void {
                var axisList:ArrayCollection = chart.getAxisList();
                var renderers:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
                var seriesArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
                            var xAxis:AxisObject = axisList.getItemAt(0) as AxisObject;
                var ar:AxisRenderer = new AxisRenderer();
                            var hAxis:DateTimeAxis = new DateTimeAxis();
    hAxis.labelUnits = xAxis.getAxisUnits().toLowerCase();
    hAxis.labelFunction = fullTimeLabelFunction;
            // more formating of the horizontal axis
        ar.axis = hAxis;
        ar.setStyle("canDropLabels", "true");
        genericChart.horizontalAxisRenderers = [ar];
        genericChart.horizontalAxis = hAxis;
        for (var i:int=1; i<axisList.length; i++) {
        var axis:AxisObject = axisList.getItemAt(i) as AxisObject;
    // Define vertical axis
            var vAxis:LogAxis = new LogAxis();
            vAxis.baseAtZero = false;
                vAxis.title = axis.title;
        // formatting for charts for different axes
    if (axis.min != axis.max) {
            vAxis.minimum = axis.min;
            vAxis.maximum = axis.max;
    // more formatting of the axis
            var axr:AxisRenderer = new AxisRenderer();
        axr.axis = vAxis;
        // flip left axis
        if (axis.getLocation() == "left") {
        axr.setStyle("verticalAxisTitleAlignment", "vertical");
        axr.setStyle("canDropLabels", "true");
        axr.setStyle("tickPlacement", "none");
        var colRatio:Number = 1.0/axis.getSeriesList().length;
            for (var j:int=0; j<axis.getSeriesList().length; j++) {
            var ser:SeriesObject = axis.getSeriesList().getItemAt(j) as SeriesObject;
            var col:uint = new uint(new Number(ser.getColor()));
            var stroke:Stroke = new Stroke();
            if (axis.getSeriesList().length == 1) axr.setStyle("color", col);
            stroke.color = col;
           var lineSeries:LineSeries = new LineSeries();
            lineSeries.setStyle("showDataEffect", rearrangeData);        
    BindingUtils.bindProperty(lineSeries, "dataProvider", ser, "pointList");
    stroke.weight = 3;
    lineSeries.verticalAxis = vAxis;
    lineSeries.horizontalAxis = hAxis;
            lineSeries.displayName =;
            lineSeries.setStyle("lineStroke", stroke);
        genericChart.series = seriesArray.toArray().reverse();
        genericChart.verticalAxisRenderers = renderers.toArray();
                genericChart.percentHeight = 100;
       genericLegend.dataProvider = genericChart;
    genericLegend.direction = "horizontal";
       chartPanel.horizontalScrollPolicy = "off";

    Yes, it's a custom object.  It has a Java counterpart as well.  Here is the shell of the object (with accessor methods ommitted):
    package {
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
        public class AxisObject {
    public var title:String;
    public var ID:String;
    public var min:Number=0;
    public var max:Number=0;
    public var autoScale:Boolean;
    public var location:String;
    public var seriesList:ArrayCollection;
    public var axisType:String = "Numeric";
    public var axisUnits:String="Day";
    public var categoryType:String="N";

  • Oracle APEX Bar Chart: Missing labels

    Is there a way to get all the data labels to print for an Interactive bar chart? My bar chart has about 16 items. Only 9 of the labels display/print. All the labels are there if I hover over them but I would like to display them. Can I change the font size or something to get them to appear?
    Can I display more lines (so the chart doesn't fit on the screen)? Would this solve the problem?
    I am currently using APEX
    Thank you
    Rolf Petersen
    Edited by: SleepDeprivedInSeattle on Dec 9, 2009 11:00 AM

    If you are running CF9, check the <labelStyle isHideOverlapped="true"> property. If not, you could try slanting/wrapping the labels so they fit the space a bit better. Adjusting the chart size so they do fit is another option. 
    That said, you should still set reasonable limits for title length. If the titles are very long, you may want to abbreviate or truncate them after X characters.

  • Bar chart with event labels

    I am new to Numbers and am trying to figure out if there is a way to make a bar chart that only has labels for specific data points instead of labeling every single data point. (For example, I am want to make a chart of the daily closing price of a stock over the course of the last year and want to insert labels on certain points along the line that help explain why the stock increased or declined on specific days as a result of important events that occurred (something bad happened on March 2nd and stock went way down, something great happened on June 12th and stock went way up...)) Thanks!

    Welcome to Apple Discussions and the Numbers '09 forum.
    Value labels created by the chart show the value producing that bar, and are applied to every bar (or to none). Labels on the Category axis (the X axis for vertical bars) are collected from the header column (for data tables with the series listed vertically), and applied to every bar, every second bar, every third bar, etc. depending on how many can fit in the allotted space.
    To apply labels to individual bars of your choice, use a Text box for each label. Be aware that if you add to the chart the text boxes will not automatically move to accomodate changes in the positions or lengths of the existing bars.

  • How to make the labels vertical in a horizonal bar chart?

    I am using CF 9.  I have a horizontal bar chart.  How can I make the labels on the Y-Axis display horizontally.  Right now they are vertical and sort of sideways.
    Below is a snipept from my <cfchart>.  Everything is working, I just want the labels to display horizontally.  How can I do this?
                              chartheight="310" chartwidth="530" foregroundcolor="##000000"
                              scalefrom="0" scaleto="14"
                              style="#elementStyle#" >
                              <cfchartseries type="horizontalbar" paintstyle="shade"">

    When you open the default New Tab page - about:newtab - which has the Tiles and a Search Bar, the "focus" is in the Search Bar. You could change a hidden setting to have a blank page when you open a new tab if that's what you want - that will have the "focus" in the Location Bar . URL Bar.
    Type '''about:config''' in the URL bar and hit Enter.
    ''Accept the warning''
    Search field at the top to filter with this - '''browser.newtab.url'''
    Right-click the preference that appears below, and select '''Modify'''.
    Insert '''about:blank''' for the new string value.

  • How can I show a 0% range in the data value label on a bar chart thanks?

    How can I show a 0% range in the data value label on a bar chart thanks?

    I'm not sure what the question is. 
    I know that if you have a bar chart and one of the categories (X-axis) has bar (Y value) equal to 0%, no bar is plotted for that category. Even the addition of a stroke (line) around the bars doesn't make one appear for 0%.  The only automatic way I know of to make it look like there is data in that category is to add the value labels to the bars. Inspector/Chart/Series, select one of the bars on the chart, click on "value labels". Another method that is a workaround is to fudge the number a little in your table so that instead of 0% it is a very small %.  This will get you a thin line on the chart.
    But if your question is about the value labels (the numbers that display on or in the bars) and you are not getting one for a bar that is supposed to be 0%, it probably means your table doesn't actually have a 0% in the corresponding cell. A blank cell in the table will not get a value label.

  • SVG CHart error ORA-20001 with Stacked Bar Chart HTML DB

    during I put a How-To into execution (How To Create a Stacked Bar Chart) I'll get the following error code:
    SVG Chart error:ORA-20001:line_Chart error:ORA-20001:
    get_data error:ORA-20001:Parse error:ORA009
    This Situation occurs when i add a second series to the
    chart. The first series works fine. I've used the following SQL-Statement:
    select null l, sales_month, revenue from (select to_char(o.order_timestamp,'Mon YYYY') sales_month, sum(oi.quantity * oi.unit_price) revenue, to_date(to_char(o.order_timestamp,'Mon YYYY'),'Mon YYYY') sales_month_order from DEMO_PRODUCT_INFO p, DEMO_ORDER_ITEMS oi, DEMO_ORDERS o where o.order_timestamp <= (trunc(sysdate,'MON')-1)and o.order_timestamp > (trunc(sysdate-365,'MON'))and o.order_id = oi.order_id and oi.product_id = p.product_id and p.category = 'Audio' group by to_char(o.order_timestamp,'Mon YYYY') order by sales_month_order);
    Please help.

    I've just been struggling for a couple of hours with a cluster bar chart giving the same problem.
    The problem is definitely with "ORDER BY".
    I guess the graphing chart is taking the sql query as a string and then does some other manipulation on it which ends abnormally when you include the order by clause.
    I presume that if you embed the query in a
    SELECT * FROM (<actual query with order by>)
    it might mitigate the problem.

  • Bubble Chart with legend changes axis dimensions according to labels length

    I have a Bubble Chart with legend on the right. Data are by series and  the series are set  dynamically with a  drop down combo which replace the content of each series from time to time.  Every time the series changes, also the name of the series changes and the legend on the right  shows the new series names. The problem is that also the x axis dimension changes according to the new labels size, so the bubble chart changes its axis width in relation to the labels length in the legend. Is its possible to make somehow the bubble chart axis of a fixed lenght?
    Xcelsius 2008, SP4, Windows XP
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Matt,
    I just got a chance to try out your suggestions, and the
    chart that is right in the main application renders the labels
    fine, but the exact same code loaded in as a module doesn't. And it
    never does, not even if the scale changes. Do you know why that
    would be?

  • Is there a way to allow text wrapping on the outside (parent) group label IN SSRS Bar chart?

    I am using SSRS 2012.  I have a series of charts that have multiple category groups.  When I preview the chart, everything looks great unless the category group label is too long.  In that case it just gets cut off.  I've tried allowing
    "wrapped text", changed interval values,font size for Y AXIS but that seems to only affect the inside (child) category group.  Is there a way to allow text wrapping on the outside (parent) group label?
    I am expecting AREA VIII  BUT it shows AR on y axis.
    I need to fix it asap.

    Hi Sukhjeet.BI,
    Actually, I can reproduced the issue in my local Reporting Services environment. If there are multiple category groups on the chart, the child category can be wrapped, but the parent category would be truncated. Based on my research, this behavior looks
    like by design. Usually, the best practice is to limiting label length and number of items, use a smaller size label font or enlarge the chart size to get the chart to display properly.
    If you have any concerns about this in Reporting Service, I would suggest you submitting a wish at
    Connect site is a connection point between you and Microsoft, and ultimately the larger community. Your feedback enables Microsoft to make software and services the best that they can be, and you can learn about and contribute to exciting projects.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Break for Horizontal Axis Labels in OBIEE 11g Bar Chart

    Hi all,
    I have a vertical bar chart created in OBIEE 11g. The horizontal axis (x-axis) is a compound of Scenario, Year, and Month. The chart width is already long enough so it cannot be made any longer.
    The chart looks like this (the label of horizontal axis is staggered):
    Actual Feb 2012____________Actual Apr 2012
    ___________Actual Mar 2012_____________Actual May 2012
    How can I force the labels for the horizontal axis to be broken into 2 lines (or even 3 lines), so that it will look like this:
    __Feb 2012_____Mar 2012_____Apr 2012______May 2012
    Any advice? Thanks a lot!

    Hi Stewart,
    I could not try this yet, but how about 'Enabling the Contains HTML Markup' for the columns for Heading and including a '</br>' tag at the end of the name.
    Ex: Column - >Properties -> column Format -> Column Heading -> Enable Contains HTML Markup -> Column Heading's suffix =less than symbol /br greater than symbol (Oracle forums is even break the line too!! ;) So included the text)
    Hope this helps.
    Thank you,
    Edited by: Dhar on 15-May-2012 20:11
    Edited by: Dhar on 15-May-2012 20:12

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