Sync AppleTV Podcasts to iPhone

Is there a way to sync the podcasts I have on my AppleTV to my iTunes/iPhone??

I don't think that you can sync them through the ATV, but I would try to locate them through the iTunes store and sync them to your phone that way.

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    kiwiflemings wrote:
    Yes....all the podcasts are definitely downloaded onto my laptop.
    But in your first post you said that they were all in the cloud, in which case they are not on your laptop.
    If the Podcasts are on your laptop, then presumably they are not being copied to the iPhone when you Sync the phone with your iTunes Library. In that case, check your Sync options to make sure that the option to Sync Podcasts is still selected. Sync Podcasts is a separate option to Sync Music.

  • ITunes Syncs Podcasts to iPhone - Podcast App only Shows 1

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    I'm experiencing an odd bug with Podcasts that I'll try to explain as succinctly as possible.
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    After a lot of troubleshooting, I found a fix.  It seems the newest versions of the Podcast app rely heavily on ID3 tags, so you've got to have a bare minimum of tags set in order for the app to properly recognize them. 
    To get started, you'll need an ID3 editor.  I used this one.
    Before you import the MP3 file into iTunes, open it in the ID3 Editor and adjust the following tags...
    1) Starting on the "Standard" tab, make sure "Enable V2 tag" is checked, and you have something for Title, Artist, Year, Genre ("Podcast").
    2) Still on the "Standard" tab, if "Enable V1 tag" is selected, go ahead and de-select it.
    3) On "Extended" tab, add a date to "Released" in the following format - YYYY-MM-DD
    4) On "Podcast" tab, make sure the "Enable podcast tab" box is checked.  Then, enter any website under "Identifier" and "Feed."  I just used 
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    Check the settings for podcasts in iTunes.

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    Yes, I don't disagree with the first part. However, I could sync my iphone (to itunes 9.2.1) when I had 4.1 installed from another computer).
    I think that I am limited to an old os (10.4.11) on my mac as it is old (pre-intel) and therefore I can't update my OS. If this isn't the case, then an update to my OS could solve the problem. I'll check the requirements of the newer OS now.

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    Thanks in advance

    Anyone provide any insight into this?
    Thanks and I look forward to your reply.

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    tanks in advance for you help,

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  • ITunes could not sync contacts to the iPhone because an error occurred

    When I connect my iPhone to my iMac (OSX version 10.6.6), and open iTunes and select "sync" - everything syncs (my Apps, Music, Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts, books, Photos and Calendars). However, I get an error message popping up saying: "iTunes could not sync contacts to the iPhone because an error occurred while merging data".
    I have unchecked the contacts button in iTunes and then sync works fine.
    I have deleted all my contact in my Address Book on my iMac and tried to sync. Again, same error message as above.
    I have not tried to restore the iPhone as I am worried to loose my contacts saved on my iPhone.
    Who know how to solve this problem? Thanks

    Hi Charlotte
    I had the same problem for one year now and it affected my contacts, then later my calendar.
    I followed the Apple troubleshooting guides and finally managed to make it work again.
    First try the following guide:
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Troubleshooting contact and calendar syncing via USB on Window
    For me I noticed that after I updated ITunes to latest version (using the full uninstall from the last point of the guide above, section "Reinstall Apple Mobile Device Support and iTunes"), I could sync with another Windows user account (on another computer actually)
    Since I wanted my own account to sync again, I then used the advanced troubleshooting guide:
    Advanced troubleshooting for Sync Services on Windows with Microsoft Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, or Outlook 2010
    In my case the point 4 in this guide helped, but since I had no MobileMe, I just killed the OS process SyncServer.exe, then renamed the SyncServices folder to SyncServices.old and restarted the PC.
    You should try all the steps in both guides in the order mentioned, to see which one can help, I don't advise you to start directly with a step in a guide
    Good luck
    Iphone 4, iOS 4.3.3, Outlook 2007, Win 7 64Bit

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    Welcome to the  Discussion Forums.
    When you purchase HD files from itunes you DO get two files.
    Quicktime can create multi tracked files but I don't believe they will play on the tv or the ipod. Neither device to my knowledge supports sprites

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    I'm experiencing the same thing...thought I had changed a setting somewhere. Let me know if you find a fix.

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